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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1896)
ffWWWflWtt USES OK TUB DA.NANA. The BUIn I VnltmMfl .fur IlUckenlus In tho VYat la-ltt tfio dried lfvea .and prepaid pottlcat of th Htm aro tiscil packing raturlitU, snyi Cham iora' Journal. Froh leav are uci to sh ado young ooflo or cocoa oed 1lngs In nursery bedi, and to cover co con oans durlnu fermenUtioa. Tho 2'oung unopened leavos aro so smosth and boh, thnt they tiro used as drcaa Ins for bllBtoro. In India tho driad stalk of tho plnntnln loaf Is used an a rough kind of tvclno and the lauor parts nre tnrvdo into email boxo for holding jinufr. draffs, olo. In tho Malay panlntula tht nsh of tho loaf and loaf stalk Is used Instead of .fioop or fuller's earth hi wnhinj5 clothos, and a eoltvlon of tho okh Is oftcc ustfd ae a salt in cooking. In the Dutch Indies, tho nkln of the plantain l3 used for blackening shoos. Tho juice which flows from nil out parts of tho bannna Is rich In tnnnln and of so ilaekening n nature that It may be used nn nn Indelible tanrklng Ink, In Java, tho lonves of iho "wax bnuann" aro cov ered on the under aldo with n whlto powder, which yields n valuablo wax, clenr, hard and whitish, forming an Im portant artlclo of trade. Tho ashen of tho leaves, stem, and fruit rind aro om ployed In Dongal In many dyolng proc esses. In Slam, a cigarette wrapper lo mndo from tho lenvo. Fiber Is got from tbe stems of many kinds of baunnns. Tho most valuablo Is tho "manllln hemp" of commerco, which holds tho chief placo for making Tvhlto ropes and cordage. Old ropes made of it form nn oxcMlontpnpormak lng material, much used In tho United States for otout packing papers. Tho .rnanilla homp Industry is a largo one. About 50,000 tonn of ilbor, valued at 3,000,000, aro annually exported from tho Philllpplno Ulands. Tho ma nllla hemp plant Is grown exclusively Jn tho southern part of tho PhlM'pplncs, and all attompta to grow It clsowhcro havo failed. Many artlclen aro mado from manilla hemp mnta, cords, halo, plaited work, laco handkerchiefs of tho finest texture, and various qualities of paper. At Wohlau, In Switzerland, nn industry has boon started for making laco ana materials for ladles' hats from It. By a Blmplc process It Is mndo Into straw exactly roscmbling tho finest wheat straw for plaiting. Ml rnt'n Loc Bc.ildrd liy n Volcano 1 ?ustlnc penk, forty miles cast at . Jn a state of eruption. A week ago last Tuesday Day King and Llge Davis, who were out upon tho mountain, heard n rumblo In the earth, which was followod soon by a distinct .explosion. About half a mllo from them on the north side of the peak a Jargo granite bowlder soared tuott nd fell with a crash among tho loose rocks, The flight of the bowlder was followed ,by a puff of Btcam and ashes. Tho fam ily of Mr. Hufford also saw the erup tion. Tho next day Mr. Bergcrot wont to the placo whBro tho explosion oc curred and found a depression partly ,fillcd wlih ashes from which tho bowl der had been ejected. Tho snow was gono for somo dlstanco around tho hole and tho ground was porfoctly dry. Mr. Bergcrnt soon becamo nwaro that his tettt were uncomfortably warm and that was going up hlo trousers and jacaldlng his lego and, feurlng a .ropotl t.on of tho volcanic eruption, he has tened away from tho spot. St. Loulo plobc-Detnocrat. Aluminium Rlat. One of the most Important aluminum novelties of tho yoar Is the Invention of a Nown'orkor. It la a racing skato that Is nlmost wlthoul weight and at tho same tlmo oufllclently strong to stand tho trcmendoua pressure brought by .skaters ambitious to break Dcoghuo's record of a mllo in 2:12 1-5. Tho skato la composed of a .tool runner eighteen inches long, one-sixteenth of an Inch thick and almost as thin as the blade of a knlfo. The blado Jn supported by u pe culiar shaped ulumtuum support, on top ct which la a light strip of mahogany, making a beautiful and artlKtlc skate. One of the greatest