Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, February 07, 1896, Image 8
,. -? az - - w piM i wjwiii iimi' hi fiwwftiw The Herald. rnMlanM every Kriilay rJt.1 rntrr. nt ib tw t-onWln Hrmlimfnni. NttftU. " ""'"J 'Im wall matter. , fr ty'V" $",.'," ihe. IntetcM of 11eni!riforl and Us Unit rounty. , TMOS. J. O'KUBPU, t'uMIshcr. ONIi YliAU ... JlMl ,7 .OFFICIAL PAPER OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY. COUNTY Ol'l'lCJ'I'S. K.M. Pnr.i.r . M. Mii.lkr..,. . .. Jap. H.il. Hi.wrrrr.. ii, V. Hwkbnct II l Olt.MV MlHB A. II. McKUATOJ . . ,.; ChTK. Trriwnror. ... .Imlir" NlieriiT. . . Atturriev. ttiipcniHi'iidi'iH-. IHAH.ltlUNN. 8irveyir, lln. W.K AltM.UIl J.IUKH lunitT.. .. Jab. Holmkimxi.. ((. v. dujioan. ... ..... . " Wvl .'.'.I'mninlrMniier Ut I)b.t . rii!iimli,lnor'.'iHj I'lht. ... . t'(niiiiiUlnwrJJil 1IU The Alllimro "tuwyoi" jiihI ''cap J tnlltM" vlio wont down to Lincoln to "foico tho legislature. ' In .tins jiiattrr of county ont, luiveiotunied, vjiUlor but wlfrr men, , t Senator Gorman lias tledileit not to lie iv (leU-grite to the National con vention mi0 to id vi! up hlBplaeo upon tlio Domocrnt'C JTiitlonnl Cuiuinlttvi. lis short, lo rIv'o up for a time all imrticloutloii In National politic. lie says his aolc lei'soii for u1h I that he rimy ilurlnn the next two years rfevotn Ins entire aUeullon to Kcltlny .Marylanrt hack Into the ilem ofiatlt party, where nlie naturally he lonyfl;ind urter ho liaji sui'ceedcd in thuitiislc he amy resitino net ho eou iieiltini'i 7lth the National ntfalrs of the party. Tho following named gentle men woro Golonted to servo as jvpvjf for the March 10th term of District court. 'Fred TI-Smith John A Wilson Wiu, Lorauco Simon Spry Jus A Ball CCFrew Harvey "West AV D Johnson K B Iltunilton J 11 Johnston W 13 Hall Kl Pnyno ,C C Hucko Jas Wholnn Whuor K rL'odd Geo W Clarlc J P Jensen ' T W Wehrfttein 'Ernest Moints Ambrose Hadlny (Jeo Sparks Sain'l Ilollinrako Sam'l Switwr M D Atkin Tho county commissionors of Gosper county have refused to call a special election to vote on tho relocation of tho county seat ut SmithiieUl. on tho ground that the petition did not contain three llfths of tho resident electors as required by law, Omaha Bee. Some of tlm frliudu or tho other ji'pnnycanrt candidates, in Con yi ess, jiro not ffuliny as kindly toward ;Melvlnloy au tliey tulyht. Tills Is ow jny to news which has reached them J'rom the r homes, coueernliiy Mi: t lii'iliii'li tiiTitiiiiiil lutturs Ufitlnti hv '..,' , , . . ,. AtoKinley, atilliorlzlny the bearers ol . ,1,1 1 i). lilt III to Speak ill Ills name ami pledy- , l.liMc.lf ti, ii.iitv nut 11 11 1 i.roniU. lay nunseir loe.urj out auj pioun - L in'irli. h tin-in uiiiii" the is m.uie iij im.ni. .uiiui,, tin. Mates in which these MeUluley eoulj - ' ileiltial iiyeiltS have been trlny to lvinlev to tlte'efToet that if he doesn't Aviim.i iu 1111 mil. 1. nml n i wwuru " .vtop thU sort of, mislnefs the other imiidldatvs intend to relallate. by Veiiillny men to Ohio to blp niony the MeKlnley revolt, now report d 10 be ,vell umlor wiy. Cornmissioners' Proceedings. , ' January 18, 1800. Commissioners met pursuant in iifUmmninmil nil mnmlmiv 1i. JO tUlJOUl ninOlll, ail momUOlb OO- I ?, M.i-n,,4 r iiiviio mi .. l x j? J ...).!). TUO IISl OJ. jlliurrt HIIIII WXUCIJ. 