Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, January 24, 1896, Image 8

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hi tmrittk-trtuiir 'iw lAnlt
Lilian i,nvaUia
i-nuiwiw ryra-, rrmnr niii "- " "
th lnurM of lfmlhfonl and Unx imtte
TnMIohMl wy PHiUy and ontiwl at the
TllOS. J. OKubl'E. I'nMUhtr.
scni'cnir-rioN ihtehi
;&6 BUtTE COONf V.
F.M. Piielm , - .Cleric.
A. M.Mn.trn Trrimnrrr,
. n. 1. Hwke!ct .. Sheriff.
.- JM nn.WAH .Attorney
Misk A. E. Nfcmwn Bniicrlntcndcnt.
riiAiOlrUNM Surveyor.
l)n. W.K MIM.EH . .. .... ..lron.r..
i Jasieh IlAlitiT .....ComtnlMjIoiwr 1st Ilt.t.
JAB. IlOLLlNIIAKE . . oramiwraw arm iiipi.
O. W. Duncan...
Commissioner 3td DltU
Mr Imiinti It. Ttniinnrnlt. RPirct;irv
,.r i,l T..,iinii Srntort.-Rniliiissv In r.nn-
tJ Vllv W v v ,
., don. Iirt6 re turned tri Washington. He
, said: .'There was Ho war feeling
ngnlrlat the. United Stints when I
,lelt Knglund; It hud iill disappeared.
J England does hot want to take up
i arms ngnliirl tills cdtintry."'
Ex.Congressiriim Lamb, of Ind.,
6iy that state bah he safely put In
the dcrnol'ralln column this year no
i matter who heads the Nathan) tickot.
i He adds, however, that If tho party
wants to muko assurance doubly sure
it should put Gov. Matthews at the
I head of the ticket.
President Cleveland although" asked
to do so", declined to express his wise-
f es before the National Comniitto do-
abided hpon Chicago as tills year's con-
4 Tention city, but It is understood that
ho liu slued then said he w.ls gl.nl
Chicago was chosen btcauso of tho
4 good luck Unit had usually fallowed
Chicago dcmoci title iiomlniitlons he
,W(isno'mituitedu,t Chicago both times
thut lie was elected.
"Whethcj it is this same feeling or
Decniise the country is again become
s-lhl? favorably disposed towards the
;den)obriuio party that has caused the
... democrats ircnerally to reuard the
bvltloolc as more cheerful, Tiik
., ilkiiALD is not prepared to say, hut
what ever It Is, It is cortain that the
democrats nie as n idl in a much
rfinoro cheerful condition of mind than
they were before the meeting of the
jNtttional Conimlttee. and that they
;now talk or going Into tho Preslden
ttitil campaign with u hope of w n
tiilng, and niit, merely to keep up the1
jpurty organization.
At tho end of a column write
up about Allianco pulling off thb
tcouhty seat Contest in tho
supromo (iourt, tho Guido winds
-tip with the following stuil.
1 Uut Judge Hamer, of HuiTuto coun
ty, l-galadvler of the county com
.inuiloners of Box Butte county. mn
rflmvo occnslgn to exercise hlshrnln In
itlils matter h-forc.lunc. Maudnmiis
proceedings ivlll be comnuMieed as
rfi'Jon (is practicable, and if Messrs.
, llolllnrako and Barry refuse to shout
5they will be requested to give up the
igtlu. It is plain to he seen that
jiio justice can ho had save through
itlio courts, add the managing cotn-
imlttcc have made up their mihds to
dgo there straight with everything, no
matter What the costs are. Alliance
,is In. the riuhtthis time and the coM
imust fall on the :ounty "
i Of course tho Guido, as well
as the other Alliance county
ioeat agitators, does not care
fl'vhat it may cost the farmers
niid oihor tax payors of Box
;Bulta county, but tlid saving and
jcosts to tho peoplo is why this
paper has so strenously object-
ud to the removal of tho county
&&i. It -jays, "Alii v.133 i? in tho
right this time" with great em
iphnsison "this" practically ad
mitting that thoy havo not been
jriitht herotoforo.
