Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, February 07, 1896, Image 6
iiwmiwirii DEMOCRATIC PARTY. SOUND UOCTRINK PREACHED UY LEADING PAPERS. Thr Unpatriotic HniiillinBRnrji r tho rrccnt Itrpuhllrait Conrjrrn Spitc tnrj OnrllMn' Aiimuil Iteporl l.nif ltiir of Itrpuhllriin In Kriituchj'. Krory ronubllcnn plnn for Increasing tho roVariue Is dishonest and a scheme to sAndlmg nnd rob tho pooplo of tho country. No gront Incronro, If nny, Ib required. Htit the Imnglnnry doflcll 1h mado nprolcxl for tho Hind of tariff legislation demnnded by tho rapacity of tho protected monopolists. Thoy de clare thattho country 1b In noccfwltoiifl clrcumstnncos nnd they regit rd the country's necessity as their rascally op portunity, tj From every pnrt of tho countrywhen Its patriotic enthusiasm was awakened and there wan n proba bility that men, ships nnd money might ho needed to fight Its bnttles on land nnd sea there thronged to tho eapltol tho agents, solicitors and other members of tho lobby gang to urgo Inerensod taxation, not for the public benefit, but for their own. The most Impudent and tho most greedy of tho throngs that surrounded the soprco of icvenuo legislation were tho wool men. plamorliifcTror a renewal of the wool tax, which "wotfhl Include tho old tax on clothlng'jr-nrpcts, hats and cops and other wool products. They ciphered out Umtthe wool and clothing tariff produced In prosperous years a revenue of $10,000,000. Thoy covered tip tho fact that for every dollar of public roi'anuo 'produced by the wool tariff ?10 or $12 went Into the pockets of tho pro tected Tniinufacturera. The advoontoe of (hlptglgantlc fraud nnd steal attempt to dlBgiifio its character by doclarlng that It lffnot "a restoration of the Mc Klnley tariff schedule" and Unit it is n plan to produce revenue merelynot for protection. Tho allegation Is false, If tho McKlnloy tariff or r0 or 00 per coat of tho McKlnloy tariff rates should be restorou ty would be for protection and not, for .revenue. Nine-tenths of nil the tax6s collected or moro would go Into prlvato pocltots. One-tenth or less would go Into the public treasury. Tho rich lunfber men, tho nnbobsof tho pine 1. forests, nro nlao besieging tho eapltol for a roaowal of protection. This Is a moro audacious demand, If possible, than that of tho wool men. Tho lumber inTercst Is one of the richest Intcre&ts In ln'$ country. Tariff or no tariff, thnlty profits are enormous. There are moro) millionaires among tho lumber men b'f tho country In proportion to tho entirk number than thcro aro among any oQior class of manufacturers. Hut It is not material which protected Inter est, which monopoly fattened on the taxes$aid by tho people Is moat aggres sive a1id rapacloiiB In this emergency when tho country la In the midst of a Btrugglo with Its focaot nil kinds with Knglaid clalmltif nnd ready to enforce by Its'hrmles nnd fleets vnst territorial iight'Jon this continent, with the gold sharks attacking the specie resorve and tho public credit at all points, with every form of domestic nnd foreign in mlty.Thls Is the emergency which the plrntlcnl protected lntorestshavochoscn as a time to enforce on congress their demands for new subsidies, now boun ties, new oxtortlonB under tho fnlso color of revenue taxation. Tho silver mine Interest and Its supporters are practicing the Bnmo highwayman's methods. They will do nothing to pro tect the public credit, to sustain tho. gold reserve, to place tho financial af fairs of tho country on a safe basis un less tho illimitable coinage of silver shall tic provided for In tho laws to bo enacted. Their plan Is Infinitely worse thnn that of tho protected bulldozers. Thoy will not do anything to help tho public credit unless their silver shall bo bought and coined and so established as n part of tho monoy system that tho public; credit will be hopelessly wrecked nnd destroyed. These aro the two classep the protected monopolists nnd the silver speculators who aro now jumping on tho back of the country. In creasing its