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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1896)
( ) Two Mm of ThIih. "I never wnt so mortified in nil my life!-' slip exclaimed. " hat was the lnucr,.,,' nsked her dearest friend. 'My timid told me that my fiance .ns in the reception room." "Yes." "And 1 threw my nrnis around him and kissed him twice before I discover cd that it was his twin brother. Take my advice and never become engaged to a twin." "On the contrary. I think I shall look for one. It just doubles the fun." ('liienyo hveninj,' 1'Os.t. miow ition, KViitcr t'Aitnnn. Tht rdJtor thinks it to bo the wish ot everybody lo prow rich, not for the sake of the monoy, but for tho pood that can he done wltli tin? jnoney. Now, there .irc three new cereals' receotly created that will make niorw for tli(j farmer .One Is Silver King Barley, the tSt upnCerfnl ci eat Ion of the age, yielding '0. 100 to UC bit. per acre In ISO.", and there arc thousands of farmera who be leve they can grow 150 bit. per acre therefrom In lS9i?. Then thete Is Silver Mine O.Hs. geld ing in 1893 209 bu. per nnc. Every farmer who tested It. believes 250 bit. possible. Then there Is Uoltlen Triumph Corn, A SUGAR BEET BOOM. NEBRASKA WELCOMES THE SACCHARINE VEGETABLE. Anil Will Un What It C'nn to I'licnm-itc Growth of t!m Sunio Murli lnlleliteii inriit on tho Subject lir Mrn Win) llntu AIikIo Sueur Itrrit t'lilturp a Sttnly llert bupir rnrtorlei, the ISoimtyUiir tlou. lite, lite. Nolirankn'- 'oinliiR 1 iitliint ry. Tlierc was deep and absorbing inter est in nil the proceedings of tho Heel Sugar convention held at Fremont. On the second day of the meeting the first matter taken up was selection of place for holdltiff tho next convention. kick because tho company refined r, tnko. beets which did not reach that standard. lie did not believe that tile Oxnnrds would pursue a course w huh must inevitably lend to failure, and the kick i nc of eel lain pnrtles ho as cribed to tho old tendency which bojjan in the tiarden of Ktien. 'The other lei low did it. The discussion which had arisen heie, he felt sure, would leenn elle the dilTeienees e.Mstiup between tho producer ninl manufacturer, lie ascribed the fniluru of the Vsillev beet syndicato to the fact that their beets did not ripen, and that tho land was not in the best condition for their growth and develop ment of their MiL-nr qualities '1 lie convention was unanimous on one question. was that .Nebraska is naturally and peremptorily adapted to tho beet htiirur industry. We want further supervision of the factories by having tho analysis made by state chemists who arc in nowie interested 2. .1... '........!. ...0L w .1.:.. t.. ..... r. ... ..... , . nil: liil'iunvvt tl nun una in uw- sevcrai po.uis were consuicrcci. i.rnim ; t.ompijRllcll. , tUe fnrraer hns th0 Island finally bclnjr chosen. The dates ba)I10 ,iCRree 0f coulideiieo when lie was l?ti to the executive committee, sends n load of beets to the factory with :i vccouuiK'Uilattou that It bo fixed that he will receive the fair treat- .. , ., ,. i tvlnn.l fun. nicnl lie would reecho were ho to take at a time when the Uiunrt Jsintui ntc nn nf n iPM,,,,. ,i, ,i. w.iiftwtv VV MU W V - .w tory is iu operation. Harry O'Xelll, who new method known as th process, intended for small industry would tuhunt c. "THE WOODEN HEN." We have hoard of wooden hotci nnA wooden dtii