Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, March 27, 1896, Image 2

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TII09. J. O'KBUrFB, Pnlillhr.
Tin: chief of police of Nobrnslta City
has been removed by the mayor.
Tun Union I'acllle shop mon at Oma
hn have been cut to four days' work a
vv eek.
Jen dealers hi llcatrlco have made a.
price of fiO cents per 100 pounds. lho
rate goes Into effect April 1st.
Aiik Amiftrno.so. a switchman In the
vnrds at North l'lattc. hud his right
hand crushed while mnltingn coupling.
llily homo inado goods and buildup
home industries, Is a good policy. Far
roll's Fire Kxtinguishcr, made by Far
roll & ca, Omalla.
S.vMUr.f. KAMii:it. who owns a largo
farm west of l'laitsmouth, marketed
two porhors, the combined weight of
which was 1,303.72.
1Uiim;v MrfSlVN, on trfal at Omaha,
was lust week convicted of murder in
the second degree, lie will probably
get life imprisonment.
11 8. MnoiiKi.i, of Shelby sent four
St. Rcrnards to the Chicago bench show
and captured two first and two third
prizes. He received S100 for one dog.
A cint.ii of Joseph Knott of llcrshey,
near North l'lattc, was badly hcnldud
by the overturning of a cutTou y lull
of VniUing eotTee. It will ptobaidy not
Fitv.NK SimiiUNo, Al West and 11.
Uod of Fremont last week started on
a trip by boat to Now Orleans. They
lmvo a Hat boat eighteen feel long and
a small row boat.
O.N tho charge of selling spirituous
liquors without a license, Ada Hinkel
of Chudron was bound over to the
United Ht.utes court. Shu acknowl
edged selling beer without u license
I.nwtH Fmnr.i.V. charged with Incest,
has been roUinscd from jail at Tecum
sell. His daughter. Kinily Friilley.
with wholu he was charged with hav
ing been crlmliially intimate, would
not testify against her father.
Tub great Omaha Indian rainmaker,
Wusapa, is dead and buried. This is
the man who "mado it rain" on a farm
er's cornfield north of Decatur last
summer for the small sum of S3 He
claimed to have the power to make n
cloud burst.
Jomu'ii IIiTNii.it, .hi., tho lu-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jlunter.onc
of tho earliest settlers in Webster
county, wus killed by the accidental
discharge of his gun, which he was
taking out of a wagon with the imizlo
toward him.
Cr.Aiti;roi: M Hoi.mks, one of the late
firm of U li Holmes .t Co., Hastings,
was arrested and lodged in jail upon a
charge of procuring goods upon fraud
ulent repiesentation. The tlrm failed
about six weeks ago and madu fnmily
lelatlVes preferred creditors
A MircfAr. order has been issued by
the .idjulant general announcing the
honorable discharge from the Na
tional guard of First Lieutenant
Albert L. Gooden, company II, First
regiment, and Second Lieutenant Win
ston . McKcau, company C, First reg
iment. Tin:i!K is a new adjustment at the
soldiers' and sailors' liomu at Grand
Island. Comiuandant Wilson was in
consultation with the governor for
several hours, and It was afterwards
announced from tho lntter's ofllce that
Dan Althcn of Guge county had been
appointed by tho commandant to the
place made vncant by the removal of
Mart llowo beveral week's ago.
R I'erkins, president of the C , 11.
,fc Q , 0. II, Harris, vice president, G. I'.
Ourdner, si large stockholderof Boston,
Mass., (lea W. Holdrege, general man
ager of the It. & 51, and other railway
ollicials, inspected the shops at Have
lock on Wednesday, March 11. Mr.
Harris pronounced them the best on
the 0., It. it O.. system. In tho near
tufuro extensive additions will be
It is announced by President A. li
olfcubnrger of the State Irrigation
association that the Nebraska Irriga
tion Annual is now in preparation for
tho press, and will bo ready for free
distribution about April 1. The work
vvnl contain a complete review of irri
gation work dono in Nebraska duriug
tho past year and will bo distributed to
thoso interested In irrigation, free of
charge, except postage.
