(p i. . Igsf ill JkJvJv wJIIJ "V. b VOL "L HEMINGrFOIU), BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 17. 1896. NO. 8 H . H Lf k ik ! 0 The Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY. PtibHslird mcry Friday aud pntoml at tho pot-otlice in Hmiinsfor.1 N"braka. ns wccmd rlni? nnil matfr. Tnr HEiiAinisdevolttl to tlm intoieMs of Hemingford nud llox Uutto county. THOS. J. O'KnCPE, Publisher. scnscnirrroN batei: ONEYKAU ?1.'0 BIX MONl'HS 75 COUHTY OFKIOKIW. F. M. PnHLM....' CIrrk. A. M. MtiiLr.u TrcTMiror. JA. II. J(. hiwett IIKUJO. K. P. NUTTENEt HhPrlff. 1. F. Gilm!, .. Hjs" A. K. Neei.axd ('HAS. IlllVNM Dr. W. K MtMxn 1)R. h. V. UoWACAN . jAKSfl BAIiHY . J AS. ItOLMNIUKK. . O. W. DD1.CAK ,. , Attorney. HuperlnU'ndiuit. Surveyor, Coroner, ., Fhysinian. .CommicBionor lBt UUt. CommimonerVrid Diet. ComuilKHOUt-r 3rd Dist. Democratic State Convention Tho state convnntlon. ot th Democratic party of Nohrailta is hnroby railed to mct at Lin coln. April iO, 131. nt the hour of 4 'clock p. ra. for tho purpoao of eolMtinu 16 dleata and 10 ltor&atni to attund ths Dinccratio national com ration to bohsld inChiiaROoa tho 7th dry ot July I'SKJ. Iho apportionment of doicnatoi 'from each eonnty baa 'don tho vote ot tin Hon ornblo 1. J. Uahouey. candidate for judge of the euptomo court at tho last pwieial electto'n, and included 2 delegates at Joiso lrom each Danner. county is IB louovrn: Donul (r.tnt Hooitpr... . .-ot3 muifs.. Sioux ..... Dor Uutta D&wt ..... KimtT.ll . Wienrfau... Thomas ... 5 Tin democratic utata central commilt. J&xes II. SnsEAN, IIuolid Martih, Secretary. Chairman. All Democrats in Box Butte County fire requested to meet at tho'Syudicute Block in the City of Alliance, Nebraska, on April IS, 1890, for the purpose of selecting live delegates to attend the Democratic Slate Convention to he held in tho city of Lincoln Nebraska, on April 29,1896, to Geleot 16 delegates to attend the National Democratic Convention, to bo hefd in the city of Chicago in tho month of Juno, next S.M. Smyber, Chairman. MAIL DIIUXJTOHY. H2UixomttD postoflic". On wk day door opens at 7 a. in., amoral deliY'Ty open at 8 a. m. and closes at b p. tu. Upcn Sundays 0 to 10 a. m. IIsHiyoiosD AXD Hoi Butts statfodaily eicept t"n:i.duj. ' HFMJNOtonn sn Dphlap staco, Menday Wednesday and Friday. New Short Lino to Ilolana, Butte Spokane, Seattle and Tacoma C3-. I. 5c W O. Titno Card. EAST ROUND. No. i. paBnrr nrrhea at " 4nfrnJ?ht " " 481rvlKht uirlvM nt WHHT ROUND. Ko.4i poencer arrives at ' (rJlrbt " 47 fri'lizhtarrivoR at li-.i'ip. m. 6.00 p. m. 10:10 ;i. m, 6:21 a. m. ll:W p. m. 3:33 v m All tnains carry passensor.i. AV. M. C'OPCt.KD, eu Cliuroli X3irotory. riONGniKUTIONAl.. Prpai'hiriR oauh Hlter .naie Sunday, biiliinins Jniinury, 1, 19I, at 11 o'clock a. in., ami t 7 p :n, Sunday Soliool St 10 a. in. Prayer Jtuetlnj; each WvdiiLMlny at 7 "p. in. KUMAX liUTHnUAN:-fiervli-ii at the' vCunrt Hoin-e. Hov Wtinderllrh, Pretor. ( lATUOLIC.'-itov. Charles Za!t Pufltor. J lfr.THODIST:-He J, V7. Kendall t'uuor itl Prcncblni; thoHecond and tout tii Sunday in each mouth t't 11 u in., and 7 p. in. "IiU'ISCOPAliS-Sarvlces In tho Ooiifirocat- J'jlonal Church. Iter I'uMor, Servlccn on the tliiidTliuraday In each month at 7 p. ui. M W. A. Bosobash Camp No. SrtW. Mrets second and fonrtli 'J'ltesday nicht of each month, Viitiu Nuijiibois cordially invited. W. M. Iodencis. Clerk. F. Huot. V. U. TUTTLB & TAS1I Attorneys - at - Law 1 1 HFMINGF0RD. NEBRASKA, L. W. B.OWHAN Physician and Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEB. Office rooms and residence in Pravtr block, up stair. Spreial art.isufoa f,;vn t di t-ftaos of eluldroa - - - - - i j1 PnoHS o all kiadfc, ctyU mi iiU-U In" ?f 3 f ft fit JeTi v iS'MiHHJlruljU To the Voters and Taxpayers of Box Butte County, Neb. I have been informed that some! .unscrupulous person or persons have taken tho