Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, January 31, 1896, Image 5

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Iter. Mjron V. llayno Say Hint Chrln.
ttnnlty DetnnmU thnt UncUnd Shntl
Ho Itcbukrcl for 0prclnp n Weak
I'owor A StroiiR borinon.
PPLAUSE seldom
breaks out 1 n
church. When It
does the pulse of a
nation is felt. That
Is whnt happened
In a Chicago church
during tho heat of
the Vonnziiplnn v.
JwStl cltement. Rev. My-
w ... iiuj ULy UL
tho Enclewood
J3aptlst congregation stirred his au
ditors to applauso when he said: "When
weak humanity Is wronged wo havo a
right to resent it, and I bcllovo with
the force of arms." Much applauso fol
lowed. Mr. Hnynes preached from tho text:
"Think not I nm come to send peaco
on earth; I como not to send peaco,
but a sword." Luke, 11, 1-32. He said,
among other things:
"Why do ministers who mistake
weakness for piety, Bay that war can
never be justifiable among civilized
nations? To say that a Christian
should never cngago In warfare, ex
cept that moral warfare which Is waged
In his own bosom, is to say that a man
whom God has equipped with muscle,
brain, skill and a prophetic vision of
cdnsequenccs should rest in supine qui
escence and allow wrong to trample
upon right; atheism and paganism to
supplant Christianity. It is tho most
pusillanimous twaddle, and Is unwor
thy tho utterance of an Intelligent man.
"I assume that wars are sometimes
Justifiable, and that a Christian may
bear arms and do no violence to the
Christian character. We are now In
tho midst of wars and rumors of wars.
Tho crash of cannon breaks In upon
Christmas cantatas. Tho echo of
Christmas bells is drowned by tho
bugle's war clarion. Tho cries of the
dying and outraged come leaping over
the sea and choke our Christmas mel
ody. In the midst of our peaco an
thems we are forced to face the awful
realities of war. Thousands of hunted,
trembling Armenians send up piteous
appeals for protection. Tho white
faces of tho outraged dead look re
proachfully from the shallow graves
which scarcely cover their shame, and
trouble the conscience of every decent
man. Hunted, oppressed, outraged,
butchered at the very altar of their
God, they turn their blood-stained faces
toward Christendom and ask: 'Is It
Christian to allow us thus to be mur
dered like so many boasts in a pen?'
As tho waves of the sea ripple from
tho reefs at Key West they bring tho
echo of tho strife in Cuba, where a band
of patriots are striving to throw off tho
yoke of a nation whoso whole history
lias been one of oppression, bigotry and
shame, whoso annals are stained by the
names of such monsters as Pizarro,
Cortez, Phillip II., and the infamous
Duke of Alva. What inherent right,
what divine right, Spain has to demand
revenue from Cuba to support her in
dolence and profligacy, I am unable to
tell. Is it wrong for men to light un
der these circumstances?
"I read in tho dally papers that the
pastors of Now York last Sunday in
dulged in wholesale denunciation of tho
president's war message. They de
clare it would be a crime for two Chris
tian nations liko England and America
to go to war. Perhaps these gentle
men think tho war of 177G was a crime.
Perhaps they think our French friends
aided and abetted a crime when they
extended to the distracted colonics n
helping hand. If all this bo truo we
ought to tear down tho stately pile at
Bunker Hill, for it stands only to per
petuate tho memory of Infamy. Will
the Gotham preachers tell me whether
our ancestors did right or wrong at
Concord, Lexington and Vorktown?
They may assume that we were fight
ing for liberty while tho present Vene
zuelan dispute is over a boundary line.
That makes no difference. Human
rights are involved in tho Venezuelan
dispute, and whenever human rights
are Ignored liberty is assailed. Hu
man rights are human lights whether
in America, Armenia, Cuba or Vene
zuela. I want no war with any nation,
but I believe wo might do meaner,
tttser, more unchristian things than go
to war. What? Do a more unchris
tian thing Umn kill a man? What
can it bo? To stand by, as the Chris
tian world is to-day, and let tho bar
barous Turk murder men and outrage
women by tho thousands. It Is a blot
on Christian civilization that wo allow
such atrocities to continue. I bellovo
Almighty God is on tho side of right.