Da.niki. SuiN'XKit, residing a few
miles northeast of Klmvvood, on going
out the other morning, found himself
minus about l.'iO chickens and anew
set of heavy harness. On the same
morning Clark Schrevc, another farm
er living there, missed a new set of
harness and found his other harness
lying by the barn, where the thieves
had evidently inspected it nnd found it
was not quite good enough for them.
Tho lturliugtou Railway company is
lilting up a building at llavelock. Ne
braska, to be used by the employes of
the shops as a. reading room One
room is'tvvonty by thirty feet with long
reading tables. Another room is pro
vided for games. The building is to
K- heated, lighted, and maeaiincs and
news papers are to be furnished free of f
charge oy tho railway company una
the Lancaster Land company, owners
of the town situ of llavelock.
Hknuv T. Osnaiiii, president of the
Oxnard Iteet Sugar company, said to a
reporter that he was ut a loss to know
how tho rumor to the effect that the
bet-t sugar factories in this state would
not be operated during the coming sea
sou originated, as it was utterly un
founded. There is no truth in the
statement that we will not run our fac
tories during the coming season, ' said
Mr. Oxuard, "but the fact of the mat
ter is that it will probably be the best
season we have known since wu have
been in the business."
Tin; Occidental lluilding and Loan
.association of Omaha, capital stock
510,000.000, tiled articles of incorpora
tion with tho secretary of state. This
ort-anijition was formed in ltsnt and
the tiling today is for the puprpose of
enabling it to make similar tiling-, in
other states.
A HrA-v.VlN dispatch says the cattle
men are stiM tin the "war path"' in re
gard tVthe land bill now pending be
fore congress, by which the vacant
land in western Nebraska is to be
ceiled to tho state. The stock men
claim that largo companies will pur
chase tho Jantl and drive the small cat
tle dealers out of business
supreme Court CnnimUfttnn.
Lincoln dispatch: On the 10th Inst
tho tcrms'of Supremo Court Cominis
sionois ltyan, Ragan and Irvlno ex
pired by limitation. Today tho justices
of tho court reappointed them in the
following order: "Supremo Court of
Nebraska. In the Matter of the Su
premo Commissioners: The supreme
court of Nebraska, reposing special
trust and confidence in the integrity,
and ability of Robert Ryan, John M.
Ragnn and Frank Irvine, do hereby ap
point each of them a commissioner of
tho supreme court to perform the du
ties required by the act cntitledAn
Act to Amend Section 3 of an Act Unti
tled an Act Authorizing the Appoint
ment of Supremo Court Commissioners
nnd Defining Their Duties Approved
March 0, 1803, aud to Repeal Said Origi
nal Section.' Approvod March 12, 1W)5.
And wo do hereby authorize and em
power them to dlschnrgo the duties of
sa.d ollice necordlng to law. In testi
mony whereof we have hereunto sub
Scribed our names tills 17th day of
March, A. D. 1800."
Nrtllirs Need Not Tciir.
Washington dispatch: Senator Allen,
Representative Melklejohn and General
Manderson called this morning upon
tho attorney general, secretary of the
interior and the commissioner of the
general land cfileo in regard to tho
pending suit of tho United States
airninsl tho settlers upon 200,000 acres
of indemnity lands of the Ilurlington
rail rout,
Ity the terms of tho act of March 2,
1 "Oil, the title of tho railroad to these
lands is confirmed nnd tho title of all
bona tide purchasers to tho railroad
lands is also confirmed. The question
of the good faith of tho purchasers
under the act named can bo determined
without suit by tho interiordopartment
nnd no suit is needed for such determin
ation. That the necessity, in tho In
terest of economy and equitable treat
ment, is that tlio suit which Is now
ponding In tho United States court for
Nebraska should bo dismissed was
urged upon the officials. They quite
agreed as to the correctness of tho
views expressed and after giving a few
days' consideration to the subject will
probably order a dismissal of tho suit.
Urmiil Arni Reunion lliitr.
The reunion of tho Grand Army of
the Republic will be held the week be
ginning Monday, August 21, lS'Jtt This
date was decided upon at a meeting
held in Assistant Adjutant General
Gage's office, at tho state capital. De
partment Commander Culver met the
location committee of Lincoln and tho
matter of location and time was fully
discussed, although the question of tho
rlnce at which to hold the reunion was
left open, to be decided later. There
were present, of the local committee,
John McConnell. R. W. Johnson, Cap
tain Samuel McOlay, Colonel L. C.
