H - t LP 4 Jtf Benar. of Ointment for Catarrh That ' I ionium .niercurj-, As mercury will surely destroy i. eenso of smell nnd romplotely derango I the wnoie system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such ar ticles should never bo used excent on l- prescriptions from reputable physl- cinns, us me wantage inty win do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derlvo from them. Hall's Cutnrrh Cure, manu factured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure, be sure you get the genuine. It Is taken In ternally, and mnde In Toledo, Ohio, by F. Ji Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists! price, 76c per bot tle. Hall's Family Pills, 25c. n i:uUi)Citli)ii. Lord Tcnterdcn one day at his own table, asked a country magistrate if ho would tako venison. "Thank you, my lord, boiled chicken," was the reply. His lordship had contracted nu inveter ate habit of keeping himself and every body else to tho preciso matter in hand. "That, sir," said- tho judge, "is no answer to my question. I now ask you again if you will tako venison, and I will troublo you to say yes or no with out further prevarication." I never used so cmlck a euro ns Piso's Cure for Consumption. J. 11. Palmer, llox 1171, Seattle, Wash., Nov. 25, 1SU3. lUtssia hnd net profits lust year of $51, Ot0,t00 from hor railroads. Tho ttntlmcly death of Professor Tut tle, of Cornell University, prevented his completing "The History of Prus sia" which was his mognus opus. How ever, ho left nearly finished tho fourth volume, covering the first part of the great Seven Years' War. The volume is complete ns far as it goes, and is an important addition to a work which has gained tho hearty favor of tho fore most Gorman, English, and American historical authorities. It will so6n bo issued by Houghton, Mifllin & Co. Tlin Pilgrim Kuater Number. Will be ready tho early part of April. Everything in it will be 'tie w and orig inal. It will contain articles by Capt Chas. King, U. S. A., cx-t3ov. Geo. W. Peck, 'of Wisconsin, and other noted writers. An entertaining number, well illustrated. Send ten (10) cents to Geo. H. HeafTord, publisher, 41ft Old Colony building, Chicago, 111., for a copy. There is too much say it, and too little prove it in this world. llrtlf Faro Excnriilona via tho Watnh, 'Iho fckort line to St. Louis, and quick route East or South, April 7th, 21st and May jj.li. Excursions to all t-oint South at one faro for tho round trip with 82.00 added. JUNE lCth, National Republican Convention at St. Louis. JULY 2d, National Educational Association at UutTalo. JULY 0th, Christian Endeavor Convention at Washington. JULY 22nd, National People and Silver Convention at St. Louis. For rates, timo tnb!es and further infor mation, call at tho Wabash ticket olllco, KIT, Farnnm St., Paxton Hotel block, or write Geo. N. Clayton. N. W. Pass. Agt., Omaha, Nob. A man "knows" a great many men, but he cannot call half their names. Gladness Comes With a better understanding of tho transient nuturc of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that bo many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with mill ions of families, nndfs everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are duo to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating tho organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If In tho enjoyment of good health, and tho system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afllicted with any actual disease, one may bo commended to the most skillful pliysicians, but if in need of a luxative, one should have the best, and with tho well-informed everywhere, Syrup of Figsbtnnds highest and is most largely used and gives most general satisfaction. ASIC YOUR DEALER FOR LY W. LD Douglas S3. SHOE besvJor'ld!he If 70U pay Oi to B for shoes, ex- q amino tho W. I.. Douglas hhoc, and 2J tec what a good shoe j ou can buy for VJ OVER 100 STYLES AKD WIDTHS, CONGItlCSS, I1UTTON, ami LACK, niailo In all 111 lulu of the brut selected leather liy klillletl work men. AVo ss EfferfcY A make and noli inoru $3 Shoos Hum nny o t h o r inaiiRfjetnrer In tho world. None genuine unless name and pilcj Is stamped on tlm bottom. Ask your dea'cr for our Q."f, 