Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, March 20, 1896, Image 7
? i s I 2 r-t .ctM 9 w ) TicGrcntcstflcdical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS., Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures everv kind of Humor, from the worst ScrofuU down to a common Pimple. He lus tried it inocr eleven hundred cases, and neer failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced fiom A the lirst bottle, and A perfect cure is war ranted when the i iglit quantity is taken. ) wnen me lungs are anectea it causes snooting pains, like needles passing through them: the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach is foul or bilious it will ouse squeamish feelings at lirst. ro cnangc ol met ever necessary. Eat best you can net. and enough of it Lvise, one tablespoonful in water af bed- isoiu oy an Druggists. i No i e be Lftse, Wine. SnVmtn ?.'.." 01.0,t -'o-.,l0,s half tlio srortd'j wntuwmrt.. i tiVhtt jtwtr. it Tr.rSi5SrbSJS ..5ci-. niiu ruppups in rooos and repa re ,-mvu.uimu it 1-4. u niiuaoro luruibli a L" rut: wtmt.ns i:Ani.ii:T imhato. That's Salter's Krtrllest, fit for use In 28 days. Snlzer'a now Into tomato, Champion of the World, Is pronounced the heaviest ylelder In the world, nmt wc challenge you to produco Its oqualt 10 ncres to Salzer's Karllest Potatoes yield 4000 buMtels, Hold in June at $1.00 a bushel $4000. That pays. A word to the wise. etc. .on If you "111 nit Mil out ni,, truil It with 10c postago you will got, freo, 10 pacKitRCs grains nnd grasses, In cluding Teosintc, LHthyrus, Sand Vetch, Glnnt Spurry, Giant Glovcr.etc., nnd our mammoth seed catalogue, w.u. t'tirca for u Cold. Sit so that the back Is near the lire and stay there until It is thoroughly warmed. Soak the feet in mustard water as hot as can be endured. Drink u ulnss of hot water and Scotch whiskey, then jump into bed and have blankets heaped vition yon. If the cold bepins with u chill start immediately to drink hot lemonade. 5dBEfic1 licit of Alt To cleanse the system In a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the (Springtime comes, use the true and per fect remedy, Syvup or Figs. One bottle will answer for nil tho family and costs only CO cents; the lnrge size $1. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the Cal ifornia Klir Kvrilti r'ntntiimv ntilv nnil Oeaml, Mmi. u iltamzcd afipr. I i. ..... .. . ' "Oninpli'tliiii Windmill. IIIIIiik ii uihi". n (jowl ilciil in Hlillltj to Uonuv- nna Fltl',1 Nfcl Ta..-.,., o.n. n. . I 4lih.fr .ll lv.. ...". V. ,"".,"rnBKn " ....... TrlH. .. " V" .' U"Cr a"'l " - url agent. On nnnllr.tlm ir ..in ....... ' 'l'.i. .. i....l... t. ;i. . i . .... Mt .1... . ... . ' .. 7 . "... I.i.lim ."fill . -..-- . ... n. v....bi-(- , irilir ,,,,- ,1 , I 1 f,1 or thon article that it will fiirnWi until You -111 nmt It In tMc-i-cl )imr cxpci'tnil ti? in utiliiituilJs. nnil lu.my Ills adieu ami noakiieswi. jjt..,.1:.. ."."". "" "' "" iunnn I Knirinn i..i- .v"r. v.:""' .?.. " ?" fcj.. ii.i n I .'.' vu"13- "na tor catalogue. fuiarji Jlto. ItodtweU end Fillmore strttts, Chlcaji IIIPIISF m SMOKE YOUR MFAT viru WffigBg LIQUID ' EXTRACfJFsHDKE .v.inGULAR.t.rvn,,'.uatK4BRD.MIlJ0N.Rv, W. N. U., OMAHA 12-1800." " JiVheti writing to advertisers, kindly iiieiitiun iin.s paper. Ti no lovo often iis.es most shocking grnm u j in-. ln I ii la nol rnnilutlte t plenaticr, e'lwcia It wIiimi iirralniMil lir mrns 11 mli rconiv w.ii I'li'a-e you fur,lt rviiRves tlicm piTfi-cilr. The sif-lit of n rut nll'eets a I,oy ami u dog in nliout tliu snine vmi. . riTS-AlirilMdppnlfriTliynr.Klliio'ntlrpm .Nrr llt'Miiri'i'. Jmi I- Itiuflrr tin- Il-t.i o.i ( 'o nn-. JhirM'li.uioiiri. TrcatlM'siml t'Jtrmlliuiil-fi.'