11 I I r' 1 b llEMINGFOltD HERALD. TIIOS. J. O'KKKITE, I'nMliher. HEMIKQFORD, NEBRASKA. OVER THE STATE. l)f MOCitATfl of Ncbraskn will hold their convention nt Lincoln. April '-',,d. Tit u'ks of gold have bren found on the farm of Jeremiah I cnton, nenr Dawson. Fuimimis )n the vicinity of -s'orth Dend Wave already contracted to raise 140 acres of -chicory. Tub Warren Live Slock company of Duncan shipped out six car of line theep to Chicago Friday. John Nieodemus of Pierce county will spend fifteen months in the peni tentiary for cattle stealing. Indicai ions arc favorable that the eo-operatlvo creamery at Valparaiso will soon he built and in successful operation. Tiik Herman Lutheran Orphans' home of l-'rcnuint hns received u legacy of SfHtiO. bequeathed to it by Mrs Klholz of West Point 1'ivi: thieves made n very successful haul Sunday evening at Levi's barn In Nebraska City, but. got as far as Dun bar, where they were arrested. Mitt". .Ioiin lliNDMAN of Ashland while III was given a largo doso of car bolic acid by her husband through a mistake. Prompt attention saved her ifc. Tut: motion tiled in the district court nt Plattsmouth for the removal of Re ceiver .John A. Donelan of the Commer cial Hank of Weeping Water was over ruled. Jtuiuic Srin.ti of the distrlctcourt has appointed I. M. llnzeii of IHue Springs receiver of the defunct llluo Springs bank-. The lond was llxed fn the sum of 540,000. Wiiii.k attempting to board n train at Valley .1. II. Soy fell under the wheels and received such a badly crushed foot that amputation became necessary. Tin. Lincoln city council has pased a cigarette ordinance. It prohibits thu use of cigarettes, cigars or tobacco by poisons under 18 years of age within the city limits. Ri;v. .1. C. Iitwix, who has been pas tor of the Presbytetlan church at North Platte for the past fh years, lias leslgued, the resignation to take effect April!. Gr.or.oi. Lko.vwid, ii farmer living near Quintou, was thrown from a w agon and died from his injuries. He formerly lived at Olo, la., and leaves a wife and blx children. Tin: preliminary trial of Edward l.oren. for the murder of Michael Trn vers near McCook was completed last week, and the defendant committed to jail to await the next term of the dis trict court. Tun refusal of Dr, Mackuy. superin tendent of the asylum nt Norfolk, to receive Mrs. Minnie Kinshow as an in sane pat'ent is causing much feeling nt Fremont, and un investigation will proluili.y result, Deputy Sheriff S. W. Passu atcr of Warren county, la., presented toliov ernor Iloleombn requisition from the governor of Iowa for the return to that sfile of I'M Tiirnlpsced to answer the cnuiguof burglary. Makk Ruiish of Dalbncr. a son of Hon. li C Iturn., has been arresfd uud'Uikcu to Fremont on u charge of -ihicntcning to shoot William liolden, on of Andrew '('olden, a prominent farmer living near town. I'ltoMlxCNTcilizcnot Nebraska City who for the present does not care to disclose his identity, has offered to exeat ii suitable library building to cost not less than &T..MI0, providing thu city will donate :i suitable location. Ac.m.i, for n meeting to organize a Ruffntu county poultry club or associa tion has been issued to be held in Kearney, February -'it There are quite a large number of chicken fanciers and oi ccders in. and around Kearney. Thomas ,1. Ww.i.Aa:, formerly owner of a meat market at Alliance was warned to quit the country a few months ago, being accused of cattle robtling. His residence was watched "by unknown men several hours, but the proprietor and family were absent. I.s u runaway on his farm, six miles MJutheast of McCook.'-oiomoii Sehott, a ermitn farmer, was instantly killed. The wagon overturned and as the man's foot caught in a hole in the bottom of the box the vwagon box fell on top of him, breaking his neck. The deceased was 30 years old and was shottlyto have beeli married. Iris-safe to say .that !M)0( acres of experimental irrigation land from va nous systems will bo planted to veget ables and beets in 11 till county this M-asoo. Out iii'the sand hills the storm water of early -spring will be caught in ionds tuade.ncnr the table lauds, mid this water used vw hen required for wa tering fields and gardens below. TiiKeity oouncll of Hastings decided tiguiust