Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, March 06, 1896, Image 1

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. J
VOL. 2
' c
NO. 2
The Herald.
Published oyery Friday and entered at tho
ppst-olhce In Uemliutftird. Nebraska, as seoond
elaBS ijnail matter. The Hkiuld Isdovotpd to
thn interests ot Hemingford nud Uox Huttu
THOS. J. O'KEEFG, Publisher.
suDscniPTio.N iutes:
blX MONIIIB .....
F. M. PniLpfl ,
A. M. Mn.Lrn
Jap. H. II. Hewett. .
I". P. H weknet
11. P. Gir.Mw
Mtos A. E. Neeuand..
Dr. W.K, Miller...
Dtt. L. W. KoWM4N .
Jawh Itimiv
. Physician.
.CommisHioncr 1st Dikt.
Commissioner 2nd Dint.
Commissioner Ilrd DisU
U. W. DCNOAN....
ItEMiNorono postoOico. On week days door
opens at 7 a. in., general dolivory opns at 8 u.
m. and closes at 8 p. m. Opou Sundays 0 to
10 a. ni.
HrMiNoroBD and Dox ncrra atago dally except
IIeminopord and Du.vlap stago, Monday
Wednesday and Friday.
Gftrurola Directory.
10NQREUATIONAL. PrcachlnR-each utter
Vallate Sunday, b"frlmilnc Jnmmry. 1. Ir!4, at
11 o clock u. m., and at 7 p.m. Similar School
at 10 a. m. Pray or Meeting each Wednesday
ftt 7 p. m.
HUMAN LUTHERAN:-8er-coB nt the
Court House, Rov. Wundorlich. Pnstor.
IATHOLIO: Kor. Charles Zak Pustor.
METHODI8T:-Hc J.W.Kendall Pastor
ill Preaching the; second and tourth Sunday In
each month ut It u. m., and 7 p. in.
liiPISCOPALi-ServIces In tho Consrrcfrat-
J'ilonnl Chqrch. Itev. Pnstor.
Services on the third Thursday In iacli month
at 7 p. m.
WW. A. Rosebush Carap No. 2640. Meets
second and fourth Tuesday night of each
month. Visiting Neighbors cordially invited.
W. M. IoDtNOE, Clerk. F. Huot. V. U.
New Short Line to Helena, Butte
Spokane, Seattle and Tncoma.
Q-. X. So "W. C Tim Carta.
No. , passflnaor arriv es at
" i" relent "
" 48 freLsht nrrlvos nt
11:15 p.m.
O.Oo p. m.
10:10 a. ni.
WKBT bound.
No, 41 pnRiensernrrivngat 8;21 a. m,
" Mfrwlcht ' " 11:50 p. m.
" 47 freight arrlvos at 3:35 p. m
All trains carry pfieneers
W. M. Coplland, Agen
State ot Nebraska. ) ..
County of Box Butte. J "
Follow Ing Is thn estimate of expenses for
Box Uutte county Nobroska, for the year 164)0.
made by tho Board of county commissioners at
their meeting on the second TuewJay in Jan
uary lbB3, as required Dy law
For conuty oiheers salary
$3,000 00
precinct - -
election purposes ,.
" support of poor
" bond tax for school district); . .
" district court fees and ezponseg
" incidentals, supplies, fuel, etc...
" institute fund
Total expenses
.. 2,000.00
.. 1,200.00
. 1.000 00
.. a.ooo.no
.. 1,000.00
511 .230.00
Attest: F. M. PHELPS, Clerk.
By Jas. H. II. Hewett, Deputy.
Phjsician and Surgeon,
Office in Norton's Block.
Calls attended promptly.
Charges reasonable.
