Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, January 24, 1896, Image 1

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VOL. 1
NO. 48
L6 :
Editor Paradis is in town today.
E. S. Wildy mado a trip to Al
liance Monday.
Co. Treasurer Miller spent
Thursday in Alliance ,
Miss Georgia Miller was quite
ill th first of the week.
"tfm. Woods of Houston, Texas,
Writes for The Herald.
Miss Emma Ruhlor has return
ed to her homo near Lawn.
Dr. Bollwood was in the city,
professionally, Thursday morn
ing. Rev. Wunderlich spent Sunday
and Monday in Alliance and vi
cinity. Postmaster Kennedy of Bur
b'ink was doing business in town
Covenant meeting Jan 2oth,
7-30 p. m., at the home of Mrs.
E. A. Hall.
Rev. A. A. Pries will preach
in the M. E. church Sunday,
Jan. 26th, at 11 a. m.
Mrs. W. K. Herncall was
numbered with the sick the first
of the week.
The leap year party at J. C.
McCorkle's Friday evening was a
decided successt
Miss Anna Cludek of Dunlap
spent a few days in town last
week visiting friends.
Dr. Knight was up from Al
liance Tuesday. He mude The
Herald a pleasant call.
Wo are indebted to Rev. Ken
dall for .valuable assistance on
The Herald this week.
The little daughters of Otto
Gibson and Leo Fronapple have
been very ill for several days.
B. E. Johnson was over from
Box Butte Monday. His mother
is not improving very rapidly.
H. B. Austin and family de
parted for sheridan, Wyo., Wed
nesday morning for a few days
Judge Hamer departed for his
home in Kearney Sunday. The
Judge made many friends while
in Hemingford.
Ex-o ommissioner Ernest
Meints from near Alliance was
in town Monday. Ho called and
subscribed for this family journal.
Hon. A. L. Sharrock returned
to Edgemont Sunday morning.
Ho has been suffering with a
severe attack of the grip for a
couple of weeks.
A surprise party was givon
Miss Mabel Curtis at her homo
Thursday evening, tho occasion
being her eighteenth birthday.
A pleasant time is reported.
Tho band boys have fitted up
the Gilman building and now use
tlio same for a "practicing place."
Hemingford has a band that
would bo a credit to Omaha or
Now that the county seat agi
tation is settled for a while, let's
all get down to business again
and work for the best interest of
Box Butte the banner county of j
the northwest.
.i .li. I
Married At the Methodist
parsonage, January 22, 1896, by
Rev, J. W. Kendall, Mr. Oscar
L. Harris of Willoy, Nob., and
Miss Abbio D. Kennedy of Bur
bank. The Missionary society of the
Hemingford M. E. church will
givoamissionary entertainment at
the church Sunday evening next.
A fine program, consisting of
declamations, papers, readings,
dialogues, etcj interspersed with
enlivening and inspiring songs,
has boon prepared. And all who
attend will undoubtedly be high
ly entertained. All ore cordially
I Miss Essie Taylor roturned
from the east yesterday morning
after an absence of several
months. Her mother is much
improved in health and is now
visiting in Iowa.
I Call and got a copy of tho Now
York World, Farm Journal and
other publications. We club
with all the leading newspapers
and magazines in tho U. S.
You can soeuro two papers for
almost the prico of one.
J Mrs. S. A. McCandless return-
'ed from her visit to Creston,
Iowa, Saturday moruing. She
was accompanied by her nieces
f Miss Lylo Connoll and Miss Dun
can. Miss Connoll will attend
the high school while Miss Dun
can comes hero for her health.
Public Library Meeting.
All persons interested in a
Library Association, for tho
benefit of tho citizens of Hem
ingford and vicinity, are request
i ed to meet at the court houso on
Monday ovoning, Jan. 27, at 7:30
Sheriff Sweeney waB in Alliance
Wednesday serving distress war
rants upon a number of his friends
for back taxes due. Ed. informed
us that he did not relish the job.
