Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, March 20, 1896, Image 4

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l.ttr wieh other wtilley tnny,
"Soon, too soon, thollBlitofilnj'
Ktidm nml dlo. then romr tlio nljjnr
That lirnrn our dcnnonc from our nlglit.
Xot mill other while ye mn.v.
Ajet Wd that tender Riient 'to uln.v. ' .
For who Bare he con sooth th lircuitt
That life fllUfull ol keen iirnrst?
Ijov eneh other whilo yo may.
"WeiOUi and Htntton whnt nro thejr?
Kwpty btthblen when nil U old,
louring the heart both faint nnd cold.
Iwovn each other uhlle ye arfiy.
There'a little ele of worth I nny:
Safe In the eype that are must dear,
for lore brings heaven nlwnyn nenr.
Miss Hoilfs Harvest.
Miss lliinnah HoltL lived nlono in
a wido old houso Hint sheltered the
families of her father and her grand
father before her. Its square, low
ceiled rooms were peopled for her
-with precious memories and tender
associations. She would not shut
tlio sunlight quito out of any of them,
ho that thoy all retained somo pleas
ant look as of occupancy. And tho
rooms flliorcnlly lived in wore- bright,
restful, sunshiny, with enough of tho
old-timo quaintness to givo them a
peculiar charm, and sufllcient sub
Bervicney to newer fashions and fan
cies of ndonncnt to assure you that
tho ownor lived in today rather than
Miss Hoitt was mucli esteemed in
the littlo community' of Millton ns a
ivotnna of means, of sense, of charac
ter, of generous purposes and prac
tice?. Tho farm had dwindled from its
onco broad area of tillngo
nnd meadow and pasture and
woodland, to less than sixty acres.
Yet it was largo enough (or her to
manage, for sho carried it on horself,
with as careful and cnpablo on over
sight as was exorcised by any of her
neighbors on their domains. It was
tho standing wonder of tho neighbor
hood anil of tlio littlo town, "now
Miss Hannah could 'manngo' so
well." Every spring tho boldness
nnd magnitude of her ventures as
tonished them. Every fall tho quan
tity and quality of the crops sho pro
duced therefrom amazed them still
morn. Her beans and corn, horenb
Imgcs and cucumbors and onions,
her beets and her asparagus, nodded
to ono another from their woodless
rows in triumpbnnt luxuriance. Her
berries blushed in exultation. Her
little orchard dropped its rosy and
golden frnib gleefully. In truth, it
was tho garnering of her harvests
that jierploxed her. Sho revelled in
tho long days when sho could dignnd
tend and water, and "see the things
grow." Put whoa tho days grow
short, and tho first frosts came, and
tho pumpkin vines grow black, and
the potato tops died, and sho began
to fear for her tenderer fruit, then
despair and dismay began to fill her
soul. For then her housekeeping
tasks wcro more, onerous, her neigh
bors could seldom bo hired to help,
nnd "help," proper, was "scarce."
And, though Miss Hoitt was no
scold, and didn't know how to
whine, her voico was apt to grow
plnintivo ns sho sometimes related
her anxieties.
Hers was a bright and busy life, in
all its loneliness; and many a weaker
or less hopeful heart shared its
KunBhinc. Sho had not always ex
pected to livo thus alone. Oneo
Hho looked forward to a far different
life. PerhapB it had boon all the Lard
er that her own hand had put aside
Iter joys. But bho couldn't have done
otherewise, sho would remind herself.
There was only sho to tako enro of
the nging lather, thoquorulousgrand
mother, tho invalid sister all gone
from her long ago. And he, Allen
Inynnrd, had his own bravo life to
live. Sho would not lot him waste
any of it waiting. Sho had sent him
nwny, and perhaps sho had not told
him tlio reason why. But sho hud
never ceased to think of him and pray
tor him. When sho rend that pat het
ic story of Miss .lewitt's, "A Lost
liover." it came to hersuddenly that
lier lovo might hnvo been ''lost," to
her, and tho world, to goodness and
God, as that, man was. But she al
ways said to herself that that novcr
could have been. Wherever Allen
JIaynard was, she was very sure
that ho was still good aud truo and
bravo and genuine.
Over her low threshold, ahove which
hop-vines grew and morning glories
hung from dawn till noon their dewy
chalices of purplo and crimson and
white, camo ono late September after
noon her nearest neighb
jor, and ono
of her dearest friends, Mrs. Sterne.