Notice of Publication of Sum
mons. Jolia C. Ingersoll vs. Lewis M. Williams. Ira
K. Tash and Era M Tash his wife, and W. J.
Lewis M. Williams and W. J. Bowdrn defend
ants, will take notice that on themh dayof
July, lt-83, Julia C. Ingorsol, plaintiff lioroln, fil
ed her petition in tho district court of Box
Butte county, Nebraska, against said defend
ants, the object and prayer of which aro to fore
close a certain mortgage eiecuted by the de
fendant lewls M. Williams to The American
Investment Co , upon tho southwost quarter
(a w J) of hoot ion four (4) township twenty-six
(35) range forty eight (48) west of th P. 5l. in
Box Bntto county, Nebraska, to seenre the pay
ment of a cei tain coupon bond, dated Murcli 0,
1867, for thesum of 30. and ten coupon interest
Notts thereto attaclied of ovon date therewith,
of fI2 Sft each, the first falling iluo Jnnol, 1H7,
and one every six months thereafter and also
ten interest coupon notes providod for in the
ftension agreement, entered into between the
defendant I. E. Tash and the said American
Investment Company of U,'a each, the iirnt
falling due December 1.1S9J, and one every six
months thereafter, which said bond, co ipon
intercut nut s, and mortgage deed uas on Octo
ber 10, ltfttJ. sold, endorsed, assigned and dollv
crid to this plaintiff; that there is now due up.
with intercut at the rato of 10 per cent peran
ti.im from the 0 day of July IfeOJ. for whioh sum
vatli interest as aforesaid, plaintiff jiraya for a
decree that defendants bo required to pay the
name, or tuat said premises may Ijq soUl to sat
iuf y the amount found due.
You art required to answer aid petition on or
before the litii day of February, leixj.
Dated Jan. 10. l"'M.
JULIA (!. INOERSOL. Plaintiff.
M0 ByB F. Qilmak, heratturuty
See Wildy before you sell your
hog6, poultry, butter, es, cheese
or potatoes. "
Rev. J. E. Thoon is spending
a week east.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ford were
in the city. Saturday.
Miss Otilla Nikont is spend
ing a few days in town.
W. D. Johnson of Box Butte
wont east Saturday uight.
Ex-commissioner Ernest
Meints was in town Saturday.
Miss Alrna Fennor is spending
a week at her homo near Dunlap.
Harvey Ellis, "now you dest
dot youh gun and youh sord and
Miss Inice McCorklo closed a
six month term of school near
Dunlap last Friday.
Mrs. Broshar and daughters
Pearl and Edith visited at Lawn
a few days this week.
Rev. Kendall and wifo visited
in Alliance this week, tho guests
of Rev. Shambaugh.
Supt. W. R. Siders, of the Al
liance schools, made this office a
pleasant call Saturday.
J. S. Sheppard, representing
the State Journal Co., was a
caller at this office Saturday.
Prof. Worden came down from
Crawford Wednesday oveninjr.
Ho was on his way to Holdredge.
Tho High school literary so
ciety will give another interest
ing entertainment this afternoon.
Rev. John Jeffries of Crawford
assisted Rev. Kendal in conduct
ing the funeral service of Mrs.
The teachers meeting last Sat
urddy was a decided success.
Our reporter failed to learn the
names of all present.
There will be Mass at the
Catholic church Sunday 8th inst.
A priest from the Pine Ridgo
agency will officiate.
Leslie Shetler who is now at
Ashland, Neb., had the misfor
tune to have his leg broken by a
runaway team last Sunday,
District court convenes next
Tuesday. There are seventy
cases on the docket. His Honor,
Judge Westovor will preside.
Miss Lulu Blair of Box Butte
attended the teachers meeting
last Saturday and visited Miss
Goodenough until Monday.
Frank Connor formerly of this
county, who is now at Black
rock, Ireland, remits two years
subscription for The Herald.
J. W. Gierens of Bradshaw,
who resided hero during the
year '94 is in town this weak.
Ho reports times very quiet in
Eastern Nebraska.
The democratic contral com
mittee of Nebraska will meet at
Omaha on March 11th' to call a
state convention to elect dele
gates to tho national couvontion.
Mr. Hiram Foster and family
who left this county last spring
and went to Ohio, returned this
week. They all come back, bo
cause there's no place like Box
President Hanchor delivered
his lecture "From Washington
to Rome" at tho Methodist
church Thursday evening. It
was highly spoken of by every
one. If tho Times don't like our
stylo of affidavits, we'll give him
some of Mr. Hampton's (rolative
to the Draver business) which
aro now on file in the county
clerk's office.
Thos. Pringlo and Willis
Young deposited money on sub
scription this week. Mr. Young
also ordered The Herald sent
to his brother J. T. Young, Hil
dreth, Neb.