l.n, lint n otnl n lien In Hotnethltii; new tuuler the mm tuul Its ilinofS Hie different finttl IhoSi- f either of th other wooden unlm-ilt-menttomd It Is a not ii to tlmiiKli It ulll ptetisp a linv It W a hcu at 1' nut It Mill huti h chlekoiitt from hens ctrRK 1 tiara's i 5 Hiairif si'& mmm JB. BO.. wvunn. V Ja.JKv.:3L AAA H. VggS lib as Pasn. .flBTk jWTOr $mm iiMi mwmmm MkBVW&fWsSffl, ; meli SWnmSS7 mmmmmmm trh!aua(RN .Muriililni . II RRJ'tiriWW t..y ().!.. fBro Mil KUril si Ft ra" ' " N"vl Wi (.rln.'ci. (inn It Is I0M s ln his uiul will Like inre tit ttnt flKlit .(,K' It Is an liuu bntor ainl eoit8 onl.v JO 00 This wooden hen N made bj Oeoine II. Stahl. Qiilney. Ill U you want to 11 ml out inoie ahoiit It before you buy one write to Mr. Stahl for entnloRue "V," which kIvoh a full description, and mention this pnper. PAIFd'Sii ANTIDOTE m ism ST- JACOBS mmi& oiL.m SrJS-.ri 'ys llnlilt Curril In 10 i . Miimi (ill curril. DR. J.STLPHEN8, Lebanon. Ohio. A .Mini of lliiiinr. The saloon door How open, and the lapsed Kentleuian struck the sidewalk with suddenness and all his nerson rcprc-MMith ITic i v. m. v ion. stute weiiilurastcr of ' from llis no,'ls to ni'1 1,at .o usse-CuUo I ti,7 KorfollVfQcUrr, rtftfl W.r " I -"'tdl, vhat ,arc ion (,0n to do mall fn.torics nc prodirtlon of the Norfolk fa liiy. i about if.' ivSkeu ine facetious passerby. mmmtmtmmmmammmmmm iww wwniiii mmtn xnr ArnitowiJ to. a-Ki tm't maw iDulmwt biiiti, hmio it Um IMuoivl Uietnut or niMlixmoriii t ilnlui. n.wt. it bu taunt brxutu unuwii, kiiii nif.jlllM iu e.i aa rvMlr mjuuno-r iiranimi lofll Jurwli !uurr sriirin r inm motwnbm ollK-m. it maans P'imwojc ami (lcA.tnl, steel, iiiTitaitwl aiur i.T..Mtutl.rtt IViu1n.lll. Y.lrt... Mil KIjimI Stfrl Trtwir, Steel BnixS-iw VI I'M"! rnttflrt ll KiwJ 1 fklitlllpittloil It Milll nsmA ftfu. Ill lit thrrt arti(l-4 Oiat K urlu rurniitit imiu .Tnmtarj lit nt ir.l tlin tiuM rriw. It alvi msttt 'InnkB and IMmmot alt fclnni. stiit fir 'm.Mocho. Fatury t I2lb, Cockrell ond Hllnoro Streett, Chluia. WELL MflGlMY . Illndtralml cutnlm'nB. Rhimlnil WKU. AlltiWlS, IIIM'K illlll.I H, II VDllAULIO ANU JKTT1NU MAnilNritY, CtC. , ncNTi'nrji. uavo uvou ictteu anu all Ufirrnnffit. M 'ui( itr Inlnaanil Irmlln . S ! I Oi r to I'r. Il Mf(f I (I Nloilv ll liittn, II. Ill lllll ..l Ill-K Vl( hum I , HHlli IP' t ir .. kXKiikr'i' if IV PI If I I fZ jffjU m lor reduciuje the crop to raw sugar for . sjincC th the refinery was introduced. The clar- jt jiab p3 IfiPrt juice, he suid, after boing trcateil j.i7i jt c factory l.-s Lo.-a in operation paid for beets the sum of SHU.', 14 line n til t r niiti)mna iTJ I. Hi) which produced over 200 int. per acre, ' with lime and all the impurities taken nnj tao estimated amount it lias re am! 250 bu. is sittcly possible, And potatoes, there is Salter's Ear liest, whirh was fit for tabic in 28 days In 1893, yielding tremendously, while the Champion of the World, tested in a thousand different pluces in 1895, ieid ed from 8 to 1,000 bu. per acre. Now, in Salter's new catalogue there is a wonderful arrayal of new varieties of wheat, oats, hurley, rye, potatoes, grasses, clovers and forage plants, and the editor believes that it would pay every farmer a thousand-fold to get this catalogue before buving seeds. If joti II oat thU oi ami send It with 10 cents posuigc to the John A. Salzer Seed Co.. L'i Crosse, Wis., you will receive, free, 10 grain and grass samples, including above and their mammoth catalogue. Catalogue alone, 5 cents postage. w.n. 