She was younger by a fow years than
liss Hoitt, butloved, trusted, petted,
even sometimes confided in, by tho
older woman.
"Como in, Lueyl AVhat's tho mat
ter, child? Something worries you;
and j'ou're tired out, too. Now just
go into tho sitting-room and tako
the easy chair, and I'll bo in in a
minute, just as soon as I slip on my
other dress."
"You see," sho resumed, a littlo
later, coming back freshly attired,
'I've been trying to get in my grapes
and pears, and somo of my apples. I
liad to begin in season, nnd keep at
it, a little to a time, and I'm wolully
behind-hand now; and help I can't
seem to get, for everybody elso is
busy, too. Now Lucy, what troubles
you, and what can 1 do?"
George Eliot remarks on the widely
different meanings that may bo giv
en to those last four words by tho
tone and inflection with which they
jareuttered expressinguow heartiest
sympathy nnd helpfulness, now tlio
coldest of indifferent courtesy. But
tho words ns Miss llannnh said them
were full of tho wish to help and know
how to help.
"I don't like to tell you, Hnnnnh;
you have cares enough, without our
rolling any of ours on you. But
Jotham's sister Kmily, sho that mar
ried a Swift, is sick with typhoid fe
ver, the real, raging typhoid. They
livo over to Eaaton, you know, and
there's nobody, hardly, to go, but
me; nnd it Bcems iib if I must go right
off nnd Btay till she's better. And
there's only Mary Nelson, and sho so
young and heedless, for all 1'vo had
her a year and dono my best with
her to learn hor to keep house. Sho
could do well enough forJotham and
.lohn. but Jotham's trot men n-com-
ing right away tho threshers, and
carpenters to do his barn. That
can t bo put off. And tho now super
intendent in tho mills, ho promised
certainly ho'd board, becausoho used
to know him, nnd it would bo handy
and homelike."
"And you want mo to tako 'cm?"
queried MisH Hannah.
'"0 Miss Hannah I wo do hate to
ask or lot you. But what can wo do?
And Jotham Bays ho'll get nil your
apples and potatoes and things in,
in good season, and bo glad to, and
you shall have Rood pay for tho men,
if you only think you could do it.
And you don't know what a relief it
would bo. You seo, wo'vogotto fnko
Emily's children homo till she's hot
"Well, I'll try it, and if nothing
happens I guess I can carry it
"How is it, Hannah," went on tho
other, "that most lono folks havo
enough to do to tnko euro of f hem
solves? Thoy think peoplo ought to
do for them and look out for 'em,
and especially when thoy get to inid
dlo age. But it's always just tho
other way with 3011. "
"I don't know," returned Miss
Hannah, musingly. "Yes, I do try
to help other folks what I can.
And 1 don't seo that I've over
been any worso off for it. Really
I think it's just that keeps
mo up and gives mo courage to
work. It's something to think of
and plan for, you know. Now, if I
could only do for myself, I shouldn't
feel as though 'twas hardly worth
whilo always to, though that's sonic
thing. But when 1 can do something
for somo ono else, why, it makes mo
'.a ntrong again, and a sight hope
fattor." "I don't doubt it. But now, II na
utili, do tako caro of yourself, nnd
got somebody to como in mill help
you. t o can t let you gos worn out
Sho did not look worn out ns sho
flitted about after hor visitor had
gone, getting hor cosy lea and put
ting tilings in order for tho night.
Energy was in o very movement other
trim, spnro figure, and a kind of
hopeful content and courage blended
with the kindliness and humor that
illumined the brown oyes. She
was adjusting hersolf mentally
to the now turn affairs had
taken, with that ronity willing
ness characteristic of her. "Icouldn't
do differently," sho was saying to
herself. "There wasn't but mo to do
it anyhow; and the money will uo a
real help this fall. Tho houso needs
Bonietliing laid out on it, and 1 want
to send Martha's girls something by
and by; aud now 1 shall havo a little
more for missions, homo and foreign,
too; and 1 can get somo of those
books I've been wanting." And she
paused in her flitting to and fro, to
look lovingly at tlio already well
stocked shelves of the massive secre
tary, and thoughtfully at tho empty
space in tho newer bookcase beside.
"Yes. I am not so sorry as I might
be. 'Twill bo quito a pieco of work,
though, before it's through. How
over, 1 guess I can manage."
