Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, March 13, 1896, Image 8

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    c;4AmwiM aaufcHbunMtawTuiiiiiiiiMiiitoitMiMtwifctiiiiwwijiy
Marjr Aotlaraon Tellt-thr Trial of IIr
lVnrly tn?rt ;retv
Three months, elapsed footwear- Mar)
Andcrcon's flret fipprnrnnca o tho
EtflBO nnd hor dpcoiiiI porfOrmnnco
-a noariurca ting inifrvai," wniaa dira.
lln Xnvnrrr. In iL Jnntinrv mimbor a
the Phlladolpliln Lndloa' Homo Journal,
Mannser Macaulcy of Louisville, Ky
offered her his theater flKaln for a
weok nnd bIio presented tho chief rolo3
In five playa "Fnzlo," "Tho Hunch-'bo
lack," "Evndno." "The Lady of Lyons"
ana "Komco nnd Juliet." or tho nrst
week's ensngement she wrltoa: "As
thn end of tho week was Ip. debt to the
manager for the sum of ?1, tho houses
having boon largn enough to only
cover running expenses. All I gained
by a week of hard work was a sad heart
and a very sore throat. Dosldce, cred
itors bocanio unpleasantly Importu-
nrite, for my Bcanty wardrobe was not e, 1iirt f t,u CIMUI,Bj,rn in explain
yet paid for. . n -ii
"This consisted of a white oatln dresi. ' inS stt,riua lhW liro now circulat-
simply made, which did service for all
tho parts. It sparkled In silver trim
ming for Juliet; was covered with pink
roses for Julia; became gay In green
and gold for Evadno and cloudy with
white laco for Pauline. Tho unfortun
ate gown owed Its many c'hnnges to tho
nimble nnd willing flngci'3 of my
mother, who spent much tlruo each day
In Its mctntnorpkospn; A train of vel
veteen, a whlto muslin dress and u mod
ern black silk gown (which, llko Mrs.
Toodlos, wc thought would bo bo use
fulbut which had to bo discarded nftcr
Its flrnt npppfirnupfr) completed my
wardrobe surely a meager one for flvo
plays of five acta, ench requiring at
Jcnnt twolvo gowns.
"We had built up financial na well a3
artistic hopes for that week and wero
disappointed In both. But U proved
moro successful than yma at first
thought, for Bhortly affer lien Do Bar,
ono of tho greatest PhlstnffH of his time,
'engaged mo for six nights at his St.
Lfllija theater. At tho end of that tlmo
.'.'1 found myself In his dobt for tho sura
of ?G00, but the houKca had steadily
Improved and the press was filled with
long articles enthusiastic about the
present and full of predictions about tho
- future"
Whan It nun Counter to Muscular Force
In t'l.iror....
"1-ook here, mister man!" began a
patrolman as ho walked up to n tramp
who had been hangjpg around tho post
ofllce and nccoating pedsstrlans, "you
want to move on out of thlsl"
"YoU meau you want mo to move
on?" quelled tho tramp.
"Yea,-1 do!"
.' '.'.Well, that Is quite a different matter.
While- I do not want to move on, you
.vlnh mo to, and as you represent force
' i must go. Did it ever occur to you how
, ihle 'move on' business uilsat bo drawn
S "What flo you mean?"
;' 'Tou order mo to move on, I move.
A second cop gives the emtio order. So
it goes to a third, fourth and fifth. In
ho course of llrau where am 17 In
stead of bolns in ios n you have moved
, imo out Jnto tho country nnd I must he
t the trouble of coming back. Did
frou ever ntop to think that you mako
jp cort of circulating library of tho pcr
?esh that way?" '
"You aro asking alms on tho street
and that Is against tho law," replied tho
"All a mistake, Eir. I simply request
I'tho loan of a nmnll sum. It Is cither re
fused or granted. I may return tho
-Joan or mny not, I invariably mako
"Uoo of tho term Moan' instead of give.'