Face, Captain J. W. Woods, Dr. Hoover
and others. Tho date set will, it is
thought, accommodate thoso who de
sire to visit the stato fair at Omaha and
wish to mako but ono trip from their
homes, as well as tho'e who intend to
go on the annual national encatnn
ment. IVen In tin' Hill Cnie.
Governor lloleomb has settled with
Judge 11 Wakelcy and Attornoy G. M,
Lambcrtson for their services in the
prosecution of tho case against ex-
Treasurer Hill to recover $2.10,000 lost
in the Capital National Rank failure.
Judge Wakelcy drew Sl.uOOandMr
Lambcrtson S750. J his completes all
payments for fees due attorneys. Of
tho 815,000 legislative appropriation of
the legislature of lhll?, all but $8,700. 10
was expended in the first trial, and in
preparation therefor. This latter sum
was turned over to Governor llolcomb
by Governor Crounse, Of this there
now remains in the hands of the gov
ernor Sl,20.".:i0, making the total ex
pense, to date, of tho trial, 510,704.70.
It is understood that there arc some
other bills in tho way of witness fees
and bailiff's expenses to be paid yet.
t'omplitliit 1'roiu ii Stutr Contractor.
Lincoln dispatch: Complaint was
made at the state house today by tho
manager of the Lincoln Cooperage
company, one of the concerns which is
employing the convict labor at the pen
itentiary, that owing to the giving out
of ono of the boilers there was not suf
ficient power being furnished, and tho
shops would bo of necessity shut down.
Agent Whitehead, who went to his
home in Custer county soveral days ago
to complete arrangements for moving
his family down to Lincoln, has been
detained by sickness, and has not yet
returned. Tho board will probably
wait until he can make a report as to
what tho condition of the boiler is be
fore taking any steps.
('utile Held In Ju:ir.iiit Ine.
Grand Island dispatch: The union
stock yards of this tity have neon iade
a quarantine station, and the ilrstship
meui to arrive is fifteen cars of Califor
nia cattle. Four of these ears are fat
and vcady for immediate slaughter
These will leave for I South Omaha to
night, but the ten remaining caisaio
slock cattle, and must be kept in sepa
rate yards for a term of ninety days.
J. R. Atter. the union yards inuiiager,
received his instructions today from
Manager Itnbcock of the South Omaha
yards. Separate pens will be Kept for
them. The consignment belongs to
John Sparks, the great western cattle
man, and is shipped from Auicdee, Ca!
Julius Julsou, an old residence of
Newman Grove, while going home from
Petersburg fell from his buggy. His
body was caught between the bov and
wheels aud his limbs confined in the
buggy by the robes aud ho was drag
ged in that position over two miles.
As the horses i cached home they ran
into a wire fence and threw him out.
When found his back was broken aud
he had apparently beeu dead some
The supreme court met lust week for
the regular sitting for tho third Tues
day in the iiioutlL Judge Wakely was
at the t,ta,to house nnd when asked if
there was any other step which could
be taken in tho case of the state
ugaiust ex-Treasurer Hill and his
bondsmen to recover the amount of
state money on deposit in tho Capital
National bank at the time of its fall
ure, said that he supposed that "the
dog is dead." The judge talked about
the decision of the supreme court, and
said that the whole of the case had
practically been gone over three times,
and t!ie couit hud spoken and that set
;.cd it.
A Mrniif; I'rf pomlernnro for the Hr
iicivtiiI of tlir ltorlprciclly Agreement
m 'I hey Knitted Under tlio Mc
Kinley I.nw Commercial
orRiiulriitloriH Aim J'u
vor Renewal.
Washington, March 23. Response
is now being made by tho commercial
and manufacturing interests of the
country to the circular letters ad
dressed to them by tho wnvs and
means subcommittee on reciprocity
and commercial treaties, inviting
expressions of opinion as to tho advisa
bility of endeavoring to renew .the
reciprocity agreements with foreign
countries made under the terms of the
McKinley tariff ucL The replies so
far recolvctl number seventy-nine,
including large manufacturing con
cerns east of the Mississippi river nnd
those heavily Interested in the export
There is a strong preponderance of
desire for tlio lenewal of the recip
rocity agreements and in many cases
the writers cito figures to show the
great diminution in their export
trado since the repenl of the provision
of tho law under which these agree
ments existed. In few cases is there
any attempt mado to conceal tlio self
interest of tlio writers in tho matter.
