Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, January 10, 1896, Image 1
r V t4f? VOL. 1 HEMINGFORD. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY, JAN 10. lll.)6. NO. 46 tr Ifl yjMfey. & " kk. L ! rrr l .A bf ). FAIR PLAY. Look Well to Your Every Interest. What Will Your Actions be Af ter You Have Properly Postod Your33lf. ,Think Often nnd Well Before You Daclare Yourself, for tho Futuro Will Surely Come. Tho Alliance papers in their county seat argument speak as they usually do in everything else and refrain from answering the solid argument of the Heii ald. The Grip says that a ma jority of its readers want "some thing else." From what wo can get out of 4he Grip wo should judge that the major part of its readers are not hard to please for the 'something else" outside of its county seat insinuations are very scarce, in fact there is nothing except R. R. news, ?.nd if the editor has tho interest of tho taxpayers of Box Butte county at heart, it seems to us it would be well for him to give some of his valuable space tell ing tho taxpayers wherein they will save money by voting for and agitating a county seat ro moval. The facts are they have no argument only we are sti'ong onough to move the county seat and by tho Gods wo are going to do it, regardless of taxation" or tho consequences. The American voters have had thir sort of medicine about long enough and it is time they were looking into tho result of their votes, and not be Flim Flammed into voting for anything that happens to come along just be cause it might suit some friend of theirs. This is especially true with tho voters of Box Butto county. You are on the, vorgo of prosperity or destruction and it might bo well for you to select which course you will pursue. There is no way to settle these questions only by the ballot and in view of this and the future we carnostly hope every voter will take special pride in so posting himself that he will be able to cast his voto intelligently, and wtien this is fully done tho pres ent Court House will not bo thrown away. The county seat will remain where it is. Tho taxes of 1896 will bo reduced and BoxXButto county will hold the position that she rightly has earned the Banner county of the Northwest. Now voters, in considering this matter, tako special pains to look over all your county papers and see if The Herald is not advocating everything that is fair and that which will effect your future welfare, and also be suro and see if tho Alliance papers are not void of any argument that will tend to educate you on future taxation. THE HERALD wants .. ,,,,.. J" J1 SS1SC ,muFul -.- and then vote in tho light of their knowledge and if three knowledge fifths of tho voters think it will bo a savins to tho county to make this change, then and only then, wo will say that it is prop- er, right, just, and lair, and is good financial economy. Be cause we havo groat faith iu tho judgment of tho majority of the American votors. In trying to post yourselves do not tako any one's word for anything, but go to the county records and got tho true status of the count," and of tho men who are so very anxious Professor Fonnor and Supt. Our ostooinod friend Alonzo Pioaoait iiciso. It is tiresome to hear the AM- to increase the taxation and see Neelnnd returned from Lincoln Sherwood of Box liutti county, Mrs. Jns. Wholan has I woo suf- aneo Grip howling about tho phil it 4i,;c t nnf nnntiior nnqn nf Rnndiiv itioriiinff. Thov rouort writes n letior in tho Ueiniimford faring with a folon for tho pist nnthroplsts of that place and "Stop Thief." We want nothing tho State Teachers meeting a de but what is fair and want that in cided success, tho fairest way possible and wo r. m. Hampton was up from will risk tho rosult. r. TT7nll Tnhn I-rank Abbott and Mabel John- son were married at the residence of Mr. Robinson on Wenesdoy. Both are residents of Box Butte preomt. Rev. ornom o.lloiatod. A surpnso party was given in hfinni' of Mrs Wlieelor at the