Jt not only squads better but,pvadca the
j law." $, ';
' "But you are a vagrant!" persisted
'fho officer, who hadn't any head for
fl "Excuse me, njr, but you nro wrong
nguln," replied tun man. "I have money
to pay my way. I owo no man a pen-
; jiy and pay for what I get. 1 deep In
n regular bed, wash myself onco n day
and no law can majvo mo out a vagrant."
"But I say you've got tq git!" shouted
4 the officer, as lie mndo u'ady for buel
es. ," "That rettlca It und I rlt. It's a ques-
'tlon of muwular force In uniform ver
mis philosophy In old clotheo, and mus
cular force carries the day. I go you
. ulay. Day to you!" Detroit Free Press,
Lota LVtugh-i Again.
Mayma Pence and Frank Stanley are
to bo married. T'ie enga&enicnt was
announced recently In Anderson, Ind.
iThls puts an end to a romanao in which
;plcodhound3 and. all kinds qt stage ef
rfyecta have played a part Stanley, dur
ing tho tlmo ho has been paying atten
tions to tho young lady, was constantly
'2iarati6ad by his rivals, who stole his
"horhe and buggy on soveral occaolons,
oifcossltatlng him to swim the river
golng home. They aesaultcd him, and
as a last resort, they cut off and stola
Jlaymo's golden tresses ono nluht while
ho was asJccp. Two dnniRge eulto and
alf a dozen other litigations followed.
The hair was nover found.
From un Indian a ixrl.an.
A curious freak of nature arrived a
fow days ago on tho farrp of John Dale,
Just we?t of O-cford, 0., in Indiana. A
ww gdyp birth to a litter of aavon pigs,
two of which are inseparably attached.
.The combination constats ot two dis
tinct and comijieto pigs grown together
along their sides from fore to tho hind
auartere. They are both hoaithy and
at last accounts wore thriving. Ex.
fitol n Ilrn.
Something of a new record was es
tablished" by thlcvos in Adams county,
Washington, last week. They 6tolr
Jt big barn belonging to the count
wudltor pulling it qowsi during the
Jilght, loading it on w&sous i bxuHar
it to part ar jet unknown.
Th Chi wo Clirtmiclo is eSeos
slvoly cautious in putting Neb
naslm in tho doubtful column on
tho silver question. Tho Ilorald
clous not seemiy room for doubts
as to ho democratic position on
., . ,!., .,, j, ,i ,.
tlliB OUGStion llf r UlO dCGlSlVO
mannor ill which tin froo silver
element was turntd down at tho
lato oloction. Tho Chroiliclo will
, ,
convinced of this fact when
the Nebraska delegation take
Jheir seats in tho Chicago con
vention. Lincoln Herald.
McKinley's republican enemies
nro growing moro nctivo evoiy day,
and if ho should get .nominated,
tliey will liuve to spend the grcat-
,ing agaitiBt him. Quo of tho
'latest of theqo glories ciiarges Mo
Kial y with soliciting manufac
tures to contribute mi-hcy to help
ncniinato him, in exchange- for his
proiui-oo that tho McLinley tnrilT
law shall bo ro-enacted. Whether
this story bo true or not, thu nutn
who expects to seo the MeKinley
law enacted again mint bo entirely
blind to public opinion.
Cueago. Burlington &
l. JX. publish t,. sixteen-
page monthly illustrated newspap
er called tho ''Cora Holt," which
gives in an interesting way in
formation about western farm
lands, pattictilary those in Neb
raska. L'ho regular subscription
prico i twenty iiva cent-? por year,
but if you want it sent to any o.f
vour friends living east of the
Mssiss ippi Iiivcr, send ten cents
in stamps for each such per.-ons,
giving namo and full address and
tho paper will bo sent for one year!.
Tho B. & M. It. K. It. Agon I will
show you a? Mimplo copy of the
paper on request. Help your
State and induce your friends t o
immigrate Address the Corn
Bolt, '20!) Adams Street, Ghieago,
Ouri;.and District Ahead.
