J -" ' VOL- 1 l-IEMINGFORD. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY, JAW 17. 11)96. NO. 47 Mfi V rvr f f V Is' l Han I 4 (.U I , 4 kg' -ri- r.i iVa wjlTOsav;v3 1&&BEt&$ffl& " THIS IS OUR ROOSTER. Have Met the Enemy" and they Are Ours ! If you can't play don't fool with .the band wagon. Rumer says wc did not want the county seat anyway. Look out for the Herald of .next week. Good news coming boys. Hampton says For God's sake .where did all these fanners come from. Ho is a pea warmer-! that is what Mr. Sullivan says of Judge Hauier . Mayor Broome, .how' did you find TJillctt, Wye? Yqu caiv't fool ns. Poor old Editor Ellis looks as if ho had had a row with his mother-in-law. Tho counsel for the Allitmco petition . tank into nothingness before. Judgo Hamer. The voters of Bo:; Butte Co. will now have an honest chance to declare themselves. "An honest count, and a fair ballot!" Say, haven't you heard those same expressions before? Now we are going 'if tor them in proper .shape. They are on record andVm'tget away from us. Poor "Bobbie" and "Goorgio" leap year and it seems that that say they are not, old enough to the young ladies of Homingford practico law only on. a small are going to inprovcthis oppor scalo. tlinity- A. J. Simonson says that if ho TnE Uruald has been award- &' was in a barrel he would trivo .souio body five dollars to drive in the plug. The Alliance special car "gang" got lost in tho crowd of honest voters who had congregated at tho county seat to demand a fair chance. ' Wc have said be fair, and now wo will have things fair and Homingford will lo the same old couuty seat as of yore. The Alliance Times can tiro an other tramp printer at Mr. Shar rock if ho chooses, hut his Balary will still go on. "Come again." Judgo Humor twisted tho tail of tho "little bull dog under the wagon" and poured hot soup into "Irish Orator" in a way that tickled even tho Allianco "labor organization," It will cost tho Allianco men 30ts a piece to get- shaved for tho next two wooks as their faces aro "Qt least one third longer siilce thdy triod to force their bogus petition 'bri tlje-- voters of Btrc Butto connty. j The special car gang say they 1 got a free rido up, but wont him- j jjry for dinner as the Atlianeo boomers were all broke. Boys, hovv do you like us Hemintjford follows any way? Isn't it u fact that we are a pret ty lively corpse? In fact we aro only just now wakeing up and by Juno wo will be "rod hot stuff" to fool with. F. II. Ruhter returned from Hastings Monday. Keith Pierce was quite ill Sat urday and Sunday. Miss Neeland was on the sick list tho first of tho week. Miss Vol ma Dada entertained a few of her friends at dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Q. Fenner were trading with our merchants Wednesday Mrs. Ben. Price was visiting Mrs. H. N. Earnest for a few days last week. The Hkhald is a little late this week on account of an extra rush of "job worlrt" ' Editors Ellis of tho Times and Paradis of the Guide were up from Alliance Tuesday. "VY. D. Oldham, an attorney of Kearney, had legal business in this vicinity Wednesday. Mrs. J. V. Nichols has been quite sick for a few days past but is improving slowly. Mrs. Johnson, mother of Bon Johnson has been under thoi weather for several days. Tho Alliance flouring mill and elevator were completely destroy ed by firo Tuesday night. Tho property was insured. ' Samuel Harrison