Howover it was a case of duty, and
in which Air. Sweeney has no dis
cretion, theroforo those who hayo
been unfortunate enough to have
delinquent taxes should pay and
in nowise blame him for cases
where duty must take preference
over friendship. Alliance Times.
Tho Alliance Guido says that
some of tho special train gang
take exceptions to Hemingford
whiskey and it'is no surprise to
us, either. Boforo starting home
thoy secured 17 pints and
some of thorn declared it was tho
i best whisky they over drank. Wo
are sorry that it mado them sick
, but apparently some of them were
a little under ine weather before
they took tho fatal 'shot.' Wonder if
its tho cheapness that accounts for
Bro. Paradis' frequent visits to
this city.
There will be a nictating of the
Box Hutto county agricultur.il society
held at the court house on first Sat
urday in February 1S90. at 1 o'clock
p m. for the (impose of electing
uuicers for the ensuing year and for
transacting such oilier business as
tnuy come before the meeting.
A. Siieiiwood, President.
Berea Itome.
B. A. McCarthy was at the county
seat last Tuesday.
WhcrH is the County seat? Why
at Hemingford, of course.
Miss Lilly Johnson has a two
months vacation from her school in
the sunt! hills.
In our last week's scrapings we
mude a misstatement in regard to the
mock trial, it should have read that
Frank Garrett stole a dog from Art
Gruve and tho prosecuting attorneys
wero L. a. Mastrud and Geo. Zobel
for defendant. W. II. Jewett and
Frank Beyer, John Garrett acted us
, sheriff and It. J. Ebeily was judge.
, Tlie prisoner was convicted but not
sentenced. The subject for next
raeeting is: Resolved that free trade
is the ultimatj policy of tills country.
The tariff quesMon will now be set
tled which will be a great relief to
tho present congress.
Box 33utto Bulletin.
Mrs. Randolph ie on the sick list.
Elmer Hancock was a Box Butte
caller last week.
Mr. John O'Mara will farm in N.
Dakota this year.
Girls where is tint Leap year
party you promised us?
Miss Evans spent Saturday and
Sunday witli Mr. and Mrs. Uobiusoii.
Rev. Glassner of Crawford visited
with his son Mr. b. J. Howard last
Mr. Coverley and family came up
from Alliance Tuesday to visit friends
In tills vicinity.
Tho Allirtnco Times is 'hot"
becauso it was not. awarded tho
county printing this year and
tries to stab tho commissioners
by saying that "it was n county
seat scheme" and "exactly as we
expected," etc. Tho facts in tho
case are these. There wero bids
filed by threo papers in the
county, only ono of which had
complied with tho law, and there
foro only ona that could bq
considered by tho commissioners
and that one was tho Herald's
t mm.. it ai. t i i?.ii
Bro. Ellis if tho Board did'
something unlawful why don't,
you put "Bobbio" and "Georgio"
on tho case? But what's tho use
talking about it, like sovoral
other "representative business
men1 of that windy city, Harvey
always goes off half-cocked.
Herncall wants some droased
Wildy's received a new lino of
Order your stovo repairs at Anton
A new lot of shoes just received
W. K. Herncall.
20 lbs dried apples for $1,00
SkatesA fine lino of ice
skates jiiBt received at H. 11.
Green's Hardware store.
See Wildy beforo you sell your
hos, poultry, butter, eggs, cheese
or potatoes.
Phohs of all kinds, styles nnd
prices. Can lit any foot and pocket
book. W. K. Heunoall.
California canned goods IS cents a
can at W. K. Hemcali's.
I want all the dressed poultry in
the county. W. li. Ukkncall.
If you want a suit, overcoat,
overalls, cloak, cape, 7r Bliuwl.
cheap a big lino at Wildy's.
1805 finds the genuine Round Oak
with greator sales than any year gone
by, and the number of imitations has
become a multitude. See it and learn
the reason why. For sale at Uhrlg's.
Hemingford, Nob. Jan. 22, 189G.