1i uilnf.l 'nvv foi fnvli 10 1KQI lO SeiCCt JU1, J.O! Al.UOll to, lO.ill, . . . i .i term oi conn was proparou aim tlliul nc vnniitvnrl lie Irw It. u-jiss 1 l , i , .i inoveti una can leu iu;u tno com by her during tho year 16'.)0. On mption, eliiim 2001 was re considered and allowed for 61.00, balance disallowed. Tho ostimato of exiiajises for, tho vcar tHUO was made as fob X , , .-.. , , lows, and ordered published, as f l l'OflUirCd bV law. ivjiuiiu w ut,, iHTlMTC or KXrKKdJW H)ll 1SW For eoiuit) orHeeM ml.ir . f B,no-i.ix) 1.-I..I..,,) ..iMh.i.i,, 1,, i,,,,1-,i l,nlj lulfl, ' eloi n eortiiui iniirtttUKii oxeoiitisl liy tho ile Jvllllcy's. atlOlnptS lo nillUO Ueilll Wltll fl.miHia ,.PwiH Mi Woiianm u, The Amerlenit llu Rimnnrtern nf ntlinr enlldldales. liomtnient Co , upon the M,iilhvent iiuarti-r ine suppontiooi oiooi Liiiiiniiiiu.-.. w ,( ,l HWt,m fr ( townthlp tuiit)-ix These altempts 1110 belny made tan rauw forty i)iii' weBt of rati lj. .M. in WDl'k nil Mhllll-Mllll, Jowa. ew York l,.r,il lothi ulHintitTi that then It unw iluo 1111 ' , , ,. ... ,, ., ,1. 1W, , imuihl note ami mortmain tlm mini of SVM. null Kevuinl ol tlio rsew l.tiylaud , m, iittrpttttth mteuf 10 pr eont pornn .,,..i i.lt l, c limn, emit in M... Hum from tlieSHlayof . I til) 1MO. for which sum Mates. A hint lus oeen seni 10 .'ie- .,.,,,..,,,., uf,1'.1illlail.,1,f .,r...H f(ir, imiioidinn if tlin ini)iili' c;nniM'm. I onltr he pulililul lor tour uceesii wu'K , ouo pUUSatlOU OI tlio COlini, nUpeilll- lumrtllHtHl. ,,f,irtutia,.wlrw. in Ihn nem- , lo -"'" ipndont bo fixed at 8bf0 ner da lixfoul HLituianewpajrpriiinHiaiiil imi- lUUlUIU Ul U.Vt U ui vO.il" uui ii,t uwUl HHuduKfonl. Nel.ra.ka. Its iieWS SOrVlCO i3 for each day necessarily served i)Btitiiiiitiniyot January iw. , , . , , -- iMitntft. " ileettun ihuihmw .. r itoitof poor - uyml tax fraol)oul ilUUivW ' dieut'l tvourt ftMn and xpiu iiitwentnlii, tmpplii , fuw, Ht X.lM".' l.vtm.ou ljUXllM t.U)e.i i n jnii AXlieilMM 4 WM-y 1,UUUI He... " ImUlRle (uud 1fl Kpsiise . llJaL On motion it was ordsrad that r, viaiTnnt be drawn tp tho county kuperiuttiudont for S50.00, allow ed Inst July 10th for Institutes. T!syiffiygig!yss On motion the hid of L. W Bowman, M. D., of Ajliajice, to fiorvo as physician for county, iiichiding furnishing modicine, was accepted for the yoai 1 800, for 22r.00 upon liis furnishing n, suflieieiit bond of $1,000 to. ho ap proved n(xteion of tho board. On motion the following churns woro allowed and warrants or dered drawn as folluws: tfJO Anton Uiirlic, Hupl'lle for otmrt limit $ 81 10 301! Helf.V. AeliMon, giOtferiw, now1 farm & II SOU 0. W. Dnnntti, Tilww ax omnil- eliiner, 27 W 3017 Jn men Hollliirnl.n, iwff lc( uh com- inifwlrmer IS flO SfllS -.iHrnm llnnjr, NtrvimiM I'oni'iN'nar 10 00 WJ-H. I'. FHIuwie, oillce oxpen? 