Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, April 10, 1896, Image 1

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VOL. 2.
,iraCBqSBTm.tntMiii uwuuMra,t.prwwjadff nww ujuni!qFBWBmutwwiauJdttmwwMi
BWOTrfawU.111 JU fl IU1OTI
i E? ifl 6' ttrW ft y $ ! ft
1 H
The Herald.
I'uIU1ii'il awry frioay and enteral at Uk.
poM-oftee in llemiiujford. Nebraka. m iseeond-
oJum mull matter. Tim Hkrai.ii lmlnroted to
tho inUnints of Itomlnfiford and Hox Ilatt
oo nnly.
TtlOS. J. O'KHUl'B. Publisher.
-. ..t'T- . .
" COUNTY OFFiriflts.
K. M. Mcum .' .....Clerk.
A. M.Mim.ku Trraaiirw
Jam. It. U. IlKWBTr .' JeW
K.I'.SwnESBT Hlwriff
'H.K. Oilva Attoraty.
Mts A. E. Neki.and Sijperiiin.mVnt
CHuOIrann fchineyor,
Dk.W.K Mimxu Coronet
l)h. b. W. ItoivUAN Physician.
JAMEa-lUHnr ('onitnUsknipr 1st Oitt.
JajS. Hoixtxbaki:.... ( oinmimioncrBi.il DI(,
Q. W. IJnstUN Coinnii&alonerSrdDiBt.
Democratic State Convention
Th Btato convention or the Drao"ratli party
of Nebraska is hereby railed to uvwt At l.ui
coln. April ifl. 1W Ht the hour of t 'clock p. in
for Uio purpose of sslectinir lH dnlKat a 'id Jti
alternates to ntt'-nd the DraJcratii; national
' contention to bo livid in 'hiraijo on the "th day
of July 108. Tlif apportionment of delegates
from i arh ronnty Insed o i th v teof tho hew
nrabln 1. J. Malioney candidate for jndtte of
theenpremo court at the met ccneral election,
and luoluiUd ' (Megaim at large ironi each
county In on follow: '
Haaner 2 Dmicl
lio ftnttn 5 Grant 2
Dawee 6 Hooker . . .. . 2 ,
'Kimball 2 Scot Ulnfftt 2'
Hheridan.; r Hious 3
Thomas , .... 2 i
DMIitajnneratio ttnteosntrnlcommitUy I
Jaiils 13. Gheban. Euclid Uarti.v,
. Secretary. Chairman, i
All Democrats in Box Butte
County aro requested l meet at
tho Syndicate Block in the City
of Alliance, Nebraska, on April IS,
1806", for the purpose of selecting
,fivo delegates to attend the
Democratic State Convention
to bo held in the city of Lincoln
'Nebraska, on April 29, 1890; to
select 10 delegates to attend the
National Democratic Convention,
to bo hefd in the city of Chicago
ji-intliQ .month, . of -,-tJujio,; nest
v' . -
S. M. Smysek, Chairman.
mail nuiscToity.
nEMiNOFano poatoBico. On vfU days door
; opens at J a. m.,Kenwal delivry openant 8 a.
ri. nmlcloi-vs at f p. m. Opa ShikIrj'. 9 to
10 a. in.
nciflNflFOnn ABD 13ox Uutxe ritnged&ily except
llrwii.'.uronu awd I)tJ.v&v Etage, Monday
WPunwdsy and Friday.
New Short Lino to Helena, Butte
Spokane, Seattle and Tacoma
O. X. So WC. TiiTio Card.
No. 42. pasuwnKiT urflvus ut 1l:S.ip.n..
" iafrolKht " " 0:uo p.m.
" 48fiulgtit nrrlvoH nt 10;i0a. in.
.No, 41 pncKrnKorarrIvout b;2I a.m.
" 4flfruii:nr " 11:M' i. in
" 47 (might urrlviiH ut x6 p in
All traiub enrry lMSRunwor.
