Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, January 31, 1896, Image 8
rhbRhed rttry Frtdar wlrptm!4 rt tb ElVk Dial) matter, km jvmu U devoted to 'l5Tmty. THOS. J. O'KUEPq, PuMliher. huiwcriftio natis: tiMSTEAll. -!.. iu-;iiiib ' .tJffl f OFFICIAL PAPER OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY. coonty officers. p ft Pnitt-pfl ... Clerk. v.M.ffi..........: - Trtv':Ler- JAO.U.H. Ilcn&TT 'ui?Ta K. I. awtjffir ;.. rrin. if lOtT.Mv Attorney' iim A. it Nreuso Buiwrlnti-mtent' nn w K Miliar Coroner.' TAMBft'lHtint CommlM loner 1st pill. JlSiuKn.M . . Commissioner nd TJ.t. It Is not llltply that Commissioner HolllnrHkc will receive any more pass- -a and rides In private earn, but lie j svill always enjoy the respect mid us- (ccm'nf every conscientious citizen Iii Uox Butte county. and thlals January too. As for mild wlritef'j and early vcgciiuimi, Box Butto takes thu whole bnkery- Lnet Fndny night a largo number ot Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Johnson's frlnmls got together .nd pavo them an old fashioned surprise. The occa sion was Mrs. Johnson's 41 til birthday. Wo all had a very enjoyable lime. The tariff question wib finally set tled hint Saturday ulght id favor of free trade. The program for next meet lng Is: llesolvcd, that the dt-hrag Is more useful In the house than the broom, and as this belongs In the woman's and bachelor's sphere we "beg to bo excused." As Roll. Euerly drovo up to Mr. Johnson's place one night last week, he tied his team to a huggv, and as the night was cold and Jjlustorini! blustering the horses got chilly and started iiiuuing smashing the two buggies In to splinter. People should excorclso more caution In tying their horses. .TH EMERALD. Ronntor Allison, of Iowa, has al ways been known as n dodger upon fall financial riucslioiis, and now that -lie has allowed himself to tie announc ed an n candldnlo lor tho Republican Presidential nomination, he will dodge more thnn over. Tho friends of the other candidates are determin ed to make him go vn record either for or against that free coinage sub Btltuto for the House bond bill, or to openly convict hint of dodging it. Representative Cowon, of Md., who has been elected President of iriho IV and O. U. R., will not take any ((further active pnrtlnihe legislation 'of the House, but being a member of ,jHouse committee on Ranking nnd Currency, he will not resign until hn line completed Home data lie hau been working on in connection wltn a bill yto place the U. S. Treasurory upon a ipound baslri. Hut wlton the work Is Complete, he will resign in order to lcvoto his whole time to tho railroad qvortfhlch he has been called to pro side.' The democrats of the House lose a valuable tunn when he goes. President Cleveland bus no occa sion to worry because his patriotic foreign policy falls to meet the ap proval of ninn liko Senator Woleott, Jjuf Colo., when their speeches or alleg ed trjtlcism aro followed by such cx ,t)abrdtnary votes of contldenco as the eilqpliou of the Armenian resolution jihy the Senate was. There aro always -tt,fow man who dolight In taking the .wrong side- of every question, but .Congress us a whole is now, as It has lioen from the first, solidly behind the ldjninlfitration, regardless of party frillies, In maintaining a patriotic American policy lu all our dealings with foreign countries. Since Secretary Mortom assumed ha'rgo of the Department of Agrl cultur. ho has saved out of the money appropriated by Congress fort lie sup port of that department il.430,000, vtaud a considerable