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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1896)
,,, f&P c" fir v tS -. " en 'JV & v VOL. 2 HEMINGFORI). BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY, MAR 20. 1M)G. NO 4 wwimmimm n ii iwmwi4ira I I III Mil1 h IIM'I lJTW""f'L,M"" nMM ltlBMI II'IWIWMI I .BI"'H I i i. ifi Un k pnn mil n i y Wi VlJI.II i & 1 if v - jv AvSjffiJ' sKJ' h u ik tf ? ,- ., 1 k l& The Herald. I'uMMied every Friday and entered ot tho imi-t-olbVe in Urjnimiford. NebraUa, as eecond- clBBB mail matter. tltE 11 Etui-Dli devoted to tlio Intercut ot ilominjitord ami l!ox Hutto runnt. THUS. J. CKHErn, Publisher. BUUBOnii'TION KATES! ONK YRAll... SIX MONTHS .51 Ml , ...76 OFFICIAL PAPER OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY, rmiKTv npwiprl I F. M. PnFLffl h cioric. A. M.Mnxcu Treasurer, J AS. II. II. HKWKTT . K. I. KWEFNEY u. r. oiwmn Mis A. K. Keemnd. rius.linwv...... Dr.. W. K Mtixrii . l)w. L. W. Uowman.. James lUnnr Jam. IIollinrake... G. W. Duncan .....Midue. Shrriir. Attorney. Simerintfndent. .s,'lf,3r: romnilMlinrr Wirt: '.' '('omnilj-Hinjier 'Jiid Dint. . I'onimlpMouer t!rd Diet. MAIL, MltlXTOllY. HzMtKoront) postoflice. On wek tlny door opens at 7 a. m., seneral delivery .ens at a. 111. and closes at 8 p.m. Open Bbndaya 0 to 10 a.m. IlcjnvnroRD amd Box Uctte ataRedaily except I Sunday. ITrMtwrtrnnn xim V1t?vt. lt nimtrn. Mnndav ' Wednesday and Friday. Oj3.-u.rola IDirootoi'y. -lONOHEUATIONAIi. I'rrnchinti'oaeu Hlter- ,iute Sunday, beclnnlnt: Jnmmry. 1. IHOI. at II o'clook a. in., mid at 7 p. m. Smiilav School Mt 10 a. m. 1'ruyur Meethii; each WtUiitBdny at 7 p. m. ) EKMAN LUTHT.UANr-Servlci'R nt tho i . Court Hnus-c. ltev Wunderlicb, Pustor. i 0 IATHOIjIC: Uov. t'Uarles Zak J'astor. TilFrilomST:-lt.;v ,1,W. Kenda.ll Pastor mi Preaclilnir thi ttucond nud tourth Sunday In each raomh ut It u m., and 7 p. in. I.irifeCOI'ALi-Scrvloes In Jltioiuil Church, ltev. tho Coriprofrat- I'UHtor. Bcrvlcca on tho third Thareday In each mouth nl7 p. m. M- W. A. 'HoHobush Camp No. 3U0. Meets 1 eenml anil fourth 'luesdayn glit of eanli ontli. VisitlusNciuhliorB cordially invited. W.M.IoazNCE. Clerk. F. llucrr. V. C. ,Kow Short Lino to Helena, Butto Spokane, Seattle and Tacotia. d-. I. &j "W. O. Tlmo Oarcl. KABT 30UNO. No. tJ. pR?'on(:)l urrhoa nt IW5 p- m, " ififrnlfrlit " " 0:Qjp. m. " B freight (ii-rlvo at 10:10iv. in. WKHT HOUND. No. it pasenRor arrives at 8:21 a.m. " in froicht ' " Ii:-' P. m. ." 7 fretcht nrrlvt" at 3:15 p. ni All trains carry pBenp(ira. W. M. Corti.ASi). A tren' Nonci:. BUito of Nebraska, ). County of Ilox initio. ( eB FollowlnK i tho etimato of for Box HuttH county Nn!jraka. for the IStH), made by the Hoard of county commimdpnera at their meeting on llm second Tueuday in Jan uary IVM, a reiiirfd uy law ESTIMATE Or ITXTK.NFEB FOB 1600 For enmity otlicera salary f.l,(ino.oo nriVMtii't .WM.U" Lmummmmmummimm Sonorr-::::::::.:.--:-: K equal to any emergency, deliver &X8cofSrru! ?;K 'ed tlio address and it is said to ffi.,tew,lta' :::::: 1?Ww:oo be the most eloquent one ever Total espenneg f UiO.Oa Astt: 1'. M. I'liKLPS, Clerk. l'.y Jab. II II. HrwrTT. Deputy. L. W. BOWriAN Physician and Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEB. Ofiice rooms and residence in Braver block, up stairs. Special attention givAn to dis eases of children . Notice of Publication of Sum mons. Julia C. InaersoU t. Lewi M. WilHsw.Ira K. Tash and Ea M. Ta&U his wife, end W.J. Bowden. . . , , Lewta M. Williams and W.J. Howd"n defend ant. Mill take notico that on the -Jth dy of July, IMO. Julia i . Inseraol, piulatilf hen'in.fll f J her petition in trn dUtnct court uf lint Ilutte county, Nebrasla, asalnst fiiil defend antR, the object and prajer of which aro to fore- lopeaceitaiu mortaaue oxecutixl by the de fendant l.evi M Williams to Tho American luTehtmont To , upon tb boiUI wst quarter ia w U) of action four (4) towcahip twenty-six (M)ranRe forty ciht (4 went of 6th I. M. in lkx Butte county. NobranU. to se'tiTethemy ; of a certain coupon bond, dated March h. JSaJ, for the sum of SA. and ten ro-jpoa intorent notes Uiereto attarheil of oTen date tik.