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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1896)
"PJ v.. ;W SfV VOL 2 HEMINGFORD. BO BUTTE COUXITBiUSKAr FRIDAY. APRIL 3. 11)06. SO.. 6 MMkyvMnnnrNmuR?rWTCnavuy M4t3McuitnanmimnngeMiBmMhinaMn(MinmMMhaMi HIIHIllWIHHWIWJlftJIIHllllH.UUUIUWWmilUllHUWWM a i i:fi ix ic i t. j - . i - - -" .. .j'4L - -. V JTf'i OY.-HL ;4 ' i s H J I r. !i I fei 1 Wit I i; i ?, A R;- fr X : . v h 1 - fM OUR ROOSTER 0 IS Box Butte Rants First in Apiciil tare aufl Stock Raising. AM toil Poplatioa is at fort WARRANTS AT PAR Fecanse of the Wise Legislation of Cor Comiai sion n and lfic Prompt Ac ' lion of uw Farmers; nil Merck OUR RESOURCES GREAT;. :s Oar and is Ricli, our rep? Gi?e Large re lies, ur Exbfclts at tbe Fairs are Pin!. UNITY OF ACTION. T, ", t- .C en- ertea Work, ood A5?srilsiig 'Ed Enconr- ssemeBt to Visitors Will Mate Box BiHtt; CcBHt? a ' hrnni At tho meeting of the commis sioners and tax payers of Bo;; Butte county Monday and Tues day of this week harmony pre- vailed and it was agreed that, in view of all tho conditions it would bo to tho best interests of all concerned to drop ail mutters in reference to county seat re moval and by unanimous con seut the order was mado and Box Butte county stands united and great harmony prevails. Tho march of western progress has been rapid during tho last six yqars and the settlement of the lauds in north-western Nebraska and southern South Dakota has truly beon magical. Tho great Burlington system with its pro gressive and aggressive spirit, which no obstacles can daunt worked- tho change- and to this cause moro than any other can this be assigned. On tho lino of IheBurlington and inclosing forly eight miles of their road, is., the county of Box Butte, a county destined to carry tho banner for Nebraska. A. loug range of un dulating prairio covering thirty miles by thirty six-miles with a black loamy son capamo or rais ing any serial kuown, forms this county. Its yield of every crop that has been raised has taken first place in competition . with tho counties of tho stu'to. Its varieties of grasses numbering between 50 and 00 different kinds capable of feeding an unlimited number of cattle and horses, its cattlo taken from its ranges and put into actual competition with tho corn fed beef of the eastern states and hoi ling first place, give it a class of resoureas that is truly in tho front rank. The neonlo who havo settled in Box Butte nnimtv nrosfinnlilir' farmers, bringing to thoir assis- J lance, experience gained from. farming in the eust. Progressive , tr 11 bioli 1 i-f?riw. Willi nil tho cr.crf y r nd prit that denotes true westerners, they go in for every thing that tends to build up their .-aunty- Their methods of mixe4 arming and stock raising, havo given them a prestige that takes the f? inc of Fox Butte county into all the nuulato of tho UniwJ States. They havo their lands t The shipment of hay arc falling Well tilled atld rtt tllO present timo short of the average increase of other tho outlook for farm proiluco for shipments by increased fiomejekoit- tho coming season, is the bright- sumption. Out tho county has over Soon. A The returns front the Lund Office at larger UOVtntgP of small grain, Alliance, taken from the report of till' boots, katlir corn and alfalfa, will Commissioner of the General LHntl make this county colebratod this Office, was received lately and shows yoar ovor any of lior neighbor- the business lu'BbBnttc county com ing sisters and this fall the gran- pare favorably With any iti the Unit arios and cellars of tho farmers ed States. There were made during will bo all llllod to roplolion With tho fullness of the earth s bounti- ful given by propitious nature. Tn Iroon t.hi tnvninrs in hrnnft Stuff, clothing and necessaries of only ouetUat spald the maxmium sal- Stiqjimenas Mr. IJurlcW are a credit life and comfort, a elflS3 Of trier---ary of $6,000 per year, and this is to any community. Mr. Burlaw for ehanlS havo formed themselves caltsedby the lands in the district be- merly resided in Wisconsin, and is into COtenos, and bunt up Cities for the easier handlins? of tho material raised on these farms. A glimpse of tho stocks car ried by these merchants will give an idea of the prosperity of the county. Anything of luxury and nec essary .use can be found in any of the cities and by the class of stocks car ried by these merchants, a fair esti mate is made of the progressiveness of their1 work. Flouring mills and el evators arc erected along the line of the Burlington at convenient places, putting the Box Butte merchants and farmers in close touch with all the eastern markets, enabling tlijc farmer to reap the benefit of an opctj market, and the merchant quick frdight re movals, helping him to keep his