Bum will bo added to that amount at tho close of the .current Dscal year. Tho Rouse Com Anlttee on Agr culture has decided to Utilized this money by erecting a new inlldlng for the Agricultural Depart Client which has outgrown tho one It fiiow occupies which was ouilt when .the department was only a small .bureau Of tho Interior Department. It Is proposed that work on tho new . building shall begin early In the Ruining flseal year, Boac Butto Bulletin. Mepscrs Ross and Kclster went to Pliie Ridge for seed oats. Wednesday ' t We regret to say that by la6t re ports Mrs. Howland was cousldorablj jftvorse. ' Rev. Gammon will commence a scrips of icvival meetings at Clark jthapel Feb. 2. ; Prank Hoffman, a brother of tin 2)ox Rutte blucksmtb. is visiting vela " live? and friends. ,' 'The Raptlst minister will preacl In the "Chapel" three weeks from Sunday at 70 p. m. ; Mr. and Mrs Goo. Snedeker aro ex pectlug a visit soon from a nephew irnd wife of Uloomhigton, 111. , Mrs, Garvey of Rapid City, S. D.. arrlvod.in Box Butto last week au I wlljcare for her mother, Mra, John eon. f Mr. Henry Walters was In Bo . Jiutte Tuesday. He bus uurolias '" three seeders and oxpecU to put in ti big crop on Ids frm uer Pji Commissioners' Proceedings, cast in sulci county nt tho last gcnornl cloo'ion held thoroin, und wuutuer n, Hpeomi oiectiuu suoum bo cullod for tbo purposo of sub mitting tho question of tho re-locution of tho county sent of said Box lintte county to tho qualified oloc tord thereof . L Sampv, G. C. Alexandeh, John Kinzleh John O.Keuffe, I. E.Tabh. Subscribed in my prosenco and sworn to before xno this 16th day of January, 180(5. B. F. GlLltAN, Notary Public. And thereupon this mutter catno on to bo hoard upon tho said ap plication of II. K. Groon and othew remonstrants and objector.-, fiHlciti this board to fix a timo for tiio hearing of said petition and tho answers of tho remonstrants and thereupon V. G. llamor eounsol for tho remonstrants read tho said application including tho verifica tion and affidavit of L. bumpy and others and stated tho cuso to tho board upon tho said application and thoroupon tho board adjourned until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning Jan. 17. 1S90. And thoroaftor on the 17lh day of January IS'JO tho said cause catno on farthor to be hoard upon tho said application and was argued by G. AI. Sullivan Esq., of eounsol for tho petitioners and Was thoroaftor further argued by JK. C. Noloman Eq. also of counsel for tho petitioners, and thoroupon at the conclusion of Air. iSoleman's argument tho petition ers filed their papor marked num ber -t and endorsed 'liosistance to motion for eontinuauco and of fer of 44 voters who have boon protested to make proof of their qualifications as electors of Box Butto county, Nob-" Wlion this papor was liled, tho romonstrntors asked tou minutes to propare a paper, which was granted aud v W() I'UUU' WuaUa 4iJJ Hit fck' iMM Ui the cut jjlong the R. H. trael- thereupon tho romonstrators pro- pared anil tiled their paper vuaiKeil number (5) livo and which is in dorsed "Motion o H. It. Groen and 10!) others to strike from the tilop tho papar entitled llosis tanco to motion for continuunco etc' and immediately theroafter P. G. Ilnmer upon tho part of tho remonstrants proceeded to malco his second argument upon tbo said application; and thero after tho said G. M. Sullivan proceeded to mako his second argumont on said application upon tho part of the petitioners and thero upon l G. Hamer up on tho part of tho remonstrants closed tbo argument