Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, February 28, 1896, Image 1

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rAASu ii h - "ff xKV.
: -
VOL. 2
NO. 1
.to hi',
The herald.
FnblWhed every Friday and entered at the
post-office in Hemincford, Nebraska, as second
class mall matter. The Keiui.p is devoted to
the interests of Hcmingford and Hoi Ilatte
THOS. J. O'KnnFH, Publisher.
P.M. PnM'B
A. il. MlI.I.VH
.....Clerk. I
JA. II. II. HEWETr .Illdttn.
E. 1. Sweeney Sheriil.
H. F. Oilman Attorney.
Miss A. E. Neci.and Superintendent.
f'StA"', fTRVHM Surveyor,
Dn.W.K Miller Coroner.
Dr. L. W. Howjian l'hysicfsn.
James AP.nr Commissioner 1st mst.
Ja. Holtnp.ake. ... ronimUsioner '-'r.d Dist,
0. W. Dtocan Commipsloner 3rd DIst.
Hkminqfotid postoflieo. On week days door
openB at 7 a. in., jicneral delivery opns at 8 a.
m. and cloaca at 8 p. m. Open Sundays 0 to
10 a. in.
HrMixaFORD and Box Butte tagetally except
HrMiNorono and DnxiAF Btago, Monday
Wednesday and Friday.
Olnvircl- Dlreotory.
lONGUEOATIONAL. Prpaclilngeacu iilter
.natc Sunday, bnffliiiitnfr. Jnniinry, 1. Ittl. at
11 o'clock it. in., und at 7 p tit. Siindni School
nt 10 a. in. Prayer Meeting each Wednesday
at 7 ji. m.
LUTIIEUAN:-Scrvlc.'s nt the
VTCourt House
llev Wun.lerlich, t'nstor.
CATHOLIC: Itov. Charles Zak 1'iistor.
METhODISTc-llm J.W. Krndall i'nstor
Prt'iiclilnKthn second and lourth Sunday In
each month ut 1 1 a in., and 7 p. m.
l.M'ISCO PAL:-Son Ices In tho Conirrecut-
IMonitl Church, llev. Pastor.
Services on the thlid Thursday In each month
ai7 p. in.
M W. A. Itnsobush Cantp No. 2rtt0. Meet
ill second attd fourth Tuesday niKht of each
rt n t V
ViRltinu NciKhDorscoruiaiiy tnviteu.
W. M
1ode;ce, Clerk.
F. Huot. V. C.
New Short Lino to Helena, Butto
Spokane, Seattle und Tacoma.
O-. I. & "W. O. Time Ozxrcl.
I !! HIIWI Si I ! I l
No. 4?. pasioncer arrUes nt J1:1S p. m.
" te (relent " 6-COp. m.
' 18 freight nrrlvoK ut 10:10 a. ra.
No, 41 pasenswr arrives nt 6;21 a.m.
fltrcilit " 11:50 p. tn.
" 47 frfdcht i.rrlvn nt 3:35 p. m
All trulnn c.rry prssenuera.
W. M. Copelmid, Aen-
BtAte of Nnbraska, ) ..
County of Box Butto. 5 "
Following is tho etlmao of expenses for
Box Hutte connty Nebraska for tho year lfcW.
made by tho Board of county commissioners at j
inir mwnas on ins trcouu .uL.uay m j
narj lfcW, as required by law
For connty uilicers seJary ?3,nr.fl.OO
1.000 t
1,0 0.00
Ejection purposes
support of poor .
bond tax for school districts
district court fees and oxpenses. ..
incidentals, supplies, fuel, etc
institute fund ,
. l.tWU.OU
Total expenses
Attxst: F. M. PHELPS, Clerk.
By Jas. H. H. Hewett, Dopnty.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office in Norton's Block.
Calls attended promptly.
Charges reasonable.
Notice of Publication of Sum
mons. Julia O. In&orsoll vs. Lewis M. Williams, Ira
E. fsh and Eva M. Tash his wife, and W. J.
Hot lion.