84, U3.no, &s.r,u, tr-j.as hoes; O'-'.OO, 8J and 81.7.1 for bojs. TAKE 113 SUBSTITUTE. If yourdealer cannot supply you, semi to lac-toiy.c-ncloJins J'rice and 31 cents toiaycartiase, i"at'? kind, stile of too (cap or pLum, s,i- ami v.IUUi, Our Custcm iicpt. will fill our order, ticncl for new lllas- truvd Catalog! ! to t.x Jt. W. l. ROUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. LIN0SEY0MAHA RUBBERS! &UjJ?Vjm9eI' JtCK if n THE STORY OF JACK. REENSl GR.EENS1 Dand'llon greensl" shouted a childish volco. And I heard tho quick stop of small baro feet pattering up tho lane. Presently a fnco nppcarcd at the open window of my iritphnn. whero I V- R-as busy superintending tho Saturday's baking. "PiP.-i.srv nm'am. don't you want a basket of fresh greens, all picked with the dew on 'cm? They mako a good dinner and only cost 5 cent3." Poor little manikin, I thought, to work so long and to trudgo so far for 5 cents. My dinner was provided and dandelion greens were not Included in tho bill of fare but how could I re fuse? "Yes. Jack, como in hero and eat a doughnut while I empty your bnsket." Ho was not slow to accept tho in vitation, and chattered away Hko a magpie every mlnuto while he eagerly devoured several doughnuts, and looked longingly at a pan of cookies just taken from tho oven. "Thank you ma'am! You seo it makes a feller awful hungry this dand'llon business docs. I like to get 'em when they'ro fresh and cool, before the sun has been on 'cm long, so I start at C o'clock, and sometimes earlier, and of course I don't havo any breakfast first, and when it happens that a fellor hnsn't had any supper tho night be fore, it makes him feel kind o' empty like." All this was said without a mo ment's pause, and, swinging his baro heels together as ho sat perched upon tho window, ho laughed the merriest laugh in tho world, which brought to the surface a great dimple hidden away In each Eun-burned cheek and showed all his pretty white teeth. "But you had your supper last night, hadn't you?" "No. ma'am. You sec there was only two potaters to go around, and the round they had to go was mother, Suslo and me a big round for two small potaters, don't you think so, ma'am?" "Well, how did you manage?" 1 asked. "Well, you sec, ma'am, I hadn't been to school long enough to learn how to divide two potatoes between three peo ple so that each shall havo a whole one. So says I to mother, You tako this one. and Susie and I'll handy-spandy for the other.' Then I held it behind me. and said to Susie: " 'Handy-spandy, Jack-r-dandy, up per hand or lower?' " " 'Lower,' says Susie. "And lower it was, to be sure, 'causo 1 held both hands even till she answered and then dropped the one with the po tater in it lower; which wasn't cheat ing ma'am, now was It?" "Well, Sue, you see, didn't like to tako It, for she's awful generous it she is poor, and she tried to get it back on me by saying she thought upper and it was -nly her lips that Bald lower she meant upper all the time. "She isn't well, Sue isn't. She's llttlo and white, and one potatcr ain't much HANDY, SPANDY, JACK-ER-DANDY. of a supper for the like of her any way. And at last I made her eat the whole of it. I told her wo'd have a good dinner to-day, 'cause I knowed some body would buy my greens, and I'm go ing to spend tho whole 5 cents for ono dinner. What do you think o' that? I'm going to got three herrings nt a cent apiece, and tho rest in potaters." And ho smacked his Dps as he thought of the treat in store for them all. "I think," he continued, "that you've paid me pretty well for my greens In doughnuts, without nny 6 cents at all. Still, as I look at it." ho added, with a sly twinkle In his great blue eyes, "doughnuts is doughuutB and cents is cents, and the doughnuts la a present and the cents Is pay." I laughed aloud at his reasoning, which certainly was most sensible and true, and then said: "Now. Jack, I want you to keep your 5 cents till some night when you haven't any supper, nnd let me fill your basket with something that I know will go around. I want Suslo to have a glass of fresh milk. So you must carry this tlu pall, besides tho basket. Do you think you can manage them both?" "Well, ma'am. I guess you'll see whether I can manage 'em or not. But do you think I can dig greens enough to pay for all them things you're putting In?" "No, Jack. I don't, for they are not to bo paid for. I want to aend these to your mother that's all; and as you said yourself, doughnuts ia doughnuts and cents Is cents." "To be sure." he answered merrily. "Well, ma'am, 1 Just wish you could see 'em when I tell 'em how good you have been to mo. Some folks ain't good, you know," he ad Jed with a sigh. JIB V 'y'sg?