Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, March 20, 1896, Image 3

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'The Trnhlp, It l CtnlmMl, 11 StrviiKlli
i'il Drcthnnd hiiiI iMerroivd the Omul
AVIlt of Orfftt Hrlllilii A 3I--tlnK of
r.ifttmn.r. und u Hint:- Will Amine
Ihtlr l'ollolr.
t!nrnii Hri-uthe-. ICustrr.
Komr. March '. I. Out of the storm
01 popular miger which spread over
Italy when tho news of the defeat of
'the army under (leneral liurntierl in
Abyssinia reached here, a feeling of
.great resentment toward tho Italian
commander is till that remains. Riot
ing has ceased. The llcervists who
lied from tho country rather than go
to Africa tit the call of the government
for the class of ST!, are returning,
mini It Is not believed any steps will bo
taken to punish them. Negotiations
Willi Iviiilc Menelilc liave been opened,
.so It is anticipated that peace will be
concluded before long, and tho war
oiliec has countermanded the Instruct
ions sent to various points for the hur
rying forward of reinforcements to
Africa. Tho new cabinet is at work
and tho financial situation is brighter
than, anticipated.
Conferences which liavo taken place
here between the Marquis dl Umhiii,
the new premier, the Duke of Sermon
eta mid King Humbert, and the con
htnnl exchange of telegraphic mes
sages between this city and ltcrlin,
have been coincident with the meet
ings in ltcrlin of the Austrian minis
ter of foreign aflairs. Count (Solu
ehowskl, the German foreign minis
ter, Hnron Mursehall von Jticberstein,
the Italian ambassador to liermany,
Count Linza di llusen. and the im
pel iul chancellor, l'riuec Ilohenloho,
hupplcmenlcd by audiences with Lni
peror Williani.
Out of these exchanges of views litis
grown a much healthier state of affairs
for all Kurope. An Italian loan, it is
.stated, could not hnvc been Hunted in
Loudon and the hair-pledged support
of I rent llritain to tliedreibund, a sup
port hitlui'to involving little else than
an irritating uncertainty is iu
liioied to liave developed into a much
Inoro cordial and solid understand
ing with ;ho powers forming tlio
drolbund. IJoth Ktnperor Franci-,
.loseph and liuiperor Willinui liave
striven to relieve the strain here, and
now cutties the report that Emperor
William of Uermany. Linperor Francis
,loopli of Austria, and King Humbert
will "meet at (ienoti in a few days and
tliat a series of brilliant fetes will
mark this public proof nf the renewal
of tho ties which compose the drci
bund, which is intended to demon
strate to all whom it may concern that
Italy, instead of being friendless,
'upon the verge of bankruptcy and en
cumbered by u tottering throne, is
s'rong in the earnest support of tier
lntinymid Austria and will be bached
by iircat llritain in any great emer
gen 3y. '
Finally, it is stated that before the
cinperors meat at Uetioa, Kmperor
Francis .loseph will have succeeded in
re i u'lhng Queen Victoria with her
ini civil grandson, and so the pence
of l.u'opc. it is hoped, wilt be further
cemonted and the possibility of a
Kttropean war will be driven further
1 tO ll0 IMeK'TI'OUnil.
All messages from Africa tend to
confirm the imt alarming reports as
totheestL-ntiif iheaisaster at Adouuh,
and itlttiougii li.e olii-lal .'tftire.s b . -
Hot yet been made public it is admitted
that over l',',000 men wore lulled,
wounded, or made pris uier.s. It is
believed that the loss of Abyssinians
was almost as great. The Abyssinians
captured almost all the Italian artil
lery, ammunition and supplies.
(iencrnl Itarntieri, however, repeats
that the disaster, though unavoidable
under the circumstances, was not due
to any desire to strike a big blow be
fore the arrival ft om Italy of his suc
cessor, (ieneral Ualdissera. Ho claims
that the plan of battle was carefully
mapped out between himself anil his
generals, that ull the hitter approved
it, and that it would have succeeded
bad it not been fe.r the fact that the
native troops under the Italian Hug
became panic stricken and so brought
about tho complete detent ot the
Italian forces.
