Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, April 10, 1896, Image 8

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y, wrfttwanHrJTrrer7rww
ft X a lrtlrMo tnd for iVnrdr Urol,
firaiitt .mil Oi? M 1!C IfNlnrainant.
TliBt port!t a of thn famous Nes
Purees ream at ton which wns thrown
open to M!tnrmnr on Nov. 18 Itet
clilofiy la No forces county, In tho
wMtora pan of ortirn Hflho, naya
tho Northwest Maswtliw. ooiuprlaes
1,170 oqunre milc, or S43.074 acrtM
enough to give .1,880 tainlUtti ISO acres
ach Tnilr ilieakin, It U Olio of Uio
jnost fAvorod ragtons la tho northwoat.
Tho mirffloo Is trwerwd by tho Cltr
watar and L.npvffll rivers nnd their
nuincioua trlbiifarlea, nnd the land,
which Is n. rich, bind; loam and otutlly
filled, ncotls no Irrigating. Vary llttlo
lTort will bo required In order to pro
duce abundant r rops In these ahclterod
and ffirtllo vnloyH. The reservation Is
also crowed by tho Craig's nldbntaln
rnnge, wuith la really nothing but
table land that Is well adapted to farm
Ins, crazlnR and lumbering. In tho Im
mediate vicinity nro tho well-known
PnJouso nnd Potlntch eoutlons, whloh
arc both" famed for the ma&ulfkent
quality of their fruit nnd cereal prod
ucts nnd the ltuitla of which nro worth
0 to Ui'O nnd ?30t ppr acre. Tho
reservation lands nro simply n continu
ation of those favored regions. Cllmnto
and soil art? adapted to tho cultivation
of all tho rairoftla, tttitl of grafceft. pears',
penchpo, apricots, plums, prunes, bor
rlen, mclgns, otc. Transportation fa
cilities are already provided In the con
etructlon of tho Spokane ft Palouso
railroad, n branch of fie oxtpnfclvo
Northern Pacific rell'o ' i oti, which
will soon bo extended to points to
which no other linos can afford to pene-
In fact, surveya lmvo boon mudo
plans adopted which nro certain
to result In tho rapid and perfect davol
A opniont of tho now country.
, With nil thouo facts Jn view, tho
statement that this virgin omplro la
t1)Qlng rapidly occupied by entorprlslng
settlors will occaRlon'no eurprleo. All
'conditions aro favorable There Is
plenty of timlxsr and tho country Is
yVIch In minerals. It la probablo that nt
Jf.least two good towns will grow up,
A0Qh on the Lnpwnl or Clearwater and
another beyond Craig's mountain tn
what Is known as the Cold Springs
, country. Other towns will, tf course,
-follow In time. Cut mnrketB for tho
,'Jinmedlnto futuro are already provhled,
$,8inco the enttro territory la contigu
ous to Lowlston and other Important
, commercial contors.
It la understood that agricultural
, trntc.
i nnd
good form ron collectohs. Commtssioocrs' Proceedings,
Tout llnnnnm tlttind on torotnony nnd
Watt "Not nt Jlotuo."
The death of Tom Hannaui, ono time
a well-known lmtoltuo of the proas gftl
leriee on both Bides of the cupltol, was
sincerely deplored among old-lime
Wemlbew yosterday and somo amusing
nneeddlos wero told of tho popular
ni'WBpapcr man by hit friends In tho
course of tho day, says tho Washing
ton post, Ono of the hest Is worth re
lUpnum was in the habit of taking a
lau breakfnst nt tho Press Club overy
morning. On ono occasion, while he
was vigorously discussing a hearty re
past of ham and eggs, n bill collector
suddenly "walked up to Ilnnnum's olde
County Clivk ., Offie, )
Ilwrimpford Nb .
March HO, 11X1. )
Po r tounty commissioners
mo j)ii' U'll U .wty'utrurorit of
Mi. ' k ,1. i .-15. ).
,' tli lis, .i lutfc oi .t'.e 'ljstncl
court. Prewnit, Barnes Ilollin
rMko, Cbairm.'in. Jdjd. W. Dutican
Mtwl Jaaos lJ-uiry. oomuiis?iion-
On motion tho Iward adjottrn
od till 1 o'clock p. m., to hear
i he matter of potilion for romOv
ol of county soat, hoa-ring to bo
lmld in the court room.