For instance among tho few concerns
which oppose reciprocity, is n grain
commission house which feels that it
will bo thus placed in competition
with the great South American
grain producing countries. Another
concern favoring leeioroolty. in an
swer to tho direct question writes:
"Decidedly yes. We are more and
more convinced that what we want is
not free trado but fair trade, and the
writer makes this admission after hav
ing been for fifteen years a free
trader." i'olitics crops out in many
of the answers nnd not a few of tho
writers do not hesitate to express
their ptefercneo in tho matter of tho
choice of the next President.
Three great commercial organiza
tions are on the committee's list of
correspondents and all of them are re
corded as most emphatically favoring
reciprocity. They are the Millets'
Nationnl association of Milwaukee, C.
A. Plllsbury, president: the Cincin
nati chamber of commerce and Mer
chants' exchange and the Cleveland
chamber of conituorce.
Of the sovciity-uino leplies, sixty
eight nre strongly in advocacy of' a
renewal of tho reciprocity ugree'nients
as they were under Hie McKinley act;
uireo aro aosoiuiciy opposed to any
thing In the nature of reciprocity or
that contemplates discrimination in
trade with the world: four are in
clined to favor a qualified kind of re
ciprocity agreement and four are not
responsive to the direct questions of
the committee and merely take ad
vantage of the opportunity to vcuti
'ate some private grievances.
lliiuk Koblicrt Mal:e Quite 11 llanl
DKeATt it, 111 , March 23. The Ni
antic bank was entered by burglars
last night and robbed of $3,100.
Strangers who came to town Friday
evening aro supposed to have com
mitted the crime. 1). 11. Claypool's
horses were stolen. Tlio horso theft
is supposed to bo part of the bank
robbers' method of making their es
cape. A iiiiiik .Mllllken Set Tree.
Wasiii.nc.io.n, March 2:5.--The jury
in the case of lleujainiu H. Milliken,
former private secretary of Senator
Harris of Tennessee, whose trial on
charges of housebreaking with intent
to criminally assault Miss Gertrude
Phillips, daughter of ex-Solicitor Gen
eral runups, cioseu yesterday, re
sorted an acquittal at noon to-day.
the llootli-Tii Uer Start.
London, March 23. There was a
large gathering of members of the
Salvation army at Waterloo railway
station to-day to bid farewell to Mr.
and Mrs. Itooth-Tuekcr. who sail for
New ork from Southampton by the
American line steamer St. Louis in
order to assume command of the force
round i Home and IIikImihI.
LilihKtv., Mn , March 23. Tho Rev.
U.r.t Roach of Worth county aud Mis.
Mary McConnell wete married hero
yesterday. She is an aged woman
nud was without a home ."she adver
tised for a husband aud Mr. Roach,
who is in good circumstances, an
swered. Lacli is about OOycars of age.
Troop for tliti Terrltorj.
Washington, March 23. The Senate
committee on Indian affairs has united
in a letter to the President recommend
ing that a regiment of United States
troops bo stationed permanently in
the Indian territory lor the purpose of
preserving order there.
In Stripe Three lltniM After the Crime
dKKM:itsnuiK, Ind., March 1.3.
Within ten minutes after Joe Davis
had stolen a bottle of wine yesterday
morning he was arrested 'and had
pleaded guilty. Within three hours
lie had donned a suit of stripes, which
he is to wear two years under sen
tence of the court.
Oklahoma Will lie fr McKinley.
Gimitii:, Okla., March 23. Reports
from u majority of tlio counties of the
territory indicate that tho McKinley
people captured the primaries in over
half of them yesterday und that tho
territorial convention will declare for
liMtlie llreirer's Daughter Critically III.
Washington. March 23. Justice
ltrewee's daughter is critically ill at
Sun Antonio from consumption. The
president of the Venezuela commission
J left a few days ago for her bedside.
Vlgoron Ciimpalcn to lie Inaugurated
lj- I'rlcniM of I ho Speaker.
Washington, March 23. The Reed
men have decided to Inaugurate an
nggrcsslvo campaign for iho Speaker.