'I he rule sti 1 holds good that the bixKer the s eevo tho nitito niodNIi the. garment Much doing is not so iinrortnnt as well doing. It tlio Unity Is Cuttlni; Teetri. Brrnio omliimtliatolJ and veil tried iranlj, Miti WiMiLOM ' Sootiiim SMiur for fhlldrti Tn-tlilns. Sonioof tliu JnjnuehOt-oldicrswear piqr clothing. Milliard tnb'e. soeond-hand. for a!o t-btap. Ajly to or address, 41. 0. Akin, 111 H. ICtli Kt., Omnlin, Neb. The vnlue ot tliu diamond is not whnt it doe', but whnt it U. ceived for tliu supar it lias manufac tured is SShO.ns.'l, which, after paying for coal, coke and lime und other sup plies, does not leave a very hir-jo mar gin of profit, though it shows that the factory is a success. M. A. litiiiti of tliu licet Sugar indus try addressed the convention on how to secure factories. His talk was relative to his experience In endeavoring to se cure eastern to ercit them with no subsidy othci than the laud on which the factory was built. They would do nothing without a guarantee ofaeie age. Mr. I.unn reviewed tho ground covered by other speakers and told his experience from actual experience. It. W. iteynoldsof Fremont renin most interesting paper on practical raising, lie taised forty acres of beets tills season and cleared 8. an acic after allow in'' SI per acre. The treat out. is nut through a copper cylinder. through which n current of hot tur passes An experiment was made at Grand Island on juice 8.0 per cent su gar and til. I per cent water After passing twice through the cylinder the result was S..' per cent water and 1)1. 5 percent sugar. With the nssurance of a continuation of the bounty law tho process will be rapidly developed. If tho bounty law rcuiajns unchanged after the next leg islature tho company will be ready for operations. In the discussion following Mr. O'Neill's talk it was brought out that a plant with the capacity of 100 tons a day would cost ubout 830,000. The company will encourage co-operation anil will not sell tnc mucnines. Chairman Furnas of the committee on resolutions reported. The resolu tions favor a state and national bounty , for the encouragement of the sugar in- ( tiusiry; recommenucu mo lorinuuou ui county associations; indoiso the trans Mississippi exposition at Omaha; in dorse the Nebraska club, the state irri gation association and tho irrigation fair at North Platte. Thanks were ex tended the state board of agriculture for its work. Improved methods of soil culture is favored. The beet sugar enterprise was recommended and thanks extended to the cltiens of Fre mont for their hospitality. A rcsolu- -j, upon its old footing. Hon oy t'eter .itinsen was suomuicu and adopted, thanking cx-tJovcinor Furnas for iiis long and arduous labor it, ln.lnliin- In limlfl on pbrnskn. . . . .- " ... ... , I V?...l.Hn t InM f........ T...l...1 le cl.l .ini. sjuperinteiideni uranger oi me uiau i ivinibiuiiuii m.i n....i... ..