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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1896)
is, VANDALISM 6fcTrry tit Rohm Tropin 7o Call ' ti...h.i... rliftAit. The avKry of sanges la as noth tag to the savnGcry of some creatures -'who are brought tip In civilized com- '... .i. i .'.i. i..-i.... ttiinri 'who are brought up In civilized com munities and rail themselves civilized plso. We hnVo few records of In "jllnns or Zti'tts wantonly destroying IcuVrfco or hooka or etatunry unless ' tlicy Ihoupht them "bad medicine" nnd " held devlK Yet. how far could one of , our city thugs and loafer be trusted In the prw .a of a work of art or a '.'thing of beauty T It seems t6 be a sort t of Instinct with him to throw a stone '. whenever ho seep flower or ornaments, ', or to pull out a knlro and hack at them, or to upset or scratch or lnjuro them. 'In ft ccrtnln blind and brute way por '"hnpa his cbnduct elves him a flatter ing Konse ol jower. He ennnot raalco anything useful or beautiful himself, ;-but he cah destroy It. The only vay ' to cure theso vandals appears to bo cither to educate them early or drown them. Drowning la the lca9t expen sive, hut there Is a public prejudice 'against IL to for a few centuries wo muBt expect to soo our public- buildings VUstoced. our motal work bent and Scratched, our plate glass broken, our ' street lights shattered, our pictures 'J.ilibtd with canes nnd umbrellas, our f nijrrdrs marked with Initials carved by tilhiribnd rings, our rugs nnd carpets ' Vnrt wood work rpnt' upon, our walls ' scribbled with nnme9, our fitrccts mado deppnltorlen of filth and our hooka torn nnd dog-eared: for It takes n long time "lo euro n vandal of his vandalism. Ono "needs to begin wjth his father. There Is no close a relation between the wan tonness of tho destroyer nnd tho dark er deeds of th criminal that perhaps ' wo are Justified In keeping a minplclotis watch on any man. woman or child who will destroy plrtntB. books and pictures or throw, stones tit helpless animals. Jfl'fi feHslve aggression that mutilates hhd niaken ugly will trespass on others' enjoyments, rights and properties with but little more development. This Is .Jceen ,partiqtilnrly in the case ot bur- j&lnra. Theso fellows, not content with dripping a house of all they can get, ' not Infrequently destroy whnt they cannot enrry away. Thoy burn papers, tear paintings from their frames, pmnnh furniture, break glnuH and other? ' wlso act like Inctirnato Mends. It might ! not bo bad Idea in case of tho cap- turo ot Ihese hiPn to Impose sentences ; jtrndedfio accord with tho amount of 'damage they had worked. It would nako others of their tribe a little more yuiildorate porhops. On general principles theso wanton destroyers should go to prison, anyway. Ex. THE USE OF WIHE. Tlit ilultli'llcTtliiu of l'iirp;i to Which L It In Hclnjr 1'ut. A. fjuarkod Increaso In the demand for wire line been noted of lato as a feature In thp goncrnl revival ot trade. 'ThlH lo of especial Interest and Import- inco, If not only means better waea for nipTc men In tho great wlro mills, butt also proves renewed activity In 'jtjib manufacture of electrical devices, "An already great and constantly grow ing one, upon which almost: every phase ol commercial aud mcchnnlcaj activity in nowadays mero or less intimately dependent. In'crnFed prosperity In tho ' electrical business can nieau nothing slse than a widespread demand for new trolley lines, lengthened or duplicated lolpgrah and telephone plants, more tjynnbioa nnd motors, added mosscnger Ircults', the multiplication