I do not care a fig for the Monroe doc
trine only as It becomes tho expression
of a great principle what ought to pre
vail. If the Monroe doctrine says that
England shall not bo nllowed to tram
ple upon tho rights of tho Venezuelan
republic, then I say hurrah for tho
Monroe doctrine. If, on tho other
hand, it says wo must not interfere in
Cuban matters, but permit tho Span
iards to trample upon Cuban rights,
then I say avaunt, Monroo doctrine.
Let us enunciate a doctrino that will
support the rights c-f the children of
men everywhere on the face of God's
earth. I have no undue longings for n
fight with England. She Is a good
fighter. Her people havo many sterling
qualities for which I have profound
respect; but there are some reflections
which arlso before me as we stand
face to face with this mighty people.
When I call to mind the fact that she
forced opium Into China at the mouth
of t cannon against the protests of the
fttf'U' ftfe
wisest and best of the Chinese citizens,
thus debauching a nation for trade;
when I remember that she sacrificed
General Gordon, one of God's noblemen,
rathor than sacrifice hor own aggran
dizement; whon I rolled that she has
power to at once put an end to Ar
menian atrocities, but dllly dallios on
account of Turkish trade and tho 500,
000,000 Turkish bonds hold by English
subjocts; when I seo hor rapacity In
seeking to rob a little South American
province of hor rightful territory, I am
led to bellovo that this country might
bring far more reproach upon Itself
than by resisting with arms such gold
worshiping, trade-monopolizing, Jub-tlcc-donylng
"I cannot bo forced Into the belief
thnt God expected no Christian to tako
part In wars. When personnl insult is
offered it is Christian to bo pacific,
trnnqull, forgiving; when weak, help
less humanity is wronged wo have a
right to resist It, and, 1 believe, with
forco of arms. Only by this course
shall evil doers bo mnde to shrink and
bestial natures ho conquered. How ar
dently we all desire peace; not a shame
ful peace, but a glorious pence!"
llrlRht nnil Hnrri-Worklng Mnny AV1I.
Ilornmn Doctor,
Mdllo. Iloglarlon, the young Armenian
lady doctoi4 of whose'hlstory our Vien
na correspondent lately gave an ac
count, delivered a lecture in that city
last night before nn nudlcnco composed
chiefly of persons Interested In the
question of woman's higher education,
says the London Daily News. Her sub
ject was "The Women of Armenia and
Their Mohammedan Sisler3." Our cor
respondent telegraphs: "Mdllo. Mar
garltt Iloglarlon did not hesitate to op
pose Prof. Albert's assertions as to tho
Inferiority of women, as far as tho Ar
menians are concerned. She said that
when an Armenian looks around him he
can certainly not say thnt all ho sees
Is man's handiwork, for it is rather
Tho products of industry which havo
made the country famous silks and
wools, carpets and embroideries are
all made by women in Armenia from
the treatment of tho raw material and
the designs to the final processes of
manufacture. No male Armenian claims
to havo had a part In this work, nor
docs he dream of looking down upon
woman as an inferior being. There is
not a single proverb in all tho dialects
of the country that ridicule woman,
though there are innumerable ones in
her praise. Armenians say: "Let wom
en learn all they can they will be so
much moro useful, and we will marry
them all tho moro willingly." Dr.
Beglarion mentioned that women were
now to be admitted to the Petersburg
university, nnd promised herself great
results from this liberal concession, as
hundreds of families, whose girls had
passed through tho grammar schools
and seminaries in Tillis, declared they
should send them to study medicine,
and so obtain reliof from tho terrible
dearth of doctors in Armenia.
No Trimiiilncn NccnIoiI.
Pat Clancy was Intemperate to a
marked degree. In vain did Pat's
friends tell him he was killing him
self; he continued his downward course
until the grim enemy brought him up
with a round turn.
For the widow Clancy, who was in
consolable, tho only comfort was to seo
that tho final ceremony was as elabor
ate and costly as possible. To this end
Mr. Muldoon, tho funeral director, wait
ed upon her to carry out her wishes
as profitably as possible. His deferen
tial manner was only surpassed by his
business-like questions.
"An' how many carriages would yees
bo havin', mum?" he inquired.