Senator Lodge nnd Republican mem
bers of Congress from Massachusetts,
have received a number of telegrams
from their Stato iiunounclng titat the
McKlnleyitos were invading Massachu
setts, decided that something must
be done to stem the tide of sentiment
for the Ohioau. They accordingly
hold a conference with "Speaker Reed,
in which some of the speaker's lead
ing supporters from other states nlso
participated. The result, of the con
ference was a decision to at once open
a Reeil bureau and begin an attack on
the McKinley forces all along tho
line. It is reported that the McKin
ley missionaries have already done
enough work in Massachusetts to
make it probable that the Hay stato
will not send a solid delegation to St,
Louis for tho Maine man.
The Cramp Compinv an-1 Other Cnn
" rern Toriii u Hid 'Irnst.
Piiu.APr.i.niiA, Marcli 23. Henry
W. Cramp, of William Cramp & Sons,
ship builders, announces officially
that all arrangements for the amal
gamation of tho oil tut nee. department
of the works with other extensive or
ganizations have been completed, and
that hereafter the various gun-making
concerns interested will bu known as
the American Ordnance Company.
The new company will manufacture
the Hotchkiss and Drigg-, ordnance
and Fletcher rapid-fire guns. The
cannons and machine guns to be man
ufactured will be the Hotchkiss re
volving cannon, Hotchkiss automatic
gun, Acclcs machine trim and Howell
No Cniuo for Intervention.
WisiiiMnox, March 23. The Slate
department has caused a careful ex
amination to bo mado into the case of
Oiiverio Agramoitte, who was arrested
by tho Spanish forces in Cuba
on the Jarague estate, of which he
was tho manager, on suspicion of
being an insurgent sympathizer. It
was said that Agrainonito was a nat
uralized American citizen, but the
United States consul, who, by direc
tion ol the State department, visited
the man in jail, now reports to the de
partment that he is not a naturalized
citizen of the United States but a
Spanish subject, and consequently our
government has no ground for inter
ference. Menellk Demand Indemnity.
Rovik, March 23. King Menelik de
mands an iudemnity of -lO.Ooo.oOO lire
from Italy. This condition is, of
conv.se, unucceptable.and further com
plicates the situation. The Negus'
forces now threaten to surround As
mara, while continuing the advance
upon Massowah
IliK Lowell SHIN to Iteat.
Low km., Mass, March a 3 On ac
count of the general depression in tho
cloth market, the Mernmae mills,
which employ 2,000 people, will on
Monday close for one week-. The
Lowell Manufacturing Company will
close its llrussels department during
lie same time.
Ill l.ntuh Coitt Illin Hear.
St. Joseph, Mo., March 23. Frank
Perry, a vonng man who stole two
loaves of bread, two pics aud a can of
honey from a furm houso, near the
state fish hatchery, was found guilty
in the criminal court aud his punish
ment fixed at five years in the peni
tentiary, T.euveii for Part Uiiknonn.
Oi.atiik, Kan., .March 2.1. 1M L.
Charlton has resigned his position as
steward of the Kansas Deaf and Dumb
institution, located at this place, and
goue to parts unknown. He is said to
have left the books and accounts of
the institution in a badly mixed condi
tion. Keed the I'lMorlto In lilarjland.
An.vavoi.is Md., March 23. A poll
of the Legislature shows Reed has
thirty-seven supporters for the presi
dential nomination, McKinley 20, Al
lison 0, Morton fl, Theodore ltoosevelt
2, Robert Lincoln 1, Harrison 1.
Cannon for the Confederate Home.
Washington. March 23. Senator
Vest's bill donating two condemned
cannon to the Confederate home at
Iliggins-'ille has passed.
Tin Dominion parliament passed the
Manitoba school bill on its second
Tho three Democratic candidates for
Governor of Arkansas spoke at Arka
delphia. Secretary Chamberlain said that
Duglaud will hold what territory she
conquers in Souuau.
Tom Reed says that he shall not
attempt to interfere in States that
have presidential candidates.
Sidney Slocum, fraudulently extra
dited, was allowed by Judge Grosscup
of Chicago to return to Canada.
A. K. Ward of Memphis, alleged
swindler, is dyiug and has been re
moved from the jail to a hospital.
