Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, January 24, 1896, Image 5

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I TV i
Fair Wage and Good Hours Keports
on Retail Houses Are Gathered anil
They Are Hoycottcd ir Found Want
ing Grand Idea.
HERE is a lcaguo
of Now York wom
en called tho Con
sumers' League of
tho City of New
York, says tho
World. Tho object
of this organization
Is to recommend to
its members and to
others Interested In
tho welfare of
'working women and girls such retail
houses In this city as tho league finds
Just In dealings with employes.
Tho shop that has Its namo down on
tho favored list gains much trade from
tho thousands of members of tho Con
sumers' League. These members and
their friends will not trado at or lend
their Influence to a houso that is not
fair. Just what It takes to mako a
shop "fair" Is laid down by tho leaguo
under four headings:
1. Wages A fair houso is ono In
which equal pay Is given for work of
equal value, Irrespective of sex. In de
partments whero women only are em
ployed tho minimum wages aro ?G per
week for experienced adult workerB,
and in few Instances aro below ?8.
2. In which wages aro paid by tho
3. In which fines, if Imposed, aro paid
Into a fund for tho benefit of em
ployees. 4. In which tho minimum wages of
cash girls aro ?2 per week, with tho
samo conditions regarding weekly pay
ments and fines.
Regarding "hours" tho leaguo says a
fair houso Is ono in which the hours aro
from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M.., with three
quarters of an hour for lunch; in which
a general half-holiday is given on ono
day In each week during at least two
Bummer months; In which a vacation of
not less than one week is given during
the summer season, and In which all
overtime is compensated for.
A fair house, with proper "physical
conditions," Is ono In which work,
lunch and retiring rooms are apart from
each other, and conform in all respects
to tho present New York City sanitary
laws, and In which tho present law re
garding tho providing of seats for
saleswomen Is observed and tho uso of
seats permitted.
Another requirement of a fair houso,
according to tho league, is ono in which
humane and considerate behavior to
wards employees is the rule; in which
fidelity and length of Bervlca meet with
the consideration which Is their due
and in which no children under four
teen years of age aro employed.
Houses that are up to this standard
get their names on tho Consumers'
Leaguo list. The Governing Board in
IU last recommendation directed
patronage to twenty-eight different
houses as fair houses. Nine of these
aro on Broadway, between Eleventh
street and Thirty-first street; three are
In Sixth avenue, nine In Twenty-third
street and tho others are scattered
throughout tho retail territory.
Tho President of tho Governing Board
of tho leaguo is Mrs. Charles Russell
Lowell, of No. 120 East Thlrtlethstreet;
treasurer, Miss E. Stone, No. 25 East
Forty-fifth street; Recording Secretary,
Miss Caldwell, No. 120 East Thirty
fourth street; corresponding secretary,
Miss F. J. Pomeroy, No. 101 Park ave
nue, and there aro eighteen other ladles
on the board, all representative Now
York women.
Tho members of tho leaguo receive
regular roports of tho treatment em
ployees receive in the big shops, and
they distribute their patronage whero
the worKingwomen and girls have what
the leaguo calls "fair play." Several of
tho largest houses In Now York aro not
on "speaking terms" with tho league
members. Branches may bo started all
over the country.
Illngrnphy of Hatulln.
General Charles Hamlin and son,
Charles E. Hamlin, are collecting data
and arranging tho extensive mass of
valuable matter already In General
Hamlin's possession for an extended
biography of tho late ex-Vlco Presi
dent Hannibal Hamlin, which will be
written by them. Tho history will be
correct in every detail, and It will be
a valuable addition to the political his
tory of the stirring times in which the
late distinguished Bangorlan lived and
which ho helped to make.
A Mean Trick.
A certain married lady of Hopo sat
up till 12 o'clock tho other night wait
ing for her husband to come homo. At
last, weary and worn out with waiting,
she went to her bedroom to retire and
found tho missing husband thero fast
asleep. Instead of going down-town,
he had gone to his room. Sho was so
mad that sho wouldn't speak to him for
a week. Hopo (Idaho) Examiner.
An Ancient Ilrldge.
The triangular bridge at Crowland,
In Lincolnshire, which was probably
Intended as an emblem of tho trinity,
is tho most ancient Gothic structure re
maining entire in the kingdom. It was
erected about tho year of our Lord 860.
Hebrew! In Loudon.
