Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, January 03, 1896, Image 3

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It l':ite by n Strictly Tarty Vote Ho
t'lilillcnin Atlnpteil mi Iron Clml llnlo
bihI l'ut It Tlirtiuch nciiiorrntK Offer
Objection, tint In Vnln No Amend
Went Wern Permitted.
The First Kiuergeney Hill.
Wasiiinoio.v, Due. 27. The com
mittee on rules of the House to-tiny re
ported u rule to vote on the ways nud
means committee tariff bill at ft o'clock
tills afternoon ami the bond bill at 5
-o'clock to-morrow.
The rules report was adopted iu the
llonsu by 213 to 30, a strict warty vote.
In anticipation of a field day in the
House over the passage of the tariff
bill, agreed on by the ways and moans
committee, great crowds were attract
ed to tlio capltol and every available
inch of spaeo in the public and private
galleries, save tlte sections reserved
for tlie executive and diplomatic corps
was taken. Most of the members who
had gone homo for the holidays had
hurriedly returned and the attendance
on the lloor was almost as large as on
the opening of tho hesslou. Many
Senators were also present. Imme
diately after tho reading of tho jour
nal. Mr. Dingley, the chairman ot the
ways lind means committee, reported
Irotn that committco the revenue bill,
which the speaker immediately re
ferred to tho committee of the whole
.Mr. Crisp said that the committee
minority had had no opportunity to
prepare and (lie its views.
Mr. Henderson ot Iowa, from tho
committee on rules, then presented
the special order under which tho
Homo was to operate. It was iron
clad in its character. It provided that
immediately after the adoption of tho
order it would be in order to call up
the revenue bill just presented by Mr.
Dingley, and that the dobato should
tuii until 5 o'clock when, without in
tervening motion, tho vote should bo
taken on the passage of tho bill.
Mr. Crisp called the attention of the
House to the effect of the rule under
which it was proposed to operate, and
nsited every member to weigli his re
sponsibility when ho voted for it. Hero
was n bill, he said, that affected every
interest nnd all beetions of tho coun
try which it was proposed to put
through under a rule that deprived
the members of any right to offer
nmendiuents. It must be taken or re
jected as a whole. What authority,
lie asked, was it on tho other sido
which proposed to pass a measure of
Hiich importance under the crack of
the party whip without the dotting
of an ,'i" or tho crossing of n, "t"?
Mr. Dalzell, ltepublican of Pennsyl
vania, said there was no one who did
not know that a peculiare.ig,,ncy was
faced. Referring to Mr. Crisp's criti
cism of the cracking of the party whip,
he said the Wilson bill, with COO
amendments, had been nasscd through
the House after only two hours' de
bate and under a rulo reported by Mr.
Crisp himself. He appealed to tho
House to rise to the patriotic level
necessary to meet tho emergency and
come to the President's aid.
Mr. McMillen, Democrat, of Ton-neb-cc.
replving to Mr. Dalzell, said
that the difference was found in that
fact that there had been elaborate
hearings before the ways nnd means
committee before the Wilson bill was
passed. The present bill had been
completed Chriatiims day, when tliero
was no opportunity to consult tho
treasury otlicials, and he declared that
tliero iiadbeen no opportunity tocven
read the bill. He complained of tho
cracking of the party whip, and said
iu conclusion that the same power
which had asserted itself after the
l-'ifty-llrst Congress would again be
heard from after this exercise of party
Mr. Turner, Democrat, of Georgia
called attention to the fact that both
Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Carlisle, whom
he extolled as the greatest Secretary
of the Treasury since tho days of
Alexander Hamilton, had given Con
gress the highest assurance that there
was ample revenue in the Treasury,
lioth the President and tho Secretary
of tho Treasury had pointed out the
evil in the financial situation and its
remedy. Everybody understood tho
fctress existing. Aud what was to bo
the responses of Congress? ISefore all
remedi.il legislation it was proposed
to put a proposition to still further
bleed and tax the American people.
Mr. Henderson closed the dobato in
.a speech which aroused tho ltepubli
can side to great enthusiasm. Tliero
was, lie said, n business matter for a
business people and should bo met iu
n business way. Tho Republicans
wore not afraid to assume responsi
bility. His sido had been taunted
with working on a holiday. If tho
f.ituution demanded it they would
work onSunday. ( ltepublican applause.)