thu gus ordinance witii thu tlal rate of !.!!.' per thousand feet, four member voting aye and three no. The gns consumers and cili-cus generally nil. be in suspense for the next few days to le-aiui vwhut the company will decide to do, 'Whether shut down the plant or accept bueh a franchise as the council isrtisposud'to grant. (ii:oi!di; Mi.iz was nrrestod at Lin coln and brought to Geneva, nnd will remain in the cooler until ho is brought before tlio court for chicken stealing. The farmers art- after Met;, and his ac complices and will bee that they re ceive just puu1litueut for their crimes. They will have to tvuswer how anil here they eatue Into possession of three or four hundred chickens. George Mcl& is not a slraoger ite the burs and the people will look ufter ilns ease -ery closely IIavkuk'K will put in a system of water works during the next ninety days, lionds were voted last week The liurliugton railroad made a thor ough test of the chemical properties of the water before locating it shops there and found it excellent for manu facturing purposes. Thomas DiggerstafT, a young man nbout 17 year of age. residing in the southern part of Saunders county, was out huutinir. and in attempting to pull u t-hotguu out of a wagon the weapon was accidentally disoharged and its contents tore tliroueh the muscles of one of jhe young man s arms above thp td-oy. Jie uied fu mlofs of blutd Tlradtnc for tVMllerI.lfr. Tho hearing on the petition for a comminution of the death sentence of Wnllinr tlin rnnilnitined DaWSOtl COIintV I niinxln.Ai. ,...- linlft It t tin, nlllpr, nf iiiiuiigiuil r w w ..... .....ww - (lovornor llolcomb last week. Captain MoNumara. the attorney who defended Walker during the trial, appeared to plead his ease with the goernor He read iv iargc number of petitions from citizens of Dawson county for execu tive clemency, nnd followed theso with quite n number from Kentucky. Cap tain Mc.Nnmaru bald that theso last were in the nature of new light on Walker's ease While tho Nebraska petitioner, were unanimous in tho opinion that Walker was hopelessly in snnc, and was so at the time of tho murder nnd trial, the Kentucky peti tions were from parties w ho had known Walker in his youth and early man hood. They were nil to tho effect that at that period the condemned man never evinced tho least symptoms of in sanity, llo was regnrded as a quiet, sociable, even-tempered man, nnd one who gave every promlso of becoming a most useful and exemplary citlzon. Tho Nebraska petitioners held that tho prisoner was always morose, vindictive and positively dangerous. The gover nor will give his decision In the case at an early day. N!rnl(n Cluli liuorpnrulril. Articles of Incorporation of tho Ne braska club were llled with the secre tary of state. The principal olllco of tho enterprise is located at Omaha. Tho object of this association, as de veloped by tho context of the article?, is the crystallization of tho existing sentiment in favor of keeping tho state of Nebraska to the front and to in crcoso the present population by 1,000, 000 citl.cns by the veur 11)00. 'J he cap ital stock is placed at S.00,000, in shares of SI each, with the privilege of doing business when fl.000 shares shall have been paid up The club can incur no greater timouiit oi imteuicuness than the nmoiint in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. '1 ho board of directors consistsof not less than iiftceii members, one to each county having an organized club. Tho incorporators are .1. K. Smith, ItosH L. Hammond, O. C. Holmes, Clinton N. Powell, Charles 1 Wllllumson, Ell A. Humes. Nv htult, UnUrrMty Itrgi-tit. Governor llolcomb has appointed Victor llosewatcr, managing editor of the Omaha Dee, regent of the Stato university to succeed Henry I). Kstu1 brook, resigned. Mr. Kstabrook re moves from the state March 1, and thu appointment of Mr. llosewatcr becomes effective on that date. Letters from tho following gentle men recommending Mr. llosewatcr to the position are on file at tho exeeutivo olllco: President Scth Low, Columbia college, New York; President 1). C Oilman of Johns Hopkins university and member of the Venezuela commission; Prof. Nicholas Duller, recently presi dent of the National Educational asso ciation und now dean of tho