loft a muff in the post office which ho found iu town last Monday. The owner may have tho same by calling for it. Our friend Dr. F. M. Knight, of Alliance orders Tile Herald for a year. The Herald is get ting to be quite a "popular" paper in Alliance. Crawford experienced the greatest tire it has ever had on Sunday. It is reported that the loss amounts to about 20,000 with only 8800 insurance. There is to bo a leap year party at J. C. McCorkle's to night. -It will be eight years beforo anoth- contract iyr luniiouiiig niu couuty omcers stationery nuu legal blanks this year, and for printing tho board proceedings and legal notices and was declar ed to ba tho official pipar of the county. A very pleasant party was giv en by Mesdames Davison and Lemons at tho homo of tho latter Friday evening. Dancing and card playing woro the principal amusomont of the oveuing. An elegant supper was served at 12 o'clock. At3 o'clock all departed for their resnective homes feelinff that they had been royally enter tained. Beroa Itoraa. Robert Garrett has bought tho team and buggy of ex-sheriff Hull. August Moyer, section foreman at Lakeside, i visiting his brother near Berea. B. A. Mo Carthy has been ten derod a posilion as traveling aent for a laud company in St. Pail, Minn., bul he has uottti'oepiw1 yet The young people have now fix ed up a commodious houso for their Literary whero they will meet us heretofore Saturday nights. The program for next mooting is a mock trial. Frank Garrett stealing a dog from Will Antol. Prosieut ing attorneys W. II. Jowott and J. II. Garrett and for defendants L. S. Mastrud and R. J. Eborly. a goon tune is nntioipnieci. Lawn aieanlnsi. J. Lutch hua received his appoint ineiii as V. M. Mr. Whiten of Liberty. va buying a bill of goods or our merchant this week. Mr. HaS8, who recently purchased the Proctor wind-mill, removed the Name tliis week to his homo in Liberty A great many farmers from this precinct will go to Hemlmjfurd to see the pohticana present their petition. J. H. Johnston spent the week ndj slating A. II. McLaughlin hauling his iKlv from tils much to Mainland, shin piugit to Knit Hoblnsou. P. IL, Ruhter has returned from tils extended trip through Kansas, Okla homa and as far south as Huston Texas, and from reports seems to favor, the country near the Gulf. J. Lutsch had a genuine Riirprlso one night last week, when u load of jilting people with their violins came in upon him, disturbing his bnchelois reveries. A general good tune was participated. In. Box Butto Bullotiri. Mr. Kurd is on the sick list. Mrs. Atkin nas a tine, now music box. Dame Humor says II. Ti. 13 after big gnine. Mrs. Johnson has been quite sick a week pant. Missionary dinner at Mrs. Reynolds Tuesday, the UlsU, George McOutciieouspent the week, with Willard Cowlin. M. D. Atkin ttnds, that with two pair of skates, ho is rigli't "In the slide." Miss Anderson resigned hcrposltion us teacher in the FeilcU'r school. C. L. Snedekcr will finish the term. Ben Johnson laid the lines over the dash-board (hands cold, yon know), tho team ran away, smashing the buggy aud now Hen carries his head in a sling. Hox Butte people will bo mighty glad when the Alliance ''llon-toiis" tlnd they munot move the county soat, so wc may have at least the necessary nightly rest. (ItrcAlvcd too Into for last week.) Mrs. Howlaud is seriously ill. Miss McLean has returned from Chadron. Miss