Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, January 10, 1896, Image 5
, :5 ) kn 10 ;. r k w -A I to t TURKISH iWOMEN. SCRATCH A LEVANTINE AND YOU FIND A PARISIAN. Cnttama of Constantinople The Hns pttellty of tha Dark-Eyed Damea Clcaralt Smoking an Gay Chatter of Conrt News. UB AOAINST A Russian and you And a Tartar. Touch a Levantlno woman orer eo lightly and you find a Parisian. From tho time she tod dles to tha Munici pal Gardens to play, under the caro of her peasant nurse, till nhe enters society, polished by tho education at tho English High school only the Turkish families have private teachers she emulates tho Parisian daily and hourly. No less Gallic aro tho young men who lounge along the Grande Rue de Pera, flirting alternate ly with their fair compatriots and the veiled Turkish women; tho latter aro equally ready to return admiring glances. The Levantine woman Is seen in her natural condition at home. Rap with the heavy knocker nt the strong wood en door, guiltless of stoop or steps, pass up the spiral stairway and enter the drawing room, which is always second story front. Tho first sight 1b bewil dering. Divans, cushions and curtains mado of native cotton cloth, an open Are for warmth and a piano for ele ganco; odd pieces of china, New Year's gifts and cotillion favors decorato tho room, while beautiful scarves of Turk ish embroidery drape tho walls. A basket of flowers graces every home, however humble for flowerB are plenti ful in Constantinople and a tray of black coffee, Turkish style, thick as molasses, stands on tho babouret. Madame and her daughters greet you with outstretched hands, shrill cries and peals of laughter. They are very hospitable, these dark-eyed Levantines. They are all in a state of negligee, be witching and unconventional during the morning. You receive tho latest piece of gossip, the cup of steaming coffee, a cigarette and the kisses of the precocious children of the house to make you feel at home. They are bo lively, these dusky, little, implBh crea tures, babbling Greek, French or tho Turkish patois of their maid in one breath. "Have you been to Solamllk? Good. Was it not a grand sight? The Sultan so handsome, the soldiers so fine!" in rapture, "and to the bath? No well, we will go to-morrow." And the girls explain with zest what to bring a rug to wrap around you, a change of linen and your own towels. For the magnificent sum of 5 piastres 20 cents you can have a thorough bath and a good view of Turkish ladles with out the veil. You must take a Sedan chair, borne by two stout Albanians, and go your way along tho steep and Htony streets, which separate tho high houses of Constantinople; abovo you the moucharabls, of Algerian lattices, al most touch together. Madame, your hostess, had a brother who has Just been made Pasha by tho Sultan. From him she has obtained the latest news at court. The illness of tho Vallde Sul tanathe presentation of the famous and honorable order of the Medzldi to a band of acrobats who chanced to please his Majesty the marriage of one of his favorite sons, all this Is related In French, tho language of Pera, the Euro pean quarter, as you sip your coffee and puff your slender cigarette. Each ono bears on the paper cover the imperial arms in gold, the star and crescent and the royal autograph. There aro three grades sold, differing In quality and price. The cheapest has tho mark in red instead of gold, tit is yellow tobac co, very sweet and mild. Tho eldest daughter laughs a little, and shows you a real marglhle or Turkish water pipe, which she sometimes uses in imitation of her friend Tewfika, the young daugh ter of a Pasha, who lives In a big villa on tho Bosphorus. Having seen tho sights, the Seven Towers, Thousand and One Columns, Selamlik (Sultan go ing to the Mosque), Treasury and tho bazaars in Stamboul tho Turkish quarter one may be glad to see the social 6lde of the city. Take a trip up tho beautiful Bosphorus: along the Asiatic shore are the cypress-guarded cemeteries, the dancing dervishes and the far-famed sweet waters, where you can watch tho Turkish women on their weekly outings. On the European side are the summer villas of the embassies, the towns of Terapla and Prlnkipo. Tho lovely turquoise sky mirrored in the sea beneath, the minarets of the mosque, fig orchards and fields of pop ples mingle with the red-tiled dwellings to form a scene never to be forgotten. Whittier1 Home. The proposition to merge the home etead of tho poet Whittier, at Ames bury, Mass., into a memorial, open to the public, mention of which has here tofore been made, is being received with general favor in eastern literary circles. ft Is desired to have the homestead re main intact Just as Mr. Whittier left It. The poet went to