burden and Impairing Its strength, at tho time of Its greatest necessity. Chicago Chronicle, Dec. 2 1, . ecrotsiry CarlUIo' Itrport. Th6&-opqH of Secretary Carlisle was fiont to, congress and tho Chronicle con tains Its main portions. Tho condition of tho finances and measures of tempo rary rJllcf aro elaborately discussed. Tho greenback question and the gold drain nrtvnlso considered in dotail and in a comMehonslvo manner. Tho matter In the report of groatoat immediate Interest relates to tho reve nues nnd expenditures under the pres ent tariff tind Internal revenue laws. It .must be remembored that the tariff anu revenue act now in forco provided for an incomo tax variously estimated at from' $30,000,000 to $50,000,000 annu ally In amount, which was declared by the Unltod States supromo court to bo invalid. Tho table of receipts nnd of the dofi'eit should be studied in view of this fact.t Tho sUloment of tho recoipls, oxpen dltnjnw and balances for last yonr, the currcutj year and tho year commencing Jufyil. IStifi. Is as follows: " llevfiitie Rxiiene?. Deficit isai-5 tsw.ro.ao jia.ns.iss ?iz,sse.&3 1fc.C :.p.: t.W7.4T (tt 907.407 17.W0.lW0 lf.K.Tr.... 4.T93,I) 4ST.K8t.lS8 Theliltcftl year closing June 30, 1807. wHltSiot show a deficit. There will be a saftfplua of noarly $7,000,000. It will b dbrvd that while Secretary Car lisle's estimates iucludo a constantly increasing revenue he also estimates that there will be n constantly increas ing expenditure. Ha makes allow ances for the fact that a republican congress i'W eoutrol the appropria tion. s Thjsjglntoinont vindicate the finan cial pdjlcy of I'roslrient Cleveland's ad ministration as far as legislation by ' congress has takon effect. If the In- ' r4mo tax had been collected thet" wanlit have been but n trilling deficit, or nono. In 1R04, and thcro would havo bfon an Increasing surplus at the pres ent tlmo. Hut with the loss of tho pro ceeds from tho Incomo tax thcro will bo only a small deficit this year and thoro ,' will bo a surplus ntixt year. Chicago Chronicle, Dec. 20. Itrpiilillf.iiM Forced It. In view of the certainty thnt congress UHl lint in ft rttf I li Inrr itnlnaa It tu tn In croase the treasury difllcnltlos It Is not i Improbable thnt tho administration has been foniino- ii,n v m ..nnti.er bnnil ' Issuo. Nor would It be surprising if the next sale should be 'considerably larger than any former one, for u largo accumulation In tho reserve would bo more useful thnn a small one, nnd lib eral provision must bo made, becauso there Is no hope whatovcr of nld from this congress. But whon tho Wash ington quidnuncs state positively that another bond Issue has been agreed upon nnd the contract drawn, and when they oven assert thnt tho new issue will bo $100,000,000, we are at liberty to sus pect that, they draw on their guessing faculties for their facts, Now York Sun, Dec. 2.1. l,atrlnH Itrpiilt'tcnti Kentucky. How utterly sunk In villainy and vlo- lonco arc Uicbc republican southern stntoe! Tlmo was when Kentucky wub , a commendable sort of commonwealth, turned on his back and begnn lo crawl but since It passed under the aegis of ionp wIth hln homl nml inmj8 ,irng tho republican parly it lias woefully ! B,,g t, njurod CK with him. This gone astray. Evan the republican gov- j waH Vory slow and very painful. Once emor Is compelled to pronounce a re- , ,e remembers to have lost conscious cent lynching tho most oiilragediis and hobs, tho pnln was so great. Ho doe-3 borbnroiiB crime ever committed In not know how long ho Iny where ho was, Kentucky. The governor pretends that hut tho thought that he might die there he Is oppoacd to lynch law, Just as ho before any assistance could reach him protended thnt he was opposed to any nerved him to press on. He began again violoncc dono tho ballot box, but his j to crawl on his back. Ho felt that he first act waif to pardon n ballot-bo , wns about to faint again, so he stopped. scoundrel who was operating In the re publican intorost. There Ik small hope for Kentucky