"Arrah, they can't bo too mony fur
Pat," was the answer.
"A sphlendld casket, 01 sh'poso?"
"The folnest money can buy."
"What kolnd uv trlmmin's, mum?"
"Uv what?" Mrs. Clancy turned a
shade paler.
"Trlmmin's, mum."
"TrlmmlnB, is it? Dlvll a wan will
Ol have! dlvll a wan! Shure, wasn't it
trimmine what kilt poor Pat, the de
lirium koind?" Boston Budget
Tho () pern lint In l'arln.
Tho attempt of the director of the
Comedio Francaiso to forbid tho wear
ing of hats by tho ladles in tho or
chestra stalls Is extending itself to
tho other Paris theaters. Tho Opera
Comlque and ono or two other houses
havo made similar regulations. But
tho ladies are up In arms. They threat
en to boycott all tho theaters which lm
peso restrictions on their attire. As
a result of their Ire their hats and
sleeves arc largor than over. At tho
opening night of a new play at tho
Porto St. Martin lately tho hats and
sleeves wero bo enormous that a lead
ing critic bogan his article next day
by saying that he had seen nothing
of tho piece, of tho scenery, of tho
actors, or of tho costumes, and had
seen nothing but lints and sleeves.
Convicted of Heine u Solil.
That some of the laws framod by tho
old Now England farmers may bo mado
to apply at the present day, was fitting
ly illustrated In Judge Flnletter's court
of Philadelphia recently, when a Mrs.
Mary West was held in bail to keep tho
peace for two years and ordered to pay
tho costs of the suit, on tho charge of
being a common scold. Tho woman
had previously been sentenced to un
dergo an imprisonment of one month,
but tho Judge reconsidered this, nnd
rendored the judgment above stated.
A Wilt" t'roir.
A pure white crow was caught on
Toxada island, British Columbia,-a
few days ago. It was taken from a nost
In which were several black crows.
Fate of n (irntiiut Owl Thnt IHit Taken
ro-ou of Tlirlr Hollo,
iJthough tho wondpeekor L indus
trious, provident nnd peaceful to s not
to bo trilled with or tyrannized over
with Impunity, as tho followlufc Inci
dent will show, says tho Portland Itcss:
A companion and I on an AugUrt dny
not long slnco pitched our camp at a
spring on tho table lands of tho rldgo
dividing OJal from Santa Clara valloy.
About tho spring stands a large grovo
of llvo oaks. Iu one of these nod far
from tho tent door n pair of woodpeck
ers hnd, for years, no doubt, made their
dwelling place. Somewhat shy of us at
first, tho birds In a few days paid llttlo
attention to our presence. It has fre
quently amused us of a sultry after
noon as we lounged upon the buftnlo
robes laid on tho shaded grass to ob
servo tho birds, with whoso labors tho
warmth appeared to havo llttlo to do.
Wo had camped there a week or ton
days when before daylight one morning
we heard a commotion about tho homo
of our staid neighbors. Our attention
wns attracted by their shrill outcries
and tho whir of tholr wings nmong tho
branches overhead. It had no sooner
grown light enough to sec than wo
pushed back the flap of tho tent door
and peered out to ascertain tho causo
of disturbance. It soon became appar
ent that a littlo tocolote, or ground owl,
at tho approach of day had taken lodg
ing in tho hollow occupied by the wood
peckers, to their consternation. Hut
the return of day brought coiirago to
tho rightful owners and they resolutely
set nbout finding means to eject tho
invaders. They tried bluffing awhilo
about tho only aperture to tho
hollow tree but to little purposo other
than to causo tho tecoloto to pock at
them when they appeared to be about
to thrust themsolvcs In.
At last, finding that neither threats
nor entreaties were likely to be effect
ive nnd resolved that If thoy wero to bo
deprived of their homo it would bo tho
last of that tyrannical owl, tho wood
peckers brought presently from an
other part of the grovo an oak ball of
tho size of tho aperture and, driving
it tightly into the hole, withdrew to an
other hollow tree, leaving tho bird of
prey hermetically sealed up. After
several dayB, when we started to return
to San Buenaventure, tho ball was still
In the hole and the woodpeckers, set
tled In their now home, wero going
about their business as If thero had
never been a tecolote.
