Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, April 10, 1896, Image 3

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V M.
A Large Number of Spectator In Attend
ance Chairman Hltt of the Honse
Foreign Committee Opened With a
Strong Appeal for l'assago of tlio Con
ference Ileport on the Cuban Resolu
tions Miscellaneous Matters.
Washington, April 4. Tho galleries
of tho llouso Toro well filled to-day
In anticipation of a renewal of tho
Cuban debate in connection with tho
presentation of tho conference report
on the Cuban resolution, but the at
tendance on tho floor was stnallor
than usual.
Mr. Murphy of Illinois secured
unanimous consent for tho considera
tion of a bill to authorizo tho con
struction of a third bridge across tho
Mississippi River at St. Louis. Mr.
Rarthold of Missouri offered an amend
ment, which was defeated, to compel
tho construction of tho bridge at least
one and a half and not moro than two
and a half miles below tho Eads
bridpe. Mr. Murphy and Mr. Joy
urged tho bassago of tho bill becanso
of the excessive tolls charged by tho
present bridge company. It was
Mr. Picklor, chairman of tho Pen
sions committee, demanded tho regu
lar order. This being privato bill
day, he wanted to proceed with tho
consideration of privato pension bills
reported from tho committeo of tho
Mr. Hltt, chairman of tho foreign
affairs committee, thought that lio
ought to antagonize tlioso bills, if
they would entail debate in tho inter
est of tho conference report on tho
Cuban resolutions.
"Cuba can wait," replied Mr. Pick
lor, "wlillo wo pass theso pension
Mr. Hltt finally agreed to withhold
his motion If Mr. Picklcr would de
mand tho previous question on each
bill as it was called up.
The Democrats insisted that thero
ought to be debate and Mr. Erdman
of Pennsylvania made the point of no
quorum on the first bill, with the re
sult that thero were some dilatory
tactics on theso private bills, and the
Speaker was compelled to count a
quorum on them.
At 2:U5 o'clock Mr. nitt moved tho
adoption of tho conference report on
tho Cuban resolutions and sbokc in
advocacy of it. Ho reviewed the leg
islation bo far and declared that both
House and Senate resolutions first
recognized Cuban belligerency. The
second Senate resolution, ho said, pro-
fioscd friendly ofllces looking to Cuban
ndependence. This course might bo
resented in timo of peace, but in cases
almost precisely parallel where Spain
was at war with her dependencies on
this continent in tho early part of this
century, the very slap proposed was
taken as wa3 also done uudcr Presi
dent Grant. Tho unmistakable voico
of the people of the Unised States was
in favor of recognition of belligoreucy
of the Cubans. The speaker awelt
upon tho vast benefits to the
rebels from recognition and held that
they had shown that they were
powerful enough to resist all of
Spain's power for u year and had
gained in strength steadily. He be
lieved that theCubaus, If independent,
would not bo like tho people af other
Spanish-American nations, constantly
at wnr. On tho contrary, Cuba would
be liko Chill, an honor to the new
world. In closing he raid: "When
this vote has been given as it will be,
overwholmingly by this House, con
curring with tho senate in expressing
tho will of tho people of the United
States, wo cannot doubt that the ex
ecutive will act and obey tho voice of
the nation, and that wc will speedily
hear that tho President has recog
nized the belligerency of the struggling
Cubans. The waning causo of Spain
bus been apparent from week to week
for two months past. It will not be
long until we shall have an end of all
the bombastic pretensions and abom
inations of Woyler's savage operations
and the Cubans, having vindicated
their rights with their arms, will en
joy tho liberty they have earned."
Washington, April i. It Is author
'tatively announced that Secretary
Carlisle will soon announce his candi
dacy for the Presidency. During the
past few weeks he has received num
trous letters asking for a positive de
jlaration and it is probable that tbo
tnnouueement may come in the form
f a reply to one of these letters.
Again, it has been suggested that the
innonncoment be made through tho
ticdium of au interview with Senator
Lindsay, who is the Secretary's warm
( personal friend and supporter. But
in one form or the other it is said to
be ccrtaiu that tho announcement is
loon to be made.
