Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, February 21, 1896, Image 1

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-tit, . i
i X
VOL. 1
NO. 52
?trif Jir w
PnHlshnl every Friday and raloml at llio
pmt-oHi(V in Ilrniincfortl. Nelfmka, as eeoond
olnsH wnil matter. TitK IIehm.Jj la defiled to
the Interests of lleminRford and Hox Uutto
con tit y.
TNOS. J. O'KUtiPU, Publisher. j
hlX MOXi'UH .. .75
F.M. PiJEirs Clerk. I
A. M. Idnxstn..., ...... Treatitirfr.
Jf. II. U. IIewxtt ludife.
. 1'. bwraxsY HhcnlT. .
II. 1'. OiwtAt Attorney.
Miss A. 15. NEEt.AKD Superintendent.
f'llAM.HuAM.s Surveyor,
Dr.W.K Mti.itKR Coroner.
)R. L.W.lloWSUN Physician.
Tames lUltuv CaminitMonT 1st Dint.
Jas. Holmshake. ... ComniiMinncr 9j.il Dist.
u. W. Duxcan CointniHMonerlircl Dint,
IIKMINOFOIW poMofllre. On wek dnya door
opone nt 7 n. in, uenersl delivery opiiut nt 8 a.
m. and closes! at 8 p. m. Open Sundays 0 to
IDh. in.
jiiitiN-ororto and Hox Butte .itaKO'iaiiy except j
HvMlNori)tiD and Dunlap staijo, Monday
Wednesday and Friday.
OlTuroli EMrQOtory.
iONORKOATIONAL. 1're.L'hiiijrench iiltur-
nato Sundny, boKlmiinK Jnnimty, 1. It'lil. at
11 o'clock a. in., mid at 7 p. m. Suiulm- School
ut 10 a. tu. hrayur Jli.ctins wtch Wednesday
t 7 p. m.
rtKHMAN LUTHERAN'-Ber-vIci-a nt the
U Court IIoudc. llt'V. Wiimlerlich, Piintor.
"tATHOLIO: Ruv. Charles 3ak Pastor.
lIETUOI)lHT:-ItL'V J,W. Krndall
l'rcncbini; tin- second uiitl tourtti Sunday In
each month nt 11 a. m . and 7 p. m.
TMPISCOPAL:-Sen Ices in tho
J'jlouul Churoli. llt'V
KtvIpc on the third Th.
at 7 p. in.
rsciny In ciicli month
W. A. Rosebueh lump No. SGI". Moots
irtrmih. ViKltin!? Ni'lirhliorH cordially iuvlted
aecoml ami fonrt ti Tuesday nitfiu or earn
W. II. Ioua.NCL-. Clerk. K. Huot. V. C,
New Short Lino to Helena, Butte
Spokane, Seattle anil Taoonia.
OK X. 5s "W. a. Tin.i Card.
f,'r. ?. pfls.cnS'ir arrtvt's nt UflS p. m.
" tftfrolt'ht " " 6:i0p.m.
" i frolcnt nrrh'Hs at lfiuou. m.
vi:.st nnunn.
No. pat"i;ni;iir arrives nt 6;21 a.m.
" 45TrIilit " 11:59 P. m.
" i7 IroiKht arrivo nt 3:35 p. m
All trains carry prpjcntrcrs.
W. M. OoptMNU, gon'
Gtato o MobrkslMi l .,
Cuanty of Uor Hutto. )
Follovrinc is the cstlmatq
of oxpnneos for
Hox Hutt" county NebrdNU. for thn yfar 1SC,
madrt by tho !crd of county coinmluatunerti at
thoir la-tiuc on thi second XuMday in Jan
uary 1W5, an required ny law
aorni.TE or rxrESsrs rcn isoo
For enmity ouioera cniary.
prpcinci -
" clcrtioa pnrpoecs
"' mpport of poor
' bond Us fnr fcnool districts . ...
" district court fees and expoupes. ..
" incldeutaK enppliee, fuel, etc
" institute fund
l.COO w
J, 01X1.1)0
ToUleiDcneei CU.250.03
Attcot: F. M. PHELPB, Clorlc.
By Jab. II. II. Hewett. Depnty.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office in Norton's Block.
Culls attended promptly.
Charges reasonable.