"Quito a pieco of work," it proved
indeed to be. Tho threshers camo,
staid a week and departed. Close
upon them camo tho carpenters
crew; anil just as they wcro well set
tled, came tho most dreaded
of all, Mr. Sterne's friend, tho
superintendent at tho new mills.
Miss Hannah hud word that ho was
coming, and Mr. Sterne drove over
with him after supper time. He was
in haste, and stopped only to say
that his sister was no better; tho
fever was having a long run. Lucy
was about worn out, too. "And
this is the gentleman wo spoko of,
llannnh, that you said might stop
hero a spell. 1 think lie's an old ac
quaintance of yours."
Anil .Mr. Hterne nan diivea on oc
foro sho had ono good look at tho
man before her. He lifted his hat
then and held out his hand with a
"You used to know me, Miss Hoitt.
Y'ou can't havo forgotten how many
times we've trudged up the hill to
school together, and how many times
you did my sums and helped mo out
with my parsing, in tho littlo red
sehoolhouso over yonder. Or, if
you've forgotten, 1 haven't.
"Allen Mnynnrd! l had no idea it
was you that was coining! I didn't
really know who it whb, come to
think, but I didn't dream it was
"But you'll take me just tho
For answer sho led tho way into
tho house, with pink cheeks, shaking
off her confusion as best sho could.
Tho littlo homo was very cheery.
Tho slant rays ol tho sotting sun
streamed in between thoplnnts in tho
bay-window and gilded tho bindings
of her books and m u do great rellec
tionsfrom tho polished andirons. And
in tho next room wns spread the
dainty tea-table, with its crimson
cloth,' its glittering glass, its tempt
ing array, and its vase of flowers
in tho centre. For Miss Hannah was
persuaded that oven "those men"
noticed and npprccinted.her flowers.
And tho fragrance of fresluy-mndo
ten, and inviting odors of browning
biscuit, of baked apples, and other
nppotizing Bcents, were in the air.
And it was with pleasure not all eon
cenled that the now boarder took tho
seat sho assigned him. It chnnccd to
bo opposite her own. It wns nutural
that tlio days should seem to go by
fnstorthnn over, now. Thoy were
very short, nnywny, and Miss Ha -nnh
wus very IniBy. If any other ele
ment gavo a new, sweet zest to day
time task and evening tnlk, sho did
not own it.
Allen Mnynard wns still "good and
truo and bravo and generous,''
though his hair wns turning gray.
nnd he had boon many times across
thoj-ontincnt, twice across tho sea,
onco oven around the world. Hehad
many things to tell of peoplo nnd
countries and customs known to hor
only through books. And ho liked
books as much iib she did, too, and
brought somo of his own for hor to
read, and somotimes now ones that
they read together.
The work on tho now barn dragged
wearily, though Miss Hannah hardly
noticed that October was gone and
November was going, till ono night
sho heard tho men say that thoy
should just about get dono when the
ground closed up; in times, maybe,
to get, home before Thanksgiving.
Aim .ll'H. oicrnu cuiuu huiiiu; hit mo
tor was convalescent, but sho Wns
well-nigh prostrated horself with
And now tho carpeuters would go
in n week or two, at most, and Miss
Hannah began to realize that the
old life would soon begin ngaia for
her, and that it, would bo lonely.
For Mr. Mnynard must go, to. 1 low
should sho lot him know it? Hor
hints fell unheeded, and though the
men spoke of going home, and sho of
being nlono once more, sho did not
seo that ho noticed.
But it was her turn to bo surprised
a littlo later, when ho spoko of his
plans for tho winter, and of business
m Huston.
Ho would not bo nenr, then, even
to drop in of an eveningl Sho began
to bo a littlo lonely already. He had
had a hotter position offered him,
maybe. And thou sho heard tho men
8113 that 'r Mnynard was owner in
the mills, both atMiltoniindEaston.
Ho had acted as oversesr hero be
cause he was needed. Somo ono less
capable would do now, for affairs
were running smoothly again, and
tho Enstoti Mills needed his atten
tion. And thoy said ho had much
other property there, besides.