Democratic politicians had emptied
tho treasury, ltepublican politicians
would ill! it. They would right tho
hip of stale that had been plunging
half seas under since the Democratic
parly assumed tho bridge. A Demo
cratic Provident hud sent to Congress
a declaration of war and three days
afterward had filed a petition of bank
ruptcy, (ltepublican applause.)
"We are not for war," continued Mr.
Henderson. "Tho President demanded
money. Wo will give it to him. lint
we have not declared war, although
war will iind us ready. Let not the
business interests ot the country shiver
before this tempest iu a teapot. The
country has assets. The ltepublican
narty 1ms returned to power in the
legislative branch of tho government.
It will soon have the executive, aud
then never again will our integrity bo
put in question. Tho Democrats had
no right to complain of whip and spur
und gug after their proceedings on the
Wilson bill "
At this point Mr. Kinney of North
Carolinn, after stating that, as a lto
pulilloaii, ho favored tho measure,
nsk,ed if tho rule committee order
would not expend to Democrat, the
privilege of offering amenduiBnts be
fore the voto was tuken.
It will not," replied Mr. Heuder
wn. Tim DemneruU applauded this
ropjy and Mr. Crisp atJirmad tliut the
tints regarding the pnroow of tho
rule had only been half elicited by
this ipttttHou nud rupomc, Its ob-
1uilU b snkl ws not nnlv tri voir tin.
Democrats, liut to preveut Republic
ans from oiVcring niueniliients which
thoy might deem wise. It wn?, an at
tempt to make tho Republicans appear
unanimous. (Democratic tipplause.)
Tho rule committee's order was then
adopted '213 to SO, a strict partv vote,
save that Mr. Llnncy f North Car
oina, and .Mr. Connolly of Illinois,
Republicans, voted with the Demo
crats. J
At 5 o'clock, at tho close of debate
ns set by the rule tho bill was passed
by a party vote, and Ulio liottso ad
1'roJecU for Temporary Financial llellef
anil for Temporary TiirlfT Inrreaie.
Wa8IM.N(1to.v, Doc. 'J7.- Chairman
Dingley of the wnys and means com
mittee to-day reported to tho Houso
tho tariff and bond bills ngrecd on by
tho majority of tho committee. They
were accompanied by the following
"Your committee regard tho chronic
deficiency of revenue for the past two
years and a half as the most potent
causo of tho dililculties which tho
treasury has encountered and nn im
portant factor in tho crention aud pro
motion of that serious distrust which
hns paralyzed business and dangerous
ly shaken confidence, oven In the
financial operations of the govern
ment. It is as impossible for n gov
ernment to have continuous deilciencv
of revenue for two years and a half
without nffeeting its iinanclal stand
ing as it is for tin individual. It is
impossible also for a government lo
continue in this condition without
casting n shadow of doubt and dis
couragement over nil business opera
tions within its borders.
"Your committco believes that it is
the duty of tho Houso of Representa
tives, to which body the constitution
commits the inauguration of revenue
bills, to frame nud passu inoasurn that
will yield not far from 810,000,000, suf
ficient to putnn end to a deficiency
and to do this without delay, too,
leaving to others, whoso co-operation
is required, to finally place such legis
lation on the statute books to meet
tho responsibility in their own way.
And the President's special message
setting forth so pointedly tho serious
ness of the situation nnd the necessity
for the promptest action only empha
hizes tlio duty of the House.
"Your committee liavo not under
taken a general revision of the tariff
on protection lines as a majority hope
can be done in 1807 or loOS, not only
because they know that such tariff
legislation would stand no chance of
becoming n law, but also because gen
oral tariff revision would require
many months, and tlio need is more
rcvenuo at once.