Notice of Publication of Sum
mons. Julia C. ItwarisoU tj. Lewis M. WlUlams.Ira
K. Tash and Eva M. Tash his wife, and VI. J.
Lrtnia M. Williams and W. J. Bovrden defend
ut, will toko liotioe thr.t on thHtth day of
July. 1WS, Jnlia J. ltufrol. p!aiuti(Iheriu,nl
ed hr petition in th dUtrirt court "fUos
BttU twantr, Nebrax, ngaiust aaid tlefcnd
atrta, the object aud prryer of which are to f ore
cIokh a certain murtCT-j pvwuW by thade
fendaut lnvia M. Williams to The Aniericnn
luTcatiDent Vo , v-v n ths eo'ithwoet tjc.urUr
(a w ) of Bcctioa focr (1; to vnsliip touts-uis
W) ranue forty --it (' wst of CtU P. JI. ia
13ox llntte county, Nebraska, to asssure the pay
ment of a certain ccipon bond, dated ilarcli S.
1&67, for U.ecurc of 3ftU.andtencocpon intertwt
uole thereto attanlieu of ovea rtat tiiawwitn,
of f 12 2f. taeh. the ji Jt failing due June X. IS-.,
nd (imiiTerr six tnunths tnerfa'tr and aleo
bn Interoat ooupoa notz-a ptcividod for in tlio
oitonobin arefjneut, entcrevl iuU bet ween tho
lefaadaat I. E. To' aad U.c eaui American
IuTttmut ('ompaiiii of .1B.UJ lch, the first
fAllinudueIJiyN.mo9rl.lS9i, and on every mx
jaouths thrroiUir, vMcli aid bond, eo'ipon
inuteet not-s, aud ma "U?c dol sa on tH'lo
lw 14, MB I. fold, endo bid. aliened ami dehv
' oroil to tlila plaintiff; vhat thew ia no.v d'ie up
oil i-ai J liotfn and raorttave the sum of $lw.
rrixk intereot at the rot ot 10 p'r cent pw an
num from the day ot July 1H". for which sum
vmh interact aiuforwall. plaiuliff praya fora
dT thtt d -fendanU be required to poytna
ranw. or that taid preml wa nuy be xold to eat-
iK tu amount loima a.
aare reri aired u xns wcr ld pci:
re tie Uth day Fol .ruary, lul.
itiou on or
4)at6.i jLB. LI. I'OS.
JOU C. V.i 'JKRSOL. PialnUfT.
By ii V. .ilLit&N, her attorney
See Wildy bfore yon soil your
h-zH, pjul fy.buit'.r, u;gi chstist
Oi i tatws.
Mrs. Switzer is on tho siclc
John Eisler is staying in
Mrs. Dada has been quito ill
for several days.
John Lally was up from Alli
ance Saturday.
Dr. Barr has left Alliance and
located at Crawford.
Legal holiday
Washington's birthday.
Ernest Mointsfrom near
ance was in town Wednesday.
Editor Paradis, of tho Allianco
Guide, was a caller yesterday.
Mrs. Snow, of Marsland, was
a Hemingford visitor Saturday.
Conductor C. B. Dodge made
this oflico a pleasant visit
Miss Adams has moved her
millinory stock into tho Shirk
Editor Ellis, of tho Allianco
Times, called at these headquar
ters Tuesday.
Mrs. Schlumpf has been very
ill for several days but is now
Mrs. Weir, of Chadron, was
tho guest of Mrs. Huot tho latter
part of last week.
Mrs. Grace Millor, of Alliance
is visiting relatives in Heming
ford and vicinity.
Rev, Wunderlich returned
from his trip to Sheridan and
Edgomont Saturday.
Thoro was a good old fashion
ed "Michigan dinner" at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Tash,
Patrick Murphy of Marsland
called at this office Tuesday and
mado application to prove up on
his homestead.
Miss Marjorie Gilinan is the
first lady to wear bloomers in the
. ,,"; ., '
city. We suppose other younj
ladies will follow suit.
Prof. Fennci was taken down
with the grippe Wednesday.
T?nctin liic Mnvrrrt nf 1ii4
LieOia IvUSlin lias CllillgG OI lllb
room in the High school.
Mrs". Sabatka, mother of John
and Joseph, died last Thursday.
Father Haley conducted the
funeral services Saturday.
T. C. and F. W. Taylor of
Terry, S. D., attended the funcr-
al of their mother Sunday. Thoy
returned home Monday morning,
Mrs. J. T. Garvey returned to
i.,. I,,.. t rnw,A ns,. S r
LH21 llUlllV; UU JLWU'V4 -.v., , -. "
last week. Her brother, B. E.
Johnson accompanied her to
E. L. Johnson writes to send
his Heuald to Keystone, S. D.
Ho says he has had a very good
business at Hill City but will
visit Keystone this week,
Cattle and horses in this coun
ty have been fed no hay this
Wliuor, yei uioy uru m uuuurcuu
' x ai :.. 1 n .
ditiou than those winterea on
hay in the hills. Box Butte is
a paradise for stock.