The Presbyterian Mission nenr
Shanghai was raided by Chinese rob
bers. Kev. Itufus Itent was wounded.
A gang of young toughs of Ilurling
ton, Iowu, tied a boy in a cellar and
set tire to the house. The boy was
Secretary Morton thinks that the
failure of crops in South Africa pre
.sents an excellent opening for Ameri
can graiu exports.
Hev. George K. Hoover was arreste 1
in Little Roek. charged with slander
by Rev. F. II. George. The couit
dismissed the case.
Rev. .1. 'A. Armstrong, former pastor
of tho Independence avenue church,
Kansas City, was expelled from the
ministry for alleged immorality.
Sevontvntne unswers have been
received to the circulars asking manu
lacturers ami exporters opinions on
reciprocity, aud all save one placed
opinions in favor of it on the ground
of self-interest.
rtrsnlutlona In the Ilnurn that Ceotur
tho Amnnnfindor.
Washington. Mnreh io Tim Am.
bassador Itayard censure resolutions I
wnrn .n11rwt . r tn ,1. 11.. .1.1. f. '
....., ..U....V ui ill bliu (lUllbU LI113 UlLCr
noon by Mr. llitt of Illinois, who
made a strong speecli in support of
them, and was followed by Mr. Mc
Creary of Kentucky, who opened for
the opposition. Tlio latter said that
such resolutions wero unprecedented
ond an invasion of the rights nnd
authority of tho President. Mr. Itay
ard was not tlio first diplomatic officer
representing tho United States who
had been assailed by his political
opponents while representing his
country in Lngland and a vote
of censure now, prompted by preju
dice and partisanship, would not
hurt him. The purpose was too well
understood. It might prove a garland
of distinction and open the way to him
for higher offices and greater honors.
The people of this country knew that
Thomns F. llayard had moved him
self a patriot.a statesman "and a faith
ful public scrrant.and the people were
behind him in his opposition to pro
tection and trusts in far greater num
bers than tliey were behind those who
sought to condemn and censure him.
To censure Mr. Itayard at this time
would be to detract from the prestigo
of this country with Great Britain
when he, as a diplomatic olliccr, rep
resented this country in negotiations
concerning important questions now
pending. Mr. McCreary concluded as
follows: "When a citizen of our frco
country becomes an ambassador or a
minister, should he be required to sur
render or suppress his true senti
ments'.' Should he not have the right
to speak his sentiments politely and
respectfully, if they are in accord with
the policy of the government which
he represents". The people of the civ
ilized world arc awaro of the political
revolutions which occur in this repub
lic, and they are aware that we do not
have in this country a snecial diolo-
matic corps in office for life, but that
our ambassadors and ministers are ap
pointed by the political party in pow
er. They are meu who supported the
Presidents whoe commissions they
bear, and they uphold the policies of
his administration. Their views on
these policies should give no offense
at homo if they give nouc abroad. 1
am sure the Republican majority of
this House will have mote praise for
abstaining from tho adoption of the
pending resolutions than they will
have if they adopt them."
Mr. McCreary was followed by Mr.
Cousins of lovva, who supported the
censure resolution
A louii t.iri 1 oiMHier.
St. Josiiph, Mo., March 10. Sev.
f rnl days ago some one administered
poison to the family of D. It. Taylor,
who resides near Craig, north of this
city. The poison was administered in
coffee, and the father, D. IK Tavlor,
died, while one son is now expected to
die, and the mother and two other
children are in a serious condition.
The coroner's jury concluded its in
vestigation last night, and held Miss
Gertrude Taylor, a 13-year-old daugh
ter of the dead man. She is in juil.
The girl admitted buying poison of a
druggist. It Is thought that she had
advice from older heads. Great ex
citement prevails around Craig over
the matter
What .Mnndersnii Want.
ashing iox, March 10. Ux-Seua-(or
Manderson of Nebraska, referring
to the proposition of Senator Thurs
ton relative to the Nebraska delega
tion to St. Louis, says that it simply
places the cart before Hie horse. "If
I do not go into tho convention with
my State behind me," he continued,
"1 will have no status and will not be
entered in the race. As 1 have said
before, when my State delegation
sees an opportunity to make a nomi
nation by supporting another candi
date, it will be welcome to do so."