. t . Htian;. hoiiltul)r.Klliif,JlArcutl.,l'l,ll.i.,J. 'I here K hoi for nnyhoily who is willing tl) iiulciirii. 4( Big as a Barn Door For 5 cents you get almost as much "Battle Ax" as you do of other high grade goods for 1 0 cents. Before the days of "Battle Ax" consumers paid 10 cents for same quality. Now, "Battle Ax" Highest Grade, 5 cents. That's true economy ggtofladaEgagat5ESi?:!Bsaa v . 4th PRIZE S01TEST . . I TAKING A BATH PROPERLY. Iiutinrt.int Sdiiib Tttnrljr Hint Upon nn Sulijnl. Tlnthlng is tt very Itnportnnt dally duty, necotdlnB to the St. Louts l'ost IMspateh, yet few people Know how to take a bath to get tho most good out of It. There are certain things that add to tho comfort of tt bath which should not be missing front a well-appointed bath room. Kvery bath room should have a cork or rubber mat beside the tub. Woolen mats absorb moisture and become dingy and unhygienic. Kvery bath room should ltavo attached to tho wall beside the rub. low enough to be accessible, two suinll wire trays; one to hold the sponge and the other tho onp lit the Intervals of bathing, when these articles are not In active use. Kvery bath mom should contain n set of shelves on which should be kept hoap, tooth powder, a can or almond meal, a jar of cold cream, a bottle of ammonia, a bottle of alcohol, n bottle of lavendar or violet water, a bottle of listerine and a bottle of witch hazel. Of course, the woman vho indulges In lotions and bleaches will keep them also. If medi cine Is kept In the bath room it should not be mixed indiscriminately with tho toilet preparations but should have a section to Itself. The brushes which very woman needs for her bath are a llesli brush for occa sional use, a rubber complexion brush and a nail brush. Some skins are kept smooth by friction: others mo tough ened. It will, therefoie. be the part of wisdom not to indulge In continual bcrubbing until one discovers which Fort of skin one has. Cold water in not cleansing. It is bracing; It Is harden ing and It helps to make the skin linn, but it Is not cleansing. The shock of cold water application closes tho pores at once and they tetaln all tho Impurities which they should cast out. So that the woman who wishes to be clean must wash in warm water every day and use her cold water sponge only as a skin tonic. When one is fatigued a sponge bath with warm water and alcohol will restore one's strength and vigor. When one is not well a thorough rubbing down with oil is an excellent medicine. QUEER STORY A Vnitn- OF REAL LIFE. (Ilrl Anne from the Crave to I.l Mirny ltuimv Vrr. One night in lSOl a little girl about one year old was deposited on the steps of the foundling hospltul at Drest. Sho was dressed with much finery and a note attached to her skirts told that her name was Solange and that she would he reclaimed by her father, says an ex change. Tho claim was never made, however, and in due time the child was transferred tu the orphan asylum to bo educated. As she grew up she de veloped a most extraordinary beauty; but her Intellect appeared to be very weak and she suffered from frequent nervous fits. When she was twelve years old she was sent out into tho streets to sell flowers, and her beauty and her modesty attracted many peo ple's good will; hut she grew weaker nnd weaker, and at last die died, or at least It was thought so. According to French custom, sho was burled In an open basket, and. as It was winter and