It Is estimated that the number of
Hebrews in London is about 100,000 or
120,000. Thero aro 15,904 Hebrew chil
dren attending the London board and
Htbrew voluntary schools of the lower
That Seims in itn the German Opinion
of P.ngland's Venezuelan Poller.
It Is fully apparent tlirtt England has
reached tho point whero she is com
pletely isolated In Europe, and that her
selfish policy, which Is to undertako no
obligation for friends whllo trying to
induce them to protect her Interests,
hnB forced her to stand alone among
the great powers. Now, by her ven
turesome Indiscretions, sho hns plunged
Into complications in all parts of tho
world. Ultimatum here, ultimatum
thero, but no strong armed forco to
redeem her big words with bravo deeds.
Now an nrrognnt tono toward half-clv-lllzed
peoples; now an Inflated air of as
sumed patronage; now a clattering of
the sword and a threatening with Arm
strong cannon; at tho samo timo, not
tho physical strength to crush on tho
spot even a meeting of savages, Bays
a Berlin paper.
English policy in Vonezuola in tho
samo nB elsewhere. Tho Venezuelan
government now has published docu
ments which prove just about conclu
sively tho injustico of England's claims.
From tho information received by us
from tho Venezuelan consul general in
Berlin, It Is perfectly clear that tho
British, according to tho Increase in
vnluo of territory before supposed to bo
valueless, have pushed their boundary
further and further In tho course of tho
fifty years' negotiations, that they have
raised their demands higher and high
er, nnd that they havo declined per
sistently to settle the dispute by arbi
tration. Now England is In a position
whero sho must face at least a coalition
of Central American republics, and per
haps will not bo able to relcgato tho
North Amerlcnn union to tho part of a
Sir Charles Cameron Lees, governor
of British Guiana, has landed in Eng
land. As far as a Venezuelan
pttack on British Gulnna Is concerned,
ho has no fears. Tho whole thing, ho
says, Is only a lot of big talk on tho
part of Individual Venezuelans. Ho re
gards It as unlikely that the Venezuelan
question will cause any considerable ox
cltement in the United States. On.
which sido the big talk is to bo heard
is, however, very easily determined Just
Compressed Pulp I Now Used Intensive
ly In the Shnemaklng Trade.
Ono of the latest features of wood
pulp Industry is tho manufacture, In
Haverhill, Mass., of shoo heels from
that material, white pino and other
kinds being used for the purpose. In
carrying out this art tho plan, as de
scribed, consists in reducing tho wood
in tho usual way in digesters, after
which the pulp Is put into a tank and
mixed with tho substances necessary
for Imparting to heel stock tho neces
sary requirements, such as alcohol, 11th.
arge, tar, degras and fish glue, a
thorough mixing of theso with pulp be
ing followed by soaking tho same for a
day or two, so that tho fiber may bo
penetrated, when another application
of materials occurs. Tho object at thlB
stage Is to harden the pulp somewhat,
so that It can bo rolled Into thlok Bheeta
and handled, shellac and borax accom
plishing this, tho pulp thus having tho
consistency of cement. At this point
slackened limo is put in, nnd, ns this
hardens when dry, the pulp must bo
rolled Into sheets and cut into heels
before tho hardening takes place. With
needed rapidity tho pulp is now drawn
from tho tank in sheets, it being Just
thick enough, and there being specially
arranged rollers and adjustments at thb
bottom of the tank for effecting this!
A series of pressures through press rol
lers reduces tho sheet to tho right thick
ness, and tho sheet is next placed quick
ly upon the bed of a cutter; tho wheels
aro now started, and In a momont the
platen falls, forcing a hundred or more
cutters upon tho sheet, shaping out a
heel each.
Old Church Restored.
The magnificent old Church of Bt.
Saviour's, Southwark, which has been
undergoing restoration for somewhero
about six years, is so nearly completed
that In another threo months It could bo
reopened for service If necessary funds
were forthcoming. Except the abboy,
thero is nothing like It In London.
Irish Hull Credited to Illsmarck.
At the time of tho Schleswlg-Holsteln
difficulty, Prince Bismarck raised a
laugh by saying there was only ono
man who fully understood that ques
tion and ho was dead.
None moro impatiently suffer Injuries
than those who are most forward in
doing them to others.
Wo aro sent Into this world to make
it better and happier; and in propor
tion as we do so we mako ourselves
Concentration is the secret of
strength in politics, In war, In trade
in short, in all management of human
It haB been beautifully said that "tho
veil which covers the faco of futurity
was woven by the hand of mercy."