Uiuinterested judges still hold Hint
tho real cihiso of tho defeat of the
Italians is to be found in the almost
unceasing clamor of certain newspa
pers of tliis city ami other parts of
Italy at the alleged inaction of (ien
eral liaratieria These apparently un
just comments upon his conduct of
the cainpu'gn seem to have goaded
3ilm to push forward when good pen
eralfchip would have avoided such a
"If lie had only wai'ed for his rein
forcements," say his friends. And
thin seems to be tho key to tho whole
Ooneral I'.uratieti ins arrived at
Jilnasowab. He Is prostrated over his
defeat. He deeply deplored the dis
aster, but had nothing to reproach
himself with, and w.is ready to meet
tiny chat ges and to endure the conse
Alienees of his misfortune.
,1 Worn. in Trump Lorhril In n 1!t Car.
Four Sioir, Kan., March II. A
middle aired woman giving her name
as Mrs Mary Watson, was diseoveted
111 a sealed box cur on the Kansas City,
Fort Scott & Memphis road in this
,.u,. till,. mnrninir. .She had buen
locked in the car for a day and night
without food or water, hhe said she
got into the ear at Ash (.rove. Mo.,
Intending to ride to Kansas City, not
fcusncclinir that tho car would be de
layed. When found she was faint for
want of food. She was furnished
transportation to Kansas City to-day
by t.ie city authorities. Mio is the
first woman tramp Hie railroad men
have met.
.V Katioa. Mini rpttlom for It life nu
ll Hon.
Wasjunoiox, JUrih !.. Hugh Cam
ron of Lawrence, Kan., by proxy
held tho Senate's interest thin after
noon with a degree of appreciation
and tun use me nt not often exhibited.
Senator Pell'er presented a petition
from Mr. Cameron artd nlthongli tho
rules of the Senao require that such
matters shall be read by title only,
tills petition excited tin interest which
could be satiated only by tending hi
Tho petition runs: "To the Congrcs
of tho I'nited States of America:
Tho Slmiii-lliitttn Noiuciup of tho He
publican t'rnw Sltunn t?p Tho Kent
Itccord llcliif Muile lr the l'nufiit
CoiiRresi iioiiio Striking rijurp.
Chicago Chronicle: "Nation save
motioy. Hepublicnn congress oITocts an
economy of $10,000,000. Mnltos a re
form record." With these words In Its
loudest typo n local republican organ
our petitioner, the undersigned, re-1 heads n spednl telegram from Wash
speetfully asks your honoroablo bodies ' Ingtou
to niaicc the Mb of April a national
holiday, it being tho day on which
the King of tho .lews, whom Pontius
l'tlate caused to be erucitled April 8,
A. D. 31, nehleved his splendid victory
over the Krave.
"Tills Kinir of the .lews has always
been u true friend of tho United States
of America. Ho was with Washing
ton and his compatriots during their
great struggle, for independence, and
was also with the Union army through
tho entire war to maintain "that inde
pendence with union nud liberty.
"Unquestionably this Ktughnsdono
more to establish and maintain frco
government on this continent and to
make the I'nited States of America a
respectable nation than any other
king; and so we as individuals nud as
a nation ought not to be nsbamed
with frankness and nlacrlty to ac
knowledge that we owo Him a debt of
gratitude, which we will never bo fully
able to liquidate.
"For all these and many other ob
vious reasons, the undersigned hopes
that your honorable bodies will, with
out delay, make resurrection day a
national holiday, for which we will
continually pray."
The resolution went to tho commit
tee on judiciary.
Let it bo borne In mind that this
party which Is said to have effected an
economy ot $10,000,000 through Us rep
resentatives in congress professes to
he tho only fast friend of the veteran of
the union army. It profosscs to bo the
party which Is the refuge and tho
strong defense of tho pensioner. Its
organs and its talking ngents havo been
denouncing tho present administration
with more than quinine bitterness for
purging tho pension rolls and In that
Whr ItfimiiUrani Find I'mitt.
rtlca Observer Somo of our repub
lican rt,ntnninnr.irlr4 urn iltnnOSCd to
,...,. ....., ......... - -
hnd fault nt tho result or tne reorgani
zation ot tho senate by the republicans,
whereby Fryo of Maine became prosld-
l tug oiucer anti me pnirowiKc ui mu n"
I ate fell Into tho hands ot tho popttllst-
republlcnn combine. What is the cnttso
of the complaint? It Is beoauso tho
"chief olllcos ot tho Bonnie" go to
Squire's man from Washington and
Piitchnrd'fl mnn from North Carolina.