until It shall again take its place In tho column of democratic states. Ex. Patriotic Iiiilictl. A republican newspaper eulogizes tho "patriotic magnanimity" of tho house republicans In offering tho president "an opportunity to rescue the treasury" from its bad predicament. Tho repub lican plan of aiding tho treasury Ib to placo a doublo price on clothing, car pets and other wool products for the purpote of putting $10 In the pockets of the monopolists, where 10 cents Is put In the treasury. DosidcB that, tho present predicament of the treasury wns caused by Sherman nnd McKinley legislation at the beginning. Tho meas- nrm! 'iflmitiwl li tlin ilnnwmrnt a fnt treasury ro'lief would have been abun- I .hint If the Income tav hrul remained In force. In addition to thnt the pres ent tariff will produce revenue enough if the republicans will let It alone. Ex. r.rxWliitlnj; Under (in; Itulm. Boston Herald: Under tho shadow of Speaker Reed's gavel our house of representatives has again ceased to be a deliberative body. Tho new tariff bill was pressou o a vote in a gngge. , house after a dobatc of three and a half ; was presooil to a vote in a gagged hours, though the measure thrcatons noarly every buslnoss Interest with more or less disturbance, nnd Its ap pearance on the statuto book, or even a near probability thereof, would mean a general unsettlcment of trade. Itcrtl'a (ireiit Tiictlrnl ."Mistake Boston Olobo: Why did Tom Reed over handicap his chnnces for nomina tion by giving tacit approval to the Dlngloy misfit? Hc said very truly that the country needed rest from tariff agitation, and yet he offers no remon strnuco to this pronunciamentn of Mc Klnloylsm. Tom Rccd has made a big tactical mistake. Not l'oml of Now Tlilncj. Samuol Spring, chaphiin to tho ex pedition against Quebec under Bene dict Arnold, wns one of the most gnl- lant and eloquent of the revolutionary preachers. Ho was pastor of a church in Nowburyport for forty years. Ho did not like now wuys and when a church near by purchased an oigan ho referred contemptuously to "our neigh bor's box of whlstlos." Once somo un wise parishlonors conspired to modern ize the music a llttlo In their own church. They did not toll the pastor; only, when It came time for the first hymn, the tentative, gentle, prolongod opening wall of a bnuo viol was hoard. Back wont Dr. Spring's spoctaclos; up came his tall form to Its utmost height, his blnck oyoa gazed florcely toward tho choir Eonls, and hc said, quiotly, but In n voice not to be dlsoboyod: "Romove that fiddle from tho iiouso of God!" There were no furthor Innovations while Samuol Spring commanded tho parish of tho North church. Youth's Companion Proper runUlniicnl. In Hull rocently a certain solemn looking old gentlomnn was strolling through the main street of ono of tho principal Yorkshire towns looking Into tho brightly lighted shop windows when he ran his oyo into the fcrrulo I end of an umbrella carried under the oitm rtf (nil vniin c ftl 1rti ITnnn fhlu ' .. ., .., .. -. . i ni in mi ti itwi vutift tviiunt vjuu iiiii) the old gentleman, full of wrath and aolemn as a judge, bawled: "The darned fool what carries an umbrella In that fashion ought to have it mmmed down his throat snd oponed on the in side of him!" London Telegraph. Tom Pallia llnln. A section of Tom Palne's brnln Is on exhibition in London. Tho Pall Mall Gazetto says that It is quite blaek, and "leaks llko a chunk of Iron pyrltos." CRAWLED ON HIS PACK. I Ujprrlenrp. of a Mini with n Ilrnlten J.rc on n Trcultc. James Starr, aged 05, took six hours lo crawl with a brokon log from tho j ii (.