Sealed bids for tho rent and use
of tho poor farm of Box Butto
county, and tho care of paupers,
for ono year, from March 1, 1890
to March 1, 1897, tho rout to bo
paid Sept 1, 1896, will bo received
by the Hoard of county commis
sioners on or bciforo Feb. 25, 1890.
All bids must bo accompanied by
a good and sufficient bond in the
sum of $500.00 for faithful com
pliance with the ternls of tho lease.
Tho Board of commissioners
reserve tho right to reject any and
all bids, and said bids must be
filed in the office of the clork of
Box Butto county on or beforo
February 25, 189(5.
By order of tho commissioners.
F. M. PHELPS, County Clerk.
Jah. II. H Hbwett, Deputy.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
In tho matter of tho petition of
James Connolly and 814 others
to call a special election for tho
purpose of submitting to tho
qualified electors of Box Butte
county, tho question of the relo
cation of the county Seat of JJox
Butto county. Bo it remembered
that said potition was filed Jan.
10, 1890, at 8 a. m., and thereaf
ter the same was examined in tho
presence of tho Board by cortain
of the romonstrators and thoir
counsel from about 9 o'clock a.
m. to 3:20 p. m. of said day,
That at that time counsel for tho
reraonstrators stated that ho de
sired a short time, abontan hour,
to confer with tho reraonstrators
and determine upon what course
of action tho romonstrators
would pursue. That counsel for
tho petitioners, R. C. Noleman
then stated that tho petitioners
wero ready to prove the legality
of each and every petitioner
whoso namo appeared on tho po
tition. That tho commissioners
then stated that tho romonstra
tors could havo time to confer.
That while counsel for tho re
uionstrators was absent from tho
room whoro tho meeting of the
board was being held, counsel
for tho potitionors R. C. Noloman
pi'opared and filed tho papor
marked numbor 2 which is in
words nnd figuros as folows:
Homingford, Nob. Jan 10, 1890.
Comes now R. C. Noloman and
presonts u petition containing 815
names of qualified electors of
Box Butto county, Nobraska, pe
titioning that the Hon. board of
county commissioners call a spe
cial olection forthwith to submit
to tho electors of Box Butto
county tho question of relocating
tho county seat of said
tt4 t
IUb urth'or oftored nt thls tlmo
.... .... . .
mat if any objection bo raised, to
hitroduco proof as to tho legality
of each and ovory potitionor
whoso namo appoars on said pe
tition. Dated Hemingford, Nobraska,
January 10, 1890.
Signed, R. C. Noloman.
At 4:85 p. m. the romonstrators
and their counsel P. G. Hamer
appeared and filed tho application
of H. R. Green and One Hundred
and nine (109) others,, verified by
L. Sampy, G. C. Alexander John,
Kinzlor, John O'Keoffonnd I. E.
Tash, marked numbor 3 and in
dorsed, "Application of L.
Sampy and many others to havo
time fixed within which to show
cause why a special election
should not bo ordered" and which
said application of H. R. Green
and others including tho verifi
cation of L. Sampy and others
named, is in the words and
figuros following:
To tho Board of county commis
sioners of Box Butte county,
Tho undersigned residents nnd
electors of Box Butto county in
the state of Nobraska, respectful
ly represent to your Honorable
body that they havo just reason
to bolievo and do boliovo that tho
potition this dav presented to
you requesting tho calling of a
special election for tho purpose
of submitting tho question of tho
relocation of tho county seat of
Box Butte county to tho qualified
electors thereof, aro not signed
by resident electors of said coun
ty equal in number to three-fifths
of all the votes cast in said coun
ty at tho last general election
hold therein.
2nd That tho names of many
persons appear upon said peti
tions when the samo wore not
signed by said persons or their
names authorized to bo placed
3rd That many persons havo
signed said petitions who are not
electors of said county.
4th That the names of many
fictitious persons appear upon
said potition.
5th That said petitions are
signed by many minors and other
persons disqualified to vote.