Amesbury in 1836, and there he wrote all hlB greatest poems. Mntlc and Hot Coffee. The prohibltioniBtB of Flint, Mich., are about to try the echeme of setting up a counter attraction to the saloons on Saturday afternoon, when the farm ers and traders come Into tovm. For this purposo a church Is to be opened r and music and hot conee nirmsnoa. Out of tho 150 Europeans in Lagos, West Africa, twenty-three died last year, a death rate of 154 In 1,000. UUjp lBBv SHE HAD SEEN HER. An Incident Which Show That On Should Not Talk Ton Much Hero is an Incident which, to be ap preciated, needs a glance at tho aweet womanly face of the young Mrs. Stan ton: Mrs. Stanton was summering nt Saratoga, eagerly enjoying tho delights ot that fascinating young watering place half a century ago a merry young mother, in great demand for her agreeable manners and sparkling con versation, as well as for her talented performance upon the guitar. Chatting with a friend ono day, the woman ques tionthat bugbear of the moment was brought up. "Isn't it dreadful," he re marked, "to think ot a woman so un Bexlng herself as actually to appoar before the legislature at Albany?" Nat urally enough, the herolno of this very shocking procedure protested against this interpretation of woman's sphere; yet, amused by her friend's faux pas, mlechlevously she led him on. "What kind of a woman Is thlB Mrs. Stanton?" she inquired. "Oh, a dreadful kind of a woman!" was the reply. "Just tho kind of wo man one would expect would do such a thing." "Do describe her," pleaded his tor mentor. "Tell me more about her." And he, nothing loath, went on: "Well, Bhe's a large, masculine-looking woman, with high cheek-bones and a loud, harsh voice don't you know Just ono of those regular woman's rights women." "Have you really seen her, or Is this taken from the papers?" she asked, quietly. "Of course I have seen her; did I not tell you thnt I heard her before the legislature?" "How did she speak?" "Frightfully; it was simply awful. Her strident voice and her masculine appearance should have, been the death knell to her cause." "What is her name, did you Bay?" "Mrs. Stanton Mrs. Henry Stanton, in fact." "Why, that's my name!" sho said. "Of course; she's your namesake, so I thouht you would be Interested. But I know it could bo no relation of yours. Ha, ha, ha!" Mrs. Stanton roEe. "I am afraid I am she," she Bald. Of course there was nothing for him to do but to confess and grovel. A BLOOD-RED LAKE. Peculiarity Manifested by m Sheet ot Water In Switzerland. Lake Morat, In Switzerland, has a queer habit of turning red about two or threo times every ten yearB. It is a very pretty lake, liko most of the sheets of water In that picturesque country, and Its peculiar freak is attrib uted to a disposition to celebrate the slaughter of Burgundlans under Charles the Bold on Juno 21, 1476. But tho French say that It blushes for the conduct of the Swiss, who In that bat tle gave the Burgundlans no quarter. This year it was redder than ever, and had a sinister appearance when the setting sun illuminated its waves. This phenomenon of courso has Its legend. Tho old fishermen of tho lake, who catch enormous fish called allures that weigh botween 25 and 40 kilograms, say when they seo the waters of tho lake reddening that it is the blood of the Burgundlans. As a matter of fact, some of the bodies of tho Burgundlans killed in the battle were thrown into tho lake, while others were tossed into a grave filled with quicklime. This historical recollection angered the Bur gundlan soldiers ot the victorious ar mies of the republic In 1738 so much that they destroyed the monument raised In honor of their compatriots who fell heroically In that battle, and Henri Martin very Justly reproached them for that pleco of vandalism. It would hardly do to attribute the red dening of the wntcrs of the lake to the blood of the soldiers of Charles the Bold. Tho coloring Is duo simply to tho pres ence In large quantities ot little aquatic plants called by naturalists osclllatoria rubescens. The curious thing about it la that lake Morat is the only lake in which this curious growth is developed, and this peculiarity is beginning to interest scientific men. A llecreant Bachelor" I'nnUhtucnt. The city was iii a perfect uproar last night, caused by the Bachelors' club being out In force to "haze" A. H. Gil lespie, a member of the club, who re cently was married, in violation to the club's solemn rules and obligations. He was boxed up in a qucensware crate and hauled up the main streets of the city; had his face blackened with a common shoo brush. The band played a solemn march as the procession went up tho street. Ho was then taken to tho hall, where the degree of "knight of the orient" was to be