Take heart, all who toll all youths
In humblo situations, all In adverse cir
cumstances, and those who labor unap
preciated. If It bo but to drlvo the
plow, strive to do it well; If only to
cut bolts, make good ones; or to blow
the bellows, keep tho Iron hot. It Is at
tention to business that lifts tho feet
higher upon tho ladder.
Tho wish to succeed Is an element In
every undertaking, without which,
achievement Is impossible. The ambi
tion to succeed Is tho mainspring of ac
tivity, tho driving-wheel of Industry,
tho spur to Intellectual and moral pro
gress. It gives energy to tho Individu
al, enthusiasm to tho many, push to tho
nation. It makes tho difference be
tween a people who move as a stream
and a people who stand like a pool.
How the Aged line Taught the Pup to
Stand Sentinel liter the House.
From tho Detroit Journal: Tho fol
lowing dog story Is told by an old res
ident who hns never been required to
present affidavits, but will do so If de
sired, although a resident on Piety Hill.
Ho has an old dog, a spaniel, that for
nearly twenty years has been tho most
faithful of guardians. Summer or win
ter, fair weather or foul, as soon ns tho
key was turned In tho lock of tho back
door ho has taken IiIb position at tho
threshold, and not the slightest sound
escaped his Investigation during tho
nlghL In hot weather tho family havo
never hosltntcd to leave tho door open
for ventilation. In all theso years tho
first riser In tho morning hns never
failed to find "old Rover" alert at his
post at tho threshold. Then, relloved
of his charge, ho Immediately retired
to his bunk in tho woodshed for slum
ber. The faithful old fellow Is becom
ing decrepit and his master recently
carried homo a bull terrier pup with a
pedigree of great length and tho bluest
of blood; an unlettered pup from the
konnel of Its mother; full of playful
ness, freo from every enre, thoughtless
and perpotually hungry. That was
threo months ago, and the pup la now
5 months old. For a time the old
brown spaniel had no use for tho frisky
llttlo whito-hnlred fellow, so entirely
unllko himself, that ran under him,
Jumped over nnd upon his back.grnbbcd
his long and silky ears and nttempted
to run away with them, but after a
llmo it was a clear ense of grandfather
and the youngest baby. This Is the
sltuntion now: When tho key la turned
It Is tho pup that takes tho position at
tho threshold, whllo the old dog, confi
dent of the faithfulness of his proxy
sentinel, retires to his pieco of carpet
and snores the night through. Not only
does the terrier remain on duty all
night, but tho moment someouo Is astir
In the houso Bho retires to her bunk for
sleep, just as tho old dog did for so
many years. Tho owner has tip-toed
down to the door at all hours, but has
never found her napping. "You can
not mako mo believe that this is in
stinct, unless you conccdo that Instinct
is thought nnd Intelligence, nnd that
dogs havo the power to communicate
them," ho declares. "Three months
ago this pup knew absolutely nothing,
except how to piny and cat. Its soln
companion has beon tho old dog, and
to-day tho pup knows all that tho old
dog knows, and tho old dog knows tho
pup knows It, and has retired from
business fully aware that his duties
havo been left to a competent and faith
ful successor. I'm going to tako tho
pup to a friend's houso for a night or
two and seo if the old dog doesn't Im
mediately resume his post by tho door."
How She Found a Nam de Flume.
Miss French (Octavo Thanot) Uiub ox.
plains how she got her nom do plum-.
"Octavo was tho name of a school friend.
It Is both French and Scotch. I thought
if I could find another name to go with
It that was both French and. SJcotch 1
would adopt that. I was riding on n
train ono time when wo stopped at a
way station, and on the siding near
whero I sat was a freight car painted
red. On tho sldp was chalked tho word
'Thanet' What it meant or how it got
thero I havo not tho slightest Idea, but
I decided then and thero to adopt it.
Lots of people still think that Octavo
Thanet is a man."
Making: Perfumes.
In tho collecting of perfumes two pro
cesses nro employed. In ono tho grease
procoss, boxes with glass bottoms aro
Drcnared. tho bottom being covered
with purso grease, or suet, and the
flowers, gathered fresh every day dur
ing tho season, aro laid on trays in the
box, tho grcaso being laid to absorb
their fragrance.
Ktrnn Foot Propeller.