stock to the highest class and giving farm- ers choice of goods that in the states of Illinois and Iowa was impossible, when they were of the same age, and at present the people of Box Butte county can boast of having more pro gressive merchants than several coun ties in shtcr states of IoWa and Kan sa.i. In western counties where the. growth of the county was as rapid as it has bcyu tu Box Butte county, enor mous bojsded indebtedness has been assumed." Several of the' counties of Nebraska are now groaning under a burdeh of bonds that in case of the hard times prevailing during the threes-cars, hasjieenten-ibly 'lmrd to War. VTlli the wfte leerlation of the Cotiinilssioners of Box Butte, backed by its level-headed settlers, these rocks and quicksand, have been weathered, and with the glorious fu ture, with almost assured .heavy re turns from their farns this year, the fanners anil merchants can point with pride to their present record of having no particular debt on the county, war rants atiax and not one cent of bond ed indebtedness to pull doyn, with its heavy pressure the fortune of the in habitants. To this fact, the push and energy everywhere in sight can be di recti attributed, for with light taxa tion, the far-cier can bank hi?, farm re turns kno;ving that there is no eastern syndicate clamoring for the iuterest ion bonds. which were used for some chimerical venture, got up by restless individuals with the mistaken idea that a big debt tends to increase the importance of the county iu the eyes of eastern people. The lauds of this' county have been and are now receiv ing attentiou from residents of eastern btatcs, who having fatms whose every acre is yalucd closely to one hundred dollar; are closing out their realties and. coming to Box Butte and taking ,up laud. They use the surplus money for stock and commute their holdings, paying the government SI. 25 per acre for this laud from which they can get as large returns as in their home states, and have the benefit of ischools ; as gotfd and often superior to those in the cast. This is irivintr our county a forward impetus in every line of pro duce and stock raising, and a most de sirable claas of settlers, who are here to stay with the county and amass wealth. The shipments from the county in the line of farm products and stock is large and shows at what a rate the county has increased in material wealth. In the following statement the difference in returns between the years of 1891 and 1895 ar given, and the ruts of increase are not nearly as 1 large as will brfthose of 1&S and 1896 proportionately. 1891. 1895. ' Cattle ,. 1,42Q head, 3,300 h'd gjjp''.' '.' .'. Hog.'.','.".', Wheat. . . 69 1,520 650 " 5,000 " 4,000 164.000 bu. fi.000 42,000 " 5,OOo " 6.750 ' "6.SO0 2,SO0 5,000 5.000 bu. - orn. Oats. Rye Flax. 1.000 t Hay 3,523 tons 8,4 ton The Urge roller mill in the county are using up a large amount of the wheat Of the vottnty for brcadatuif which tioy t re shipping to the "ejjljir b -ring murkt uf til JUtick Hills. . ' the ytar, 387' homestead ctttrieA and 42S final proofs, being an excess of. '. v over fivahttiidred of any other offlm in NMirtraMMn&1fflUVfflr ing so much more favorable for the settler in every way toother localities, The Commissioner in his report stated that the larger portion in the district is watcicd by beautiful stream a, "l:ay and irraart of luxuriant rrowlh is on all wides, whilst there is everything handy that is calculated to build up fine homes and fine farms. One of the Increasing markets for the produce of Box Butte county is found in the won derfully rich Black liills country whose future is the brightest of any mining country in the west. Every day new mines are being discovered, requiring more men to develop tbeni. Reduction works are necessary for the ore out-put, and this needs an increas ed amount of labor. - Like the nails in the horse slioe the whole number of men is enprmous and tliey , have all to be fed. Box Butte's becijnnutton, pork, wheat and corn is required for this and the market is great. The Burlington system with Its net-work of connections gives an added market, and South Omaha, Chicago and Kan sas City are-all close markets for pro duce from Box Butte. The climate of the county is dry, bracing and invigorating, No heavy feelings 011 the luuirs are felt in this country, and all pulmonary com plaints rapidly dissolve in tle pure 07.0:1c of northwestern Ncbra&ka. The supply of water for the county is found chiefly in wells, although the 'Nipanw iiasiaJj,jr4eviJcrks4itau Kotcl,ndrt(toiitU'0-4 through, the county and where posiil blc their waters are used for irriga tion. At a depth of 30 or 40 feet the con n tv is underlaid with pure water and the residents all have wind-mills keeping water for home and stock