-. "3 zssfr I h While I filled his basket bo told me their llttlo history, nover realizing how ' full it was of tho deepest pnthoa tho struggles of tho poor mother to keep her family together after tho death of her husband, n good kind man, who had left her one morning full of life and strength, to go to his work in tho great Iron factory, nnd was brought back to her n few hours later, having mot hlB death while tolling for thoso ho loved. , Up did not realize either how his own , solf-sacrlflcing spirit shono out through his words, proving to mo tho strength ' and Bweotncss of his character. What a hero ho was, this llttlo 12-ycar-old Jack! "Mother has worked bo hard for Suo and me that sho hasn't much strongth left. And don't yon think," ho added, fltrnlehtpnlny hlmRPlf tin nroudly. ! "don't you think I'm big enough to tako I thnt tho whites, even whoro they aro caro of us three? Lenstwnys l'vo been . In the minority, will not allow tho no lucky this morning, for I've sold my grooa to rule, nnd that, even if thoy greens nnd found you." co'(1 vto freely, they would havo to Tho gratitude In his heart was plainly work just as hnrd for a living as they visible In his llttlo faco ns ho turned It do now. The conncmienco 1b that com up to mo. pnrativcly fow of them care enough I told him that henceforth wo would ! about casting a ballot to tako tho trou bo the very best and warmest of friends, j bio to register, especially when they and that happier days were in storo for must pay a poll tax as a prerequisite him and for thoso nt home, thnt I could 1 When they do voto a constantly lintl worK lor mm to uo wuiui u certainly help toward the support of all three. Such a happy Jack ns ho was when I sent him home that April morning, with the heavy basket on ono arm and a pall of milk on tho other! And I wish I could tell you for I am sure you would like to hear- -whnt pleasant days fol-1 k and those dear to him; lowcd for Jnck but it would make such a long story wo should never come to the end of It. Indeed, thero Is no end to It. It Is a story which 1b being lived through now, and it grows more interesting and moro beautiful, moro tender and true with every chapter. Jack Is proving himself tho hero I knew him to bo. He works early and late on a small piece of ground which we allow him to cultivate on our farm, nnd ho carries his produce to town In a basket strap- ped on his back, and ho is as happy as a king happier than many kings, I am sure. Little palo Susie Is not half so palo as she was before: and she, too, had the chanco given to her to "help." She has free rango In my flower gar den, and makes up tho daintiest "but- ton-hole bouquets." with which sho fills tilM r.mnll It..!.., ....... MKl.n tiua lici dujuii uuonci tivL'i; ujuiuiu for Jack to take with him. Ho never finds the least difficulty in disposing of them all, and a proud little lass she is when ho drops tho pennies into her hands at night. Tho mother, we think, is growing strong and well again, happy in her boy's thoughtful caro and cheery, light hearted ways. Ho Is not yet 13 years old, but his mother calls him tho head of tho house, and he truly deserves tho title. Bravo little man. ,God bless him! Golden Days. FUTURE WAR SURQERY, A High Authority tVrltog About rrobitbllttles of Dattlrs to Conic. th It would appear probable that in a future war many of the wounds pro- duced by the now projectile will be Bur gically lesB severe and provo nmonablo to effective surgical treatment, saya Na ture. Probably, also, tho number of se vere Injuries will be very great, when we consider tho enormous range of tho now weapon and the penetrating power of the projectile, which enables It to traverso the bodies of two or three in- divlduals in line, including bones, and to miiict serious