Ono mild, sunny dii3' an Indian
summer afternoon ho came with a
carriage to take Miss Hannah over
to Euston for a ride. They drove to
tho mills and around them; then
about town. Ho droveslowly pasta
largo, stately house, suggestive of
gracious uses ami generous hospital
ities. "I bought tho plnco two or threo
years ago," he said. "I havo never
rented it. It would make a pleasant
home, would it not? Might it not
bo our home, Hannah? 1 hnvo kept
it for you. 1 havo waited for 3ou.
Shall wo not have our Indian summer
..I I.iul
So tho question was asked and an
swered, and a new life began, with
brighter and wanner nnd richer jo3s,
and larger opportunities.
The neighbors had "nlwnys known
that Miss llannnh was smart; she
had done better than ever this year,
too; but thoy hadn't expected, with
nil, the rest, ut her time of life, too,
she would bo hurvestiu' a husband."
Olive 1). Dana, in Portland, Transcript.
Philosophy or tho Street.
Bright fellows genornlty havo to
go the plodders for a raise in salary.
Tho greatest triumph of invention
is whon a rosruo persuades even him
self that ho is honest.
Tho beauty of being in opposition
is that a lellow can "chose his own
fighting ground.
Tlio man who is not methodical
never attauis permanent success, al
though he inny flourish for a season.
Peoplo who intrudo their person
al on the public nro tho first to
feel offended if somebody criticises
their shape.
A pig in a puddle is not ns orna
mental as a swan in a pellucid stream,
but ho is ten times as useful when life's
lltful fever closes on tho two.
The whitest eggs hatch out tho
blackest crows.
It is easy to be just where there is
no injustice.
When men "smile" too often their
wives are apt to frown.
Life is a conundrum that sooner or
later all must give up.
Comfort is a good thing, but too
much of it will kill a man.
Tho world may be a stage, but we
can't all be stage malingers.
It is a raremnnwhoisnsbold in tho
presence of his enemy as when away
from him.
Let 'I'm Dance.
Apjileton Post
The inauguration of a President is
cortninly a befiting occasion for mer-
r3-making, becauso it marks tho
peaceful transfer. of poker from one
party to another, in a great govern
ment of tho people, and ono direction
which uBngohas ordained seems to
bo the inauguration ball. The preach
ers havo their time for being recog
nized on this nnd other public occa
sions, which isrightand proper, but
they ought not reasonably to expect
tliattheir somber influences should
thrust asido tho occassion for inno
cent merr3-mnking. "On with tho
A French rtrj Store.
She sang the songs of forest birds
but never bird Bimg them so sweet-
He played the tambourine of tho
Bohemian dance, but never G3psy
fingers glanced so lightly or shook
such nuiBic from silver bells!
And together thoy wandered
through tho land.
Who were tho3?
Thoy know not!
those who
were sheltered in houses from wind
nnd storm, those who were served on
white linen and in plenty, were not
of their kin.
And did thoy remember nothing?
Remember? Ah, 3es. A dn3 when
the skies frowned and tho cold rain
foil; when tho leaves in tho forest,
shuddered and tho wind screamed
"Go oul go on!"
"Far away, down tho mountain,
the sun is shining," ho suit, and ho
took her hand and led her to where
the sands of tho coast were golden
nnd tho waters wcro blue and bright.
And from that time tho3 had travel
ed alwa3s toward tho sun. Assur
ctlly, the3 might have perished of
of thirst and hunger I But did not
the good God make tho stream run
in the forest? and the village house
wife could always find' a crust too
hard to throw to her chickens! When
tho nights were cold he took off his
bit of a ragged coat and throw it
about her shoulders nnd clasped her
close in her arms. When the sun
burned fiercely he bade her rest in
the shade of the forest whilo ho went
through tho village streets and play
ed and sang for both. She had onty
rags to cover her, but through them
shone a skin like satin, and" Milady
would barter her best silken gown for
such a pair of shoulders.
Wandering, wandering! Sometimes
a dti3, sometimes an hour in the vil
lage; sometimes welcomed, some
limes chased; sometimes heard and
even applauded for tho3 wore fair to
see nnd pleasant to hear sometimes
driven from tho door with impreca
tions 13 those who hated them at
once for their 3011 th, their beauty,
and their povert3' sometimes with
a handful of sous somotimes, nli3cs,
vciy often empt3'-hiinded !
But though there were those who
would not give, there were none who
might tako nwa3. And tho3 had al
wnys their great love. No misery
can bo so cold and cruel ns love is
warm and sweet.