administered to him, but when about half way through he was overcome by tho shock of tho Initiation ceremonies and re quirements and became unconscious. Ho is all right this morning. Cincin nati Enquirer. Mother of Pearl. Mother of pearl is tho hard, silvery, brilliant substance which forms the in ternal layers of several kinds of shells. Tho interior of our common oyster shells is of this naturo, but tho mother of pearl used in the arts is much more variegated with a play of colors. The largo shells of the Indian seas alone have this pearly substance of sufficient thickness to bo of use. Lawei1 Wheat Iteport. John Bennott Lawos has revised his estimates, recently issued of the whoat crop of tho United Kingdom. Ho now places the quantity of wheat that will be avallablo for consumption at 5,271. 3G6 quarters, necessitating the import of 24,250,000 quarters THE AVERAGE MURDERER. I Ire Frlion He Appear Happy and Urnwa Tat. One ot the strangest of nil the strange phases ot human nature Is tho cheerful ness of the average murderor after conviction and sentence. There are, ot course, exceptions to tho rule; there aro murderers who await execution In horror and dread, and occasionally one dies of this torment boforo tho fatal day arrives. But thoso aro rare cases and do not affect the correctness of tho proposition that the average murderer Is a rather cheerful person, sleeps well, has a good appetite, grows fat, and, till hlB last hour, manifests a lively In terest In such worldly affairs as occu pied his mind before he was caught, caged and marked for tho hangman. Trouble of mind Is not conduclvo to the taking on of fat. A convict whoso day of death had been firmly fixed, and who had no ground on which to base the faintest hopo of clemency, might af feet cheerfulness, or oven jocularity, in tho presence of visitors. But there l no affecting a growth of adipose. The man whoso weight is Increasing day by day, even In tho shadow of the gal lows. Is not in mental distress. The mind and body are too closoly rclatod for either to be tormented without the full partlclpancy of the other. Here Ib an extract from a reporter's account or a visit to Harry Hayward, at Minne apolis, who will soon bo put to death for ono of tho most cruel, cold-blooded murders over perpetrated: '"Do you think you will hang?' " 'Yes, I think I will, old man, Hay ward replied. His face did not chnngo color, nor did he flinch. Then ho con tinued, laughing, 'A follow has4to go Bometlme, and It might as well bo ono tlmo as another. Only I wish It well done nnd no bungling. But, by the bye, whnt do you think about tho Corbett and Fltzslmmons fight or rather tho ono that did not como oft? I will toll you what I believe. I think "Fltz" wns was afraid of Jim. I would hato to see Jim get whipped, for he is nn American. But tho fight will never come off now.' he added. " 'How Is your health, Mr. Hayward?' " 'Splendid. When I camo In hero I weighed 1G0, but I have gained forty pounds. You seo, I have nothing to worry me, have slept well, and eaten heartily and will contlnuo to do so until tho end.' " If this were an exceptional case it would be interesting only as a possible indication of lunacy. But it presents nothing that Is unusual. It Is strange only because It is impossible for tho average mind to concolvo of such chcor fulness, such Indifference under the conditions surrounding thlB man. Washington Post. Thin Happened at the Hnb. Only recently l was forcibly Im pressed by the curiosity, romance or reverence call It what you will that tho masses seem to have for anything possessing a title. On Washington street a large crowd had gathered In front of a shoo store and a score or moro of persons were scrambling over each other's backs to get a gllmpso at some thing behind the plate glass. Think ing some wild animal whoso hide was used for footwear or some other curi osity was being exhibited, I Joined tho throng. When I finally forced my way through the crush I saw a pair of patent-leather shoes labeled: "These shoes were mado for the duko of Marl borough." Boston Post. Characteristic of th "Old Roman." "Thurman'B moBt notable character istic In the senate," saya ex-Senator Ed munds, "was his command of pure, strong English. He was powerful in debate, never mincing matters, but calling things by what ho considered their right names. Ho was bravo In his convictions, and was always work ing for what he thought the good of his country, and not for the hire. Al though I did not agree with him upon political matters, I could not help lik ing him for his earnestness. What ho did was done because ho considered It right." Nickname of KIiirs. Edgar, the Saxon king ot England, was Tho Peaceable, from his dislike of war. John of England wns called