Brown is quite sick with La-grippe. Tho Box Butto literary society will meet Friday evenings here after. OniTUAHY Mrs. Luania Wilson nee Kelsey, was born in Rutland county, Vermont, May 6, 1832, died Jan. 6, 189(1. Sho .moved to Ohio with her parents when ton years old and was united in mar riage to Hiram Wilson Feb. '12, 1856. Mrs. Wilson united with tho M. E. church while in Iowa and has live a christian life. She leaves a husband and seven child- ren, four of whom Hto in tho vi- cinity of Box Butto. Rev. Wor- nom preacljed the funeral sermon and her remains were interod in the Libby cemetery. Herncall wants some dressed hogs. Wildy's received a now lino of clothing. Order your atove repairs at Anton Uhrlg'e. A now lot of Bhoes just received by W. K. Ilernc.ill 2p lbs dried apples for S1.00 at Wildy's. Saissj A fioo lii.e of- ivv - p.fcatos just received at JL It. i Grccn'a Hunlraro Btvm. Commissioners' Proceedings January U, 1S96. Board of county commissioners , , , ,-, met as required by law. Pros- ent, Geo. W. Duncan and James Barry. In nbsenco of James Hollin rake, and on motion of Barry, Geo. W. Duncan was olected tem porary chairman. On motion, "L. A. Berry was appointed justice of tho peaco for second yard precinct, of Alliance. On- .motion, S. M. Smyser was appointed justice of tho peace for first wnrd precinct of Alliance. Following official bouda woro examined and approved. Edwin P. Sweeney, sheriff. On motion, adjourned for din ner. Af ternoou session, there wero present, Duncan and Barry. 'Pl.n fnllrkwintr limitrc mnrlit nil. pliqaWou as depositories for tho county funds: Box Butte Bank, tv.i3-...i. n l. ah: JL .AW W.V IT .'3 fc...V ....4V.W ' nomifpuui, " .., auimuuu, ric utiuitut uuu, Alliance. TAU..1. f r t ...-. yh.nv. ..n? and approved, and with the cpn- sent of, the county treasurer, funds wero ordered distributed as fol lows-.' Oco-fourth with tho Box ButteSBank, Homingford; three- eighths with Bank of Alliance, Alliance; three-eighths with First National Bank, Alliance. On motion, L. M. Kennedy was appointed justice of the peaco for Snal:e Civek precinct. On motion, bond of T. M. Law- ler, assessor of Boyd precinct, was reconsidered on account of tho amount not being sufficient. Bosignation of James M. liuys, justice of the peaco of Boyd Pre cinct was rcud and accepted. PiSJfft-tiinrinn. Iildn .Toder wasnn- pointed assessor of second ward precinct, oi Ainanco. On m.tfmn P. A TJnwriorrw w!M appointed assossor of first ward VAA AAlV&W&lf - - avv w'' ".' precmott ot Alliance Following otlicial bonds wore examined and approved: - W. A.. Clark, overseer Bist. No. 1. r. li.inley, John A. lleist, Fred Bauer, W. A. Hood, a .1 iA IU Oft I. u ii a ii ii ii u ii ii ii u i. ii ii ii .i ii ii ii i. ii ii ii ii ii 2-1 -u 18 12 8 30 G 11 2 Win. O'Mara, John W. Brorihar " Geo. W. Itagim " Anthony Morava " Moses Johnson Albert Nelson A. Sehaumberg G. W. Pairott 13 14 7 16 27 CluiB. A. Itohder " Christ Hansen " J. E. Hunt Iddo Joder, asPessor second ward t. M. Jbawler astiesBor uoyu pro precinct, Allianco. I cinct. W. B. Heath assessor Box Butte W. G. Zedikor overseer Dist. No. 23 precinct. L. A. Berry J. P. second ward Moses Wright assessor Wright precinct, of Alliance. precinct. The following reports wero ex- . 