Tho annual report of tho coni-
miasionors of the goaoral land of
fico has boen received. Tho busi
ness of tho Alliance office compares
favorably with that of any office
in tho United States, and iB away
ahead of any olljoo in Nebraska.
By way of comparison, n give
ii... c.n :..i. i. ... ..i! .i. .:..
uiu iiiuuwiu- i iuiu en iirj uuirio-
upon wac'i th i bu jinoss of tho of
fiopa may. biwed:
ITomosti-ad ontriea oG7
Final ' " 4.p
Iloiiestead entries', 119
Final" " :f 103
Ilotnstesid entries . . , (52
Final " " 70
Homestead on tries 02
Final " " 271
Homestead entri.-i. 92
Final ' u S07
entries 102
' 209
Final u ,
Homestead entries 219
Final " " J12
It was tho only ollico that paid
the maximum salary of SO. 000, tho
Lincoln office being the lowest,
paping $2,775.
This is caused by tho land in
Alliance district being moro de
sirable The larger portion of it
is watered by beautiful streams of
wator, hay ami grass of luxuriant
growth, foroBls of groat trees fur
null cheap lumber in unlimitod
supply, a:d everything calculated
I to build up line homes
and farms
are hero. Tho proportion of land
u tho dry belt in this district is
very small, and that has boen
proved up on years ago, leaving
only desirable land yet to be filed
gn. Alliance Grip.
Ih HtTTC t'OU.VTt, 5 "
II. H. Rallartl, oil ar hereby notltiml that 01
U.e Uth rtaj of April 1?4. l'hoiuus Holli pur
uliawv' at UM. wl t.'w N W ' m lli.u 15. town
ship 94. runiwlt, lloi i'utto count i, StaU-ot
.Sel.-a-ka I'tst Said laud wus taxel In tlie
uuuwotlt. ! liallard. and Uta a:d is.rchase
ot tux wtle was mado for tin- taxm of th year
Hi. Tluttlitinw for ttif mlami.tlnu of the
Afurfittkl Ud will tupjru on ttie 14th iUy of
Mfll 1MWI,
l)atd M, lMlalitle. Iiwa, UiljlSU. d,y of Jan
Ui. TMOS. HOLLltl,
Ity U. B. lkUa!l, kibaUi.lu lact.
' "Motiiacm- ' v i-1
Hot Iin-nx t' STY, S
It. H Hnl1-.nl. -ran nrt Iit!j; -Mlfiril t line on
tlir Ml. ay ot April 1MU, Tliftme llolll jmr-
ohAHCHl ul ux M Um M W 'l cc tliiii 10, Uvn-
M.ip&'frKj, llox Huttw. omit, Statu nt Ne-
iraska. That said Uml V"i tea In tho amo
of It. e. Kallard nnd thosattl purchase of tax
! was made for tlu la i.f thoyenpl.
That thn tlmo for tho redemption of tho "ir;-
said limit will oxptro on thu lAli tiny ot 'April,
l)attl lit nRitcllfTo, Iown. this ml. ;ly ot Jan
lly H. 11. llnllard. Ids ntty. in fact.
Klrst publication 1-ll-ll.
In tlm Matter of tlm I'tnte of )
JmeiIcCttllouB!i,deoirBOit. )
In tlm district court of UoxHnUfl county:
Nuttco Id liroly ivi-ii tl't In pumniihrrf of nn
ordernf tlm Hon W. M Wtwtovpr, JuiUf of tl
OlottlctConriof 15ox IJuttfl connly, l.titnk.