faculty of philosophy, Columbia college; Prof. .John V. Jiurgcss, dean of the faculty of political science, Columbia college; Prof. Herbert D. Adnms, head of tho department of history and polities in .Johns Hopkins university; Prof. Wil liam A. Keener, dean of the faculty of law, Columbia college; Prof. John 11. Flnlev. nresldent of Knox college, Oalesburg, III., and other educators of national reputation. Toiirliliii; Unciiriifil l.iiuil (iriinU. In accordance with an order from Judge Caldwell of the federal court at Omahn, two petitions in equity were tiled by Assistant United States Attor ney Hush, wherein tho I'nlon Pacific and others nnd the Sioux City ,V Pacillc ami others are defendants. The petitions, under instructions from the attorney general, were pre pared nlmobt a year ago und are tiled after his approval of them. The suits involvo several hundred persons who have purchased lands of the two railroad companies mentioned. The subpoenas will bo given to the mar shal and service secured ns rapidly as nnllili Siniihiriielion is contemplated aguinst the Durlington and holders of laud titles emanating from that com pany. Afti-r tlm (i(TfiulT. .iLlncoln dispatch: At the governor's otllco requisition papers were issued for (leorge Smith, charged with grave rob bing in Douglas county. On the night of February 0 he Is said to have bro ken into the grave of and removed tho body of Jacob llelin. Smith is now under arrest in Polk county. Iowa, and Detective Cox lias been appointed agent to return him to Omaha. Requisition papers were also issued for Frank Smlckle. Ho is accused of tho crime of burglary in Drown county, this state, and is now under arrest in tiregory county, South Dakota. William It. Day was named as agent to return Smickle. ?lr.ml.ii ntliniil (iunril. Adjutant Oeneral Durry is having prepared a now book of rules and regu lations for tho use of tho Nebraska Na tional Guard. The last one was Issued in 1883, and since, .then many of its provisions hnvo been rendered nugato ry by subsequent legislation. The pres ent code has nothing whatever to do with tactics, but was adopted by the State Military Hoard on tho 1.1th Inst. Among the Interesting contents will bo found rules and procedure, arms and accouterments, target practice, honors, salutes and olliciul visits, armories aud arsenals and an instructive chapter on court martial. One of tho most useful portions of tho new work is tho artielo of instruction to civil officers as to the method of procedure In calling out tho militia. In times of strikes and not there generally arises serious questions of formality and precedence in making demands upon tliu governor lor troops. The proper manner in which to pro ceed at these junctures is fully ex plained in the new work. Ndiraoku WtMitim Uiutrr Arret. Philadelphia ipatch: Thu police of the city have in custody n man and woman charged with swindling a num ber of largo stores Jure, and suspected of operating successfully in New York, Dohton and elsewhere. The prisoners ore well dres.ed and possessed of con siderable money and diamonds. The man gavo his name as Itobcrt Davidson und says he comes from ( hicago. The police expect to prove that he is of a respectable fumliy in Denvor Tho woman says she ; Nellie Edwards. Mie is believed to Jinic tome from a town in Nebraska. OVER PRESIDENT'S WTO, THE HOUSE AGAIN PASSES THE AR IZONA LEASE BILL ABOUT SCHOOL LANDS llii Vote- Wim !illO to .18 .Mr, llriiilrmnii lUli Urn Itriiorls tin) .llcanurn tt At 1'rn S.vnlrin ii ItrcnriU Sin t - Attorney mid tllltlMl Aliir- nliuU Tliu UIII'h .Mm I ii 'rTltnii. Waiii(1TO.v, March 2. The Sen ate amendments to tho army appro priation bills were non-concurred in by tho House to-dny and the bill was sent to conference. Mr. Lacey, chairman of the public lauds committee, called up the bill to lease certain lands in Arizona for school purposes, which was vetoed yesterday by the President, and moved that It bo passed over the veto. Mr. Lucey, in support of his motion, said that tho house was confronted with the constitutional interference of the president on a hill that had passed both houses unanimously. Mr Lacey explained that the hill was identical witii that authorizing Oklahoma to lease her educational lands for school purposes, which