-a lie in mo iooi oi Z4iu sircoi 10 mgn, says tho Louisville Courlor-Journal. Starr Ib n carpenter who lives wlfh his dnughtor, MrB. R. M. Sanders, nt 2409 west .Tofferson street. Ho left homo Saturdny morning and did not return. Ho drinks some nnd his Bon-in-lnw bq 1 loves he wan drunk Saturday night when ho stnrted to cross the canal on U lrc,8nc'. J1,'0"1'1 mnn Bai'1 u wnB al,out 10 c Saturday night whon he concluded to spend the night across tho cannl nnd not go home. When ho got oppoBlto 21th street ho missed his footing In tho dark nnd foil. As ho shot through the trcstlo his head struck one of tho tics, and ho landed on the ground unconeclotts. How long ho lay there he docs not know. When he nwoko It was with the consciousness of great pain In his leg. Ho tried to yell, but IiIb volco was weak and ho wnB unnble to speak above a whisper. The pain In his leg made old perBplra tlon cover bis body. He waited for what seemed an hour In tho hope that sonic one would pass along and lend him assistance. The place was an mulct as a grave, and ho could not hear oven tho rap of n policeman. Ho started to work his way from under the trestlework, but i every attempt to move forward made him scream with naln. Finally bo Ho struggled with himself to keep from losing consciousness, fearing that hc might never awaken. When hc felt that ho had gained enough strength to venture on he began his laborious and painful task again. After hc had fltrug glod along between restB and partial unconsciousness for whnt seemed to him n week ho began to break down. Ho rested from his labors awhile, thinking somo one would surely hubs along, but no one appeared. He spied some salt sheds near by and made his wny toward them. When hc reached tho sheila the night watchman was making his Inst round. Just as tho watchman discovered Starr the latter fainted. Tho watchman saw the man was bndly hurt and telephoned for the ambulance. By tho time the ambulance reached tho eheds Starr had regained consciousness. Ho was taken to the clt' 1'ospltal, where It was found hc nail suuereu u compounu iraciurc oi me left leg. AMERICAN ENERGY WINS. MlnlHtar AVhltoV Story t n Clmnco Muct Iiir it It It u former Nciv Yorlcrr. From the Troy Times: The Ameri can can always be trusted to make Ills way, no matter what may bo his envi ronments A story told by Andrew D. w, t e cx.mlnlstcr to Germany and ,.. ,,,...... .Ui , ... imnaia, luunuiliun llllB UH.L. nil. YV1111U stated that once when ho was at Ber lin, after all the diplomatic corps had been duly presented to his wife, tho Chinese minister, In pursuance to cus tom, brought round hla principal secre taries and presented them to hla col leagues. Among these wns a tall, flno looking man, evidently a Europenn, dressed In a superb court costumo and covered with gold lace. As his Chinese colleague introduced him to Mr. White in Gorman, tho conversation was con tinued In that language, when suddenly this splendidly dressed personage said In English: "Mr. White, I do not see why we should bo talking In German. I come from Waterloo, In western New York, and was educated at Rochester university under your friend, Dr. An derson." Mr. White said that had tho gentleman dropped through tho colling it would not havo seemed more surpris ing, and that It was hard to believe that the pretty llttlo vlllago of Waterloo, or even Rochester, with all the added pow er of this noble university, should havo boon ablo to develop a creaturo so gor geous. It turned out that tho gentle man concerned, after graduating at the Unlvor3lty of Rochester, had gono to Chlnn with certain missionaries, had then been takon Into the Chinese serv ice and had proved to bo a thoroughly Intelligent, patriotic man, faithful to his duties to China, as well as to tho United States. The l'ot Uoj Crazp. Among occasional objects of one's pity are tho little pet dogs which elder ly ladies, who aro generally clad In rich l.lnnlr cilllr tl flilln 111 Ml A It fl MM O i II i umta nn, .ivmv. mvu Mittif us- ,, .,,, mit of .lnnra. thronch tho ; nveionR day. At a certain Brighton hotel 1 counted no less than seven of those little curly-haired animals clutchod to seven capacious bogoni3. Somo visitors, It is well known, object to dogs in a hotel, nnd consequently a prohibitive prlco Is put upon their ad mittance. Tho chnrgo Is sometimes as high as ono gulnoa per day. St. Jame? Budget. ' ,v viiito Mnmtr. Tho big whlto mooso recently shot In tho