A Uenr'd Non,
A sportsmnn's life was once saved by
his knowledge of one of tho physical
peculiarities of the bear. Gen. Hamil
ton, who tells tho story in his "Sport
in Southern India," was out on a bear
shooting expedition with a brother of
ficer. The beaters drove the bear from
his hlding-plnce and a shot from the
officer throw 'him on tho ground; but
ho got up, with a grunt, and mado
As tho bear passed an open bit of
ground Gen. Hamilton again fired but
mloscd and tho boast turned on him.
When ho was within a few yards tho
general gave him the other barrel. As
this did not stop him Hamilton started
to run but tripped over a rock and fell
flat on his fnce.
The bear was upon him Instantly and
the sportsman, looking over his shoul
der, saw into tho bear's mouth as tho
bruto made a grab at him. Tho animal
caught him by tho thigh and pinned
him. Knowing the bear's nose is very
sensitive Hamilton hit him several
bard blows on tho nose. The bear, un
ablo to enduro tho pain, let go, and
before ho could get hold again, Hamil
ton was up tho hill.
His companions ran up and killed the
bear by a ball through his heart. But
the bear's claws had laid open Hamil
ton's thigh to tho bone and ho was In
bed for a month.
Aftar all, love does not appeal to a
woman's heart like cut glass. Atchison
It takes a young man many years to
distinguish himself from a genius.
Adams Freeman.
It must bo that bicycle bloomers are
cold on tho there are very few of thom
to bo seen these bracing days. Denver
Mincemeat Isn't made right unless
you havo a headache within two hours
after eating tho pie. North East (Pa.)
Tho woman who is not afraid of a
man would have been a hard citizen If
sho had happened to bo a boy. Mil
waukee Journal.
That ambition costs heavily is evi
denced In the fact that there is to-day
but One living ex-president and vice
president. Boston Globe.
LI Hung Chang wants moro mission
aries sont over to China, but they
haven't finished killing thoso they al
ready have yet. Rochester Times.
The sting of a bee, according to a
scientific journal, Is only one-thirty-second
of an inch long. Your imagi
nation does tho rest. Philadelphia
Tho first gun In tho battle between
Great Britain and tho United States has
been fired. A Jersey poet has tried to
make a rhyme of Vonezuela and influ
enza. Yonkors Statesman.
Tho man who is always cheerful un
der the greatest stress of adversity gets
along protty well himself, no doubt, but
he is a great trial to his pessimistic
neighbors. Soraerville Journal.
Why Is it that "lines" always causo
so much trouble? There was Mason
and Dixon's and now our friend Scbom
burgk's, and then there's tho clothes
line which always makos a man mad,
and "a few linos" that pooplo send to
tho newspapers under tho improsslon,
heavon alone knows how thoy get It,
that it is poetry. Minneapolis Journal.
Hrrllin (,'rolcliton ForiMiioM A in one Them
Alnxliuo r.lllot 11m Churmml London
unit Motion nnil Nut York loo Horn
Korrcfn uml Hor Hmt Allllrtlon.
(Boston Leltor.)
soon Olga Nother
solo slnco sho ar
rived In America
this fall, notlco otio
thing especially,
and that Is, that
while more benutl
ful than silo was a
3 oar ago sho Is
more tho beauty of
tho theater. This
ovolution takes place In cvory pretty
woman who adopts tho theator as a
profession. It Is as unavoidable as that
hor face should grow in mobility, her
figure In flexibility. Is It always nn
Improvement? Aye. there's tho rub! In
MIbs Nethorsolo's case tho change Is
very marked. It Is almost like grow
ing a domestic flower In a hot-houso.
Sho Is far more striking. Sho oven has
acquired an air of youth that sho
lacked hefoio In a marked degree.
Miss NolhcrPole'B roles this year will
bo even more exacting than they wore
last. "Cainllle," "Deniso." "Carmen!"
Could any actress bo moro unstrung
by any lino of parts?
"Deniso" Is to America a novelty, for
Although It has twice been tried here, It
was neither time a success, a result that
may easily be put down to tho attempts
mado to fix it over.