had been prepared and passed by tho last Congress at tho icquest of the Secre tary of the Interior and the commis sioner of the general land oflice. A-. a result of the Oklahoma bills. W.GOo hud been renlled in that territory last year, wliih under the former system Sh.,ui)0 liuu been obtained. Was it implied now, he asked. that the governor of Arizona was not us competent to lease these lands as the Secretary of the Interior, 1 sOO miles away. "Doth were Mr. Cleve land's appointees The veto .message had called attention to the opposition of "Inllueiitlal citizens" in Arizona Naturally such opposition would exist The cattle barons in Oklahoma had protested, yet the law in that terri tory hud worked admirably. Some of thesu hinds were now 'occupied without nuiliorily ami without rental. The President, Mr. Lacey said, had un doubtedly been deceived, lie had been influenced by men who hnd, per haps, been influenced by others inter ested in obtaining; tho use of these lands free of charge. Mr Murphy, the Arizona delegate, made the positive statement that the bill had the approval of the secretary of the interior und the commissioner of the general land oflice. and that their opinions in writing hud been laid before the President while ho was considering tho bill. Notwithstand ing this sttitement, Mr. Turner of Georgia thought it could be assumed safely that the President hail had the advieo of the seeretarv of the interior aud that the latter probably hud in spired the veto. One of the principal objections raised by the President was that tho lands, if leased by tho local authorities of the Territory, could bo denuded of their timber, us bv the terms of the bill it was not necessary to submit the leases for tho approval of the secretary. The vote resulted 'JoO to .IS more than two-thirds having voted in the atlirmative, the bill was declared passed over the President's veto. The announcement was greeted with scatteiing applause by the Re publican side. Mr. Henderson. Republican, of Iowa, from the committee on rules, then presented a special order, otter ing the I'pdegruffo bill to abolish the fee system in the case of I'nited States attorneys nnd marshals us an amend ment to the legislative appropriation bill Tho bill provides that the fee system is to be abolished after June :i0 of this year and the fees collected to be turned into the treasury. Annual salaries are to be paid thu United States dis trict attorneys nnd marshals in theso districts as folllows: In the district of Kansas. $1,000; in tho West tern district of Missouri, eaeli Sl.000; In Oklahoma each $".0)0. Assistant district attorneys, to be appointed by the attorney general, are to receive not over $','.. ri00. Not to exceed SI per day for expenses in addition to actual traveling penses, is to bo allowed attorneys and assistants. X RAYS IN SURGERY. A Clil('!ii:i Cush In Which Im New Llcht ltrr,tli'il Jlhlilrn I)Uimc. Ciikwiki, March 2.- A surgical oj eration was performed at Merey hos pital yesterday, by Professor .'hristiau Fenger, which was suggested by the use of the Roentgen ray and which led to an important discovery. The oper ation is based on a shadowgraph taken by means of the X rays showing the presence of malignant diseases in tho interior of bone hitherto unknown to medical science. A Mrs. Swanson eo'iiolained of n pain in the bone of the ritrlit thigh. Shadowgraphs of the woman's thigh were taken, the tav passintr through the hollow in the thigh bone contain intr the mar row. It showed a portion of the bono midway between the knee aud the hip joiul two inches long and nn inch wide was entirely gone und its place was lilled by a spongy growth. The operation showed that sarcoma had attacked the thigh bone in its in terior. This is the first known in stance of the use of tho ray in such deep seated disease. TROUTMAN FORCOVERNOR The tfttuiuu At-. the Xt-xt lU-'MililU-mt Kwfuln-tluu. ToiT.KA, Kan , March "i. James A. Troutman, who announced three months aero that he would tiotaceeptn renomiuation for lieuteuant.goveruor, is now u candidate for governor and will go before the Republican con vention for the nomination. He so dcclured himself this afternoon. He was in conference with his friends all forenoon, and it is understood that upon their advice