A new lot of slioes just received by
W. K. Ilerncall.
D. A. Libby closed his barber
shop in Alliance and will movo
his outfit to Hemingford. He
has rented tho building lately
vacated by Miss Adams. Wo
bospeak for him a liberal share
of tho patronage.
John A. Wilson of Box
precinct was in town yesterday.
Ho informs us that Jnn. Hughes
who got tho 'bluas" last full and
moved to tho eastern pnrt of tho
state, will return this spring,
bringing two more families with
him him. All those who left
Box Butte are glad to get back.
New subscribers this week are,
E. M. White, Vermilion, S. D.,
.los. Yochout, Hyannis, P. W.
Peidlor. Scribtior, J. W. Roberts,
Great Palls, Mont , Lowis Mor-
gan and
J. 0. Osborn.
Pros. Handier dolivered .his
second lecture nt tho Congrega
tional church Wednesday ovon
ing. His subject was "Ojir
Daughters" and he handled tfto
subject in a manner that was in
tomorrow structivo and intertaining to all,
especially tho girls. His third
and last lecturo "From Wash
ington to Romo" will bo on
Thursday evening' March 5th.
Nearly onough has been raised
on the lectures to pay for the
ontiro course, and as it is desired
that as many, as possible of our
citi.ons should hear tho Doctor it
has been decided to reduce tho
price of admission to this lecture
from 40 cents to 125 cents.
Tho Dravcr Brothors of Alii
ance skinned tho country thig1
week leaving creditors to th
tune of several Thousand dol
' lars, the First National bank be
ing a heavy losor. They wero tho
owners of one of the Hemingford
elevators and tho Allianco flour
ing mill both of which wore
"accidentally" destroyed by tiro
' The Dravors have beon talking
of putting in an electric light
I plant but now that thoy have
j secured their insurance money
and pulled out, tho Allianco poo
, pie will have to content them
' selves with "gas" until another
"capitalist" bobs up.- Tho coun
ty seat committoo also lose a
valued member.
Tho opening banquet and ball
of tho Syndicate Theatre, Craw-
jford, last Friday evening, was
I tho greatest social event that
has occured in this part of tho
clotr -I'rw n lniio1 timn T?.Vfnllonf
., . . . , ' . " .
1 music was furnished by Prof.
Gungl's orchestra of Fort Rob
inson. Edgomont was repre
sented by Hon. A. L. Sharrock
and wife, J. C. McClung and
wife and Editor Goddard and
ther wero largo delegations from
Chadron, Alliance, and Homing-
' ford. Fully 250 couplo were
present, and tho visitors spoke
in glowing terms of the attention
shown them by the largo hearted
J people of Crawford. Tho suc-
, cess of tho entertainment was
i largely duo to tho untiring efforts
' of Messrs. C. J. Grable, A. E-
i riODSon aim j. xi. uiirruu,
A. L. Sharrock, of tho firm of
Sharrock it Grable, one of tho sub
stantial pushers of tho booming
towii of Edgomont, S. D. was in
Rushville yesterday on business
in fact no one ever saw him when
ho wasn't on business of some kind
interested in seeing that none of
the towns in which ho is interested
i "ets the worst of it. Tho Demo-
cra jjjjo.g
for a fact that Mr.
Sharrock is a rustler from lho
fact that about a year and a half
ago the writer was sent by an
Omaha firm to Edgomont to give
i that city an extended write-up, Mr.
' Sharrock didn't do n thing but
charter a car at great expense to
show ub tho Edgemont buff stone
quarry and grind Btone work, and
afterwards sparing no pains or ex
pense in showing up his town to
(the best advantage. Now the
' whole city of Allianco ia arrayed
against Air. Sliarrook and his in
terests, and its dollars to dough
nuts that tho invincible Sharrock
will cash in a winner vhon he quits
tho game. Rushville DemoiTat.
Wildy'u received
a new lino of
As Others See Us.
Florence, Nob., Fob. 17, 'AG.
EniTon HnitAM):
1 would bo plowed to have lim
IIkbalu that I may koop posted
on tho county sent question, in
mo it dots not seom possililo t!mt n
fow people hi liov Butto county
are so unjust and unreasonable to
auk for a removal of tho county
otlieos fiom tlionpproxunntocontor ,
of tho county to one corner. There
ought to bu a farmers allianco to
defeat tho unholy Allianco in tho
sand hills. Respectfully,
J. F. Ransom.
Don't worry, Mr. Ransom, tho
"Unholy Alliance" has tried to
rido evory town in this part of
tho stato but now llio poor calf is
at tlio end of Jior rope.