Wherefore wo ask that time shall
bo fixed until the next regular
Juno meeting of tho board
of county commissioners of
Box Butto county to show
causo why the said special elec
tion should not bo called and that
tho said petitions aro insufficient
and not signed by tho requisite
numbor of electors of Box Butto
H It (Iroen
E 8 Wildy
Calvin J Wildy
W J Hi an
Kd L Johnson
Clark Olds
John D'KeufTe
Ktekiel Alabin
Alonzo ttherwood
John M Trout
John W Christy
Thou O'Kceun
Aiiton Uliritx
J O McCorkle
WJIIard M Etans
W M lodenoe
J T Pinkerton
11 1. Wood
li Karapy
J M Kufin
ICov E 1 Dad
lr E Tawi
ltlchaid llevan
Grant C Alexander
T Colviu
Albert Nelson
J W Pinkerton
C! Klemke
Philip Zoble
C T Davidson
J Adam Freis
Auguit D rows
William Kauody
Eli Gerber
Wm M Foskot
Martin K Cloven
Joseph Bchatfer
8 li Harrison
Philip Miohaol
E M Hoyuolds
J 1 Jonsen
J.P Knatenaon
M Peterson
P K ChrUtenien
Chris Uanson
1) A Paul
Henry rlweezoy
Y7 it Keiater
E W Hrtwloy
John Jelluuk
Henry pelts
Joseph 'Kuckman
W 11 Itoland
A Ilollman
Luke Phillips
ED Piper
bam Hwitier
L A Turner
W K llorncall
Henry C Hoffman
Frank Hhiniek
Joseph Planansky
O Ljudd
C W Hubert
A J Tecbacher
A Felder
Otto Olbson
A Dunham
Karl Forstrom
E H Huckrt
T D Johnson
O F Fosket
II K Johnson
J V Nichols
F W Huoko
E E Ford
J 11 Johnston
H G bcbultz
Henry Hhirack
O M Uoodenough
jonn Jioumraice
Bamuel HoMlnrako
Lor old Aloollor
Andrew Tschacher
John Lemmou
M 11 Ooodenough
John Armstrong
EJ Kinsley
Smith P Tuttle
Patrick Kinsli-y
ZT Cunningham
Matt UasmusKen
Harney liatbur
Charles O Davidson
Oeo J benartf
Fredolin Abley
Orvillo Kid well
W A Clark
John iieutler
Hoary J Winten
John Urbsdovsky
John 1'lanek
Joseph Babatka
Will H VVheian
Ueruard 1'iU
Ludwig Jude
Gustavo Moller
1ao Fronapfel
Frank Cuha
John Kaufmah
Itobcrt llassu
Henry U Tomlinson
Jew W WalwcT
Chas A Hohder
Jam" mrek
I.onis llomrldhouscr
Henry lUilol
John Mehrkens
Anion H CnjtUft
Erank Kaurn
Mnlavr Ctvlsli
John nlxitka
D J lWir
A M Mlllor
Wm Morrow
Hon Prico
State of Nobraska,
County of Box Hutto J 88
L. Sampy, G. E. Alexander,
John Kinzlor, John O'Kooffo and
I. E. TaBh doposo and say that
thoy aro resident oloctors of Box
i Butto county, in tho state of Ne-
, braska; that thoy havo road the
foregoing stalomont and thoy bo
liuve tlio facts therein Btatod to bo
true. Aftiantd further say that
thoy have just finished an examin
ation of tho petitions to tho Board
of county commissioners of Box
Butto county, Nebraska, request
ing tho calling of a Special olection
for the purposo of submitting to
tho electors of snid couny the
question of relocating tho county
float of said county; that many of
tho persons who appear to havo
signed said potitions aro unknown
to those affiants, all old residents
of said county and all generally
acquainted therein; that tho fol
lowing names appear upon said
petitions and that afliantB verily
boliovo that said names do not bo
long to bonalido votoru in Baid
county, lo-wit:
Peter Carney
iolin () ueisner
John Kurt
wm Urn co
Daniel wllcox
J A Paynn
Charles Hamilton
T E Kelly
M P lllrd
John B Christopher
A E Chapman
wm Hales
II 11 McCord
li AB oon
Ml Manlon
El Carter