ho makes the an nouncement that ho will be tin activo i candidate. LIVES AND VESSELS LOST. ShlirplriR mill Mllnt-p iMnmcnl to the lUtriit or Mnnj .Mllllnm In Annlriillii. VictoitiA, D. C.Mirelt i -The last week of January f this year will he romombercd long by residents of thu Australian colonies as having wit nessed a terrible gale and Hoods on the Queensland .oast. Many vessels were -wrecked und villages destroyud. The -dam-go ashore is estimated at 82,r.0O,Or'O. The loss of property at sea was not so great, hut the los of life by murine disasters was greater than on shore Townsvllle, a smull city on the northeast coast of Queens land seemed to ho the center of the storm. Every vessel in the harbor was wrecked. Ross island, a short distance away, was flooded and many lives were lost in attempts to reach the -mainland by small boats. The damage by the hurricane in Towns vllle hurbor is ussesseil at Sl.'.'.'iO.onu. On Ross island many houses were swept from their foundations and tho wind upset a rescue boat. Mrs. Hunt and her infant, Mrs. Guujnmn, Ger trude Rowe, the elder Miss Rowe und a boy named Willy Wallace were drowned. A house maid in Jude Chubb's employe was drowned while wading toward a punt. Sandy Walker was drowned while trying to cross Victoria bridge, which hud six feet of water above the rails. Many steamers are overdue at pointi along the coast and it is feared they have been w recked. Three weeks before this great storm a hurricane visited the llnpat group and in Lifuka and the neighborhood -GO houses were blown down. Tho damage to the cocoanut trees was so great that it will take the island from two to three years to recover as a copra producing district. Shipping suffered severely. The Norwegian bark West Australian and the German bark Woosung, loading at Lifuku, were both driven ashore nt aban doned, the former having between 100 and .100 tons of copra on board. Tho German schooner Adele also was wrecked. AN ASSASSIN CREMATED. Tho Murilrrrr iif I- M. Smith Ht .IcfTiTsoii, Wit., Itiiincil In ii l'nt'tiiiy. J Kn r.nsoN, Wis., March 2 L. M. Smith, secretary-treasurer and super intendent of the Wisconsin .Manufac turing company, was shot und fatally wounded last night by an unknown man. Otllcers .surrounded the assassin in the fuetory, and after exchanging shots with him the building was llred and the plant and murderer were con sumed together. Tho cause of the shooting and the identity of the mur derer are unknown. The assassin is believed to have shot himself before the fire reached him. A pistol shot was heard a few minutes before the walls of the linilti inr fell. The body has not been recovered. i:iilon l.mn Itpntft I.iiiisiIdi). Four Scorr. Kan., M-irch 1!. The Republican primaries of this citv for tho purpose of electing delegates to the county convention, were ln-Ul here, last evening. The entire light was between KiAo Lowe and W C. Lans don, candidates for nomination for congress from the Second district. It is estimated that out of the eighty-siv delegates, Lunsdon will have about forty and Lowe forty-six 4tPiicriiI K. C. Ciihell limit. St. Loris, Mo., Feb. 29. General K. C. Cabell, who served in the Con federate army during the lute war, died here at .1 o'clock yesterdny morn ing, at tho home of Ashley Cabell, his son. General Cabell was 80 years old. and during the last thirty j'eurs livetl in St. Louis. He came here from Florida, which State lie renresented hi Congress forty years ago. Mltnk,-ii I'or it Chicken Thinf. Sr. Joskimi, Mo., Fob. ;. Mrs Mo hula Grimes died at Atrency yesterday from the effect of gunshot wounds in dicted by William McCauley, who mis took the woman for a chicken thief and fired. MeCuuley is well known in this vicinity, beiug a wealthy farmer. lie is in jail. Tw I'r.iti-4't lima (ilrls. Dks Moixks, Iowa, leb. tf. The senate code revision committee de cided unanimously to recommend a bill raising the age of consent to l.r years unconditionally. The bill pro vides for imprisonment for life foi violations of the law. NEWS IN BRIEF. Pruitt Turner, who had been respited twice, was hanged at Van Diireu, Ark. Willis Dtirtou, a negro, resisted ar rest by Dallas ollicers aud was shot death The i'ostotllcc department has begun vigorous war on bond Investment com