Hut there camo long winter dnyH,
when doors were closed, nnd hearts
were closed with them. There camo
long winter nights, when the
had need of nil their love
and all their childish courage. Tho
woods and roads wcro ono whit ling
mass of stinging snow. Food, shel
ter, both were denied them. They
could go forward but slowl3 against
the rough hands ot the wind, nnd for
manv hours thoy struggled, until at
last fainting, falling, they reached a
parted that tho words might pass,
nnd with them came a flood of gold
ducats, sovereigns, florins, sequins,
doubloons! Down over her breast
and upon the rags which covered her
graceful limbs, tliey lay, in dazzling
piles, in glittering heaps ! And again
nnd again, ns sho Boid. "Ah! now
beautiful I how beautiful!" they rain
ed about her a golden shower! Yes,
a beautiful golden Bhower.
About this time the world rang
with tho fanio of a certain young
Grand Duke and his Duchess senrco
more than children who lived in a
wonderful pnlnco as big ns 11 city, as
brilliant iib tho sky with its countless
stars. Its walls were of costlj
marbles, incrusted with amethyst
and chiysopniBe; Hb galleries were
wrought of silver and of gold; its ta
pestries, its statuary, its paintings,
its marvelous furniture entransed the
030 and silenced tho lips! Grand
feasts wcro here given, dnil3, where
all tho world might enjo3. Tnbles
of porphyiy and malachite shook be
neath their loads of dantics served in
golden dishes, and rare wines flowed
Ironi crystal flagons into gold-set
cups, each cut from a single
stone. And
beautiful young Duchess who presided
nt these feasts were never known to
open their lips, either to eat or to
speak, but a flood of gold poured
forth, to bo speedily gathered up by
the servitors, tossed into baskets of
silver filagree, and distributed
among tho enraptured guests. Nat
urally theso magnificent entertain-
the Grand Duko nnd his
ruined granary, whoso tottering
Avails should at least offer some poor
defenso against tho ky breath of tho
As il enraged atthelossof his prey,
tho wind howled hideously without
and threatened to drag their shelter
from over them; chilling gusts swept
through a hundred .rents in tho roof;
the snow drifted in about them as
they lay on tho floor. Ho threw his
arms about her cold, shnkingnrms.
"I will warm thee!" ho said, but his
voiso sounded far awa3 and his
teeth chattered so that ho un
derstood not his words, only the
caress which accompanied them. Sho
crept closer to his breast. Sho placed
her lips to his ear, ho could not feel
their touch, but he heard her voice.
"And to-morrow?"
He said nothing. What could he
say? That there would bo no to
for them? or that to-morrow would
find them dead hero on theso stones
cold, hard but neither so cold nor
so hard as tho hearts of men!
A tear fell on his cheek.
"Ciy not!" he said, and with shak
ing lips ho kissed hor.
A faint light seemed about them.
A enrressing warmth enveloped them.
A sound as'of music, faint, and sweet,
camo to them, nnd a voice spoke:
Poor little ones! Abandoned! forsaken!"
Mute, awe-stricken, 3et not nfrnul,
thev gazed into tho fast-increaing
light, which, though on every side of
them, showed them neither their own
faces nor yet nny part of their
inisornblo surroundings only tho
beautiful, radiant eyes of a woman
bending over them. Tho soothing
voico went on in rhythmic cadence:
"Poor littlo ones! And are yo cold,
ond'hnvp yo hunger, and do ye thirst?
Listen, then, to the promise ot One
who can fulfill nil desires! A prico
there is to pay but that yo shall
lni rC ijkiiit?n1tu Tr nt Vnu
J will I irivo vo power to rain gold from
3'our lips whensoe'er tho3 shall open.
Say quickty say! will ye pay tho
prico even though 3e know not what
it may be?"
Ho hesitated an instant! She not
at all!
"Yes!" she cried breathlessly, "yes!"
"Yes!" ho repeated after her, "yes!"
Suddenly, ns it hnd nppeared, tho
light vanished. In its place camo tho
gra3 dawn, creeping through the
torn and quivering rafters.