William King
Harney Knight
II j Keys
T A Handell
O T MoCord
O H Harris
0 M Mct'onnoU
J E Crawford
Hi Grosser
1 il llutler
It T weston
m u llullock
wilbor Glllett
Amos A Wright
ChUtlnn Uriah. . -Otto
Carl Mtiudo
wm Mouiton
John Chapman
il P Madison
James llrum
A Taylor
eo C Thomas
John Robinson
Tlios Kennody
Orville Owens
C O llradford
John MrNulty
A UeAsIek
John A Gillorau
Geo Williams
llerbort Ororo
U A Fcndriclc
o A Turney
li o aisgs
A D nines
D w Holmes
A F lluttons
E H Morrison
chas Purdy
D w I'redmoro
P w Tracey
It It wilsou
It w Shipley
John Potmesol
A IAlkirn
Geo Melior
n J nenderson
G L. Ojors
It Li Harris
11 S Davis
Michael Itobson
Maurice 01 llx-rt
Thoinaa P llarrott
lMwrd Kean
George Clark
Miko LandrlRan
John w Conley
wm Elmoro
llert MPlor
v K Denton
wllllam Orogan
II H McCrosson
w watson
lernel Howell
Charles E Clough
Myron Tuttle
P H Zoble Jr
iw Aukor
V MrCuo
4 51 Forris
John Duhon
HU Jlincv
George A Stall
K Frank Hawkins
George A Hill
M T Kolttim
3 i: Hend
A II Grow
w It llurz
3 II Smith
It Phnlan
( 'on Mahoney
Alin Kuhler
uaguns johuson
H iicDonald
1 il vvhipplo
3 A Armour
il E Newton
E ti Collin
I) 1j Goodwin
Frank Krajlcok
1 A Crowther
(1 Ij Loomis
G E Hicks
wn ItatnoH
i P wolch
Thoi Cartwrisht
F w Eoster
Elmer Fulton
i J llurke
It T Cooke
E Myers
A w lav
Geo A white
John Hums
F I, Khinler
P F I arroll
P B Yount
win naluy
Frank Logan
Frank Mrachek
E J Hhalen
1 11 uurlbut
E It Fortney
Affiants further Fay that thoy bo
liovo that thu names of at least one
hundred and thirty-fivn persous ap
pearing upon said potition do not
represent resident electors in Box
Butto county, Nobraska. Affiants
further say that thoy aro informed
and believe that ninny persons
wiioso names appear on said peti
tion did not sign the .same and that
others signed because they were
deceived as to the contents of tho
petition and did not know the truo
intent thereof. Affiants further
say that somo of thu purported
Signatures on tho said potition
wero made by the samo person as
they are in the same handwriting
nnd that said potitions also con
tained purported signatures of
so'no peroons who aro personally
known to affiants to be utmblo to
write. Affiants further say that
Box Butto county is 30 by 3G
miles and that many of tho inhab
itants and electors thereof reside
in the couutry and that their
homes can only bo reached by
private conveyance, that it is now
mid-wintor and that thu labor of
ascertaining whether the petition
ers are resident electors of said
county is likely to bo interrupted
by storms nnd inclement weather
and that in tho opinion of affiants
it will require months to ascertain
definitely who are legal voters in
said county aud to proparo this
case for hoaring so that this Hon
orablo Board can detenu ino
whether the said petitions are
Bigned by resident electors of Baid
county of Box Butto equal in num
ber to three-fifths of all tho votes
(Concluded next week.)
W P Michael
A H Enyoart
M O Beaumont
K A Hall
Wm Hlarklmru
J W Kendall
John Shaffer
Joseph Tarhncher
Fred Quads
TJ Framla
Joseph Dvorak
Anton Chytku
Joseph Clvlslt
Allen walrod
Final -Proof Notices
IIok. J. W. Win, Jn., IteglsUr.
