Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, January 31, 1896, Image 1
J-N ftf rea'W PiP I V OL. 1 1IEM1NGF0.UD. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA. FRIDAY, JAfl 31. IMG. NO. 49 lTOKMMMWAllHIU ) $ r ) Tho following taken from Daily car report of Edgemont station, Jan. 18, shows the importance of accuracy in furnishing headquar ters with the desired information. No.cf Car Loaded Whoso car DUeriptton of rnr Dato i-ir II. &M. 10G I COHCll This notice appears in the Grip and the only presumable idea of the article appearing in the car report in Edgcmont and publish ed in the Grip, is to cover the uso that the car -was put to in fetching a county commissioner of Box Butte county from his snap in Gillotto, Wyo., whilst Mayor Broome and the genial superintendent of this division coached tho said county commis sioner as to how they wished him to use his influence in tho county scat fight. Tho "monkey box" came in handy, especially to un load the county commissioner on the off side of the track so that tho honest voters of Hemingford could not see in what delightful company this county commis sioner came down from tho west. These "were 'honest" Alliance men. The county commissioner, Mr. Ilollinrake, was not to be bull dosed by these "honest men" . who for their own ends had given j him, as they thought, a snap ' Whore he could make five dollars ' per day for ten months at the ' quiet city of Ransford. But Mr. Ilollinrake works for his money honestly and when the time camo to uso his vote did not consider but what he had done his duty for the money he got and used his American freedom and decid ed the petition business as be caine a man fearless in his integ rity and honesty and with just convictions that ho was doing his j duty to the county and his' con- stituonts. A free supper at the Burling- ton in Edgemont for a county commissioner; Mayor Broome of Allianco going to Gillotte to es cort the county commissioner to Hemingford: well he wanted to post Mr. Ilollinrake on the hou csty (?) of the Alliance petition and it needed this journey to do j it properly, then the private car pf the superintendent of tho division with its gorgeous trim mings utilized for the purpose of convincing, by its greatnes as a private car of the groat Burling ton system, this county commis sioner that tho Alliance people are "honest" in their demands. This of courso may bo all right and above board but tho voter of a county will look well after a petition that needs all this cere mony to make it appear to the commissioners as though it and its formulators were" ''honest," The attack on Mr. Hollinrako made in tho Alliance papers has all the spitefulness of villany foiled by honesty. Tho "hon osty" of tho Alliance people was never called into question until this olfusion was sprung on an unsuspecting public but aro tho outpourings of villany foiled in its purposes, who with nothing to defend and fearful of being found out in its questionable transactions, commences to un load tho cargo of spleen carried in its bilious anatomv. It won't work, the farmers of Box Butte county have seen the "handwrit ing on the wall," and tho time of Alliance's days are numbered, as far as the county seat being re moved tlioro is concerned. They aro prepared to honor tho man who, at tho cost of personal loss gavo his fearless and honest de cision for tho petition to be luid owr till June. Station Ileofllvpil -fro iii AlTIanoe Contonte CoilRiKtlfMl I Darkey U.lt.l'bplaii Tho Alliance Grip says that the syndicate can stavo off an election in spite of all that can be done unless the Almighty comes over to tho side of Alli ance. It is a serious question after tho methods used by Alli ance to gain tho county seat, whether the Almighty knows there is such a place. Tho man with the cloven hoof and tho reg ulation pitchfork with brimstono attachments is more to be looked upon as a friend of Alliance than one so pure as the Almighty. Tho Alliance syndicate who went into tho light according to the Grip, were going against another man's game and thus played the sucker act all through. Go west, tenderfeet and grow up with tho country. Tho poor Grip, in its faiewoll waitings about the county seat fight, owns up it is on tho losing side, but gives a parting shot when it says, "quite a number of Hemingford men made them selves conspicuous by declaring that if the 'election was called they would refuse to pay another dollar's tax." At least they are somewhat different from the Alliance "honest" men who have not tho courage to say they