11 1 ll.nnm. t'nnarxv I InVaAV j. u. ouuuouu udocdoui viwj precinct. W. D. Johnson assessor Running water precinct. H. 11. Pierce countable of Dorsey precinct. Clark Olds justice of the peaco of Dorsey precinct. J. H. Johnston justico of the peace of Lawn precinct Frank Fronk justico of tho peace ot Jjiueny preciuct. id V Tmmj iiioliin jif flin nonnn 'fc'u'n,.l,.oninn ui juuntj uitun uvuuvi On motion, clerk was authorized tO appoint a deputy. Atinnintmont of James H. H. Ilewptt as deputy clerk was read, Dona ot dames a., ii. neweit a county ior mo year iouo. deputy clerk was read and approv-, Bond of Tho lemingford Herald ed- for tho faithful performance of tho On motion, board adjourned to contract was examined and ap rneot at 9 a. m. Jan. 15, 1896. . . proved. Attest: ' Ou motion, board ndjourned till F. M. Phelpa, Geo. W. Duncan, 9 a. m. January 17, 1896. County Clerk. Temporary Chm. Attest: James ilollinrake, F. M. Pholps, Chairman. January 15, 1896. Board of county commissioners mot as per adjournment. Present, Duncap and Barry. t i .. " t 1 - afflTSSto sS'toi the bridge lund and 410.01 from tho county road fund and 636.06 fio i f.ifi ioi :irf4 ;jud 'ft -'tuij tis il furiJ Uu motiou, Oouia ttdjouruea t4 diujyjr. .. r' At tho afternoon session there were present, Duncan and Barry, 1 olio wim; claims were examined d Mow and warrants ordertd drawn on general fund for their paymontf &.wit . Honrv Sliimok cloik of election Novciubor, 1895 S 4.00 knowledge of Drawing and will V. E Hull judgo of oloction and nmko a good ponman of each one taking care of booths Nov. 'DC, COO who will persistently follow in B. F. Oilman Com. of insani-' structions. 1 will givo to each a ty 4.20 set of copies of my own which I Emmott Johnson judge of eleo-' challongo any man iu tho U. S. to tion Nov. 181)5 4.00 equal, that would cost in any C( mi tt. W. Jones Judge of eloetion mercial College in tho land double Nov. 1895 4.00 the price I shall charga for tho E. A. Hall, convoying E. E. Fen- whole course which is !$-. In this nor to Norfolk 830.50 E. A. Hall, State vs Dora Duun S14.00 E. A. Hall, arrest and custody of E. E. Fenner felOp' A. Hague, juror, Aug. special te j 0 jf 50 or court 511 D. K. Spacht, court foea, caso State ys Dora Dunn Sll Miller & Wildy, lumbor for stalls Nov. 1S05 $1.50 B. F. Oilman, salary as attorney, i... i .-.. ionr cHnOKn list qunnor xouu, oiu-.uu "William Drefko, judgo of election, Nov. 1895 , . &L00 W. J. EurneBt, assistant in E. E. FnniM.,.0lBU $22.00 H M Arnold, clerk of oleeti on i Nov. 18s)5 81.00 T T. nj.vn I niiinn i.l , rr tnv llar 1895 3224.80 A. M. Frew, clerk of election, Nov. 1893, 1.00 Geo. W. Duncan, poor farm sup plies SI. 55 Gillospio Bros, poor farm supplies $1.10 W. L. iiumer, y.o "Win. O'Mara, road sup'visor, 21.75 Ann Shindler, boarding E. E. ' Fenner.. $3.25 W. K. Miller, Com'r of insanity and examining physician SS.00 W. W. Norton, supplies for iooi' farm and room rent for jlection J0.U, Dai. aisauowea. F. YundeM rant for ejection 'purposes $3.50, bul. ahaUbWed. uiiuuwuuiimi wu.. DuauuHv.jr . i.i ,i:. .li i t?ii...: i-:,, :D..11rt,.l. V, A" . T-Tn.ll Rortrintr distress War - X'UIJUlH(j VI'.IIUO uioimui)wi - -r--. w . "D " ' rants $3.5Q On motion. It. "V. ATniitrTMiiinHi Montgomery was appointed justico of tho peaco for second ward precinct. Alliance. On motion, John Pilkinglon was . i I p jL- r appointed JUBUCO OI ino ijchcu ior '.. .,..,..,! .. ..,w.!.i. .t nf Allinrwtn U1Bi .mi Hlu..vv, . .M......VU. Oil motion, board aaOUrnea to meet at 9 a. m. Jan. 16, 1896. Attest: Geo. W. Duncan, JL . M. Phol ps, Temporary Chm. County Clerk. January 16, 1896 Board of COUllty COinraisSlOUOrS 0f Dnnlap, Hb.,on8ofth8hslrs of Hans Ris .ni nb t,n. .iri;ni,i-timmf Pn.ooiif iwll,ilo"d, for His lot l,H B N B M a" S, met as nei luuouinmont. i resent, ,., n .viV v .mi innn. ww. James Hol)iurake, chairman, Dun- ii, call and Barry. Tho following official bonds wero examined and improved: ..... -- .