Mr. Carlisle's supporters among tho
Kentucky Democrats talk in the most
;onli(lont strain respecting tho action
to bo taken by the Kentucky state
jonvention, which will meet to bend
ielegates to Chicago. They assert
without qualification that tbo sound
jionoy men will control it. and not
only instruct for Mr. Carlisle for
Prosidcnt, but indorse tho adminis
tration out and out. They declare
themselves to be absolutely assured of
this, and some of them go to the ex
tent of predicting that Mr. Blackburn
will not appear on tho scene.
Senators Bronston and Gobcl, who
figured so prominently in the legis
lative fight us Mr. Blackburn's raan
Hgers havo recently declared for Mr.
Carllslo for President, and Senator
Uronston wishes to go ns a delegat& at
largo to Chicago to work in the Secre
tary's behalf.
A Mulct Luw Victory.
Dial Moixks, Iowa, April 4. Tho
inulut law won n decisive victory yes
terday in the Seuate, tho liquor man
ufacturing bill being dofvatcd by a
voto of 3 j'oas to 57 nays, with ono
absentee. Following, as this doos,
tho defeat of the question of resub
mission a few weeks ago, tho vote
practically settios the prohibition fight
in this State. The Stato will, there
fore, still have the curious anomaly
of a law which permits liquor to be
sold, but forbids its manufacture.
The bill lacked four of a constitutional
The Qneitlon Folic lit Over Again
the Mouse.
Washington, April 4 The quostlon
of appropriation of public money for
privato or sectarian institutions,
which was debated for sevoral days
during the consideration of tho Dis
trict of Columbia appropriation bill,
in connection with some appropria
tions for charltablo institutions in
Washington, was fought over for four
hours in the House yesterday. On tho
former occasion, tho contest was man
aged by Mr. Linton, a Michigan Re
publican, who is ono of tho pronounced
A. P. A. moinbers in Congress. That
contest was successful, and, by a vote
of 143 to IBS, tho bill was recommit
ted. Yesterday the bono of conten
tion was tho Howard university, a
colored institution of Washington, for
which an appropriation of 833,000
was inserted in tho sundry civil bill
Wednesday on motion of Mr. Evans,
Republican, of Kentucky. Thero was
no opposition and no debate on the
item. Yesterday, Mr. Halner, Repub
lican, of Nebraska, in whose tempor
ary absence tho amendment was
adopted, rallied his forces against the
appropriation on tho ground that it
was both a private and a sectarian in
stitution, a school of theology being
maintained by tho university.
Politics, of courso, was Injected lib
erally Into tho debate. Mr. Sayers
nnd Mr. Hepburn were especially
prominent. Each insisted that his
party was more particularly thofriond
of the black man.
The Houso voted, 129 to 10-5, to re
tain tho appropriation, thus, in n
measure, reversing its action when tho
District bill was up. An nunlysis of
tho voto shows that 107 Republicans,
19 Democrats and 3 Populists voted
for tho amendment, and 65 Repub
licans, 47 Democrats and threo Popu
lists against it. Tho sundry civil bill,
s amended, was passed.
Appropriations Increased In Order to
I'urchaso Sectarian Indian School.
Washington, April 4, Tho Sonate
committeo on appropriations has com
pleted tho consideration of the Indian
appropriation bill. Tho Houso In
serted an explicit provision that none
of tho money appropriated for schools
should be used in tho support of sec
tarian schools, but provided for ap
propriations for the schools at Hamp
ton Roads, Va., and for Lincoln insti
tute at Philadelphia. The Senate
committeo did not nmond tho Houso
provisions declariug against sectarian
schools, but struck out tho appropria
tions for tho Philadelphia and Hamp
ton Roads schools. Tho former
amounted to $33,000 nnd tho latter to
Tho Senate committee also increased
tho appropriation for tho purchase or
lease of school property to tho extent
of 8100,000, making the total appropri
ation for this purpose 5140,000. The
purpotoof this increase is to supply
means with which to purchase the
property of sectarian institutions de
voted to tho education of Indians.