4 Kl .".MB-II. t'. Fillmore, supplied fur olllrtt . 12 &0 2W8U. F. Fillmore, olIHal wvU tin Mp?rInt7mltttit 8JW IB Tho following oflieial bonds worn examined and approved: ifohn If. Mai Joy, Justice of tho Fence. "Wi'ijlit iirocinct. S. M. Smysor, Justico of tho Ponce, iirst ward, Alliance, John Pilldn'jton, Justice of tho Peace, first ward, Alliance. C, A. Newberry, assessor, first ward. AlHaneo. It, W, Montgomery, Justice of j 1hi penee. second ward Alliance Frank Martin, deputy sheriff. fj. "W, Bowman, physician and surgeon. On motion board adjourned till 1 p, in. Afternoon session. Board met. all members pres ent at 1:30 p. m. Jan. 18. 1800. Moved that notico bo advertis ed for sealed bids for use of the poor farm and the care of pau pers for ono year from Marcli 1, 1800. to Marcli i, 1807. rent to be payable Sept. 1. 1800. lo be tiled with the county cleric on or be fore Feb. 2f. 1M00, and accom panying the. same with a good and sufficient bond of 500.00. the board reserving tho right to reject any and all bids. Motion carried. Moved that Geo. W. Duncan bo appointed overseer of the poor farm for tho year 15;J)0. Seconded and carried. On motion the board adjourned till Feb. 25, 1800. James Hoi.mnuakh, Chairman. Attest: F. M. Piiei.ps. Clerk. By Jas II. II. llowett. Deputy. Notice of Publication of Sum mons. Julia ('. InK'wll vt. Iiwlit M. WilliaiitM. Ira K. TbrIi hiuI Kn AI. TaU liln wlfi. nml V.'. .1. Ilowilcn. 1'wln AI. William ami W. J. Ilouilim ilnfi'im ant, will t:vk" notion tlttl un ttiov'S'tli ila .lu!y, IMi'i. Jnliu '. hu:fr-ol, (iliuiitilTliiTi'in.iil ril Ikt lK'titlim In tlic illxtrti't cimrt ut Kox Untie count j, N'clittiwkii, iiKniuM h.ihl ilcfi'iiil- unto, I lie iit'J-i'l hiui iirnjcr ot which lire to lurr inimtiiF 11 1'tirtHin cnUDiin IidiiiI. ilateil Alari'h 1, 1rs7, for tho mini of ?3.Vi. unit ti'iiroupon Inti'ri'ht noti thereto attaeiuti or ewi ilat tiierenitii, ' of iaaivipi.tlielir(.t ftilllm;iliin Juno 1. W, )H,1 m,very lx inoutliH t innaftT ami also 1 ten Interest coupon nuti proviitmt for In liio icxtl,nlmiiwrivilll.nt PlltPr,Hj juto unmu,,, 1 ih'feuiVint 1. U. T1e.l1 ami the salil Aiiu'rlcan ivwlnint t'm,lUuy r si;'.:r. w,, tin. nrt ; fiililnu.lijen-wmu.r i.Kii.-iii.l ".' ' I month" theniifter, whMi mhl limi'l, oonpon , Interest noti-, ami umrtKnuo ilivil wa" on t-"'''"- IH.T III, J"i'i. Milll. viiiiiHi'iitiicniKiini i.uu .,.'..- jri-or) that iMenilano. 