nuiao on thn 10th ilny of Kcbrviany. lKp. for ' tlln
ale of tii n-al ckIMo lifreliiaftcr upwrtjliiHl,
tli-ro will hi Mililnttlm wont front tloor of tho
eo rthouiwln JlornfiiKforo.lIox Iliittiicoiinty.Ni
orn,ku, on tho nth day of Marnli. 1M3. fit in
oViocU n. in., nt public vnmlim to tlio liJKliPt
hitfder for cash, tho Nortliwt quart- of Hc
ttcirt :W, lnTonililp'-w nort., lUnw. fit v,ot or
thrf nlxtli principal McriuVj, In Hos HiiUp
uinl, Nebraska, tjalil mluwill rnnain oimn
oi.ilii.nr. . , . A',,".,r'Tn,SinMl!?...i
AdminlKtratorof thoeetitoof Jamos JltLul-
lniiah, ilpcnBt.
DuUrl February llth.lBMI.
"-- aflSC
Ought to
Read a
Wo don't claim that
Is tho Best Paper in tho
World, but it is 'Must
good enough." It i tho
Official county Paper
and prints all the news.
Wo are prepared to givo
clubbing rates -on any
paper you dejjiro. Sub
scribe now.
Attorneys - at Law,
Subscribe for Tun Hekald.
A now lot of blioess just lecelved by
W. K. Herncall.
"Wildy's received a new lino of
Careatt, and Trade-Marks obtained and all I'at-;
Jentbuslnei conducted for ModefiaTC Fccb.
Souh orncc is Oppositi; U, 8. f ATt'iTOmct
i and we canr uro juient ta less timu tnan tno
t Send model, dtavwnc or pnoto., With ile&erip-J
Ftion. Wo advi, if patentable or cot, Irca of5
fchanre. Our fee not due till patent It ecured. i
. n....u. - ' How to Obtain rtent." with
Jco of IZZ in the U. S. and forosa countne.!
(sent lice. Address,
Opp, Patent O-ricr, WaaMiNti
ivv j5yo-vvv-vi,V"''vvv'v'"',"vvV
D. C.
5 Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all I'at-J
I'll kL
WP . Herncall, the flerchant
Wintor has come, wc ar aware,
Willi its wind and drifting snqw,
And thu,p!aco for sijoh weatlier to prepare
Is wliat wo all wtujt to know.
Where did .you
Why, at the best
Place in towii,
A Beautiful Woman
Attiucts Attention Eveiiywhehe.
. Gold -;-
, A
After Giving it a Trial
Final Proof Notices
F. M
Weuk, Jn., RoKlstor.
DltooMi;, Reco'nor.
1'artii's liRVin notices lu tliUcolnmn nro r
niiihtiil ton-net tho name nircfuliy bihI report to
ti.is oilier for ti.rrcrtKin auy i'irurn that may
I'int. TIiIb will present pusaiulu diiaj iu
niakimt proof.
Lind OlHmnt Allianco, Nob., Fob.17. li'M.
tl(itii'iis liurcby KiM'n that the followln
nnmod settler Ims fileii notleo of his inioutloii to
make llnal proof 11. uupport of hU cloiin ntnl
tlir.ttmUl proof will lio ii.Riio before theT.ORister
rvnd ICeiener at Alliuncc, Ne!i., on March LW,
1WJ, vli!
of Dunlnp. Neb., who mndo It. K No. TOSI for
tho bli l4 N U i. E ', B E i iV 3W 'i S K li eec.
14. tp'JOti. TK 4S W
llo names tho followlnc witnesses to provo
IiIh eontinuouD ri'niilenrt upon and initiation
of mid laud, lz: Kriil Orttnin, John Hrus,
Xormird r'endrich, V. C aJo'c nil of
Dunlap, Neb J. W. Wnm, Jiu, lt"KiHter.
1 jind Oilico at Allinncn, Nob., Fnb. 19, JKM.
NoticuiH hereby ien that tho' followius
tir.mul HOttler has filed notlre of his intuition
U mako hnal proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be mado before the lteitr
or 1 leech cr at Alliance, lneb , on Alarch iVj, 1SU0,
TV?: 1'ATiticK MUiirny,
of Marnlnnd. Neb., who mado H E No. ?.lii5 for
il.n IV. IV V. yi ! In'i'l n. rir .II l.