panies. Aikanstis catth'tnen are after Secre tary Morton to change the cattlequar untinu in that State. The administration is said to ndviso more moderate action concerning Cuba thun Congress desires. Consul Munyon has c.ibled from Jo hannesburg that the -Doers ure dis posed to treat the Americans leniently. The House is preparing for war with the Senate on the question of congressional clerics congressmen all want clerks. Gross abuses of the congressional mail franking system have been ex posed one man sent Ills shirts to a New York laundry Tho House, when the judicial, legis lative and exeeutivo appropriation bill came up for consideration, cut Private Secretary Thurber's sulury from $5,000 to $3,-00. A flnal decree of foreclosure was granted against tho Fort Scott Water company's plant. Druco Daruett of Sedalia has been selected to represent tho Missouri University in the interstate oratorical contest. The sultan has ordered that Miss Darton be allowed to distribute relief to Armenians Manitoba legislature, after an all night's session, adopted 3l to 1, a reso lution protesting against Dominion government interference in Manitoba school matters. CUBAN INDEPENDENCE THE SENATE MOUS FOR QUITE UNANI THE SAME. fitx Mf inborn Out of the letrtity OppcHt Mm Herniation Which AceurilH to tho Insurgent tho Itlclit ot II lllRernitu ArtUn Intrrtrntlnu .Tiutlflcil Mtuijr Mrnnc Spprchpo DrlUrrril by Svnntnrs. Cubnn Mnttcr Dlerumrd. Washington-, Feb. 29 Tho Senate this afternoon adopted the Cuban res olution as amended by Mr. Cameron. Tho vote was Ct yeas to 0 nays. The resolution in full is ns follows: "Resolved, by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That . in tho opinion of Congress a condition of public war exists between the government of Spain and the gov ernment proclaimed and for some time maintained by force of arms by the people of Cuba; and that the United Stutcs of America should main tain a strict neutrality between the contending powers, according to each till the rights of belligerents in the. ports and territory of the United States. ! "Resolved, That tho friendly oilices of the United States shull be offered by tho President to the Spanish gov- r eminent for the iccognltion of the , independence of Cuba." I The vote on the committee and tho Cameron resolutions resulted 61 yeas , to (i ntiys. i I ho Senators who voted in the neg ative were: Caffcry, Chilton, George, Hale, Morrill, Wetmore. The announcement of the result wns greeted with great applause in the galleries. The Sen .tc galleries were well filled at the opt ning of the session In antic ipation o the culmination of the Cu ban debute and the final vote. Shortl; after the session opened Representative Hitt, chairman of the House committee on Foreign Affairs, joined Mr. Sherman, chairman of the Senate committee on Foreign Rela tions, m a whispered conference nt Sherman's desk. Tho Ohio senator announced that the Cuban question would bo taken up without waiting for the usual expiration of the morn ing hour at 2 o'clock. Mr. Allen of Nebraska asked to withdraw the resolution for tho ap pointment of Mr. Lloyd as a Senate official. This brought on another dis cussion as to adding a Populist official to the rolls. Air. Allen finally with drew the resolution. Mr. Sherman then moved that the Cuban resolutions be taken up, and this prevailed without objection. Chairman Ilitt remained alongside Mr. Sherman us the debate proceeded. Huron Von Kettler of the German em bassy occupied u seat in the diplomatic gallery. Mr. Lindsay of Kentucky then ad dressed the Senate on the Cuban reso lutions. He saitl the conflict in Cuba was at our very doors and was being wuged with such desperation that only one of two results could come either the complete independence of Cuba, on the one hand, or the utter annihilation of thu Cuban people on the other. Tho senator said he ap proached tho subject from the stand point of humanity rather than law. Declarations of sympathy would avail nothing to tho Cubans. Declarations that they had progressed to the stage of belligerents would avail nothing. ACIIVK 1XTE11VK.NTI0.N Jt'Sririf.I). "If the United States intends taking any steps that will avail these strug gling Cubaus, that step should be in the direction of tlieultimate