1m iiiiiml to pay tho ' IU r u,:,t kihI nvmi-.H ma) lw h.ihl tooat- ImTi tlirt niiuiiltit fllllllll lllll. ion are riniutreii to answer Kahl p"titlimon or ImforotliH 15th ilay of lohruary, lurt. DatolJioi. in.li-tm. , , . JUI.IA C INOEKSOli. I'lalullfT. 1-ltl 11)11 !. Oilman, her attorney It) the AlHtter of thn Kut.ato of 1 .lamen Mel'ulliieuh, iiHVasiil, J &t In tlunlUtrlct court of HoX Ilutioconty: Tl.iu i-iiiiHO eomlnir on to Ui heanl iH.tltliiu of.lohn II. Shirk. mlmiuiHtrator I'Htateof JaiUM Mcl'ullonuliiliH'iB.eil, prayiuu foi UiviiM.1 ut sell t lonortliwett quarter ol M'e tloii.fl, in tiiwii4hi)7s north, niiuie ,M wet of tin th P. M. In llox Uiitti) count), Xelirnkkii. or -nlHeieft tlierwif to liritiK the hiiiii ol il... the ,lrtl)t Mowiil acamst iiletat-nnil the itittof - . . .1 1....H.. . .11. ..I... It tU 1 auuiiniHirniioii, men- nut ,-,i, n',,,i ,,-,v ,.- , Honal property to iay iiicmki iifidHanni'XpnK i ,m. It Ih llitr I en. It I thtrfiire ordered that nil person in- .t,,pVtl in Mild estate appear tielore me nt itiiettetl in Mild estate aiipear I't tnlh'r at my olho iu auxin po'intv. N'eliraKii. on the Hit li d M'ttnihT at my oice Iu lliihintuolii hURruian 'p,,.,,, Npi,rafctt. on the loth dy of lebrnary iillio in niiRruiau dy of Febrnary aid day to huw it be urautel to imch ot tin) above I lrlt nr ,,m oYIimiW n. m. of Mil -,, ai;,-.M) ' H.oiihi m.t u Krnte.i to .aid iidinmiMrator lo all m much ot the above ' leeril,l nl iwlate a-. hIiiiII Ih neeitiMr neeitiMr) tolmr I ,.1 .L.l.ia in. I i.iw,i,khu. mul filrthnr thut tin I.nml OlUeeal Alliance, Net).. Jan. 0, la. tlotiilH hereby nlven tht the tollowliiK- naiil'tllrlmslllKlniitieeothilntwitiouui ...nl.. ltiil t,r,..if in himiMirt of hi ulaitii nr,( I that iil proof will U iubiIo liefore the Iti'ii-tfr l nud ItvftHierat Allivnev. Neb., on February l.'i, -"' u UliOlttiK hCIlMlTT of itox unite, ni.. who made n. a. No. iwi for fortlieS W 4 e-.tl. tpli. r 17. w. I , He nam the foiiowiiw witatw to pr i hi oontiniiou reideiice um and cultivution of whl lanil. tii: John .Un'Ml, Jolia lot- ' .lo.i t. n,,l, l, . MMiilirL Krt!iu.-. .r.. .- :,t ......., -- - , " Ilrnwit Kromiiue, llox lliittf. Kib J.VV. Wfcil.v, Jit., HbwIhUht, i I ' TUTTIiB & TAS3I Attorneys - at Law, H'MINQFORD. NEBfiftSKA. W 'Mif &'brcribo for T2 Heiuld. H i. H4Jlt""M"-ir' UD L4Ji.HlUV Hoys wtintii t WAUiy's IUrncnll' wtutU ome di-anted Jioir?. Wildy's vdcoived a jiuw lhio.qM clothing. . A now lot of shoes jMst re6lrtll M V It Itni-n.xill -ri 111 (I. JlklllWllll ' on n. .!:..,! l...