opportunity to in form the people that the Inter state Towusito Company had con cluded to drop Hemingfoid and to step down and out of Box Butte county. As Agent for that Com pany I desire to say that sucli 6tuten.Gi.ts are wholly false and our interests at llomingford are just as groat as they ever were and wo are are just as inuoh inter ested in the county heat remaining at Hemingford, us ever. To that end wo will work in the future as we have in the past. We take the position that one part of the county is just as good as another and the people's rights should be respected just tho samo in one portion of tho county aa another Wo have no ill-feeling: towards Alliance and believe she is entitled to all no has. The above statement will also hold good as to Hemingford or any other locality of Bos. Butto county and it is our purpose to deal fairly with every one interested in the future developomont of tho re sources' of Box Butte county. A. L. SnAimociC, Agent For the Iuter-Sttite Towusito Co. C, J. Wildy wont to Edgemont, this morning. Co. Atty. Gilman wont to Omaha Sunday night. Rev. Wunderlich made a flying trip to Crawford Thursday. Mesdames Switzer. O. A. Miller and Herncall. were on tho sick list this week. JI. Shindler returned from Hot Springs this week. Ho is not improving very rapidly. Byron Weed's family departed forMarshalltown, Iowa, Wednes day, where they will visit rela tives. I E. Tash returned from Iowa Sunday morning, and says ho was glad to get back to Box Butto. r Braddy Fenner has nearly re covered from his recent illness and returned to his homo near Dunlap today. Dr. Bowman was called hero tli'is morning to attend Velma Dada who has been dangerously ill for several days. A little Miss put in her ap pearanco at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Blackburn Wednes day, April 15. Mother .and child doing nicely. The Herald and tho citizens of Hemingford know that Box Butte county is the "center of tho earth" and our city is tho center of Box Butte county. Keep your oyos on Hemingford. Sheriff Sweeney moved his family from his ranch noar Alli ance to llomingford this week and will occupy the Lally resi dence on Laramie avenue, for tho present. Wo welcome Mr. Sween ey and family to our hustling city. On nest Thursday ovoning Pres ident Handler will deliver his lust lecture for the season at the Methodist church, nis subject will be "Touching tho Goal" ami will without doubt be tho fiuesi lecture cf the season, and this is saying a great deal. The B. L. G. C lias consented to sing two or Uireo pipcta ami tin alone will lo worth 'ike uriiv of admission. La hbM i: lM i ,t LirU tUQ date, Tuurduv. uu A- om, uavo Iai' stocks nf nlimin..f.j v...... ok .,. ;- Arii 23. a H m to so m ISjrKk"Sar Ita? "" - 1H. lo ll . p A....ni i j i a,.iiii!ie lim. J.oiiuaa vu lw jia , . -f. t , to.it.nuT. is. h t.iima.t! muiwu to liueu luruiaroaseriniifjn. T HEMINGFORD. We reproduce the following articlo from tho Edgomont Ex press of April 8. "Tho various immigration so cioties in tho wost are calling at tention to the openings in tna west, for settlors. In ""Box Butto county, in northwest Nebraska, and orders are coming in faster is found a fertile field for tho sot- than they can supply them. They tier intending to grow up with also handle all kinds of lumber, the west. A reporter for tho ? Hemingfoud Heuald, a Express has been over a good bright progressive paper, is edit doal of this county and tho oujj., ed by Thos. O'Keefe. Ho is a look for tho coming season is o western man and his papor is pecially favorable ' ! dedicated to tho building up of Now that tho third and last Hemingford and Box Butto I chapter of tho county seat fight is settled, and the citizens UniteU me meai, aoparuneni ana aiso for tho county's good, an im-, furnishes ice to tho citizens. Tho mouse amount of good can bo'paintiug and decorativo work is done. At