Maine woods by a Mr. Sargent or Grafton has grontly Interested natural ists, as woll as sportsmen. It Is tho only white moose ever seen In Maine, and vory few have ever been hoard of olsowhoro. The naturalists say it Is,, of course, not strange that there should ! be an albino moose, resulting from a froak of naturo, as whlto deor and other albino game animals are not uncom- ' mon. But white moose are n great ' rarity. FARM AND GARDEN. MATTERS OF INTEREST TO AGRICULTURISTS. Snm Up-tn-Dnto Hint Alioat Cult! ra tion r tlin Noll and Ylrldi Thereof Horticulture Viticulture nml Iflurl culturn. AVING to depend entirely In ngrlcul turo on tho success of plants In tho field to furnish human food and animal fodder, tho farmer should un dcratand how plants grow. Tho seed, In a favorablo condition of tho doll, putB Its root downward, to bear fruit upward later on. Tho best condition demands humuB to make plant flesh, mineral mat ter, to furnish fibre, glazing and tubing to retain solids in solution, and carry in water all particles that aro rcqulslto and necessary to their own places in tho plant structures, drawn by tho rnys of the sun. Hence the first law given to man by Moses, in Genesis: "Lot tho earth bring forth grass, hsrb bearlng seed (weeds), trees bearing fruit, -whoso seed la In itself." It wns so, and God saw It wac good. "Nature absorbs a vacuum." Animals hato bare ground. Many farmers bellove that plants breathe. They cannot without lungs. To resplro, to Inhale and exhale air, henco to live. The action of sun shlno on tho leaves of plnnts is to draw molsturo out of them, through the plant's structure, directly from tho soil. During tho past summer, hundreds of trees on our farms, In shallow soils, dried up, and died for lack of moisture in the earth, within tho reach of their roots. In tho dry countries of Iowa the meadows and pastures now aro very baro ground. Hence half the number of cattle for the. next Bummer pasture will bo tho wisest policy for profitable results. "Grass enough for two cows, but ono cow on." In ovcrgreen and deciduous trees, tho leaves that lack sunshino soon dlo. A picket fence will destroy plant leaves and branches in its Bhadow. During the past summer In sunshino with molsturo tho plant growths were prolific. On tho lawn, all trees overshadowed in part, all day long, the shaded part died, while those parts shono on at somo tlmo In tho day lived and made a healthy growth. Tho sun can draw molsturo out of plants, but never drive It into them. Richard Baker. l'imtiirra. I have several pastures of flvo acres to 200 acres. I keep no certain number In each pasture, but change according to season and tho amount of stock on hand. Usually try to keep each kind of stock by Itself, and chango nbout so as to givo a variety of feed. Some times havo to keep horses, sheep and cattle in samo pastures, but think horses and sheep do best, and cattle with hogs if necessary to mix them. Cattle do not do well with sheep, nor horses with hogs. Part of my pastures aro wild grass, part aro fed into June and blue-grnss, and part are old tim othy meadows run Into Juue grass. Tamo pastures are black loam and sandy with clay subsoil. Wild pastures aro mucky loam. Often feed cows fod der, straw and damaged hay on pas tures near barns. Sometimes put barn yard manuro on pasture if no other place Is available. Like both trees and sheds In pasturo and barns for winter. Havo no ponds, but running stream In open ditches and windmills with tanks. Am compelled to have both tllo and open ditches. Prefer tile. Would sow several kinds of those adapted to soli and climate. Havo somo rail, somo flvo board, some barb-wire and some woven wire. Prefer woven wlro flvo feet high. O. Dinwiddle, Lake Co., Ind. Illinois IIortlrultur.il Convention. (From Farmers' Revlow.) Tho fourteenth annual convention of tho Illinois Horticultural society was held at Kankakee recently. In rovlcwing tho fruit lists for Illinois a discussion aroso on the pro tection of fruit trees from rodents. Va rious mothod3 