upon tbo said application to lix a timo for hearing and tho same was sub mitted to tho board including tho paper filed by tho petitioners on titled 'Resistance to motion for continuunco and oiTor of 44 voters Avho have been protested to mako proof of their qualifica tions as electors of Box Butte county, Nebraska," and marked 4 and also the remonstrants motion to sfike tho samo from tho hies which is marked 5 aud endorsed motion of H. 11. Green and 109 others to strike from tho files tho paper entitled "RoMtonco to mo tion for continuance etc." During tho argument of F. G. Hamer of counsel for tho remonstrants, Com missioner G. "V. Duucun wrote tuo following words upon a, piece of papor and handed tho samo to Commissioner Hollinrako, to-wit: "I move that further argument on tho request of the contin mnco Le dispensed with, that ve imnee to tuko evidence and pVoof in i o matter of said pi lion." That Commisjionor Duncan asked Com misiionor lioliimak, who was chairman of tho Board whether ho would second such a motion when Commissioner Hollinrako said he would not. That tho contents of tho paper were not cajled to the nttention of Commissioner Barry and said Commissioner Duncan returned the said papor containing the said writing to lm pocket, and thereupon this 17th day of January, 181)0, it was moved by Commissioner James Barry and seconded by Commissioner James Hollinrako that tho hearing of tho county seat petition and tho ob jections thereto will bo heurd on the regular mooting of tho county Board in June, 189(5, and than im mediately thereupon the said mo tion was put to a vote and Com missioner James Hollinrako and Commissioner James Barry hav ing voted in the aflirmativo aud Commissioner G. W. Duncan hav ing refused to vote, said motion was declared carried and tho timo of tho regular meeting of tho Board in Juno, 18'J(J, was fixed as tho tune of hoanng or tho said peti tion and the objections thereto, and said hearing was declared continued until that time, to which ruling of tho board tho petitioners duly excepted. And thoroupon Commissioner G. W. Duncan of fered tho following as being his written obj lotion "Commissioner Geo. W. Duncan refusion to vote on tho motion adjourning" tho hearing to Juno and demands that said petition bo now uctod on which demand the bonrd refuses aud adjourns said hearings," and said Duncan U prcmittod to file his said objection. And after the said hearing had benn adjourned until tho June mooting 189G the petitioners by thoir counsel 11. C Noloman and G. M. Sullivan call ed tho aitontioo of tho Board to certain alliiavits which they had filed which are tn irked from u to 10 inclusive and stated th.it they had forty-four witnesses whoso qualifications us voter had beon challenged aud ivho wore present and ready to testify. Aud thonj sftor petitioners tiled papers mark ed 17, IS aud 19. The following papers have been Hied in tho matter of petition for election for relocation of county seat, Jul). 10, 1890. No. 1 Petition of .Tas. Connolly and 814 others. N.o. 2 Motion presenting petition. ' 3 Appllcition II. R. Green ct nl to have lime iixe.d for hearing and ap plication of L. Sainpy t al. No. J Resistance to motion for continuance. No. f Motion of II. R. Green and 100 others to strike. Mo. (l Affidavit of Hurt S. Davis ct al. No. 7 A J Slmonson. No. S Geo O Bell. No. 0 Q M Sullivan No. 10 M J Munion and F M Knight. No 11 G M Sullivan. No 12 V D Rumor. No. 13U J Ellis. No. H John Pilkington and A J Simonson. No. 1G R C Noloman. No. 10 R M Hampton. No. 17 Oiler of 44 witnesses