Tho bargain having been made and con
summated, there Is no nood of complain
ing about tho prlco now. Hut what it
commentary on tho grand old pnrty
that It la reduced to tho level of bar
gaining with popnllstB over a tow petty
offices In the sonnto of tho Unltod
t'en nnil Ink Hlmtrlie. of Vntldonnhln
t'lnrrten Nome (Sity llealf-n In (JurtoM
"The !.nto,t lliij-uf1loTl -- Ihutiti
linlil Mint,
.MoiIiir to AtiiUu H I'liunliumix.
Now York Sun: John Milton Tliurs
ton ot Nebraska has Introduced Into tho
senate, by request, a curious pension
bill, which was flrnt exhibited by a No
braska member of tho house of repre
sentatives sonic flvo or six years ago.
It proposes to pay to every negro born
In nlnvnrv n lintiRlnn of from SI to $15
way effecting a saving In the public . monli. nrconlliic to nso. and gives to
oxponditures. With unbounded feroc- i (v.rv forl,,pr ,,.,, mor tnun 70 years
Why Two Year YVoro Iti'iinlrcd to 1're
imrn ',' 1,000.
Wasiiinoion, March 14. Within the
next two or three weeks the World's
fair medals and diplomas will be sent
to their owners. For nearly two years
the bureau of engraving and printing
litis been engaged in the work of pre
paring the diplomas, otne idea of
the task may bo had when it is stated
that upward of Ui.oOo diplomas were
needed, and that each one hnd to bo
printed separately from a single form.
If the name of the person to whom
tins diploma was awnrded and the ex
hibit for which it was made were sini
plv written on the diplomas, tho work
would not have amounted to much;
but it was decided to print the name
and exhibit.
ity they have assailed tho secretary of
tho Interior and tho commissioner ot
pensions as the Implacable enemies ot
those who laid down their arms and
legs and other portions of their anato
my In defense of their country.
Hearing these things In mind, let us
see 'low this republican congress has
saved $10,000,000 before It Is half
through voting away money for its
first session. The house has passed flvo
appropriation bills thus fnr and the
amounts which they carry, according to
the special telegram referred to, are as
First ses- First ses
sion Glth BlonC3tl
congress. congress.
Army $ 23,'J75,902 $ 'A&CS.2S4
DIs. of Col.... 5,751,757 5,157,573
Agricultural .. 3,153,19:2 3,180,Ci:.
Diplomatic ... 1.G.17.05S 1,511,738
Military ncatl.. 140.517 401.2SS
Pension . 111.325,820 151.CS1.570
old $500 in cash. The author menn3
well, but his scheme Is Incomplete. Ho
ought to amend It by providing a pen
sion for ovory negro born free: and
then, to prevent hard feelings and avoid
discrimination, he should have tho gov
ernment pay a pension and a bomm to
every whlto man. Pension everybody.
i:y. isootii in:i'osKi.
Tlio S.tliutltii) Army hi Aim-rlci I'mlor
Js.'u- Control A u. i In.
Xi.w Yoitu, March II. Commission
er Kva C. liooth, who had temporarily
supplanted her adopted brother, ilnl
lingtou Hooth, in the command of tho
Salvation Army in America, has, in
turn, been superseded by tlio appoint
ment of Mr. und Mrs. Hootb-Tucker
to the command of tho army in Amer
ica. At tho close of a largely attended
meeting of the auxiliaries in the large
Memorial hall last night- a cablegram
from London was handed to Commis
sioner Kva ltooth, acquainting her
with tho appointment of Mr. and Mrs.
Hooth-Tnekcr Miss ltooth appeared
to be much uffected on receipt of the
Itcimtillcttin Af.iln Ht'fn-e to Yote In
Ilia IC.iituiky l.csliil.tturo-.
Fmanki'iihi', Kv.. March H. The
roll cull in thu joint assembly showed
18S jueniWr. prent. bixty-iiva bulng
dttoewuiry to a choice. The ballot ra
fcuitetl: 'lUuukburn 50, CurlUlu 13,
jiui'fciior 1.
Tho Republican agnin ref lined to
vote and there was no quorum. What)
J'opuiUt Poor ' nitmu was anlUil he
r-iiiWHl to vote. Thu ubuir announced
tlwtt thufe l.nd beyn tip uleotipn. The
vitotubly thun adjoitrnwl.