Sim- iKHioi ui iuih. it iulici, mini, niii ninua- nuifli-nrSl nf Ml-.q. MflLaod Wednesday tvening and it goes Without saying that the surpriso was complete in every particular. Nearly every young person in lloraingford and vicinity whb present and all had an enjoyable time Chas. A. Posvar one of the prosperous farmers and stock- men of Lawn precint was m town Monday. Mr. Posvar owns a quarter section of deeded land, as does his three brothers. Ho oo.yn tuuu ix nw s.juuj "' , seat, is moved to Alliance he and his brothers will leave tho county and will never pay another cent of taxes on their land, and there are a great many others in that neighborhood who will do like wise. This will suit the Alliance philantropists. In the fight over the removal of the county 6 cat of Box Butte countv from Heminprford, tho Herald, of that place, is geting in a good nuny sledge-hammer blows, and appears to havo alto gqthor tho best of it so far. Crawford Tribune. Justice B.VanNost and daugh ter, Mrs. J.V. Parker, accompan ied by tho latler's childern, de parted on Monday's train for Al bany' N. Y. on a few week's visit, with relatives and friends. Deadwood Times. Atty. John. G.Maher ofChad ron, accompanied Prof. Fenner homo from Lincoln and spent Sunday in Hemingford. Mr. Maher has been appoint ed to the position of court stenographer by His Honor, Judge Westovor. The Judge could not havo solected a moro competent person, and of courso John's many friends are well pleased. "" Miss Anna Wohlers visited friends in Crawford last week. Mrs Dave Best from near Al liance is spending a week with Mrs. Ben Price. Editor Paradis of the Alliance Guide was in town last Friday. Henry Lichte, Dunlap, and Henry Broich, Hemi lgford, are the latest to havo their names onrolled on the list of this,faniily journal. C. J. Wildy was on tho sick list tho fore part of tho week. Mr. Gerdes.O. Gilbert, J. Man ion, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Atkin wero among tho Box Butto peo ple in town Monday Mrs. Atkin will bo appointed a Notary Fub- lie, which will make it convenient r the Postmaster and others notarial work to . transact. Why is it that the lumbermen and -brick-makers of Alliance aro taking such an active part in the matter oi county seat, removal: oan it ou inwy expuui. u uuw uuurv house built? Attorney L. liance was in town Monday. Albert Paradis visited with Hemingford friends Sunday. Mrs. John Kuhn has boou ill this wsek. - Miss Nellie Goodonough closed a .. . x . h ;t1.,J?l ' Brown district last week or to air. aim w. o, . Kendall, J" l b"'- 1 ' District COlirt Will COllVOUO Muroll 10. til Harry Armfield is in town today, jj;. Hiram Wilson of Box Butte precint, died on Mondav. Funor.,l took place Thursday, in- torment Libbv cemetery. Rev. Vornom conducted tho funeral services. Tho county commissioners meet Tueftd..y, Jan. 14th. Miss Lulu Kendall made a trip OVor to Hemingford Thursday, ro- turning Monday last. RushvUle Dem0erat ' ; Thorn will bo services at tlio Catholic church on Monday Jan. 13th, at 10 A. M. W TT Ifolcto, nml W T) Tnlm V. Ii. !V.eiSter and V. U. JOllu- -a. t wiiMnf hi, uu j.j i. iix. son of Box Butto wero callers at this office yesterday. Miss Stratton the Borea post ZlJZ y SCatV1Sll0r J. uuuj . How's This. J It has been demonstrated to tho satisfaction of everyone that wind u" irrigation lsaiauuro, una cue ftianAnji-"vB- .viivr h tw v n r I r olhcers of tho Allianeo irrigation sell 'tho miffs n to Diiv but- s'.t.K-i society arts going to on the' irrigation far standing debts and give it up us a bad jot) Alliance Unp. If wind mill irrigation has prov en a failure in Bo Butto county thore aro a good many citizens of western Nebraska who would like to know why and how it is a fail ure. Certainly it is not a failure in some parts of Dawes county. Chadron Signal. Well, well, Bro. Sheldon can't you sco the point. Tho "Alliance irrigation society" want to Bell their wind mills and put tho money in the county seat schoaiers fund. And isn't it singular that thoy havo ju&t discovered irrigation to boa failure this winter? Mortgage Record. Thn following is 11 correct state - ment of tho totals of tho mortgage . . , . , 1 c -n T) u indebtedness record of Box Butte county, for the year ending, Dec. 81, 1895. Farm mtgs filed 70, $24,340.11 relsd IzO, 4i,171.bU filed 55, 24,810.57 Town it Clmttol Total Total rol'sd 43, 19,200.18 find 404. 