- .. ..". sugar factory was present and addtexs- ! to havesunk to Its lowest ebb since the cd the convention lrom the lactory year jboi standpoint. The first crop was raised ( in L'tah in 1801, when O.OliO tons were Ho.' Da sir? Nothing. Do you think 1 would imbrue my hands in the blood of a common whisky seller's hire ling'1 If he were only a gentleman" And the rugged irentleiuun looked bat tle, murder mid sudden death. - Indi anapolis Journal. in cd friiui tin- tt Until tlv tin1 Miiiicix. Iniiiiiltlns pass oil Inn iM lcsil 'I lie iiincihliy of tlicuHitiu nniiifd iiotonlvriiUM1 tln-.i lliiiiiillt'oi to leiuiiln and poison the syleni. lint iiImi lead to tin) ileiteiieiiilliin mid (IcmIi ui" Inn of tin oriiuiH tliem-elxi s. I'rmenl Hi IkIiIS dUeiine. illu lii'ii'i iliuisv. i:i:im'I anil niliei' ullincnls wlileli hITi el the kidneys mid liliiihlor with HiiNti llui'sStoniueli Hitters. lilch llkuwNti ini-tcuiiics mil at In. dspeihln. Ilillloun. ner ms ii ml i Ileum ii I lc toiiiilnlii t . null j. DniiKis the elder had a good deal of the African in his appearance, and lie had to no small degtee the lovo of show common to that race. Itcfcrring to the latter trait. Mcxaudro Uiimas tils made the remark, "My father is so vain and so fond of display that he would ride y V-, ......... I'l. ."-.- I 1...1.I...I 1. t ....... ,,,i, In .!. ..,.....! mcntieceived from the factory was.'.o ' v ... "" -- - " ,i"-"t"-.. i. i,,.. i.. l.- iii .,ini, mnnnrna I believe that lie keeps a colored foot- to beets tliis -eason. , man- " Arff" -uU Congref-sman Meikcljohn made a short address on the merits and pur poses of tliu Nebraska club Its object is to advertise tho state mid encourage immigration. It belongs to nil and is not a political organization ii-eu should help to advance alion, which is for two years had bli and it would require much labor to get TTie coming Artist wlio knows enougfo topamfa popular subject. I)i'.ifiiPa Can Not Ho t'nrnl Tlv Inntil .innllrntlntiM lm llipv cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. I Then' Is only one way to cure deafness, , and that Is by constitutional iPiiK-dlcs. NEWSY MORSELS. Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of lhe many phys ical ills, which vnuisli Ix-fore proper ef forts gentle efforts pk-usnut eftorls rightly directed. Thew is -comfort in tho knowledge, thnt so many forms of bickness arc not due to -any actual dis ease, hut simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrupnf Figs, prompt ly removes. That in why it is the only remedy with inillionsof families, and is everywhere esteemed bo highly by all who value uwxl health. Its beneficial effects an; due to the font, that itis tho one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without .debiliUiting tliu organs on which it acts. It is therefore till important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you tiavctthc genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggist,. If in the enjoyment nf good health, and the system 'is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed If nlllicted with anv nc' diseai-o. one may be commended Ut the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the welMnformcd everywhere, Syrup of Figs stands highest nnd is most largely nseciundgivesmostgenoral satisfaction. WE HAVE NO agents. "" '"' U!M "-"'.it i'll direct lotlm con. munu M wliuloiuilu prlicH. hlil)icnvuliitliiri'iaiiiln fltlun iHftur Mile. l'tr' tlilicr wairantiil. 