by pHtltiouers. No. 18 Motion for finding. No. 19 -Exception of petitioners and request to submit prtJof No. 20 Motion of Commissioner Duncan. ' F. G. Hamer, Atty. for Remonstrants. O. K. G. Al. Sutjjvan, R. C. NOLEMAN, Attys. for Petitioners. On motion tho Bonrd adjourned to Jan. 18, 1390. at S) a. m. Tho foregoing record examined and approved. James Homjnkake, Ch'mu. Geo. W. Duncan, James Barky. Attest: F. Al. Bheli's, Clerk. By Jns. H. H. llowott, Deputy. I W. K. Herncail, the Fie vn han' , a. fiiJiJa'Nes 2HWW KTr-a TtSZ Winter has come, "we are aware, "With its wiudnnd driftiuc snow. And the pluce for such weather to prepare Is what wo all want to know. " . Whore we can i&tiifaaforilv tmdo Our produoo for ogffeo and brood, ItatSf caps, mittonk gloves, .silks, "BootB, shoes, overeuoos and quilt, ". iv, Where did you say? Clothing snd undorw'car, Overshirts and jackets, And all kinds of neckwear, ' Dpno up in a nica packet. Why, at the best Place in town, 1 U UJUtlJ MajaxlJ.i;i:iiiurdjfffrjrT3i',iJ'aMi3ti juLyjiwrR RNCALUS. A Beautiful -Woman Attracts Attention Everywhere. Gold -;- Leaf, -v IS NOT AS nANDSOME TO LOOK AT AS A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, BUT An Ugly Woman Can Make Better Bread With Qolel - Lecif - Floti THAN A BEAUTIFUL "WOMAN CAN WITu ANY OTHER BRAND. After Giving it a Trial You will wonder how You Ever Got Along without it. lEEE&CEDGKFOKlD JLXXJZJI.1TC C &3&J&3T'lZr 3Totioo. Hox nnrrc Coc STATE OF NEBRASKA, ) 'NTT, ) S8 R. 11. Hallant, yon iro hereby notififd that on tho loth (Uyot April 11-0 J. Thoitina Hollih pur chnswl Rt Ux mlo tho BW'i section 10, town Hhip 2S, r 47. Hox Hntta county, Sttvti ot Ne braska. Tlmt P!Ia land taxed itl tho um of U. ii. Ballaril, nnd tho wild purchao of tax rale waarrmdo for tho lascs ,of the par IWi. That tliotinio for tho redemption of the ofore tahl land will expiro on tho loth day ot April, ln Dated at Radcllffc, Iowa, this l'.th day of Jan- nnrrlKW. THOS HOLL1H. By R. II. Ballard, his atty. In fact. Vlrft publication 1-31-lW. HI- S3- 3-KEIST, Tl HI- .ID OL of)ia as MAQinr MOFMisnyryin oimi w uoaiy uaiumaiG, Notico, OTATE OT NEBRASKA, ) ilox Burn-: County, J R. U. Ballard, yon aro lin-eby notifioil Ui.it on the Utli day of April 1K1, Th(.ir:i !!o!li pur cIishmI nt tax Kilo tho M W Vi pectiim 15. town ship SW. ranu'o 47, Box Butto county, Stnfouf Nebraska. That Mild land wa tnxeil in the namuoflt. 1) liallard. and tho id pnrchaw nf tax Kilo was raado for thotaxs of tho j(ar U02. That the timo for the redemption ot tin uforeaid laud will expire on tho Mth di.y oi April. lblKl. l).itxl at RailcllfTo, Iowa, this ISth day of Jan ltOfl. THtW. UOM.IS, By R. II. Ballard, his atty. in fact, fp 1-31-00 Fi nal Proof - Notices How. J. W. WunN, Jit., ReBistcr. Hos. I'. M. BitoOMK. Iloeetvcr. Parties havinc notices in this column nro re-nm-Ft-d to rf ad the fame r.tref ully nnd report to this ohieH for corrwtion any errors that may exist. This will prumt possiblo delay in making proof. This Card is to Qicnejii Cash buyers. (Don't Lose It. 20 I 25 i 20JiS5j 20J25 j 20 25 20 25 "2025 20 t25 ' 20 25 i LnmlOfficoit MBan-n, N'e'i.. Jan. , 1 ;. Kotico in hereby Ktven that tho following nml i-ctller has tiled notico of bis intention to mk rtrnl proof in support of his rlalmnnd tm.t oaia proof will !' nmdo Ix-foru Itc.-inhr or llooBlor at Alliance. Nob., ou llarch0, lbPO, vi z FRANK M. BKVAN. oflleinlnctord. Neb., who matlo II E .No. COM, for tho S E U set! 20. tp -2 n. i Ml w. llonains th following wttueeses to prove his rontintiousrosideiico upon anM cultivation of Mtid iand, viz: Henry Michaelhon, lolin Miohaelson, t'hridt Hansen, I). A l'aul, all of llemliiBford, Nb. J. W. WEUS.Jn.. Resistor. 