At one o'clock p. m., the board
nnu laid his account boforo him. Han as callwl to order pursuant to
num jookbu at tno dui anu men ai me ( adjourumont, all board present.
In tho matter of tho petition
collector nud in a deliberate tono be
"You blamed fool, can't you observe
the nmenltlon of ordinary civilized so
ciety? Don't you know that a man's
club Is like his homo and that you are
in danger of h"ing summarily ejected
foi coming In hero without being In
troduced? Tho ruleo of this club ro
nulre that If yon havo huslness with
n mnmber to wait in the lobby outsldo
until n waiter takes in your card and
ascertains whether the gentleman with
whom you lmvo business Is present.
Now, you go Into tho lobby tako this
bill with yod and comply with tho
rules of this club."
The collector apologized for the In
fraction of tho rulos of the Press Club,
which, to toll tho truth, wero never
enforced on anything, and waltod un
til tho steward camo to ascertain his
"Ploaso announce mo to Mr. Han
nura," oald tho collector.
Tho stownrd told him to wait and ho
carried the man's enrd to Ilannum, who
looked at It carefully, thou handed it
back to the eteward and said: "Not at
lands on the reservation can only bo
taken under the homestead act, but In
iuuiwum uiuiviu iiiv ecujor must pay
?3.75 per acre, one-half of which must
J"bo paid within threo years from date of
ontry and the remaining half at data
Tof final proof. In nl other respects the
'homr'toorf act governs.
The Mm-rl itrrult) ap.
In many ways the girls of 18 aro
nioro fit to mnrry tlnn they were In
Ajur grandmother's time, and yet ob
frorvntion tells us without question that
h.bo ago at which glrh marry now la
kdvancod by several years beyond that
jfot one hundred yenra ago.
t Tho early marrlngea of tho past havo
been of no bonoflt to tho present race,
nnd ve nro chewing wisdom In our
generation In setting the clock of tlm
back a few years.
i ' For one thing only aro oorly mar
riages desirable, and oven this result
jioeB pot always accrue by any means.
Vo mean the possibility of tho couplo
throwing more closoly together In tastes
,'pnd fancies ir thoso are matured after
f It in not considered desirable thnt
tho woman should bo the elder of the
parties to the contract. But evon this
objection Is belug lessened as years go
Jby, for tho woman of 10 Is no older
than tho wororin of 25 wae 50 yeais ago.
(Ylovertholasu tt Is well that there at,ould
,po tho advantago of age on the bus
''band's elde. If a man doea not marry
JuntU after he Is 35 It la bottor that there
Ishould bo a decided d'sp&rlty of age be
"twoon them, as he vill be no F.ot in
'jjla way3 that the wife will be obliged
In yield deference to hie wishes at
jbvwy point. A woman who is alto Bet
Sxi her ways will uot be likely to do
'ihls. When there is a very groat dis
parity lu the ages, as la seon quite fre
quently, tho wonder la that the yom g
irle at bo oariy to auch conn acta,
ihotijih it la very wise for the in a
when he at GO marries a girl ot 20. v
yoman of suitable &ge wouldn't put up
with blB almost certain craukinosa.
Philadelphia Call.
; ' "
TumicU Aro fJlio.per.
There has bou a vary marked do
croaso In tho cost ot tunneling of laie
years. The Railway Review, com
menting on this tact, ascribes it to the
reftt Improvement that has been maue
In rock-cscavating tooJa and In general
iuechanlcal methods. According to the
Jiame Joutnal the Hooc tunnel cost
279 per foot, the Mont ConK the next
In date, ??5G per foot, the St. Gothard
229 per foot and tho Arlberg 15i per
toot, Tho tunnel on tho line of the
Northern Pacific railroad through iho
Cascade mountains. 8.961 fet long, was
bored at the rate of 413 fret a month
,,i fn tit a ftmnlrttn ttinnnl nf
$1J8 pr fooU
Fublio Dibm of Knrops.
According to the latoat statistics, tho
public debts of the European nations
aggregate ?33,320.0O0.K)O. or about 84
per capita for the whole papulation.
The heaviest per capita iadebtednase,
j3S6. Is In Portugal. France comae next
jdtb J135. England'? rate is about 5103.
Switzerland is the smallest. Si,
At llKf rrnrT.