Boroa Soraplngo.
John Nelson lost ti valuable cow
last week.
A choir has been started in tho
Norwegian church with ye humble
Lscribo as instructor.
JtisfT Avrilin Snow, a former
resident of Rorea, visited our
rending circle Inst Sunday.
W. H. Jewett has lately purchas
ed a "Hpnnl;" now buggy, direct
from tho factory.
Wo wonder who tho lucky one
is, howovev ho has promised us a
square meal on that day and that's
all we nsk. Will is all right.
Another, surprise pnrty was on
the docket last Friday night, Mr.
Garrett being tho victim. About
25 of his friends i;ntlicred at his
homo and gnvo him a scare,
ing it up till the wo biuii'
having n gay old time.
hours, Just now the people of Box
Butte county are considerably ng-
itatod ovor the question of a ro
inovol of tho county seat. Hem
ingford, a beautiful little city, lo
cated neur the geographical center
of tho county, is the prcsont seat
of county government. It war lo
cated thoro by the sensible choice
of the people of tho county, after
tlio downfall of old Nonpareil, but
Allianco. after gaining the distinc
tion of a division station of tho B.
& M. railroad, then tho U. S. Land
Office, her peoplo have looked
with covetous eyes upon tho coun
ty seat, and tho time having expir
ed during which they wero prohib
ited by law from making au effort
to movo tho coveted seat of gov
ernment, thoy began the agitation
last summer. Tlioy circulated a
petition praying the county com
missioners to call an election, and
a month ago it was presented. At
the samo time tho Hemingford
people and fanners generally, pre
nented a counter petition. As it
was an important mattor the board
did not grant or rofuso the petition
but passed it over to some future
time. The Alliance people becamo
anxious and at once commenced
mandamus proceedings to eoinpal
tho board to call a county scat
election. Judge Westover consent
ed to hear the case at chambers,
and did so at his othco in Rush
ville, yesterday. Hemingford was
represented by her citizens, H. R.
Green, S. B. Libby, E. Gorher, L.
Sampy, I. E. Tash, James Barry
(commissioner), and A. L. Shar
rock aud J. C. MeClung,(nttornoy)
of Edgomont and Judge Hnmer of
Kearney. Alhuuce was ropresent-
ropresuiu -
ed by G. M. Sullivan (attornoy)
and Lt. A. .Duncan ono or ino -1'0 'i;;""n""-"n""
county commUioners, and his at- Suu-onii'iw.lMrnS
tornoy W. G. blllionson. lho UUoUMion J. V. Baawardner
hearing of the case was completed song ....Bchoci cuiidrea
at about 10 o'clock Inst night and Paper-Tboroughnesa. ,JI. F. FiOmora
the court held that the action of fcv; rJJtoSS
tllO hoard Ot commissioners Was v.per-UnklaK Together ptBtudlM in
virtually a refUBUl to COimider the PrlmaryWork UUAnnCUdn
petition, ami he ordered that unM Diacnaaion ...,u. K.8pcUt
bond le-convono on the lust Mou- Muaie..... .....
day in March and proceed to act Entertainment wdl bo provid-
upon tho matter. The partios in- odfor all. Call at the county
tcroBteil all returned home this ! superintendent's offico for par
moruing. Rufahville Standard. ' t'culars
Educational Department.
An essay on physiology
! A nilv li!ii'.lim nftni jrlvtnir hnr
class n lecturo n phys5oiogyt ro.
quh.od iho pupHs to writ0 an os.
say rei)0athlg wlult lliey had
loaruod A boy of twolvo hand.
ed n lhig cssay. Tho huinfln
body Js mad(J up of U)0 hoad lho
lhol.ax and tho nbdomen. Tho
, , mntll,,,s iho hralns. when
...,, v..v.,...., ----, ,- j ..
thoro is any. Tho thorax con
tains tho hoart, lungs, and dia
gram. Tho abdomen contains
tho bowels, of which thoro aro
live: A, E, I, O, U, and some
times W and Y."
Do you remember how pleased
you woro when your paronts call
ed at tho school you woro attend
ing? Do you remember how
you would study so as to bo suro
of a perfect lesson when you
were called on to recito beforo
your father and mother? Woll,
you have children of your own
attending school. Havo you oyor
thought of visiting tho school
whero your boys and girls at
tend? Remember tho pupils of
today aro as well pleased to re
ceive a visit from their parents
as you were in your school days,
bosidos it encourages thorn to do
bettor work also convinces tho
teacher that you aro interested
in your children's welfare
"Great men," said he, "aro
tho mllopost In tho progress of
civilization. Lincoln was not
onlv that, but was also a man of
God, prepared for and sent in j
tho time of groat crisis.