W. M;Coiumi, Afffii
Cliu.roli ISii-qBotory.
riONOUEOATIONAL. r.'aohliriioh ultor
AjiiMc Sunday, bt;'""lnK Janimry. 1. Wl, ai
11 o'clock u. in., and at T p. in. Kumli. Schooi
lit 10 a. in. l'ruyor Mcotint; oach Wudmmiu;
at 7 p. in.
Court HoiibO. Hv. Wuiulcrlioh. Ptistor
ATHOLlCj-ltov Charlcw Zak 1'rtfltor.
ABTHODI.ST:-n J.W. Ktidall Ptor
IU l'rfmohlng tho teoond mid lonrtii niHiay ti
mcli motitli ut 11 a in., ami T p. ut.
ll'ISCOl'AliS-Sorvlct In IhoOonwrfljtBt-
iIonnl Cliurcli. Iter. TVxtor
EurvlceH on the third ThrstlHy In oAtih month
fit 7 p. m.
W. A. KowJ.nah t'amp No. 2fl0, Ui
second and foart h Topmlay nigt.t of oa.-h
month, YlcitiuK Nelijhbora wrdially iutitad.
W. 11. lopuscE. Clerk. K. H wrr. V. ('.
,iii. A
Attorneys - at Law
t Plijsician and Surgeon,
Office rooms ami roideuco in
rav-T block, up Btairs.
i' , Special attention givn to di
. ease -, of cliildran .
J. Trout mado a bufhiofti trip
H Alliance yitisaavy.
R. McLeod went to Omaha
Tuesday night. &
Albert Wildy was up from
Malirula Monday.
Republican county oonuaUitiinn
at tho Court house loiuourow.
Mrs. Tylor of Marsland was
tho guest of Mrs. A. M. Miller
Miss May Davis of Alliance is
visiting her bistor, Mrs. W. J.
Y. M. Copdlfcnd, our geffial
station agoiit, spent Tuesday in
Rov. Father Haley of Alliace
attended a sick call m this vicm-
ity Monday.
Farmers, look out for the Alli
ance pettifogging "lawyers," bank
ers, and lumber dealers.
'Airs. J. L. Kendall and son
Eddie, of Rushvillo, visited Rev.
Kendall and family Tuesday.
Mrs. Schlumpf, who hns been
ill for several
woolcs, was
brought to town and is
taken care of by Mrs. Sherwood,
Leora Rustin bepcan a three
months term of school in tho
Hammond district Monday, this
being tho third term slio has
taught there. "
John Sullenberger, one of the
pioneer settlers near Marsland,
was a welcome caller Saturday
and made application to prove
uj on his homestead.
Phil Michaels has rented O.
A. Miller's farm and moved to
tho same last week. Mr. Miller
moved his family to town and
will take a trip wost.
Yechouthas mctyd, back
h fillip, hi f,",i.m' ..
. Wfej; " ,ft ,-m ,; r - "
irom me nuis to lus rami noar
near Box Butte. He was in
Hemingford Monday and made
this office a pleasant-calL
Mr. Chas. Brady and Miss
Charlotte "vThittoin, both of
Whitman, Grant Co.', were united
in marriago Friday, April 3.
Rev. Kendall tied tho nuptial
Ex-Co. Superintendent Fill
more closed a successful term of
school in his homo district Fri
day. Tho Professor will devote
tho major part of his timo to ag
riculture this jear .
Miss Katie, tho fourteen-year-old
daughter of F. W. Foidler
died Sunday of diphtheria. Mr.
Faidler came home from Scrib
nor to attend tho funeral which
took place Wednesday.
Bokn, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Al
worth, Saturday April 4th, a
girl. , The child is hearty, but
Mrs. Al worth is very ill and at
this writing is not improving.
Mr. Alworth was tologrtiphod
for and arrived last night.
Tho infant child of Mr. and
Mrs. Mike Collins of Box Butte
precinct was buried in the Horn
ihgford cemetery Tuesday. This
ie the second child they havo
buried in the last year and they
have tho sympathy of the com
munity in their bereavement.
