1 R i.r r X w Ifc WITH STOLEN GOLD. AMERICAN EMBEZZLERS IN TORONTO ARE DOING WELL. Ilelle of the Company Sir. Chapdean Her Anxloua "Nluht-Wntch She Can Never lie a Happy Wife of a Charac terleis Man. HERB is no more sublime specimen of diplomatic idiocy in existence than t h c extradition treaty now in force between this coun try and the Unit ed States, says a Toronto corre spondent of the New York Record It covers but a very few crlme3 r. and hence affords absolute immunity to perpetrators of mnny offenses most dangerous to the happiness and welfare of society. While a man can be ex tradited, taken back to the United States nnd punished for murder, for assault with Intent to commit murder, for rape and forgery, he may, on the contrary, embezzle hundreds of thou sands of dollars, commit bigamy, adul tery, seduction, and numerous other grave crimes, and If he -escapes across the border before any of Uncle Sam's officers can prevent him he may snnp his fingers at justice and live here lux uriously on his Ill-gotten gains or with his neighbor's wife for the remainder of his days in open defiance of the law. He may committ grand larceny In the states to any extent and still laugh at justice In Canada, provided he Is shrewd enough not to bring any of the stolen property Into this country. Even in the latter case he cannot he extra dited. He is then amenable to Cana dian law and is almost certain to servo a term in one of this country's penl tentinIes. Hut it is almost Impossible to convict an embezzler or grand lar cener of having brought stolen prop erty Into Canada. If money Is found upon his person or in his possession it must be positively proven that the gold, silver or bank notes comprising it include some of the very identical coins or bills which he has stolen. Any body may embezzle or steal any amount and If he will take the money and con vert it Into some other form whether by purchasing stocks, bonds, diamonds, or other personal property, or by sim ply changing the original coins, bank notes or securities into others and then escape to Canada, no legal power, whether of this country or the United States, can harm him. This travesty of Justice is made still more absurd by the fact that the man who commits n forgery to the amount of 25 cents flies to Canada for refuge in vain. He can be promptly extradited and taken back to the states for punishment. The charming city of Toronto has a good-sized o'ony of American embez zlers. Prominent among the number is Israel Lucas, ex-treasurer of Au glaize county, Ohio. Lucas skipped across the border with $3S,000 and a female whom ho bigamotisly married, leaving a wifo and several children to mourn his loss. He was careful to change before coming into Canada all the money he had taken, and conse quently could not be arrested for bring ing stolen property Into the country, nor upon any other charge, bnt he al lowed himself to be intimidnted Into restoring $12,000 of his spoils. "With the remainder he established himself in a fine house here and cut quito a figure. He is still apparently prosper ous and happy. Sherbourne street, famed for its handsome residences, is a favorite lo cality for American embezzlers. Pass ers along that thoroughfare a few rods north of Carlton street may see standing in the doorway of one of the prettiest dwellings shortly before C o'clock on almost any evening in fine weather a handsomely formed woman, whoso beautiful face bears a look of anxious expectancy. The woman Is Alice Chapdean, the wife of Arthur D. Chapdean, cx-cashler of a big express company In the states, with headquar ters in New York. Chapdean was In receipt of a large salary and might have done well if he had not become a race track frequenter. His losses In betting on the turf soon swallowed up his sal ary and savings. Then he drew from the company's funds the wherewithal to Indulge In his favorite amusement, and when he had stolen and lost some $15,000 he took $10,000 more, changed It to evade the Canadian law against Importing stolen property, struck a bee line for good Queen Vic's domin ions and placed himself under the pro tecting foldB of the Union Jack. Unlike Treasurer Lucas, Chapdean brought his wife with him, and a mu tual friend, one G. F. Brocy, who had been an employe under him and an ac cessory to his defalcations. Arriving in Toronto the party took up their quarters at a fashionable boarding house on St. George street, and