the soil was frozen, she was laid into the grave covered only with n thin layer of sand. During the night she awoke, and. pushing the sand away, crept out from the grave. Not. exactly under standing what had taken place, she was not so very much frichtfiw.ii- i.m i,. crossing the glacis between the ceme tery and the fortifications sho was sud denly stopped by tho cry: "Qui ive?" and. as she did not answer, the Fcntinel tired and she fell to the ground. Brought Into the guardhouse, her wound was found to be very slight and she hoon re covered. IJut her singular hlstorv anil silso her great beauty had made so deep an Itnpresbloit on a young lieutenant of the garrison Kramer that lie de termined to bo her protector and Gent ber to one of tho most fashionable edu cational establishments In Paris. Dur ing the next few years Kramer was much tosEcd about by the war; but when in 1818 he returned to Paris ho found Solange a full-grown woman, not only beautiful but accomplished and spirited, with no more trace of intel lectual weakness or nervous fits. He married her and for heveral years tho couple lived happily in Paris. : aenti 1st Prize. Kimball Piano. "Style 3.". 2d Prize. Bicycle, for man or woman 3d Prize. Cash 10 Cash Prizes, each $25 10 Cash Prizes, each $10 60 Cash Prizes, each $2 Ow llliiCw" OTIio Itrst prlifl llt lie given to tltn iiorann $600 00 75 00 50 00 250 00 100 00 120 00 $1.195 00 W ...it. vuu.iriii'iH me loiicent v en ton to lu Boil KiirIIhIi rniilalnlug no l-tlr of tint itliiliubrt uioro tlimi lUri.. 9 'linen. l("otiirreiiii'rtoueever)rlttfrrt!tiililiHbrt. TliothrrurlHI 4 Co In regular orttcr to iIiomo competitor! whim vvutuiir- urn next in leuctli !k Every competitor whose i-cnuuice renrlios twenty-tun letters will rtvelvo iVimmir W cove-red volume eotitaliiliiK twelve of WllkieCoUlna'iiaiflt.uliettHThu vrlnsa iirUo 0 orjiot- llitsroiitcstcloes April li, 1S'J. The prize wlnuerh will li announced one 2 wei'UJnter and tliu winning nuiucnces published Irieasn twunriuorn nririwln- nliis benteiu't-s nro of the baino Jcwrth preference will Imj Riven to the bent one a hauh .competitor must construct Ms own sentence, and no person will tie allowed i to enter this contest more than onco. Sentence uinuot be -orre-td or substituted m uimjc .tlicy nro received. Residents of Omaha are not permitted u compete, alroetly or indirectly. .im,i. RULES FOR THE SENTENQE-No Other Furnished.) tti TbtJcngili of a enteuco is to be measured hy the number of letters It contains t iw letter can be used or counted more than three tlmex. No word except "a" -l-eau bo used more than once. Tho sentence must coniNt of comnlelo words. ii uciiiins, uw.t must not oe used The pronoun pted as eouipleto words. Proper nouns caunot tlcate by tlsuio at tho end of bis sentenco how hut i or -lM can SIkdh, BKiircs. abbreviations or contractions, eto., must not be used "I" miI lin iiktliiln i" m I I I Iwi t. n..nt.. .... ... . ...t . .. l.....7r,7v'..,V'i...'......'..l,r.,", n? ,ieio worus. miner nouns caunot many letters it contains. .i This rcniaiUubly liberal offer Is made by the Wkekly Woui.o-HEiiALO.of which the dUtiosulshtd ex-congicssmuu. WILLIAM J. BRYAN, is Editor. and it Is required that eaeli eonnietlnz sentence bo enclnsed with nnn rfnii. tn. , tycar'aiiubBcripllon. The VVeeklv Woui.u-IJkkami Is issued In semi-weekly sec- ,-fii a"., 1,e"co '? ."ie:,Tlys C0JKl .! Ua,ly ,l '! J.lie western champluu of free fTJilver coiuuuiuid the leading family newspaper of Nebraska. Address. Weekly World-Herald, Omaha. Neb. FIRST contest closed February SH. 1H)3. BECOND contest closet May &), lS'J THIRD conte.t closed February 13. 