A steam yacht was onco constructed
with propellers on tho princlpal'of tho
swan foot Tho progress of tho boat
was quite satisfactory, and tho pro
pellers would havo been a success wore
It not for the fact that tho experiment
being made in tho Thames, they were
continually interfered with by the roots
and floating wood.
Duplicate Wcddlntr Present.
"Do you know that Snlgley is tho
father of twins?" "Yes, I heard it last
night at tho club. Did you hear what
ho said about it?" "No. What?" "He
said that they wero tho first duplicate
wedding presents that Mrs. Snlgley nnd
he had received."
Teacher: "Johnnie, give mo tho namo
of tho largest known diamond." "Tho
An exchange has an article on "Why
Bees Mako Honey." They mako it to
"Tho editor," said a contemporary,
"who said his mouth never uttered a Ho
probably spoke through his nose."
A philosopher says, "My friend con
ducted his future wife to tho altar
and here his leadership came to an
Some wicked Yankee says that he has
"Invented a new telegraph." Ho pro
poses to place a lino of women fifty
steps apart, and commit tho news to
the first as a profound secret.
A married couple sat down tho other
night to a game of cards. She: "What
are you going to play for?" He: "Any
thing you like," Sho: "Let us play for
a new Jacket, dear. If you loso I shall
havo tho choosing of It, and if I loso
you shall."
Excited American Froshman: "Did
I pass my examination, professor?"
Professor, with proud scorn: "No, air!"
Off dances Fre'shle. radiant with smiles.
Professor: "You misunderstood me; you
failed, sir!" Incorrigible Freshman:
"Ah, but I won a bet, you see!" Pro
fessor staggers.
lift Just Itetnrncd from llrr Second
Journey Through Hitherto Unexplored
Keglon Kncountered .Many Hardship
and Dangers.
ISS Klngsley, tho
Englishwoman who
has just returned
from n trip through
Mi a Pmnnt'Anna rn.
LJ glons In Africa, Is
tho sensation In
England Just now.
M 1 b s KlngBley's
trip, which Is tho
second ono sho hnB
made, was for tho
purposo of studying tho "fetish" cus
toms of tho natives nnd for collecting
specimens of fish for tho British mu
seums. Sho went 250 miles up tho
i Ogowo river, much furthor than tho
, French can guarantee protection. Sho
started In a canoo with eight natives.
Tho canoe Journey was a long ono, and
nearly a dozen tlmcB the craft wbb up
set and Its occupants wero thrown into
tho water. Tho current was strong and
MIsb Klngsley hnd several narrow es
capes, being saved moro than onco by
clutching tho rocks In tho rnplds and by
holding on to them until tho natives
righted the ctuioe. MIsb Klngsley had
the mo.it remarkable adventures In tho
Fnngwo country whllo trnvellng over
lnnd from the Ogowo river to tho Remb
wc. Tho Fnngwcs aro cannibals of tho
most pronounced typo, always at war
with each other, and ono of tho fow
tribes In Africa who cat their own dead.
Miss Klngsley had with her threo ele
phant men or hunters of tho Fnngwo
trlbo and four DJumn inon. As tho lit
tle band approached each Fnngwo town,
It was found to bo In a stato of do-
fenso, and tho leader of tho bnnd very
often fell Into somo trap which tho In
habitants had laid outaldo tho town for
tho enemy. As tho expedition had no
proper bandages, when ono of tho car
riers was Injured, ho hnd to havo his
wounds bound up with leaves. When
tho Journey was resumed Miss Kings
ley found tho traps numerous nnd
overy kind of obstnelo plnco In tho
paths. Miss Klngsley did not como
across ono burial place in tho Fangwo
country, but sho found that In most of
tho native mud huts pieces of human
bodies were being kept, Just ns civilized
pcoplo keep fresh ment and other eata
bles In their larders. Owing to tribal
fighting, MIbb Klngsley had to mako a
dotour and camo on tho ns yet un
explored Lake N'Covl. Sho crossed this
lako and passed a night on ono of tho
numerous Islands In It. As fnr as MIsb
Klngsley could judgo, Lako N'Covl waB
about ten miles wldo whero sho crossed,
and about fifteen miles in another direc
tion. Sho also crossed tho little-known
range of mountains called tho Sierra del
Crystal. These varied from 6,000 feet
to about 8,000 feet In height, and at
tho foot of fach group was a mud
swamp, In which the explorers sank
nearly up to their necks. MIsb Kings
ley will return to West Africa In a
few months to mako further explora
flow a Ilusy Grocer Lost a Dcslrahle
Sho is just ono of tho very prettiest
women in tho wholo Southwest, and
sho has como to Washington to spend
the winter. Her skin is llko tho heart
of a whlto rose. Her eyes well, her
eyes aro just tho color of Mrs. Joseph
Thompson's eycB down In Atlanta, the
color of tho high light In a glnss of
old sherry, nnd her hair Is as red as a
frosted oak leaf. Sho is sensitive about
that glorious hair, and this is a story
of somothlng that happened to her a
fortnight ago. Sho had planned a din
ner to celebrato her going to house
keeping, and a canvas bac"K duck was
implicated in It. So sho wont n-mar-ketliiK,
and found her way Into a shop
or stall whero game Is sold.