had been living there In clover for some time before, detective from the States, aided by Toronto's officers, caused their arrest. As the express company were unable to prove that either Chapdean or Brocy had brought any of the stolen money Into Canada, they were soon set free. Chapdean established himself as a manufacturer of sugars on a large scale and rented the house on Sher bourne street, already mentioned, where he installed Mrs. Chapdean as the mis tress of a most charming home. Though surrounded by every com fort and luxury that can make life at tractive, and the acknowledged belle of Toronto'a colony of American embez zlers, a woman of such a delicate, sen sitive and refined nature as Alice Chap dean, could never be happy as the wife of a characterless man. The expres sion of penelva Badness which never leaves her face, though it only height ens its lovellncBB, betrays the mental torture she endures, while the look ot mingled doubt nnd eagerness with which she nightly watches for her hus band's coming, suggests Brnbantlo's wordB to Othello, slightly altered: "Ho hns deceived the express company, ho may deceive mo." AN ENOLISH JAIL CHAPEL. A View of the rrlioilert nt the Sunday Morning Service. After breakfast nothing much hap pens until the chapel hour. Now those prisoners who have "gone sick" ore visited by the surgeon or his assistant, and if the case Is urgent are sent across to the infirmary nt once, says a writer In tho Quiver. There is no regular cell Inspection, tho governor or his deputy makes no round; there Is no "taking of reports," no adjudication of pains and penalties for misconduct. All this will stand over until Monday; even those awaiting punishment, unless It Is for outrageous acts of violence or defiance, turn out to go with their fellows to chapel. About 9:30 tho chapel bell rings for tho ftrst.Eervice, that of the Roman Catholics, who In large prisons are usually "located" or lodged In ono part of tho prison, near their own chapel. The bell for the church of Eng land service follows at about 10 a. m. Both on marching to chapel and when sealed within it tho various classes and categories of prisoners are kept strict ly separate from each other. Males and females approach the chapel by different roads, enter by different doors and occupy different divisions, pews or places apart. Among the males, too, the convicted are kept from tho uncon victed, and the debtors from both. The women are generally seated first, be hind a screen or within a curtalned off, Tailed-in Inclosure. They are, of course, visible to the chaplain, but to no one else but their own officers. Ex cept for their treble voices heard in re sponses and hymns, their presence at the service would be unknown. Now and again, however, an attempt to sig nal or communicate has been tried by individuals of opposite sexes; when a dry cough, persistently repented, in the female pew, finds an answer In an other part of the chapel, it affords a shrewd suspicion that friends are try ing to use some code made up outside before imprisonment. One other class Is unhappily to bo found at times in the jail chapel, a very distinct class, but seldom contain ing more than one representative. This is sometimes a "condemned" man in prison, one on whom the extreme pen alty has been passed, und who, by the usual custom, Is allowed "three clear Sundays" before the awful sentence is accomplished. A condemned convict, although he is never left alone, being associated day and night with two war dens as guardians, is' never permitted to see or bo seen by other prisoners. Got Their Slcui Clmntjcil. "Two tniulwic'i men" paraded Chest nut street yesterday, advertising the merits of a certain food product which vo shall call "X Y." One of the men was tall and rtout, with rosy cheeks, and all the ear-marks of a good feeder. He wore a sign, front and back, read ing "I cat X "i." Tho other one was small and thin and appeare.l to be ha'f-starved. His "sandwich" sign bore tho tlrcple legend: "I don't." Tho stout fellow walked ahead, and his com panion followed close In his wake. They para-Ted about tor several hous, but late in the r.fieinoon they fell to quar reling, and they finally decided to re tire to Sanfiom F'.reet, and "have it out." Thry took off :aelr signs when they reached that comparatively quiet street and prepared to settle their difficulties for the little fellow was spunky and was no a bit --.ernwed by