The appropriation for tho support of
day and industrial tehools was also
increased to the extent of 8100,000,
making tho total for this purpose
Tho bill as reported carries an ap
propriation of $7,413,800,11 net reduc
tion of 51,000,035 from the amount
carried by the bill as it passed tho
House. The total reduction, a part of
which isoffsot by Increases, is SI, 74 J, -
640. Tho principal item of Incrcaso is
that of SI, 400,000 which the Hoiibo ap
propriated for tho second payment on
tho Cherokee outlet purchase, which
the Senate committeo strikes out
Arizona und New Mexico Statehood Hills
Not Yet at a Voting Stage.
Washington, April 4. Yesterday's
meeting of tho Houso committee on
territories was devoted to a discussion
of Arizona and New Mexico Statehood
bills and the committee failed to ar
rive at a voting stage. Delegates
Murphy and Catron asserted that the
opponents of Statehood In the com
mit two were doing tile talking merely
as u filibustering move and conse
quently the meeting was a rather
warm one.
Mr. Taft of Ohio, during tho dis
cussion, declared that Congress could
not blind its eyes to tho fact that the
admission of the two Territories
would add four votes for free silver to
tho Senate. He argued that It was
not fair that the existing status of the
Union should be changed in the midst
of a great controversy like the finan
cial question; that tho question should
bo settled by the union as it now
stands; and that sound money men
should not be handicapped by now
silver states. Ho also charged that
twenty-five tier cent of tlio inhabit
ants of Arizona and thirty-three per
cent of New Mexico aro illiterate.
Mr. Owens of Kentucky said that
Territories whose areas was greater
than that of New England nnd popu
lation less than that required for a
Congressional district were unfit for
Statehood. He alio attacked tho sys
tem of representation proposed for tho
constitutional convention of Arizona
as a partisan one aevisecl to luriner
Republican interests. Mr. Avery hold
that the only questions to be considered
were the qualifications of the Terri
tories for Statehood and Mr. Harris
argued that tho silver question should
not be brought ini th controversy.
Waller Coming Mourn.
Dknveh, Colo., April 4. Colonel E.
C. Woodford has received u cablegram
from ex-Consul Waller of Madagascar,
saying that ho will leave London for
America to-morrow, and will bo in
Denver in two weeks. Woodford was
at Tamatave when tho ex-consul was
arrested by the Fronch government
about eighteen months ago.
To tlather (lold l'roni Glacier.
Skattli:, Wash., Apiil 4. Alaskan
advices say that Sitkans intend to
drain u lake back of the capital and
gather wagonloads of gold brought
down by glaziers for ages past. Tho
gold fever i unabated and there uro
l,00o now arrivals.
I'rlnce lllsmarck I'roatntted.
obstinate resistance of Dr. Schwen-1
ulnger's entreaties to abstain from re- j band, indicating her Intention to com
..i.ri.i..r,fo(wMc ni.in, ninnnir mlt suloldc. and dvclarinff that her
buffers from a nervous prostration, children must dlowlth her. Thenar
and is undergoing much pain from ! " relations of the pair had lately
rheumatic spasms. J been unhappy.
How Purchaser of llurllngton Lands Are
to Act.
Omaha, April 1. General Solicitor
Matidcrsou of the 11. & M. railroad has
issued tho following circular to tho
several thousand purchasers of proper
tics along tho Burlington's lino in this
As one claiming nn interest in lands
heretofore purchased from the Burling
ton railroad, you aro required to enter
oppoaranco in said court by April 0,
1890, and flic an answer setting forth
your interest in 6aid lands boforo May
4 next.
Uy tho terms of an act of congress,
approved March 2, 1800, it is provided
as to land grant lands sold by railroads
that "no patent to any lands, held by a
bona fldo purchaser, shall bo vacated
or annulled, but tho right and title of
such purchaser aro hereby confirmed."
In tho said act it Is also provided:
"That no suit be brought or maintain
ed, nor shall recovery bo had for lands,
or tho value thereof, that were certified
or patented in llou of other lands,
covered by grant, which woro lost or
relinquished by tho grantee in conso
quenco of tho failure of the govern
ment, or its officers, to withdraw the
samo from salo or entry." A full copy
of said net of congress is heroto at
tached. By its terms vou will see that tho
title of nil lands bought of the Burling
ton railroad will be confirmed upon the
bona fides or good faith of the purchase
being established, cither In tho depart
ment of tho Interior or in the courts.