-. ".. i Art Jm mU ii;n uiiui mnuio iui itj .uu it.ua Wihly'f. i Hkatiw A lino lino of ifiQ sltaitw just reeeivpd ut If. J)A Oivpii'h Hard warn ttor. fnoiw of all lcind.s, stylos and prices. Cun lit any foot and pouko! boolj. Y. K. Hkiincai.i,. I wnnt all the. ilrchst'd poultry in Mm county. W. K. Hhkncam.. If you want a suit, overcoat, overalls, clonic, cape, or hIiiiwI. cheap-a big line at Wiltly'K. Tlio Hhkald and tho Onialia Muni-woolily World-Herald both ono year for 81.75. Yon ("inuot llml in tlioso Unlled States I lie equal or tho itenuiiin" Uounil Oak. V.on may try; you'll yet left.. Ilciufiuliur ItV ilio eonibinatloii ot wood points that makes Urn perfect stovi. Uuy tho Kcniiiue ami he satis- llcil. See tlm name on the Uy. Kor s.tle at. UliriyV. Don't think because a Move is round and the maker has called it Oak, of some sort. Unit iL'rt Uieyenuinoltouiul Oalc. It Is not, us you'll fiul to your enst, if you buy. See the name on the ley. Then you'll be. sure to yet the yenuine. Sold only by LMiriy. Older, your stove repair at Anton Uliriy's. 18U") Hods tho yenuine Itound Oak with yrenier sales than any sear yono by, and the niituberof Imilatloiih lias become a multitude. See it and learn the reiiMin why. For sale at Uliriy's. The yenuine Itotiml Oak costs no inoro than an initiation. "Why not buy the one that everyone knows is ilyhl. riuiy sells them. Paliit, Glass and oils or all kinds sold aecordlny to tins l.ard times cheaper than the cheapest, ut Anton Un two's L. W. BOWflAN Physician and Surgeon ALLIANCE, NEB. Oflico in Norton's Block. Calls attended promptly. Cliaiges reasonable. ClavtrclT Dlrsotory. tONOUKO VriON'AU I'rcaihliin-.'.icli iilter Vnte Jtniiliiy. b'-irhmliiu tfiiimnry. 1. Inn, nt 1 1 n'floi'k n. hi., nml nt " p. in. Hiimhie Hcliiiol it in a. in. I'm) er Aleetint; each Wcitncihiy lit 7 p. in. pEIUlAX liL'THEItANi-SiTvki'M ut tlio iTCourt lloiiM'. Itev WunOerlich, 1'iiitiir. tATIUll.lt': Ilov. t:harieaL6ik I'tistor. Mr,riiODI.ST:-lti!V J,V. Kemlall I'li-ior l'reiieliliiL'tlie ?econil utul louitli Sunilaytn eueli iniiiilli nt II u in.. ainlT p. in. Iitl'lM'Ol'AUt-Si-ivhvH In tlio Conim-irat- r.lounl ('IihitIi." Uev. 1'imtor. Mirvlni. on thu thlitl TlK.fMliiy In euch month nr7 p. in. t f W. A. Itnseliunh Cnmn No. '-Mid. Meet ill heconil awl fourth Tuesday niuhtnf each,. month. ViBilim,' Neiulilion. conllally tnuteit. W. AI. lonrscH, Clerk. 1'. llciiT. V. V. AlAU. DIHECTOKY. llKMIN(irmtl) postiilUce. On wi-ok ila iloor iljieiiH at 7 a. in., general delivery open at S a. m. and clom-H at S p. in. Open UundajH '.) to lila. in. llL'UlMiroiin .Nl llos lUrrru etauadaily except Kiituhiy. IIi'.MiMiMilil) and I)r.P htaui. Atonilny WiHlnemJay anil Friday. THE OMAHA WORLD -HERALD Kill nil by i:.TCor.Krosnian W. J- BRYAN It the greatest newspaper west of the Missouri Jiivtr. It ndvocatos FREE SILVER . .i. .....,.,., ...ilin nf sivlnnn IVl. HIU wn.ai.iu iunv v. ......ww.. tha boBt to Daily, S'-Q 00 per year; SOconts pP mnnth. Wookly", SI 00 l)0f ii vi;ir, . " Subscriptions for the WORLD-HERALD received at this offlca iThe SioUx City Tribune ss.- Ttio Host Markpt Jtunortj. uf any iwtjjor iu the wet. W. IC Herncall, the rierchant-8 AVintor has come, we nre aware, "With its) wind and drifting snow. And the place for such wonmor to prepare ' Is what wo all wr)ut to know. Vk' $ i- Where did you Why, at the best Place in town, lU'iHuin.'