-rcw.tli, of 1 12 U5 ca-h, t'it fiMt fiillini; due Jnno 1. 18-., tnd oneou-ry six raonthB thereafter an.1 ..... intn-at nciLt nriivLilml tor in tno ovtnnNio'n OKTeoment. entered iut" Iwtwwa the defendant I. E. lVh and the ssld Anwrlcnn iBTfatnyat ('ompany of 12.25 , w-h. tho Jim fAllitiv fltiA TSAri.rahr 1. ISO, r.,ui ua1' ovii ni mont&a thereatter, w men favi oou.i. i interojt not. k. and nrnrUW d"d aK on t.' o- bond, MoVhiapWnutt with iutereu at th" rator 10 pr rent pr an- aura from tl e S3 day ol July. t9 . for uioli ara nt lnfjipft ftnfiirevLul niaintilT l)paya fli-croe that def'n lantH iy riuiiMl to pay the tor a (jmc. or that s&ia premium may r wua 10 ai inf y the amount found d i- VoqarororitrKi toenswirsatd petition on or before tho lUh ilay of i'oor-nry, Iwli. Dated Jan. 10. lvV0. JULIA (MN'OBKAOL Plaintiff. 1O0 Uy 1) F. Oilman, her attorney 'See Wild before you sail your heirs, poul iy,iuiwr, ogs, cheesy Jr pntatWi. C. J. Wildy visited Allianeo yestorday. Deputy Sheriff Martin has Koon cunndill" !L few dllVS ill Uv,L.u &piiiuiiiD u itw uiya ui town. H. J. Grosser from near Alli ance was in the city Wednesday . John G. Maher returned from Edgemont Tuesday night and has heon confined to his room over since. Ho is improving. A bouncing boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Anton Zajic Fri- day morning. Little Emma Tash was taken suddenty ill Thursday night a,ld for a tim0 ll0r Iif WllS deS pairod of. Mr. and Mrs. Kidwell enter tained a few of their friends at dinner Thursdav. Attorneys Tattle and Gilmau had legal business in Alliauco yestei'Uay The Homingford High School Gleo Club will givo a concert ' April 4th. at tho court house. Admission 15 cents. Remember the date and don't fail to attend as this will bo thc entertain ment of the season. Jeauie Rustin was ill a couple of days this week. ! Postmaster L. M. Kennedy and Ed. Whaley of Burbank were transacting business in town Wednesday . Dr, T. S. Be Bellwood was in town Thursday morning attend ing John G. Maher. W. J. Bean spent Sunday at Broken Bow. PADS!' PADS! Call and got your sweat pads of H. R. Green . Brown bacjiH at 35 cts ench. Mrs. Broshar is on tho sick list this week. Miss Emma Ruhter departed Monday night for Hastings. Hon. John G. Maher and Prof. L. B. Penner, B. A., wont to Edgemont Saturday where a re ception vas tendered them by the Edgemont Commercial Club. Mr. Maher was billed for a speech, but owing to a sudden at tack of pneumonia was compell ed to remain in his room. How ever, Mr. Fennor who is always made in the northwest. Miss Edna and Elliott McLood are nulubercd with tho sick. Now line of carpets at Hern call's. Our dentist R. H. Blanchard who has been east taking a thorough course of lectures on dentistry tho past winter, hopes to bo homo ready to meet his! friends at his dental rooms about Axn-il loth. Isaac Griffith of Ida, called at this ofiice Wednesday and made application to prove up on his homestead. Will O'Mara of Box Butto was in town yesterday. There was a dance at Jas. Hoi linrake's Tuesday night. Sever al from town attended and a pleasant time is reported. Tho Edgftwont company has let the contract to Mike Elmore for . .. .. . , t- nuiiuing a reservoir iwar tno it a K ranch. The reservoir will cover linout i00 ,.cre3 of laud and will bo - -- - nliont th rl V feut dfiOI) uuuiu tun ly iuui utiup Mr. Vro- man tells us that it will hold water PUOUgll tO ItimiSll IlltWll CUUIC ICOt e water pr nejoiut tor ninety - days, it will he uswi to furnish water for tho