Independ ence of Cuba," declared Mr. Lindsay in stentorian tones. In the past the United States had not hesitated to take the position of recognizing inde pendence under circumstances similar to those now existing in Cuba. Quoting from international author ities, the Senator maintained that a condition now existed in Cuba justify ing the United States In considering a proposition for active intervention to restore public order and in behalf of Immunity. Rut, sultl Mr. Lindsay, the resolution did not contemplate active intervention. It extended good oilices to Spain with a view to securing tho ultimate independence, of Cuba. "And such independence," added Mr. Lindsay, "is the only basis which will bring lastinir peace to Cuba, judged from the experience of seventy years. The United States could not relieve itself from the responsibility of seeing Unit Spain showed this Island some kind of justice. Could wo suy to the world that unless Cuba secured her independence by her own i unaided efforts she might remain i under the abject subjection of Spain? Should we not say to Spain that some sort of protection, some sort of justlco and liberty consistent vith un en- ' lightened age must bo shown to these J people? i "Spain now contemplated the an- I nihllatlon of all the nblo bodied men of Cuba in order to crush this uprising. J Spain owed to Cuba as much as Tur- I key owes to Armenia, or as tho United States to Venezuela, a duty of protec tion, and if this protection was not ' given, then the point had been reached ' when tho United States should move for tho severance of Cuba from Spain." TIIK 11KI1KI.S WKI.I. OltOiXI.KI). ' At l:!o p. in., Mr. Sherman began his speech, closing thu debate. He spoke of the keen sensitiveness of tho i Spanish people and their tendency to' quickly reseut any act they regarded , as injurious to them. Dut, he felt that the time had come when tho United States must intervene to put an end to crime almost beyond do scription. The Senator said lie would not re-enteron the legal arguments so fullv ..Mvi.T-r.il l.v Mr Mnnnn lint hn j. J , , i . i referred to several pamphlets present cd by Mr. Kstrada Pa) ma, the agent and representative of the Cubans in tills country. Mr. Sherman said those statements bore tho stump )f authen ticity. They overcame the misappre hension that the Cubaus were scat tered, unorganized bands. They showed the organisation of a legisla ture, und of an army, and the Presi dent was a man of 'high character. , The provisional governui nt was a complete ns the t'nlled States hail during the revolutionary war. Mr. Sherman nid ho did not favor Cuba's onncxation to the United States, but strongly favored ilstmnex atlon to Mexico, a kindred people. IIOUSK 11KS0I.UT10X9 HEJI'.CTEl). Tho line of action was determined nt a special meeting of thu Senate committee on foiclgn relations to-dny for the purpose of considering the form in which the Cuban question should llnnlly be disposed of. After a very thorough discussion it was de cided to adhere to the committee's resolution for the recognition of bel ligerency and to amend it by adding Senator Cameron Vsttbslittitc, reftiest ing the President to exercise his friendly oilices with Spain to secure the independence of Cuba. Tho House resolutions were discussed upon the suggestion that it would be advisslile to accept them as a substitute for the Senate declaration, but the plan was discarded as inadvisable. The' com mittee also decided to adhere to the present form of the resolution, leaving it concurrent instead of joint. It was arranged that Senator Cameron should offer his resolution as an amendment and that it should be accepted by Sen ator Sherman on behalf ot the com mittee. Senator Sherman declared Weyler's talk of "cxierminatini' the Cubans' showed him to be "a "demon rather than a general." The galleries broke into loud ap plause as the Senator added: "If this continues no earthly power can pre vent the people of the United States from going to that island, sweeping over it from end to end and driving out those barbarians.'' Mr. Gallinger followed Senator Sherman w Itli n strong appeal for the recognition of Cuban Independence. Mr. Lodge annouucftd that the com mittee on Foreign Relations would ac cept tin amendment declaring for