"Tho bill reported by your commit
tee proposes to make the duty on im
ported clothing wool 00 percent of tho
duty imposed by tho net of 18'JO, which
would give an equivalent of 0 0-10 of a
cent per pound on unwashed wool, or
about 40 per cent nil valorem. This
reduction front the duty of the act of
181)0 hns been made because the res
toration of tho full duty in that act
might seem to bo too great a cliango
from the present law to those whoso
co-operation it is necessary to secure
in order to have any legislation, nnd
not as a measure of what might bo
done when all branches of tho govern
ment arc in harmony with the major
ity of the Houso on protection lines.
The duty on manufactures of wool is
increased by u specific duty equivalent
to the duty on wool.
"Tho duty on carpet wools is loft at
thirty-two per cent nd valorem, whero
it was placed iu 1890. This is a purely
revenue duty, as wo raiso very few
carpet wools.
"Such lumber as was placed on tho
free list by tho act of Jo'.'O, without
the slightest justification, is restored
to the dutiable list, but with a duty of
only sixteen per cent of the duties
provided by the act of 1890 giving an
equivalent of only about fifteen per
cent Such a reduction from the low
rates of 18U0 is justified only on the
ground that the object of your com
mittee has been to frnmo n, bill mainly
on revenue grounds, in the hope that
it would secure the approval of those
in otlicial places whose co-operation is
essential to legislation, und who may
be supposed to feel that in such nn ex
igency ns now exists the public neces
sity must control.
'rut: HON i) n II, i..
The report on the bond bill says that
the Secretary of the Treasury now has
the authority, under the resumption
act of 187.", to issue and sell ten-year
5 per cent bonds and thirty-year -i per
cent bonds to maintain the fund for
the redemption of United States notes,
and that he had sold 100,000,000 of the
former description of bonds and about
02,00b. 000 of the latter description of
bonds in the last two years, nnd as he
announces his intcntiou to avail him
self of the authority given by the re
sumption net and 60II more high rate
and long term bonds, if necessary, tlio
only question is whether it is not
clearly for the public interest that ho
shoulit have authority to sell a lower
rate and shorter tenr bond. Tho
committee thinks that it is clearly in
the public interest that lie should liitvo
this authority aud adds:
"In granting this authority, how
ever, we have included in the bill a
provision that tho proceeds of bonds
sold shall bo used exclusively for re
demption purposes, our object being
to secure such a separation of the re
demption fund from tho ordinary cash
in the treasury as will maintain and
protect the reserve. Wo also provide
that such bonds shall bo offered for
sale in such a manner ns to invito in
vestment among tho masses of tho
Of the certificates of indebtedness
tho report sitjs: "In our judgment
tho Secretary of tlio Treasury should
always hae such authority as tills to
meet temporary deficiencies that are
liublo tonrUc. Unless thib authority
is given, the Secretary will indirectly
uso the proceeds of bonds sold under
the resumption net for redemotion
purposes to meet the deficiency iu tlio
revenue, as he line been doing in the
past two years and a half."
Mlliu May lie llebulieil.
WAsiuxfiro.v, Dec. 37. The Presi
dent und Secretary of War I.aniontnro
seriously considering the advisability
of silencing General Miles. Timlthey
are much incensed by tho indiscreet
talk in wiiieti the general ot tlte army
has been indulging iu tegard to tilt
wcHkueas ot tbu country's ooast tie
fontes Hiiil the general inability to go
to war with swiiMnw of sueoe oar.
be positively fctaUfcl.
Cotton Frocks for lloiiietinttl Work
Sonto l'rcttr DcrIcii for the Street
New Feature In Continue -Ailvlco
Yohux Girt Fnihlon Notes.
HEN tho trousseau
Is being prepnretl
very few young
girls include n few
cotton frocks to bo
worn when doing
the small duties
every housewife Is
euro to ho called
upon to do. A sens
ible clrl has a cot
ton frock for morn
ing wear, preferring them to a silk or
worsted bccntiBo they can so easily bo
kept fresh and sweet nnd because her
husband, though n club man, admires
n woman most when engaged in Borne
of tho many little duties; nbotit the
Ono of tho prettiest ot theso frocks,
and one in which sho will look ns sweet
as n rose, with her pink cheeks nnd
brown eyes, Is made up of palo pink
French seorsuckcr, crinkled very like
crepon. It Is made to come only to tho
anklos, and makes her look like a young
slip of a girl In her teens. It Is spotted
with black polka dots, just as Frcnchy
as can be. Tho skirt Is full and gath
ered at the waist Into a narrow bolt.