"It was a dream!" sho breathed
soltl3T as if fearful of waking; but
however softly she spoke, her lips
meats were nlwivs largely attended,
nnd 3et there wus invnriubty place
and gold for more. So much was
said of Milord tho Duko and Milady
the Duchess that the story of their
splendor and generosity traveled as
far as Faiiy Land. Tho beautiful
Queen of the Fairies smiled a strange
"The timo has come when I must
IK13 a visit to 1113 friend 3 tlio Duko
and his Duchess," shesaid. "I would
like well to hear their expressions of
gratitude!" And still smiling thut
strange smile, sho went on her wa
Night held the world in her arms!
The magnificent castle was wrapped
in silence and darkness. Only from
tho bouboir of the Duchess came a
sound of suppressed weeping, and
from tho chamber of the Duko issued
the heavy sighs ot one 111 sorrow.
II astity the Queen summoned them
before her.
"How now!" shcexelainied.stcnil3,
n frown darkening her radiant brow.
"Have I given 30 all these riches that
30 might build a palace fare like
nobles, and attire yourselves in tho
splendor of jewels nnd as 3ot asked
of 3-o no price, and are 30 still unsat
isfied?" "Ah, Madame!" cried Milady pit
eously. "Thou knowest naught of
the price wo pay!"
But the Fairy interrupting her,
spoke again "II 30 have tired of tlio
gold which issues from 3'our lips. T
will promise that hencelorth shun
fall rubies diamonds, pearls, sap
phires." But tiro young Duko flung
himself at her feet.
"Ah no!" he implored. "Out of thy
bount3 and goodness no!" And
even as he spoko there gushed from
his lips u cascade of glittering gems!
Shrinking from them as they lay in
their bpnuty about him, he crept yot
nearer her feet, and raising 11 bit of
her garment to his lips, wont
on tremulously: "Winter nights
are cold the hearts of men
are oiten comer ami tho
wini blows chill on the
heads of tho poor! But though thou
gavest 1110 instead of thK tiro and
shelter, and friends and warmth, 3'ot
is no warmth like the touch of Love's
hand, and this bust thou taken
Making Fun.
ium, (MnM.) Gazette.
Once when traveling in a stage
conch I mot ayounglnd3 who seemed
to be upon the constant lookout for
something laughable; and not con.
tent with lnughinghereelf,took great
pains to make others do the same.
Now, traveling in a stage conch is
rather prosy business. People in tho
situation are apt to show themselves
peevish nnd selfish; so the 3'oung
lady's good humor was. for a time,
ver3 agreeable to the travelers.
Every old barn was mode the subject
of n passing joke, while the cows iind
hens looked demurely on, littlo
dreaming that folks could bo nicrty
nt their expense. Animals ure not
sensitive in that respect. TI1C3' are
not likely to havo their filings in
jured becnuso people make fun of
them; but when we come to humnu
beings that is quite another thing.
So it seemed to me; for after a while
an old woman came running across
the fields, swinging her bag at the
coachman, and in a shrill voice beg
ging him to stop.
The good-natured coachman drew
up his horse, and the good old lixdy,
coming to the fence b3 the roadside,
squeezed herself through two bars,
which were not only in a horizontal
position, but very near together. The
.young lady in tho stage coach made
somo ludicrous remark, and tho pas
sengers laughed. It seemed vciy ex
cusable, for in getting through the
fence the poor woman had made sad
work with her old black bonnet, ami
now, taking a seat beside a well
dressed latly, realty looked as if sl.e
had been blown there b a whirl-
riiis was a new piece of fun.
nnd thogirl made the most of it. She
caricatured the old huh upon a card;
pretended, when she wns not looking,
to take patterns of her bonnet, and
in various wu3s tried to raise a
laugh. At length the poor woman,
turned a pale faco toward her.
"M3' dear," said .she, "3011 are
3'oung, health' and happ3: l gave
been so, too, but that time litis
passed; 1 am now decrepit and for
lorn. This conch is taking me to the
death bod of my child. And then, my
dear, I shall bo a poor old woman,
all alone in the world where nieny
girls think me a vciy amusing ob
ject. The' will laugh at 1113 old
fashioned clothes and odd appear
ance, forgetting that the old woman
has a spirit that has loved and suffered
and will livo forever."
Tho conch now stopped before a
poor looking house, and the old laity
feebty descended the steps.
"How is she?" wus the trembling
inquiiy of the poor mother.
'.Inst alive," said the man who
was leading hor into the hou&e.
Putting up the steps the driver
mounted his box, and 'were upon the
road again. Our ineny 3'oung friend
had placed her card in her pocket.