i Tho contiuissioners not only
ael good judgement in postpon-
, tag action on tho potition till
June but they showed a spirit o
.fairness which these Alliance
ocJunty seat boomers have hovoi
known. It was a great sur-
.jiflso, hot only to tho "little bull
jrtog under the wagon" and tin
'Irish Orator," but to tho iv
4if thrj Alluuice crowd to lh
tli ' the law propoumhi
by Judge Ilumer would susU.i
the oommisiilouerK iu tlusir a
tion. Yas, they will man-dam -u
with a vongdance but there will
not bo mubh satisfacUon for
liQin in that.
ubBoriba for This Hekald. -
MUa (.uborrc Natnrallj Thought 8lie VTa,
I Mnt llcrnrlf.
"iiiBa knoorre, aatu xur. ASKaui, un-
er they had confidentially dUcuBscd a
nurnucr 0f topics, "my object In call-
'IlBfl Lnbotre," Bald Mr. Askam, aft
Ing upon you this evening 1b to consult
you about a stop I hops! soon to tnko In
my life. It 1b n Etetf upward, nna x
regard It as tho most motnentotiB one I
ever contemplated. In nhdrt, ray dear
MIbs Laborro, I trust Boon to beto
bo married," says tho Kansas City
"Indeed, Mr. ABltnml" MIbb Lauorre
said, assuming an Indifferent air, out
blushing slightly, "and upon what do
you wish to consult mo7"
"Upon several subjects, my dear Miss
Laborre," answered Mr. Askam, rising
from hie chair and seating himself be
side her on tho sofa, "iflrst, I abotild
like to know whether you consider It
Is possible for two peoplo to live com
fortably on $3,G00 a year."
Oh. yes. Indeed. Mr. Askam," Miss
kpuorro replied, quickly. "If two peo
yc iuvv vaca uiuer uiuv is iuuiu tuuu
.1 In... kh.L .!. .!! ! hu Attn.
"A am Indeed delighted to hear you
say bo," said Mr. Askam fervently.
Secondly, do you think that you that
your mother and you, after living here
together so long, could bear to be sep
arated?" "It wouldn't be as though we really
were fceparated, living In tho samo city,
you know, Mr. Askam," returned Miss
Laborre, thoughtfully. "Yea, t am euro
neither of ua would mind It so very
"That's a brave young lady," cordial
ly responded Mr. Askam, putting the
back of her hand affectlonntely, as It
lay In her lap, "that's a bravo girl.
And, thirdly, do you think a man of 47,
my ago, Miss Laborre, too old to get
married especially If there la little, If
any, discrepancy In tho DgeB7"
"Oh, oh, you . Insulting thing!"
screamed Miss Laborro, springing to
her feet. "You know I am not 23."
"Certainly, my dear," responded tho
astonished Mr. Aakatn, mildly, "cer
tainty, but your mother must be nearly
as old as I am."
"You havo been speaking of my
mother?" demanded MIbb Laborro,
"Of coursd," 3id Mr. Askam, looking
bewildered, "I thought it only fair, aa
you aro tho bread winner, to consult
you first. Why, who do you think 1
Or lie Would Ilo Lrft Out In' the Cold
If Ilo I'orRcit Thnt I'ummorcl.
From tho Washington Star: "What
Is tho matter?" anked one of Mr. Vlv
vlea' boon companions; "you haven't
taken tho pledge, have you?"
"No. Uut I'm not looking on tho
wine whon It's red In tho cup, Just tho
"Reformed, havo you?"
"Yep. Yoll've heard of a waman's
marrying a tnah with tho idea of getting
him to stop drinking. It doesn't always
work; but It did In my cise. My wife
1b a stupendously clover woman."
"Mado you promise, did she?"
"She didn't have to. Whon I started
down town to-night she said: 'I've lost
the latch-key, dear, but It won't make
any difference. You ring the bell and
I'll let you In.' I said, 'All right.'