The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
railroad company has already taken
steps to establish' tho pood faith of all
sales of land made by It In the depart
ment of tho Interior und hopes to pro
cure a discontinuance by the govern
ment of this very unnecessary suit.
In tho event that this dismissal
should not be had the railroad compa
ny stands ready to make appearanco
nnd fllo answer for all defendants who
have purchased lands from it This
will be dono without expense of attor
ney's fees to you. It is, of course, op
tional whether you will employ your
own attorney or tako advantage your
self of this offer,
If vou conclude so to do. you should
act at once, and send with all speed to
tho undersigned:
1. Tho copy of tho subpoena served
upon you by tho United States marshal.
2. A statement giving your full
name, postofllco nddress and place of
residence. Also a description of tho
land heretofore purchased of tho Burl
ington railroad, and your interest
3. Return tho enclosed entry of ap
pearance with your full naino signed
on tho first blank line.
Accompanying tho circular is a copy
of tho act of congress of March 2, 1800,
entitled "An act to provide for tho ex
tension of tho tlmo in which suits may
be brought to vacato and annull land
patents, and for other purposes."
Blanks for tho entry of appearanco of
the defendants will be sent to all those
Tlio Novr Mnmpshlro Delegation It
CoNCOHD, N. II., April 3. Tho
NotvIIampshireRepabllcnns held their
State convention hero to-day to elect
delegates to tho National Republican
convention nt St. Louis. United States
Senator William E. Chandler presided,
and was greeted enthusiastically when
ho arose to speak. Ho blttorly as
sailed the Wilson tariff bill, und con
trasted the financial showings of the
administrations of Presidents Harri
son mid Cleveland. He declared that
thero would bo a great reaction in No
vember against the Democracy, and
he hoped it would bo under the lead
ership of Thomas B. Reed.
Only ono ticket for dolegatcs-at-
large was named. Stephen S. Jcwett
of Laconia, General Frank S. Strceter
of Concord, Charles T. Means of Man
chester and Colonel James A. Wood of
Ac worth. These four wero elected by
acclamation. Ueorgo A. C Clark of
Manchester, Stephen A. Gale of Exe
ter, Oscar Hatch of Littleton and
Dexter Richards of Newport wero
chosen ns alternates.
Colonel Frank Rollins of Concord
offered a substituto financial plunk,
identical with that adopted by tho
Massachusetts convention last week
as an amendment to tho resolutions,
but Chairman Putney, Senator Gal
linger and others opposed the proposi
tion und the amendment was lost by
au overwhelming viva voce voto and
the adoption of the platform as pro
tented by tho committee was made
unanimous. It opens witli denuncia
tion of tho Democracy and calls for
tin enactment of currency laws that
will provide a circulating medium in
gold, silver and paper which will
a ways be interchangeable at Its face
vuiue because each and every dollar of
1, is of the same purchasing power
us a gold dollar; demands liberal
appropriations for on udequato navy
a id coast ard harbor defense.
Liil Internal itr provemenls, n, fair and
generous treatment of Union viter
aus, a foreign policy characterized by
b urdy Americanism, and closes: "Wo
recognize as most conspicuous among
the caudldatos, New England's nob o
and illustrious san, the llou. Thomas
B. Reed of Maine, and that pure and
able statesman und champion of pro
tection, tho Hon. Win McKinley of
Ohio. We will givo the electoral voto
of New Hampshire to any nominee
who worthily represents the party,
but wc prefer one of these because
either is in liiinsH' platform.'
S!rs. Demus of Kan rraticlioo Kill Met
Threo Children und Merself.
San Fhancisco, April 1. The
asphyxiated bodies of Mrs. Olga Deuss
and her three little children were
found this morning by her husband, a
prosperous jeweler. Deuss said that
hoi' ad been to the lodge last night,
returning about daylight to-day.
Mrs. Delias left u nolo to her bus-
Borne Fen Flctnrrs of Fnthtouable Cos
tumes for tho Wives nnd "daughters
The licit Mnshand Is the Newspaper
man Llttlo Frills.