I. E. Tash accompanied by
Ella WlHcox. sister of Mrs. Tash,
who has been visiting bore sev
eral weeks, departed for Thayer,
Iowa, Thursday evening. Miss
Wilcox made many friends while
in Hemingford who regret to
see her leave. Mr. Tash oxpecte
to remain about ten days.
The AlliHiioo Grip has been
criticising other papero in this
country for not writing up our ad
vantages and try to enooiiiagti im
migration, whilo hut week's Grip
outainnd tha most unjust and dis
ffnieeCul article rttint our state !
tod county that has ever appeared
in print. "Oh consistency, thou
rUjtwl." "
Messrs. A. Sherwood nrfd II.
L. Buslinel! havo purchased tho
moat markot mid dray lttio of
B. L. Wood and will conthiij tho
business at tho old stand, tooth
are straightforward ganUarnQn
and no doubt will pive safiKfac-
tion. Mr. Wood wilt take fr trip
wost as soon as no can sattlo up
hi hiisinns affftirs. . .
tt to '"C3fc
xion. v. iu. uroHpiu n ro-
olectid maydr of AlliHSicVi 1103-
day. Mr. Broome has tilled tho
office for tlio past Uvo years in
a very creditable mannon and
tho city can make no mistake in
soioctIng such men to ijnide her
public affairs. The Hbuald ox
tends congratulations to Mayor
The concert given by tho Glee
club Saturday evouing was ux
nnllnnt. mid ftin lioRf. (tvnr mv,,l
In IlPinhiirford. Ranb inniiibnr
is deserving of praise, and judg-
i.i-w, 4iw, ,..,. u ,i;a,
lftKnvvlncr nf iWn.JBo n.nr!W1.
applauded, thoy could not help
i.,j.i 4t, .,i,i .. i.i..
but fool that tlloir first entertain-
mont was appreciated.
credit is due I
si 1
President and k
labored faithfully to make it a
success. Tho club contompatos
giving another exhibition in
Ul noar uture and TIB HkI-
fLD ventures to say there will
uu llu vru"b llli Ul luu 1"1
Wo aro in receipt of a letter
from our friend ex-county clerk
J. K. Neal who with Mrs. Neal ih
visiting the old home in Tennes
see. Among other things . Mr.
Neal says that "tho wehtlior j-;
i i. - ,1.. .i i. .JL
U"!WW'' v'w "uuiuoi
I 1S disagreoablo To got about
to the mud. ' Many
of fruits and berries are
preserved and honey is almost as
ejmmon as potato Ja in Box
Eutto. "Whilo tho people have
plenty to oat, everything is very
low, oxcopt cattle, and money
seems to be oven scarcer than in
Nebraska. Wo are going to
North Carolina this week where
wo will stay a month probably.
Dont know just when wo
shall start homo."
Tho editor acknowledges re
ceipt of an invitation to attend
tho closing exorcises of tho Box
Butte literary this evening. A
good program has been prepar
and no doubt tho meeting will
be interesting. ,
Lateu Postmaster A t k i n
writes us that tho Literary has
been postponed, owing to diph
theria. Ho says thoro aro three
cases in tho neighborhood.
It is said that, iho three or four
Alliance sharks have abandoned
the idea of dividing tho county
and aro now circulating a new pe
tition for the removal of county
seat and claim to have all tho way
from 100 to 500 signers. Fanners,
dou't allow yourself to bo worked
by those follows, for you are tho
onos who will have to foot tho
Although opposed to tho free
diftlvilml inn of sAm! Riih'v Nfnrtriii
very promptly arranged to carry
out tho mandate of Congress and
Sonatoru and Representatives were
notified several days ago that their
quota of seeds wero ready and
would be mailed by the t-eedmon
from whom thoy era purchased,
uudor .Congressional frank, as fast
as addresses were sent in. The
quota of each Senator and Repro
beimtive will be 15,000 paokuts of
vegetable seeds in packages con
taining 15 assorted varieties, ami
I 1 100 packets of flower seeds in
I,eekafe,,6 rontainiMg fiVe varieties
Dr. Jibjneunttl, the dentist, will
ba iintae ttl reatly for begins by
Leo Rustin, 11:"'
Leader, who has T' lSM., Alliance.