.'.u.uuzuxxmtsaxacjix.nc A Beautiful Woman Atthacts Attention- EvEnvwiiKitn. Q-olel -:- Lecjf, IS NOT AS HANDSOME TO LOOK AT AS A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, BUT After Giving it a Trial zsEin.Nzjra-onzD n:ziL,x.Jzia- Notio. STATU OK NKIIItASKA, I IJOX IlUTTK CtH'ATV, J "" II. 11. llaUiiril, you nro liorrliy notilWil tlmt on tho i:illi tiny ot April 1MII. Tlioran HiiIIIh pnr i!liawil nt tx w;Ik tlm H W U Kt-rtitin 10, town-niiili'J-f, r 17, llox lliittn eotinly, Stnt of Ni lirnxUn. That 'aid liiml v.uh tuxril in tho nniii' r It. h. lUillnul. nml tlio halil purcl. n-o of tax mil' wan nmiU' for tho tnxiH of the smr 1W-. That tlicti 1110 for tho ml' motion of the nforr fftlil land will csptru on tlio lltli day of April, 1MV. Wat 11I at ItAilrlilTe, loa. thi nth ilay of Jan uary lsuu. 1 nun ni.M.iiin. H- 1J. 11. Ilnllurd, liUnlty. in fact. Kirnt pnlilirntion l-!ll-.Hi. Notio. STATE OK NEHIIAHKA, ) llOX I'.UTTK I'oUMV, ) " It. II. tiallr.nl, you tiro lurch; notifioil tl.at on Ihp Utli ilayof April l".ll.rhoni.ifi IIuIIIh pur lianiHl at lax nalo the J W l M-ctiou ., town hhip -1. raiiK' 41, llox Butto rounty, Klato of NeLratka. That t.alil lanil v.as (axeil in tho hiamo of It. It I'lilhiril.atiti tho mill purrjini-ii of tax fain vm itiaite for tlm tiixe of tho sear l.t!. Tli.it tlio time for the rtiUmitioli oflhn aforci-aiil laml will expiro on the i:iili tiny of April. IflM. Oansl ut ItailcliiTo, Iowa, thi l.Mli clay of Jan. Mid. THOS. IIIU.I.IS. 1J II. 1J. lillanl, hisutty.in fact. fp 1 -31-W Final -Proof Notices Hon. J. V. Wkiin, .In.. lli'Bictir. Ilov. V. M. lIltociMK. It'veier. l'arties havlnu notlue iq thl column nro n ouestiHl to rt ad the name carefully and report to uiIm ollleo for corrcctnm any error that may exiit. Thi- will preient posalhlo l") in innkiiiR proof. "Tanil OUleo at Mllaneo, Neh.. Jan. 'if . IHtl. Nutlet 1h herehy Kiten mat the follnnwu; linmisl ettler ha tllc.il notico of hi Intention to make final proof in Mipport of his claim and that nald proof will Ixi iniule liefore Iliviter or lleieiier at Alliance. Pien., on marcuv. law, U2 KltAXK M. lUIVAN. of l:"mtm;ford,Neh.. who made III no. 2092, for the S IS 'a hoc X. til J(I n. I T.U W. lie iiamen tho following vitneheH to proio hicoutiliHouriHlilciice upon ami riiltttalloil r tt.Iil Intnl. i'' Henri AtlcliaelRon. jiilm Miehuelson. CliriHt Hansen. I). A l'unl, all of lleminsford.Nel). J. V. Weiin, Jn., Itesister. Land OHicent Alliance. Neb., Fob. Il.tHW. Xotlee i hereby uien that, the follovtim nanieil pettier ha hied notien of her intention to mako final proof in support of her claim and that talil proof will lw made Ixforo rounty liulcrtof Daw e county, at t'hadrou. Nub., on Marclilt, lrtii'i, viz: . AIIHIAII. I'llll'l'd, of Dunlnp. Xeh., who made