Lot ',s M. Williams and W. J. Bowden dofnnd
ants, i till talto notice that on tho Wth day of
July, M. Julia '. lnersol, plaintiff heri'iu.fil
td her vtition In the district conrt of Box
Butto ounty, Nebraska, against said defend
ants, tht object and prayer of which aro to fore
close acerUiin movhjsi'o executed by the de
fendant lovcis M. Williams to The American
Investment Co, upon thn RMithwrst ijuarter
is w !) of section focr (4; township twenty-six
aojrauue forty eicht lie) west of Cth P. M. in
iox Butto county. Nebraxka to secure the pay
ment of a certain coupon bond, dated Marco ,
J.iM, for the sum ottiW.andton coupon interest
notes thereto attached of evn dati therewith,
of $12 U each, the firBt falllii); duo June 1. lh-7,
and nnoovery hix montlin tiier('aftor and also
ten, interfifit coupon nofs provideil for in tho
(tension aereenifnt, cnterinl into U'tween the
defendant I. E. Tnh and the said Amsrican
Investment Company of l':S each, the lirrt
faIlimrduoDicmU'r 1, ln'Jj, and one every six
months thereafter, which mid bond, co ipon
interest not s, and mortgage deed uason Unto
Iwr 10, littl. sold, endors'Hl, assigned and deliv
ered to fljls plaiutitf; that there is now due up
on nid notes and mortgage t!i" sum of ii'J6.
with interest at thn rate ot 10 it cent nor an
il mn from the l".i diy of July 1M).. for which sum I
wild luierest asaloresata. pl&intltt prajs tora
deerec that defendants b required to pay tlie
anie. or that said premiss may la sold to sat
isfy the amount fouud due.
.ou aro required to answer said petition on or
before the 17th day of February, lbW.
Hated Jan. 10. lfl,
JULIA (3. INOEIISOL. Plaintiff.
I -10 By B F. Oilman, hsr attorney
See Wildy beforo you soli your
hod, poultry, buiter, ogga, cbecsu
or potatoes.
The Alliauco papers aro out
denying tho name of ono John
Ronsvold "deceased," and say
that tho namo is shown on tho
potition as John Underwood and
tho county clerk and his doputy
take tho stand with tho Alliance
combination and say tho namo is
John Underwood. Now tho clerk
and his deputy aro vory elastic
so far as their cortiilcates aro
concerned, as wo hnvo a ckuti-
FIEl) COPY of tho ORIGINAL, poti'
, ...1,!-1. Ji . ,,.,T,rr.r,Tlr U.,r
lujii m wiiiJii inuj Vytuiviir i uiuu
t tho namo is John Rensvold.
i It is possible to change tho
original so it would read Under
wood, and as this is a county
seat fight it might be done. We
I take it that tho clerk and his
1 deputy want to do tho right
thing and wo do not make this
charge against them, but thero
, aro others in Alliance that could
make the change. Tho name on
tho petition is in load pencil.
Mr. T. K. Gilslmnnon, ono of
thp first bottlers and a successful
fanner of Wright precinct, was u
pleasaut caller Friday.
Tho letter published in the Alli
ance Timed from A. L. Sharrockto
Mr. Hall was a dandy and
breathes tho sentiments of every
.one in lleiningford. We are hero
lo stay and light until tho last.
Many thanks for publishing it.
Come again.
Tho fallowing wi copy f ro n
the Omaha World-Herald.
"It is said that the Alliunso peo
ple have picked out the spot uhero
they intend lo have the court
house built, and will soon call for
bids for material."
Farmers and tax payers does
this sound like they were not pre
paring to bond tho county. Look
well to your taxes for the future
and remember your present court
house is fully paid for and tho fi
nances of tho county aro in excel
lent shape.
W. D. Rumor has capped the
climax of public philanthropy and
is now closing out his shop worn
goods to the suiTering(?) farmers
at less than cost. Verily the ways
of tho county seat removal man
are devious.
Rev. Kendall's father died last
Sunday at Rushvillo. He was
nearly 70 years of ago and had
been ill for sometime. Mr. Ken
dall returned Wednesday.