the big one'-s superior weight and height. A police man loomed up in the distance, how ever, jut-t as tley were about to begin, and cjc'i grabbed up a sign, put it on, and hurried lack to Chestnut street. The people whom they passed laughed u great deal at them, but they thought nothing strange of that. It was not until an hour or so later that they dis covered that they.were ruining rather than booming their employer's busi ness, for the little fellow was wearing the big one's sign, nnd vice versa. Philadelphia Record. A Genial Kgntlit. "Hiram," said Mrs. Corntossel, "I don't say ez I'm dissatisfied with what you've done In life but when I read about all these people goln to congress an' doln' great things I feel ez If we wus kinder glttln' left In the march of events." "Mandy," was the reply, "the greatest men of history is them ez wanted ter stay home an' bo let alone an' wusn't allowed ter hev their wish but wus forced by their feller citizens to grab hold of the reins of guv'ment." "Yes; I s'pose that'B the case." "Well, I'm even better off'n them. 1 not only don't wanter be a public man but I'm bein' allowed ter hev my own way about It." Washington Star. Judged After Death. It was tho Egyptians who judged their kings after death. If upon ex amination they were considered to nave acquitted themselves creditably honor able funeral ceremonies were decreed to their bodies; If otherwise, they wero thrown on the highways to rot. Manufacturei In Ilrltlih Columbia. Forty-eight companies have been In corporated and registered on West Kootenay, B. C, since last January, tho total capitalization being $35,G75,000. There are, of course, a great many mines In operation which have not bten Incorporated. PORT ARTHUR'S MONTE CRISTO. lie Itai a Secret Gold Mine from Which lie Scoop Millions nt Mill. A Btrnnge but authentic story regard ing a hidden gold mine known only to tho Indians and two white men hnB been brought to light by tho atempts ot a young man named T. G. Doners to commit suicide at Minneapolis, whero he bad been arrested upon a charge ot passing worthless checks for lnrge amoints, says the St. Louis Globo-Dem-ocrat. Doners was at ono time a resi dent of this city, and for some time hnB been visiting In Minneapolis. Ho seemed to hnvo plenty ot money, and a few days ago Induced a hotel man there to cash a check for a largo nmount by representing that the paper had been drawn by his father, a squaw man, living near Port Arthur. When arrest ed the young fellow was so heartbroken that he tried to hang himself in tho police station, hut was cut down by tho jailer in time to save his life. Doners then told a story so strnngo that the authorities refused to believe it and wrote here for confirmation. On Investigation it Is found that young Doners is a Monto Cristo, so far as wealth goes, and has at his command, when In his own country, gold without end. When Doners and his father left Duluth some years ago they went to Rat Portage. Manitoba, whero tho father married an Indian woman, tho widow of an old chief, who wnH In possession ot all tho secrets of the tribe. She confided to Mr. Doners and his son, tho young man now In Jail at Minneapolis, tho secret of a hidden gold mine In the northern part of Min nesota, and from this mine father and son have taken an Incredible amount of the yellow metal'. Its precise loca tion the owners will not disclose, but it is presumed to be somewhere In tin Lake-of-tho-Woods region, where much English capital Is now Invested. Both Mr. Doners and his son arc mil lionaires nnd can command from $2,- 000,000 to $10,000,000 In cash at any time. The elder Doners Is one of the best-known and wealthiest residents of Port Arthur and has been offered as high as $1,000,000 to disclose tho where abouts of tho hidden mine, which he visits periodically with his wlfo and son. Mrs. Doners, who told her hus band the secret of the mine, Is a full blooded Ojlbway Indian and is well advanced In years. Friends ot tho family have gone to Minneapolis to set the young man straight with tho au thorities. The prisoner Is wealthy enough to buy a good part of Minneapolis with out feeling it. DAINTIES FOUND INTHE ARCTIC DcllciotiH llcrrlcft Produced on tlm Shore of Ijilirmlnr. In spite of tho latitude and Arctic current, Labrador is tho home of much that Is delicious In the berry world. Even the outlying islands furnish the curlew berry and bnke apple in pro fusion, and upon