II I No. "'l for tho W t K li 'i wo 7, tp y n, r 47 w. Shonnmeti the followimj Y.itnofiM)i to prnvo her continuous residency upon anil cultivation of mid land, iw Harry I., llartlett. ('lmrlo I,. Wnlilrnn, Krlo Soderstrom, Kuijeno 1'atter oc, all of Dunlap, Xeh. AImi l.UHA K. rilll'I'S, of Dunlnp. Neb., who mailf II 12 "o. 2T63 for the lot 1 A 2 .V li i N V bee IH, tp 2U ii, rn 17 w. Sho naniM tho followlm; wiimwReii to proio her continuoUKie.ilden -o upon and cultliation offaiil land, viz: llarr) 1.. Ildrtlett, Charles I.. V.'alilron, I'rie boderrtrom, l.usene l'atter son, all ot Dunlap, Neb. J. W. khn, Jr.., UoglRter. 1 and Olllce at AHiance, Xeh.. Jan 7. 1W3. Xotiee it heruhy irlen that tlio followitiK nanu.l wttler has IiIhI notico of hi intention to mako final proof in Mipport of hi claim, and that i-aid proof will be made before Keit,tnr or Itecuiver at Alliance, Nob., on Feb. '.'a, lfc!W, viz: MAKT1N O. LOKi:X, of Hntnimjford, Noli., who made H. K. No. 2S.'i2, for the lots 1 A 2 A H ' s X li U eo 3. tp S u, rt; 0 w. Ho names the following wltne?t.e to provo hi continuous rnsidenoe upon and enltivation of said land, viz: Martin K. Olovon. Olo J. Aloe. Andrew J..Johnou, Halior U. I'lulsaas, all ot lu'iniuford. Neb. J. W. Weiis, Jn.. llesliiter. Ijiral OlKoe at Alliance, Neb.. Jan. 8. 1SO0. NoticolH hireby Klten that the followinc natnetl bcttler has filiil notice of his inUutton to make tinal proof in support of Id claim, and that Niid proof will be mado lieforo the KeglRU-r or llecelvcr at Alliance, heb, on Feb. 19, 1KV3, viz: AMlilEW 1IESSEIJ.. of Dunlap, Neb , one of tlm heirs of Hans Ihs m11, ilwenMHl. for the lot thlJIiNB sl wo .r, Lot 1 ,t'J, A, S l', N W ev 4. tplto u, r 4S w. He name tho follow tin; witnei.eto provo Ills contluuoui reIiieniHi upon and cultivation of mid land, viz: 1'. M. Jamison. I. O. tjotlw butB. Joliu A.Joliumn. of D'Uiiap, Neb., John Knutkon, of Hcininford. Neb. .... J. V. Weus. Jn., Uofiltter. Land Oriieeat AUlantw, Neb., Jan. 2 . 1!. Kot'cois hereby Kiveu that th following uamid ettlr hat. fileil notiee of hi inaention toiaako final prnor in upioit of Ids claim, and that caul tiroof will l jual Iwforo L. A. Dnrriuutoii, U S . I'. tnmmiks:onor, at (Tiadrou. Neb . on Feb. 2U. UhO, viz: COMOnOHHW.CASU. f Urtiirh. Nob., who made 11 IiNo. VISA for tlm il4V"iH.II'R-.:.I ...., lidlHinM tho folliiMinK wnues io prm hiilontinuoiikieiden-UMm and cultivation of Mild land, viz: Jowphl. Naudeveer. ttii - L'r.