Nciv nifklfo Stutoliooil.
Wasiii.notox, March ll. The Senate
committee on territories authorized
to-day a favorable i eport on the bill
for tlio admission of New Mexico as
a State. A number of amendments
have been made to the original bill,
but they relate to details as to
the manner in which the constitu
tional convention shall be held and
preliminary proceedings in the terri
tory previous to admission.
Nearly 3,001) lllryrlrt IturniMl.
Ilosrov, March 1 I. The Pope Man
nfacturing Company's building was
completely gutted by fire yesterday.
The lire caused a loss of between
SIl.'iO.OoJ and SlO'.OOd. The contents,
which were completely ruined, con
sisted of 1.7H0 new wheels, 175 second
hand wheels and about 20.000 pieces
of bicycle 1'UMig.s, besides several
thousand tiros.
Chil .lurWilli'tioii In liulliui 'li-ril(or)
wiiNU'iiiN, March N. The House
committee on judiciary agreed to-day
to favorably report a bill to givo tho
courts of Tuxas, Arkansas and Kansas
jurisdiction over criminal and certain
civil ease of tho Indian territory,
which tliev had under tho act of Js7.
J.'o CliniiK"' hi tin. . A. K. ::iii'iiinini)ctil
Sr. l'Ai'i.. Minn., March H. The
date for holding tlio thirtieth national
oiicampment of the (J. A. II. will not
be changed, (icno'-al Walker simply
expressed the opinion thnt a later
date would better accommodate one
or two departments, but uo change
us made or proposed.
A M-jurato l'las for .Norn ay.
CiutisTiANA. Norway, March 1.
The Odelsthing, or lower Iiouao ol
Parliament of Norway, by a vote l
It to -10 adopted to-day a bill provid
ing for the recognition of a separate
Norwegian Hag.
A CtnicrBMnmn' .Jewel Stolen.
W.siiim;ion, March II. The apart
meats of Uuprcxeutalive (irovu L.
lobusou of California, at the Cochran
hotel, were entered, by professional
sneak thieve yehterday while the
futility were at dinner and money,
jeweUtiud securiliei. valued at fci.Oix
were fctoleu.
ICaiMiii City, Kan-, YVmiM ?:nn,(MIO.
Wasiiixu'Iox, March It. Congress
men hi ue and Miller appeared bnforc
the Houee ooinniitlu on publio build
ings and grounds In ndvoeuoy of a bill
appropriating fcMMi.(W) for a federal
butldinir In Katikas City, Kan,
Totals $175.59S.270 $185,121,102
The dllTercnco between the totals, it
will be seen, is $9,822,820. This Is the
net "saving." Hut It will also bo ob
served that the difference between tho
two appropriations is $10,225,759. That
is, this houee saves on pensions $5G7,
Of.7 more thnn It saves on all six bills,
including tlio pension bill. It actually
votes away about $333,000 inoro for
other purposes while "saving" nearly
$10,300,000 on pensions. Tills from the
party which boratos the present ad
ministration for saving on pensions Is
particularly good.
If this is all the republicans can find
to brag of at this stage of tho proceed
ings how will it ho when tho session
conies to an end? Not ono of thC30
bills has yet passed both houses, and
thcro is no tolling how much any of
them will carry when It goes to tho
presl-lent. It Is ati old trick for tho
houso to bo economical on paper and
ask the people to beliove that Ub wicked
partner, the penato, is to blame for all
tho extravagance.
Besides, tho foregoing bills aro only
about half of tho whole number and
do not Include those offering tho best
openings for extravagance tho sundry
civil, the naval, tho fortifications and
the rivers and harbors bills. Thcso aro
reserved, as usual, for tho closo of the
session the time when the logrollors
and tho men with Jobs got in their ef
fective work with the conference com
mittees. If tho republicans can find
nothing but tho pension hill to brag of
at this stage where will they probably
find themselves after tho adjournment?
Hooiiih for Triulluir J'urinii Only.
Now York World: The skirmish lino
of the St. Louis convention hau already
been thrown out. In addition to tho
four serious candidates, McKlnley, Al
lison, need and Morton, tho stato re
publican machines aro discovering
favorite sons and "faking" booms for
them. The list of bogus or mushroom
candidates nlready Includes Cttllom ot
Illinois, Davis of Minnesota, Uradley ot
Kontueky. Mnndereon of Nebraska and
Alger of Michigan. There Is no serious
danger of nny of theso moro or less
eminent Htatcsmen getting In reach of
tho nomination. Their booms nro In
tended solely for trading purposes.