Mrs. Friel is quite ill.
The Alliance people now say
that a crazy man stole that letter
from Mr. Hall und carried it with
him to the insane asylum at Nor
folk, from which placo tluy ob
tain it. This explanation of the
u atter suggests the thought that
the Alliance county seat boomers
should 6end sonu ane person to
the asylum, if such a one can bo
found among their number, to
pick up all letters that go tho
s.imu way. JtiJiiu fro u the
action of the gang considerable
correspondence m;hr baobtiiiKid
in this tvay a 1 1 nush valu ib! ill
formation furu shj.l tin A.lianco
papers for piblintion. A pecu
liar feature of tho maladv that af
flicts the Alliance boomers lies in
tho fact that they havn a mania
for handling other people's mail
In county seal fights, a latitude
has to be allowed to tlm men who
aro getting up thn fight for their
own ends as far a, tho truth goes.
Alliance must Imvo appreciated
this fact in their work but the way
in which thy lie indieriininataly
is wonderful to lt)hoId.
Tho smiling countananco of Dr.
Kuigiit of Alliauct) v.xh notioed on
our tiect tdiuflnj.
Died Thursday, Fobruary 27th,
1800, at i) a. in., Mrs. Rosa M.
Dada, wife of Rov. 13. P. Dadu,
pastor of tho Congregational
! church, aged 00 years, 5
I months and 28 days.
I For two weeks Mrs. Dada had
boon suffering with pneumonia,
but was convalescing. On tho
morning of her death she was
j unusually bright, ato a hearty
I breakfast and asked hor husband
to go for tho mail. On Mr. Da-
I da's return from tho ofilco ho
i found her suffering very mucli
; but with his assistance slio walk
od to tho bed and in twenty min
utes from that timo was dead.
For 82 years she had boon a
minister's wife, enduring tho
i hardships and trials like a true
servant of tho Most High, and
rejoicing over victories. She
was possessed of a lovely chris
tian character and worked zeal
ously for tho building of the
Master's kingdom on earth.
Her daughter, Miss Velma,
who was at Denver, was tol
egraphed for and will hero this
evening. Her husband and
daughter have the sympathy of
the entire community in their
suddon bereavement. .
Funeral services Sunday at 11
o'clock, intormont Hcmingford
When the Alliance people wore
circulating their petition they
were not called "lying, unscrup
ulous, unprincipled knaves" nor
did v.'o ask tho .armors or cit
izens of Hcmingford to take
down their shot guns and go af
ter them as tho Times of tins'
week suggests. But now that
wo are digging up some of tho
rottenness, how different. Now
Bro. Ellis this shot gun business
don't scare anybody, but wo will
bo with you on all mattors an:l
if you want to fight that way, we
aro ready. We want to serve
notice just here to tho effect that
we aro going to fight you for the
next twenty years, or more if
necessary, to hold our rights.
Come on.
Judge Spacht is quite sick nt
his homo with intermittent fever.
Dr. Bollwood is attending him.
The Alliauco papers aro not
content with backing up the coun
ty seat gang in deliberately try
ing to steal the county seat which
is Plemingford's by every right
but think that this paper has not
even airy right to live at all and
inferp that, wo are bought by tho
Inter State Townsito Company
because wo stand up for what is
our rights. How easy it is for
them to see faults in other people
and ignore their own. It is possible,
nay more, probable that tho re
cent additions to the printing of
fices in Alliance wero purchased
with money from tho county seat
fujid of Alliance. Sudden riches in
the Alliance newspaper offices at
' the time of a county seat fight is
apt to lmvo a shody construction
' any how. But wo aro alive, o.vn
ourselves ami our paper and will
stick in this fL'ht to tho fi l.sli and
Homingford will keep the county
seat. When papers like those in
Alliance seek to back up an
unholy fiht like this attempt to
' steal a county oat their 6enso of
moral honor is apt to gut warped
so that they think everyone i as
bad as they aro.
Assessors Annual M Jeting.