"Havo you any canvas backs?" sho
sold to the salesman. Tho man hesi
tated for Just a moment. Then from
the back of tho shop tho proprietor's
Voice bawled out:
"No; but there's a nlco red-head."
And then an astonished clerk was
left staring after an extrojnely indig
nant woman who swept out in a blaze
of temper and dead-leaf hair. Wash
ington Post.
That potash, put down the drain
pIpeB will' pYjNsnt a plumber's bill.
That benzine rubbed on the edges of
carpet 1b a sure preventive of moths.
That in cooking spinach, a grating
nutmeg much Improves tne flavor.
That it is well to add a little vinegar
to tho water In which salt fish is
That to remove peach stains, soak In
milk for forty-eight hours, or rub with
lemon Juice and salt
That if a sprig of parsley dipped In
vinegar is eaten after an onion, no un
pleasant odor from the breath can bo
That lco cream snould be frozen in
a warm place, for the moro rapid the
melting of tho ice, tho quicker the Ice
cream freezes.
That In pickling alum helps to make
tho pickles crisp, whllo horseradish and
nasturtium seeds prevent tho vinegar
from becoming muddy.
That tansy Is a suro preventive of
moths, and that If the leaves aro
sprinkled freely about woolens and
furs fhey will never bo moth-oaten.
That stone jars for broad and cake
boxes should bo scalded twice a week
In summer weather, sunning, If possi
ble, to keep mold from gathering.
How an Impatient Fisherman T.ost III
It la a good maxim to havo patlenco
with a weeded fish; Indeed, thlo vir
tue often stands tho nngler in good
stead, says tho RInck wood's Mngazlno. i
I onco know a frlond of mlno put to
serious Inconvenience for want of 1L
Ho had hooked a heavy nnhnon, and
thlB fish lay down nnd sulked, aB sal
mon will do onco in half a dozon sea
sons, though not nearly so often, If
proporly handled, ns some people sup
pose My friend was a good fisher and
allowed his fish to tako no liberties;
nevertheless this salmon lay down In
a deep, black pool. Every known ex
pedient was tried to stir him; Btones
woro thrown In tho only result was
that tho fish took leisurely turnB nnd
returned to his stronghold. Tho nn
gler got bolow him, abovo him, along
side of him nnd pulled on him to the
limit of tho strength of his tncklo
all to no purpose. A flno afternoon
was obblng away and fish In tho river
wero on tho Job. Whnt was to bo done?
A bright thought occurred to tho
sportsmnn. Ho hnd a bunch of koyB In
his pocket tho koyB of nil his most
sacred repositories. Thoy wero on a
ring that oponcd llko a hlngo. Fit
ting thin around tho butt of his rod,
without having tho pntlonco to ro
movo tho keys, ho ran It down over tho
point, and tho wholo bunch went rat
tling down tho lino and lodged on tho
salmon's nose. It had a splendid cffecL
away went tho fish llko n dog with a
tin kottlo at Its tall; twenty, thirty
yards of lino whizzed from tho reel,
nnd then thero enmo dlsnster. Tho
point of tho rod flow up; tho fish was
gone; back camo tho files, but bnck
did not como tho keys. Thirty seconds
would havo suflllced to rcmovo tho
koys beforo using tho ring; fish and
ring might Indeed havo been lost, but
tho keyB would havo beon aafa
Improvement Over the Average Fortune
Telling Dei Ice.