He names thu following witm-sBrsto prliTR his
continuous ri'wldenw upon and eiiltivntion of
aiillaml,'iz: S. M. Tiip.m"1. Mnrtin VeFeo.
Ed Horner, Jnmuh Wlnvler. all of Mainland,
Neb. J. W. Wsiin. Jb., UoKlotcr.
Ijnd Othcott Alllanco. eb , Fob. 10. 18r.
Notien i hereby kipu thai Iho following
named Hfttler has hKl notice of his intention
to mnUo fmal proof in wipnort of Ins claim and
thnl aid uroof will N mad U-for the ti'i.tpr
or J'ncontr at Ailiaiue, Nob., on Zuaicl. JS,
1st, uz:
of Oelrichs, S. I) , vho inad Timber Culturo
entrj No. :c'S for tlm N W U bec Tp i" n H iw.
Ho names tho followint? witnesses to provo his
routinuoiiH resldeneo uiion and cultivation of
said laud, U: Tlionms 1, Hopkins, John
Jeb nllc. v. M. l'osket, Urove ioalitt, all of
Hcniiuuford, neb.
J. W. Wsn, Jn, Ilesl-tir.
I and Olnce at Alliance, Neb.. Fob. 0, 1MK5.
NntUu is hereby Riven that tho folloin
named set tier has hied notleo of her intention
to make final proof in support ot her claim and
thai said ptoof will Iso made. lxforn County
.iiiilof Dawes county, at Chadron, Nub ,011
March U, 1W6, vU:
of Dunlap. Neb., who mado II E No. I'i4l for
the W t M K li bi-c 7, tp 2V. n, r 47 w.
Hho names tho followmir witnosHPS to pro0
her continuous rrsidenco upon and onltlatiqn
of said land. i7: Harry L. Uartlett, Charlos
L. Waldron, i'rio Soderstrom, EuKOnu l'alter
son, nit of U nn lap, Neb. Also
l.Uin E. I'HIl'IJS.
of Dunlap. Neb., who mndo II E No. UTS') for tho
lotslA-JAE'tN W 4 KoiS. tp-Jlin. rl7w.
Sho names the folloin witness" to prove,
hircoutiuuous residen' o upon and cultivation
of.said land, iz: Harry H. Hartiett, t'harles
L. Valdron, Erie 8der-.trom, Euj,cno l'atter
kon, ail of Dunlap, r.ib.
J. W. Weun, ja., Ilesister.
LandOlhco at Alliance, Nib.. Jan.S'i.thW.
Notice i hereby rIu-ii that tho followimc
n,mHl vntf lor hflA filed tlfltieo of h.S intention to
mako hnnl proof in support of his olaim nnd
that said pi oof will lm made before Itivister or i
ItouvUur atAUinnco, Nob , on .lircliu, lvu, ir
of Ifeminsford.Neb.. who made IIEKO.SC92,
for tho S E U boc 2a. tp U1 n. . tw w.
Ho names tho follow! lis witnesses to prove
his continuous resldeneo upon and cultivation
or Faid land, vi?: Henry .Mjchaeleon. John
Miclmelson, ( lirisl Hansi n, D. A l'aol, all of
Jlcnilngfoni, Neb. J. W. Weu.s, Jk.. HpisUt.
I anil OHico at Alliance. Neb.. Jan
Kiiltfin iu herein ulien that tho f
n i. in-jj.
follow injr-
namwl ajttler has filod notleo of his iufiitiiin
tn mnk fml iiriinf in Kunuori of his claim, and
that salt! pioof uill lm made bforo HcKWir or
ltccentf at Allianco, Neb., on l'ob. -JJ, ltW, vu: i
of Hemlnsford. Neb., who made h. E. No. SAW,
for the lots 1 ii 2 & S Vi N E ' bJ 3 tp Ot li, rs
Ho'nameelhe following wltnos'ies to provo
his coiitiuuous reaideinvi upon anil cultivation
ofHkid land, vu: Martin K. Olojen. Olo J.