"I hear that Dobbi baby is a little
phe of a thlnf Does It cry much?"
"With all (u mite,"
Tlioro Aro 00,000 of llictn la tho French
Parl3 is tho city where tho dress
making trado flourishes as it does In
no other bpot In tho world. In 1850 tho
number of couturleres, aa given in tho
"Annualro du Commerce," the com
mercial directory of those days, was
only 15S. There wero besides slxty
ceven shops for tho sale of ready mado
feminine apparel, but there were nouo,-
as there are to-day, which sold lingerie'
or certain articles exclusively. In tho
"Jlottln" (as the Pario directory Is fa
miliarly known) or 1895 there nro 1,G3P
couturleros and 29G commercial houses
for tho ealo of rcady-mado garments,
besides many establt3kinonta which
manufacture and eoll "jupono do des
ous" or under petticoats nlono. Tho
number of working dressmakers in
PariB is cstlmnted nt G3.Q0O. In all
Frauco, according to M. Georges Mich
el, the industry of manufacturing tho
various articles of woman'o dross Is In
the hands of 81,400 malo and 143.C48 fe
male owners ot shops or factories.
These furnish employment to 700,801
persons, of whom ovor 500,000 are wo
men. In addition to these there aro
925,855 porsons who make their liv
ing from Industries which aro tribu
tary to that of thft minufacture of fem
inine npparol. Tho total valuo of tho
pioduct of this labor from so many
hands is estimated at 50,000,000.
21tT anil t'pt-ullar Allnrral.
The iiowb has reached this city of a
peculiar kind of mineral railed apyrlto.
It Is about 93 per cent silica and is con
sequently very hard to work. It Is
being worked, however, in Bavaria. It
in said that when mixed with water It
tonne a plastic, sticky mass, which,
when dried, becomes firm and resisting,
whilo Its volume doea not chango when
exposed to tho fire; further, melted met
ala and Bcorla do' not cling to It, and bo
apyrlto has been found useful for lin
ing furnaces. In tho neighborhood of
the mines apyrlto tempered with water
is used instead of lime water and .iIbo
for plastering. It has In some places
superseded fire-brick lining. 33 lu tho
case of various furnaces. The cupola
of a large foundry can bo thus lined In
a day by two mon and It is paid that
cuch a lining lasts longer than one of
tho same material made up Into bricks.
The aubBtanco has been proved useful
for lepairs to tho firework lining of
furnncea. Pittsburg Dispatch.
Tho UiitlnrKiuiluitMi, Oxforvl.
As for the modern undergraduate, as
a rule he Ib tho most quiet and peace
able of mortals and has long since given
up such violent delights as wrenching
off door-knockers, assaulting policemen
or squaring up to bargeea. Not that
he la the least deficient lu spirit or
coursi as those who have watched
the football matches in tho parks will
readily testify, but, except .it such
licensed eaturnalla as a i.o;vgo -lUg"
or a bump supper, he keeps his voice
and temper under perfect control and
.cultivates a dignified repose of manner
which would od'trodlt to a member of
White's or Arthur's. Anything like
louduess or ostematlon is vetoed as bad
taste and it may bo added that hts ureas
is as quiet as his deportment.
Jtlpcnot! VI Uilora.
"Yeeser," Raid llttlo Ben Poachbiow.
"W'ou 1 gits or big man l's gwlmer bo
a arUc 'splorer, sho's yer bawn."
j "bhet up rit talk right now,"
his father, bcveroly. "Whut fob.
gwlce 'splopln'?"
, "G winter fin' de nawf pole."
i "Sonny oh hyur me say dls: Let de
nawf pel 'lono. Qlt yerte'f a good
) raiser an' er strop. Den go out in
! e'arch of or fus-claia bahber pole an'
1 yoz gwlRtor to be Jt' ec much use Jn
de coHauiutt'ty an laj'y a'bgap o' com
I foct." Washington Star.
for special election for removal
of county seat, Mr. Httmcr eoun
sel for M-emonstVants, requested
time till tomorrow morning to
prepare papers. Mr. Noloman,
counsel for petitioners, insisted
on proceeding with the hearing
immodiatwly. Commis siouer
Duncan moved to adjourn till
8 o'clock this evening. Commis
sioner Barry moved to amend,
to adjourn to 9 o'clock tomorrow
morning. After discussion it
was moved to adjourn tho hear
inv on tho said petition till eight
o'clock this evening, und proceed I
with other business of tho board.