Cuban independence, and ho consid ered this the proper step. Mr. Frye made an earnest speech announciiifr sympathy with the Cuban cause. He was, he said, weary and heart sick nt seeing this republic do ing police duty for the most wicked monarchy on the earth, lie would, ho said, do, suy or vote anything that would promote the cause of the Cuban patriots. C'AI'FKUY AI.OVK OPfiNI.Y DISSKMs. Mr. Caffcry took square ground against any recognition of Cuban bel ligerency, declaring the Cuban insur gents had accomplished nothing to justiiy us in tins uuesuon. lie ex pressed the opinion that tho cruelty accompanying the war was not con lined to the Spanish army. Mr. Allen followed Mr. Caffery, of ferinc the tesolution of which lie had given notice previously. Then he spoko in supportof it, urglug Congress to act independently of the president in recognizing belligerency. He de clared Spain an outlaw nation and not (entitled to the respect and considera tion ot other civilied nations The time, he said, must speedily come when the bloody hand of Spain must bo wrested from Cuba's throat. Ho declared himself favorable to Cuban independence and would, if need be, support this action witii the American arms. BREAKING UP PARTIES. 1'reo Sllior Threaten) l'nlltlriil ltpnrcuii iratlnn. Washington, Feb. 20. Tho remark able speech of Mr. Carter in the Sen ate, taken in connection with tVt ' Secretary Carlisle .at the Manhattan club in New York a few days ago, has started a good deal of talk about a re organization of the old political par ties and a division of tho people upon new Hues. Doth the Republicans and tlie Democrats seem almost hopelessly divided upon the same issue, and that the most important before the Ameri can people to-day. Tho parties are united upon every other. More than half the Democrats in Con gress declare that they will not support the candidate to bo nomi nated at Chicago unless he pledges himself to free coinage. A considera ble portion of the Republic ins suy the same concerning the candidate to be nominated at St. Louis. Then why, it i.s asked, cannot those in botli parties who think alike get together and name men who agree with them? A great many people believe that if dis cussion aud division continues much longer that will happen. Secretin.. Morton suggested such un expectation upon his part in a new spuper inter view not long ago, and there aro those who claim to have heard the President predict a general break up and leo-ganiation before thu end of this udminist-ation, but it is not likely that there will bo any bolting from either party until after the national conventions arc held uud the platforms aro adopted. The Republican leaders do not ex pect any bolt. Doth Mr. Teller and Mr. Carter, who announced the trims of the silver Senators, declare that they will not leave the Republican party, and that they cannot bu driven out no matter who is nominated. "I am a Republican and 1 always expect to be a Republican." said Mr Teller "I am just as gooil u Repub lic m as John Sherman or George I'. Hoar, und there is just ns much prob ability of their leaving the party as there is of my leaving it. I have said that I will not support tho Republican candidate for tho presidency,unless we can make some satisfactory agree 1 ment on the silver question. I think that agreement can be made, but it it Is found impossible, I will still con ! tinue to be a Republican. I do not i intend to vote the Democratic ticket, no mutter who is nominated on either side." ' Senator Carter says: "We are go- intr to get together before tho St. Louis conventioi Tho silver men in tho West aro not ifo'iig to bolt the RcpubP'-an party There, aro many other issues upon which wo all agree, anil they would hiji.l nt ' nether, no matter how much w inio t differ on the money question. .cvirthe!es, 1 WO VV CSt wo western lellows Intena to nave ' something to say about the manaire ment and the policynf the party. We don't propose to let Now Kng.uud and New York lead us around by the nose." LlthoKrup'ier Afiouv. I'urcml Hucre. N'ew Yoiik, Feb. ,0.- The striking lithographers announced that the strikers in Chicago, Dostou. St. Louis anil Rochester have succeeded in en forcing the demands of the assoeia'u r aud have ai' leturn.d U work. " , i x