A qunint old superstition la to this
day hold In Poland to tho effect that
two lighted candles set afloat on tho
river by two lovers will, by their
conduct, foretell If tho course of truo
lovo will run smooth or otherwise,
says tho Princess. Tho "lovers' can
dles" nro Inunchcd at a very pretty
wator foto that takes place every sum
mer on that part of tho VlBtuln which
runs through Poland. It commences
at sunset. Tho rlvor Ib thronged with
a procession of llttlo boats, containing
masked ladles nnd gentlemen. Each
person cnrrlcs two wrenthcB and two
candles, the latter representing tho per
son carrying them and tho object of
his or her affections. Thoy are light
ed, fixed firmly In tho center of tho
wreaths and lnld sido by sido In tho
water. Should they float down tho
river closo togother It 1b a sign that
their lives should bo united. Should
thoy drift away from each other it is a
sign that tho lovers will bo parted,
and should thev only drift asunder for
a llttlo way and further on como to
gether again It is a Blgn that tho loved
ones will only bo parted for a timo and
all como right in tho end. Thero Is
much method nnd order about tho .ar
rangement of this procession. Tho
boatB glido along in rows, bo many
abreast, and after tho first row have
proved their wreaths they raovo away
to tho sldcB and the others come for
ward In succession. Tho river 1b well
illuminated and a largo concourso of
peoplo assembles to watch tho proceed
ings. Tho Bccno ia a charming ono and
reminds ono moro of fairyland than of
anything elso.
Swallowed n Safety Pin.
Llttlo Marguerite Freoman, tho 5-ycar-old
daughter of Harry T. Freeman
of 30 Taylor Btreet, Newark, suffered
for five weeks with what waB supposed
to bo membranous croup, and even now
It Is said that sho really had tho dis
ease. She got occasional relief from
tho doctor's treatment, but there waB no
permanent Improvement. Tho last at
tack was so severe that yesterday Dr.
Joseph Fowsmith recommended n resort
to tracheotomy. When tho Incision was
mado In tho throat tho doctors found
between the trachen and tho vocal cords
a large safety pin, which was held In
placo by Its spring. It was quickly
removed and tho aperture was closed.
Last night tho child was reported to bo
doing well, and it is believed that sho
will recover rapidly.
Political Itlght In Anstralla.
An agitation in favor of Increased
political rights Is in progress on tho
Western Australian gold fields. An
association, termed the Gold Fields'
National league, has been formed, and
a platform adopted demanding facili
ties for political registration, parlia
mentary representation on tho basis of
population, a reduction of railway rates
and of customs duties, especially on
the necessaries of life, Improved rail
way communication and full considera
tion for tho interests of tho gold fields
as against tho seaboard and agricultur
al districts.
A Faithful F.dltor.
In a recent issue of tho Hoxle, Kan.,
Democrat, tho editor said: "Last Sat
urday night at 10 o'clock was another
anniversary for us, as it made 1,095
days since wo stepped out of the back
door of our office and broke Our be
loved whisky bottle, pledging never to
use the vllo stuff again. To our cer
tain knowledge wo havo kept the faith."
How He Got Notoriety.
Thero llvos a man In Wayne, Me.,
who got notorioty in a simple, inexpen
sive, though unique, way. Threo years
ago ho rosolvcd to keep an account ot
tho cloUiesplns ho should be callod upon
to buy. Since then he has purchased
j forty dozen, nnd his wife neither takes
J In washing nor uses them for kindling.
New Jersey' Small it Dnjr Uad a Fun
eral Worthy of n Prince.
From tho Buffalo Express: Probably
tho most novel funeral evor scon In
New Jersey occurred in Rnhwny on
Sunday afternoon. Tho corpso was that
of a dog, said to bo tho smallest of its
kind in Amorlcn, If not In tho world.
Victoria was n puro black-nhd-tan tor
rlor, Her history 1b Interesting. About
flftoon ycnrB ago tho lato Mrs. Garbon
ottl of Rahway, who was at that time
a performer in Barnum'B circus, was on
gaged In a tour of England with tho
show. Sho wns exceptionally clover in
handling horses, nnd sho frequently ro
coived presents from her ndmlrers. Ono
tiny In Manchester a man sent his com
pliments to tho fair rider, accompanied
by a basket, which contained tho small
est ml to of cnnlnlty sho hnd over beheld.
Tho dog nccompanlcd her on her trnvcls
all over tho world, nnd though it novor
grow to robust slzo It was always
healthy, and sho becamo Blnccrely at
tached to her pot. In duo course of timo
Mrs. Garbonettl left tho sawdust ring
nnd sottlcd down In Rahway. Last sum
mer sho was thrown from a buggy nnd
killed, nnd her husband, who Ib a farm
er nenr Rnhwny, presented tho dog to
Miss Mnry McCann, who wan with Mrs.