of tho push tmtton in all Its oudluus uses in ahort, the awakening ot tho Industrial world trom Its roccnt etato of suspended anl--matlon, Tho people of this period havo r (thousand ueoa for wire uot thought or 'httoqn or twenty years ago, and the Wys'thnt iriany of (ho ectabllshniouto where it Is mado are forcod to run J.wenty-fotir hours a day, and that iamo of them nro evon then unable to nil all tho orders they receivo, is as ri;ood an indication as could be desired 'that calamity howling will not be uuio r,jflrd among this fall's styles. y GtoIPl Fln.l. First Scleatlsl Kurekn! What a And! Uoro li concVaslvo proof ot all cur the ories,' Beo thlsxock? It la as round as a cbarreC ttnd JutsL about tho sioo bhape and size. It must havo rolled for ases nt the bed ot some owlft b treats. Note 'how smooth It is. Second Scientist It Is unlike any rock in this vicinity. It mu3t have been brought from a great distance, prob ably by some mighty iceberg in the likes (hut ore gone. Third Scientist There are moun tains near here. It nay have come down n& glacier. ' ' ' Fourth Scientist It is unlike any of the rock on those mountains. In fact, U'lo unlike any rock d be found on ! tho Due d'Enghlen eclrcd and tried be earth. It niuot have dropped from the ' cause it was necessary tq the safety, moo"n. "Here comes a farm hand. I will isk him if there are any traditions con cerning It. See here, my good man, do t y'oM know anything about this atrtnge ' C0UK7 v" I'arm Hand That uster be a barrel i- cement, Yes, friends,"' eaid tho reformed gentleman at the mission temperance rauet(ug. "I. too, have known what it Is to up under the sway of the demon rum. I-'havo known what It Is to feel that wild desire for rum surging through every vein. Can you Imagine anything more terrible?" Tlie rod-ao&sd man on the most com CtfrtfeWtf a$t -.wipjd his eyes. "What wlb thf inaUer.-.fpflldner?" he asked iPidn't jou fcave thejirlca" Clncln jfpHl Euquiror. '' t rr - i " " " Th. I. KM KIiIb. 3$r. Clocn: "U : tadeed trua tha. Jod teajriew the wind to the 'shorn iub." on CJocn. -Yp' When a man's wlf i i qt win gat & nw one easier than te ;ui huat up Urn old oae," Jov ' vk Wprld. : - m?'K'.?" SURVIVAL OF NEW NOVELS. tcrcnUKA of Iloottf That" Gain Eodar Idc Fnm It Exlremefy Bmtll. It is said that the American publish ers hare In Dresa over two hundred ew novots wnicn aro iiKeiy 10 do - Rued between now nnd the holidays. The statement Is easily credible. In 1800 thoy Jostled 1.118 hovoIb; In 1S91, 1,105; In 1892, 1,102, nnd In 1893, 1,132. This average of three novels put on tho market for ovcry day in tho year In cludes Imported books Issued by Eng lish houses and published In Now York by their resident ngonta, but It docs not includo tho publications of the "minor cheap libraries." Tho English publishers Issue about tho Fame num ber of novels yearly as tho American. In 1S33, an average year, they Issued" 933 new novels and 393 reprints. The Interesting attention of what be comes of all this mass of "literature" Is answered only In part by the five cent counters. Many of theBe books must fall to obtain tho honorable it humiliating ueofulitesa the llvo-cent counters offcra to thoso for whom the dollar sholu-a aro no longer tonablc. ihoy do not circulate nt all. A fow copies nro sont to tho newspapers. Tho author dlntrlhuten complimentary cop ies among hlo acquaintances, nnd he Is fortunato If he flnda even among hl Intimate friends those who can recall tho title of hia work within six months nfter lta publication. That "among nlno Imd If ono bo good thcro'B still