use all the'time fresh. For investments in real estate Box Butte county offers inducements to outside capital unequaled in anv coun try. For the capitalists now is the time to invest iu realty in the county; for the farmer, now is the time in which to settle, and make the raise that has been in perspective all through your life. Advantages arc offered here that the 'farmer will do well to tafee hold of -at present. The time is propitious for settling here, the outlook for immense crops being such that the fanner from the cast who is renting a farm could do no better than look over the situation and take ad vantage of the present opening. The farmers of this county who by their stick-to-itiveness have made a success in life, are legion, and below is found a few of the most prominent ones and they are taken from all over the county, viz: Hon. Eli Gerber, Barney Halber, John Armstrong, W. D. and B. 13. Johnson, C. II. Britton, J. A. Ball, Henry Whiten, F. C. McCoy, L. Satn py, D. A. Paul, G. W Jones, John Leith, L. R. Corbin, J. A. Wilson, and hundreds of others, any of whom may be corresponded with and will give their experience for the benefit of probable settlers. The'promlnent towns of the county arc as follows.- ItUUINGPOKn. , Ilemingford the county seat is locat ed in the geographical center of the county, and is destined iu the nea.r fu ture to become one of tl.e leading cit ies of the northwest. She has the un disputed right to cla.m the finest townite in Nebraska, being located on a gentle slope having a natural drainage, with unlimited supply of pure water for domestic and other use, and inhabited by a brainy class of people who are united iu the one grand object to make Hemlngford a city founded on a solid financial foun dation, furninh capital a safe invest ment, and above all, to found a city of churcbs and of education. To belter appreciate the future possibilities of this rising western town, a short his tory of the many industries and short sketches of some of our biuiness men and the enterprises already locatod amount us, is ueaesary, and, for l0k of space in this iiiic, it is impos- 1 alb tp jflve a complete a history of 1 everything and everybody connected with the upbuilding of tin cltv that really should be done, but the following- will give the rcuder.a birds-eye vtdw of what the citizens are doing, at j in future issues will give a broad- iistory of what we expect to be. . Stvhiong our successful business men 1 find C. A. Burlcw, Pridput and stiier of .the Box BUttc Bauk,' who iVttrict attention to business and d pting a conservative banking sys- lias been able to hold out to the hi tcss men of Hemlngford and sur- cottntrv a safe denOsitorv. ..thoroughly hi touch with all the life and progress of the west. Few citicsof tteble the size of Ilcnv ingfiird have such hardware stores afe arc found here under the ownership and liinnaircment of A. Uhriir and II. 'R.Green; thehC men with the push' which only characterizes the western men,' are destined to become the finan cial Readers in this count' and iu their particular line of busines. . C J, Wildy the general merchant ufclpJn everything, and is the' right niaun the right place. This is prov en tn' the, fact that he is the oldest merchant in the county and has a stock of goods second to none in the county. For such men us C ,T. Wildy there can be nothing but success, as pr.ygrassivoness is his motto. Atflic Hotel Pinkerton,' we find J. T. PinKorton proprietor, who is anoth- er man that shows by his actions that he has the greatest faith in the city and his house is conducted iu such a manner as to bring credit to himscif as wall as blessing to the town, j wK. Herncail, general merchau-' disc, deserves special mention, as he is alwaya to the front with a full and complete line of goods at reasonable nrices. He takes nlcasure in lookinc aftcr.thc interest of his town, and ai- .though his duties in the store are manv and diversified, he still finds 'time to entertain visitors to the city, j Samuel Switzer. nronrietor of the ddeftort by TK IIhkalk as he enjoys the honor of being our chief executive and Is acknowledged to be one of the leaders iu the upbuilding of Ileming ford. ' No city can be successful without such men as Tuttle & Tash, V. M. Iodcuce, B. F. Giliuau, and Judge D. K. Spacht, who' each practice law and are dealers in real estate and by strict attention to business have laid solid foundations for fortunes. These gentlemen practice in all courts in the state, and the bar of Ilemingford is entitled to take front rank amongst the legal fraternity of the Stale of Nebraska. I HRMINCFORD KOU.ER MIZ,T.S, and.tlie mention of this industry brings glad tidings to every home. Under the careful management of the owners, Messrs. Miller & Wildy, this