Garbonettl when she met with tho ac
cident. Victoria was about six inches
long nnd her head was lcsa than four
Inches from tho ground. Sho weighed
about eighteen ounces when In good
condition. Sho was not cnpablo of
learning many tricks, but after years
of patient training her mistress buc
ccedod in teaching her to sit up on her
hnunches nnd sneeze. Thin lnttcr nc
compllshment, it Is said, wns responsi
ble for her death, as sho sneezed bo
much that asthma set In, nnd nftor nn
Illness of less than an hour Bho died.
As a mark of regard for tho dopnrtcd
canino Miss McCann had a Now York
firm manufacture a mlnlaturo coffin,
which wan covered with embossed whlto
plush. Tho coffin wns nlno Inches long,
flvo wldo and four high, nnd tho body ot
Victoria was arranged in it as if sho
was taking her dntly nap behind tho
stove. Boforo tho body waB committed
to tho grave an ntnntcur photographer
was callod In nnd several pictures wero
taken of tho nnlmnl. Tho dog was
burled In Miss McCann'a gnrdon, nnd
tho bcronved woman says n monument
will somo day mark tho resting placo
of hor donartcd friend.
Superstitions Among Animal.
Many authors have alluded to tho su
perstition about tho porcuplno, that It
possesses tho ability to shoot Its quilla
to a consldcrnblo distance and thus to
wound thoso who anger It. In proof of
tho notion tho fact that doga are often
found with porcuplno quills sticking la
tholr mouths and throats la sometimes
cited. Tho quills do not got there, how
over, by being thrown from tho porcu
plno, but on account of 'tho eagerness
of tho dog attempting to Bolzo tho ani
mal and so fixing tho quills In his own
flesh. Pliny snys that among tho Ro
mans of his timo thero was a belief that
stagB could, by their breath, draw ser
ponts from their holes In tho ground,
nnd nftor getting them out would then
trample thorn to death. Tho early hunt
ers of this country rolato many Inci
dents concerning tho enmity between
deer and serpents of nil kinds. It Is
well known thnt stags would often,
without hesitation, nttack rattlesnakes,
and by jumping high in the air and de
scending upon tho sorpont with the fore
hoofs drawn closely together would cut
tho Bnako to pieces. Tho country peo
plo of England, ns well as several other
countries, have an idea that tho red ot
tho robin's breast waB caused by tho
drop of blood which fell upon It at tho
crucifixion. According to the story tho
robin, commiserating tho condition of
Christ, tried to pluck the crown ot
thorns from his brow and, in doing bo,
got its breast wot with tho blood flow
ing from tho wounds. Tho color becamo
permanent, being transmitted from gen
eration to generation, and thus, accord
ing to tho legend, tho robin is a perpet
ual reminder of tho Bufferings of ChrlsL
Where Washington Drank.
General Daniel Buttarfleld, whoso
country homo Is at Cold Spring, N. Y.,
has offered aa a gift, through tho Vil
lage Improvement association of that
placo, a handBomo tablet, to bear the
following Inscription: "Gen. Wash
ington, In frequent visits to the Ameri
can troops encamped near by during tho
war of tho revolution, drank at this
spring and gave it Us name Cold
Push It Along:.
Indiana physicians are mad becauso
ono of their number has taken to ad
vertising, and It Is said that, out ot re
venge, and disgust, nil of them may
take to advertising. Thus, In tho most
mysterious ways, impelled by the most
contrary motives, does the great cause
of human civilization make its ad
vances. Grand Forks (N. D.) Herald.
Can't Heat the P.ngllslt Sparrow.
After several years of tireless war
fare, and tho payment of many thou
sands of dollars In bounties, the farm
ers of Berlen county, Michigan, havo
given up fighting tho English sparrow
Long Wagon Ilrldge In Texas.
Tho longest wagon bridge in the
world is situated at Galveston, Tox, It
is moro than three miles long, and
spans the Galveston bay from north to
-larch of Progress.
Almost tho only monument of tho
Roman dominion in Egypt, the fortress
of Babylon, at Old Cairo, Is being torn
I down to make way for modern build
; ings.
1 Print 150 languages. ft
The university press at Oxford has
appliances for printing 150 different
' languages.