Postmaster Lutsch of Lawn,
J. T. Byrne, Hill City, S. D E.
R. Howard, Rook Island, 111.,
and Orvillo Kidwoll are now
subscribers to this family jour
nal. H. J. Ellis of thoTimos thinks
he is getting a "stand in" in Al
lianco by making a dirty, low
lived fight in this campaign but
the facts aro tho better oleinent
of that town aro disgusted with
The Alliance schemers havo
given up all hope of having an
election called. Their only
chance was to havo tho commis
sioners call an election "forth
with" boforo their rotten potition
could bo exposed,
Mrs. E. A. Hall departed Thus
day night for Eureka Springs,
Ark., where she will remain
sometime for her health. Mr.
Hall has engaged in tho live
stock commission business in
South Omaha.
The clothing house of Hointz
Bros., at Alliance was closed
under chattel mortgage this
week and we understand that
two other business houses aro
about to follow suit, which we
regret to hear.
W. E. Waisnor closed a suc
cessful term of school in Sioux
county and returned to Heming
ford. Mr. and Mrs. Waisner
givo a reception in his honor this
evening at their pleasant homo
west of town.
We are informed, for tho first
time, by the Allanco Times, that
we've got a $10,000 libel suit on
our hands and that "Wm. Mitch
ell and a celebrated criminal
lawyer of Minnesota will prose
cute the case." Wo will tell our
readers all about it next week.
If tho Intor State Townsite
Co., is tho only "thing" backing
Hemingford why does tho Alli
ance Times brand such men as
L. Sampy, G. C. Alexander, C,
J, Wildy, H. R. Green, Eli Ger-
ber, Anton Uhrig, John o'Keefe,
L E. Tash and in fact everybody
who is working to keep down
taxation, as "lying, unscrupu
lous, unprincipled hired knaves?"
Tho Alliance Times published
last week an official certificate
by I. E. Tash when ho was coun
ty clerk during the last county beat
contest in 1890, and in editorial
comments calls it an "affidavit"
and insinuates that it is false. Tho
first part of tho charge is imina
tnrial and will bo overlooked for
the reason that the editor of tho
Times hasn't sense enough to
know tho difference botween an i
an affidavit and a certificate, but
to the charge that tho certificate is
false, wo emphatically deny. In
that certificate Mr. Tash certified
that a WARRANTY deed from
the Lincoln Land Co., to Box
Butte Co., for Block 35 in Hera
,,,.,., ,1
iqgford had been left in his hands
uo """voiou ui kiiu eminty
when tho county seat was located
at Homingford. That deed was
THE COUNTY TO DAY, just as Mr.
T.lsll rortiftpfl if. Wnnlrl lin nnrl
when tho rn-nnln of r7omin.rfo.vi
had erected a court house onsaid
block, costiim Sl.100 more than
they had agreed it should cost.
Mr. Tash surrendered the 85,000
guarranty and Box Butte County
lms been in undisputed possession
of said property ever since, which
U indisputable evidence that tho
peoplo of Hemingford acted in
goud faith and Mr. Tash wa- a
faithful, efficient officer.
r t t 77;
B.L. Conner of Dunlap is in
the city today.
Boiug'owded for spaco last
week wo id not havo tho oppor
tunity to fully reply to tho dis
graceful article published in tho
Allanco paper concerning one of
tho gonllomon employed to work
in tho interest of tho citizens of
Homingford and the honest,
hard-working, taxpaying far-;
mars of Box Butto connt.v in tlm
uncalled for but expensive coun
ty woat fight now forced upon
them by a fow avaracious own
ers of additions to Alliance and
I a iew otnor narrow-minded, un
posted illogical journalists (?)
whose only idea of sottling a dif
ficulty is by tho shot gun route.
To stronsrthon our nosition
that tho only argument that Al
liance can put forth in this mat
tor is force, wo cito the consorv
tive, industrious farmers and
laboring men of this county to
the petition presontod to the
board of county commissioners
Jan. 10th purporting to bear
only tho. signatures of resident
electors of this county and
strengthened (?) by tho oath of
'some of the representative (?)
men of Alliance to tho effect that
no other signatures appeared
thereon, when but ONE glance
at this honest (?) potition is suf
ficient to convince man that, it is
full of rotteness from top to bot
tom; men's names appear on it
that have been dead four years; I
others who never were residonts
of the county; othors who own
and live upon homesteads in ad
joining counties. Now what the
honest, resident, taxpaying elect
ors of this coulity want is- fair
ness, and fairness wo will havo.