Lack land, from losing a large sharo of his possessions. Frederick II. and Otto III., of Germany were each styled the Wonder of the World. LABOR NOTES. Camden, N. J unions have organized a central body. The bricklayers of Chicago are being organized into a national union. The Internal Co-operative society, near Pittsburg, declared a 10 per cent dividend. In various cities the clgarmakers are advertising their labels by means of playing cards. German trade unionists of Cincin nati are discussing the advisability of starting a weekly labor paper. By a new arrangement of tho board of directors, commercial telegraphers will be admitted to tho American Rail way Union. Tho International Printing Press men's Union has Joined the American Federation of Labor with a member ship of 2.500. The National Union of Retail Clerks has now affiliated with 132 local unions, and tho number is steadily and rapidly increasing. The official headquarters of the Jour neymen Tailors' Union o.' America will be removed to nioomlngton, 111. Tho final vote was Bloomlngton, 2,446; St. Louis. 530. Josoph Bernstein, of Chicago, paid a fine of $100 and costs tho other day for using a counterfoil label for cigars. The prosecution was at the Instance ot the loral clgarmakers' union JJ ()( KEPT WATCH MURDERED MEN FOUND IN A UOAT IN RED RIVER. Itnhhary anil Possibly Itereiitfe the Mo tile for the Crime, Winn Perpetra tor May Klnde Detection A llemark able Canine. O FEW days ago, at PnrlB, Tex., United States Mar shal Williams re ceived a tolcgram from Arthur City, 16 miles north of Paris, on Red Riv er, stating that a man had been found dead In a Rhanty boat at tho mouth of Wild Horse Creek, three miles below there, anchored to a treo on the Indian Territory side. The body had been found by a man nnmed Tom Cnrrcr, who was out hunt ing. He started on board tho boat, and was drlvon back by a savage dog that kopt watch over tho boat. Sovoral citi zens of Arthur nt once went down to invcstlgato, nnd found tho report true. They went to tho boat, but a savago dog waB In tho room In which the bodies wore, nnd would not permit tho men to enter, but they looked through n window nnd saw a ghastly sight, Threo men and a boy lay in their beds mur dered. Marshal Williams dispatched Jim Chancellor and Red Harper, two of his best detectives and most trusted men, to tho scene. Arriving there a ghastly sight met their gaze. Lying on n pallet at one end of tho cabin were three men and a boy on the floor as If asleep, with tho faithful dog keeping guard ovor them. It made a navago attack on them, but tho officers had Instructions not to kill it, but to tuko it alive at all hazards. They pressed It back to tho bodies, and it stood on top ot one nnd showed Its teeth growling and whining pltcous ly at tho Intruders, and It was finally roped and dragged away. The officers found that tho three men had been shot In tho head, two with revolvers, nnd one with a shotgun, four empty sliolls telling how tho bloody work had been done. So closo were the murderers that tho clothing of tho mon had been sot on flro, hut had been ex tinguished by blood flowing from tho wounds. Tho men had never mado a struggle. Tho bodies wero all In an advanced state of decomposition nnd somo ani mal had eaten the flesh from tho boy's face, head and neck nnd had eaton his brains out. It was a sickening, shock ing apoctacle. Tho men's clothing wan scattored about tho room, with their pockets turned liiBlde out, showing rob bery aa well as murder. Ono was a largo man about 45 or 50 yoars old, with a heavy sandy mus tache shaved so ns to cxtoud it to his lower Jaw bono, and prominent foro head. Papers found under his head In dicate that his name was E. C. Conody, and that he waB tho owner of tho out fit. Tho boy was about 12 yearB old, heavily built, with dark hair, and was evidently tho son of Conody. Ho woro knee pants. Another waB Identified by citizens of Chlcola and Arthur aB Henry Thomas Rice, who had been a music teacher. He was about 28 or 30 years old, with black mustache, and rather handsome. The other man was about 35 or 40 years old, red complexloned, beard of about two weoks' growth and stub moustache. With tho party were somo trappers, hunters, fishermen and gamblers, and they had a full outfit BOLD WOMEN Boxing is among tho favorite athletic sports among tho fashiunablo set this season. Professor Do Sota says a wom an should be ns well equipped in muscle nnd as well nblo to defend herself as a man In every point, says Chicago Chron icle. Hence tho florce battles between tho fair sex in tho endeavor to enlarge and harden tho muscle. Boxing is ono of the least dangerous of all exorcises; much less so than fencing, slnco the boxing gloves aro so a means of pro tection. Somo