Quotations From New York, t'lilci
l.oul", Omaha and I New here,
Ilulter OieaiiiiTy separator
Huttcr Kulr to good country
t'hleUcns- lJrcsUd, pur tt
Turliojs-rer lb
Lemons Choice Mebstnus ...
OratiKCS l'ir ho
Honey Phiicj white, peril) ..
Apples I'or bill
tweet potatoes -Oood, pet hbl
Potatoes l'ur lm
sb 3 7.-
j ;
Ml 14
ft 4 XX)
Heans Navy, liaiid-nlcUt'il.lni 1 40 & 1 WJ
Ci unborrles i npo tod, pr.hbl 8 3i aSIi
lluv- Upland pel ton
4 Ml
is, 3 00
'U, 41
(at, 1 S.1
Onions rerbu ... .
Broom Corn- Owen, per V: . ..
Ilo.'s Mixed n.u'kiUK
Hobs Heavy Wclu'hts
Heoves Mockers and fcedcis
I'eef Ptcors
Hieep I.ainh,
Wheat No. 2, hpriiiR
Coin l'or lm
Oats Per bit
Cattle Kport cattle
Hobs v nines
Hieep I.umbs
chcon Westerns
Mieep -Native
Whout-No. ", red winter
urn No. 2,
Onts No.'.'
Pork- .
a ,1 1-7'5
(t J 70
4 IO
:i m
(it :j oj
:; oi a & :n
2 C"i ."i .Ml
1 M ui :i 2."
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2 Vi ft II 41)
:i oi Tt :i 2 j
2 75 (& I t)
ni',12, m
2s fi. -S'i
II ,v
5 'ID
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U 4 !
(I .1 sj
5p a 2)
v ;ot.
,is 6p S',
2J 0i 2V
6 10 f 0
ST. LOU1.-?.
Wheat No. 2 red, cash
Corn Per bu
Oats Per bu
Hobs Mixed pai-kiiiB
Cattle Nutlvol ecves
l.amhs .
Wheat No. 2 hard
Corn No. 2.
Oats No. 2
Cattl" Mockers and feedors
IIors Mixed Packer-,
sheep I.urabs
ft 10
til St filM
22 j :2'.
UlL.W 17
2 Tii i a '
.1 7.'. O.W Si
3 U3 & 40
Train ltobbrr Caught In Indiana
Nevada, Mo., March 10. Detective
P. Lolly of St. Louis bus applied to
Prosecuting Attorney Gibson to secure
requisition papers from Governor
Stone for Willium Hruce Morris, liar
rold Vaughn und William Rogers,
under urrcst at Kvansville, Ind.. for
holding up a Missouri Pacific freight
train at Nassau Junction several
weeks ago and robbing the crew of
several hundred dollars, after wound
liwr Pnrwlnntnr 'IVwlf.tr TIim lnttp
i ilUsreturtied from Kvansville and is
conttdeut that they aro tho gulltv
i: is
H a it;
s si;
id m. ll '
I ,V)
: mi
;i n
;; m
.1 23 &
:; Pi a
2ti & ni
is a- i
30 B 3 80
3 411 frh 4 ti,
3 00 J .V)
3 75 (it, 50
Doctor Albright.
ItelleveR In 1 oinmeliilhi(r Any Mnillrhif.
Hint Me Knnnit Win t nre HI Patient
Think Dr. William' Pink PIIU
n Oreat DlKCtiverj Ho Cite
Some MartelotM Cure.
From the llxnminrr Lancaster, Pa
Akiiov, Pa., April 24th,,.".'i.
Dn Wit hams' Medicine Co.'