Motion carried.
In tho matter of claim No.
292.r, J. E. Wlmloy, it being
shown to the satissaction of the
board that certain poll tax which
had been offset against the claim,
had been paid prior thereto,
leaving a balance of 91.80 duo
said claimant thereon, it was or
dered that a warrant be drawn
in favor said claimant for SI. 80.
On representations of tho road
overseer, Anthony Alorava, it is
considered that repairs for tho
bridge at Green's crossing is
necessary and an order was giv
en to him to procure necessary
plunk lo cover fcaid bridge
Claim of Justice of the Peaco
L. A. Berry was ordered tiled as
required by law.
On examination tho bond of
Peter Kearney, overseer of rxad
listrict No. 2'J. was approved:
Sundry claims described below
wero examined and ordered that
somo bo allowed as described and
tho certificate of tho county
treasurer having been procured
showing the delinquent personal
taxes of said claimants, ordered
that said delinquent taxes bo off
set against s lid claims nnd when
such offset leaves a balance due
claimant, a warrant be drawn in
in claimants favor for such bal
audo and for the taxes so offset
and deducted, a warraant bo
drawn in favor of A. M. Miller,
County Treasurer, in each case
aS follows: '
2929, Alliance Milling Co.,
supplies for paupers, claim 251 i)."i
allowed &2 y:, tax offset $23 95.
2700, Jas II II Hewett, court
costs, State vs. Lydy, claim 8 25
allowed 8 25, warrant 8 25.
2971, Clark Olds, court house
repairs, claim 2 50, allowed 2 50,
tax offset 2 50.
2972, W K llorncall, shoes for
paupers, X 25, allowed 1 25 tax
offset 1 25
297. A D Millett, court house
repairs, claim 1 50, allowed 1 50,
tax offset 1 01, warrant 0.4G
AV D AYatkias, judge of elec
tion, claim 1, warrant -1, allowed
4, tax offset 3 34, warrant ,0(5
2975, P II Zobel, sr., board of
paupers, claim $38, allowed 31,
tax ofsottS 59, warrant 31 41.
On motion claim No. 2909 of
I F Marshall was laid over for
On motion the board adjourned
to 8 o'clock p. m.
James Hollinrake, Ch'mn.
Attest: F. M. Phelps, Clerk.
Jas II II Ilewott, Doputy. .
Board met at 8 o'clock p m,
pursuant to sojournment. All
members present. F G Ilamer
counsel for remonstrants appear
ed and requested time till tomor
row morning to preparo papers
in behalf of remonstrants, to
wljich request It C Noleman,
counsel for petitioners object.
After discussion it was moved
and carried that board adjourn
till tomorrow morning March 81,
at 10 a. m. James Hollinrake,
Attest: Chairman.
F M Phelps, County Clerk.
Jas H H Ilewott, Deputy.
Maroh 31, 1896.
Board mot pursuant to adjourn
ment in court; room. F Lr Humor (
counsel for remonstrants, filed
answer to petition lor spocmt
j election "for removal of couuty
! seat and toeroupon R C Noleman
bo published b" tho Clerk. On
motion tho board -uljournod for
dinner till i wctuck p. m.
Board convoned atone p m. The
.following described clnims wore
examined and allowed and war-
nuit ihoivfoi-p ordered drawn on
the .onffil hiud, viz:
2070, Miller & Wildy, Hour fot
paupers, $2.70. . i
2977, Juiuos Hollinmko, Cmn'r
Hervices, S1G.G0.
2978, James Barry, Com'r ser
vices, 820.
21)79, G W Duncan, Com'r ser
vices and supplies, $13.40.
2980, J T Pinkerlon sawdust
for court house and boauliug jur
ors, 7.
Ordered that claiui No. 2982 of
E P Sweeney sheriff, for Borving
inaudiimus proceedings on oom
imssiioners, bo laid over until Iho
matter can bo presented to tho
Judge of tho district court and
Hissed upon.
Motion made and carried that
tho bontd adjourn sine die
I Read and approved March 31,
189G J'lines Ilollinrake, Chrm.
AlUiSl; X', ill. rntLi'n, wuik.
By Jas. II. H. Ilewott, Deputy.
.Calvin J. Wildy.