&3ffiW.,!: '"- l"'""' JSi' OIUFI'IN JOUALEAION, of Hiailrcn. Nb., who made H K No. 1SI2 for thu i li k iw !. tp W ii. r U w. u ..a, kia f.itli.jf'iiLP wltnmiM to nrove Ida contlnnou riil"uw umm awl ou tnution otmul laud, viz: Wilhaiu W.Tyreu. John M. , r)k. Uobuh. Neb. Ma. W. f'ciK. (' mdrou, j Nrf., Comodote T. I u?h.uf Hougli, Neli. (iillfirnhi CHUOtHl JJtMHU 16 tfWIlt itwu nt W. li. llerncnli'd. : Li.j.i,iru.i;j..ui )) tf u.TJim "VVhero we enn Gntisfnotorlly trade Our producQ for coffee and bread, Hate, caps, mittens, gloves, bilks, lioota, shoes, overshood and quilts, say? H tk HERN ,JlgMHfiIIUl!ffililimn' l Llfl; ,hj...j;t An Ugly Woman Can AlAKii Bettkii Bread With Qolel - Lecif - Flptu THAN A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN CAN WLTu ANY OTHER BHAND. You will wonder now You Ever 231. 13. C3 II This Card is to tiiivie'i; Cash 20 1 25 I 1(101100 i 100 100 Kit) H. R. GREEN, 1I0V TO SAVE oucii 11 ncavjf 20 L5 I i on i fir. I- Read What This Card ....Says.... When you pay CtuJi, let tho Clerk punch out tho amount; and when you have paid us Twentv DoLLAits iu cash, will give you One (Dollar In Goods Free, of Charge. 20 25 j 20 25 20 25 f'JO I 25 tfTOn all Roods except Ilarb wirn 50 o() 50 1 50 1 50 iWe will not be undersold. Mivays bring this Card with you. .Proprietor of Livftrv AMn iliU' "We have first-class stock and double and single rigs, which wo furnish nt reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodating bonrderu urc unexcelled in tho city. Give us a call. 83" Stable Corner Box Butte Avcnuo and Sheridnn .Street. f rt-Zhrmw PSONEER '&&. Hardware and The Oldest Estaulisiiment in the County Charter Oak Cook Stones, Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoves Paints, Oils, Glass, etc. 1 viAW J Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb ire the Best on Earth iaSISS ail ti! mi i r , Unit V ,w g(rt LlUO to 111011.1, iJllli , i,v Biiukan', S,ntllo nml liu-oum Oa . I. & "W. O. Time Cio.ra , eat nov.sn. ,..... ,. . , ,. n.i-oni;.T iii-rf a '!:; ' blrol8Ui uirivo-iit U-'U1 vvkt uuV.nij v, ,tj piwwMiiKwrurrlviwiit 4fl3ltilTvn srl a. m. liiwj p. in a;:li ii. i. ' -v" 'Y7K.atAiu:;.--U,iu w wmu Jw;xiimywiJwijaaiH3gg,jrB.rp Glotliinr and underwear, ': OverdhittR mid jftdketi,' k . Aiid nil kinds of neckwear, , Done up in u nice paelter.- vALL ' mJM7:wMMIajlJiemTFTTTl7rrwpi...t.t.t-.y.T.-ia Got Along without it. compaitt - X3E3233ST, rawar 'Bu (Don't Lose It. j 100 j 100 5U 50 Hardware, 15 j 10 j 5 "15 JO J a lo'j'lO "j"5 MONEY ami Harness by tho not. 50 j 50 50 St wwvNWVWSat See "Wildy before you sell your 1ioj:h, poultry, butter, eis, cheese nr potatoes. 5 Caveats, and Tnds-MarU obtained and all Tat-5 tent lit. -ucMconaucua ior MoornATC fccc. OunornceisOppo6tT5U,8.PATCiiTOrriceJ indwacntci. :re patent in Icm time tnaa tao.. i Send node!, drawing or paoto., with dejcrlp-J Jtion. We pdviie, if patentable or nm, treo of J icbarge. Our lee not aueim patent k.b'u, i a pamphlet " How to Ohtaia I'atents," with; Jeoit ofsame w the U. S. tad foreign countne.? J vent free. Addreu, S OPP. PATCMT orrtcr, waHmBTon, u. u. WAVWVI $1,00 15 10 5 15 10 j a 1 15 " 10 5 irr'"io"y 15 1 io"u 50 15 10 j 5 a a Kaua 9 . 3aP' thrall n ma mm. RIG- Saddlery. j Hlill K Qy Ut4j ui WJlt ff "11, ?,giV k s V X ,