Ueutleuien While It is entirely contrary
to the custom of the medical profession to
eudorse or recommend any of tho no-culled
proprietary preparations", I shall, never
theless give you an account of eouib of mv
vv ondurtul experiences w 1th your prepsi a
tion Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pole
People. The fact is well known that nud
lenl practitioners do i.ot as a rulo, recoR
ni7e, much less ufe. preparations of thit
Mud. consequently the body of them havi
no definite knovvledKo of their virtue or
hick of it, but soundly condemn them nil
w ithout a trial Such n course is manifestly
absurd and unjust, nnd I, for one, propne
to give my patients tho host treatment
Known to me. for the' particular dliea-e
with which thev aro sutrerinsr, no matter
what it is, wheieor hov obtained. I wns
first brought to prescribe Dr. William
Pluk Pills about two years ago, after hav
ing seen some teinarkable results from
their use. neaben Hoover, now of Rend
ing. Pn . wns n prominent contractor nud
builder. While superintending thu wort,
of erecting a InrRe building during cold
weather, ho conti acted what was thought
to be sciatica. He first noticed it one
morninir in not being nblo to arlao. from
his bed. After the usual treatment for
this disease he f niled to improve, but on
the contrary grew rapidly worse, tho case
developing into Hemiphlegin, or puttial
paralysis of the entire right side of the
body. Elcc'.riclty, tonics and massage etr
wore all given atrial, butnothhiggae any
benellt, nnd tho painlvsis continued In
despair he was compelled to hoar his pay
hician announce that his case was hopelei-
About that time his wifo noticed one ol
jour advertisements nnd concluded to try
your Pink Pills.
lie had given up hope and it required n
great deal of begging on tho part of his
wife to persuade him to tako thorn regu
He, however, diil as she desired, aud if
nppearances indlcato health in thii man.
ono would think he was better than before
his paralysis.
Why,' says he, 'I bogan to improve lu
two days, nud in four or flvo weeks I vtr?
cutlrtlv well aud at work.'
Having seen these iesults I concluded
that such a remedy is surely worth n ti in
at the hands of nny physician, and rouse
quently when n thort timo later I vas
(idled upon to treat a lady suffering with
palpitation of tho heart aud great nerruut,
prostration, after the usual remedies failed
to relieve, I ordered Dr. Williams Pink
Pills. The result wns simply astonishing
Her attacks became lets froqueut and alto
lest, in severity, until by thoir uso foi h
period of only two months she was the pir
turc of hoalth, rosy cheeked and bright
eyed, as w ell as ever, nud she has continued
so until today, more than one year situe
she took any medicine. I havo found thei-e
pills a specific for chorea, or as more com
nionly known. St. Vitus' dance, as beuefi
cial results havo in nil cases marked their
tise. As n spring tonic nny ono who. from
overwork or nervous strnln duriug a long
winter has become pnlo nud languid. tb?
Pink Pills will do wonders in brightening
tho couutenance and in buoying tho spirit,
bringing roses to tho pallid lips and renhw
ing the fountain of youth.
Yours Respectfully,
J. 1). Amnio iit, M n.
The total ordinary expenditures of
the government in 1895 wero $35fi,19o.
l!i)8. In the j ear 1901. only eight jears
from now. JIOO.OOO.OOO in bonds must b
redeemed. In 1890 the receipts from imports
amounted to J77.OOO.O00 more tlnti laM
The tax on imports Into tho United
States amounts to 5- for each inhabi
tant. Thirty-sfen cents per capita in lfci" V
was bufihiPiit to pay the Interest on tin
nation's borovvlngs.
Fiance, Russia, Great Dritaiu. Austria-Hungary.
Italy. Spain and Pniss-lr.
are the only nations deeper in debt than
13 tho United States.
In 1SG7 3 tents per capita of silver
and fiC cents per capita of gold was
coined, in 1891 13 cents per capita of
silver and $1.17 of gold was minted.
Tho indebtedness of tho United State,
less cash on hand on Novomber 1. ISP.',
was ?812.137,C10.87. Without deductions
and including certificates and Treasury
notes It was $1,717,481,779.
In Franco 1.350 miles of light rail
ways have been already built, though
many of the lines last year were worked
at a loss.
An AmcrLan tourist recently sent hh
bicycle fiom London to Paris by parcel
post. The cost was only a few pence,
and he received It in perfect order.
Cardinal Melcher'B death, following
closely on those of Cardinals Persico
and Bonaparte, will Keep alive the
superstition that cardinals always die
in threes.
The Swiss government made a profit
of about fl.000,000 last year on Its mon
opoly In spirits.
Dr. Young records that at Gibraltar
the human voice has been heard at a
distance of ten miles.
Bombay can now be reached by fast
steamer from London. In thirteen days
and the Cape of Good Hope in fourteen.
A Quitman, Mo., man has just re
ceived $100 from the uatlonal govern
ment for a horse killed during the civil
- i.
h m f