canal in cae tho river in dry time should fail to supply enough. Tho reservoir is to be completed by May 1st. KuighUof Labor Advocate, Edge monl. I Over and ieasons a Cycle of Wet S is Before us Wo have not had such a sprint; as this since 1883, during which season tho riohost harvest of tho county wad gathered. Water id rising in tho wells and streams willinnt. iitiv nrni-mjtihlv cause. mui prosperity is before us. Scientists say that the period of tho sun's excosivo activity is over I and during tho next four are fivo years, or oven seven or eight wo lmve reason to expect wetter sea- sons, xiiey say mat tno sun nas periodical super-activities, when tho great sun spots appear, and that during those periods tho heat ...i.:..i. : ..i?,..! ' .i... i. j. ,. ivliiph in nhnd over tlm earth is so excessive that it intorforos with ' tho movement of moisture cur- reutrf, drying up tlio moisture and withering vegotablo life. This ex planation seems reasonable for tho 'dry belt," during tho past few years, has been practically tho whole earth. Europe lias been as dry as America. There is nothing exceptional in these periods. Thoy have recurred regularly, at stated intervals; the only differ- enco is that tho one through which we have passed has been one of almost unusual severity. It is not likely that another ouoot equal severity will occur in a generation. This (scientific view dissipates tho fear, entertained by soiiiO, that the earth is gradually drying up. There ib just as much water on thin earth now as there was when wo began to live. Its distribution is tho ouly thing that has varied, and tho distribution is in obedi ence to more or less regular natur- al laws Neither must we behove , that tlio drouth through which we I have juit passed has been tho moot ' sovore, oven in this century. Tho 'great lakes according to govern I ment records, woro lower preccd j ing tho lities we believe that was tho time than thoy are now. i Tnrco years from now all tho lake and water levels may bo rostored ' and tho welcome ongs of tho frogs I will bo again heard from every ' section of tho land. God has not foivnken uswhich is to say natural laws have not como to 1 naught all of a s'i Man. From this our farmers should tako cour- ago, and plant ovory aero to crop for which they can procure seed, for all indications point to an abundant harvest. Borea Qorctpings. We venture to predict A 1 crop this year. PoteJ Bclgum was a county seat visitor last luesuay. Miss Edna Johnson has secured ... . .,. . a fechool west of Nonpareil this spring. mi. lUHUlu, Jjll-D.uiu.. w.. .o road, went over this part of tho system last week on an inspection jtrip. , C. E. Phillips, Iho Hemiuford 1-irvaTiirn tvtta flfWVTl linlni?W 11 Q 1 ,l,v.,, I,ftl;,w Q i o-"i-- -- - -- -?. . I1JLLA lVJ HtHJ ( '-. " The Dry Years are repair a hud piece of track last puri,Os0 of choosing delegates to weok, putting in part of his leisnro tho county convention, at Ueiuing time. I ford on April 11, 1896'. ... , . E. Mahin Committeeman. And again wo have a great so- ' , cial event to chronicle. Tnis tuno , tho victims wero Mr. J. 11. Jo w- .ni. e :i.. u t ....... ....... 1 eusiaimi.y. auuut iwnmy ijuu.i.-, old and young, popped in upon tho neacenbla and uimu-necting family . last 1'rictay night, carrying every- . - i 1 i thing before them, and in pito of lUO Stonily wuillliur, uiuy wijwi themselves immensely. Tho Borea Sunday t-chool people met aud reorganized tho S. S. for tho next yoar, with tho following oflicers and teachers for the onsu - ing quarter: Mrs. S. A. Curtis, - , fuperintendent; W. II. Jo-arett, Ass't superintendent; MissOatona' Curtis secretary, ami L. S. Mub- trud, troasuror. For teachers: S. Mastrud, the Bihlo class; Mrs. W. ,0U,80I1 Juvenile cities, and Mrd. j. ij, Juwott, tho Infant ola-s. -Ve hopo peoplo will tako inter- edt and mako it as much of a mic- ........ ..o ; ..,u t.iat imi' Ymi nn un oonlinlly invitod to tako part. ; Resolutions. The following resolutions wore passed "by tho Congregational Missionary society of Homing- loru, occasionou oy me iieum 01 Mrs. Dada. , Resolved, That wo render a tribute ofrrcspeet to our sister in 'appreciation of her work among ,ll'iJ1 " 'resolved, That wo imitate il01. christian example and Godly ! , . A ..-' life, so that if we are called so unexpectedly to moot our God, wo may, like her, have on tho whole armor ready and wailing for his call. Resolved, That wo tender our deepest sympathy to her companion and family who have mot with such an irreparable loss, and may the absence of her christian companionship bo sup plied by tho hand of her beloved Master. Resolved, That thoso resolu tions bo published in the Hom ingford Herald. By order of Committeo'. Mrs. Sherwood. Mrs. McCoricle. Mrs. Ward. Seerotary Morton has boon do intr Bonio figuring in connection with tho items which have boon placed in tlio agricultural bill against his will-in fact, in spito of his vigorous protost. Ho finds that in addition to tho S1G3.000 appropriated to buy seeds for free distribution, it will cost tho Post Office department, 9172,000 for carrying seed through the mail. That three books for exclusive Congressional distribution ''Tho report on tho diseases of tho horse", "Tho report on tho diseas es of cattle," and "Consular reports on cattlo and dairy farming" will cost 81-17,500 and will cost the Post Ollico Department 841,000 more to carry them, making a total of 188,500. At tho con clusion of his figuring on what he regards us extravagances, because there aro no adquato returns for tho money spent, Secretary Morton pertinently asks: "Is it any wonder that tho receipts of our postal ser vice fail to equal its expenditures?" We acknowledge receiptor a copy of tho Northwestern Press, a new piiper published hi Harrison hy W. II. D.tvis, who H On Supt. of bdioola. The l'ress is up to the standard and wo wish it success. Now Bro. Harvoy Ellis aren't you afraid your shot gun theory (?) will explode, if you persist in ! !tl,l,l,,wlmnnnV i 'y'S "" 0 REPUHLIOAN CAUCUS. Tho republicans of Nonpareil precinct will hold a caucus at tho I OIIUIUOU bCWUUI IIUUDUUi y k.,1, on Moiuiiiv. Anni u. isyu. ior ino Horncall wants faomo dressed hogs. oq n,s dried apples for 81,00 al wTiiIv'h. , wiiriv nnv hhvoii Kcnts for dressed ....--j ,.j-. 0itry. r wailt all the dressed poultry In W. K. llKUNCAI.L. tllC COUtlty. j If you W0Ilt a 8l,it, overcoat, overalls, cloak, cape, or shawl, cheap-a big lino at Wildy's. . Wihly ell ion a nice unit fr W.00 1 L(m1c at tUuse flvo cents prints at WIUIj-.s. WlWy U rjwvt W Srst lar iinoic ot sininf guoAi w cluthiHg. C0unty Com,iSSiOnel:S, PrOCeedSngS. f County Cleric's Ofllco. Mareh IT, 1890. . Board of county commission- ers met as per adjournment. T t IltirfiM nri Tlnif On motion of Harry, Duncan of delinquent personal taxes was olectod temporary chairman, against each of the several On motion. Caul Weita was up- claimants, and it is hereby or poiutud road overseer of district dored that tho clerk draw a war No. 22. rant on the general fund in favor On motion, Poter Kearney was of each claimant whenever thoro appo.htod road overseer district is a balunce duo him after do No. 20. ducting such claimant's delin- On motion hoard adjourned till quent personal taxes; and it is 9 a. in., March lb, It DO. further ordered that tho clerk Goo. W Duncan, Chrmn. draw a warrant on the general P. M. Pholps, Clork. fund in favor of tho county March 18 1S9G. treasurer for each amount so do- Hoard mot asrJr udio'urnment. ducted and applied on claimants Pitsent, Duncan and Barry, , no. 2927 U W Emory, bedding, 2928 Simonson Bros., coal, 29150 State Journal stationery, 2931 Miller & Wildv, Hour, 