Tho round, full waist Is brought Into
tho same belt, so thnt tho frock Is really
in ono piece. There nro full bishop
sleeves, finished by n rulllo nt tho waist,
drawn together by a rubber band, so
that they may bo easily turned back
to the elbows if desired. There Is a
pointed yoke of flno white linen set in
over tho shoulders and edged with a
full frill of tho same, finished by a
narrow heading at the top. A lnrgo
apron of the linen has broad tics at tho
back and a dainty frilled pocket. An
other pretty seersucker frock is in dull
china blue, flecked with black ami
trimmed with row upon row of whlto
sorpentlne braid about the skirt, bolt,
yoke and sleeves.
Work of Vntnr Urmlnnte.
Many and vnrlcd are tho other oc
cupations pursued by Vnssar women,
each with a small individual following.
LlbrarlanBhlp has recently been ele
vated to the dignity of a profession, nnd
six graduates have adopted it. There
are five artists and five farmers. In
cluded in the latter list is Mrs. Francis
Fisher-Wood ('71), known in several
other ways, who is proprietor of tho
Kingwood herd of Jerseys, and manu
facturer of a choice brand of stcrlized
milk for tho special feeding of infants.
There nro four chemists, two of whom
deserve further mention. Mrs. Swallow-Richards
('70), besides her ad
vanced scientific Investigations, has
dono practical work which deserves tho
gratitudo of every housekeeper. Her
pamphlets on "Homo Sanitation," the
"Chemistry of Cooking and Cleaning,"
etc., have been widely circulated. Mrs.
Richards is also the founder of that
famous pioneer Institution, tho Mew
England Kitchen of Boston. Miss Welt
C91) has distinguished herself in the
universities of Geneva and Paris, and
Is said to be the only woman chomlst in
the city.
Some Pretty Designs.
It is such a difficulty to choose just
what will he best for one among so
much that is fascinating in cloaks. The
smart tan jackets aro certain to become
common, simply because they are so
very pretty; every girl will crave one,
and tho darker ones the same. The
ripple velvet coats, too, though they
are as hnoly ns possible, " not a bit
new, and one Is almost drpi. 'r'"K 'n t"0
search until somo of tho itiiart uttio
Kton affairs nro seen. On of tho
prettiest of these Is made of dot," hunt
er's green velvet, with trlntmlktBa of
chinchilla fur, to ho worn with a che
viot gown ot sllvory gray. This ex no"
clal Jacket comes to tho wnist, nnrf n 8
beautifully. Thcro are enormous 11.'
sleeves, n mnss of rich puffs and looas
wrinkles below tho elbow, and broad1
.rovers of chinchilla, and about tho fnco
flares a deep collar of tho Bamo fur. It
opens across tho chest, showing "n
front of tho dre3s bodice nnd a deep
pointed girdle of chinchilla. A muff
ot tho fur nnd glaco gloves of white,
stitched with black, finish It. A flaring
hat of winter velvet hns n crown In tho
Tarn O'Shanter shape, and a decora
tion of jetted quills and crushed pink
Another rielil for Trulnrit Cllrla.