ono good In ten" in a comforting thourht. but It hnrdly applies to con temporaneous fiction, for hardly ono In a thousand nnd certainly not ono In ft hundred of tho novels publltdicd stands the only Buro test of merit aa a novel that of survival. Only In raro 'In stances do they outlive their first year. Tho man wbono book actually Uvea ton years may sot hlmnolf down as n genius whother the critics think so or not. Only onco or twice In n generation do writers appear whoc stories havo enough of universal human naturo In them to survive their generation. Aud this is all as It should be. it la vroll enough for the most worthless of all worthless books to be written If IL real ly reprcBentK an naplrutlon to produce something worth tho attention of tho world, but It is better ntlll that swift and inorcifiil oblivion ohould cover fail ure. In novels no In everything else the fittest should ho the survivors. And In the long run they nltvnyu are. JOSEPHINE WAS MERCIFUL. Sliu Tried tn I'r.'vent the ICinvtitliiu of the line 1'i:ii(;htrn. Mrao. IJonaparte learned with Intense sorrow of tho tloterminntion taken by her husband. In tho main his measures nnd his convictions had been kept a secret, but sho confided both to Slute, do llomusat, and tho first consul him self hnd told them to Joseph. On the 20th tho decrro for the tluko'n Impris onment and trial was dictated by tho first consul from tho Tullerlco, and In tho early afternoon bn roturnod to Ma.1 mnlfcon, whero at thrco o'clock Joseph found him atrolllng in tho park, con versing with Talloyrand, who limped along at his side. "I'm afraid of that cripple," was Jrphinc's greeting to her brothtr-in-lftw. "Interrupt this Jong tain it you cnq." .rMrrm ujjrrTif.rsa tun UU.IIIUWUI1 ui mo viiior luotnori,., tuiia t.-lnrlti nnA nlrlllfnt nm! r.M . I Ilia first, rnnsnl fromit nnftonorl hv iti memories of lt!s own nnd his brother's boyhood, among which came and went the flguro of tho Prince of Condi. But other feelings prevailed; tho brothers bad diftered about Luclon's marriage and tho quostion of descent If tho con sular power should become horodltary; the old coolnc&s finally settled down and chilled tho last hopes in the tender hearted advocates for clomoncy. To Josephine's toarful entroatlea for mercy, hor husband replied: "Go away; you're a child; you don't understand publio duties." Dy five It wan known that the duko had arrived at Vln conuoB, and at onco Savary was de spatched to tho city for orders from Murat, the military commandant. On his arrival at Murat's office, from which Talleyrand was In tho very net of departing, ho was Informed that the court martial was already convenod, and that it would be his duty to guard the prisoner and execute whatever son tenco was paESed. "Ltfo of Nnpoleon," by Prof. Win, M. Sloone, In tho Cen tury. 'npo!en D th-Utnl Kttmrat. When Nnpoleon wua on his doath bod a maladroit attendant read from an EngllRh review a bitter arraignment of him as guilty of the duke's ruurdor. The dying man lose, and catching up his will, wrote in his own hand: "I had the Interest, and tha honor of the French people, when by his own con fession the Cointe d'Artois was sup porting sixty assasslnc In Paris. Under similar circumstances I would again do likewise." Nevertheless he gave himself the utmost pains on certain oc casions to unload .tho entire responsi bility on Talleyrand. To Lord Ebrlng ton, to O'Meara, to Las Cases, to Mon tholon, ho asseverated that Talleyrand hail checked his impulses to clemency. -'Life of Napoleon." by Prof. Wm. M., In the Century. Trlllnj: Evtdfncr. Tom WoU& was sentenced to a term of two years three months In tho peni tentiary by a Coanersvllle, Ind., court the other day (or burglary. The con viction of Wolfe depended largely on whether a man of his build could have crawled through, a seven-Inch transom. Prosecutor Smith procured a window eash the size of the one in question and demonstrated his theory before the jury by getting down oa the floor a'nd wrig gling; through tho hole Ho convinced the Jury nud clinched hlo cuo. - - .Timr, rwr.