I The Alliance Guide has gone
into tho poetry bushiest, anil iho
lusl issue of that paper rovuala the
fnul tlmt liro. Prtnidia is a bflltor
pout tuan (i-liiicim.
I do-tiro to rxtuiid mv luairtfolt
thnn'rfH tn (hn Triiiinta u'lm iiujicfuil
dnrinj; o-weluioosuuuUhjutli of
my dan
alitor. Especially to iUrT
Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs.
ami M
Frank Ycoboiu ami Nfd Brossina.
1 y i'EtDLK.
' WAITED Lndy n- gentleman
to take charge of installim nt bus-
moss and colh-ut in this county.
wit b.
a. 1
10 ( ptr week to begin
Address inclosinir utamp for
J. E G.VMI'BBLr, &Co.,
Kansas Uity, Mo.
, .,, , . , ,
nm sllU ,n'1,c'" ll, ul,Bnt -
el'ull1 h'lMi- plioto at $2.0
I'01' d88" NocXtlll chlU'-ofo
''""" ' """ '
groups and 1 can take a group of
twolvo on a cabinet. I cm us
! , , ." ;" , - x V ""
! , .,VU "lJ, ,,1,,,lw ""'
',uiiia 1111 uiuiA'iiun 111 luuiii. unirivciti
Ernest Pouwiok was a o maty
boat caller last Thursday.
Martin Lojau sold' a two-year-old
colt to R. Kent f i' 325 cash
Itorso3 aro still at hotro.u figures.
Frank Garrett, who has boon
working on tho soutiou at Honi
ingford has quit and go l to work
putting in crops.
Owing to tho prevailing sickness
among the pupils, Mi Lilly Jolin
sou has i in iiitli.s fuun i f , u
flnfr VcYit&I 'near 'Laktwide. '
Tho young peoples Literary had
it final porforiuaucft last Saturdiy
night. Our sweet dumber will
hencoforth be uninterrupted.
Tit.- sport4 of B.n,i and vicinitv.
have organized an athletic club
with a membership of six. UoaJ
agents and other tough chrac'or?.
had better beware.
Box Batts Ballo'in.
Mrs. Porter wont to Sheridan
last week.
Tho Sewing Society mcet with
Mrs. Geo. Bos-., Thursday.
Clayton Worloy gavo Box Butto
a dying call last wouk.
"Leap Year Episode" over again
in that bargain for a team of road
sters. Mr. Bank closed a seven month
term of sohool Saturday in the
Ross District.
TTnrre Wilenn iiilil f-imilv npnnin.
panied'by Henry Hoffman, leIt
Tuesday for North Dakota.
Tlio communitv was shocked to !
I r il. l .il K -rr l'
near oi mo ucatu oi iUiss rvatio ,
Eeuller. Dr. Bel I wood was in at- "U0K- xiiiiiiuiiuon oi mo umihu
tendance and pronounced tho dis- urfi t'10 ,m'r(1 Saturday of each
ease black diphtheria. j month.
OiiiTUAny Elizabeth Adams
Brown of Box Butto, died Sunday. . Import of School, Dist. No. 38,
March 28th and was buried tho
following Wednesday in North
ccmelory, Rev. Gammon conduct-
ing tho funeral oervicos. Mrs.
B1 wuf ho n Ponn. in 1832,
with her husband sho moved to
0lwvn 1oil,t Iu(,,i'im''' ToiEht ourB
"f "'J mo ,to Box Bnt1.;
-UIO. 1J1UW1I UUO UUUIl Ull lllVtlllll
for a number of years; it oan
truly be tid of her
her but to love h ir",
"Nono know
The borav-
od family have the sympathy of ull.