-., i, .rniui mm u u.u.n.. nviif.il n.irl n ntirnirnrl J. K. Neol COUnty Clerk, report for vpnr ThOfi '. . .. . - .. E. A. HdU sheriff, report for year lone X'JvKf H. F. Fillinoro Supt., report for year 1895. D. K. Sp.icht judgo,rcport for year 1895. S.B. Libbv treasuror, report last half of 18D5. Bids for furnishing stationery oiwl nvinlinrr nfTifilnl nnllPl'M WIrA .,..il...wl u,M..0rl nonlr..,,.! iiv:.iuuitiii4 ,vf.d..w.v. wu........ was awarded to The Homiugford HeIULD, of Heillingford, Neb., and that naner was desianate.'l as the officiul paper of Box Butto , Couuty Clerk. c, .c , :Ml Sheriff Sweeney had appointed i r . j ,l IK Frank Martin as deputy. Mr. : '-'"""' See Wild, y before you sell your r, nuitoi, ogs, cneeso !oi, pou wrv b" j prices, dm hi any futii. and poonui. IjMjyk.. ' AV. IC llKUNCMlIA. 1 wish to announce that as soon as I can procure a suitable room that I will give a series of thirty lessons iu Truo IWeotivo D'aw- nig and Penmanship, 10 lessons unh This wil ivo 0llch porflo uildnp tho full course a thorough connection I wish to publicly thank Mr. A. Uhng for the advanced ideas ho has for tho education of the young people of Iloiningford aud viciuity, which ha has evinced in uomg nirt utmost to procure ior our use the school building for these lessons but has not nuccoeded on tho account of tho personal feeling of tho other persons having chargo of the Banio. I will take in pay- ment for this course? of lessons .1.: :.. ... l!i I any uiui" iu siuiu train, uuy or wood, any thing for family uao of thoso who do not hiivo the S2 in mono v to spare. Beforo lessons commence I almM give another even- inir to the public which will far Biirpasa tho one recently given. Yours truly. W. 8. Worden. Final Proof Notice? Hoy. J. X7. Vkh, Jr., HwUter. Ho. V. U. Hoom, BceWr. Prt!o hnlnrnotlc In thli column or r aucstnl to mut tlio ptsu mrcdilly and report to thin onion for correction uuy errors tliat mT oxiiU Tills will prtrout ponlulo dWay In rnakinn proof. UnJ OiKfo nt AlHno.. Nob.. Jn. 0, 1833. Hottoatn horcby ttivon thit tho followiwr nuraod aHtlf r lin- lilf4 nutlco of his lnt"Mlou to in.bn flnl nrnf in mnimirt of till olulm ani f hut anli ..... ...,.. r. -- --- -..-.. r - - - - .,..! and HoceiTor at AUWnco, Nob., on February IS, aiil proot win Domaiin oeiortt iuo uaioi'ir ' OEOROB 8CHM1TT I -?.--. U.I. wUnmiJalf 17 fir, Ifflt fn for the s w u ee. , tp 2a u, r is. w. wVcoinlMKniS'f.p i upon ana ouiuvauoa PotmMwil, John l'otih. ' v,"""'"r.'.,""-v,"v,'"..M"v:- ""h jf" UnnTa r Ne-I... MMnhart .tro?B14 I. lnn Un Mli Malnharf i(rtxltatt. I J.W.Wk.i,Jb.. Ibglst-r. 1 .. fjindOlfiwiitAlHanpftNab.. Jan Motion 1 heraby slvon that tho fjllowlaj. m Aliiiurf, No.. Jan i.uw. named Bottler ha ftlod notlcoof his Intention to mak" final proor in supp;rt o: ma ciaira. oncx that said proof irlll l. mads b.