the mainland, in the proper month, September, a veritable feast awaits one. Three varieties of blueberries, huckleberries, wild red cur rants, having a i ungent, aromatic flav or, unequalled by the cultivated varie ties; marsh berries, raspberries, tiny wiilto caplllalro tea berries, with a flavor like some rare perfume, and hav ing just a faint suggestion of wlntor green; squash berries, pear berries, and curlew berries, tho latter not so grate ful as the others, but a prime favorite with the Eskimos, who prefer it to al most any other; and lastly, tho typical Labrador fruit, which, excepting n few scattering plants In Canada and New foundland, Is found, I believe, nowhero else outside of the peninsula tho gor geous bake apple., These cover the en tire coast from tho St. Lawrence to Ungava. Their beautiful geianium-llko leaves struggle with the reindeer mos3 upon the islands, carpet alike the low valleys and the highest hilltops, and even peep from banks of everlasting snow. Only one berry grows upon each plant, but this one makes a most deli cious mouthful. It Is the size and form of n largo dewberry, but tho color is a bright crimson when half ripe and a golden yellow when matured. Its taste Is sweetly acid, It la exceedingly juicy, and so delicate that It might be thought impossible to preserve it. Yet tho na tives do preserve it with all its fresh ness and original flavor throughout the entire winter, merely by covering It with fresh water and heading up tight ly in casks or barrels. A l'olsonoua Moth. John G Iff on! is confined to his homo in Stockton, N. J., with a very badly swollen foot, the result of a blto of a strange Insect. Several days ago a num ber of foreign laborers occupied a trol ley car of which he was conductor. After they left, he says, he felt an itching on his foot. He found a small Insect, which one of the passengerc told him was an Italian moth, which the people of Italy hold in great dread. No attention was at first paid to the bite, until Glfford's foot became swol len as large as his head. The attend ing physician says the bite is a pecu liar one and fears there may be serious results. lletter 1'rofnnlty Than Vulgarity. In a book of reminiscences of Concord thirty years ago, by Frank Preston Steams, just published, the author re lates how Miss Aicott came to him one day and asked him to tako her out rowing. Ho complied, but It found It ' more of a job than he had anticipated. "This is the darnedest boat I ever pulled," ho remarked. "Frank," said Miss Aicott, "never say darn. Much better to be profane than vulgar." Cowurdlce. The biggest coward Is not always the man who refuses to fight. It takes more courage sometimes to turn away from a brawl than to plunge into It. Rev. Washington Gladden. FASHION'S LATEST. JEWELLED CENSERS WHICH BURN PERFUME. The New Snbitltute for Smelling Satin Bnlnff from the Chatelnlne and Utrei Forth m Tiny Cloud of lucerne Wora nt the Matinee. HE modern woman hns taken to burn ing Inccuse at her own shrine. The latest thing In Jew elled smelilng-bot-tles is u veritable censer that swings from milady's chnt e.lulno and when lighted diffuses a dcltcato perfumo nnd a liny cloud ot Incense, says tho Now York World. At nn operatic matinee the other dny a very elegant young woman In a tnllor mado gown and a fetching millinery get-up produced her whilom smelling salts at tho most affecting moment of tho performance. Ab she Biiapped open the cover, and a fine streak of circum ambient vapor curled softly up and stolo athwnrt the footllghtB, there was a craning of necks In her neighbor hood for two whole minutes, while the women tried to investigate this latest Idea In elegance. Tills now perfume burner, as It Is called, has displaced the vinaigrette and tiny bottle of aromntlc salts, so dear to the heart of tho swooning maidens of half a century ago, Tho English matron now Bwlngu her censer through tho London drawing rooms ob sedulously as sho carries her lorgnette rampant. The perfumo burners aro also appear ing In New York, and aro to be found in tho shops which muke a specially of Imported novelties of tho toilet, both In sizes for the chatelalno nnd for the dressing table. The little chntclalno censer conies In cut glass and silver in very dainty de signs. Its Inner mechanism hiiB u nice little device for automatic lighting; ex tinguishing Is accomplished by merely excluding the air by putting on tho sil ver top. Tho perfume