'Only,' she said, 'we'd better agree on
some password, bo that when you ring
I can look out of the window and mnko
sure It Isn't a burglar." 'Of course,' Bald
I J 'what'll tho' password bo?' 'I havo
It,' she answered; 'It mustn't bo too
simple. You Just say "Irrepressible
reprehenslblllty" and then I'll come
dbwn nnd let you In.' Gentlemen, If I
can't say Irrepressible reprehenslblllty
when I get homo I don't gt In, and,
moreover. I assumo the chances of be
ing taken for a housebreaker. I've
simply got to be careful." And he wont
over and resolutely seated hlmEClf next
to the lco water tank.
Their Lnt Drunk.
John Davis, one of the largest elder
makcro In Indiana, recently killed thir
teen coous under very peculiar circum
stances. Mr. Davis' cldor mill is built
of wood and standB away from bis
house. Ho was awakened during tho
night by a nolso In the mill and upon
Investigation found that thirteen codns
wero on the inside, drinking elder, lie
fastened the door and locked them in
and wont to bed. When ho got up the
next morning he took the coon dog and
several hands and began the killing.
He found the coons drunk and under
going ail stages of jags. The scone was
a most peculiar one. They had rolled
the barrels over, which had been left
open to allow the elder to work. They
had then drank themselves full of bard
Opinion on Truit.
"It Is much harder to ezamino and
Judge thah to take up opinions on trust;
and therefore the far greatest part of
the world borrow from others those
which they entertain concerning all tho
affairs of Ilfo and death. Hence It pro
ceeds that men are so unanimously
eager In tho pursuit of things, which,
tar from having any inherent real good,
are varnished o'er with a specious and
deceitful glo3.i, and contain nothing
answerable to their appearance. Hence
It proceeds on tho other hand, that, in
those things which ore called evils,
there is nothing eo hard and terrible as
the general cry of the world threatens.
Thus the multitude has ordained. But
the greatest part of their ordinances aro
abrogated by tho wise." Bollngbroke.
Old Story with Variation.
A silver watch which waa dropped In
a well In BelfaBt, Maine, twenty-five
yearfl ago, was recovered a day or two
ago. Unlike most watches recovered
onder such circumstances, this one
wasn't running Just u if noUrrng had
happened to It. tr. . ...
A Lawyer' Hrrncti at ConBilanee
A queer case In reported from Sydney,
Australia. A man wan convicted by A
lury of having tried to poison bin wife
wUu arBcnlc. ills inwyorfl obtained a
rcconBlderfttlon of the aentenco by a
commlnnlon np"polnted by the leglsln-
with arBcnlc. Ills lnwycrft obtained
turo, constating or two doctor" and a
lawyer, whlcll pronounced him Inno
cent, tho doctors voting down tho law
yer, who thought him guilty. Tbo man
wna not freo In conscquonde. Subse
quently ono of uIr lawyers, moved
by conscience, told anothdr mem
ber of the nnr tnat tho man
ihad confcfBed IiIb guilt to him at the
time of the trial and tho matter was
brought before tho legislature Law
yers and cltcntR havo been arrested
and are to bo prosecuted for conspir
acy to defeat the ends of Justice. Com
munh tlons between lawyer and client
aro apparently not privileged In Aus
tralia. Ilxttlnc on the Rnem.
The big trottlng-horso people in Buf
falo and western New York, Including
C. J. Hamlin, aro cald to bo preparing
io make a determined movomeut this
year to secure a moderation, or, pobcI
bly, the abolition, of tho present anti
bo tt lug laws of the state. Tho unsuc
cessful gr' Ml circuit meeting of last
summer will be used as an argument
that It will be Impossible to conduct trot
ting meetings profitably without pool
iielllng of some sort. These interests
are powerful ones, and It banded to
gether would make a strong fight.
"Since Qod doth will that some
dwell at ease,
And others shall know hardness, this
is sure,
The lot that fits each nature He for-
And wherefore murmur when wo
must endure?
Some day His loving wisdom will be
As the Bweet sunshine following after
rain." May Bradley.