1SU0. Winner of Knabu I'lano In tlilrd contest was I) D. I.Ijjht, Tient 'n Mo WiHiierol '?tiiui-tili prlio In same contest v?as Mrs Mary l..l).inbar Oarriso'n.Neb. . . " . ' - " - I" " "" - -- w... ...t-tiiij.v'll .. f vr BrsisT&rorwMrQr&rS0r&-u-Q'vtj& 'Hid r.ulllon of l'orlui;i,l. Portugal ia a weak nation atid selilom considered in speaking of tho powera of JJurope. hut kIio Ih In a position now to bo of gteat Importance in the contro versy between England and Germany. The only Beaport through which Gor man forces can go to the assistance of the Transvaal Is on Delagoa bay, which belongs to Portugal, and if that power refusou to assent Delagoa bay cannot le used for hostile ptirpobcs without making war against Portugal. The sit uation 1 awkward for Germany. If Por tugal skies with England, us reported, for who cannot give tho Uotra the en couragement of a military demonstra tion without committing an act of war against a power with which she has no quarrel; hut it Is still worse for Portu gal, who llnds herself between two Ures, and In a fair way to be burned which ever way she turns. Philadelphia Ledger. hoiiiollilnir to I'uudrr r. The sailing tonnage of all countries fell off 100,000 tons last year, us com pared with 189t. IJut there was au in crease of about 824,000 tons in steam tonnage -a very significant sign of tho , times. England leads In ship building, 1 as a matter of course. Indeed, GS. per cent of tho now tonnage launched'dtir Ing the yoar was acquired by her, al though there was a falling off In the to tal credited to her, as compared with the showing for 1S95. Nearly 20 per cent of tho English output went to for- , els?n countries and mor than one fiuth Wf ' k iivM; hir.it! How's 'HiUt We offer One Hundred Dollars reward i for any ease of catarrh that cannot he cured by Hall'n itnrrh Cure. T J. CHK.S'IJY & CO.. Toledo. O. We. the untfi-rftiKueil. hnve Known V. , J. Cheney for thr lnit IB year?, and h-1 llevc him perfe -tly hoiiornhle In nil . buslne tranu. tlon, nnd llnunclnlly , utile to carry uut any obllKivtlmm made by their tit in. i WA1.D1NO. KIVN'AN ,t MAUVIN. AVholesrtlr rnugglntJi, Tollo, Ohio. Hall's Cntnrth Cut i ttiKett Internal ly, nctinjc illrectly upon the blood and i mucous HUifncen of the ny.tetn. Trstl inonlnlfl sftit flee. Pilce. 75c per battle. I Hold by all (linguist. Halls Family IMllc. '.5c. Ulmt It VV n Mini. Every boy and jjirl has doubtless hennl of the ifieal coinnnset' Handel. Here is a little story told of hint and of Dr. Maurice tlreun, a musician whose compositions were never remarkably tine. It seems ho hud sent, a solo an them to Handel for his opinion, and Handel invited him to take break fust, anil he vvoultl suy what he thought, of it After coll'ee Green's patience be came exhausted, nnd he said: "Well, sir, what tio you think of it'.'"' "Oil, your anthem! " Ah, 1 did t'lnlc tint it wanted ttir." "Air!" cried (itccn. "Yes. sir; nnil so I did linnir it out of do vindovv." replied Handel. Harpers iiouud Table vni:iti: did you titer this toi'int:? Had the Ladles' Aid Society of our Church out for tea, forty of theni, nnd nil pronounced the Gerninn ColTeeberry equal to Rio! Salzer's catalogue tells you all nliout It! :i' packages Earliest vegetable seeds $1.00 post paid. If von will rut ibis out nnil kpiiiI with inc. fitampH to John A. Sulzer Seed Co.. La CroMo, Win., you will get free n package of above great coffee seed ami our 14b pago catalogue! Catalogue alone fie. vv.u. to a Thr Ui Old