of tho costuraos nre es pecially smart, and usually aro com posed of a short skirt, trousers, blouso or Jersey. A fotchlng rig has a skirt ot soft moire gray brllllantiue, spotted with huge circles of scarlet; the blouse waist with them and a good storo of pro- t visions. They had been drifting along tho river for somo tlmo, hnvlng bought tho boat several weeks ago from a man of the name of Clifford at Ragsdale, Tex,, about 50 miles nliovo thcro. WcekB ago they had stopped at sov eral points, remaining several dayi nt each. On tho 13th they wero In Arthur City, whero thoy displayed conflldor- ' able monoy. The younger, red-faced man gavo his namo aa Maddox, and . said he was from Atlanta, nnd tbJ. Ills father was a grocery merchant thoro. Thoy left Arthur Wcdnesdny, and wero murdered Thursday night, the 14th, as several shots wore heard whero tho boat wns found that night. The plate was an out-of-tho-wny spot, tho nearest hoiiHo being two mllos away. Thcro Is no clue whatever, and tho officers have no hopo of over solv ing tho mystery, though they aro work- ' Ing hard on tho case. They returnod to Paris with tho dog, which thoy will keep. SAILINO VESSEL'S FAST TRIP. Tha Helensburgh Crone from Hull In Twenljr-one Day. The BrltlBh ship Holcnsburgh, which reached thlB port ou Monday at mid- j night, mailo tlio passago irom nun in twonty-ono days, which Is believed to bo a record-breaking trip Tor a sailing vessel from thnt port, saya a writer In tho Now York Tribune Indeed, tho avorago voyago of steamers from that city takes nbout seventeen dayB. Tho Helnnsburg Is a full-rigged, three-masted Bteel ship. Captain JcfforBon, her master, said ho had strong, steady winds, varying from east to west, throughout tho trip. Two or threo gales overtook him, but under reduced sail his gallant ship plowed nlong boforo them on her courso. Sho had no uso for light sails nt any tlmo, nnd her Bklpper kept her under courses, topsnllH and topgallant Balls. On Boveral days sho made 300 knots, and on ono day 320, at which rato she could have "shown her heels" to many a tramp steamer. Four days woro taken In tho North Sea nnd tho English Channel, and the voyago from a point off Fnlmouth wbb thereforo of only seventeen days dura tion. Captain Jefferson 1b proud of this craft, and says that once on a voyage to Australia sho covered 350 knots In a day. Her presont passago Is tho quick est made across tho Atlantic in many a long day. In 1891 the Howard D. Thorp, a Ynnkeo ship, surprised her consignees by nnchorlng In the Bay oleven dayB out from Glasgow. Tho record was made, however, under the moro fnvorablo winds of an eastern trip by thoYnnkeocllpperDreadnaught, in 1859, when sho made Liverpool from hero In nine dayB. Such shlpB aro no longer built, and from Hull tho Holens burgh now holds tho record for sailing craft. Sho brings 1,600 tons of chalk, and 1b under charter to take a cargo of case oil to Shanghai. France Wttnt Treasure. Tho French government hns paid the Persian shah $10,000 for tho right to dig up antiquities anywhere within the ancient empire, and the bargain la re garded as an excellent one for the western nation. Several of tho great cities of tho bible Ho burled there, and archaeologists think that thoy contain better treasure trovo than tho world has ever galnod from the orient. Climax of a ltommice. A New York paper, in telling the story of n man who after an absence of ten years returned to Jersoy City only to find his wife mnrrled to another man, says that tho Incident duplicates "Enoch Anion's experience so graphi cally described by Henry W. Longfel low." IN THE PRIZE RINO. of scarlet taffeta, made very full and pouchy and belted with a band ot red kid. A stock of rod kid finishes the neck. Tho tights aro of scarlet silk, while sandals of red covor the feet. Tho effect of this vivid costume,, flashing in and out in tho quick move ments, is picturesque in the extreme. Another pretty costume is In black and white. Tho short skirt Is of ivory white broadcloth, fitted plainly across tho hips and laid in a succession of set folds at tho back. The Jersey is of black and whlto strlpod wool and fits loosoly ovor tho hips, hold In place by a soft scarf of black taffota. Snug trousors of white broadcloth nnd opera length hose of black silk complete the effect. AN UNFORTUNATE GIFT. A Pretent That Htariled a Bneolhsart and Her Household. A civil engineer who boards at the Capitol Street house has just returned from a surveying trip, says tho Wash Ington Star. Immediately opposite him nt tho table nits it young lady, with whom tho man of lines and figure Is Infatuated. She greeted, him as He enmo in at noon from his trip: "Oh, I am so glad to seo you. I know it must be horrid to havo to sleep in all sortB