Hon. F. M. IIhoome, Hecelver.
Parties having notices In this column are r
ouestotHo.read the same carefully and report to
this olllcn for correction any errors that may
exist. This will prevent possible delay in
making proof.
Kind Olllon nt Alltanno. Neb., Jan. 6, 1930.
Notice Is hcruby given Hint the followlnc
nametl settler ha filed notice of hla Intention to
make final proof In support of his claim and
that said proof wiU lx) made lieforo the lleglster
and llewiver at Alllsnco, Nob., ou Fobraary IS,
18W. viz:
of Hox llulte, Nob., who made II. E. No. 1K1 for
for tho H W H see. 6. tp 2S n, r 47, w.
He nnmra tho following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: John Potmelsel, John Fbt
melsol.lr., Dunlap. Neb., Melnliart Krooslug,
Ernest Kroosing, Hox Hut to. Nub
J.W. Wicim, Jr.. Iteglster.
Land Oinen at Alliance. Nek. Jan 7, 1B09.
Notlco Is horeliy given that the following
named settler has filed notlmnf his Intantlnn
to make dual proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before Iteglstor or
itoceivor at vinanco, eo., on ion. w, lsuo, vis:
of Hemingford, Neb., who mado H. K. No. 38.18,
for Uio lots 1 fc 2 A 8 M N E !t aeo a. to 28 n.
40 w.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
or said laud, vin Martin K. Olevan. Olo J.
Moo, Andrew J. Johnson, Halvor G. Fullsaas,
J. W. Wrux, Jn Rsglitor.
.. Land OHloo at Alllanco. Neb., Jan. 8. 1S08.
Notioois hereby given that tho following,
named settler has filed notion of his Intention
to make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will ho mado beforo the Itnjls ter
or llecelvor at Alliance, Nob, on Fob, 1, 1590,
of Dunlap, Neb , one of the heirs of Hans Use
sell, defleastti, for the lot I, B E H N E 4 sc ft,
Eotl A2. 4HV4U W k soo 4. tpii n. rg 4? w.
Ho names tho following witnesses to prove his
continuous resldsnro upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: P. M. Johnson. P. O. Uodnr
Imrg. John A. Johnson, of Dunlap, Nob., John
Knutson, at Hemingford, Neb.
J. W. Wxiw, Jn lleItr,
Iiand OIIlcs at Alliance, Nob., Jan. 21. 1890.
Notlco in hereby given thai tho following
named foitler has filed notlco of his inaentlon
hi make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will bo made beforo U, A.
Dorrinutou, U H I.'. O. Commissioner, at
Chadrou. Neb , on Fob. 29, 1PW, viz:
of Kongh, Neb. , who mado II B No. 4330 for the
H W U seo 17, tp 90 n. rg 49 w.
Ho names tho following witnesses to provo
his dontiiuious residence upon and cultivation
of said laud, viz: Joseph U. Vandovocr, Wil
liam W. Tyron, Jnmcs V. Tyroo, Griffin Joralu
man, a 11 of Hough, Neb. Also
of Chndron, Neb., wlio made II E II o. 1942 for
the B E H m 1. tp SO n, r 19 w.
Honamosr tho following witnesses to prove
tits continuous residence upon anjl cultivation
of snid Innit, viz: Wllllam V. Tyree. John M.
Peak, Houvh, Neb , Bllai. W. Peck. Olmdron,
Nelk, Comodore V. Cash, of Housh, Neb.