Always Leads and Never FoSIowjs
Coino and gee us and get tho best, tho hittst, and tho
cheapest. Dry goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots
and Shoos, Glassware, Qucensware, and Provisiond.
AVe nro a'ways pleased to have friend-! call vhother to buy or other
wibo, and especially invite strangors, transients, and city visitors to j
call and if wo have no time to show you goods nor quote you prices
o win oo pieasoct to nave you ntltmro our floral windows docoratedfi
with tropical and foreign plants, all in full Mobm Hint nW ,w W
steal slips) so whenever at tho county seat always do
your trading with your old reliable firm.
Yours anxious to please, i
fcTAir CI MltASKA,
It. H. INHn.nl. joii urn hereby notlftal tint on
tht lath dny of April 1C9!. lhomnt HulH pur
ohamHl at Ux hixlo the N W U neotioi 15, town
uhlpSte. rnnJB7, Box Butto tountr, Stoto of
NebracKA. That baid Knd v.m tnsed in the
iininnofll.il Itallnnl. alnl thn tutil pnichaw
of tax pal? wns mvio for tho taxr of tho jtir
IWZ. Tlit thotimo for tli? ml(mtidu ot tho
Bforenid laud will oxpiro on the lUtli & i of
April lfell.
l)ntl at Itadoliffe, Idwn, UiIb IMh day ot Jan.
tH. Thus, nomas,
B7 It. n. allard, Ids attj .in fact.
Sioux City
his Space Is Reserved'
3ES. 2Su 3-3S3E3T,
The Heel Muiicel
puper iu tlie eal.
KeioitH f'' iiuv'
Kdltcd by r.x-C'onijreBnmnn
f. xl- BRYAN
Is the (rcatest neicspaper tost
oj the Missouri fliver
It advo-ato3 FREE SILVER
at tho pruseut ratio oi. s'txteon
to ouo t
It3 aows service ia the be3t to
bo obtaiaod.
Daily, ?0 00 par year; 50coata
por month Weekly, SI 00 per
Subscriptions for tho
rccelvod at this office
;".' .. I,. ., ,.,..!-.. ......,,,,.... .,, I,., r:
ABT"ri 11UDIA i
. g 3 a aP Q 3 VaceP 8 U it Q &$ y I
a . PIONEER- &- 1
DaiuBfttio aiiii oaiiiiffiry.-j
Tnu Oldest Kstablimijient in Tnc County.
Charter M Cook Stoves,
Genuine Round Oak Heating Stores, ;
Do nfo Alio filono ntn I
1U1UIO, V1.0, UlttOD, CIU..
Special Agent for BAZEE, PERFECT Barb
Wire the Best on Earth
.Proprietor of.
vfw "k'V--' .
&ir.Cji' Ki3Wi&Xj(l f
L " --TY-m. I
fe . ii k.
5W-ff x 'J.JWi'WltK
5 Cavcifi.andTradt-MarVsobUii ed.andBU Tat.
.nf K, tinrtt rnnrtur'pd for MnnrnATE FrCQ.
.. .. . r r. .a.iwfpir
JiitkI neon wcure patent in lew time UitutnosoJ
J remote iron Wmhinglon. . i
ituri modst. dra'virz or photo.. With dcwrip- '
Jtion. c a.luse, if fatei.-aole or rot, Ires of J
S cUarire. Our fee not due t '1 palt nt IS secured, i
i A Pamphlct, "MowtoOb-iln I'atentt," rlt'i
Jcost of tame lu the U. S. and forcicncouotnw;
sew iinivn
' LTl WKI 1 V 1 S f . D HI
Ave lmvo first-elnss stock nnd doublo mid siiitrlo rigs, which we
urnish nt reasonable rates. Our facilities for aci'ommodating beatdcra
are unexcelled in (ho city. Give us a call.
fjUT Stable Corner Box Butte Avenue and Sheridan Street.
ni .
sale oi
For the Next THIRTY DAYS I Offer
my entire stock oi
sold counsel for petitioners nlou a
you ! dismissal of tlio petition mid
thereupon it is ordered tlia.1 said
proceedidiis thoreunder and tho
said matter olosci, and tho Clerk
ordered to preserve tho file in
said matter.
Ordered tiiat three weoks uo-
at the Lowest Possible Prices Begardless
ot cost, W.
tice of the Board of Equalisation.1