W. K. Herncail is closing out
his stock of clothing. Sso ad.
Soi Horn CoejTT, J " '
It. B. Unllard, yon ar kaMiy nntilVsi that on
tha ISttl day of April IMI4. Tnuoant Holllt. pur
Cliuwd at Ui Mile tlia H W V tlou iu, Uwm-
tel.lt.lW.ri.l- lbif lliitlM,t.t lKtA a Ka.
,'?tfk , Tht .id Uud a tai"dli thoan
of K. r.. Hallarn and aai4 pnreha o tax
rli Uw lime for Ut fd' mpt
'iw ihioi win vxpire oa me
mtdat BaaeiUtai Itw-
tiiry uaat,
Ut at. H. K
fixil HMtVUM li-iaV.
' t-i mi ui Ap.M -, - . .
li.HMJ.it?)'..'4.n' v n... !.:..,
nlXmSStWi't. ,u".-"'W4i"iij
Educational Department.
Tho Box Untie county Tuaulu-rc'
Axtuiuiatiun will bo held in the
Alliance school building, April 25,
1800, nt i;ao if. in. 1
Paper, "Benefits Derived from
Gomity W)omtionM,L. B. Fonnor.
J,.aBio Fruw.
Recitation, Miss Lula Ulair.
Paper. "Obstacles in tho way of
Nebraska School Children," V K.
Difeusriion conducted by 0. E.
Soiig, Miss Mao Slo3. ' ,
Paper," Nature Study in pri
mary Work," Miss Ina Marshall.
Discussion conducted by Tlios.
Cuirtmitto on mtuio, Muaes Fqr
i t-
bubuu ouu xjuwoh.
Miss Ja-!sio Uurrw ofDist. No.
7(jim-i a yury pleasant achool and
tho attnofi'phofe? which .prevaded
tho room told iu that air worked
with a wiib;
Tlie school in Dist. No. 21 "can
boast of a line school building and
all necessary furniture, a poraever
ing crowd of pupild, and a hard
working teacher in the person of
MiBs Iiiotta Bonds.
By reading tho record given
some of our most noted educators
of centuries past wo notice that
thoy sought to maketho very oxor
ciso of learning agreeable and rob
itofiiB irteftiueueMi' by itderveri-
venlng honest 'mirth and" comely
exercises. The satno m. thod is
priiel.Cl'd 111 Dll. No. M, wiuTJ
Mr. H. F. -Fiijmoio erpouudd
knowledge.uiid the lvsu'.t?. are such
thai anyone might bo proud of.
MlH. E. E. Ford of l)lt. No. 20
behoves and carries out to tho full
OXteilt that teachers uhp dOoire to
. , , . , ,
reap a rich reward must do as the
huubaudmau who hitn tha fiilleut
barn .a harvest tiii, ns t , ai'Hti,
and come latest home,uud are con
tent to have their dinuor and
drinks brought into tho fluid to
them, for fear of losing time. She
rcuiizi that seed time is now, tho
harvest later.
nil... o..i 1 i! . mi ..1 .
iiiu ouuuui -LMrcdUi'ri win pieiiHH land Office at Alliance. Neb.. Marohl?,l97.
tinlifv llu. Pi iinf lli. Intl.' rtf N otic la hereby Kixen that tho following--llOtlty
tllO .A, OUpt. UlO Uate Ot ,! Mtttler has MM noticoothU intention
miiiiiiiiiii.niiinnt r.f L,.lm,,L- nuclm
COUlluenceinoiIt Ot bCUOOlf, aU 6110
deaj run ,o visit each school in tho
uiity before July 1st.
days of Co. Slipt., aro
J l '
Mfittitnif .mil CJniili.f1.nr rsf nn.li
-""j ... ..w.j. w
wll'Cb closed April 3rd. No. of
months taught 5. Whole number
ourolled during tho term 18.