100tlti nf (trrUrrt, W Hlyle i)f lUrnMi., 41l)lriillilli(Pad dlr.. WlIU (ormlnli't'ui H.klUKT lliailll.l. J. Hill. sum. an.. io., iLkinnr, 1lU. produced and niado up, and in IS').. JS.OOO tons were Hindi- up. The avci age of sugar per ton of beets was ltn) pounds. Tlie factory cost JjTJO.OO'). Last year a dividend of 10 per cent was declared. The factory lost money at lirst, but the business has grown steadily. This is one of tho factories that is'w holly American. The factory pays St. US for beets with 11. so stan dard. A farmer is bclectcd in every community to do business between tho farmers and factory. No beets less than the standard are taken at any price. Hon. G J. Green gave an eloquent nnd stirring address on the importance of the sugar question, of its vast con sumption and small production in this country. His address was the most elo- (picntonu of tho convention. He re- j viewed at length the tariff legislation nf ll.n .inimlfi. ..'itl. '. (i fn lie U. ..IU ..UI... M. , .... .... .l't.l .w ... application to tho sugar and other manufacturing interests of the day. "The Possibilities of Nebraska" was ably treated by H. M. Allen, president of the association. 1 lie experience of Kvcry cit- ( Deafness is caused by nn Inllanieil con .i... ......! ' illtlnn of the niu-ous llnliiK of the lius- ,i,..l , ... Tho n".Vt I tiichlan Tube. When the tube Is In- i . i t. . Vi .,! "a" lmve n rumbling sound or glued its good name, ,. frl hearlnu. and when it Is en- tliel. rinsed Dear.iess It tin result, nnu unless the inllammatlon can be taken out nnd thW tube testoied to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine cases out of ten are caused , by Cntairh. which Is nothing but nn In-llnmt-d tondltlon of the niucou'i hur- We will Klve Oni Hundred Dollars for liny ca-e of Dearncss (caused by Ca tarrh) that caniut b" cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, flee. I- .1. CHRNEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Kohl by druggists; 75c. Hall's Family I'ills. 25c. J (IW1 tZ.-w-m;nid "Grab all In slcht nnd rustle for more," Is the picturesque motto of the Knlama, Wash., Hulletln. In the early duys of gold mining In California waiters In the hotels wete paid Jo a day for their labor. A team of fox hounds hitched to a wntronette with pneumatic wheals Willi be a feature of the Fourth of July ji.i- wnr.iti: nil) tot din Tins ron 1:1:? rado In Sanilac Center, Mich. Had tho Ladles' Aid Society of our The Ink used In printing the Hank of i church out for tea. forty of them, and 1 'limit;, mniiot llu Jon-? when Hum find i.o eiiinltj to feed upon. PLU England notes was foimerly made fiom grape stone charcoal, but now it Is man ufactured from naphtha smoke. On May 15 a pure white ciow was picked up near Sherburn Colliery sta tion, England. The blid. which Is a young one, has the bill, feet, and legs white. A committee has been appointed to raise an endowment of $250,000 for St. Paul's school. Concord, N. H-, which became so famous under the late Itev. Dr. Colt. On an almost inaccessible knob -near Towesvllle, Ky., stands a gloomy old house with Mono walls ot cnstlellke thickness, only reached by a winding path about the cliff. King James I. bought of a Mr. Mark- countries, showing that they did not ' w.lH (ipgr.u.'cu bv b always moet with success. The crop , ,)OI.fce tha ran , in Kurope was very rich. 1 heir beeis , Kvery .lbkM)01I, Jbv w U I'r tt, Bucj To Kansas City ami the outli. From Oiniiho and also from (ouucii Hliitls. tlio Ilurlingtoii Jtouto runs two trahih dally to Kt. Joolll nnd Kunsni. llt, uuuiug eloso (omicttloiii iu the Knnas City Union Dej-ot with all Hiii'M for the routh lho Hur.incton Uonte I tho sliortoht. iiuieke-t and lu everyway the