Ciiiuird. "Dear me," said Maude, "there has bacn a dreadful lot of talk In the finan cial articles u bt in t a gold ritiff. What tio you suppose thev nre driving at,'.'" "Oh, I don't know," replied Manilo, in a weary tone. "1 yttosN it's Just some more of thi silly joking about, entrttgo- tiients. - Washington Mar. Don't lie Ton l.ntn for the simmer. , A ml don't omit w lieu vniinrepitcKliiaiiiijoiii' elfeclH vrt'imrutory for the uko hi In clutlH Hinoiu tliettt a supply of lliHii-ltcr's ' 'louiitcli Itltlcr. tlioeii'iil temetlv for sea ' ti liies. 'I'nivflerM tot plt'ttMiii' or busl-! tiess si oMim torelxu (ilim'. tit ln Iim v luoti. Ii slt'iiiul.oat or train, bcu'dcs yatcli men Mini lnaihii i, tcstlf) to tint iimikmIIhI : ami preventive t'ltlciiey of the lititeis.nhU'h Istni-oiiiimralilc for iuiustti. hcatliiclie, tlvt pepsttt. filllltiiisiicsM, tbiMiiiiatlsiii. iiious. and Mtlue) tioiible. If it itirl is l.uilt rltht hIiu doesn't need n gnrti'i' to st op her stix klups up. I Mi rrr.ttnt-ritiivt Cm tins, Hmti: Thiuht. etc, should ho constiintly supplictl vxltli! "brown's Uroiiihiiil 'Irothet." Avoid linl-l tatioii. An liimglimi; blujisliig is only part of n ' hlosslnj. " i I'lso's Cine for Consumption 1ms saved i Hie large doctor hills -C L. Hn.er, AtH . lteReut .Sj . I'lii ndelphlii. I'd., Do;- i, Ui lien von lire to lliniic ucsiiu'ele.e It II the Unity Is Cuttliifr Teotti. tpsiun utiilu.r tlistulil nrl vi'll trlfit IritttslT, M'. Uissiu's8ootiiiu I inil' furl'lilMnnTttlMnc tlillll his Vittillis " A Word ...in Season." Tho so.tBon ia Spring, Spring whou you call ou your body for nil it m ory, nnd tux it to tho limit of arforl. Does tt miHwoi' yoa whoa you cull? Dooy it creep un willingly to work? U'b tho natural offoot of tho wiisto of winttn. So much for tho aonson. Now for tho word. If you would oat heartily, nluep soundly, work ottaily, and feci liko a now boiiitf, tako Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Cupid pt'iiiiii.us more lire ub'e to pei'i'nriil. 'i55tj Wi' Thompson's Eye Water. K If you VMiut ti .ood tei'viiut ulrl l ii ii urn (i ii. Coh' Coui;h llntunm J ll.r nhlit iiml tift. 11 w III liic.ik iiii ,i folu ytilclt. -rti,ac uiiittittiicvlw. HKalunja reliable. Tirlu Why is it vvcMilvvuv'M believe that we urn live a little iiioiicv nut month f All About Western t'nriii I.hihIh. The "Corn Hell" is the name of an illustrated monthly newspaper pub lished by the Chieii(.'o. Itu'rllnton .V Quiney 1!. It It aims to jrlve informa tion in an inlercstiiif,' way about the farm lainis of the west. .Viiil I'.-i cents in postage stamps to the "Corn Melt." '-'Oil Atltims St., Chicago, and the ptijier will be sent to your address for one vear. Nn iiiiiii'h ereetl is comi:cte vvhM) 'dot's not tie -Jin e u I o.il'1 in hiuifo.t. Still f.UIni; Ann J l'rlen. The novol iri7e contests of tho Omaha World-Herald still continue The last ono closed February first and tliu prioH have been awarded. The new prizocoutest justnnnounced in our advertising columns is to see who can construct the longest jood sentence in English without usiti'' any letter more than thieti times. As usual the first prize is asr.no.OO jiano, tliis time a Kimball, ami live or si.; bundled dollars in easli prizes follow: Of course the object of the Weekly Worltl-lieniltl is to secure new subscri bers for their popular and newsy journal. This is the third bijf contest of the kind which the World-llernld has had to boom circulation anil Editor Hryan's paper, which champions the chum- of free silver, must be spending; a t;00 deal of it in prizes. All