-mirnnTirrmiTrrniiviiiMi.nrrv- f JSS5- THIS PAPER T FREE HEAD AND HAND TO YOUR NEIGHBOR. ; Gov. West K"t Mia pen with which President Cleveland tOgned tho proc lamation declaring Utah a fitate, and tlmt is about all the di'inaciaU wAl Kct out of tho trntirfuciloti for the present, anyway. The two senators ttt be elected and the ono member of the House already In his Beat, will all In republicans. President Cleveland is likely to Ret Miucli more satisfaction out of the Venezuelan Iloundarv Commission. whl h Is being highly commended hy over body, than out of the result of he political ecliiMriitig that is now iriiiK done hy republican senators. Instead of trying to help thu National fltianeet) out or the hole Into which hey havo been put by the adhcrauce n the part of thu administration to laws enacted hy previous republican CantfrjSM's, the lopiiblfcau Senators ,rn unending ail their time trying to .nit President Cleveland and fteere taty Carlisle Into a hole, regardlesB of in elTeet upon the of the country or the lltianccs of the gover nieut. TIiIh is plaving with lire with a vengeance, hut it its note the less ti ue. There Isn't the slightest prob thillty thai.' the Srnatu will oiler the Hlmuiitriitlon any llnaucial iegihi toil tnat. President Cleveland could (insistently accept, and while pre endlng to thu contrary republican senitois are purposely delaying ac ion showing what their intentions ire, hoping that President 'Cleveland vili become' impatient ' and Issue uoie bonds under tlin old law. Then they will swear that if Mr. Cleveland had wailed they would havo Jegtslat fd so as to havo saved the people's noney, mid more tf the saniu sort of ot. And they expect this sort ol t ling to go down with the intelligent ,ieojile. of the country. It. is possible to admire an open and honorable op- lonent, but uot suih trickery aa Is tow being indulged In by the oppo nents of the adtn nlstratlou. From ho Hist, President Cleveland has een open and above board In his eaiingn with Congress and the coun ryon this subject. He told them lulnly that unless Congress provhled onto other way to maintain the pub ic credit, lie would do so by issuing nofo bonds. Llt.t he will not issue lure bond until he considers the danger line to have been reached. Don't thinlc tt cause a btove ia round .nd the. maker has called it Oak, of omo 6ort. tlmt We the genuine Hound Oak. It is not, as you'll f nil to your .st, if ynu buy. Sec the name on I ' " '"' Then you'll bB sure to get he genuine. Sold only by Uhrlg. ESTHAY rOTICn OneiUrk, bar Iioreo, nbout 7 years nlit: two vJii t hind fM't, out main and til, wt'IslimiLiout hit) pounds; uranueu: 8 Tnkon up on tho 10th dr t of I)imtxr. on nw 4 ot o. 12, twp. UT. Ttt I i. OwoiT can hare j .mo by prorinu property and ptyiiiir elm kos. Lj C. A. llOUUKB llta'ORT o Tn Cosditiox op tin; lox ntrrTE riANC. at Hrmtngford. In th Blato of Ni'liTHakm, nt tlio cloio of butilnrtis Decom-U-r at, IbW. tlESOnBCLH. I, nn nnd ;di6count O erdrafts wcuriil aud unMfurwl..,, 4,020.35 I2.'J1 1,SSM0 its a u iikini; ltoui'. fiirniturn.nnd listuros