i et duo to Kansas t'lty, und truve er who take any oilier no t-o without u r-)ur iiiuier hlnnding of the iuctH iu the case. Tho lo- id ticlut i-ent w ill pladlv ticket j via tho llu n ing ton it you will nsi. him to do mi. J. rnAM'i-J. (jen'l 1 ass'r Agt, OniaJta, Nob. MYOEH BROS.,tt!kfi-i nnn rral uir WW 'i"1 ail"' t" f Kilm.i'r Ux.uiidurU f-H" ;.mU -i'-il; IT. tlU fur n it- utfi i to th dltiunal u m ritlli '- Hi nx Kl liuu i r"' v. ulu lur aili ju if .ourasita as a sugar-pronucing state i,,..,. ,hl. .,. Arn)llnn ,,nrB rt...P .,.,..,.. was compared wim otner states ami i ,.,,,,, .,,,, , ,..n. . r,no no belnu beaten TDy eery Inst Mm. I. ...II ..I .....1.. 4 .n...o. are firmer and contain more sutrar than ,)as to per , ,K. a Tnfl rst ib possible in i this country, which may ,le nriy-four d-8. the stc be due to climatic conditions and tu om, tw,.nty.four aml tllf. thIrd yi!ur seed. Germany can produce four and tWPnty.four. t. BctlI only ,,, bonrU. a half more tons of beets to the acre. T Ulousaru, nne hwJTeA linJ ,nc. with a per cent more in raw sigart hail k , If. Illll lllll 1IIT1 IT. Mil ILIIIll lhui iiiiiun- try is under control of the government und possesses all the elements that go to make sugar culture profitable fertile soil, cheap fuel and low priced labor. Ilcets have been tested with ns high as a."i per cent of sugar. To com pete with these countries it is apparent that we need protection. Wo want a . duty on sugar that is fair; not an ex-' acting one. .Mr. Allen gave his hearers ' an insightof all sugar-producing conn- j tries the world over and also as to the , yield, here in Nebraska wo have a good field, the right altitude, rlou soil, and with skilled labor and a study of this subject wo may bo able to save ' much which is now lost, and make ills coverics of vast beuetit to beet culture, i the Canton. O . tichonls nn r. colltclton for the Francis Key monument which , is belim erectJ at Frederick. Md. I The Klnzua viaduct, near Alton. I'a., I was designed and finished in eight and , one-half months without the use of waf- folding or even a single ladder. It Is ' L',100 feet Ions nnd 300 fet high. ! Canada's debt Is now ZG.02'J,Vr:. That means ubmit $65 fur -ery man, woman und child in the country, and It costs about $12.00ii00 a yeasr to pay the Interest nnd charges ut the low rates now prevailing. It Is worth remembering that Mount hogan, near the boundary between Utah and Wyoming, is the hlgheBt peak In North America. "Professor all pronounced the Herman Coffeeherry , canal to Uio! Salzer's catalogue tells j on all about it! 35 packages Earliest vegetable seedo ?1.00 post paid. ir you will "lit thU out nnil urnil Willi 15c. stamps to John A. Salwr Seed Co., La Crosse. Wis., you will gt free a package of above groat coffee seed und our 14S pane catalogue! Cntnlogue alono fie. . w.n. It Is not the chick thnt Ntiikes the loudest wlih h keeps tho best time. 1lr(;omnil'Cawitihii-Ii tMVltll't'lyrrl I ill. 1 lie in ccmiliip. Cuti-KCIiiipiMHl Mainli una KdiaUuU-Miri ,i!. C.O.(lalkCii.,N.lhiiiu.l-i A goml printer run always tell how tho ItlMU htUllllh. lie largest piece of .good tobacco ever sold Tor 10 cents The 5 cent piece is nearly as' arge as you et of other high grades for 10 cents e 30 Packages UsrlicstVrgctabli; Seeds, pontpald, 91.00. YOUS .1. S. Hoagland addressed tlie assoeia- I Mendenhall. formrIy chief ftfHhe coast LEQO-rNTS ! Iii. Arnr I nk h l.l i- l'i ni io. i..l Ilinvrp rk itii'i i-.cki.