of places, and uoa chilly nights, too. Now, come right in with mo, and toll us all about It." The young man, conscious ot having had to sleep on tho ground the night before, wanted to got to his room unob served and change his clothing, but Is was too late, so ho concluded to go immediately to tho dining room. Thcro tho conversation was renewed, and the civil engineer hnvlng reached tho po etic stago of love's young dream, ejaculated moat eloquently upon the beauties of nature, tho sense of peace and rest experienced when lying upon the green carpot of earth under the blue canopy ot heaven, aud other touchlngly pathetic nnd charming slmlltes. Then ho remembered that he had found an exceptionally pretty clump of moss, which ho had brought homo for the object of his adoration. "Whllo out In tho woodB I thought ot my friends In the house," ho said, "and havo in my pocket n Bnmplo of nature's beauties, which I hopo you will nllow mo to presont to you." Thon, with a bow, ho drew forth from his pocket tho moss, also a email sized snako that had crept In and curled up In tho warm pocket. Tho roptllo darted acrosB tho table, tho young lady fainted, tho other boarders Jumpod on tho chairs, everybody screnmed, whllo tho roptllo glided around, seeming to play hldo and seek among tho dishes. Finally ono of tho gentlemen present killed tho snako with the carving knlfo, and after tho landlady had be stowed a withering look upon tho young man and told him that sho waB "In tho habit ot entertaining ladles and gentlemen only," and thnt "no gentle man would piny auch a Joko," ho wa allowed to go and ho will never return. MORAN'S MIGRATORY HEART. After Much Hhlftlnu About It Ha Settled Down on the Hleht Side. Frodorlck Mornn Is an Inmato ot the county Infirmary, nnd slnco he baa boon there his heart has been shifting from ono side to tho other, and has finally wound up on tho right side of his body, whero It seems to havo lo cated a claim with Intention to romain permanently, says tho San Francisco Examiner. Moran lived In Chicago when thlB peculiar action of tho heart began. It was n restless, shifting or gan, moving from sldo to sldo In a manner most perplexing and confusing to physicians. Mr. Moran found himself having considerable trouble, but ho did not lmaglno his henrt wns wandering around In this romnrkable fashion. When ho camo to this coast ho set tled in Alameda. Hero his heart bo Kan wandering from sldo to side, and this so dlBtrubcd Mr. Moran's Internal arrangements thnt he became quite sick. Ho waB sent to the county In firmary for trcatmont, nnd when he got there Resident Physician Clark mado a thorough examination ot his physical condition.. Dr. Clark noted that his heart seemed to be a little out of plumb, and ho wntched tho case closoly. While Mr. Moran remained in tho county infirmary his heart kept un its travels nnd finally located Itself permanently upon tho right Bide. Dur ing this tlmo Moran suffered some, but Dr. Clark's treatment provenied any serious results. Moran became ac customed to tho now order of things, and ho is now to bo discharged from tho hospital and he will go back to work. It Is unusual that the heart should shift from ono sldo to tho othor without causing death. Dr. Clark says that he has only heard of three similar cases nnd that the shifting ot tho heart In Moran's case has been complete Konriuii I'oitotnce Cat. It mny not bo generally known that a considerable sum of money for cat's meat appears annually as an Item in the postofflce estimates. This meat goes to the support of a whole colony of cats at St. Martln's-le-Grand. How they first came there no one seems to know, but the general impression is that their ancestors belonged to the private offices which were demolished when the pres ent G. P. O. was built, and that they became "strays" about the ruins until the rising walls gradually shut them In, and thus provided them with a home. Animal's Friend. ATCHISON GLOBULES. Nobody seems to be true to anybody. Who was the fool that said that time Is money? Nearly all the women overdo the an gel business. Unless lovo makes you sick, it is not of a good quality. The dirtier a dog Is, the moro friend ly he Is to his master. A man has a right to think lots ot things which he had no right to say. If a man behaves himself, people say ho is cunning, nnd hides his meanness. Every woman has a certain look with which she thinks sho can squelch a man. When a girl gives a reporter an Item, It is usually n "joko" on some other girl. Old age has at least one advantage: elderly people are hardly ever "talked about." Don't regard yqur troubles too trag ically; they may bo comedies to you to-morrow. The kin you like least are the most apt to kiss you when they come and when they go.