It was Jan. 19, 1885, that "Doniso"
was produced nttho Comedio Francaiso,
where It was given ono hundred nnd
aoven times that season, making a great
success, with a cast in which Mile. Bnr
tet played tho title role, with tho
charming Relchemborg as Juvonllo,
and Worms, Coquelln alne, Coquelln
endet, Got, Blanche Plorson, and Paul
ino Grainger nil in tho cast.
Two American actresses havo tried
"Deniso," both hampered by poor or
slons. Thoro wns the production at
Daly's theater, New York, ton years
ago. when Clarn Morris played "Den
Ise," supported by Joseph Hnworth, and
a later production at Palmer's, when a
version by Will Stuart ("Walslngham")
wns called "Fair Fame," and Linda
DIetz played "Denlse." Still few in
New York even remember either ver
sion, and, until Miss Nothersolo's, nono
has been seen outside New York, and
as the play 1b In Dumns' best stylo, In
tensely Interesting and brilliant In con
versation, it ought to bo a great success.
As a matter of history, it may he
noted that Miss Nethersolo gave hor
first performance of the part Aug. 28,
at Birmingham, England, nnd also that
Slgnor Ventura onco rend tho play in
French at Chickering hall, in Boston.
Boston has had at ono time this sea
son tho opportunity to admire several
young, pretty nctresses. In Novem
ber, there wero In town Amy Busby, tho
pretty girl who once played with Crane,
and has lately been tho herolno of "The
Fatal Card," enjoying tho long run
which closed November 10, at tho his
toric old Museum; Bertha Crolghton,
who first came into notico as resem
bling Mnrv Anderson, and Maximo
1 Elliot, who was the most plcturesquo
American actress in London last sum-
J ijier; for that matter no player pf the
i year was moro pictured than sho was,
several Illustrations of her appearing in
one issue of one of the weeklies.
In theso days, when actresses aro few,
And the ranks of really promising ones
very thin, nnything as supremely
pretty as Amy Busby cannot pasB with
out hopeful notico. Indeed, ono be
comes Indulgent as well as hopeful, for
it can hardly be said that Miss Busby
has yet shown any special aptitude for
real acting; but she certainly has shown
the ability to become, so far as the sale
of her pictures aro concerned, a very
popular llttlo lady. Yet thoro has been
good reason to be hopeful about Miss
Busby, for the actress who can make
j Constance Neville, in "She Stoops to
Conquer," Interesting, and she did that
two years ago, certainly has Just claims
to tho possession of an actresses' most
delightful characteristic, personal
charm, tho quality that 1b tho very
foundation of the hucccbb of actress
like Ellen Torry, Julia Marlowo, nail
even Sarah Bernhardt.
Miss Crolghton Is not very gone.tilly
known, nnd tho rosomblnnco sho Is Bald
to boar to Mary Anderson Is not bo
striking as at ono tlmo npponrod to bo
In plcturos of her. Asldo from hor pic
tures, It can hardly be said to exist nt
Miss Crolghton became conspicuous
latoly In tho dramatization of "A So
cial Illghwnyinan" that tho Holland
brothors produced, In which sho played
Elinor Burnhnm, tho girl whoso purity
proved fatal to Courtney Jnffrey's eff
Joyniontof his daring nnd rnthor vulgar
But tho third of November's beauties
was tho most dazzling of nil. It doos
not seem as If It was as long ngo as
May 4, 1891, that, as MIbs Fleetwood,
tho Kentucky heiress of "John Ncod-
hnm's Double," Miss Elliot first ap
peared In Boston, In support of E.S.WI1
lard, nt tho Tremont theater, and that
samo season wo saw her also as Felicia
Umfrnvlllo. In "The Middleman."
Mlsa Elliot Is a Rockland (Mnino)
girl. Sho traces her descent back to a
inlxturo of Irish nnd Spnnlsh Bottlers, a
fact that accounts for her beauty nnd
Miss Elliot remained with Willnrd
two seasons; during the second sho
played tho trying role of Sophia Jopp In
"Judah," Beatrice Solwyn In "A Fool's
Paradise," and Lady Gilding in "Tho
Professor's Lovo Story."
Sho wns then engaged for tho big pro
duction of "A Prodigal Daughter," and
plnyed Kato Malcolm iu "Sister Mary'
with Julia Arthur and Leonard Boyno.