"Lincoln was tho child of
nature. From the bosom of
mother earth ho imbibad two
great thruths: Liberty and
equality. There was no pootry
in his onvlronment, yet his na
turo gavo forth rays of sunshine
which lighted all around.
Tho spoaker thon touched
lightly and with beautiful sim
plicity upon the many well
known noble and touching char
acteristics of Lincoln. Ho men
tioned tho humor, industry, ap
plication, tenderness and love,
all conducing to tho great and
noble character of our martyred
Tho regligious side of Lin
coln's character was not neglect
ed in tho remarks of tho speaker
and he told how, ovon in tho
handling of armies and in tho
steering of tho ship of state, Lin
coln depended upon a higher
power, and in humble prayer ho
met his God and asked His bles
sing upon tho bleeding coan try.
As a final and comprohonsive
note upon tho character of Lin
coln Rev. Clarko compared him
to Samson. Said ho, "Lincoln
sat with his mighty arms out
streched. Ono clasped tho col
umn of slavery and tho other the
column of secession. Ho pulled
the mighty temple of tho con
spiracy down and died crushed
beneath its weight."
As tho lesson to bo learned ho
then cited tho many forms of ty
ranny now oppressing us. Not
tho least of those are the tyranny
of capital; tho tyranny of politi
cal parties and tho tyranny of
drink." Journal.
Tho Box Butto County Teach
ers' association will meet in tho
Hemingford school house, Fob.
"0. 1890. at 1 r. m. The follow
. -- '" .- ,
mg program nas ocen arrangeu:
i fc
CovenatUmeeling Saturday,
Feb. 22nd, 7-5Q p.
m. at Mrs.
Rov. A. A. Fries wili
in tho M. E. church,
morning Fob, 23nd.
Tho Ladies Aid of tho M. E.
church, has postponed their so
cial which was announced for
this evening at Mrs. Switzors to
tho 28th.-inst, onoweok from to
Remember tho dato.
Tho following named gontlo
men woro selected to sorvo a3
I jurors for tho March 10th term
of District court.
1 Fred H Smith John A Wilson
Win. Loranco
Jas A Ball
Harvey West
R B Hamlltou
W E Hall
C 0 Hucko
Elinor E Todd
J P Jensen
Ernest Mointp
Geo Sparks
Sam'l Swltzer
Simon Spry
C C Prow
W D Johnson
J II Johnston
El Payne
Jas Whelan
Geo W Clark
T W Wohrstoin
Ambrose Hartley
Sam'l Holllnrako
M D Atkin
Hogs wanted ut Wlldy's
Horncall wants sorao dressed
I wish to dispose of all my
household goods.
MnB. E. A. Hall.
20 lbs dried apples for 51,00 at
Skates A fino lino of ico
skutos , just received at H. R.
Green's Hardware store.
Wllily Iiiib received his first largo
Invoice of spi-iiitf goods anil clothing.
Phoks of all kindfr, styles and
prices. Can fit any foot and pocket
book. W. K. llEltNCALL.
Wllity pays seven cents for dreasedr
poultry. gp
I wont all the dressed poultry In.
the county. W. K. Hbrncall.
If you want a suit, ovcrcont,
overalls, cloak, cape, or shawl,
cheap a big hue at Wildy's.
The Heiiald and the Omaha
somi-weuklv World-Herald both
I one year for $1.75.
Wiltly aell9 you a nice suit for 35.00
Look at thuso Ave cents prints at
t'Oll TltADE An 80-acrc farm in
flruwfortl county, Mo., 70 mllea from
St. Louis. 30 n c res under cultivation,
balance timber; house, burn and liv
ing wiuer. This Is a good farm.
W 11 trade for clear Box B.ittc county
land. W J. Earnest.
First Shot Fired
Since the county seat will for
all time remain iii Hemingford,
we hare now added to our well,
stockod store a full and complete-,
line of Men's Boys and Children1?
CLOTHING and furnishing
Goods, at prices so amazingly low
that I want you to know that all
wo Bbow is of the latest styles out
and of suporior fabrics and mater
ial. Our Spring hats to suit our
spring suits are tho proper shape,
at hard time ririces. Come and
; see; ask to examine for yourselves
' as wo can talk n whole lot better
write. . Our prices are. for
, -
cash or in exchange of produce for
which wo always pay you the high
est market price.
Your bumble servant,
Attorneys - at - Lai,