problems skate man ufacturers havo had to contend with was tho production of a skato with a knlfe-llko runner eighteen inches or niore Jp length, strong and rigid, and yet light enough to make their uao prac ticable Aa Old Jncli-Knlfr. J. B. Marcoau of MHlbury has coma Into ppwesslou of a band-forced Jack knife made In 1772. Its good condition Jo 6urprlslng. Ills brothor camo to visit him a short time ago and gavo him this knife. Mr. Marceau 6ays that when ho was a small boy there was a stone house in St. Houh that nono of the peo ple could rameinber having been In habited. It had beta built in colonial time, and was of a stylo of architec ture adopted for defense against tho Attacks of hoetllo savngos. Last sum jner this old bull was torn down, pud In tho collar the old knife was found. A Deeply Hurled Tree. An almost perfect oedar trae was dis covered burlud at a depth of 170 feet below the surface of tha oarth noer Eureka Junction, Wash., by well dig gers last wwlt, Larce pleees of tho trunk and branches were taken out, and bo well preened waa ihe tree that tho grain oi ne wood wan very plain. 1 he well was dug icruujin aoft soil and t,osp Btone and a little basaltic rock near the purfnee. r There ere nn n..i'na.ktri la Japan. When a peraoii u.u a:s tte&reat rela tives put htm into a coffin and" bury him. Tbe mouralDg does cot begin until sfter i;e burial. nEanranNnu9 I yrmraiirrafvr.wMaMVJtscnfMC DOTHEnS THD YANKKE3. SpnnUli Pronunciation rrorni rnailtnjr to ii l'nrljr of Chlcuconn. Krtfm tho Albuqttorquo News: Flvo UhlcagoauB nrrlved nt Albuquerquo, N. M., one day lato In Augunt They were takon in charge by Frank Blake, a Chl oago boy, who has lived in tho west for eome years, nnd wore soon shown all tho sights of tho quaint old town. As thoy walked along the principal street Mr. Jamison looked up at a building and romarkod: "Bl Jornado hotel; nlco building." "Yen," said Blake. "But you must pronounce It right. It Is El Hornnda In tho Spanish tonguo. J la always II out her." "That's so?" an swered Jamison. "Fuuny custom. What's thin church hero? tho cathe dral of San Juan!" "San Ilunn," cor rected Blake. Mr. Jamison looked pained, but accoptcd the correction. A moment later ho broko out again. "What's this? La Jolla?" "La Holla," spoke tho ready mentor by his side, and Jamlson'B eyes began to roll. So it went through tho wholo town. Blako correct ed Jamlcon nt every turn. When they all got back to tho hotel JamiBon hnd a atrange, drawn expression on his face, but nobody paid much attention to him. Ho went Into the dining-room and called a waiter. "Bring me," said Mr. Jamison, In slow, measured accents, "somo fricasseed hack-rabbit, with ap plo holly, and let mo havo a mint hulcp beforo tho meat, please Tho waiter atnred at him and somebody at tho next tablo snickered Thnt was tho last straw. Tho Chicago man sprang to hla foot ablaze with Indignation. "By hlngo," ho thundered. "What In fernal hnckass dares crltlclBu my Spanish hargon? By tho great humping Hudns, I'm Him Haml cun of Hackson boulevnrd, and I'll glvo somo of you fellows a swift holt In tho haw In about four secondol Oh, yes, I suppose you think this is a higantlc hoko, but I don't. You'ro hav ing lots of hoy with me, but I'll como over there and holn In this hovial ham boroo In about half a hlffy if you don't quit your-hoshln! I'm no hay, and I don't como from Now Horsey. If my friend Horgo Henny pf tho Marquette club was hero we'd do somo huggllng with you hackalB, nnd don't you forget It " Hero tho waiters and tho rest of the Chicago delegation dragged Mr. Jamioon away. Ho recovered under careful nursing, but made all haste to get out of Now Mexico aa soon as ho could catch a trnln. CLEARED HIS CLIENT. How n WiMtrrn I-wjr Ovorriime tho rrruiuriorMco of Kvlclcncn. From tho Son Francisco Call: "My first case," said a well-known attornoy, "was the defense of a negro preacher In Missouri who had been anestcd for stealing wood from a railroad company. , A