burner Is In reality a tiny lamp, burning, in lieu of a wick, u prepared stick of Incense us fragrant as tho frankincense and myrrh of bib lical days. Eastern perfumes, such as the pungent, aromatic sweet grasses of India and Ceylon, are favorites for this use. In n short time tho woman who for merly affected musk and nttar of roses will float into drawing rooms, thenter boxes and church pews in a cloud of Oriental Incense; nnd she of tho violet sachets in silken Interlining ot every frock will hum vlolet-essencc in clouds of spring odorousness. And who shall not say that the bou doir Incense chats may not rival the club smoke-talks of tho masculines as social occasions among women fair when tho season of Lenten solemnity settles down upon tho world of fashion? BACHELOR IGNORANCE. Especially When Children Iliippcn to Hit Under Cniinldurntloii. Bachelors who hnvo lived alono or In hotels or clubs, acquire strange ig norance nbout children, sayB tho New York Tribune. One of these was tell ing a friend how his little nephew en joyed "Tho Jungle Book." "How old Is ho?" was asked. "Oh. I don't know. Seven or 8. May be 10." "Then he can read the stories him self?" "Lot me see. No, he can't. Ho'h too young. He has tho book read to him." I "Then he must be less than 10 years . old." I The uncle was puzzled. "That's so," i ho said, reflectively. "My brother hasn't been married nearly fo long as that. I don't believe It's more than six years. No, the boy can't be over 4 or 5. I think he's just 4." "Can't you tell his age by looking , at him?" asked tho friend. "Why, no," answered the uncle, hope lessly. "All children look the tame age to me except Infants and those that are about ready for college." It was another bachelor who was visiting friends, when a caller came In with his young son. The boy was 4 or C years old, and a manly little chap. The bachelor was attracted by his ap pearance, and, patting his cheek, said to his father: "He's a sturdy boy, isn't he? He'll be ready to go out and play ball In a few years." "I can play ball already," npoke up the child, proudly. "Why, he can talk, can't he!" ex claimed the astonished bachelor. "I didn't know children could talk at his age." The company would have doubted the sincerity of his Ignorance had he not been too evidently in earnest. What Commute! Suiceii. First medical student: "How I do envy Dr. Bugham!" Second ditto: "Why, Is he very successful?" "Suc cessful? I should say so! Why, he's worth half a mlllon if he's worth a dollar." "What I mean Is, is ho suc cessful In effecting cures?" "Oh, I don't know; that'B a mutter that never entered my head to ask about." Boston Transcript. November and December. A groom of 74 and a bride of C9 were married In North Adams, Mass., re cently. The groom had outlived Ave wives, but the bride had only one other husband. An Inducement to Pay Taxe. People in Madison county, Kentucky, who have paid their taxes are entitled to be married free by the sheriff. PwvBgyvs if JIM HARKINS' NARROW ESCAPE. Dltbron'i Finger Wan l'rrimlnrc the Trig Iter When He Declared for l'eace. Between tho front door ot tho log houso nnd the guto was a largo stump, nnd on this stump old man Dlsbrow was skinning a woodchuck which had been caught in a trap thut afternoon. 1 out on a pile ot firewood near by, and Mrs. Dlsbrow sat on the doorstep, smoking and knitting. Tho old mna was telling .me tho story of his great- fight with two bears bb ho worked away with his knife, when Mrs. Dls blow suddenly called out: "Yo Joe-look van I" "Yan" vns down tho rood, nnd as my eyes followed her pointing finger I saw a man with a gun on IiIb shoulder about eighty rods awny nnd slowly approach- lug. "U'h Jim Harklnsl" muttered the old man under his breath. "Yero'a yo'r gunl" whispered tho wife, ns sho passed out the long-bnr-rded rifle. "Git fur tho cnhln, stranger." whlB percd Dlsbrow us ho dropped down be hind the stump and rested his rifle across It. "What Ik It?" I nsked or the woman ua we went Inside and the door shut. "It's Jim Harklna!" sho replied, "lle'un has said ho would Bhoot tho old man on bight! Reckon he's come to do It, but lio'un will git plugged fur shore!" "Perhaps he's come to make peace?" "Duniio. Better If ho'un has!" "Can you see him from tho window?" "Yon; cummin' right ulong!" "Is he going to shoot?" "Mebbo not. Old mail's got a dead rest on him. and If ho'un taken thut gnu off his shoulder Ills wlfo'll bo a