J. W. Wiun, jb,, lleglster,
Notice of Publication or Sum
mons. Julia O. Ingirsoll vs. Lewie NT- WIlllav Xm
It. Tath aud Era M. Tash his-wife; ad' IT. ir
Uowden. . .
lyowls M. Williams asi W.J. Howeferi defend.,
ants, w(U takn notlo that on th-3Mkdayof
July, 1W. Julia 1". Ingarsnl. pUmtlfflierelu.nl-
d her pstltlon In tho district court of Hox;
Hatto county, Nebraska, against said def-nd-
ants, tho ohjset and prayer of which are to fore-
close a cortain mortoago oxecuted by the tie-'
fendant Uiwls M. Williams to Tho Amerlcart
Investment Co , upon the souuiwmtt quarter
s w Hi oi section lour i lownsnirtiwenir'nit
21) range forty right ( west of 6th P. if. in
loz Hutto oountr. Nebraika. to secure the nav-
ment of a cortain coupon bond, dated March ri.
1SS7, for the sum of tiW. and ton coupon interest
notes thereto attached of even Uatn therewith,
of 12 ai each, tho first falling due Junol. ia7,
and one every sis months tnsreaftnr and alsct
ten interost coupon notes provided for in the
extension afrroAmnut, entered into between the
defendant I. E. Tash and the said American
Investment Company of I2.23 each, tho firse
falling dno December 1.1S9J, and one every six
months thereafter, whlrh said bond, coapon
intereat noti-s, and mortgago dsJd was on OcU
ber 18, IHtit, sold, endorsed, assigned and deliv
ered to this plaintiffs that there Is now due up
on said notes and mortgage tli sum of 8C5J.
with interost at tho rateof 10 par cent por an
num from tho 29 day of July 1693. for which sura
with interest as aforesaid, plaintiff prays for a
decree that defendants bo required to pay the
same, or that said premises may bo sold to sat
isfy the amount found due.
V ou are required to answer said petition on or
before the 17th day of Fobruary, Ib'M.
Dated Jan. 10. le'Je.
1-10 Dy I) F. UlLKAH, her ettoraty
In the Matter of the Estate of )
James McUullough, deceased. f
In tho district court of liox Butte county:
This causo coming on to bo heard upon the
potition of John 11. (Shirk, administrator of the
estate of James Mct'ullotigh deceased, praying
tor license to sell the northwest quarter of sec
tion XI, in township as north, rango M west of
the (Sth P. M. in llox Hutto county, Nebraska, or
siitilciont thereof to bring the sum of S14.X the
debt allowed against said estatu and the cost of
administration, there not being sufficient per
sonal property to pay the said debts and expens
es, It is therefore orderod that all persons In
terested in said estate appear before me at
Chambers at mr office In Hushvllle In Sheridan
county. Nebraska, on tho 10th day of February
1MW, at one o'clock p. m. of said day to show
cause why a license should not be granted to
said administrator to aell so much or the above
described real estate as shall be necctssary to pay
said debts and expenses, and further tliat this
order bo published for four successive weeks
immediately prior to tho hearing. In the Hem
ingford Hekald a newspaper printed and pub
lished at Hemingferd. Nebraska.
Dated this 11th day of January 1W6.
W. H. WE&TOVEB, Judge.
One dark, bay horse, about 7 years old; two
white hind feet, cut main and tall, weighs about
850 pounds; branded: cfls
Taken np on the 10th day of December, on nw
H of sec 12, twp. 27, rg. 153. Owner ran have
same by proving property and paying charges.
C. A. IIouukb
BUte of Nebraska. ( ..
County of Hox Hutte. ) "
Following is the estimate of expense for
Ro i Hutte county Nebraska, for the year IWjO,
made by the Hoard of county commissioners at
their meeting on the second Tuesday in Jan
uary lb90, as required by law
For oouuty officers salary , 13,000.00
precinct " " ... 2.000.0a
" eloctlon purposes l.'.tW.lX)
" support of poor 1.0000U
' bond tax for school districts 8,000.00
" district court fees and expenses.. l.Ooo.Ot)
" incidentals, supplies, fuel, etc 1,000.00
" Institute fund 60.0J
Total expenses ,.,. tU.XS0.0O
Atti-st: F. M. PHELPS. Clerk.
H- Ja. U. 11. llrvrr, Dsputy.