great deal of fuel hnd been lost from j time to tlmo, bo whon tho culprit was arrested the company was so anxious to make an example of hlra that It em ployed special counsel and prosecuted the case vigorously. The evidence against tho old man was convincing. He had been seen Bnooklng around tho wood-pile and waa arrested while car rying off a load. ' "I had nubpoenaed about twonty well known business men to testify to tho previous good character of the defend ant. When the prosecutlon'B case waa cloced I put one on tho stand and asked: " 'Do you know the defendant's rep- ination for honesty and integrity?' " 'Yes,' was tho answer. '"What is It good or bad?' " 'Bad. Ho will steal anything ho can get his hands on.' "A titter ran through tho courtroom. It wasn't tho answer I had expected, but It was too late, so I put on a bold front nnd called another. Ho testified r tho other witness had, and the pros ecuting attornoy rubbed his handn with satisfaction. Before I got through with my witnesses I pioved that my cllont waa a most notorious thief, who waa never known to neglect an opportunity to steal something, no matter how trifling it might bo. Then I called a couplo of physicians, proved tho exist ence of n mental disorder known as kleptomania, read some authorities to chow that it was a good defense If proved, and submitted my caso. Tho old preacher was acquitted, and there after otolo with Impunity, for he con sidered his acquittal In tho face of facta equivalent to a llconso to Bteal." T!i rirt JuiIko a "Corknr." As Thomas P. Wood, a resident or Brooklyn, was passl ; Park row on crutches ono day in March, 1S94, ono of his crutches caught In ono of tho manhole covers used by the 1 nrd Ave nuo Railroad company. He fell and wr.s severely Injured. He sued the com pany in the supreme court in Brooklyn and recovered a verdict of $2,000, which the trial Judgo Bet aside on the ground that the company could not be held llablo for fcuch accidents. The caso was appealed, and now the general term reversed the ruling and directed the recovory of the vordlct. .Justice Pratt, wrltos the decision, holds that the pub lic highway Is nude for people on crutches 33 well as others. Squirrel ricturued with Winter. Early last wlntor a man In Bucksport, Mo., caught a young squirrel, put It in a cago nnd mado n pot of it The ani mal becamo very tame, and was per mitted to have considerable freedom. It never coemod dlapjsed to take to the woods again, so long as the cold weath er lasted. But In the spring It disap peared. A week or so ago the squirrel returned nnd took up Its quarters in the cage again. Some people, claiming great knowledge of squirrels, appear to doubt the accuracy of thta story, but tha man who tells It has a squirrel and a cage to show for it, and only regrets that s'julrrcLs caa"t talL. The vote In tho House -215 to 00 ajjulnst tliD free coinage for tho IIouso bond bill mulces It cer tain that whether tho Senate pusses Mm froo coinage substitute or not, freo c. lune is us dead for this session us the Heed tariff bill, and that brings forwird the question, what Is this Congress going to do anyway? It looks now as though 'he republi cans would spend the tlnin not do vot ed to passing regular appropriation bills in making moves for or against ho various presidential candidates, mid that the final result of the session would be the appropriation bills. Tin: cli'Vur oncoming and manlpu ting that is going on among repub lican polltlu'uns, indicates in no uncertain manner, the fact hat they arc not so confident of victory as thoy were a short time ogo. Ono your ago they wero loud in proclaim ing success hi 'DO. No one is dls. pl'ijiiig such extreme coulldence today. A year ago republicans con templated making the tariff and Torelgn policy of the democratic ad ministration the main points of ittacK. The suddent revulsion of popular fueling overwhelming In favor of 1'rcsMetit Cleveland's con duct of foreign affairs lias rrinowd