Tho annual meotinir of tho as
sessors will bo hold at the clerk's
office in Hemingford on tho third
Tuesday of March, being March
17th. P. M. Phelps,
County Olerk.
j Huminpford, Fob. 25, 1895.
- - - IS o' -
Ab ago V for tho In tor State
Townsito ( o., I think it is proper
at this timo for mo to say that
we aro in Box Butto county to
slay, and so long as methods aro
adopted to burden our proporty
with taxation for the benefit of
any ono class and not for tho
wholo peoolo, we aro in the fight
and will undertake to protect our
interests against tho present po
tition or any other potition that
docs not represent tho residont
electors of Box Butto county.
IWo wero informed whilo at Alli
ance yesterday, that anothor po
sition would bo circulated. Wo
aro ready to see that it is lawful,
and are with tho honest taxpay
ers of B6x Butto county to pro
tect ourselves as
well as ovory
other taxpayer from fraud.
A. L. Shamrock,
Commissioners' Proceedings
County Clerk's Ofilco, )
Homingford, Neb., V
Feb. 25, 1890. )
Board of county commissioners
mot at 9:0 a. m., pursuant to ad
journment. ' On motion, Robert Marlor was
appointed constabla in first ward
precinct of Alliance.
It appearing that road in town
27 range 50 as authorized by
commifsionersat thoir Nov. 25th
1895 meeting has not been open
ed, it is hereby ordered that tho
clerk instruct road overseer of
district No. 10 to open up such
road for travel.
On motion board adjourned to
meet at 1 p. m.
Afternoon session.
Board met at 1 p. m. Present
Hollinrako, Barry and Duncan.
Following official bonds were
John D. John, ovorscor district
No. 10.
L. M. Kennedy, Justico of tho
Peace Snake Creek precinct.
Robert Marlor, constable first
ward precinct Alliance.
Bond of Omaha Printing Co.,
examined and approved.
The bids for tho leasing of the
poor farm having been examined
the bid of P. H. Zobol is accept
ed and tho poor farm is leasod to
the said P. H. Zobel for ono year
commencing March 1, H90, who
agrees to pay into tho county
treasury for said lease $75.00 on
the first day of September 139o,
and to keep tho paupers sent to
the poor house by tho county
commissioners, or any one of
them, for tho sum of S'1.00 each
per week, provided that if more
than six paupers are kept at tho
poor house at any ono time, then
all paupers aoovo saia number
six, are to be kept and boarded Since the county Beat will for
at 82.50 each per wek. an ii,n0 rema u iu Homingford,
Tho following claims having wo i,av0 now added to our wel
boon presented for allowance, on fe d f u a jctl
motion tho board procured from ".,x'n"u lu" r ,
tho treasurer a certificate of do- line of Men'a Hoys and Children -linquent
personal taxes against CLOTHING aud furnishing
tho soveral claimants and it is G00ds, at prices so amazingly low
horeby or Jerod that the amount t, t L t to kmm. lhal ull
of delinquent taxes against each , . '. .. . . , . . .
of the claimants named below be show is of the late.t styles out
deducted from tho amount of his and of superior fabrics and mater
claim and tho clerk is horeby di- a. Our Spring hats to suit ou,
rooted to draw a warrant on gon- ; Rmta ura 'lll0 pr0i,er BU ,pe,
oral fund in favor of claimant . , . . i ..i
where there is a balance due him ut lmnl ,1,ne l)nce". Co,,w 'Uhl
after deducting the amount of
sail Jahn quent tax as follows,
2918, J C Parkin , clearing around court hoos a
olaim Sfi, allowed $5 tax warrant
1. A L Muirhfad, services as county phy-
ntviaii ciu's aaunvu a kf i& fu.v'i ianui.
t-.I eai AC ll.n,l 1 tK ..-.Cff'n ....