- i."- hi ir ii.i" i fi 1 ( ,f 1 . mM7 . f I . HI) II " if wlf -n I f . t "iil'(li' x -.i"- uni nnd geodetic survey In WnKhlnglon made this statement. The largest raft evr lloaled dwvn the Mississippi river is now on the way to Ht. Louts. It consists, with Its lead, of over 7,000,000 fet of lumber, mostly white pine. If carried by rail this lumber would mak nearly C0 car loads. Allowing forty feet to the car the train would be over four and r. Jialf miles long. CURIOUS FACTS. While we writ from the left to the right, the Japanese write from the rlshj I to left. There are two hundred thousand fne- tory jfirls In London, one twenty-teond j of the whole population. j A curious present for a deaf person Jiab been Introduced in Oermany a fan I deftly concealing a tiny trumpet lu its ' (.tlcli. IWIIn Is the most cosmopolitan of I large European cities. Only thlrty i even percent of Its Inhabitants are Ger- man by birth. i Thore are somethln-r like forty thou- Cfirwl nil til In c-nKnnlu t T n ik... which form the basisof their judgment ,Vn , ' " " . i V""' .A"' ..... ..... ...,.i..o...,i i. i. ill,- ir.. i r "" ""-- ""ii" mine uuu euucrtuoo 7 ii i . ""-" " "-" ?c '." . Is compulsory. failed to see how those people who In , 'Eur , C0ntrIB th. liad signed a contract with the OxnardsractlPe haB becn,J,aor,1- 0" ,!lln, to raise beets of a oerta n standard o ' nut a(1 f Ult tvf , , ' . e J l y pu-ty anu samlnuc contci ts could 6jiade tfCM aIc , tiAltiXid , e tion on state legislation. If the bouiitv law only tended to the enrichment of the manufacturer it should be voted down, but if it was a source of revenue and made the &tale prosperous it should be sustained, lie referred lo school taxes und the wolf scalp bounty and proved tnat tho law was beneficial When the industry is established it will enhance the value of laud and prop erty, make a demand for labor and in creaso the population. He was in favor of amending the corporation laws so that large stockholders could not crowd out the small. Ho would make it so there was only one vote for the iiizj-j, not a vote for share of stock. Under this basis he would organise dis trict factories and county associations. Hon. V. (1 Wliitemoreof Valley read apaperon the subject "What Now?-1 He regarded this convention as the most important of any that has con vened in this state s.nce that which prepared our constitution. We may well congratulate ourselveb anil return to our homes with this sentiment, "Ne braska is the place and sugar beets tlio stuff." Men differ because the facts I know that nij life was mved by 1'No's Cure for Cousuniptloii.- .lohu A Miller, An Snide, .Miihiiran. April til, lh'.i.V Selfishness Ik nelf-rold erv. no mutter whether it dwells iu u lint or In n pu'are FIT3 Anrrtustoiipiilfrei-byllr.Kllni-'unrr-it "Si-rve ICntoriT. Jul Unulli-r U.i! iiim n.i.v uk". lonkciilis. Tn-allM'alPil Uiill'-fiv. ti 1 11 Ciuc&. t-JiU UiUl'. KIll.i'.Wl A I tU bt., l'lill., lu. 