They havo been in the west too
long to have tho wool pulled over
their eyes by any set of unscrup
ulous schemers who, to add one
penny to their purse would not
hesitate to drag this county into
usloss expense and doubly in
crease the taxes of every prop
erty holder in it, and shame upon '
tho man who would advise
throug tho columns of his paper i
tho "skull and cross bone" I
remedy for any man who dares J
raise his voice for humanity and
justice. Now Mr. Journalist stop '
and think; think what would bo
your: awful predicament to day '
if thn 71001110 -kf 'M'lnnn iinnntit t
v..v ww,.w v.. A1.4AAWW VltllVJT
had been so very hasty and in
considerate as you are.
Heron. Soraplnga.
Industry and prosperity goelh
hand in hand without fail.
Mifls Edna Johnson has finished
a successful term of school near
C. J. Wildy was down this way
doing missionary work in behalf
of Hemingford.
Miss Lilly Johnson has return
ed to her spring term of school in
tho sand hills near Lakeside.
-miuH. J.UIOIUUODIU1 una BMiii tu
the Dempster Mfg. Co., Beatrice,
I1.llllr l.invMllrinnn 1 n .-. n M i. 1
f.. ,.,..,!. ,;m ., ..,! :..
,,& ..All L. .1.1.1. 1. 11. III. ..III. .Illlll...
II. K. Fuilsaas has purchased
tho wind mill and fixtures of Mrs.
M. E. Hammond, also her pasture
Mrs. S. Mastrud was sutnmoucd
to lier mother's sick bed recently,
bl!'" as i0 ' is over 600
"",rB "uo uuu lo ,vo P omH-
lh6 old lftl1 livcs in Minnesota.
An accidont that might havo
proved serious, happened last Sat-
urduy to Rudolph Mastrud. As
the youngsters started homo from
the literary they all proceeded to
climb into tho wagon, tho litMo
fellow climbing up tho hind end
stopping on the wheel, tho team
started up, wrenching his knee
qUne badly. Hois improving
rftl)Ully) h(W0Vei,
Card of Thanks,
We desire to oxprcss our heart
felt tlianks to tho kind friends
Avho so kindly assisted us during
the sickness and death of our bo
loved wifo and tnothor.
E. P. Dada.
Velma Dada.
O, Bro. Ellis, 10,000 aint
much. You'll bo lucky if one of
,,, , . ,J '
mo uuimuiasLuiiurB lots you oil '
wun mat amount and wo would
suggest that you transfer your
property immediately, if you
haven't done so already. We've
got ours in our wife's name now.
Tho Alliance Grip thinks that
wo aro dovoting too much spaco
to county seat. There would bo
no occasion if tho respectable
people of Alliance would tako
Ellis' shot gun awav from him
and make throe or four more ly
inrr boot-locrrrors 15r down Wn
havo nothing against Alliance
and liko to seo her prosper but
when they attempt to steal what
justly belongs to us, and allow
a paper (?) to make dirty person-
al attacks against old, respected
citizens of this couuty, and ad-
vise people to use their shotguns
on them, we call a halt.
The Farmer's Lament,
Or How Ono Man 1'ared at tho Hands of Al
liance A Bong of To-da. By H. R. Oro-m
and 109 Others,
Down in tho brick poor houso tho other day
riat a farmer, old and Kray,
Broken by a lifo of toll,,
Dim and Mv-nut woro his eyes,
Sad and touching wero his eighs,
As ho moaned this dismal sonc,
Wht'o the old world jogged along.
"Ono fullhlooded Berkshire sow,
Ono old sway-hacked sorrol cow,
Two red heifers, weight unknown,
And a colt, a strawberry roan,
These wcro mlno both great and small,
But Hampton got them all.
Then I raised his hoary heal,
"Come, cheer up, old man," I said:
"Try to cuitivato a smile, . '
Homingford yet has tho county seat,
And will keep it quite a whilo.
But ho only sang avray,
Palsied, old and gray:
Ono old sorrol sviay-bnckod cow,
One ten-dollar breaking plow,
Ono farm wagon, nearly now,
Ono corn planter, painted blue,
Ono old maro whom namo was Hell,
And ono deep drillod well:
Nlco new paper on the nail.