Hemingford last Tuos- dono by G. 0. Alexander. H.H. day tho Alliunco and Hemingford 1 Pierce looks aflor the livery.focd men met the commissioners, and I and sale stable business. Clark by the iujluonco of level-headed mon the conflict was ended. Box Butte county now has a great future, and the citizens will take xy their arms and fight for tho good of tho county iu every thing, Hemingford is situated in the most advantageous part of the county for a big town. With tho ground sloping gently from nchool house hill in overy direc tion, fine building sites appear. Already tho town is feeling tho press of tho good prospects for tho coming season and will con tinue to duo so for somo time. The Herald, in commenting on Prof. Fonner's speech, says: Tho professor's brief lecitalof what ho noticed iu tne way of substan tial improvements and wonderful developments of tho horctofore unnoticod resources of Edgemont is important to the people of Hemingford and vicinity, chiefly because tho same powerful com bination of brains and capital, known as tho Intor State Town site company, controls tho sitos of both Edgomont and Heming ford, and tho wonders accon plished by this company at Edge -K mont under tho management of their able superintendent, AJr. A. L. Sharrocfc, will be re-onacted at Hemingford on a grander scale within tho next fow years. The above statomont is a solid fact and tho improvements that are under way for Hemingford are great, and tho next two years will see a season of unexampled prosperity and growth in tho city. In mentioning the town the chief attraction is tho elegant school houso, standing most con spicuously on the top of a rise, and this location will allow of Ilemingford's educational mat ters coming first from the very prominence of tho school house. The school house contains four largo rooms and closots and is two stories high, with a very completo basement, and by next winter the building will bjtJ boat ed by steam. Prof. L. B. Fenor assisted by Miss Frnzier in tho intermediate and Mrs. Blahchard in the primary departments, take tho lead in tho education of the young people of Hemingford and tho school is a most successful one in every way. Tho Hemingford Cornot band of 23 pieces is ono of tho finest in tho stale, and has taken sev oral prizes for excellence. In tho summer evenings tho elegant band stand is occupied by thoin and tho citizens are treated to somo excellent music. The city is incorporated, Sam uel Switzer being chiof executive and is ably supported by a board of trustees and they are now planning for some great improve ments in tho town. Among tho prominent business men and bankers in tho city were uoticed tho following: C. J. Wildy has got an enviable rep utation for "dealing in every thing" and selling at prices with in reach of all, and his largo bus iness shows that he is in touch with the people. G. A. Burlow, president of tho Box Butte bank, attends to tho finauciul matters of tho community. In tho hotel business Samuel Switzer has tho Metropolitan, J. T. Pinkerton tho Piukerton, and M. Shindler, tiie Farmer's hotel. H. R. Green 1). iL idfxi aad Tutt & Ta;i , . . - I A TT1 !.!. t i . . -- T- -W-- - --l --- - '.ww www- - are all hardworking attorneys, the latter firm being ono of tho oldest in tho county. W. K. Ilorncall keeps a general mer chandise store and 'his stock is large. Miller & Wildy own tho Hemingford roller mills and are doing a largo business. Their ""lbr -ku uubiuu&a. xiiuir capacity is 100 barrels per diem, county. B. L. Wood takes care Olds and R. Bovan aro practical plow manufacturers and black smiths and tho constant sound from their shops show that they are well patronized. G. Good- enough and D. A. Libby havoM the tonsoriul parlors of tho town. M. II. Goodonough, boot aud shoe man, carries a largo stock oflgoods in bis line. W. J. Bean is tho druggist aud attends to all the