7(5.314.81' rol'sd 2G0, 42,(573.08 . v -i - filed, 529, $12,495.52 rel'sd 423, 101,053.5(5 Borea. Sorn.pin.ga. Much sickness prevails in this neighborhood. Tho Beroa Sunday school has boon postponed for the next quarter. The Misses Lilly and Edna Johnson havo returned to their re- speclivo schools after Now Year Several of tho fanners aronnd i,nrn linva nmvJ un nn ihoir lnnd tW- R4Vn . of .. vnnilir nnnhl bovoral ot ttie young people of iTCrtmn nnt vinmirv cnf fnrrntliA.- lll8t njgut nj sursprised Miss Benedict. They reported it to bb n guri)rj6e in every particular, but they cj0yed themselves nover- tholoss. Mr. S. S. Alley a prominent law A. Berrv of Al- ver of Wilber this state has been visiting with Mr. und Miss Straton for the past few days. The guQuIno Hound Oak costs no more tlmti au imitution. why nut i buy tlio ono that everyone kuows is ' rfclit. rjhr)j iella thm. UeimM) Inst week in which hn np peals to Christian sentiment, fair dealing and the spirit of tho Gol den Rule in the hearts of men to o".l the M now raging over t hero. Ho tofors to tho fal thftl Uwnlntfforil is in the county, tl..it Alliance ftmuy he niilroid llmi it is better for tho convenience of tho people to havo two good towuB i,ati.,ifl of nm nntl nnlr tlmt llinRrt iiisiuui oi one ana asas unit moso ..nnairlnri.tJo.,.. ..tll.. ill., m.iftnr Uv consKlorations settle tlio matter Dy the rule of "Ho unto others M yo would thoy should do unto you." Tho letter is h ghly ciedilablo to tho writer, but Bto. Sherwood ought to Icimv that tho Golden Rule is pr.iotio illy thrown out of tlio Dusmess world to day oven among Christians-superseded by the law of competition and tho rule of "Get all you can and howcan ho expect it to bo considered in a county seat contest? There novor wbb an honest county seat election in Nebraska. "'-"""" " -j,w- orcion and oven violence havo markod the course o ovorvono of i, , i.i i, i ii lom ,,,MI lu Pdmg 0110 111 iJOX ii,, ..4 :n u .... . :.,. l5"o county will bo no excoption. The good people in the rival claimed that ono good town in the :rn,in,np. MobTohX. of Hnn, nu towns of Alhanco and Hemingford COUnty would bo moro honofiuial to ji',as Vw 7 u mi. tplfrhC 6' will nrav Sunday for tho comiiiL' .1,,, ,,,,i,. i,n ,,. imvm U n"o uiv'ii ' tho following witnHMio.pfoTht't ot ChrisL s Kingdom on earth and Ion Tuesday will either wink at or engago m moro of tho devil's rus- Cfll,ly than could bo washed away by tho Plutto river. If thoy don't tlio county seat war in liox lJntte jtcountv is lli""jront fra W-Int lm3 hbon in ovol'y othor cuunt-y iu tho wtntnr'.ti.i.i..,i ;..! - .a state, Chadron Signal. While our friend Sheldon stated a great many facts, yet wo aro of 0 J ' J tho opinion that there aro many in this county who will bo governed by the Golden Rule and not bo in- f luenced by a few Alliauce politi J cians whoso only prayer is that their opportunities for control- ino-tbn nff.iirs nf this emmtv mav t o - 1 be enlarged. A Pleasant Party, Qne of tho most enjoyable gath erings of the season was tho one held at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Mnnion near Box Butte on New Year's evo Dancing com meiiced r.t mi eurlv hour and con- tiuued until 12 o'clock when all , partook of a sumptuous oyster TO01';, After sapper thoso who trip tho light fantastic" did so ulltiY tho "wee small hours." The j Libby band furnished excellent j music. Mr. Manion and his esti- moblo wifo know how to entertain moir inenus ana ovorvono nnu ' vry pleasant time. Tho follow- ig persons were present: Mr. nnd Nrs. w.o. Atkin. Mr and Mrs. O W. Eparku, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. 