were advocated, among them being fish oil nnd axle grease. Thcro was, however, danger of using theso too much, especially on young trees. Instances wero given where such trentment had resulted in the death of tho trees. Trees ten years old would not bo harmed by tho treat ment An apple grower said he know of an orchard of 2,000 young trees that had been killed by using too much oil. Mr. Williams had been using for twelve years a paint mado of soap, tar, sulphur and lime. Ho put it on the trees with a common paint brush. It makes a thorough glazo and will destroy ! every insect. Ho bolieves also that this 1 paint has tho tendency to protect from I sun-scald. Tho llttlo lime, in it, when ! tho dry weather comes, turns the mass , to a grayish color that throws oft tho rays of tho sun and thus keeps tho bark of the trco from cracking. Ono man that had tried tarred paper thought thoro was great danger from using this, as It was not takon off early enough In tho spring, in which case the tar from tho paper works into the troc. Ho had trlod paper mado out of felt, and untarred, and found this to work very well, if It wero but takon off early enough In the season. Ho now uses strong muslin, putting it on every fall and taking it off every" spring. He had trlod this now for-threo years. Mr. Burnhardt expressed himself ns cortaln that the rabbits would lot tho trees alono ir they only had enough of other things to oat. He had beon Bt tlrg out treos for twanty-flvo yoars and had never had any trouble from rabbits. But there had always been nbout his placo somo brushwood or trees for them to work on. Tho scattering ot somo kind of grain on tho ground would servo to kcop them away from the trees. Mr. Augustlno suggested that there must bo dlffcront varieties ot wild rab bits, for tho kind thnt lived In his vlcln. ity began to gnaw tho trees as early as July. Mr. Gilbert protects his trees by using only common wrapping paper, such as can bo obtained In any grocery or dry goods store. Ho tearB theso papors Into strips eight inches wide. Theso ho wraps around tho treo on tho bias, be ginning near the ground, nnd stopping twenty Inches abovo it, whero ho ties tho paper. A discussion aroso on tho value ot tho yellow transparent for commercial orchards. Somo believed It a mistake, to plant largely of this variety on ac count of Its poor keeping qualities. However, when In good shape, it sells readily, and men from Southern Illi nois expressed great faith In Its com mercial value. Much tlmo was devoted to tho discus sion of tho efficiency of spraying, and successes and failures wero reported. Tho prevailing opinion was that tho failures wero duo to Ignorance in do ing tho work. ! Question. How many havo experl- ' mented with spraying mixtures? Twenty-seven replied affirmatively. Question. How many recommend spraying? Thirty-flvo votes wero cast for It, and none against it. The growing or small fruits was dis cussed, and the growing of straw-berries in hills came up. While hill culturo gives largo, line berries, yet growers on a large scale do not follow It, aa It does not pay for tho extra trouble. Tho question of fertilizers was dls cuBsod at length. The most impor tant point developed was that tho ex tensive uso of barnyard manuro mndo ' It possible for tho soil to use a greater mass of chemical fertilizers than If It wero not used at all. Thus In tho neighborhood of large cities the market , gardeners aro enabled to use immense quantities of commercial fertilizers be causo they also uso immense quantities of barnyard manuro. Mr. Morrill, of Michigan, spoke on tho marketing of fruit. Tho first requisite is to havo something desirable to mar ket. Ho could not tell a man how to market undesirable fruit. Tho great necessity with farmers is to learn how to co-operate in the sale of goods. The co-operative organizations havo largely failed for the reason that there seemed a jealousy against any man being paid to look after the work. He believed tho tlmo to bo approaching when farm era would