HE present fnd for
combining two or
thrco shades of tho
Eamo color in a
gown In successful
only when applied
by nn nrtlst'a hand.
Often Uiero aro
thrco different ma
terials, cloth, silk
and velvet, the dif
ferent tonea rep
resented by tho dyes of tho different
materials. For Instance, Bilk, which
may match perfectly tho cloth, will yet
shodo in either llghtor or darker tonea
when combined wth the goods. Sharp
contrast nro to bo avoided, or, nt least,
pet togother with some sofctilng medi
um. A gown all of gray comprlBos thrco
tones, rnnglng from pearly whltfc to
soft slate In tho mellowest of shades.
Tho darkest tint Ib chopon for tho skirt,
while all three nro employed In tho bod
Ice. The waist of this especial gray
gown 1b round, with short hip basques
confined by a narrow silver belt. Thero
1b a vest of creamy gray, with brond,
curved rovers of tho medium tone. All
tho seams nro set together by narrow
pipings of satin to match tho darkor
shades. Thero are dozens of tiny cut
silver buttons nnd n highly built stock
of brilliant cerise velvet topped by a
thick rucho of ccrlso tulle. With hlo
smart gown la worn a fiat, round
Bhaped hat, wnll tilted over tho foro
hend in tho present fetching mode,
it la ono of the softest of braids In dull
gray and Iibb a soft senrf of brown
tinted lace about the brim, with bunches
of ccrlsr roses at tho back.
Another moat swagger gown in tints
of brown has n combination of chame
leon silk velvet and dull gold cord. Tho
skirt is abnormally flaring; mndo up of
the silk, and perfectly plain. The bod
Ice is Bet together without nny vlBlblo
scams with an odd arrangement of
goldou brown Lyons silk velvet, fitting
tho bodico nnd setting out in rlpple3
over the hips. Tho sleoves nro Im
mense baloons to the elbow, with fitted
lower arm, ondlng in a long strap, but
toned over tho puff. All the edges aro
finished by twists of tho dull gold cord.
Aid to Good Looks.
The wise mny rave all they like
against big hata at tho theaters, but
Just as long as the craze for picture hata
lasts women will wear them, and small
blamo to them. Was thero ever n
woman, unlosa sho la terribly passe,
but found hersolf wonderfully softened,
nay, boautlfiod. by tho kindly aid of a
big brimmed hat? Tho small toque or
turban for theater wear, no matter how
handsomely decorated or daintily made,
has a tendency to make the most girl
ish fa-ie look slightly matronly. The
sensible fashjon, which Is so steadily
obtaluing with our mondalncs, of re
moving tbo hat at the theater makes
it quite possible to wear all sorts of
hugo affairs to and fro.
A atunmng picture hat, porfocly flat
tn shape, and with low, round crown,
is covered with deep vlolot tinted velvet
nnd massed with a lot of the same
slindo of heavy plumes and rich Jeweled
ornaments. Think of tho charm of
such a hat topping off n blond beauty!
The sldocombs, sot thickly with rhlne
Btoncs, are Jauntily BCt nt tho Bldo of tho
colffuro, showing under tho broad brim.
Even though its nn "off" season, tho
milliners aro showing no end of genu
inely now creations for evening wear;
prominent among thorn aro toques nnOj
tiny flat turbans. Laco !s a fnvorltff
garniture. Ono pretty llttlo flat affair
of palo green chonlllo braid hns a broad
arrnngemont of butter tinted laco across
tho front, finished by two upright
bunches of vlolots nnd creamy whlto
llllca-of-tho-valley. Thero Is n wldo
scarf of butter tinted tullo reaching
from ono Bldo to tho other, with big,
full choux dlroctly under tho cars.