1' H. Dillon. Mr. and Mm. J. Mahoury Mr. Mrs. tl Keiiter, Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Uobb, Mr. and Mr. Win. O'Mara, Mr. and Mr. M. Mahoncy. Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Mr.and Mr. Hob itiBon, Mr. and Mrs. M. Collins, Mrs. Parrot Mrs. Patterson; MIbbps Beott, Albright, Atkin,, Blair, Texley, Bilk. and Hoi;MesBrs W. F.Ilan dolph, H. Tcxley. H. ('. HolTman. J, Oerdes, W.fowlln. Ed KlnRley. O UcxWy. P. Collins, A.Thorlton, ( Koii, J. Kovarnlk, J. Vochout, J.Korarnlk, U Went. Oki wno was Tucnr. Wm. Roth called yesterday and ordered Tiik Herald sent to his brother John, Byruo, Kansas The Herald does not claim to he a. "philanthropist" but does claim to bo a friend to the honest tax payers and tho common peoplo, aiid they seem to realize it. W. M. Copeland, our pleasant and accommodating station dgent, had his namo onrolled on The Herald list this week. Among tho Liberty precinct farmers in town this week were Henry Wintcn, C. A. Lockwood, D. F. Miller, C. Klomko, Wm. Butler, John Kiuzler, and Geo. Zimmermnn. Mrc TTntnmnnil's linu.on nvA .ti ..t t e ii luuua buuitioaou ux iuhu luiuii.y destroyed by fire Monday. week. Mrs lirdy loft last woolc for her old home at 13ollo Plain. Iowa, whore she will visit during tho winter. . j Many of the neighbors gathered ' at tho home of Commissions , ft.. II !-.. .. XT. ... ".., .... ' CWy SJ ,f ht ytill on. Tho wl.itor wouldiiko tosoy u few word I .1 . , e ii p i ' m the interest of llonnngford mor- . ,,r , . ........ ,...,.. I I III II III'llICM H 1)11 II'U I HILl'M I VII ovo .. vH k.,,1 i)v i.nrd lcnonks 8IlV0l n fow (loll(U.a aml wo houftl tlmt II poiSOU COUIU UUy gOOUS SO , , , . I miieli cneaper at Aiitunco man cheaper at Alhnueo than Ur . i . l.. i.l . -.- .. "i cumin 'onu rceiunnco upon mm rmuiiimra omingford, wo concluded to go to Qr r.niii inmi. vi Joiia PotmMMi, John Pot Alliance .mil buy our supphes. TitoCthr1 Kr"!u Wo wont into one store nnd u . W. Wtu. iWUw. to 1)rco VUI.oty of g00(ls Und finuinfr lho pricos ,.ging hiohor thnu at nomiuKforl, we concluded to try another and so on until wo had tried six or seven stores nnd finding tho snrao lcsult at all of thoin wo ,)e,tflIl t0 lot it bo known mni wo uveti ooyouci iiomiugioni. Then county seat talk commenced ... . . t 1 t n,,.i ,,.na ,mnij ii...mti tn f.M from toll to tWOIl'y COIlts Oil the .. . i ... (i0nar'B Wl,rlh. Some of them wouM Cim9u moro competition than " "" """- .w. i 0t uresont for a certain portion of tho people traded at Allianeo and a curttin portion at Hemingford and prjCC3 WOre alu ut the same. (Tliey jjj ,10t m01,tion anythinc alout their monopoly flouring tho farmers think abt 1 , . ., , , ... - , mill, what about it and i wimt they would got iho Hemingford mill tho gentlomen that wo hoard before ''b , , ,,. loaviug homo that Alliance was selling goods of all kinds ho much chuapor than iu IIomingfo;i and wo let them know that it was wrong and that you can do a great dal better iu Hemingford. Wn Infl thn Alli.inc.5 merchants - - - .mrl rin nnr wnv lwimn nnrcllUsod fl .... .. ... ...v 4 l.lll r,t unnla nf I Tnit. i nnfnri I ivlixrn uiii ui uiw iv-.w ta t you can buy goods the cheapest dressed Horncall wants somo hogs. Wildy's received a clothing. new lino of Order your stove repairs at Anton I Uurlg's. A now lot pf shoes just received by 2QV lbs dried apples for $1.00 at' Wildy's. California cnnned joods 16 cents a j cm at W. K. Ilerncnli's. I wnni all the county. the dressed poultry In W. K. Heuncall. Urates A fine line of ico skates just received at H. R. Green's Hardware storo. If you want a suit, overcoat, overalls, cloak, cape, or simwi. cfipQn a blC lulO lit Wildy's. I f a hogs, poultry, butter, eggs, cheese or potatoes." Hallor, the dentist, will bo here Friday, January 10. Ho will only stay one day. C lYr.lrl.f lnrAn trtt Of ill ITU1" Shoes pf all kinds, styles and prices. Can lit any foot and pocket