won't pay taxes but let them keep on appearing in the delinquent list. "Wo Hemiugforditos save Alii ance a touch of high life at the county seat -fight that -has- boon taught us by them and then they kick. Wo have been ground under tho heels of Alliance men and bankers until'we have to turn and give them a tasto of life. It is like quinine to them, but it is healthy. In the article entitled "Is this a Free Country" an Alliance paper slings some mud at Hon. A. L. Sharrook who never was in Hemingford until wanted there to offset, on behalf of tho oppressed people of Ilomingford, tho work of tho Allianco gang. When the county seat fight was first started Alliance said it had the right to it and that if it was not granted they would uso force at tho legislature, etc. etc. When they are beaten 'the freedom (?) of the country is questioned. "Oh consistency thou art a jewel!" The Alliance papers arc hug ging themselves with the idea that some Hemingford peoplo ,mve declared that in case of a ' fight they will pay no taxes. In other issued they claim they don't pay enough taxes to buy fuel for tho court house. Tho two statements aro hard to make gibe. If the Allianco peoplo aro so thoughtful about Hemingford peoplo being anxious to unload so they can come to Allianco why do they not givo them time to unload, then thoy would have so much more money to spend in that town (thoir money is tho only thing Alliance wants). This is cheap clap-trap after de feat. The peoplo of Hemingford have had all tho Allianco thoy want at a distance, and that was bad enough. Closer intimacy would bo contaminating and do grading. Alliance , is fighting for the TOWN and potinty the lust two words were a subject of after thought. Anico way to light for a county, by breeding trouble, causing ill feelings, making a sectional fight, and for what? That Allianco sharks could put their lingers on tho county's funds and by having the county court house, records, officers and county seat in thoir midst dictate the policy for tho county thoy love so much after their own town. What an absorbing thing tho prosperity of tho county is to tho averago Allianco man. How it does keep him awake, make trips to Gillotte, uso private B. & M. cars, all for tho county's good. Such devotion would in spire a marblo statue with life and cause it to shed tears of newspaper wails. Grip "As it is now, peoplo hate unfair actions to such an ox tent that animosities occasioned thereby can never bo healed so long as Hemingford disgraces a map of" Nebraska." This thought was probably in tho minds of tho people when a map Avas issued in which, for the good of the state, the name of Alliance did not appear. In tlic matter of the county seat petition about three men In Iletu ingford knew before Mie Katun opened up that qld .Itidgc Harms r had four aces up his sleeve to rinj in on any limit the Alliance men might hold' and played tho. game with nil tlio boldness and confidence that such a hand inspires. Grip. The Allianco men show thoir weakness more in this fact by knowingly going against four aces when tho "cuter" was not played. -..-' in-af'f1 , "!.- " 4jf! Mr. Hollinrako and Mr. Barry by their honest steadfastness in which thoy considered their duty to tho best interests of the couu tv of Box Butte, have made themselves tho prominent men of tho county. On one hand riches and promotion by voting for Alliance, they preferred be ing published by tho Allianco papers, with tho spoken grati tudo of a large constituency and voted as their conscience spoke. Men with sterling principles like these are hard to fiud in these de generated times and their hon esty was something the Alliance crowd could not comprehend, hence their mud slinging at them. In the future the actions pursued by these men will bo moro and more appreciated by the better class of people who will surely give them every token of their appreciation. Their courage in holding to their convictions should bo emulated by every one. Alliance makes a great outcry about its devotion to the welfare of Box Butto county, hut as soon as it is defoated in its aspirations for tho county seat it. wants the" county divided and wishes to rob another county of somo of its sand hills. This is on a par with its past record. "Rulo or ruin" is tho policy of the Allianco people and thoir devotion is a very slim oxcuso to hid tho cloven foot. Voters how do you like tho out look those county seat grabbers are putting in front of you? Thoy don't care anything for Box Butte county, all they can soo is Alliance and their glasses aro of