Tho samo design is carried out in
pink with dollclous effect. A dainty
confection consists of thrco strips of
beaver fur caught nt tho back with a big
Jeweled clasp and a flat bunch of hugo
whlto Bilk popples. A Jaunty turban
of royal bluo velvet banded about the
crown with Jowoled Btuff and topped off
at tho aides by a hugo bunch of heavy
whlto plumea Is a smart flnUh to a cos
iumo of bluo nnd white. Chicago
llest Husband of Them All,
An authority on mankind has given
his vIcwb on tho sort of men that niako
the best hiiBbands. Among tho really
nlco ones he classes tho man who la
fond of fishing, tho lawyer nnd tho all
around JournaliBt Ho docs not enthuso
over tho popular doctor nB a husband,
and a musical genius or a man of let
ters gives him cold chills and shudders.
Tho author, ho Bays, Ib bo fond of hio
flno sentences that ho Is dlsagrecablo
when tho baby erica, nnd makes hlmsolf
generally odloua about IiIb food, tho
nolso of the children and any domestic
infelicities that may como along. Tho
musician caros for llttlo except his art,
and the wlfo Is often secondary to tho
claims of tho prima donna or tho sym
pathetic creaturo whoso bouI Is aB full
of melody as his own. All In nil, tho
good Journalist seems to havo tho most
strong points. Ho Is a bit of n philoso
pher, Is llkoly to bo practical, makes tho
bcBt of what cannot bo helped and is full
of alternatives. Tho lawyer is good to
have in tho house. Ho is likely to bo
alert, a good Judge of human nature, a
good talker and qulto as fond of listen
ing as of hearing tho sound of his own
voice. Ho studies human nature at
homo as well ns abroad, and is alto
gether a good fellow, Tho politician Ib
a diplomat, and while ho sometimes
leaves all his diplomacy outsldo of his
front door, this is not always the caso.
The bachelor comes in for a lively scor
ing, especially the ono who claims that
ho has no small vices. Nature abhors
a vacuum, and If there aro no small
vices It Is pretty safo to say that thero
may be F.ome largo ones that will bo
pretty difficult to deal with.
l'ashlou's Latest Frllli.
The latest things In evening shoes
are mado of gold and sliver moire kid.
Rumors of the ovcrsklrt, which Is
tho usual accompaniment of tight
alcoves, are afloat again.
White net spotted with black, and
black not dotted with white, are tho
latest fashion In yells.
A very narrow belt, either In sliver,
gold or leather, la a distinctive touch
of elegance affected by tho smart girl.
Very useful ruches for wear when
tho fur boa is too warm are made of
glaco ribbon, or liberty silk, dotted and
Gathered very full to a ribbon band.
Among the novelties In Jewelry Is a
miniature white enamel boat sailing on
a green enamel sea. The mainsail, top
sail and jib are set In small diamonds.
This is intended to decorate the yacht
ing gown of the season.
Tho new challlcs, with tiny Dresden
bouquets of flowers on a light ground,
striped or dotted over with white satin,
and patterned all over In Persian de
signs with rose green and violet pret
tily blended, are pretty enough to re
store this serviceable material to fash
ionable form again.
A charming frock for a girl of 16 is
of Dresden silk, showing polo pink rose
buds on a white ground. The bodice
Is trimmed most effectively with a
broad piece of whlto satin ribbon
brought to form a point at the waist
nnd gathored over the Bhoulders in
epaulette fashion. Over this falls a frill
of cream-colored lace, caught in the
center with a pink velvet rosette, faa
tonod with a rhlno-stono buckle. Sim
ilar rosettes finish belt, collar and
Fall Toxt of tho 1)111 to Amend Secnd
Class Mall Matter Latr.
Thero is now boforo congress a bill
to amend tho postal laws which Ib meet
ing with Bomo disfavor among publish
ors of country nowspapcrs. Tho full
text of tho bill Is as follows:
Bo it ennctod by the senate nnd houso
of representatives of tho United States
of America in congress assembled.