Average attendance 10. Those.
whoc attoudance was nearly per
feet, wire as follows;
John Calm, Sophie Caha
Jake Winton Tonio Caha
Uonry Kurz A mi I Bratz
Joseph Pouvar
Tlio-e vhoi.o standing averaged
S)0 per cent tho entire term:
John Calm Tonie Caha
sophio Culm Amil Bratz
Those who favored us with a
visit wero: Mr. and Mrs. Winton,
Frank and Anna Cuba, Mub A. E.
Neslnnd, Mrs. Sharwood, and
Mro." Butler.
,- Dora K. Rohdhr, Teiqhbr.
NOW GoOtlh.
v- it . i :
h or tu aiow- vw ir.,fu r nf wrriDY'R
J enbcrib for TjKi.vw).
Eyo Openers.
A now lot of Hlntes jugt received tiy
W. K. Ilerncall.
Wildy's received a now lino of
Wihlv Bella you a nice salt for $5 do
liouU nt Uioho live cents prints at
; "
nnvmwnfTni.gBnrort Kno-ci
first larnfl
Now lino of carpels at Hern-
k your grocer for Ankora
coffee and got a silvor spoon free
S lbs. of' broken Java coffee at
"Wildy'd f0r.il. t
2 iMii'ilclff of largeCalifornia
pmnusftt tlidy'i tor Si.
Enter giinnjwaro novelties at
Henicall -waiitrf some dressed
. 20 lbs dried apples for $1,00 at
I 'want jill the tlrcsst'd poultry in
!' MXl'ltK W K. IlBUNOAIiL.
.'tv 'PtU)Sl'' Cnll and got
v.yim.r' swmi pads jf H. R. Groeu.
Uron backs at 5 cts each.
Hie urnIerMff.ed w.ill tak cattle
.. tirl Mr HnstiM-ou of 1890, at
F.t' rmcti. IVrnp, 31. for soa-
t -i. n ni aih i m ut tci. lotli.
E. D Pirnn.
')U1 lVi.0U SD.nJru firnj in
(' awtVtiit crnmij, M 70 tulles from
St.'liwut. 30 itcre" under cnltlvatinti,
Uiliinee tjnibtir; htiuse, barn and liv
ing wit er. Tills Is a nood farm.
W ll i nidi' for cIimi box Uutte county
.nut. V J. Eaknkst.
PartJ liar'nir notlepa In this rolnmn ar riv.
nitoctwl to rad tho aroo f Arpf iilly and roport to
fe,?VwSBl38S dlfifK
Tmio.wt uitan, Kjh.. April 6,ire3.
in o la hfrplMf fc-ln that tho follnwin?
nnifd .ttlcrhR-1ll,UnV.ttroof hislntj-ntionto
lkaL ntinl Timor .it unr.n.irf. nr hi. .I.im u,..l
l,-ltPr or
jo,jh ?rM.TiNiirp.aEP..
or Maralaml, Net) , who mUo rt K 3373 for the
a K H f ic to, tp 29 n. ill Al vr.
lie nams tint followloir xrltncsses to prom
hia couunuoiigrHgidcnoe upon and lUilthatlou
y'SP1! a.l,l: .Jainl)ickoy ; S.J.Wootton,
II. T. liiosi;, Alurtm McPhca, all of. Maralaud,
" Tn,IVI , a1"0
JUUii Mi iuUUl,
orimntncford, nI .whomado ttmbor cultnrs
appiiraUou to. 2M on tho liitli day of Usoonjber
uw, fornw m k ij. tp , r , hereby iv
ijuvi.t-iii my lui'ouiia w unKo nimi prooi o
"staitllfili my clftlm to tho Jatul at tli'.t amo Urn
and p.a'-o on 8tU day of May 1W. by two ot titf
foiiOA-niK witziPMOn. Htnry Itonder. 121nrK
I'ortl, William T.i'(istor,i1nrs W Sw, allot
Laun, Neb. J. W. WKUS, Jit., ltrtjUler.