In Soptembor, 1891, she Joined Daly'o
forces, making her dobut as "Heart of
Ruby," In tho adaptation of Judith Gnu
tier's tale of old Jnpan, ono of tho moo
exquisite productions over given in tnis
Among the best work sho hnB dono
with Daly Is Sylvia in "Two Gontlcmon
of Verona," and Herniln, In "A Midsum
mer Night's Drenm." In tho latter
part her beauty, In Boston and London,
created a real excitement. Sho Is n
statoly brunette with great roposo of
manner nnd lends nn acceptable dignity
to many n part sho can hardly bo said to
play well.
Thero has not been for mnny n day bo
sad a caso In the annals of things theat
rical, ns that of Rose Norreys, whoso
pretty face Ib tho last of tho IIbL Poor
Genio Norroys for only on tho Btago
did tho niuno Roso stick to hor, a name
derived first from a part in which sho
was a success. When a young woman
is aflllctcd by a disaster liko hers, from
which It Booms almost impossible for
any ono to rescue hor, tho very fact
that tho victim Is still young and protty
and hns been as dainty as tho daintiest
of her kind, serves to emphnsizo tho
caso pitifully.
Tho bright face has lost Its expres
sion; tho protty girl has known tho tor-
ror or a night in tho streets, shelterless;
and even now is In somo retreat pro
vided by the charity of fellow-workers,
in hope that the doctor's verdict of
"probably Incurable" may be reversed.
A French Statue to Nntrton.
The French seem to bo ahead of every
nation In tho honor which they pay to
great men, especially great men of sci
ence, and this honor is not confined to
their own countrymen. A number of
streets in Paris aro called after emi
nent foreign savants.Engllsh and other,
and monuments aro oven erected to il
lustrious foreigners, For instance, tho
municipal council of Paris has decided
to erect a statue to Sir Isaac Newton,
and In doing so it honors Itself. With
so many of our own famous men of sci
ence, dead or nllvo, waiting In vain for
public recognition In this noblo mnnner,
It Is hopeless to expect tho lord mayor
or tho county council to reciprocate tho
compliment and honor tho groat Inves
tigators of France in this way. London
Vnnilrrhllt Ik Stingy.
A lady In London sont Fredorick W.
Vanderbilt last Christmas a green
enameled snuff box with a modallion
on tho lid. It was appraised In the
Now York custom house to bo worth
$33.75 nnd the duty wns $8.75. Mr. Van
derbilt did not pay the duty and tho
box was sold last week as unclaimed
customs packages for $27.50.
l'ortrnlt of I'ocalinntat.
Henry S. Wellcome, the well known
American merchant in London, has
presented to tho Bonate of tho United
States the portrait of Pocahontas,
which was In tho woman's building of
tho world's fair. It was painted In
England after her conversion to Chris
tianity and hor marrlago to John Rolfe.
JefTeraon' Itcpljr,
To a boarding school miss who met
Joseph Jefferson at a tea table and be
gan to talk to him about Sabbath
breaking, the actor said: "Ir 1 wero a
fisherman I should never fish on Sun
day, but being an actor, I can rest both
soul and body by fishing."
JhffHtf 'v ,(ilH!hi
Kjr to Mnnngn If tho Offlorr lint Thcltf
not win.
Jaspor Rnmey, ono of tho moonshin
ers now In Jail hero, wnlkod twonty
mlloa to glvo himself up to tho reT
onuo officers, says tho Louisville Cou-rlor-Journal.
This Id not uncommon la
tho mountnln counties. A number of tho
dopullcs who make periodical visits to
tho counties of Pike, Knott, Magoffin,
etc., havo llttlo troublo In arresting the
men thoy nro after, whllo other offlcor
havo to fight for tholr lives.
It 1b told of one of tho deputy mar
shals that whenever ho wnnts n man
he simply writes a letter to him Inform
ing him thnt an Indictment has bcon
returned against him and thnt ho
wants to met him on a certain dny
at a neighboring town. Somo of tho
letlorB wind up liko this: "I also havo
wnrrantB for several of tho other beys
(naming thom), and I wish you would
too them and toll them that I will bo la
on and for them to be there."