business in that line. Dr. R. II Blanchavd is the resident dentist. J. H. Shirk represents the furniture und undertaking business. Miss L. Adams car ries a complete stock of millinery goods. J. O. McCorkle, tho stock buyer, is agent for Harris Bros. Elevator company and is doing a largo business. Tho church facilities of tho town are better than the average Nebraska towns as Ihore aro seven denominations represented, viz: Methodist, Episcopal, Catholic, Congrega tional, German Luthoran, Swed ish Lutheran and Baptist. Many substantial residences have been erected, among which aro those of H. R. Green, John T)Keefe J-. C. McCorkle, Alonzo Sherw6od, J. K. Neal, I.E. Tash, B. F. Jones, S. B. Libby, J. V. Nichols, W. M. Iodonce. Eli Ger ber, B. F. Gilman, County Treas urer Miller and many others.' Tho city is a progressive ono, and will bo hoard from in tho future as her citizens are tho right kind to build to, and as the seasons pass tho wealth and pros perity of tho west will gather at this lively western town of Hem ingford. Rev. Sharabaugh, of Alliance, is assisting Rev. Kondall in the meet ings this week. Prof. Fenner wont to Hot Springs Sunday where ho had a case in "court." Every democrat in tho county should attend tho convention at Alliance tomorrow. Read Chair man Smyser's call in another column. Alex Muirhoad closed a term of school at Belmont Friday and camo to Hemingford to spend his vacation. There seems to bo somo attraction here for AJox. The Base Ball committee ro quest us to announce that there wjll bo a meeting at Good enough's barber shop tomorrow, at which all interested in reor ganizing a club, aro requested to bo present. G. W. Waisnor will have a public sulo Saturday, April 25th i whon ho will dispose of his per sonal otTocts, preparatory to moving to Keystone, S. D.. whoro lie expects to engage in business Wo rogret to see Mr. Waisuer and family leavo this community, but wish them all possiblo success in their now location. Having purchased of J. M. Trout his Shire stallion, "SAXON KING" and his French coach stallion, "INNAULT," I will stand them during tho beason at my farm, six miles wot and two north ifteeript A S. Shveaot. Obituary. DUNCAN. T. K, Duncan diod at the homo of his sister, Mrs. S. A. Mc Candless, Tuesday morning. Mr. Duncan, whoso homo was in Iowa, had been in poor health for somo timo and had just como hero ri fow days ago for tho bene fit of his health and to visit his sister. Tho funeral sorvices wore hold at tho rosldonco Tues day aftornoon by Rov. Kendall, assisted by Rov. Shambaugh. Tho remains woro takon east for .burial accompanied by A. D. Mc Candless, who with his wife ar rived from Wymoro, Neb., Tuos day morning but just a few min utes too late to seo Mr. Duncan boforo ho diod. Tho bereaved relatives have tho sympathy of a largo number of friends in this community. AliWORTII. Saturday, April 11th, 189G, at tho homo of her brother, Patrick Kinsley, occurod tho death of Mrs. Maggio Alworth. Tho do coused had been suffering with lung trouble for a long time, which wrys tho prime cause of hor death. She was born in Will county, 111., thirty-six years ago and removed with hor par ents to Box, Butto county, ton years ago, where she was united in marriage to Edward Alworth, who with three small children are loft to mourn the loss of a kind, loving wife and mother. Tho funeral took place Monday, : tho sorvices being held in tho Catholic Church whore an eloquent and touching sermon wus preached by Rov. Father Haley. Mrs. Alworth was a trno christian woman and was loved by all who know her. A largo number of sympathizing rolativos and friends were pres ent to pay their respects to tho departed. Educational Department. Tho next examination for pro fessional life certificates will bo held by the State Board of Ex aminers June Q and 10, 1896, at Crawford, Nebraska. School in district No. 70 is in good