Calvin J. Wildy
New Goods
Low Prices
Quick sales is our motto. Wo
aro now showing a better lino of
goods than ever before, and we
would call particular attention to
our now lino of Mens' and Boys'
Clothing, and Ladies' Cloaks and
Capes, on which wo aro making
very low prices. Wo nr1. not sell
ing out any old, bankrupt stock,
bUt wo aro selling cheaper, quality
considered, than anyone else. Wo
liny for cash, and soil for cash, or
Oxchango for produce. Wo. aro the
Oldest tirm in tho county. Our
reputation i? merited by our largo
increase of patronage, to who:o
wo feci grateful, aud for which we
warrant a continuance of squaro
dealing, and a saving of money by
staying with tho undersigned
humble servant.
Yours Truly,
Tho Heiiald aud tho Omaha
toini-weokly World-Herald both
ono year for SI. 75.
You cannot lliul In these United
States the equal of the genuine
Hound Oak. Yon may try; you'll get
loft, llemctnber It's thb combination
of u;ood points that makes the perfect
stove. Buy the genuine and bo satis
fied. Sec tliH naiuu on the leg. For
K.ilo at Ulirig's.
Don't think because a stovo is round
and the maker has called it Oak, of
some sortt that It's the genuine Round
Oak. It is' not, as you'll f nd to your
cost, if you buy. See the name on
I lie leg. Then you'll bo sure to get
the genuine. Sold only by Ulirig.
Kdlted by Ei-ConrrMaa
J the greatest riewtpaptr totit
of the Mittouri JRiver.
It advocates FREE SILVER
at tho present ratio of sixteen
to one.
Its news uerVloo is the bast to
be obtained.
Dally, $ft 00 per year; 60 cents
per month. Weekly, $1 00 per
Subscriptions for the
received cit this office
W. K.
Winter 1ms corrio, we nro aware,
With its wind and drifting snow,
And the place for sucli wenflior to prepare
Is what wo all want to know.
Where did 3-011
Why, at the best
Place in town,
A Beautiful Woman
Atthacts Attention Everywhere.
QolcL -;- Leqf,
After Giving it n Trial
zaiEsnivdiinsra-OiD ixtjxjt&tgt
Physician and Surgeon,
Ofilco in Norton's Block.
Calls attended promptly.
Charges reasonable.
Attorneys - at - Law,
Olaiarolx Directory.
lONGUEUATlONAli. I'rcacliliifti.Rch alter
Vynato Sunday, b-:ltmtn January. 1. IrtH, at
II o'clock u. in. i unci at 7 p.m. Suntliiv School
'it 10 a. in. l'ruyor lleethij; each Wt-iliit'Hdny
at 7 p. in.
GEItMAN LOTHEIlAN:-Servlci at the
Court IIoiimu. Kuv. Wumlerlicli, Pastor.
lATHOMC: llor. Charles Zak I'ustor.
M ETHODlfeTi-Kev J.W.
Krmlall PllHtrif
111 I'rcai-tiltii: tho Kecond nnrt lourlli Sunday Iu
ill I
I'acIi month at 11 a. in., anil T p. in.
Il'ISCOI'Alii-ScrvlcPH In
l'jluniu Church.
borvleen on the third Thureduy In each moiltll
ul 7 p. iu.
W. A. Konclmsh Camp No. 2T.I0. MeMa
second aud fourth TufHday nisht of each
month. Visit inn NelKhbors cordially invited.
W. Iu. Iodence. Clork. F. Huot. V. 0.
IlEMiNOronu poRtoflice. On wook days door
opn at 7 a. m.. Kmeral delivery opens at 8 a.
iu. and clones at p. m. Open Bnndajs 0 to
10 a. in.
IIkminovobd and Box Butte atage dally except
IlEMisaFonD and DoNLAr sta((i, Monday
Wednesday and r riday.
New Short Line to Helena, Butte
Spokano, Seattle and Tacoma.
C3-.X. Se "W. O. Time Card.
o. 42, paasonger arrl os nl 11:11 p. m.
" IdfrelKllt - " .?:?Jr'!m-
' is freight arrlvos at 10:10 a. m,
.No, 41 passenger arrives at R;21 a.m.
" isfroljrht " lt:5 p. m.
" 47 freight arrives at s:35 p. m.
All trulim curry psBsonKors.