Bill Hlmonson's mortgago took thorn all.
"Frlond," I said, 1 know its tongh,
But I think you'vo groa ,rd enough:
Let tho dismal past lie dt ad,
Let it go -nud look ahead.
Blighter da s are coming soon.
And thoro will be no election in June,
Starry nights aud sunny days,
Bluer skies and better ways,"
But he sang his dismal lay,
Palsied stricken old and gray:
On old bee-hhe filled with bees,
Ono old press for making choeso,
Double harness, husking pegs,
Kitchen table, minus lejrs.
Hens a. d turkeys, ducks and get-te,
Monkey-wrench and axle grease.
Busted grlndstono, not much good,
Fifteen cordH of pitch pirn wood,
All Ihefo things wer mlno last fall
Rut BnllUan swiped them all."
It was vain to try to cheer,
One so gloomy, sad and sore;
Ko I left, and as I went,
Fillod with pain and dis-contcnt,
I could hear him sadly call:
"Alliance got them alll"
It is too bad that Mr. Hamp
ton will not havo a chance to
rent his building a fow months
for court houso purposes, and
then it is too bad that the Simon
sons wont havo a chanco to fur
nish tho material for a new court
house. They are abont the only
ones who want tho county seat
at Alliance. Poor boys!
The following named gentle
men wero selected to servo as
jurors for the March 10th terra
of District court.
Fred H Smith
Win. Loranco
Jas A Ball
Harvey West
R B Hamilton
W E Hall
C C Hueko
Elmer E Todd
J P Jensen
Ernest Meints
Geo Sparks
! Sara'l Switzer
John A Wilson
Simon Spry
C C Frow
W D Johnson
J H Johnston
El Payno
Jas Whelan
Geo W Clark
T W Wehrstoin
Ambrose Hadloy
Sam'l Hollinrake
M D Alton
lings wanted at Wlldy'a
Horncall wants some dressed
I wish to disposo of all my
household goods.
Mrs. E. A. Hall.
20 lbs dried apples for $1,00 at
Skates' A fine lino of ico
' p , J"--
, Green's Hardware store.
skates just received at H. R.
Wihly has received his 'fltst larn
Invoice of spruiKjroocN and clothing.
Piioi:s of all kinds, Btyles and
prices. Can lit any foot and pocket
book. W. K. Uernoall.
Wlhly pays seven cents for dressed
I want nil the drcMcd poultry In
the county. W. K. Uicivn'oall.
If yon want a suit overcoat,
overalls, cloak, capo, or shawl,
cheap a big lino at Wildy's.
Tho Herald and tho Omaha
semi-weekly World-Herald both
, ono yur for 81.75.
i Wihly hcUs yon n nice suit fur $5.00
Look at Miusu Uvc coat prints at
FOR TltADE An 80-acre farm la
nrawftml eminty, Mo., 70 miles from
St" LouN. 80 ncres umlur cultivation,
UMliiiiuu timber; house, b.trn and llv-
I UK waier. Tills l a good farm.
V II trade for clo.ir Uox Uutte county
land. W J. Earnest.
I offer my farming implements
for sale uh.e-.ip. at my farm 1 mi.
west of Hemingford.
G. W. WAlBNEn.
All parties wishing new plow
hlmrus at tho reduced pricu of 82.50
must have them in the shop " By
Saturday, March 1-lth'.
Clark Olds.
First Shot Fired
Since the county seat will for
all time remain in Homin'rford,
wo havo now added to our well
stocked store a full and complete
lino of Men's Boys and Children's
CLOTHING and furnishing
Goods, at prices so amazingly low
that I want you to know that all
we show is of the latest btyles out
and of superior fabrics and mater
ial. Our Spring hats to Buit our
spring suits are the proper shape,
at hard time prices. Coma and
! seo; auk to examine for yourselves
as wo can talk a whole lot better
. than write. Our prices are for
cash or in exchange of produce for
which we always pay you the high-
eat market price.
Your humble servant,
Edited by Ei-Consrcasman
It the greatest newspaper ettt
Of the Missouri Jiioer
It advocatos FREE SILVER'
at the presaut ratio of sixtoen
to one
Its news service is the bast to
bo obtained.
Daily, $Q 00 per year; 50 cents
per month. Weekly, $1 00 per
year .. ;
Subscriptions for the
received at this office