2VJ0, L. II. Mosher, Judic of Klectlon, claim
(I, allowed $1, tax$ warraat$
2HSI, K H Huolie, eleanint; court hojs and
repairs M W. allowed la.SU, tax war't 13.W
2ft, Newton M Uayes, olerk of e.eitlon.
olal n $4, all owe. I I tax - warrant
409ft, u. J. Hills, printintr claim $12.31, allow
ed l'i.31, tax wan ant
20H, u. u. l'iero.', livery hire, claim S2.M. al
lowed 2.WJ. tax warrant 2 50.
Uaa. J. K. Whaiy,eoavyirw paiP'rto poor
farm, olaim J7. ulloed ?5, tax warrant
SI54, P. a ZolMtroiirof paapw. Jfil, al.
lowsd CO, tax ' warrant CO.
The Box Butto County Teach
ers' association will moot in tho
Homingford school house, Fob.
29, 1890, at 1 p. in. Tho follow
ing program has been arranged:
Music .1...
Ilocltatton Miss Carrto Illssill
Class Bocltation In ltinJlnR....Mr. Blancliard
Discussion .J. W. Dnragardncr
Some... School Children
Paper Thoroughness II. F. Fillmore
Illscusston.' .Mrs. IS. E.Ford
! Ilecltattou Miss Mamie Hral
Paper LI nklDK Together of Studies In
Primary Work Mts Anna Calkins
Discussion ....... . 1). K. Hpanlit
Music..... , i ....
Entortainmont will bo provid
ed for nil. Call at tho county
superintendent's offico for par
ticulars. Hops wanted at. Wllily's
Horncall wants omo dressed
I wish to disposo of all my
household goods.
Mjih. E. A. Hall.
20 lbs dried apples for S1.00 at
Skates A fine lino of ice
skates just received at II. R.
Green's Hardware store.
Wlliiy Iiiib rcceivi'd IiIh that l.inr
inviiluii nf oprmj? B'Hiils unit eltitliliin.
Fhoks of all kinds, stylos ami
prices. Can lit any fool and pock,
book. W. K. H;jhnoall.
Wlhiy pays nevoii cents fur the i
1 want nil the clross'il ptmltn I
the '(unity. W. K. IIbiinoali.
If vou want a suit, ovcrcoa
overalls, cloaK, cape,
I v
cheap-a b.g lino at Wildy's
: The Heuald and the Oin i.m
bomi-weekly World- Herald boili
I one year for SI. 75.
' Wihly nulla yon a nice null. I'.ir $3 n
Ltmk ut Hh'Su UVe ecu's trials
FOIITIUDE n 80-tore finis .
(Vawfuhl cmi tit), M. , 70 mile- fr ..
at. LmiN. 30 acres iln lor cultlv iU m.
b.ilunee tlnibi-r; lnnse, bini in I Ih
Int,' wii'er. This is a iron I far u
J V II iraile fur cle.ti II ix II itie ni-n
' I offer my farming impleineut.
foi sale uh. ip. at my ruu 1 .nt
west of Hemingford.
G. W. Waisneb.
All parties wishing n -w plo.
r.hars at the rddu -a. I pric of S2 .0
must havo them in the shop b
6aiUtd iy, March 1 1th.
Clauk Olds,
First Shot Fired
' into the GAWP
see; a-k lo exatnuij tor yourae.Vi-s
as we can talk a wholo lot belter
than write. Our prices are fo.
cash or in exeh inge of produce fo
wl,i..li vu nlw.iVH DRV VOU the hi .11
Oat market price.
I'our humble oervuiit,
Attorneys'- at Law
An Allianco paper seems to
havo great faith in shot guns.
By tho way, wo once hoard of-an
indignant father forcing an ed
itor of that burg to unite in wed
lock, at tho point; of a shot-gun.
No wonder thoy think about guns
oown mere, s , .
W. C
" ,
Tho following namecgentlo
inoiH "'ro selected lo serve as
jurors,.,.! tho March. zOth term
of District court.
Fred II Smith
Win. Loranco
Jas A Ball
Harvey West
R B Hamilton
W E Hall
C C Hucke
Elmor E Todd
J P Jensen
Ernest Moints
Geo Sparks
Sam'l Swltzer
John A Wilson
Simon Spry
C 0 Frew
W D Johnson
J H Johnston
El Payno
Jas Wholan
Geo W Clark
T W Wohrstoin
Ambroso Hadloy
Sam'l Hollinrako
M D Atkin
CTva Thonamid AtititMl Oitlior.id Up la
One Great . unch.