20 25 TO I 25 100 100 100 j 100 ) LOO 100 100 50 1 50 H. R. GREEN, Hfirdware. ililll faS ntf HOW TO SAVE MONEY M III I Read What This Card Qpi,Ul$ ....Says.... When you pay Cash, let the Clerk punch out the amount; und when you have paid us Twenty Dollars in cash, will give you One (Dollar In Goods Free of Charge. 2DOn all foods except Barb tviro and Ift'irness by tho sot. 50 50 50 50 1 50 50 50 ( 50 50 15 10 5 15 10 5 15 J 10 i'5'T'io" 15 15 15" is" 15 10 5 10 5 "io'fs io'j'o "io'i's 15 10 j 5 We will not be undersold. Always bring this Card with you. tfH V.TTCO &rt H A fy Ti . . . Proprietor of . Notice of Publication of Sum mons, r Julia T. IurtsoII vs. Iw1b M. Willioins. Ira K. Tasb and Ea M. Tash his uife, anfl Vv. .1. llowden. . ....... , ' , . i.mi. M WiUinmBHiiil W. J. llowden defend aul, will taWo notico that on the anth day ot July, t(-U5, Jujia t Incarsul. plainUff herein, fil wl her ietition in tho district court of Box Butto county, NohrasUa, anninst said defend ants, the oliject and prayer of which nro to fore clow a certain nuirtirak'e oxecuted by tnn,il fendant l-owis M. Williams to Tho American Investment Co , upon tho southwett iiuarter (s w l of section four (0 township tweuty-six (1 ranjfo forty eiuht ( is) west of 6th V. 1. la Box Butte county, Nebraska, to wauru tho pay mfntof a certalu coupon tuind, dated Uaroti b. 1S7, for tliesum or no. ana in coupon mwrwi noti-s thereto attaeheilof oeu dat. tlnrewith, of SIS aiiach, the first Tallin duo Junal. 1., uad one every tix montlis .ieratt"r and nls ten iatoreat ooupow " pniiiuwim u extension aureeraent. enterod into butentau defendant I. E. Tnh and tho said American Investment i ompany ot oi-..j !, mu uov falUn due Decniabor 1. 1JJ. and on every six months thereafter, which said bond, coupon interest not. s. and niorUtaKe dwnl was oil UitJ Ist lfi, lsil. sold, endorsed, assigned and deliv ered to this plaintitf; that thero is now diioiip on ald notes and mortgaso th- sum of 43. with inUTestatUietatuof 10 it cent iw an num from the SO day of J uly l, for which sura tiUi interest as aforesaid, plaintiff timys for a deoreo that defendants lie required to pay tlie same, or that said premie" may le sold to sat isfy the amount found due. You are required to Miswer said tx-titlon on or Wore the ntli day of February, lio. j.jO ByB F. Oilman, her attorney Land OIHce nt Allianca, "ion., Jan. n, iv.n. i Notico is hereby in th:it tho follnwlnv named settler lias tihvl notico of his intention to tuakeilnal proof in support of his claim and that said prool will no raauo ueioru wiu ivt-Kini'-r and Rocener at Alliance, Neb., on February 15. lW)0,vi GKOnQR scuMITT. ot Box Bntto, Neb., who made II. E. No. 1021 for for thftS W W sec. rt, tp SS n, rs 47. vr. Ho names the foUowinc witnses to prove his continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of said bind, viz: John rotmrlscl, John Fot meisal.jr., Uunlap, Neb.. Jlelnhart Kroesing, Enu-At Kvoesing, Box Butte, Heb. J. W. Wiaw, Jr., Resistor. Ivind Office at Alliance, Neb., Jan ., 180-1. Notico is hereby iriven that tho followipK named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will Iw made liefore Reclrtef or Recoil vr at Alliance, Neb., on Feb. 23, lotH), viz: MARTIN O. LOKEN. of Heminfiford. Nob., who made H. E. No. 24VJ. ror the lota 1 A 2 A B Vi N E h sec a. tp Si u, re llo names tho tollowins vritnesson to, provo his continuous rocidenro