F. W. Wukatlky, Agent.
Theginulne Round Oak costs no
more than an imitation. Why not
buy the one that everyone knows la
right. Uhrig sells them.
The Host Market Reports of
paper iu the west.
Paint, Glass aud oils of all kinds
sold according to the lard times
cheaper limn the chi apest, t
Anton (Junto's.
Herncall, the
Whore we can satisfactorily Iratfe
Our produce for eoffeo and bread,
Hats, caps, mittens, gloved silks,
13oots, slioes, overshoes' and quilt?,
You will wonder now You Ever
.nrifiWi rrr.y,l
HE- 3. G
Mm hmvv Hardware
I. .- " ' . :
This Card is to (Benefit Cash (Buyers. (Don't Lose It.
20 j 25 100 100 100 100 100
20 25
Head What This Card
.... S a y s ... .
When you pay Cash, let the Clerk punch out
the amount; and when you have paid us
Twenty Dollars in cash, ivftl give yon
One (Dollar In Goods Free of Charge.
ZSrOn all goods oxcept Barb wiro
"50 50 1 50 50 50
We will not be undersold. Always bring this Card with you.
.Proprietor of.
Wo have first-class stock and doublo.and siucjlo rigs, which we
furnish at reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodating boarders
aro unexcelled in Iho city. Give us a call.
W8T Stable Corner Box Butte Avenue and Sheridan Street.
KCemingford, - nSTeTorstslra,,
Great Prize Contest.
3 1st Prize, KNAQE PIANO, style "P" $800
& 2d Prize, Cash,
0i 9rl E3rtTA rach
3d Prize, Cash,
(0 Cash Prizes, each
15 Cash Prizes, each
OR Prl-rn
v -
Thf first prlr. will b eWen to the person who constrncts tno snorcv ir
cntrnci'. In Enellsh, contalninff all the letters In tho alphabet. 'I lie otli-r D
..rues will po In regular order to thoie competitors whose sentences tanJ j);
iit in point of brevity. K
ti. t.-.. . ...i.r.. tn K mniiiirnl hr thn numhr nt lntt'rs it v
'-Q ronlftins. and each contestant must
sontence just how lorn; It li. ilie sentence musi nave homo meaiiim;.
K f:..nti.nniiirni nnli- nd names of Dorsons cannot be used. Tho contrst ry
K closoa Kebruary 15lh, 1S90, and
K later. In ense two or more
U one first receited will be BlveH preference. c.verv compel or wncne
M (.entenco la lert than 110 letters In length will receive Wilkle Collin' work
X in pater cover, includhifr twelve complete novels, whether he wins a prize"
In or not. No contestant can enter more than one sentence nor combine with
Di other competitors Residonts of Omaha or" not permitted to take any
"trt, dirpptlv or lndir"'"v, in mis
pi This remarkii olfer Is mado by the Weekly WoblxHeiuld,
HI ot whieh the dlstin- ..cd ex-congressman,
WILLIAM J. BRYIH. is Editor,
S nnd it i required that each competing sentenco be enclosed with otoe dollar
J for a year's subscription. The Weeklt Woiu.d-Ukra.ld 13 Issued in senil
wreuly sections, ana nenco is neariy as guuu us a uau;. iv iuc nvjitiu
chamnlon of free silver coinage and the leadlnjr family newspaper of
Nebraska. Address,
WeeRiu World-Herald. Omalti. Neb.
Clothing and iittJoi'weari
Over&hiris and jackets,
And all kinds of neckwear,
Dono up iu a nieo paoket.
Ail Ugly Woman "
Can Make Better Bread With (.
Qolel - Leqf - Floqi
Got Along without it.
c ompaitt
- EEiniT,
100 100 50 50
10 j 5
15 10 5
15" fio"
15 10 5
TiJ io j s
lifj lo'py
and Hnrnem by the sot.
j 50 j 50 50 50
15 1 10 I 6
...'... p'
Indicate by flpures at the closa of hU Q-.
loo a
60S J
200 g '
50:S J
the result! will be published one wee. pi
prize-winnlnR sentences are equally short thf "
coniesi. -iano now on exmoiuon ai .j
K J,
i V