WHY Is it that you
always look to per
fectly gloomed?
Your gown and
nam iook n ire-ni
as if only worn for
tho first 1 1 m o ,
though they nro
really oldor than
my own," said ono
young mntron to
lior friend.
"I am Bttro I don't know except that
I tnko euro ot my poor clothes," she
answered, laughingly, ""iou see, I
won't havo any moro this season, so I
husband my resources."
And this Is whore the secret Is. The
ono woman Is provided, at tho first of
the season, with a perfectly nppolntol
suit, hat, gloves, shoes and all; sho
realizes It Is all bIio may hnvo all win
ter; so she takes every precaution that
they shall remain fresh through the en
tlto season. Sho novcr removes tho
Kown without vigorously shaking It
and brushing from It every parllde of
dust; then sho Is careful lo hang it
away In such a position that It will not
wrinkle or become crushed.
Sho wntches tho bottom of tho Bklr.
to catch sight of tho first tiny fray, and
this Bho speedily monds. You never
seo her skirt a mass of wretched little
lags all around tho bottom as you do on
so many finely dressed women, who
seem perfectly oblivious ot tho condi
tion of tho bottoms of their skirts so
long ns their heads and shoulders look
nltrartlvo. Tho hodlco cornea In noxt
for Us shnro of attention; Is neatly
brushed and hung away on a shoulder
i ollar ot DtPch blue rolvct and a nnr-i
row belt of tb'1 same finish tho gown,
Tho lnt worn with It Is of blark velvet,
In sailor shape, the crown nil heapel
with black silk popples, with jeweli
hearts, and ten spiky black wings.
This frock has a way of carrying n,
dainty perfume with It by moans of
liny Bacheta of ribbon filled with per
fume inserted In the armholos anl
wnlsL This Is a rail that la fast find
ing favor, aa It distributes tt faint per
fumo nt all times and la in much bettor
tasto than tho bodice of hantlkerelu,
soaked with a strong odor. Some mo
dlatea sot In thoeo- Uttlo sorbets In thu
wrist of tho sleeves and Inaldo tho fac
ing of tho skirts.
tiny IlcMzin In OurteM.'
One of tho perullar features ot thi
garter ot tho present is that It la grad
ually becoming ornnmontal instead of
useful. Tho fomlnlno heart dellghtft
In beauty, but not In Its unfailing abil
ity to Intcrfero with tho circulation of
tho blood and evontunlly Injuring tho;
proportions of tho log. It Is rnrely that
a woman to whom nnturo has been gen
erous wears tho garter In proferenco to
tho regulation bore supporter, although
sho loves tho bojcweled and orna
mented elastic with all tho old-tlmo
ardor. This Ih why, It ono makes boll
to ask a woman If alio wonrs theso ob
jects of beauty, sho ns a rule replies:
"No, but I Hko thrm over so much."
This year tho hejcwclod garter 13
moro thnn ovor n favorite. Tho de
signs nro unique and costly. One In
particular, which Is greatly admired,
has a gold bttcklo of Konian gold. In
tho center Is a crown set with small
diamonds. Tho edgo of tho bucklo la
beautifully chased. This variety la
much tnorondmlred than purchased, for
men draw tho line at paying $100 for a
pair or garters, regnrdloss of all hints.
Thoro ia still another bucklo, however,
even moro expensive than tho ono men
tioned. Diamonds, tsqunro cut, and
black enamel entirely cover tho sur
face, giving It something tho appear
inco ot tho chocker-board. If 0111
AIiiiwIik; tin) aril nnil Ni'lrrllnc In Duty.
Louisville Coui'Icr-.lounial: Con
gress occupies its timo in a partisan
cflort to consuro Mr. llayard for ox
pressing an opinion not Bharcd by a
majority of congress and in Instructing
the nations of the earth as to their
dity, meanwhile neglecting Its own
duty to nfford the pcoplo of the United
States tho sadly needed relief which It
Is in tho power of congress nlono to afford.
lllriN of 11 I'erttlior.
Atlanta Journal: Tho protectJonlsts
and free sllverltea In both tho democra
tic and republican patties show tin In
creasing disposition to llock togethor.