Innd Olilru at Alliance Nfli.. March 13, W.
Nntiivlalivrvbt ifln tlmt MtliANI) l'ED
KltoUN WOLD UN, of Hon. Neb , ha tiled uo
tico of Intention to niakn final proof bofor
(tngibt'tr or HecHiver at Ida ollieo in A1Hhj.c,
on., oti thf 2ilh day of April. ihOO, on tl.r.r
cultMriapp:H'aUonNo. 311, for the NW H c
28, tp.'I ti, r51 w.
WilltUril tihiilti Mlltvbhlmok.ItvarrBlilmok,
noiiami! as vnitioescn: utcnaru v. fciiuun,
u oi i an, iwu. j. v. vtuin, JE., ius(
waKe njui prnor in support or iiw Malm, and
tbhtriidpiooiwIllhomrAlobeforB llosUtir or
IItmor at Alliance Nob., on April 23, 1K, rli:
ISUC O. OllHl'lTlJ.
of Ida. Neb., who made U n Mo 2(07 for the S H
b W U ' b Vi S li Ji sis'. A, tp JO u, re 4S w.
lie name., tho foihrnintr witntswti to prora
inn roiiiinno in rfiiinc" upon anu oiiltnntlon
Jl"tB"li","il' vu: KdwarU W.Tyrw. lU.nJiinln
8. Jragter. lj-ai't SchumalMr, BurthaSehunial.-
cr. all of Ida. Nub.
j. w. Whik, in., KesiiUr,
P.J Halloran will take xiotlcn that on tho
2rd day lit vp.il -M, Jan. il. ll. Ho.t'itt, io:in
ty Jud.ifc of Uox Huttu county, Nebraska, bkqihI
bu oid(T ot attB"huifnt for tue jui o 1.15. in
I au aaoon i"uJiu oforo him, wnete a C, J.
i Wild? Mpiaiucttt and J, lMtoOarv&di nUint,
v.ioi inuMTiy u( lot ut'i.'uuauv couriniUK vfc
moiMy in tiie a m of f ..1..2, ha buen atln 'hml
und".- Kiul urd f SrttJ caasrt wni ooutin J-xl to
tint 11th day of May 1 fi, at Hi .clock a. m.
Hemlneford, Nob., April fO, 18.
lltyonT or xux Condition
Olf Tire
l)oi Ditttc I5sk. at Keraiasford. in the SlaU
of Nabr anka, at tho oIom of bsuluvsa March
ft), ISO.
Loan and "dlfconnti 4.S88.W
OreidrtfM. itured ur.d un(S;nred. ... .21
Jn t row NaUooal hnui V2.3
tankiaic Hou. iuruiturnd fizturoa 1.2SU O
Q i rrut ex puae and tau jxaid . ... u.C8
(hack and otiwr carh item to to
wti.vp imm-mm
""aipapeu'rrtmcyiij'ek&'ct.. n.'oo
lipcia brj.iin
Lfital-Uudar cotea
Totai ?,BC7.07
. MAsruTita.
Capful etcck paldin , 3.000.PO
UadividKl trohts 'A0.CT
subieVt'to check
l)eaiaad cwti;
ifttea ot dpoIt
TotAI. $8,8T7,07
sVe ot XtirskaOounty of Box Unite, :
I, ('. A. IrarUer, preiileui of tnw atxiro-
nar..d hank, no eolemuly -ar th
y ".i. w?
iat tho boot
Matonwu' m tiu -o tu
au4 l4it. C,A.
BUJUJJW, I'rvhtdeut.
b.vit of my knonrltoaa
Ki.nirribed and aworn to before niathia 2d
uy M April i.
". r. -.1 ....
W.U. laABXLU...
iiiury fnouc
RnoKS of all kindh, styles and
prices, Can Cx any foot aud pok")
book. W. K. Hskkcau,.
K-.-i waaieii at WilJj i