thiiiffs tome to him vilio knows when not to wait. I rce lo " Coiiiruile." The latest photographs of the lion. I. X. Walker, coinmantler-in-chief of the tirainl Army of the Republic. Write to I'. II. Lord, tjiiincy liuildinp. I liicnoo. and you will receive one free. t THE Km CURE OVER ALL FOR r,:vAi4itirtArtrt,)AAAaAlAi()45tAi444.i444iistAA44rT w V Vi' w U U df Tl U 1 V M 1 Dicvcie C i i conomv ' S' ' ' ' t 0 II C' t C "ft' "' Sft. p Before buying a bicycle said to be "just as mfi gooa as a voiumoia it is wen to compare the i prices at which the machines sell second-hand. The second-hand price of Columbias often equals or exceeds the NEW price of the "just-as-good." If you look a year ahead, there is wise economy in tHM M& M..' 2 wm i MniMMiT,! m "wl I MiV&y Vfc5X STCV1' i POPE MFG. COMPANY 9Jt The lunJal Art CiUlogu: evt 4 - i rin j tt . S5 kutd telu oi CoIumbUi. You exn st- ,e 9rnJSSS i..el0n:S' curt 'w bycaUtng onUic Columbia I HARTFORD, CONN. Ccnli by nuil for two 2-cnl ttunpi Columbias at ? 00 STANDARD OF THE WORLD Pre No Chocolate t$ttB4H?ttHttHKBHftttHtHttttfHHtttT Made by Walter Baker & Co., Ltd., Dorchester, Mass., has Leen cele brated for more than a century as a nutritious, delicious, and flesh- l& forming beverage. Sold by gro cers everywhere. is. ' f iwav ffiWwlJwwu ----------.--.. , w.VVVVWTW v-wvw wiinwiimiiii iii ii i ii in a ii an 1 1 umii mi MEN $1,000 FOR THE ONE WHO GUESSES BEST! chanter, the purpose liclnn to Ivo CASH I'KI7.i:s to those rjau.srs ot TIIK I'llICAUO KKCOKU viho bhould bn ahlo tohoheUteniystoryi or ctimo nenrevt to n correct soltitltm of it, IN ADVANCB ot tho puh- ni-uiiun ui me jasi cnapior in llio paper. A YEAR AGO THE CHICAGO EECORD oirere.l $30,000 f hi i ush prizes to authors for the best Muile of mystery.'' 'i'ho norlCHwero so callctl liueauso It wan reuulrcd that a myntory homo; run throufh tho entire story uml hi- dlselosea only In the last ii awaku wi- AUlllOKb' PIU7.ES HAS JUST UHCN HADO. or Irru"4 Z1sTriln'iUru:Zf WOrMif ,,,e """I"' f 8'6' WerC ,nter", '" ,he C-"P''""''. Twelve C..I, VrUcs weraolf.reU lorineUMttwelvtstorlcB. 1 lie first prle was $,o,ooo, nnd was won Ly Harry Stlllwell ITUvvards. ol .Macon, fla. Ill story Utntitledt " SONS AND FATHERS," A VFl ITC DlilM lfi'riiu tint ..!.. ... .... . AND ITS llULICATION WILL UUUIN IN TI1IJ CIIICAOO HI-COUI) ON MAKCM S3, nnd continue In uhoui thirty dally iustallmetits until roinpl. t.-tl. SOV, A.S'I Kvl'lllIHS " it, ucyontl all question TIIIJ aWHAT STORV OP TIIIJ VL'AK. There vrlll Do an Interval of a we. K t.r more Oeiween tho publication of tho last Installment con ta.n.t.f the explanation of the niyMiry and the Immediately preccd Inif chapter, durlm; which period the t'uescs will bt received by TMU KUCOKD. To still further promoto popular Interest In this remarkublc story TMU CHICAGO k'l-COKl) offers 410.000 In fcW cash prlies for the 8S9 ruohscH which hhall como tho nearest to belns; truo and complete solu tion:! of the, mystery lu tho fctory. THE $10,000 IS OI VIDEO S FOLLOWS: To tin rentier from ivltuiu TJIK HIXOUl) receltm the uiOHt eoiiiptete unit correct Hiilntloii in nil IIm di tails ot the emir.. iiOKtery or the utiiry, lis It xliitll lie illneloheil III llielast cluipter vv lieu iiubllihetl 1'or tlin kfcoml Ueht xolutiou J'or the third liest koliitlon for the lourtli lickt kiiliillon I or the next fi niarc.t het golutiotm, SIflO each .... Kor tint next 10 ueurekt liet holtitlons, BO end 1'iir tin next ( neurekt het Molutlinm, :JJ each For the next BO neiirent best iutloiin, ao each J'or the next ailtl nrurent het nolutioiu, 10 each 1'or the lien ftllO ueureiit bent Miilutl.w.. n ......i. 61,000 COO 300 aoo noo coo coo 1,000 a.ooo ,000 III all Ht) prUtu, uiiiiiuutlui: to SIO.OOO THE GHlGnGO RECORD ?!