Ftvo thousand horses In ' a Blnglo
bunch, rearing, running, snorting and
nhylng, urged on by two-score plctur
oequo Indian and halt-brccd riders,
sending Into tho air a cloud of dust
that envelops and partially conccaln tho
vast band of cayuscs, as tho rldcro,
with Bwlsh of ropes, with ohoutn and
yells, urged on the Burglng band of
half-wild creatures bofore them, writes
a correspondent from the Jocko Indian
agency. It is a picture seldom seen
now, and only posslblo in tho unre
stricted range of tho reservation a pic
ture, If seen, never to bo forotton, saj
tho Anaconda Standard. For flvo days
theso bronze riders havo scoured th
northern range of tho reservation, driv
ing boforo them every horao that wao
found In this long stretch of country.
They have ridden across tho rolling
ground of the lower valley; they have
eearched the canyons; thoy have peno
trated the dense timbers of the foot
hills; thoy hnvo ''-nhed to tho open
parks on the mountainside. From val
ley and canyon and hillside they hava
driven tho half-wild horse, and have
gathered them on tho banks of the
Pend d'Orcl'.lo river for tho cutting
cut. Five thousand tossing heads, 10,
000 vicious eyes, 20,000 trampling hoofs!,
Almost as far as the eye can reach are r
horses, horses, horses. There are steeds
at every color and of every size. Near
ly all of them are the mean, treacherous
Indian ponies, some of them shapely
and handsome, It is truo, but in every
eye la a flash of wlldnees that betokens
111 for tho man who attempts to tarns
tho ow r. Hero tnd thcro in a mass
of horses that Is being urged onward
at a trot is a big, fine-looking animal
that evidences good breeding. But there
aro not nany of theao. Thoy aro near
ly all cayuscB of the cayuaost order. At
ono of the ranches on tho banks of tho
river thero are three big, well-fenced
pastures, and here the cutting-out will
be done. On the reservation there are
now about 15,000 horses, and of these it
is estimated that ful'.y 2,000 have no
right to the Indian range. This
will do much to Improve the
condition of the range, and It la for
this purpose that tho big round
up has been undertaken. The band of
horses now belnc driven toward the ex
temporized corrals has been gathered
in tho rogion north of the Pend d'Orellle
river. Ab soon es the cutting-out has
been accomplished tho riders will cross
the river and will rcurd up the stock
between that stream and Crow creek,
and thcro will bo anothor separation at
tho Allard ranch on Mud creek. In ad
dition to the removal of all horses,
Agent Carter has ordered that a'.l cay
use stallions may bo disposed of In or
der that there may be some improve
ment in the grade of horses raised on
the reserve Thun the round-up will ac
complish a double purpose.
Exarrcarntail lnlatrlallra.
Town and country succeed one an
other. The train passes at full speed
over low bridges, spanning broad
rivers "hich flow botween fo!sts re
mains of forests, rather violatod, mas
sacred forests, whose vigorous vegeta
tion still bears witness to the primitive
splendor of this country before "tho
pale-faced destroyer of forest" had set
foot upon It. Rowo upon rows of cot
tages, without gardens, without a sin
gle one of those little open-air drawing
rooms In which the French citizen loves
to saunter, pruning shears and watering-pot
in band. But where shall
Americans And the time to saunter, the
time to watch the buddlug rose trees,
to let themselves live? Tbolr rose
trees are those vaet ever-multiplying
factory chimneys. Their gardens are
those boufs. so rapidly built that a sin
gle generation fees them increase five
fold, tenfol' and rore.
In 1800, New Havou, through, whlcfe
wo havo Just passed, had 5,000 Inhabi
tant: to-day, it has S0.000 aud Its co
merie la v lined at more than 150,009,
600 frames a year. Paul Bourgotfa
"OutTO-cr." .
r ' 1