'I ho fan is now- tin inse-Jiiratilu adjiuit t of ail ilsilnt) c-i'iiitu; toilettes. Iiikitation or Tin: 'Iiihoat AMI IiOAHsI mss juo Jiiiiiieilititoly re loved liy "iiroMii r. Jti hlul 'Jroches" Have them iilwns lend-,. Uuu 1 1--a Huutt lu tliureh mid u hintlieu on the street mr "11llll lllllllt-llf t-M I llllll.llll III ll-llMI- lll-llllll lu 'Ii- ilHi,,-i'r lmlt T i- r.nU'iii. i n r I uf r..!lrr k i.iu.hi 'Initio Iki.i iuif .i.e llu'kU Ills. .Miitrhiioiiiii ti'iiiiii lisof eiitlewoiuen In lindn inns- more to co into It. I i-1 .III r'U II li w liu lllmln Minor n.t . i-iir i. h .1 ihey Mie u t tuiuluclio to trait tut valkl u J.Ipuiiii th uinlilii I ilunuiim lodern womuu foiuutlmon stoop t-zieed-iiul luii tu t'oiiipiur illcl.Mii. v.t.tiliv lo iirixlucoii iTDti, tbalwiuiun ultloctlov win tl:ai iKKir tviIs iirikliiroiKiurcroiis, hut nlii-n vu.i ulunl snljer'B Ncirt'ieriM.niMU Mills fur Kiinlt'u or farm, tlio st-enu chnnKus as if I.) inuttli liini'ini ot iHiur lclils ynii ul oticii p't rotiHlnit crotn, rrupa Uuu ih iiuiiloti yi'iirln'tiii una till nrM, lor fialivr's ieul ro full of Die. fun nf vlKur. fun of prixlncltii.' miaull-. $400 IN GOLD PRIZES. o, , We riajr tlili on mm, iUrloy, ana t'orn 0 himbols of Pl.ver Mtno i.Nuuii'l(-MilliMiii)Oiitti:niwniiiioiiuiirro vrun UiU.rl7.u In ltfi. Ix-ni iiuti' ii iini' eri'itti'l (Ul ot um (I'nittrr no uinro tint uiuesn you miw it iili'iily of siir'm ll.irli'7. Oats, l'ullo'. lliuss and ClOTprs! Hum- you Irlnl TiMmlnie. sncnliiie, tllmit. Mmrry ntnl (Haul. OulfK-OrOHlus tivruitui Clorvr? Cutiliunia ti Us all uUiut tlnw Kodtlur 1'laals. SPLENDID VECETADLES. Ijirpe M!tiTtlon, many ili ntlld surts KTeryiuIng cheap. Onion Brfil atWlc- K-rlti.; III pitK. r loni-r Mtsl, "Kmi llo-w. l'lants anil Hmall I nills. hardy ub Oak. Suud it- lorMtiilteK.arilcnerg WltolealoJ.tU. PLEASE CUT OUT THE FOLLOWING AND SEND IT With Ilk. liiMuuiuslo Juln A.hulrorheeilCci ljil'nno,"i unili:tfrro Itiolr t-'roiu laialuiftiounil I0iki ,ras('. ( mi, llarliy cd (Jralnh , .. H j ' H j t M n'i'n i"f vt i rt-r STEEL WEB PICKET TEMCE. HHffi m TT rrx &m ta CABLED FIELD AND HOG FEHCE. We innufartun complftu lue ot Hiuoutli U Irt tenclntf awl Kuaru(ee cr urticU W b a rtprw-ff-ntrd If futi it tiitjder ((Utility t)iui)tu monvy t uia iuti triri De Kalb Fence Co., m High &&.. ill. ,S; e-4fr--0-O-O--K-O-O-OS-9 A Simile in Smoke. 7Uicrc's -all sorts ci grades of tobacco plant. The best comes from Havana. There's all sorts of grades of sarsa parilla plant. Tlie best comes from Honduras. If you want cheap tobacco, all right provided you get value'for your money. Cheap tobacco 's not as good to smoke but it don't cost as much. If you want c1icap narsaparil'a . . . But you don't want it. Of course you don't. You are paying for the best. To pay for the best and get anything but Honduras sar saparilla is like paying for Havana cigars and getting l'lttsburg " Stogies." There's only one sarsaparill.i made exclusively from the imported Honduras plant. That's Ajer's. Just keep it in mind that you are paying for Honduras sarsaparilla when you are paying for the best; but you don't get what you pay for unless you get Ayer's .Sarsaparilla. Auy diwll aUout II t S4fbrlU"CiHebauL." It I4U doubt but ami doublet. AiUnm ; J. C. Ayr Co., Lowt'l, Uw. - B i GUTSLASH i 9 SMOKING TOBACCO, 2 oz. for 5 Cents. f : CUT SLASH ; f t If CHER00TS-3 for 5 Cents. Give n Good, Mellow, Healthy, rie-uunt Smoke. Try Them. LION i CO. T0B1CC0 WORKS, D.rhim, S. C 9-0-0--4 f t t f Successful' v Prosecutes Claims. Late ''rtuctpttl Mium'.uer IT 8. Penvtoa bureau. 3yi ulait ar, linJJuiliiiitiuaUuLuu, uti luc. W.N I'., OMAHA D-1800. t lien -Anting to aihertist'r?, kindly ! mention this paper, s -S s ' sJ. ZJ1 -' ' i. tfZr v- ' .' y ItXo V OS Hut Coutfhtyrun. 'fame KnJ. UflOfjl