or ratal wounds at a ill.tnnnA sit t fififl mm A flAA ...! T. I.. uiBiuuiu ui u,vra ui t,uuu )Ulun, It IS Impossible to say what the proportion between these two is likely to be. At near rangeo tho explosive effects will be much the samo as before, but at long range the narrow bullet track, tho small external wounds, which often ap proach tho subcutaneous in character, and tho moderate degree of comminu tion and Assuring of the bone will be surgically advantageous. These wlH form the bulk of tho gunshot injuries of the future, for it would stem Impos sible with magazine quick-firing rifles to maintain a contest at close quar ters without speedy mutual annihila tion. Wo may take it for granted that tho number of wounded in proportion to the numbers engaged and actually un der flro will bo greater than before. The supply of ammunition will be larger, tho facility for its dischargo greater and smokeless powder will Increase tho accuracy of aim. I think wo are justified in believ ing, although there Is high authority for a contrary opinion, that tho next war will bo moro destructive to humau life "bloodier," In fact, than any of its predecessors and that the number of Injuries, and in many canes tho severity of tho injury, will bo largely Increased. Dut very many cases will remain lesa severo in charnctor, more capable of successful treatment, and less likely to ontail futuro disablement, while im proved sanitation and antiseptic meth ods will onormously increase tho pra portlon of recoveries. Effect of Tral"lni. Illustrating tho mind's training, a southern paper tells of a little girl, 4 years old, who happened to be eliding on the Ice, when she suddenly fell heav ily and waa evidently badly hurt. At tho cound of hor Bobs a friend rushed to her nosistanco and caught hor in her nrms. "Vou poor little thing, and how did you fall?" Tho mlto ralsod hor hoad and replied betwoen her sobs; "Vertically." So much for kindergarten training. Tho Ten Job Kninv. 1 The Iron poa meutlonod by Job in tho book qf that name In tho blbl is oup poMl to Uiiva been a atel graver used for lajciiptlor on stone. Exchange. THE NEQRO AO A VOTER. He 1 T.narnlnir How to Vote and Vote nlth tho TV lilt" Feopttt Ono reason 'for tho Bnrnll voto cast by Bouthern negroes is llttlo npprcciat- t cd in tho north, eaya tho New York 1 Evening Post. This Is a steadily grow- I Ing perception by tho raco of tho fact that tho oxerclso of tho BUffrago is a matter of far less importnnco to them than thoy supposed when tho ballot was given them. Tho nogro sot out as n, free man with tho expectation of "forty ncrea ami n muio" from tno government, and proceeded naturally to the assump- tion thnt Ho could voto himself into n condition of permanent prosperity. Ho has nt last learned that tho government will, do no mora for a man with a blnclt skin than for ono whoso skin is white, ,i?'"Ji iiujuriiuu ui mum uiu " tho whites. Investigation Iuib shown that more negroes voted tho Democrat ic slate ticket In Mississippi at tho last election .than ever before, nnd thero aro fow signs that nny numbers of tho race except some professional politi cians make any serious objection to tho new ' of 1 regulations regnrdlng tho exerclso tho suffrage. Thero in llttlo dif ference of sentiment between white Re publicans and whlto Democrats at tho south ns to tho matter of allowing the negroes to rule. A few unscrupulous politicians of tho whlto race aro ready to lot their counties or states run nil tho risk of control by black Ignornnco it they can secure office for themselves, hut the mass of whlto men who havo a stake in tho community view this sub Jeet In tho same light, whether they aro ' Democrats or Republlcana in national politics. A striking Illustration of tho ! truth of this statement Is furnished by tho policy adopted in ono county of Louisiana, and likely to bo Imitated in , others, by which the whites, without distinction of party, agree to participate in a whlto primary, nnd whichever party carries thlB primary shall bo en titled to victory In tho regular clec- tion. tho negroes being entirely "shut ' . uut. BOY'S ESSAY ON SHAIiKS. Ho Klioirs Much Skill In Comtructlne a FUli Story. An examiner of Iad3 under 1C for tho civil-service