w hi tler I" "How are things now?" I nsked after n minute. "Yo' kin go out. snh. IIc'iiu left his gun by the fence." She opened tho door nnd I passed out just as Dlsbrow called out to tho ad vancing man: "Which Is It, Jim HnrkliiB peace or wah?" "l'eace, I reckon!" was tho reply, ns he threw up a hand. "Who's gwlno to bo the fust?" "I am. Thai's my hand, Joo Dis biow, and I'm sorry fur the fussin'." "And thur'B mine!" replied the old man, aB he extended It. The jug was brought out and peace nnd harmony fully restored, nnd after Harklns had departed I queried of tho old man: "You must hnvo been nil ready to (ire on him?" "Him will never know It!" ho whls peicd, as n shudder went over him, "bnt I wur pullln' trigger when I seed he had cum fur peace, .list another mlnlt and my bulllt would hev split his heart In two!" Detroit Free Press. A Moiii1to In it Fight. "I have re;yl accounts of flghtn be tween turtles, between snakes and be tween turtles and snakes," imld a hun ter to a Washigton Star writer, "but the hardest fight I ever saw was In New Jersey. I heard a rattling and a buzz ing Just ahead of mo and know somo thlng unusual was happening. Soon I came acroaB tho scene of trouble. A largo rattlesnake and a full-grown niosq'iito, such as they ralso on the Jersey const, were engaged in a deadly conflict. The snnko kept up a con stant rattle and would strike at the mammoth Insect, which, realizing the danger, would, with an angry buzz, get out of tho way and strike for tho icptlle'ti eyes. I watched tho fight for an hour, when tho mosquito got a firm hold In an eye of the snake and in a few minutes the rattler stretched out straight and tho mosquito made u bee line for me, evidently not having had fighting enough. I shot the Insect and had both It and the rattler stuffed." ItrKiiliil liter K.illroudtu The North Carolina railroad commis sioners really boss things. They have recently ruled that one fast train must connect with it, fast train on another line for public convenience. A few passengers used to lose eleven hours that the train might save five minutes. BITS OF KNOWLEDGE. A man gives reasons; a woman ex cuses. Somo of the Japanese soldiers wear paper clothing. Japan had twenty-four steamers built in the United Kingdom last year. Out of every 100 ships passing through the Suez Canal 91 are British. Nearly CO per cent of premature deaths can be traced to excess of strong drink. No fewer than 1,000,000 men, wom en, and children die yearly in India from starvation. The coinage of now words In the English language continues at the rate of 100 annually. The growing roots of trees have shift ed the foundations of a church at San Como more than seven inches. Opals, when first taken from tho mines, are ho soft that they can be picked to pieces by the finger nail. The colored people in the United States maintain seven colleges, seven teen academies, and fifty high schools. The number of police in England is aB 1 to every 730 Inhabitants, l to U23 in Scotland, and 1 to 341 In Ireland. The French law allows prisoners whose parents are dying to pay one visit to them when on their deathbeds. In China an army recruit must be able to jump across a ditch six feet wide, or ho la not eligible for enlist ment. "Tho best education In the world," declares Mr. Astor, the millionaire, "Is thut got by struggling to get a living." Japan will hereafter manufacture her own torpedoes. She Is said to have one of Japanese Invention that is far j superior to the Whitehead. SNAKE AS A WATCHDOG. Unprecedented Inntnnce of Serpentine -BRaclty and Grntltudr. It Is not necessary to go to the pages ot Kipling to obtain Instances of tho sagacity of scrpentB. Stories of the se ductive powcra of serpents as wise nn Mowgira counselor, the old rock pyth on, Kan, ere not as uncommon ns one might suppose. The following remark able nnecdote of an affection which grew. up. between. a acleutlstiand a rat tlesnake may bo said to hold the world's record nt tho prcsont time, however. It Is vouched for by Mr. E. B. Ham mond, n prominent lawyer of San Fran cisco, ns reported by the Call. Mr. Hammond enye: "Some years ago a professor of nntu ral history from nn eastern university wns sent to the southern part of Yuen tan to Investigate the snakes ot thut section. One ufternoon while walking over a desert he heard a peculiar rat tling found that seemed to come from under a pile of rocks. He at once mado nn investigation