ono object or criticism and censure. Tdc importance that tho money Hicstlon has assumed in the pollti a! Held has completely relegated the tariff question -'to the background. I'hiH the republican thunder bus been cruelly destroyed. Which party Is Mifest on the financial question? Uepublicins realize that the l.olloy of i heir party relative to this question a .s been weak and vaolllati.ig It uii displayed an unwllliiign -ss to ommii liscir either way. Hence the f 'eling of distrust that ch iracterizes 'heir leaders as they enter the up pioacliing llimncial cotilli t. It Is democracy's opportunity. Let the ptrty make the most of It by adopt ing a platform that will win. The events of the lat week have demon strate cl arly that the people endorse ihe sound financial policy of the ad ministration, that thoy are strongly in favor of the gold standard and are unalterably opposed to the fiee coin mo heresies of silver mine owners If the democratic party at their next it itl nial couve lion recognize this ntenso popular feeling in favor ot national financial honor by declaring firmly an u .equivoc illy In favor of the gold standard vijtnry will be theirs. Lincoln lleruld. FltEK IN FORMATION. Messrs. O. A. Snow & C. ol Wash ogton, D. C. lawyers and agents for for procuring patents, will r,end free to any address pamplil .is with in formation about home and foreign patents, envois, copyrights, trade marks, infringements, design patents a'istnrcts of decisions, etc., as well as tiic cost of patents In United States and foreign countries. Notioo. JTATi: OK NRMtABKA, I Has llCTTE ("Ol'NIY, )BB II. II. lliillnril, yon ih-b iioroliy notified thnt on tho liltli day of April 1M1. Tlionus Hollin pnr- rlmHOtl at tns fnlo tlio H W l aertinu 10, town- H'iii '.!, ru 47, Uox lluttn county, r!tt' of No- jrankd. Tlmt nalil liind waa tnxod In tlio niunti of It. c. Dnlhird. and the paid pincliao of tax Kln was nindw for tho taxt of the ipar MC. I'liat tlio Minn for tho redemption of die afore aid land will expiro on tho llitli day of Ajull, Dated at Iladcliffe, Iovra, thin l'.th day of Jan uary lb93. THUS HOLMS. Uy It. H. Ilatlard, Ids atty. in fact. First publication 1-ai-W. Notice. JTATE OV NK1MA8KA, . liOZ DOTTE ('OUSTY, J It. 11. llallard, 1011 aro hereby notified that on tliolatliduy of April 1-01. ThoniKH HuIHh pur 'ilinsedattax Ralo U10N W section 13. towu hlup'id, raiw"17, Hox Bntto county, ritntoof NurntLft. That Hnid land was toxetl in tlio namo of it. II Pallard.and tlin aid purchnhti of taxa!flvao mado for tlio taxes of the jear HU. That the time for the rtileinption of tho aforesaid land will explro on tho i:ith diiy of April lh'JO. Ilated at lladcllfTe, Iowa, thin 1Mb day of Jan. 1W8. ThOS. 1IOLM8, Py . 11. llallard, hiuatty. in fact. fl 1-31-00 In tho Matter of the KttnU of ) Junicd Mcl'ullouKh, deccatsed. ) In the district court of liox lluttocoanty: Notlco 1h hereby cien that in 1urn1ance of an order af the Hon W. H Westoer, Judge of the lilhtrictt ouri ot nox liulto county. noiraKa, made on the loth day of Kebrnaay lfe'.-O. for the rtato ot tho real tnlato lieruuialtcr deucrilied, tliero will Iw eoiaattne wwt iront ooor ut tno rourtliauMiIn lliriii:foro,lloi Dnttuconnty.Niw braka, on tho Uth day ot Marpli, Ibti'i, nt in o'clock a. m., at public veuduo to tho hilicf-t bidder for, tlm NorUiwett (iiiarter of tec UouXl, inTovfiinhip'J" north, 1Uhk M wet of the sixth princiial Meridian, in Hox Hut to caunty, Nobraska. tiald tale will remain open one hour. Jon.v II. Bmnii. Administrator of tho eftato of James Mct'nl lonRb, 4lrceahel. Uatl February 14th, 1SW. iCaTeats. end Trade-MarU obtained and all P&t-1 jcntbmir.cM conducted for MODCRATC Fees. Sour omct is ofpositc U. s. PATCNTOrnct 2adecaaecare patent ia lei timo tlua inoo rrtmnlA frnm WmhinptorL 0 A .ll -9 T . . ab BMlkk HAJk4M. t tlon. Wo advUe, If MtenubU or not, Irco of durce. Our fee not due till patent u tecureu. t n.uwirT "How to Obtain Patenti," with cost of uune in