Moe. Andrew J. Johnson, llalvor O. tuilnats,
ull of hemluKfoid, Neb.
J. W. Wrun, Jn.. Il?gister.
Land Oilico nt Alliance, Neb., Jan. 21. 1105.
NoticuiH herfcb) Kivon that lh fnllowiiu.'
naim d sot tier has filed r.oticn of his iuaentjon
to mako final proof in support of Ms calm,
and that taid proof will lie mad U-foro Ij. A.
Durnnxlun, U S t . ('. Ct.inmissiouor, at
Chadron. Neb,, on Fe'i. 2D, li-eii, vir.
of Hongh, Neb. , who mado II E No. 43VJ for the
S W l4 sw' 17, t-ii 30 u rn. li w.
He names tho following witnesses to provo
his uoati'iuous resideneo upon and culmatUm
..fsa.d la-id. .i. JtiM-i.liMi. andolr. Wil
l,4iu W. rr. Janus W.lroo, tlrilhu Joralo
uou.allof HoukIi. seb. Also
of Chadron Neb., who mads HE No. 1M2 for
the 8 E U sec lh tp m nr'llw
Hojiani the followiiu; witnesses to provo
his continuous resldeneo upon and cultUiitlon
of wtl.liM.-I.u-.' William W. 'lyree, John M
1 o.h, HoiiKh, Neb . Bila, Y. 1'ecK. I hadron,
Nvu.. Cumadon. W. lash, of doufh, Neb.
J. V. Wrns, Ja., HKi-tw.
JS95 lliuls tl o genuine Round Oalc
w li h groator wiles tliiin any iiar gone
liy, .Mill the number f iiultatiniis 1ms
bocomca multitude. Seo ilaml learn
the leaton why. For sale at unrig .
Whoro wo can satisfactorily trade
Our produco for coileo ami bread,
Hats, caps, mittens, gloves, bilks',
Boots, shoes, overshoes and quilts,
An Ugly Wonnan
Cam Make Better Bread With
QoSel - Leqf - Floqt
You will wonder How You Eyer
This Card is to Cfienefi: Cash
20 2:
f20" L5
100 1 100 1 100 100 100
23i- is- GKEzsiiEiiir,
Shelf & Heavy Hardware,
'H0 1 25
, 2i) 25
20 25
20 25
20 25
Read What This Card
. . . .Says. . . .
When you pay Ca-li, let the Clerk punch out
the amount; nnd when you have paid us
Twentv Dollars in cash, will givo you
Ons (Dollar In Goods Free of Charge.
20 25
s""On nil soods except Rarb wire
50 J 50 $0 $0 50
We will not be undersold, Always bring this Card with you.
Physicians and Surgeons.
ERooms 3-4-5-G, Opera Block.
TnE Oldest JTAnLihUMENT IK the County..
! Charter Oak Cook Stoves,
Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoves,
Paints, Oils, Glass, etc.
, Vw, ,
Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb
WirG---the Best on Earth.. ;
Ha H
Wo bavo Crst-cltiBS btocl: and doublo and single rigs, whicb ire
furnish at reasonable rates. Our facilities fr accommodating boaidera
nro unexcelled iii the city. Givo us a call.
jjgr Slablo Comer Box Butte Avenue and Sheridan Street.
w '
Clothing and underwear,
Ovorshirts and jackets,
And all kinds of neckwear,
i Done up in a nico packet.
Got Along without it.
(Don't Lose It.
J 100 1 100 50 30
15 1 10 5
15 j 10 j 5
15 1615
15 j 10 I 5
15 io j 5
"15 io'fo"
and Harness by tho set.
J 50 j 50 1 50 50
15 1 10 j 5
.Proprietor of