such wonderful magnifying pow er that they think their city is a second New York and thoy want tho earth. They ought to have it. Horny J. Winten, of Liberty precinct called Monday and depos ited SI. .50 for the official county puper. - p. W. Dawson, Vinton, 111., writes for The Herald. Miss Anna Smith has boon quite ill for sovoral days. "Your Truo American," Feb ruary 11, ot M. B. church. iJIis.s Velum Dadavisilod frionds in Allianco sovoral days this wook. Miss Ottillia Nickont deposited money for The IIeuald this week. Father Haley will say mass aftho Catholic cburch on Sun day, Fob. flth. at 10 at m. E. L. Johnson, our efficient jowlar, loft Tuesday for Hill City anil other points in tho Hills. Ho expects to bo absent about thirty days. , E. E. Ford and J. II. Johnson wore in from Lawn Tuesday. Everybody in Lawn precinct wears a broad grin at the way the grangers spread it Qvor tho Alliance aristocratic lobbyists. , Mrs. F. W. Foidler died very suddenly last night at her homo inrRunningwator precinct. Wo did'not learn tho cause of iter death. Mr. Foidler who has been working at Fremont, was telegraphed for. Mr. and Mrs- J. K. Noal and Master Carl, loft Monday ' "night for an extended eastern trip. Aftor visiting Mr. Noal's brolhor nt Surprise, Nob., thoy will proceed to their former homo in North Caro lina, and will probably bo gone two or -three months. i r Fostmaslor Lockwood, G. E. Zimmerman and D. F. Millor of Canton woro trading with our merchants Wednesday. They cnll edftit this ofitco and informed us that the farmers in t jmtpit1ofAtlio.' county aro' well pleased at tho way Tun HmiA,D has staid by them on the county sent question. Chailio Tu.-ih mot with an ac cident this week which might haved proved a very serious one. While playiug on tho school grounds ho foil or was pushed down and a sharp woodon lenifo which he had in his hand ponctrat ed clear through hisuppor lip and turning camo almost through his cheek making a vory painful wound which lias kept him in tho house since. Ilomingford won first blood in tho county seat scrap before the commissioners of Box Butto county last week. Tho Tribune informed its Alliance friends some time since that thoy had hotter drop tho fight against Ilomingford. A few moro hitch es in thier wild career like that of last week will convince thorn that tho always truthful Tribune was correct in its prognostica tions, that their energy and ef forts had better bo concentrated and directed toward that north and south road, ratlior than to ward a county seat removtl. Tho Tribuno knows whereof it spoaks. Crawford Tribune. What might have been a serious accident accompanied by loss of life, occurod in Hemingford last Sunday evening. Miss Inico Mo Cnrklo, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Christy were out riding behind McCorklc's spirited grey team and while crossing tho road which is worn quite drop, south of the , Catholic church, a whilllo treo broke mid Miss Inico who was driving, , was either thrown or leaped out taking tho lines wjth hor and the team started to run, leaving tho other ladios helpless and scream- i ing which did not tend to soothe tho frightened horses. The tongue of the buggy camo down and was broken short off, causing tho buggy to take sidowiso leaps until they camo in front of Parkin's residence, when tho brokon tongue running into tho ground, the buggy tumod ond over end and tho ladios woro hurled quito a distanco alighting among npilo of logs, drag scrapers, democrat wagons, and other ao- cumulations. They fortunately escaped with no broken limbs, but many painfull cuts and bruises, and Mrs. Jones was confined to bed for sovoral days. Tho buggy, which was nearly now, was badly wrecked. Tho highest .tribute we can pav Commissioner Hollinrako, is to say that his voto on tho county scat pe tition was tho act of an honest man and fearless official. Tho samo can bo said of Mr. Barry also, but samo temptation was not thrown around him, as in tho casoof Hoi- limako. The latter was flattored, lobbiod, cajoled and influenced in every way which occurod to tho Al- banco schemers to indttco him to favor tho calling an oloethm ns asked for in their illegal and rot-' ten petition which wo can prove is signed by residents of surrounding .. dim riouinraico is niauo ot stornor stuff tlion those Allianco county seat stealers over dreamed of, and when tho tuna camofor action, tho ttl Dt Infill i'atm livnunM In in Wrtbso deftly woven urouud him was swept awoy, and Jim Hollin ra Ice Blood heforo his eonnituents with credit to Box Butto county, nnd honor to our .Irish-Amorican citizens. News From Chadrori; Tho young ladies of tho city teudorcd their gentlemen 'friends a Leap Year party at Nelson's Opera House lust Saturday night. The affair was a clnriuu success, much crotVlt-beigllrtctn6tlohaWfl5noti,'tf,ll lM: Nofir daypnsscw' or" tho young gentlemen, Col. W.,"1"'"" commilteo discovers ovi F. Hay ward, for the euro ho took , 1l'0 of somo i,lc8111 u,imo 0)1 of his charges. 