upon and ciltivatloii of said laud, viz: Martin K. Oleven. (lie J. Mom. Andrew J. Johnson, Halvor O. tuilsaas, all of rU'iuinfiford, Neb. . J. W. Wern, Jn., RegisUir. LlVcI f km 'n i n I 1 1 Land OHico at Alliance, Neb.. Jan. S, ISOfl. Notice Is hereby Kiven that tho following nuinwl svtUer has Uled notioo of his intention to mako final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made botoro tho Keuieter or UeoeUor at Alliance, heb, on Fob. 19, BOO, viz: ANDftUW BEBRELL, of Dnnlap, Nob., one of tho heirs of Hani Res sell, detvased, for tho lot 1. 8 B ' N h sec S, Lot 1 A S. A S Vi N W H wo 4. tp W n, r 4 w. He names the followijn; witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon anil cultivation of said land, viz: 1'. M. Johnson. 1 O. Hoder Iiuir, John A. Johnson, of Uuntap, Neb., John Knuuou, of Hemtnaford Neb. . J. W. Weh.n. Jn., Reeistor. TTJTTLE & TASH Attorneys - at - Law Land O'.rics at Alliauoo. Neb., Jan. 21, IffiC Hotleois hrreby Klven that tho fpllowing naratd rettlrr has filed uotioe ot his inaention to make final proof in suppoi t of his claim, and tlmt aul proof will lie made before L. A. Dorriiuttou. U B '. C. t'onimiBsioaor, at Cbadrou. Nob., oa Fob. a), liMJ, vu: COMODOREW.OASH, of HoiiKh. Neli. . who mad H E No. 4358 for th i. W 4. 17. tn 30 n ta t'J W. Ho names the following witnesses to provo his don ot taid II. vv mnn. svllof HoUL'tl. Mjb. AlbO GRIFFIN JORALCMON. ot Chadron, Neb., who made 11 E No. 1012 for the S E H. eeo IK. tp ail n. r'llw. He name me miiowiiw iu.k. h. ,..... lo names the following witnesses to provo iloutitiuous residence upon and cultivation haidlaud, viz: Joseph L. Aandeveer, il m W. Tyree. James V. Tyree, Ontlin Joralo- AVo have first-class stock and doublo and sinjrle rigs, which ire furnish at reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodutiog boarders are unexcelled in the city. Give us a call. gST Stable Corner Box Butto Avenuo and Sheridan Street. A S J PIONEER- UHRIG, iMil 1 1 ' rT'l-'-'''JiirrtTii Hardware and Tnn Oldest Estahlisiiment in the Count v Charter Oak Cool Stoves, Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc.. liiB continuous nn'ii" "" ............. aid land, vi Wlll.am W. Tyree. John M Peok, IlouA Neb S. M' f'ecK (' hadron, N.CodoroW.Ol,NcraHoh.NiitWi iirMissrwD. L W. BOWflAN , vm .., Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb irG the Best on Earth Tn the Matter of tho Estate of ) James McC'ulloush. deceased. i In the district court of Box Hutte county: This cause comlnc on to be hiard npon the Detition of John It. Shirk, administrator of the rotate of .Tames Slcfulloueh deceafed. prayiwr for l'ceuse to sail t .e northwest quarter ot sec Urin iM, in tovinsliip 8S north, range M west of t he fi th P M. in Hoi Butto county. Nebraska, or s Hiciei.t thereof to brine the sum o HU .tho debt allowKl against said ostate and the oost of adni.nisttatKP.Uureuot ' W,1'': W, 11 1 IMBTl-li.,,: . "'""-'. .,. Ini, ., county. Nebraska, on the lowaw . -"- ",rr?ll-?-Aai tercVtod in said estate WliZlnhtXidZn Cl.amiierB at my oftlce in fet'niv .,f FebT iar5 mv. Nebra.ka, on the 10th day of eDriary tsw. at oao oVIook p. m. o earn J S:JS Ffljsician ana but gooii, ,-Bjwjggg., ALIAKGE, NEB. Now Short Lino to Ilolena, Butro Spokane, Seattle and Tacoma. Gr. I- Ss "W. O. Tlrxio Oarti. rxar bounp. So. 43. nassencer arrlvos at lj-" P 2 " to f reiifllt " 6;0 m " it IruiKiu nrrlvos nt 10:W " m' tVKST BOUND. No, 41 pasMncor arrives at iifrelifht C;21 4. ro. U:JU p. m. 3:M p in AU tln OKrr-wawg.., ilfrelifht f relcht arrives at 0 r