29IJ2 P1I Zobol jr, keeping pauprs 2933 M D Atkin. juror Mch term 293-1 .las A Ball, 2935 Geo W Clark 30 H N Earnest 37 Wm Foskct, bailiff, 38 C C Prow, juror 39 Snm'l Hollinro-ko, 10 C C llucko 41 Ambroso Iladloy 42 W E Hall 43 R B Hamilton 1-1 F W Hucko 45 W D Johnson 40 John N Johnston 47 Jens P Jonson 48 Jacob H Johnston 49 W I Loranco 50 Ernest Meints 51 P Michael 52 E D Payne juror i it ii I. it ii ii it ti ii ii it it ti ii i i ii ii 53 J Adam Preis 54 Simon Spry 55 G W Sparks 50 Sani'l Switzor 57 E M Todd 58 John A Wilson 59 Ilarvo West GO Titus Wchrstbin 01 J F Wltolan 02 II H Pierce, livery (13 F Martin, services den slvrt 01 B-PSwoonoy " . ti 24 80 . JU 80. , 05 JT Pinkerlon boards jurors 10 SO 10 GU ' 0(J Ann Shindler " "3 3 3 67 GW Duncan serv'cs Comr, 26 26 (IS .Ins Barrv. " " 87 87 On motion, board adjourned . u,ul,u"' for dinner. Afternoon Session. Present, Duncan and Barry. On motion, bond of Lewis J. Educational Department. The Box Butto County Teach- ers' Association will meet in tho Homingford school building on finwinV. March 28. 1890. at 1:30 p. m. PUOGUAMME: Music. Recitation, Miss Lulu Blair. Paper, "Linking Together of Studies in Primary work" Miss Anna Calkins. Discussion conducted by D. K. Spacht. Song Mrs. Blanchard. Paper, "What Constitutes a Good School?" C. L. Snodokor Discuscion conducted by Miss Ietta Bonds. Recitation- -Miss Carrie Bis- sell. Committee on music, Miss In ico McCorklo and Ed Roynolds All interested in oducational work are cordially invited to bo present and tako part. Report of school in No. i2 Box Butto county, for month end- in- March 13, 189G. No. of days taught 20 No of pupils enrolled 10 Average attendance 0 Tnoso not absent woro Gaylord, Floyd and Pioire Alexander. Visitors: Mrs. Armstrong, Miss Mary Hamilton, Miss A. E. Neo- land. Co. Supt., Mis Parkin, Mr. Armstrong, (director) Mrs. E. V. Alexander and son. L. AiikXAKUBU, luaalier. The following claims haying heon presented for allowance, on motion tho board procured from tho county troasuror a certificate personal taxes: CLAIM 87 150 24 93 2 05 AL'W'D S7 4 50 24 95 2 05 0 95 7 20 0 90 10 8 10 8 20 0 85 0G0 8 20 9 50 10 8 70 0 73 8 25 8 60 9 40 8 25 G 8 20 8 8 10 0 4 85 8 8 9 30 ' 8 25 7 20 0 00 1 9 TAXES WAU'NT 87 4 50 24 95 2 05 0 95 0 95 7 20 7 20 6 90 4 01 8 10 .0 85 0 00 0 50 8 70 0 75 8 25 9 40 8 25 0 8 20 0 90 10 8 10 10 8 20 0 85 0 00 8 20 9 50 10 8 70 7 50 10 8 80 9 40 8 25 0 8 20 8 8 10 0 4 85 8 G 9 30 8 25 7 20 0 00 1 8 20 8 20 IP '8 80 4 8--8 10 '0 ' 4 85 8 8 9 30 8 25 7 20 0 00 1 9 2180 10 50 M 20 37 Mackcy overseer -of road district No. 23, examined and approved. Qn raot0n, board adjourned to meet ut 9 a. m., March 30, 1890. G. W. Duncan, Chr'mn. F. M. Phelps, Clerk. Report of district No. 70, Box Butte county, for month ending March 15th. jj0 0f tayS taught 19 No. of scholars enrolled 17 , Average attendance i" Thoso passing in tho monthly examination, were as follows: John Schultz, 85 per cent. Charlie Evans, 81 " Lida Evans, 80 " U7:il Ql.,i1-r 70 ii ii Jessie II. Hauius, Teacher. Dist. No. 29 in charge of J. W. Batungardner was called upou last week. Tho number of pupils is small but careful and diligent work is being done by both teacher nnd pupils Tho school in Dist No. 19 con ducted by Miss Nellie Hurris is alive and interesting. Miss Harris behoves with Comonius, that a cheerful environment, a pleasant schoolroom and cheerful objects should be associated with study, ' The school in Dist. No. 72 taught by Mhs Mary Collins was found busily engaged in Ukuu an examination in arithmetic, but a primary class in reading was con- ductad while 1 was pent and ha rk, mth opfous was t,n best ever witnessed by primary PPI ,corrcct Pronunciation and expression. Ru0K8 of all kinilSi fllylc8 aa(1 prlcM Cun fifc ny foot ami poct0 book w K Hbusoali. u WJiaUtf at Wl,j.,t .