Ily all means (hey should do bo. Their
ideas ot the functions and power of tho
government and ot tho rights ot tho
masses of the people aro Identical and
it would be a happy thing for the coun
try If wo could huddle them together
and smash them at once.
SwI Wk )R jtzr&--
Tryhic to llrftnk ltr.il' (nrvr.
Philadelphia Record: Some rorty re
publican members of tho houso of rep
resentatives whd nro persuaded that
Speaker need's do-nothing policy has
been Inspired less by patriotic consider
ations thnn by a deslro to promote tho
safety of his presidential boom, havo
held several conferences recently with
a view of Initiating a movement which
Bhnll compel him to tnko a stand on tho
Issues of the day.
Tlio I, or hill Cmiillitntr.
Chicago Chronicle: Senator Thurs
ton is right. Ills eulogy of McKlnley
Is fulsome In the extreme, but ho Is
right in thinking that McKlnley is tho
only logical candidate of his party. Ho
Is right because, as he says, McKln
ley's Is the "ono name which meati3
more than any other namo upon tho
gieat Issue of protection; the ono namo
which Is attached to tho most perfect
protectlvo tariff law over enacted by
tho congress of the United States."
Not that McKlnley originated or
framed that "most perfect" law, for ho
did nothing ot the kind. Ho simply
handed the representatives of tho sev
eral favored interests blank shoots of
paper and asked them to wrlto what
they ploaaod. What they wrote ho and
lita party associates enacted Into law.
McKlnley himself was not tho author
of the Jaw. Ho was merely ono of the
publishers. Hut his name is associated
with the law, and therefore he Is his
party's logical candidate.
Ills party long ago ceased to be any
thing but tho organized agent of tho
law-made and law-sustained monopo
lists nnd licensed plunderers. It has
been nothing else slnco Hayes aban
doned tho southern republicans In 1877.
From that timo to this its business has
bton to accumulate party fat by onrich-
lng favored classos out of the earnings
of the people. In the pursuit of this
business it has propitiated the silver
kings and thoroby brought a disastrous
panic upon tho country. Iu tho pur
suit of this business Us organs and
leaders have boon lying about tho
causou of tho panic for two years, al
though they admitted the truth in the
summer of 1883.
McKInloy is Just the man for the
party. lie is the willing tool of mo
nopoly Ho roally bollevott that the way
to make the people rich is to tax them
enirmously und force nine-tenths ot
t he'n to pay enormous tribute to tho
other one-tenth. He doesn't knew any
better. The benoflalarlea of tao spolia
tion gystom want Juat uen a dupe to
look after their interest.-
Tim Other Ox 1 Oorcil.
Minneapolis Trlbuno: Speaker Heed's
arbitrary methods, when they were di
rected to keeping an obstreperous mi
norltyln check, and to furthering re
publican legislation, were accepted by
his colleagues as a necessity. Hut when
they aro exercised over an overwhelm
ing republican majority with tho object
of advancing tho czar's presidential as
pirations thero are marked signs of revolt.
suspendui' no thnt it will not lose its
shape. Tho big .derves aro carefully
picked out and left perfectly smooth.
And this takes a lot of time, but it pays
In tho long run, for such a woman ii
certain to look nlwnys tho woll
groomed womnn, provided sho Is ns
careful ot her body as Bho Is of her
A most fetching gown In genulno
tailor style is In dull slate colored
camel's hair, with a long-haired, silky
surface. It has a skirt of severe plain
ness nnd n snug, tight-fitting little hod
ice, mndo smart by Its ripple basque
and a broad vest of white kid laid
across with rows of narrow black sill:
braid. With this smart street gown
Is worn a tiny little toque made of black
velvet bows ami big cut Jet ornaments.
A Coinlili-rnblB DiffrrKiirc.
Nashville American: In 1892 the Mc
KInloy tariff was tho law of tho land,
anil our manufactured oxported
amounted to one-sixth of tho totnl ox
ports. In 1S95 tho Wilson tariff was
tho law of the land, and our manufac
tures exported amounted to one-fourth
ot tho total exports.
Hutch Drift III1111 Dri'K OooiU.