Sho wus leaning her head upon her
hand, and 3011 111113 be assured I was
not soriy so see a tear upon her fair
3'oung check. It was a good lesson,
and one which 1 hoped would do her
nwa3! T'io starved boity- cries out
for looil. Milt though thou hast giv
en food in plenty, nnd choice and
rare, yet is there no hunger like that
of the heart famished for the love it
has known and lost. Poverty hath
many a sting nnd smart, and in its
miseiy longs for all that gold can
bring. Yet tho gold and the gems
which fall at my will can purchase
me not 0110 kiss of love, and there is
no want so bitter ns the thirst, un
satisfied for lovo's caress! Oh, Fairy!
If such thou art, tako back thy
gifts, for I have learned their price!"
"The Fairy laid her hand on the
heads bowed before her. Into her
eyes came a softer light.
' "My children," she said gently, "If
I givo ye now your heart's desire,
there is, then, this other prico to pay!
lour cnstlo, yourriches.yourlnends.
nil all must yo renounce! There is
no middle path along this way yo
have chosen! With the bitter comes
the sweet with tho sweet the bit
ter! And havo yo chosen so?"
Tho wind shrieked nround tho
ruined granary and the storm beat
its fierce hands ngainst tho shudder
ing walls. Tho snow crept in through
countless crevices and lay thick on
the rags which covered, but scarce
could warm, two shivering figures
crouching on the stone floor,
bov held the girl to his heart;
laid her lips lovingly on his.
They were cold they were hungry
thoy were poor thoy were alone!
But in their hearts was a great glad
ness becnuso thoy were all of these
lor Love's dear sake.
The Sultan and Mlsslonalres.
Xew York World.
The Sultan of Zanzibar is a most
irratic individual. A short tiino
ago the world wns shocked by his
cruel decrees regarding the punish
mont of criminals, and now ho bus
presented certain Germaa mission
aries with land for the erection of a
chureh and hospitnl. Perhaps he
wants to fatten the missionaries.
Yilnl Statistics.
It is a startling fact that from one
third to one-half of all persons born
into tho world die before reaching the
ago of five 3'ears. Or, from another
point ofview. so gren tare the dangers
of infancy that a child which hascom
pletod its fifth 300 r actually has an
expectation of life more thuu twelve
3ears greater than it had at birth.
Tho exact proportion ofdeath varies
greatly as to countries and localities.
Statistics are of value only as show
bill average results. In Norway, for
example, the proportion ity'ing under
five is stntcd l3 Dr. Fan to ho 20 1.5
per 1,000 born; while in England it is
Ii;$8 per 1,000, and in Italy ."07 per
1,000. In lifty-oneho-cnlled "healthy
districts" of England and Wales, ac
cording to the same authorit3 the
mortality under five i 175 per 1,000
born, whilo in fhe Liverpool district
representing tho most unfavorable
(military conditions, it Is 4(0 per
thousand. In the different parts of
our own country, we find nearly as
great a disparity. In the State of
Vermont, which represents cssentinlty'
a rural population, the number of
deaths under five, for tho year lSStl,
was 2,1.8 per cent, of the whole num
ber of deaths; ia the State of Mass
achusetts, which embraces several
large cities within its limits, for the
twelve years ending in 1884, it was
.'17.74 per cent; and in the city of
Now York nlono for the seven years
ending in 187G, it was exactly fifty
per cent, of the entire mortality.
Piercing Children's Ears.
'You would bo surprised if you
ould see tho number of mothers who
como to havo the ears of their female
infants pierced," said a Gratiot av
enue jeweller, as he pinched the soft,
pink lobe attached to the head of a
good looking young woman. "I can
not understand why a mother should
want her threo or four-year-old babe
subjected to such a practice, which is
of itself barbarous, but it is no use
refusing them, so I perforated their
auricular organs for 25 cents n pair.
The ago of sixteea is as early as a
girl should wear ornaments.
"Is tho operation pninful? To
grown persons, yes. But in cases of
infants, by rolling the lobo upon the
ball of my thumb with my index fin
ger I drive all tho blood to tho top of
tho oir anu reduce me pam 10 u
minimum. I notice ono peculiarity
that I cannot explain, and that is
that ia piercing the right ear tho
subject always experiences more or
less pain, whilo tho puncturing of tho
left ear is attended by little, if any,
painful effects."