and was rewarded by the discovery of a mastodon rattlesnnke, over which the rocks had so fallen that a portion of the Bnako'a body was badly mangled and torn. Tho professor lift ed the rocks and the delighted and thankful creature wriggled over to him and rubbed his leg with a grateful air that was bound to last. The professor wns moved by thlu exhibition, and, hav ing Lome cotton In his vnllse, he bound up the wounded part, and when ho took up his march again the snake followed him and even tiifllstcd upon getting in the wagon nnd becoming a regular oc enpnnt. "The devoted pair finally got baok east, and It waa a common thing to ecu the naturalist walking out In tho road with his snake gliding along beside lilm. Well now hero conu'B the real point of the story ono night after the professor hud retired and left the suako down stairs In tho dining room, he wub sud denly nwnkoned by tho craBh of glass, followed by tho falling of a heavy body. He rose up In his bed, only to hear n groan and the crushing of bones. In a Hash he bounded Into his dressing gown nnd repaired to the room whence camo the sounds of Btrlfe. Imagine his hor ror on striking n light to see IiIb pet snake coiled around a man's bleeding body, which It had lashed to the stovo nnd wns hugging violently. On the floor was a burglur'B dark lantern and n kit of tools, while tho snake, in order, to display Its prosenco of mind, hnd his tall out of tho window " "What for?" Inquired a listener in breathless excitement. , ,i "Rattling for a policeman." . i , UNION AND SOUTHERN NAVIES. Si tond Valium; of tho OfllcUl Uncord Come from the I'ruM, The second volume of the official rec ords of the Union and Confederate nn vlos In tho war ot the rebellion has just come from tho press and will soon bo ready for Issue by the government. Tho publication Is distributed through con gress, and not from the navy depart ment, although it is prepared there un der Secretary Herbert's direction by Lieutenant Commander Hush and Rob ert H. WoodB. This volume takes up the htory whero It was left by volume 1. nnd covers the period from Jan. 1, 18C3, to March 31, 18G4, and makes a stirring tale of sea warfare, covering tho opera tions of tho celebrated Confederate cruisers Florida, Alabama and Georgia, and the chases made by tho federal cruisers. One chapter extracted from the log of Commander Sommes, on the Alabo mn, tells how ho enticed the United States steamer Hatteras, a steamer of almost equal armament and strength of cjw, away from tho blockading squad ron at Galveston nnd sunk her in a des perate engagement. Then there are the stories of tho escape of the Florida from Mobile, tho seizure of tho Vir ginia, tho escape of the Gibraltar (for merly the Sumter), the cutting out of the United States revenue cutter Caleb dishing, the Johnson Island expedition, and tho Chesapeake affair. The volume Is embellished by fine pic tures of tho famous craft Georgia, Wy oming, Wachusett, Rhode Island, Sa bine, Vnnderbllt, nnd finally the famous old yacht America, which was taken Into the United StateB naval service as a dispatch boat after her great interna tional victory. Exchange. Principle and Force. Preparation for war will not cease un til there Is certainty that tho highest duty will not call for a resort to force. But a growing sense ot that highest duty will steadily restrain the nations, In proportion as they rise to more of the Christian spirit, from mistaken con flicts which lower motives prompt, but to which the best sense of duty does not call. New York Tribune. An Irreverent Negro. An Irreverent negro of Seuegal re cently stole at Dakar the boote and breeches of the French general, com manding In chief, who had come from St. Louis to review the troops. As tho general had brought no other uniform with him tho review had to be delayed till substitutes that would lit him had been borrowed from the officers of the post. A Jupauein Woman Politician. The most remarkable woman In poll tics in Japan is Mme. Hatoyanna. When her husband, a leader of the progres sionist party, ran for parliament, ttho took the stump and made speeches in his interest a very extraordinary thing for a Japanese lady to do. Sho Is now a teacher in tho academy of which her husband is principal. She YV'ai Iniane, Too. A Jilted girl in Vlenua had herself photographed In a coffin, arrayed for the grave. She sent tho picture to lie faithless lover and he became lnsaue, Ex.