mill holds first place in the northwest. Having the capacity of one hundred barrels per day, it furnishes hundreds of homes with the best flour manufac tured from home raised wheat. Mes srs. Miller & Wildy are both practical millers aud state decisively, that Ilem ingford Roller Mills will always hold its present enviable reputation, and that the care and attention given this business from time to time will be in creased in the future I H. H. Pierce, the prominent livery, stock and feod man, is always at his post ready to accommodate the travel ing public at all times. Clark Olds and Hichard Bcvin are each in the front rank as plow manu facturers and general blacksmiths, and from the continual sound of ham mers, anvils and machinery in their shops, they are certainly doing a large business. 1 W. J, Bean, druggist and pharma cit, is always at his place of business and always keeps ou hand a fresh sup ply Of drugs; aud his prescription bus iness is carefully attended to. His drugs are pure, and as he Is a state registered pharmacist, his business is large. G. Goodcuough and D. A. Libby are the tousorial artists and enjoy a lively trade in their particular line of busi nofcj, and arc always ready for any work that comes their way. G. C. Alexander, painter and deco rator, B. L. Weed, butcher arid ice dealer, M. II. Goodcnough, manufac turer of boots and shoes, J. C, McCor kle, grain-dealer aud manager of the Hemlngford elevator, J. II. Shirk, fur niture aud undertaker, M. Shindler, proprietor of the Farmers hotel, Dr. Blanghard, and a hundred other pro- net men, go to make fiiyoul and buai Ilemingford a metropolitan business I center. The educational facilities of Hem- ingford are the best lit the county. We have one of the best graded schools in western NtMmiskn with an el-gant brick two-story school Itousw-, firt-proof throughout, with all the latest improve- menu In ventilation and seating capa- city, and preparations arc now being made for healing the building by a furnace which will be completed for next winter. The school is in charge' of Prof. h. B. Fcttner, one of the fore- most educators of the state; with a full quota of nsslstant teachers, all of whom arc thoroughly equal to their duties, up-to-date In their methods, posted on the latest ideas of education it is safe to say that llomlni'ford stands first iu the educational arena, Among our churches we find the fol lowing denominations, with good uieui' bcrship and houses of worship: Metho dist Episcopal, Congregational, Bap- tlst, Episcopalian, German Lutheran, Swedish Lutheran and Catholic; and to say that the morata and future guidance in good things of our cltlscna Js putUliK It mildly. Hfiiilrixfortl Ims M10 grout est reason to Itnltl thu pririu of citizen, wlm from tint .moonlit, of energy put foitli In tho' piist, are c italn of 11 cltv of no mean ' pvnpot'tio s In tiio 11c r future. ALLIANCE Alliance had its first, inception on Juno 2 ,1887, when at the sale of school lauds of Box Butte County and the lively bidding bo- tweon ORStem buyers present for sec. 815-25-48, indicated that sttid section wasi'or some purpose other t'ian at f farming as sevoru 40 aero tracts of what was then virgin prairie brought as high as 15.00 per acre. Immediately thereafter people became con- .viiiced that tho B&M peoplo .naaaecuioutomaicottannnpor- tant point on their Wyoming OX tension and began to flock to this section and settled down and "Of?'1" business in tents and tllO runes iorms 01 ironiiersnanties. -Danks wUlx.tOUBIin(lS of dol lars of capital wore doing busi ness in little 10x12 buildings mado of nativo pine boards, which w.?ro ufterwadi remodeled into coal houses. Largo mercan tile and hotel establishmnts were carried on in tho samo manner and this straggling wild west village was called Grand Lake and continuod to flourish until February 25, 1888, when the Lincoln Land Co. platted tho town of Alliance, and put the lots on tho markot. Ono lot at tho junction of tho two main stroots sold for $1,500.00 and afow years later for 1,500. Immediately then sprang upliko magic a city, which ,has continued to prosper, , until it is nowamong tho leading towns of tho northwest. Nearly all its business raon are of that young energetic class which to day are working wonders aud carving out names and fortunes for thcmsolvo , in dovolopi? tho west. Among them and probably first among tho busi- ness institutionsof Alliance, is tho First National Bank capital 850,000, with average deposits of StiO.000, the majority of its stock 1 being owned by W. A. Hampton, president, and R. M. Hampton, cashier; Bank of Allianco, F, M. Knight, president; Thos. Beck, hardware and undertaking; A. L. Field, drugs and stationery, C. A. Nowberrv, hardware and farm machinery; Mollring Bros, ganoral