It la said that many of tho men mnko
tholr appearance nt tho place and tlmo
Sevornl deputy marshals who go to
tho top of tho Cumberlnnd for prison
ers occasionally let tho men "tend their
crops" whllo thoy are under nrrcst. The
officer goes through tho country, moots
tho mnn nnd says:
"Tom, I'vo a wnrrnnt for your ar
rcBt." "All right; I've been 'spoctln' it."
"I know you've n big crop, though,
and bb court don't moot before Octo
ber, you can 'tend your crop nnd como
up to Louisville Just beforo court
Thon tho man would roturn to hia
work and nt tho appointed tlmo he
would bo In this city ready to answer
to tho chnrgo ngnlnst him when hla
caso was called.
Several mouths ago ono of tho old
est of tho deputy United States mar
shals in Kentucky walked up to tho
door of tho county jail and asked for tho
Jailer. Ho was introduced to Mr. Wntts
and said:
"I havo throo 'Bhlnors' that I brought
from Magoffin county. As wo camo on
Iho train I left my 'mltlmuscs' In my
snddlo bags nnd whon wo camo out of
tho coach I forgot my saddle bagB. I
want to know if you will let mo put up
theso prisoners In Jnll here without tho
papors? I will got tho 'mltlmuBCs ia
a fow days and it will bo all right and
Jnller Watts told tho man ho would
accommodate him because of his bad
luck. "But where aro tho prisoners?"
said tho jailer.
"Oh, thom! Well, thoy'ro out lu towa
somo placo. Wo camo In yesterday and
I told them thoy might knock about
tho city until I nrranged It with you
for thom to go in here. I'll go and look
thom up nnd bring them in."
In about an hour ho returned with
thrco typical mountaineers, who said
they had enjoyed looking at tho sights
of tho city very much. Thoy had never
been in LuIbv111o beforo nnd thought it
a great cat to bo ablo to "rido thar
free,' ..en though thoy camo aB prls
Human Pnllcreo.
Tho effect of podlgreo Is a great puz
tlo, becauso careful attention to It seems
to refine somo families without in the
least refining other a dozen castes la
India aro equally old and careful of
descent, yet only tho Brahmins and
Kshotroyns aro clearly aristocrats but
if thero is any truth in heredity tho
descendants of tho reigning houses,
onco compelled to exert themsolvcs,
should bo men and women of special
force. Thoso houses havo kept at the
top of tho world for nearly a thousand
Tho objection thnt they havo Inter
married too much, oven if it Is truo,.
which is doubtful, except where somo
taint hns entered tho blood, would dis
appear in two generations of plobelan
marriages and tho consciousness of an
cestry does not of necessity weaken,
character. Wo doubt if tho popes hav
as a body bcon abler men than the
Ilohenzollorns nnd tho popes havo been
tho picked men of a priesthood count
ing thousands and havo had as many
, opportunities of action and of display
. ing themselves as any line of kings.
AIJO OlJIX'lillUr.
The theater bodice grows moro elabo
rate. Green roses are much seen in big
black velvet hats.
Seal nnd monogram fans aro a fad
among very young women. Thoy are
mado by decorating a plain whlto or
light colorod fan with the monograms
nnd seals used by different friends.
The newest fancy laceB for trimming
dainty ovonlng toilets and separate
waists for silk and sntln, for the win
ter, vlo In dolicacy and dainty beauty
with tho costly hand-wrought designs.
Now empire cloaks of cloth or black
nncro moire hang straight and loose
from yoke to skirt hem. Tho yoke col
let and full sleovoB aro of black velvet,
richly spangled nnd Jetted, and edged
with narrow fur.
In mending a tonr In delicate fabrics,
if one's hair is of the rjght color, it is
much bettor to use it in the place of
thread. It will make stitches that art
almost Invisible nnd tho darn will
scarcely show at all.
A Parisian fancy In the way of a fin
ish to the neck of a gown was of black
and white striped ribbon, mndo first In
to a draped collar with a large bow in
tho bock. Then on the other side of
tho front were sewed little ruffles of the
ribbon edged with lace that is to say,
cut your ribbon, such as the collar Is
mado of, In half, sew on a narrow Val
enciennes around the two points, frill It
and sew It insido your collar bo that
the two joints in front will come a llttlo
back of tho chin on each side and stand
up on either side of the face.