1 1'"1 petition and when this is pre Tho swell wedding of thr season I occured at tho Grace Episcopal church Wednesday evening Jan. 291 h, when Miss Mabullo Shelton Putnian was united in marriago to J. Arnold Habegger, city attornoy. Miss Ptitman is ono of tho woll known society leaders, and the olito of the city strictly woro all proonf Aftor a short hridnl tour tho young couplo will tuke up their residence in thio city. II. M. Wilson, bettor known as "Tug" is a cundiduto for delegate from this district to tho Republi can National convention at St. Louis. Ho has tho support of the entire section along tho Elkhorn and .vill no doubt bo elected with out any opposition. Only two other candidates aro mentioned, F. W. Smith of Alliance and Neal Brennan of O'Neill. The republicans of northwest Nobraska havo finally concluded to ask something from the party. G. A. Ecklos, county attorney, is an avowed caudidato for the nomina tion of State Auditor. Mr. Ecklos hns long been a faithful worker in the party and coming from this section will no doubt receive tho recognition duo tho groat north west. Tho following named gentle men woro selected to servo as jurors for tho March 10th torm of District court. Frod H Smith John A Wilson Wm. Loranco Jas A Ball Harvey West R B Hamilton W E Hall C C Hucko Elmer E Todd Simon Spry C C Frew W D Johnson J H Johnston El Payuo Jas Whelan Goo W Clark J P Jensen T W Wohrstoin Ernest Meints Ambrose Hadlev Geo Sparks Sam'l Hollinrako Sam 1 Switzer M D Atkin Wanted To traile a nuRgy Uoue. Inquire tit this office. for n Tho Allianco Times made a groat roar last wook bemuse tho Hemingford ''flirting committee" filed objoutionB to certain uamoq which appeared on tho petition, to call u special election and then on tho Banio pngo printed tho follow- ing news items; i "P. F. Carroll will visit luV family at Hny Springs." kDr. E. E. Burr writes to havo his "Times" se'i o Detidwood." Dr. L. W. lViC if 1.U r...,.;t.. !... -K-miiT" n-XiV "itl.Tf? 1WO ivllllilj IIUIU I1UIUV J.DU, tutu. "E. Frank Hawkins conducted a minstrel show at Ohadron lust wook and went from thoro to t Denver." Thou it mentions that T. J. Wallace had sold his moot market and had boon the recipient' of a rtt; nAnrnnA w:,i, n,m nnrl int- -ketches of sculls, cross-bones and othor parts o tllQ lmman nnatomy$ j fiud wWcll 8Ugpoatud that ho go j ll01M or ho wouW bfl sent to j-oin . llolmj nnd in a prions issue montioned that Tom Greer had : ROno to Colorado to make it his futures homo. If tho action of the committee needed any justification in tho mirwlu rkf hnnnaf rnnnln 4lin lintrn u ,fl at committco reprt;8cntoa do not pro- i pose to havo tho county sent ques- tion settled by tho citizens of Hay Springs, Doadwood, Colorado, rov ing minstrels and cattlo rustlers; and whilo in tho hurry of the moment the committee may have questioned tho .signatures of a fow hona-iido petitioners, tho Times comes to thoir assistance and fur nishes conclusivo ovidonce that there aro many moro namos which HlmuW liavu neon added to tuo sented to tno commissioners in June, that petition will Bick. oolc awful President Hanchor will dolivor his great lectura, "Your True American," in tho M. E. church ou tho ovoiiing of Fob. It. Tho Congregational Missionary Society will givo a missionnay dinnor at Mrs. Frank Huot's Wed nesday Fedrtiary 5th 1SU0. All aro cordially invited to attend. By ordor of Com. Calvin J. Wildy New Goods! Low Prices! Quick Sales! Wo aro showing a better lino of goods than ever before, and wo would call particular attention to our now lino of Mpns' and Boys' Clothing, and Ladies' Cloaks and , CaP0S' on which wc are makinS very low prices. Wo are not soil ing out any old, bankrupt stock, but wo are selling cheaper, quality considered, than anyone else. Wo buy for cash, and sell for cash, or exchange for produce. We aro the oldest linn in the county. Our reputation is merited by our large increase of patronago, to whosa wo feel grateful, and for whioh wo warrant a continuance of equaro dealing, and a saving of money by staying with tho undorsignod humble servant. Yours Truly, mm i mm,- . .