the U. S. and forelsa oouatnei (seat free. AOd.'M. C.A.SMOW&CO. opp. partNT Orricc. Wahinoton. D. C. MVWWWWW"VWVWVVW1 Sa&seribo for The Hj;iu.ld. tmrwWMMlMllrm lliTbiWlH(IIi,imIMtf'""'f-"f1"l- W. Winter has come, we nro aware, With its wind nnd drifting snow, And the placo for mich wenthor to prepare Is what wo all want to know. Where did you Why, at the best Place in town, A Beautiful Woman ATTItACTS AtTHNTION EVEIIYWHEBE. Qolel -;- Leqf, IS NOT AS HANDSOME TO LOOK AT AS A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, BUT After Giving it a Trial FinalProof-- Notices Hon. J. w. Wcn, Jn., Iteuiutcr. Hok. V. M. HnooME, Itecoler. TartieH having notices in this colnmn aro rc ouesUd to read tlio namo carefully and report to UiIr otHco for rorreetiun any errant that may erist. TUIh will prevent posulalo delay in ma kiiik; proof. Iind Oibco at Alliance, Noli.. Kob.17, 18:. I Notice Is hereby kUcu tlmt tho followinc named H-'ttler bat tiled notice of his intention to make Html proof in viipport of hit claim and tlmthaid proof will be mado Wfore the KcKinter and itecener nt Alliance, Nob., on March 30, lblfti, viz: C'llUISTOPII LlfllTE, of Dnnlap, Nb., who mndo H. E No. 20'for tho bll U N E U. E ii H II Jv, A HW 'i b K 5 itec. It tp'JOn, m 4M w Ho nameu the follow ini; witnessca to proo bis contiutiout KHidtncu npon and cultivation of said land, viz: Fred Oitmati, John IJauft, liermird iendnck, Alvert V. I hhidik. all of Dnnlap, Neb J. V. WxiI.S, Ju., lteiBtor. 1 .and OHico at Alliauco, Neb., I-'eb. 10, 18P0. Notice in hereby iveii il.ut the fodownu named settler lirtH (lied notice of Iiih intention to uiakolinalpioof ill hiipport of liin claim, and thnt Faid ptoof will be mado befuro the lle&Utcr or liocciver at Alliance, ftcb , on -March U0, IbUiS, PATRICK MUltPIIY, of Marsland, Neb., made H E No. 33U8 for tlio ii W !4 ceo 21), tn J9 n, rg St w. Ho names tho tollowim; witneFueitto prove Ida continuous renidenco upon and cultivation of PHiil land, viz: H. II. TriiKsel, Martin Mel'Ve, Kd Homer, Jnmea Wheeler, all of .Marnland, Neb. J. V. Wkiis, Jit., Ui'Kistor. Land Offlcs at Alliance, rteb., Feb. 10. lttt). Notice is hereby iiivcn that the foilovvini; imm'il settler has filed notice irf bin intention to mako final proof: in Mipport of bis claim and that said proof will be mauo before the Kpfjister or KtnciUT nt Alliance, Neb., on March "J, IfcM.vU: KOEEHTPIUNULE of 0?lrlch, 8. I)., who made Timber Culture, entry No. :S for the N W cc P Tp 2 n ll vv. Ho names the following witnesbes to prove his continuous -tetidinco upon ami cultivation of said land, viz: Thomas i. Hopkins, John Jelenik, W. M. Jr'oeket, Urovo r'osUet, nil ot IlemiiiKford, ..eb. J. W. Wrns, Jit, Register. Land Oilico nt Alliance, Neb., Feb. (1. 18'jO. Notlco in hereby clveu that tho follow inR named bottler hat filed nolleo of her Intention to mako linal proof in erunort of her claim and that said jiroof will be made beforo County i ludgnnt uawos county, at Cliauron, reu,, on .uarcu 14, irvu, viz: AnioAir. piiivps. of Dnnlap. Nob., who made II ENo.27'11 for J tno Vi a a fc. '4 sio 7, tp :r.i 11, r 1 1 w. tjho namcB the foil iviii witnesses, to prova her continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of said land, viz: Harry L. liartlett, Charles 1j. Wnldron, Eric h'oderstrunt, Euisenu l'ntter Bon, all of Dnnlap, Neb. Also IiUHA E. PIUPP3, of Dnnlap, Neb., who mado HE No. 3789 for tho lots 1 A- i it E U N W U seo IS, tp 20 n, rs i" w. She names tlin following to prove her continuous rtviden o uj on and cultivation ot said land, viz: Harry 1. llartlett, Cliarles li. VYaldron, Uric 8odertroni, Euone Pattor son, all of Dunlaj), Neb. J. W. W'tnx, jr., Register. Land OHico at Allianco, Keb.. Jan. 0. li-'JC. Notice is hereby Kiveu, Jiat the ftdlovTinir nsmed rettler has tiled notit v of hU iuteiUlon to make linal proof in support of his claimant! that eaid pi oof will be madii before Rei.iter or Receiver at Alliance. Neb., tin March 9, is W, viz