book., W. K. HEKNCAl.L. Paint, Glass and oils of all kinds sold according to the hard times clleaer than the cheapest, at , Anton Uiiuio's. T1Q Hehalu and the Omaha semi-weekly World-Herald both one year for $1.75. j You cannot und In these United states the equal of th ncnuliie Round Oak. You may try; you'll get left. Remember It's Hie combination I of Kod points that makes tho perfect ' tove. Uuy the genuine and be aatif fled. See tho name on tho leg, For I sale at Uhrig's. of tho irrancors thov havo kept from starving. Wilt wio Grip plomo namo one farmer that thoso ono-horse aristocrats havo k3pt from starving? Tho fact of the matter is thoy havo and wlU, "skiu 'ho farmer every UIIUUUU bllUV KUU VX UUIUDU LUU " w .'philanthropists" are very swcot Justjiow. u-vl inict uiWm.Nw, u.un. Hntlwtp hereby Kjvt'nth t Ihsfollowiiw- namuler ha Med notion uthi intention to Rinift Html prootlli rinpport.oMiliicUllH Mil timtii.iiroof win ifnii.ibrowti itwutor i&w" "I'B" ' N "l ftbnwr,r l5' VllkUUUli OV lIMUi f noxIlntt. Noli..w!iomndolt.TJ.No.lMlfor h nmnn tT.e foiiowh to pror fur tlin H W M ". . tn M i. rw ". w Noticririli.rtVrViroiio'V ,B0MX&rf ium,pW ttrJWifflNoi. YSmSS E Ko -. ?prtu?iSuiriii&VrNVSoo".tpMurrB lro'n-impsthn foUowinu witness to pmre o'VataS.'X1 MKSSf'ott on oi tjcmmKioru, ne... " '" " f ehn, Jr., IUslstfr. Not oo In hnrnby ifjwi tlmt tho foliow'iw- t ..! niR.l 411ftfi. Mnlt ftn. U 1w'A to mVi HnM ptonf In Mpnort o'M. claim, nnd t'mtwlrtproorwillbsnunlobotiirptlwlliiitfr orUywUortAiiunsMi.ii,ou fob it,'im, iin'inil a"ttlnr lm HItl no tics or lila Intention ffln; -'Si A i.urff. .loiin a. joijiwon, cu u u9p, mod., jou Knuuoa, oniemWrorU. nvu ; Notice of Publication of 3um mons. Julld C. Incerioll vs. Lewis M. WUlU-raa, Ira U. Tadl. uJ Ef M. TbIi bit wlto, mt W. J. Ilnwilcn. Ltiyri M. Wltlifttnn nml W. J. Hovrjon dotend Ht,wlU tk'xo notloa that on tha2Utlidn)'of rfaiy, .1, auiin'. aumvipi;. iiiMti.viii uacjiiiti.i'- nri inv-tmont t'o. upon the .iubwet qnrtor is wH) olriect onfoir (4t townhIttwmty-lx ; "' forty night ( wcuot flur..in r JJgaaeSeU Uwflw't ?mno Junor:,' n'i ociT"ry ix montim tt.crMttr sod iu'o tn lutnrAst coupon notiM provUo.l for In the SofonrnVf'iiHSnTiiiwiaAPieaS ).fi&A montlw tlicr ufior, whlrh ta bond, eoapon ttur 10. IhUI. f.oht. cniorBil, 8l6ud and dell Intnrret not , nml morttrnifo Uoal tis oq Uclo- orl t thU plalntlITi tliivt there in now doaup- ntiKnlil iotP9 and niort:aj thn Bum ot 5L.J. vritb Intorostatlhorateof 10 pr cent per an num trom thoaiii.ir or July lbyi. rorwniou eura ' with IntiTCBt anaforoeatd, plaintiff uraya for a ileoreo that detoiidnuts 09 required lo pay i" amo. or that ld premlBw may be sold to eat- tsfy tlip amount found dun. Vou are required to answer said petition on or 1 boforo tho lltli day ot February, lH'JO. JUMA ('. INOElMOIi, Plalnttff. 1O0 Uyll F. Uilsun, her attoraty. llntoil .Tun. Irt. Inll. Calvin J. Wildy NeV UC OClS Low Prices rin?rlr cnln in rmr motto. Wa . . aro "ow showing u better line of good than over M6' and wo would call particular attention to our now lino of Mons' and Boya' Clothing, and Ladies' Cloaks and Capes, on which wo are making very low prices. Wo are not sell- 'g ot any old, bankrupt stock, ' but we are selling cheaper, quality considered, than anyone else. We buy fm. cft8U) an B0n for cabb, or I OTrl,!infy for nroduca. we ar6 tha ... .. . rtlfl rmmtv. Our . . increase of patronage, to whow we feel grateful, and for which we warrant a continuance of square dealing, and a saving of money by staying with the undersigned humble servant. Your Truly, CALVIN J. WllDT. 1805 finds tie genuine Round Oak with creator galea than anyyear gon by, ami the number of imitations baa become a multitude, aee it ana nam the iepctn v. lr- r &"? a Vbife' , e.i nor priiugn in w oiirir courv m iim .- . ..... i .1 .11..-.. . :. ii . ) We told rlod a certain inortcaw ovecutod by tli0tJ- ' r.tn,1tit l.nurta f WllllATTid tn Tim Am Mr Iran mntu tl.M t i(Mr. iiil nmvnf nf whlhti urn tit fur A