condition having u large comfortable building, a bright group of interesting children, and an earnest teacher. Miss Purkine is pursuing the right course in teaching hor pupils to think. All teachers interested in plants and plant study, and all should bo, may secure a good book on tho subject by sending address sud twenty- fivo cents to J. H. Miller, Lincoln, Nebraska. It is a book prepared for tho needs of touchers in Nebraska, by Chas. E. Besbey, Ph. D. Democratic skios are brighten ing. Nothing has made this more apparent than the visit to Wash ington of Ee-Secrotary Whitney. Tho fact that Mr. Whitney is again taking active interest in pol itics is of itself a good omen for th democratic party. His talents as u hurmonizer huve mver been ex celled, and they are all to bo used to unite the democratic party. Ho believes that if the democratic party can be united it can casly defeat MeKinleyi6m, and if Mo Kinloy is tho republican candidate, Mckinleyi6m will bo the Ipbuo re gardless of the platform adopted by tho St. Louis convention. WrANTED-Tady7r gentleman to take charge of installment bus iness ami oolbot in this county. Sulury S10 per week to begin with. Addros inoloaiug stamp for reply, J, E, Campbell &Co llUawe City, jc Eye Openers, A new lot of shoes just received by W. K. Ilorncall. Wildy's received a new line of clothing. Wihly sells you a ftcc milt for $5.00 Look ut tuoso QvV cents prlntu at Wlluy.s. I will buy your county warrants. H. R. Green. Wildy has received hla first lutyn Invoice of spnn goods and clothing. New line of earpeta at Hern cull's. Aak your grocer for Ankora coffee aud get a silver spoon free Wildy. 8 lbs. of broken Java coffoo at Wildy's for $1. 20 pounds of 'rgo California prunes at W.ildy's or 81. Easter glassware novelties at Wildy's. Herncall wants some dressed hogs. 20 lbs dried apples for $1.00 at Wildy's. I want all tho dressed" poultry In the county. W. IC'IlunNCALL. PADS! PADS1 Cull and got your sweat pads of H. R. Green . Brown backs at 35 cts oach. The umlorsitfiiod will take cattle to h:rd for the season of 1896, ut FosketM ranch. Terms, $1, for sou son, from May 1st to Oct. lGth. E. D, Piraa. Now Goods ng. I Now Clothing Now Huts, at WILDY'S New lies, Now Everything Photographs. I am btill ranking the elegant enamelled cabinet photos at $2.50 per dozen No extra charge for groups and I can take a group of twelve on a cabiuot. I can use Wood or u limited amount in duo bills on Groceries or Meat markets n Alliance the same us cash. W. T. Caldwell, Alliance. "JE3reau Q0ra.3pjln.ES' W. T. Johnson returned from his eastern trip last Monday. Mrs. Dunham, of Hemingford iB visiting Mrs. Mastrud this week. Mrs. W- T. Johnson is making an extended visit among relatives and friends at Plattsmouth. Carl Moe, a brother 'to Ole who went to' the Red Lake reservation sometime ago, has written back that it is not as represented. Sam Anderson, who went with Mr. Pattorson to Colorudo last fall, has returned to his farm in Box Butto. "We told you so." Would not be surprised to seo Mr. Patterson here, before fall too Sox iEtvitt Bxxllotin,. Mrs. A. Rosa rolurned from Al liance Saturday. Mr. Jones will farm for Grand pa Gilbert this season. Geo. West has a job on the rail road for the spring and summer. Clarence Snedoker has been sick the past week with catarrhal fever Wra. McLean wiU'will farm iho Strobridge place; ho moved his family there last week. M. Nason has given up the hotel business in Alliance end moved his family back to the home stead. All public gatherings in the vi cinity of Bo x Butte aio jcEi'med on account of the pmiuteii djjh theria in tLencipLluLrcd. Lifct kuridu nlal lr cf Mr. and Mi s. Neibeit dud ot black diphtheria. At lest rcporia U Feidler girls were improving, but Mr, ITeidler und bib brother-in-lav Mr. Ivejbut Led tucttn-lcd to tltr diadaii rKe frVOimKlWlMjJlZS vrrr "mm 'uvrt. mmvatmuai