uso moro business-like methods. Tho superintendent of tho Insane asy. lum at Kankakeo spoke on the great success of irrigation at that placo. The water for the irrigation works ia pumped by steam engines that can sup ply from 100,000 to 200,000 gallons per dny. The cost for this pumping Is only three-tenths of a cent per thousand gallons. During the last season they had raised vegetables worth over ?G,000, By a vote of tho society the life mem. borshlp feo was reduced from $20 to Tho election of officers resulted In tho following choice: President, Mr. Good rich; vice-president, Lom Small; sec rotary, H. M. Dunlap; treasurer, Ar thur Bryant. The next annual meeting will be held, at Springfield. William Gould spoke on the culti vation of grapes. He plants 8x8 or 7x9, which glve3 about 700 vines to the acre. Sulphur for Sheep. The American Sheep Breeder says: While sulphur 13 Indispensable for sheep, as furnishing one of the Important elements of the fleece. It must be given In such a way as to bo available for this purpose. It must bo In the food. It cannot bo given In tho crude form, In which It Is not a food, but an active medicine, producing a laxative action on tho bowels and an cxccEsivo excretion through tho skin. It Is this which makes it useful ns an antidote to all kinds of parasites, the sulphur' thuo passing through tho skin being extremely offensive to all in sects. But Its action on tho skin is to open the pores nnd thus mako the ani mal more subject to changes of tho weather, and especially to' Injury by rains. It is thus not desirable to give sulphur as food or nutriment except In tho food, such as whlto mustard or any other plant of the turnip and cab bage tribe. TransplantlugLarge Trees. Garden ing glvei this method, and wo can cer tify to its being a good one: Wo prefer doing this In tho spring, nnd would pre pare for it now. If you want to inovo a moderately large tree, say four, ilvo or even six inches in diameter of trunk, next spring, head in Its top now all you think ought to bo dono at planting time, then mark a ring on tho ground around and four, five, six or moro feet away from the stem, the distance away depending on the size of the tree. Now, along, but outside of this ring mark, dig a narrow trench say three feet deep, tho object being to cut away all roots projecting beyond it, and fill up tho trench at once with tho samo eotl that came out ot it. By spring tho tree will havo fairly rocovored from the shock caused by cutting In root and top, and may bo dug up and transplanted with fair chances of success. Armour Buying Corn. P. D. Armour, tho millionaire packer, 13 malting ar rangements to crib an enormous amount of corn in Iowa this year. Ho is building cribs all along tho Chi cago, MllWFukee & St. Paul road ami has arranged with tho Des Molneo, Northern and Weatern railway com pany to construct along their line of road orlba which will hold 750,000 bushols of corn. Tho road already has cribs with a capacity of 1,000,000 bushels.Ex. 8r.oo.oo for ot.otj. Unadllla, N. Y., (Special) Ono of our substantial men here, Fred J. Joyce, recently mndo a $2.50 Investment, nnd considers the results worth $500 to him. For over fifteen years Mr. Joyce was an Inveterate smoker, nnd the tobacco habit gained euch n hold on him thnt It affected his nervous syatcm and mado It Impossible for him to quit. Upon realizing the loss of health and money which threatened him, ho mado many unsuccessful attempts to break himself of tho llfc-sapplng habit, until on a chnnco ho took No-To-Bnc, tho great euro which has saved over 300, 000 tobacco victims. Two boxes com pletely cured Mr. Joyce, and ho has no desire for tobacco now whatever. When ho attempts to smoke It makes him as dizzy an when he first acquired tho habit. He now is in the very best physical condition, and $ouO would not tcniot him to use tobacco again. It is hotter to bo o cood cook or wnftrosa than a poor tyiowriter. If the llnby Ib cutting- Tectn. Begure nnd uo thnt old and writ-tried remctjr, Mss. WusLoiT'i