t ' rront exitwites aud taxfa paid r "ckb nnd Dtln-r CHh items. H In of other l'anl: J'O.Oi) V nctionsl patr currency, nlrkrla A ct. Wil Sxvio n.7a L'Kal-tondemotOB 1.MKI.0U Torr, Hfi'i ,C3 LIABILITIES. apitjvl stock pnidln ft,00".00 Jmliided profit lfilH-T ndhidiialdppo'it attUoct to chock 3.3IT.13 lemand oirtihcatrs of dopofiit 110.CO Ono to National Uanke .... W.CI Total & Kl ' of Kebraakn, County ot Pox Rut to, va: I, ('. A. llurlew, preeidint o! tho nbovo aniiHlbank, do solemnly bvcar that the aboTo alument Is true to the opit of my knonlmlgo .nd beliof. C. A. UDULEW, Prcaidont. Siipwrlbcd ond snorn to bnforo mo this (ith ay of Jan. lb!. Y. M. Iodknck. iEALl Notary Public. jg1lllIUII li Xow Short Line to Helena, Butto Spokane, Seattle and Taconia. OK X. Se "W. O. Tlmo Card. F.AST HOUND. So. it. panncor arrU es at " iirelcUt " a frdglit nrrlvos nt WEST bound. No, 41 pasenRor arrives at " iifrolcht " ' 47 frplclit nrrlveB ut ll:X1).m 6:0)) n. tit 10:10 a. in, fc;21 a. m iv.M v. " I;3J p. Ill All trains enrrr p8Honi:erb. F. W. WHtATI-IY. Agt'nt. TUTTLE & TAS3T Attorneys'- at - Law, HFMlfiCrORP. NEBSW.KA, &tJ4'limtitiii W, K, t Winter lino come, vre nro &, i .Wit!i its wind aiid drifting snow. And tho placo for such vvoathor to prepnro JH"what vre all want to k'uow. ' Where did you Why, at the best Place In town, A Beaut if it! Woman. Attracts Attention Everywheke. Gold Leqf, -T IS NOT AS HANDSOME TO LOOK AT AS A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN. BUT ' After Giving it a Trial H232x43TCa-rlQ23S2D lXTlLJjnSTGr L. W. BOWHAN Physician and Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEB. Office in Norton's Block. Calls attended promptly. Charges reasonable. Cliviroli Dirootory. lOXQUEOATIOXAl.. I'rrai-hliiB ".ich ultoi- ;natf ."Uiidny, ir'ninninc .irtiiumy. l. iraj. t.x I o'clock ti. in., nnil at 7 i i:i. SiiurtHt' School i in b. m. l'ruyer Jlccilnc ciich Wcilin-srt'iy II tt nt Tp n i: umax LUTIIEKAX: -fer lei- t ttio J( ourt ItmiM'. Hin . Wnutlorllph, Piistnr. 0 1ATHOI.IC: Uov. ClmrleZAk I'aalor. I ETHODIf-T .- J.W. Kni'lall Pastor 111 l'rrnchinj; tho ycuond anl tcuriti duoSuy lu kuuIi niouiii ut il u. in., una. i. m. LM'IbrOI'M.i-fetrvlefM tn tho Conrejrrtt- 1'ilonnl Chtiruli. ltv. iTiior. sct Io on tho third Tlu nt 7 p. in. rtiiy In cuch mnctti MV A. I!ohi1hs1i I'nwti No. CftlO. Mcsts second nud fourth Tttondav niidit of rch mouth, VUItinR NriKhhore cordiall) inritnl, W. M. Iouenck. Clerk. h Huot. V. C MAIL DIIUXTOltY. HtitixaroRj) pojto31cs. On week days door opens at " r. tn. general delivery opvni nt S a. nt. aud closes at S p. m. Open Buudays 9 to 10 a. in. JlEUt.soror.u and Box Butte ttag?dally oxcapt Hunday. Kkminofobd and Dc.l.? stage, Monday v.Vr'edceyday and Friday. THE OMAHA WORLD - HERALD Edited by Kx-Coiicrenumnn W. xJ. BRYAN Js the frtatest nevopaper xctit o the Missouri Jtivcr It advocates FREE SILVER at. tho prusont ratio of sixtoon to ono Its news servlco 1b the bast to oo obtainod. Daily, ?(5 00 per yea-r; GO cents per mouth. Woelcfy, 51 00 per your. Subscriptions for the WORLD-HERALD received at this office Care&ts, ond Trade-Marks obtained and nil rat-? entbusinns conducted tor MODERATE FtEO. i ounOfricciBOpposiTCU.S. PATtNTOrrieei and me cantecuro patent ia Je uma Mian tncje remote trom WMhinston. .,.. i Send model, drawmj or pnota, With ileicnp-j tlon. We advise, if patenublo or not, ires of J ditrze. Our fee not due till patent u secured. A Pamphlbt. " How to Obtain Pntenti," wlthj coat o? same n tha U. S. and foreign couauieJ sect free. Addrets, i C.A.SSOW&rOOo OPP. PATtMT OFflCt, WAOHIHQTON.D. C. The Sioux City Tribune I Tlie Hest Ma rid -H.Mft. Icot Heiiorts of W Npwri r'A :"M'- awl mWIWW HfciTfui. rt.nlWiltlhMi.