$& tokUUmeut of a blub-i-rkdo aerial tory la a featuii, InUndedto iuectallr tommtnd It to tbubcme circle. To euiphuU-iuid adveiUe-tho fet r SEND 10 CENTS AND CET THE RECORD IO DAYS. A SPECIAL OFFER THE Rf-COIM) will bo tnt to any address, !0st-pald, for It) days, becln nlnir with tho tlrst chapter of tho wtory, I'UHt to CKXTS, In coin orpostafuMamps. Tho &tory belnii Jlarch -a, acd It Is desirable that hub wrlptlons should bo received as far In advance of that date as powible. nut all subkcrl pi Ions on this fcpoclal oner i evolved up to April I will bo tilled. b'it none after April I. THE CHICAGO PFCnpn UCUUai'OK l-aCm? mornluif dally. In fact, with a sltu-lo exception HUsibv largikt morninf urculatlon in America tlO.OOU a day !t U ftiueinbei .f ThL. As-exlated 1'iew and "prints all tho new Jtow all the world." Uis judependent in jiolitlc and if Ives all po- ' I' IT I.I, llAlt'ril:t'l,.ll!S SI to the llLtallx.f III. rnn.lllli.n. ...... Itie the uxaidlni; of ttirtt tirlrit will be .ubllitied In THE CttlUAGO 1IKCOKI). Tlie rluel.al i nle are at folium. l.-llut one volution can be entrml by a iraur. It ti Iminit.rUI nliftlif r tlie leadu- nub.cilbi-n for the paper illiect lo lite om.-c of publication, or wlittbrr It lbuulit rrcmllie local iiewnlfaler. Tlie coatMt ! opuo, under the specified eomlltloni,, to all who read the uer. M.-The explanation of the injttery may be made In the reader' own ord,ln tlio KiikII.Ii laneuaire. and without uuyatltuipt at "fine writhe Imply tflrlnij a many of the facta that go to make a "complete and ub.o. lutely coritttiolutloii of the entire iujtr)" ai the readenuayb able to d!oter. il.-The tf 1 0,000 will be awarded, under therondltlum announced, ao rotdlnif to the belt Judgment of the JudKnapfioInted by 'I'll U CHICAGO KKt'OUU, ond they will hao complete control ami dual defiiUiu.beoitd any appeal, lu all matter irUtlng to thie unique contest. And luit, but not eut, ONLY WOMEN AND GIRLS MAY GUESS. that T1IE CIIICAGO IlECOHD 1 a new.p.per particularly uItablefor woman readlUKtb further condition la made that the $10 000 In prize ahall b paid only for explanation or euesae seat la by women and ifirla. All may road, but ouly WOMEN AND 0IIIL8 MAY QUE8a. lltlcal news with Judicial Impartiality, free fiom tho taint of partisan, kblp It Is Chicago's family newspaper. Prof. J. V. Hetfleld, of tho Northwostern Uiiiverslty, wrltitu to tho UvanMou (111.) Index, nays : " I bavo como to the llnu conclusion, after a Jong test, and after a wide comparison with tho Journals of many Mates and countries that riilj CHICAGO RHCORI) conies as near bolni; tho Idaut dally Jour nal as wo are for wrao tlmo Hliely to Uml ou theso mortal shores." The journalists' class paper, published In New- York, called "VewspaperdouV says: "Thero U no paper published In America that so nearly ap proaches the true Join nallstlc Ideal as Till: rJUC'AUO KKCOrU)." l'orward your nubscrlptlon as early us possible, so taat your namo my be oatcred on tho subscription lUt at onco and the iwper ls nt -wiinimi, any neiay ami in lime lor tbo oenlntf ohaptera of THE BD'S GREAT $10,000 PHIZE STORY. Address VICTOR F. LAVSON, Publisher THE CHICAGO RECORD,. 181 Madl9on Stroot, CHICACO, ILL. TWO HEADS ARE BETTER THAN ONE - ; - ' Le AH, ire Mn ' t i i A- t i: y ' ein r the acni l - U ' r. h f.rtuc mi,' iu..Mou of tho myatery f ' mi w.u jj" U80 i'aizza '- M