Sootiunq SYitlT for Children Toethlng- Metropolitan society will !kj moro miscel laneous this v inter than over. ure T.looil Means sound health. With pure, rich, healthy litoutl, tho stomach and (llgi'stho organs will ho vigorous, ami there will bo no ilysprpsia. Ithrumntism anil neuralgia will ho unknown. ScrofuUautI salt lheum will disap pear. Your nerves will ho strong, your sleep sjtiuil, sweet and refreshing. Hood's Sarsapu rllla makes pure hlood. That Is liy it cures so many diseases. That Is why thousands tako It to euro disease, retain good health. Itcincmbcr arsapa.aEUa Istho OnoTruo Hlood Purifier. All druggists. $1. u ,, r-,... euro I.tvcr Ills; easy to nOOCl S IJ1I1S take, easy to operate. 25c, Don't buy cheap, trashy bind irgs that are dear at any price. You pay but a trifle more for BIAS VELVETEEN SKIRT BINDINGS and save your time, your money and your dress. Look for "S. II. & M."on the label and take no other. If your dealer will not supply you we will. Send for samples, showing labels and materials, to the S. H. & M. Co., P. O. Box 699, New York City. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR W. L, OOUC!LAS S3. SHOE besvJornldThe If you pay 64 to fe0 for shoes, ex- jg. . amine the V. I.. Doughs Shoe, and u seo what a good shoe you can buy for OVER IOO STYLES AND WIDTHS, CONOItKSS, 1SUTTON, mid I.ACi;, mado In nil ItimlHof UxjlM'st selected leather by skilled work men. AVo ninke nnd Bell moro S3 Shoes than nny u til n r manufacturer In tho world. None genuine unless name and price is stamped on the bottom. Ask jour dealer for our 85, Si, 93.no, 8'J.no, H'i.Vli Shoes; 83.50, S3 and SI. 73 for bos. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Hyourtlealcr cannot supply jou, cn! to fac tory, enclosing price anil 36 cents to pay carriage. State kind, stjlo of toe (can or plain), size and width. Our Custom Dept.will fill our order. Send for new Illus trated Catalogue to llox it. W. L. DOUCLAS, Brockton, Mass. rSrtIR AlMtMOTOn. CO. tiOOT half tho world' T.lmlmlll buslnesr, Ix-causo it has itxluced tho crat or MlLtUxnverto 1 unhat ltn.u.e It ti.ui many branch nouv, mm Eupnncu us rooiij aim repairs at Jour aoor. u c-in anu ur.es lunusii a . ucuer arncio ir iei-3 mono man 'btfi-r.i. It makes I'uuiplns and (loarcd, steel, IMlvanizeil after lOoinDlbtlon Wliulmllls. 1 ilttnrr FWfifVT aniJ rul i'.ecl Towers, Steel WiizSaw a Framss, Slccl IWI Cutters ami ford SBS2 (Irlndeis. (111 ap!ll"utlou It w 111 11 .m ' rr j til or ui-so aniens ina. it mu iurni :i 111 in January 1st at 1a tlio usnrl prleo. It alto nialfi Tanks and t'l-mpjct ..It 1:1m". iscnd fur catala.. o. Factory: 12th, Rockwell aci HHnre Streets. CIiLaro. THE LAND OF THE The Lul lioud Lv' I" I" 0o "Co.-a Ci I" t low I'ricct. For INFORMATION resattlini: laml In Hurry Co., S. IV. JUIHNOUISI, wilto to i'ait. l.r.c Pl'RDY. I'ierva City, H0.1 J, G. Maiuott, I'unl, u. T H. riMWT, Cax.vllle, Mo., or I- B. tIBA A. - , M3 yunwiuocU I'.Wrf.. ChlcmCJ, III. WEIL BIACHIWEBY Illustrated catalogue ebowlnff WELL AUUEJts. iuj iVf:i?.VTV.!,v 7- u ANU JKITlflU jiiAuiiiiijjii, v-.w all irarran(rd. qi.m. M,F I'nnln. Mti.l fmn Wnrlr. Buoeeoni to lYehllfi,'. Co. fifMTir Klniix 'lty. loiva. JfiS2 TllEriOWELI..:fIIAK SUCIIIKKKV IO , &. lili Wet hlaienth Unci, Kun-ai I II' AUKER5lrfcraDCUBlE tW2P BUNTING FL-A0& Ie -of.fc- UOj FLAGS il.irii. FLAG- UIIIUFAGTOHY tlUKtU 4tnr ttf 1 At TO DI1ABIUTV cr CC10I Liinlinu JTRENOTHOFUATERUlfr trSfiKp.ANSHIP V EEST m: V INIMERICA 1, Ml tUT.IILT r ,7-, kswutf ifSuccossfuMy ProspoMtes Claims. I Late Principal Fiiir.'t rUB x'enalon Iiurenu. 3yrn Jiliut war, ijuiimOi. uuhecIiuui.'., mi n . Mornlilno llnhlt Cured In 10 tuUtidnrii. No jKiy till cured. DR. J.STEPHEN?, Ltbanon.Ohio. Money Saved by tenJIni tor oar wboleult anj retail price llt of Dry llooil, ClutblDtc. UrovreK. Horn Furnltlilnci, Fun.lture, Clolhliur, 1'UniM, Uutlo. Vurnliblntr loo4. Nation, Jelry, Ltillet' K&WS HAYOEN BROS., Omaha, Neb. V-i JkZjsZZ""' JfFytyJffos JQ&SVCT.TA jjvJEPSSk? A J I i :2tSa33Slg i d jf .('