Tho "Dutch" craze has gotten into
tho realm of dress, and "delft" blue Is
Eeen In tho now millinery, neck lingerie
and even In m-w dress goods. A charm
ing gown of this quaint nnd generally
becoming color Is made of silky mohair
combined with velvoty white bronil-
wlshos to surrender $250 sho can be
come tho owner of n pair. The biko
and tho bloomer girls have their own
particular brand of garters. For the
first Is a bucklo with a young woman
in bloomers on a wheel. This 1b in
chased work and the bucklo may bu
of sllvor or gold, according to tnstc.
For tho bloomer girl olono a Bucklo
has been designed on which Is a vory
clover representation of a girl In bloom
ers of tho most approved fashion. Thet
thcro nro buckles with horses' bead3
and others with tennis, flshibg, golf
and yachting designs. Kx.
tlmiy Not an Dancnroii n .MoKlulry.
Davenport Democrat: People havo
bton holding their breath and woudor
Ing where Matt Quay was goltiR to come
In in tho republican scramble. Now
they find out. Hut cvon Quay would
not bo as detrimental to tho fortunos ot
tho United Stntes as McKlnleyism of
the gonulno stamp, such as we had n
little while ago.
Siilxtltnto for 1'hiKor llowli.
A charming substitute for flng-i
bowls, which is not likely, however, to
be popularly imitated, Is seen on tho
tablo of Mrs. Clara Louise Kollbgg Stra
kosch, now living in Now York. It 13
an exquisitely wrought basin of old
English silver, which is halt filled with
fragrant rose water. Into this each
guest Is supposed to dip a corner of his
napkin, rather than tho lingers, tho
hint bolns given by tho hostess, to
whom tho bowl is passed first
riatn .Spenliliii,- Dnniiiinlp.l.
St. Louis Post-Dlapatch: For onco
tho country should bo given national
platforms the moaning of which can
not possibly be mistaken by the dullest
minds. The straddlea ot the past have
been wearUome and disgusting. Lot
ovory party ajioak plainly to the peoplo
this year.
Tmrt-uliln to the ltiullloiiii l'arty.
Naw York Times: It is not without
pleasure that the impartial observer
recognizes that It Is to the republican
party that the senate owes Its present
degradation, and it is to the republican
party that the degraded senate effera
its grealttft pelltleal Ineubus hU dau-
cloth -yjd black braid. Tho skirt Is
vory wide and full of stiff folds, setting
out smartly about the feet. Tho plain
ness of the skirt Is rollovad by two
deeply pointed patela sot in at tho sides,
ot whlto broadcloth, outllnod with nar
row bluck silk braid and a decoration
of faiall black silk covered buttons.
The blousy bodice of white brcndcloth
Is topped by a jaunty coat of tin blue.
In Ktou effoct. ending In a full set of
rather long ripples at the back. A
broad collar rolls back hi sailor style
and is edged with the narrow braid.
The sloeves are Immensely full and
droop toward the elbow, over n tight
under part, decorated with black but
tons and simulated button holes, as U
tho front ot tho short coat. A crushed
llouoliolil Uiiir..
Hcof and mutton possess tho greatest
nutritive value of all meats.
In choosing poultry young birds can
bo told by their having smooth legs and
combs. Always select plump ones,
A largo chicken or turkey is much
more economical to buy than a medium
sizod ono.
Hero Is tin excellent method of re
moving groase spots from a waxed lloo".
Pour spirits of turpentine on the spo
and glvo It time, to soak into tho wool.
Thou cover with powdered talc and:
proas with a warm, but not very hot,
Iron. Tho talc will absorb tho greaBe
Brush off nnd polish the placo anew
with wax.
Tho latest addition to tho 5 o'clotk
tea tablo Is peanut sandwiches. Do nat
roll tho nut meats, but pound them in a
mortar with a little salt until thoy aro
very line. Spread bread that has beet
cut very thin with butter and then with,
the nut paste. Place two pieces to
gether and cut the sandwiches round
or In a triangle.
If tho molasses and butter to be usel
in gingerbread be boated together to al
most the boiling point before being
stirred in with the other Ingrodlents tn
cake will bo improved.
The noxious taate of many whoh
somo drugs Is so much against their
use that a few hints as to harmless dis
guises of the flavors may be useful A
little extract of licorice destroys trj
taste of aloes. Peppermint water dl -
guises tho unpleasant taste ot eaUs
Milk counteracts the bitter tlavor of
Peruvian bark. Castor oil cannot be
tastod it beaten up and thoroughly
mixed with the white, of an egg.