merchandise, Bell & "Acheson groceries; J. E. Grabor. exclusive boots and shoos; "W. D. Rumor, general merchandise: Allianco Grocery Co., Banks Stuwart manager, wholesale gro ceries; Mike Elmore livery and horse dealer; CI. W. Duncan gro cer, and many other active and ontorprising busiuess men repre senting all linos of business in cident to an active and growing community, also a full complo mont of professional men among -!,, ,J Wu,, tm;n. r whom aro worthy of mention; R. U. Nolomnn, G. M. Sullivan, Tv. G. Siminson, Wm. Mitchell, L. A. Berry R. W. Moutgomory, and F. M. Dorrington attorneys; Doctors Beliwood, Miller, Lewis and Bowman. All the leading church denominations havo ole gant places of worship, with faithful and earnest pastors in chargo. Also a lino system of graded schools its4jr.- -iw i -! .. ,.w e... ttt t o-j lt 44AMJ14 aml his ablo corps of toaohors . and la-t blt 1 3 nftt w , AlllllUCO iS a, division station. Ori tho B & )I system and well sup- plied with roundhouse, maohino shop? etc. in chargo of Sllpt. J. It. Pholftll whoso division OX- tends from Ravenna, Nebraska, to BSllingK, Montana, a diStatlCO of 800 miles across thofOUr Kroat statQS of Nebraska, DalfOta, Wyominjr and Montana. He is ably assisted by J. C. BirdSall, trainmaster, J. Jf, Itoaraon mas- tor mechanic and D. 0. McIntytO road master Who'ai'G all residents of Alliance. Throe well edited wide awake nawflpapors, Tho Pioneer Grip, the Oldest pupor 111 the COUttty, edited by Hon, P. M. Broome with W. II, TrainOV as businfcss The Guide n staunch republican organ is ably edited by Mr. J. . iJaractiB a success ful newspaper man of many years experience, also tho Times publishod by H. J. Ellis, a young man of nerve, energy, and grout promise These "engines of thought" aro doing their, full share in tho upbuilding of Alli ance i,u particular and Box Butte county in genoral. BOX BUTTE A mitiG vouna city, 12 miles east of Ilemingford ts composed of mr.ti -wliii nrn thnrniimilL fillVO tit tho future of Box Butte comity and nr0 mining every nerve to make a rL,corj for theraSolvea, both as to ..mmmt nF , ,1., nnrt vnirvpBivn worc XI. D. Atkins, the moat pro- mjnent buine.sfl man and also puat nmstGr, takes tho lead mid by pre- COpt and example encourages overv 0ua to mako tho most from the rich oum compvisimr the soil of thi pi't of tho county. The farmers dl.,j happy and contented, well sat- Med with the outlook, and prepar- in,r t0 put in immenso eropa this spring, lho city is building up and will have ciiBidet-able bearing in tho wealth returns of the county in tho near future. LAWN la situated 12 miles-weat of Hem inyConl, and has all the push of a western town, and its interests are looked after by the pushing aud energetic poatmastor J. J. Lutsch, Mr. Lutsch is a man of mauy re sources and one who has tho wel fare of his town and county at heart. He is outhuiastiu aud hid neigh bors have "caught on" and they are coining to tho front in good shape. They have tho greatest con- ua?n"1IU "" ir scanty ommviug. and with good cau8f, that their land au.not 1,e beaten by any township ft l!10 oouuty ua th.9 to" ftoni thoir crops are bearing out thoir fulth lu the country, BEUEi. Is situated half way between Ilemingford and Alliance-and itst citizeus show the right spirit by having correspondence in all the county papers. Situated as is Borea", it has prominence by having tho Burlington railroad, running into tho town, a fact that grain men have taken great ad vantage of. Two large elevators aro erected closo to the track for the reception of tho largo output of wheat, and the farmer. tire correspondingly happy. The chief executive of tho town is Miss F. A. Strattou, who is post-mistress and a busi ness woman of marked ability and enterprise who is pushing to the front and already occupies a most enviable position. The land a rotmd Berea is certainly most pro lific and the wheat returns havo been such as to croats considerable interest iu this township. Tho farmers are turning ovor lots of land and heeding down immense fields of small grain and other cor als. The city ha3 great prospeatu as a strictly agricultural town is rauking high. UARSLAXD, situated on the Northern lino of Box Butte county is one that will ' w,l,10Ul "? ao Docomeancn town in the noar future, and it is by the push of its inhabitants that their present prospects uro ao bright. By the amount of business transacted through the Burlington road "this town is one of tho few that has not felt the stringency of the times, a fact which is largely due to tho efforts of R. B. Gregg, L. Snow and J. Tyler, 'who all car ry full lines of merchandise in thair various stores. Two larce ' , .11 ll , , . iusuu uuiir lmiib lurirnn uui u rir,a mount of enow white flour, I (OOKT IKCKD 0 IfBXl' TAGH, )