commission gave for a (jueatlon, says tho London Church Times, "Describe tho hablta of fish." Here 1b a literal transcript of ono out of-a batch of some hundreds of answers: "Tho Bhark is nbout twenty feet long nnd has five rowa of teoth when tho shark Is going to catch his prey it turns on its side. Tho sharks aro found In India, whero they are verry numerous in Africa, etc. Tho way thoy catch sharks Is lowering a piece of meat on a sharp hook (and sailors will do It for amusement), and the shark Is very hun j gry always, thnt ho will grab at tho meat and find himself caught. "On of his fees nro tho sord fish It will go and run Its sword through Us Etummick. "When tho shark haB been floating about on tho water for sotuo time It getB a lot of small fish In its mouth and they will go nnd lay on tho beach and let small birds come in their mouth and pick them off and will not hurt them. Tho shark can live in water and I . . . - on land. Going from England to Indlad. you will seo sharks in the nlle, they will follow ships for many miles on purpose to get some meat, and then perhaps not get any. They aro different kinds of sharks, tho Dlack Bhark, Etc. "The shark Is a very curious animal, It can lay its teeth down when not catching any food. "Onco upon a timo thero was a ship going to America and on board some slaves, the slaves wero packed so closo together that they could not live and the enptin of tho ship you'st to let somo come upon the deck nnd many of tho slaves you'Bt to Jump overboard and bo eat with thnrks, so the captin de termined to stop it If he could. So ono day a black slave woman was Just in tho acted to jump overboard when tho captin caught her and had as many slaves as ho could upon deck. And then ho had a roap fastened around her wast and lowered her overboard, whoa a shark enme and bltt a half off her olt and then tho captin had tho other half pulled up nnd shown to the slaves on deck and then said to thom that ho would do any one of them tho samo if thn Jumped overboard." If lie Only Hail. Tho man who "onco sold the site of the Palaco hotel for ?300" and ho who "could havo bought all Chicago for a pair of old boots" havo their proto type In a confirmed invalid In an Eng lish workhouse. He bought 15,000 acres of land near tho source of the Croco dile, or Limpopo, river for 350 beforo the Transvaal was mado over to tho Doers, but ho fought against the latter in tho subsequent war. and, when tho republic was declared, refused to ac cept service tinder President Kruger. Ills land wa accordingly confiscated; jt included the site of Johannesburg and is worth manv millions of riounii' San Francisco Argonaut. Honor to Piulthsou's .Memory. Tho present yoar being the fiftieth since the foundation of the Smithson ian institution tho occeaiou will be commemorated by tho erection of bromte tablets to the memory of tho founder, James SmJthson, upon his tomb In the Kngllnh uomotery In Genoa, and also In tat Knfilish church ia the b?.r.:e city, Knrly French Dying Machine. A French locksmith thought that practice was tho great thing; anil, fit ted with wings, he jumped ilrst from a chair, and afterward from a window, nnd then from tho roof of n small house. In tho last experiment he sail ed over a cottugo roof, but soon after sold his wings to a peddler and prob ably saved his own life. Anothor Frenchman, a marquis, tried to go by tho air route across tho Itlver Scino; but ho wns not drowned, since a wash erwoman's boat happened to bo whero ho came down. "About Flying Ma chines," by Tudor Jcnks, in April SU Nicholas. Pnvrtt from Dentruotlnn. This U wlmt Impppni when tlio ldilnoyn mo rescued from Inactivity by HostoOor'n Stomucli lllttors. If thoy eontlituo liuirtlvo limy mo tliri'uti'iied with ItrlRht.' dlmmio, dliibctmor souiootlior mnlmly which worKn tliilr (Instruction. Mnhirltil. billions and rlnuimallc tktliiiont ntid dyspepsia mo also conquered by tliu lUttet-M, which Ih thorough and ulTectlxii. An low it iiinu e nuns to havo discovered tho secrut of perpetual motion aud applied it to n bicyv o. Hrgentim' I'niuplinr leivltUIllreerln. OuivsChiipiHHlllanUiiandKnci'.TemlrrorSoreKeoU Cul!blalii,l'lU-. CU.01iirli;a,Now lInen.CU Tlio Iowu v.ns chrhtcnod by a Drake aud