That mailable matter of tho second
class shall embraco all nowspapcrs and
other periodical publication which are
issuod at stated Intervals, and as fre
quently &b four times a year, and aro
within tho conditions named in sec
tions thro and four of this act: Pro
vided, That nothing herein contained
shall bo so construed as to admit to the
second class rato publications purport
ing to bo issued periodically and to
subscribers, but which are merely
books or reprints of books, whether
they bo issued completo or in parts,
whether they bo bound or unbound,
whothor thoy bo sold by subscription
or othcrwiBO, or whothor thoy purport
to bo premiums or supplements or
parts of regular nowspapors or period
icals. Sec. 2. That publication of the ncc-r
ond class, oxcept as provided in sec
tion twenty-flvo of tho act of March
third, eighteen hundred and sevonty
nino, when Bent b ytho publisher there
of, and from tho office of publication,
excluding samplo copies, or when cent
from a nows agoncy to actual sub
scribers thereto, or to other news
nnonts. shall bo entitled to transmis
sion through tho malls at ono cent a
pound or fraction thereof, such post
ago to bo prepaid, as now provided by
law: Provided, nevertheless, That
nows agents shall not bo allowed to re
turn to nowB agents or publishers at
tho pound rato unsold periodical pub
lications, but alial pay postago on tho
samo at tho rato of ono cent for four
Sec. 3. That all periodical publica
tions regularly Issued from a known
placo of publication at statod inter
vals aB frequently aa four timea a year,
by or under tho auspices of bonovolont
or fraternal societies, trades unions, or
ordo.-B organised under the lodgo system,-
and having a bona fldo member
ship of not losa than ono thousand per
sons, shall bo entitled to tho prlvllego
of second class mall matter: Provided,
That such matter shall bo originated
and published to further the objects
and purposes of such socloty or order.
Sec. 4. That tho conditions upon
which a publication shall bo admitted
to tho Becond class aro as follows:
First. It must regularly bo issued
at stated Intervals as frequently as tour
times a year, bear a date of Ibsuc, and
bo numbered consecutively.
Sccond It must bo Issued from a
known ofllco of publication, which shall
ho shown by tho publcatlon itself.
Third. It must bo formed of printed
paper sheots without board, cloth,
leathor or other substantial binding,
bucIi ob distinguish printed books from
preservation from porlodlcal publica
tions. Fourth. It must bo originated and
published for tho dissemination of in
formation of a public character, or de
voted to lltoraturo, tho sciences, arts,
or some special industry, and muBt havo
a legitimate list of subscribers who vol
untarily order and pay for tho saino:
Provided, That noting herein contained
shall bo so construed as to admit to
tho second class rato regular publica
tions, or nny particular issue of, any
reguar publication, designed primarily
for advertising purposes, or for free
circulation, or for circulation at nom
inal rates: And provided, Tnat an ex
tra numbers of second class publica
tions sent by tho publisher thereof,
acting as the agent of an advertiser or
purchaser, to nddresscs furnlsed by the
latter, shall bo subject to pay postago
at tbo rato of ono cent for every four
ounces or fraction thereof; And pro
vided further, That it shall not bo per
missible to mail any given article or
articles, or any part o any particular
number of a newspaper or periodical,
segregated from tho rest of tho publi
cation, except at tho third rato
cation, except at tho third class rato of
Sec. 5. That publishers and others,
whoso publications shall be admitted
03 mall matter of tho socond class un
der tho provisions of this act, shall bo
required, beforo depositing such mail
matter in tho po3totllce, to separata the
samo into United Statea mail sacks or
bundles by States, cities, towns and
counties, as the postmaster-genoral
mnv direct.
Sec. C. That tho act of congress in
regard to second class all matter ap
proved July fifteenth, eighteen hundred
and ninety-four, bo, and tho same ia
hereby, repealed.
Sec. 7. That this act shall tako effect
and be in forco from and after July
first, eighteen hundred and nlnety-slx.
If the relations of man and wlfo were
such as thoy ought to be, divorce would
be unknown. To prevent separation
and dlvorco truo love roust bo given a
now and practical formula when the
novelty subsides. Instead of ice cream
and caramols, let it take tho form of
bread, butter and meat. llev. V. V,
Emllo Zola likes best "Pot-Boulile."
Stanley Wcyman saya he considers
the "Gentleman o! France " his strong
est work.
Robert Louis Stevenson's favorites
wero two parts of David Balfour's ad
ventures. Margaret Deland prefers "Philip and
His Wlfo" to her "John Ward,
Marlon Crawford's preference Is a
surprise Ho rates "Zoroaster" nbovt
all bla later works.
misiisssxi-mr" itfUE3 rr:
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