FRANK M. 11 EVAN, of Heroinuford.Neb., who made HE no. 2002, for the H E hec 20. tp 20 n. r Ml W. Ilunamea tint followinr witnesses to provo Itis continuous ret-ldeiu'o ill-oil ami cultivation of said land, viz: Henry Michnelson, John Miehaelsnu. Christ Ilnusi-u, i). A. Paul, all ot HcmiuKford, Nub. J. W. v VEU.v, Jn., R'istor. Ijind Olllw at Allianco. Neb., Jan 7, 1SW. Notice is hereby tflven that the folkjwlng nainixl wttler lias tiled l.otice of his intention to make final proof in support ot hie claim, and that said proof will tt mndo before Register or Receiver at Alliance. Nob., on Fob. su, U!, vi: MARTIN O. LOKEN. of HeminRford, Neb., who mado h. E. No. 2R.V.', for the lots J A' 2 & ti H N E U see S. tp M u, ig tl w. Ho names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence i.poii and cultivation of said laud, viz: Martin K. Oloven. Ola J. Moe, Andrew J. Johnson, Halvor G. Fuilsaae, all of heuilnKford, Neb. .... J. W. Wish, Jn., Resistor. Laud Office at Allianco, Neb., Jan. 21, 198. Koticoirt hereby Kiven that the following named hcttler has filed notice of bis inaention to mako final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made beforo 1.. A. Dorrinittoti, U H !. V. CttmmiBsloner, at t'hadron. Neb , on Fob. 2"J, 16U0, viz: COMADORE W. CASH, of HonRh. Nob., who mado HE No. 1316 for the H W 4 sec 17, tp SU n r 4 w. i'e names the folloin witness to prove bis ilontinuoiw residence Uion and cultivation t- tat 1 laud, viz: Joseph ti. Yandeveer, Wil 1 a.T W.'Iyree, James V.Tree, Gritliu Jorale i.Ktu allot tiouxb. sob. Also GRIFFIN JORALEMON, of (hadron, Neb., who made HE No. 1312 for UnSim sou IB. tpAu.r N. houaine th following vvitnetses to prove i.Ih continuous residence upon and onuivuiion r kikI land, viz: William V. Tyr., John M. l'tck, lioiuih, Neb , Sila. W. PecK. Chadron, .Neb., Comadorc W. I asli. ot tiougn, nru. J. W. WUIN, in., Reriser. 1803 fiiiuS tho genuine Iltiund Oak ureatt-r h.iIoh tliau any yoar gono by, ami the nuiulter of imitations, has become a rauliltudc. See it and learu I tliw reakoa why. fc'or sale ai Uhria'a. Whero we can aatisfnctorily trade Our produco for coffee nnd bread, Hnta, caps, mittens, gloves, bilk?, Boota, shoes, overshoed and quilts, say? W. K. HERNCALU An Oak You will wonder how You Ever 231. S3- Men a mm Hardware, This Card is to (Benefi: Cash Qiuyers. (Don't Lose It. 20 1 25 100 100 j 100 I 100 20 H. R. GREEN, "20 25 20 j 25 I 20 I 25 HOW TO SAVE MONEY Read What This Curd 20 25 . . . .tjay When you pay Cash, lot the Clerk punch out tho amount; and when you havo paid us Twenty Dollars in cubIi, will give you One dollar In Goods Free of Charge. XTOa all Roods except Rarb wire and Harness by the set. 20 25 20 20 25 j 20 25 50 50 j 50 50 1 50 We will not be undersold. Always bring this Card with you. II. II. Hkllwood, M. D. W. S. Bellwood, M. p. "Rellwood fc "Rellwood. Physicians and Surgeons. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. CS'-Rooms 3-1-5-G, Opera Block. J t A NTON PIONEER ardware and The Oldest Establishment in tiik County Charter Oak Cook Stoyes, Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc. Special Agent for Wire the Best on Earth. H. H. PIERCE Proprietor of Livery Aii We have firflt-class btock and furnish at reasonable rates. Onr are unexcelled in the city. Give us BS-Stablo Corner Box Butto ESerLairLgrfoxcL, 2 Olothinjr and nnderwoar, Overshirts and jackets, And all kinds of neckwear, Douo up in a nice packet. Ugly Womalii Make. Betteii Beead With Qold - Leqf - Flom THAN A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN CAN WITH ANY OTHER BRAND. Got Along without it. GKEBIEZEIfcT, Ml 1QQ 1QQ 100 50 50 Hardware. 15 j 10 5 15 10 j 5 iFfioTs 15 15 15 15 10 10 "io" id" s. . . . fi 1 A 15 1 10 1 jtf T5 I 10 I 5 i 50 j 50 j 50 50 UHRS &vo.xvttK. G Sadder j j BAKER PERFECT BarlJ ? r double and einsle riga, which vr& facilities for accommodating boaidora n call. Avenue and Sheridan Streot. - HiTe'fcze.slsra.i Stables. eea 3