went over tlia water tlko a thick. It tho ltnby Is Cutting Teotn. Batttrv nd ue tht oM and will-tried remedy, llu. IVlKSLOWi SooTHlxo Brntr fur Children Tcctklnff A begpnr's rngs may cover n much prldo ns an nldermuu'H gown. riTB Mmitoplief1treeliyl)r.Kllnr'n(lrrt fervi KrRlorrr. No lllnufur llfiIUT.ni:i.'ii li,r. Martt-lmixrures. TivlloniHStr.ullmttlefivet lltviui. burnt to bi'.Klliit'.Ul ArtuUl.,l'Uilu., 1'u- Wo never know ft mother who was not sorrv for hor married on. I'.vrrv dotliir aprnt In 1'nrUcr'n Glnnri' Tonic la wolf Inresicil. Itkubdupipiln, mim biluict Hotter dlnoktlun. better itreimlh mid better hillli. Two mi lion rIiuros nro manufactured every yoar in Gcrinnuy. Oouit rciKom why jiiloiililii'ollllulorcorns. 11 ukesout ihuo rn. unl thui ou have ca u nd comloti kurtlr u ci oi cxa hiiro. 15o, at uruwltts. KngllKh furniture it Locoinln'g fashion nblo in (iiTinnny. The nervous system l weakened by the eiiralgia Tortun Dvcry nerve Is strengthened In the cure of It by iHc FIELD AND HOC FENCE WIRE. 20, OS, 4C, BO, or B8 Inohoa ht(h. Quality nnd workmnnahlp tho bent. Nothing on tho mnrkot to compnro with It. Wrlto for rull information, UNION FENCE COMPANY, DE KALB, ILL. Chosen STANDARD OF THE WORLD The experts who made the choice decided that Columblas were worth every dollar of the $100 asked for them. If YOU are willing; to pay $100 for a bicycle, why be content with any thing but a Columbia? The handsome Art Catalogue that tells of Columbia and Hartford bicycles is free from any Columbia agent j by mail for two 2ent stamps POPE MANUFACTURING CO., HARTFORD, COU. Branch Stores and Agencies In almost every dty mu town. If Columblas are not properly represented in your vicinity, let us laiow. dropsy TiiXLvriiD 1'itiEi:. l'oiltlvely Cured with Vrgctablo Remedies 1U cnied thousAnd cf ciw. Cure cra pro. nouiiced hopelMlr beat iilijttlcUiii. trum llrt )o yuiptomi dlupprui Ju tea djr at lent two-tlilnl 11 nymptora ttmotei. Bend tor froo took trctliao. wU of mlraeuloui curat. Ten l.jr' trcMintnt irve J mill. If you order trial son.) liw Jn (tempi to iy pottage. Jib. H. II. Okkm k Hoi., Atlanta, oo. jj ou order trial it-turn thti adveiiUewcul U ut. WELL MACHINERY Illustrated catalogue ehowlng WELL AUtitJtH. Itucrt DltllU-S, IIYIIUAUJUU ANO JKTTINU MAl'IlINEltY, etc. duitxhek. uave oeon lesiwi ana all tcarrunfed. Sioux City Knurtne and IronWoiVa, EuccoMom to 1'reli Mltf. Co. Nloiia. i'Hy Inivn, Ti . r.Otvru A('iuk lUcmir.tiYl o. 1111 Went rieveit'i Mrcvt Kansa. fit PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cltinxa aail Uaitiftta tbe talr. 1'iviuotca a Uxunant growth. 1'ever Falle to Ilettore Oray WM.I wartxievi UIUIIM W. N. I'., OMAIIA-1 5-1800 When writing to advertisers, kindly mention tins paper. a m wSm , 1 f4 St e Under the Weather. That ia tho common Spring complaint. You fool "logy," dull. Your nppotito ia poor. Nothing tastes good. You don't sloop well. "Work draga. You cross ovory bridgo before you como to it. Thoro's lota of pooplo havo folt liko you until thoy tonod up tho system by taking tho groat spring remedy Ayer's Sarsaparilla It'a boon curing such cases for 60 years. Try it yourself. " Semi for the "Ciircbook." too paec ( fee. J. C. Ayer Co., I.owcll, Mam. Wrllo forwhstyoawant to T11K 11ECIIE1I IN. VEmit-NT CO., Hlnlng Kxrlianvr, Denrer, Colo. by the Will ernment The "War Department proposes to test the bicycle thoroughly for army use, and recently advertised for proposals for furnishing; five bicycles for the pur pose Result: Bids from $50 to $85 each for other machines; our bid of $J00 each for Columbian their invari able price. o And the Government selected Bicycles rn.T;rr ;;;r t UU I OLHdP. IT !? SMOKING TOBACCO, 2 oz. for 5 Cents. f CHER00TS-3 for 5 Cents. Give a Good, Mellow, Healthy, A Pleasant Smoke. Try Them. f ITO.Y 4 CO. TOBACCO I10EKS, Dtrha, I Cv B 0-0S a Oa-0a)-g).H SJOSINIV.ItlOIUIIS. axil lviiuittiiirtoii. i. a: assftillv Prosocnton fjlnlm. I Laio frlucf put lixuintner U B. Pauclou itureau. 1 3 jr ii lint Mar, )5iuUudii'.U-njtauiUa ut;j aiucu. I ;tlfSWhtilAit UbTfJ fsltS. Cost CociU Bjrup. Truicstiood, Ueol In t (m. KjiIiI rtv arujifUta. I gMSffisHeSK! f nnv n 1 MniB uu 1 aui Jxx sTbbv eaVSur 1 1 1 -S3 .tj '' tlMS3 t t t t t t t t m