-fora UouUtcr or liwo.vor at Aiiiww, Nab., on Fi , ibj, vix: f5.SS.. hoi.H.E.Ko.. forth9ioini42A;S!4NiJ )t soe n.tpsju.ra il ur. j,(;ni,nl(..liJe follnwlnit wltnese to prota . his piiiitlniinim rpolilpnni udoii and Cllltlvatlon f.;r,ljr,T,l,ir Martin K. Kl-ren. Olo J. Moo. Andrnw J. Johnsou, Ualor O. Fulle&a, nil nt HAminivfnffl. Nltli. J. W. Wciim. Jb., Rfglster. Land Offlcoat Allionso. N-)h.. Jan. 8. VjM. KotlaoU hrrty glvon that tho following named sttlor has filwl notlca ot hU Intentiort to mko linal proof in support of his olattn. aid that aid proof will be rnado bofore th llcistr orllooelroratAUIaneo, Neb, on tub IB, li), vlt: ANDUEW II1S3ELI., inlMBlM!.,w?i,,3"?,5IVVo continuous resulinco upon and nnltivatiou ot ' said land. i P.M.Johnson. P. O. Slr- SxitMSSiltKt&9' Nob" Jba J. w. Wxum. Jn iuiitr. i AMHHM Notice of Publication of Sum mons. Jolia C. Insnraon vs. turwi. M. Williams, Ira it. Tash and Era M. Tah his wife, and W. J. Dowden. . . . . , , . I...J M William, iinil W. .1. nnwilfll clpfpnd ants, will talco notice that on thnVitb dayof 1mI 1ktt .fnlia.1 - TnffAr.dl. nla ""': "::,'.,. LT, .7.Z. "ai.,T7 V. ..f llnr Jiiir. imm. J una . juKori"j. uibiuuu iiiwniu.u.- liMio county. Nebraska, sjtalnst said defnd- inta,thiorictandpraycrorwuicharetpfor- ' clos'Bcortain mortMM executna by the do- frudant lvris M Williams to TIih Aroorlcan I inre-lraent Co , upon the eoutbwfst quarter (s w ) of section four (4) tovriiahlp tw;nty-six 'nr.n. Inrtv nlffht M0 WPBt of 6th P. M. In Box Uiittfl county, Nebrailta, to sreuro the pay ment of a oertaln roapuu bond, dated Marcli U. 1887. for the sum of iiVi. and tn coupon Inusreat ..rn Ihnrnln at lurlxxl lit HVdn diti. tlierWlth. ot Sli 34 oaah, tho flrst falllne duo Juno 1, lffs, land onsovory six months thorcait"r and alo tan intorcat coupon noUs prold9i for in t He 'umintorcat coupon nous proi oxtonnlon airemnsnt. entflrod Into betwaoutno d(fondaat t. K. Tash and tho said American Investment f'otapaur of Mirii eaoh, the firt inniha hArM.ffnr. whioK ft&iii I falliwt duo Dtwmber I, ls3i, xai omowr six Intort not.s. and morUago d was on Ovto- uuuu, vuauu ttcf j0i jswi, sola, t'nuoro'Ki, asniKua uu un- ntittrW.'rorslS with intt at the rate otlOercoutr "Tt5.?A...fn2;Mnn!indff0nravB for a, t&2SlE?J$lv& UJHB.ur lllv win yiriMi-p i l.w .Via ra.min. Fitnnit HllA. Xou aro riniri to answer said petition on or rWow tu 17th day of t'ebmao'i lt. Dit6d VULUO. INOEB30L. Plaintiff. 1.10 By B T. Giiausr, her attorns In the Matter of the Estate of James ilcCulloueU, dweaeeil. 5 In the district oourt of Box Butte county: This causa oomlu? on tolw board upon tho ptltion of Johu 11. Shulc. administrator of the estate of James McriUlouehdPCtftPfa. prayin for license to soil tie norUietnuttec ot sec tion SI, in township 0s north. rauo 51 weet ot tUO Otn I. i. in iiox oum cuuuijr, i""' sutilcient thereof to bripK the sum of 1. the jj0bt alloi?l asainst said estate and tho cost of administration. there not boimjr eunicieat pnr- ,0naiproportytopay'i'',daeftnaext"r?i" i. '.. i ... fArj...t.,..l r.i.t rn.ll tv- .oils In , .. ,a vt.. ,w.ww.. . . . ' Ll bers at n.y oco In HiuhviUelu tmn county. Nt rn. oo tbo lwh ilwol ifcUtfcry i-.d, c oud o'clock-p. m. ,aiaftdramtitoi tbte.: .a eo; t. Liaucd xo bed fo much oi tho a Oo dcrlUd n estate as than be neceetavy tovay aid dotits and fxptnt, and turtutr.tlutt tutu ,ird . - ii t.ishtu ior lour auceccstva wctka ..-iy prior to tto Naring. In tUoMtn injlora hriiD a tcv t ipcr uailod and j.fr. iylAuttliiiicjitosdil.itkav ; Cttttf tWu Htbdf.ywt Jat,oni-KV -