-T .M.tty . ".'. -v. -.Herncall, the Whero wo can satisfactorily trade Our produce for coffee and broiuj, Hats, cap's, mittens, gloves, bi!k, Boom, Bhues, overshoe and quilts, 9 savr You will wonder how You Ever HE T3" " 3 73m 7w- Shelf a Heavy Hardware, This Card is to (Bent'fi Cash (buyers. Lor,'i Lose It. L'O i 25 100 I 100 ! 100 I 100 100 ijLL i 20 25 j20 j 35, I 20 25 10 125 j 20 2fT t 20 25 H. R. GREEN, HOW TO SAVE MONEY Eead What ThiB Card .'...Says.... When you pay Cah, let tho Clerk punch out the amount; and when you have paid us Twenty Dollars in cash, will give you One (Dollar In Goods Free of Charge. rjTOn all soods tsccpt I'.urb win' an'I Hamw. r.j th sot. 20 "20 25 or, 50 50 50 I 50 50 We will not be undersold. J.livaysbrino; this Card with yon . Proprietor of . . Livery ANP "NVo lmve first-clsiBS otocjt and double nnd single rigs, Tfbich we furnish nt reasonable rates. O'nr facilities for accommodating boarder are uuoxcelled in the city. Givo us a call. US Stable Corner Box Butte Avenue and Sheridan Strepf. 07HST25!SriSHST!r .j i u a a Great Prize Contest. !st Prize, KNABE PEAWO, stylo fc'P" 2d Prtzo, Cash, - 3d Prlzo, Cosh, - (O Cash Prizes, each 5520, - - iGCash Prizes, each $!0, Tiie first prlz" vfill h trlven to -I'trpr t'i hi Knvlish, roauinins: all r'L'.i vili wo in rcVtilar order to t in pi'.i4t of brevity. Li 1 CONDITIONS. g ' nio 'oncth of a sentence is to be moanred bv the number of Ipff-ri It U ..mains, and each rontwiaut mutt Intllcate by figvr?s at the c!ie vt hi Vx .. nii-nea last how luns; U is. Tho sentence must hitvc sotrio mcanlnc H ; own pit' cal iwipeinnJ names of re"n connot b? ued. Tie couUM rJ his h Febrt-arv 15tli, 1&J. and the results will be publ'shctl ons ca pi ,ter In case two or more prlze-wirmln? sentences are efiHully short lb.- .J .... ...... ...n..u...i ,,iii ii -ivpn nrff.;rnea. Lverv conuu'tltor whtrte Kl M-R'pne is WH tlvtn 111 letters in J 3 3 I il a a j in paper cover. lueltiUUiff twelve compi- i..0.a, ....-w.r.r c .,., ,, n -,...-- m r iur. q contestant ran enter more 'ban one hcuu-nce nor cotuMae with rj i .. I l.l&na rt llmqlin !IHI TVlt t wtr 1Y1 1 ttpri tft tAKA TinV rtj un-r ontnp-itiors uniucui. v v. ........ -.... , ... - j,. rt. dln'i'.llv or ind'- . m thli contest. Piano now on exhibition at ..J Tin" lin Ih'iis ' 11' ". umana, x.eo. 'ThlJ wrnkrV "" mads by the Weeeit Wouix-Hald, I tbu UUtm il ex-cougrcssmaa. W3LL1AS, J. BRYAN, Is EdiSor, and it Is rvilrfd that each competing spntf nee be enclosed with one dollar fur a vrar's subscription. The Weehut Woiai-IIcHA.LD is issued it) serai wrt'l:lv :eotloiiB, and henco is nearly a food as a dally. It is tins western rhi.mfilon of free silver coinage aud tha leadiuK family neyspa,rK-r of KelrasUa. Addres3, Wceiru .mil T V'.' Ilerc'hant. Clothing and underwear, Oversliirts and j:fakote, And all kinds of ntclvwenr, Dono up in a ntco packer. RNCALU ZSOSSS3SSSX3SZ An Ugly Woman Can Make Bettkr Bread With QoSel - Icegif - Flotu THAN A BEATJTIFOL WOMAN CAN WlTn ANY OTHER BRAND. ' Got Alony without it. C OCuf.3r?,r ZEo3 ZINl j J 00 100 I 50 I 50 15 10 j 5 Hardware. 15 10-1 "6 15 15" 10 10" 5 '5 15 j 10 "5 15 'j" 10 f 5 I 15 J 10 I s 50 50 5'J 50 15 1 10 j'o S300 IOO 60 SI300 i tho pnon win constructs tho shortt-s; i j n S tlie inter? in ino rtifmaucu mc -r thoss coaipetttora vboo sentence uuJ 1 len?th will receive Wlkle Collin' '.vorH- Itj WorW - flcraid. omana. neo. PIERCE, Feed Stables. 0 1' f i A