While the great question of tho cm
nlovment of women tho nroblcm of
providing employment for thoso not be
longing to tho lnhoring class, but re
duced from comfort to poverty Is a
matter of mero discussion with many
persons, ono enterprising Individual,
who believes in tho practical applica
tion of her theories, is devoting her en
ergies to providing a school where the
duties required of an accomplished
waitress can bo thoroughly taught, apd
where can bo gained a good connection
thnt shall insure profitable, possibly
regular, employment. And not merely
waiting will bo tnught, hut also tho art
of arranging table decorations, of prop
erly cleaning silver, and altogether as
suming tho responsibility of tho serv
ing of tho dinner. Tho "mistress of n
small establishment ofton finds great
difficulty in entertaining her friends
because sho has not a servant cnpnblo
ot managing tho dinner without too
much anxiety to hersolf. Hut, If a re
fined, clever waitress could be obtained
for a moderate charge, ono that thor
oughly understands her business, sho
would bo far more attractive than tho
pretentious hired waiter, and hospital
ity might oftener reign In tho average
Moreover, it Is predicted that wealthy
American families will soon follow the
latest fnd of many stately English
homes, and employ maids in tho plnco
of butlers and footmen. It has been
proved that a trained waitress Is just
as competent to decido what wines will
bo required, and to Ico or heat them
to the proper temperature as an ex
perienced butler, nnd she Is much less
likely to havo a propensity for sampling
them. In ono aristocratic English
household whero maids take the place
ot footmen, thoy have llvorlos of crim
son cloth skirts and Georgian conts with
square finp pockets, whlto pique waist
coats, and muslin nnd laco stocks, the
coatB having sllvor Hvcry buttons. On
tholr hontlB tkoy wear llttlo lnco caps,
and for largo dinner parties they wear
powdered hair. Ordinnrlly, however,
the uniform most in favor for maids Id
sliver gray alpnea, tho wldo linen col
lar nnd cuffs tied with bows of grny
t'ibbon, and thero Is a grcnt display of
wt'lto laco nnd muslin lu tho apron and
Its .broad Btrlngs.
perched on it High (Stool.
Tlio now woniAn Is becoming nowor
nnd newer an sho growa older. This
mny sound like a paradox, but tho now
wo 111 an knows bcttct than that. Tho
latest strldo mndo by tho new woman
of Now York is to sit up to a lunch
counter like n mnn and ent her pfe and
drink her cotton In n Imrly-burly, ns
her repudiated lord and? mnstor Joes
down town in tho middle ot tho day.
Tliero is a lnrgo dry goodB store whom
bargains in ginghams, laces, Jowolry
and gloves nro only a preliminary to'
tho bargains In lunch thnt are offered
In tho newly fitted up lunchroom In tho
place. Here tho now woman sits nstrldo
of her stool, orders nor sandwich and"
"one In tho dark" with tho aplomb that
comes to ono suro of her position. Tho
now woman has taken to tho lunch
counter Idea with a great deal of
warmth. Sho wbb a llttlo doubtful
about it whon it wna first proposed, but
now thnt alio has tried it sho 1b moro
Indignant with mnn than over for keep
ing Iter in Ignorance so long about this
charmingly uncomfortablo wny of swal
lowing a menl. Tho business nnd
professional mnn who Ib compollod to
wrestle nt a lunch counter every day
rognrdn It as a great deal of a bore, but
to the new woman It is a gllmpso of n
gastronomlcal pnradlsc. Tho experi
ment mndo by this particular store has
proved to bo so successful that It la cer
tain tliero will bo other lunch counters
in big Now York dry goods storos.
Chicago Chronicle
, New I'cnluro In Costume.
A picturesque feature of tho winter
gowning 13 tho harmony botweo" t
and wrap which is so generally ob
served. Velvet often composes both gar
ments, with all manner of decorations.
A tnllor frock of heavy broadcloth, in
a pale, pearly tan, made over a chamois
lining, so as to be worn In the street
without an outBldo wrap, if desired, is
brought Into beautiful contrast by tho
cape and hat of rich prune-colored vel
vet. Tho capo Is nothing moro thnn a
frill of velvet, wonderfully stiffened
and beautifully lined with tan-colored
A novel collnretto of stone marten,
with its wonderful pearly lights and
deep, rich tones, set up smnrtly about
tho throat, with, under tho cars, two
huge heads, and a lot of talis hanging
over tho breast. Tlio hat is a broad
brim ned affair, covered with prune
colored velvet, piped all about the edgo
with a narrow satin piping, and massed
on top with a lot of leaf-green choux
of chiffon, and a cluster of black-winged
Komo Fiishlon Notrs.
Lenthor for dross waists Ib something
unique in tho winter fashions. It is
tan In color, thin enough to bo pliable,
and is decorated with appliquo lace, as
if it wero satin or velvet.
Accordion-plnted chiffon, bended on
tho edgo of tho plaits, makes n lovely
waist for drossy occasions, nnd It Is
rnoro difficult lo sow on tho beads or
spangios than it Is to thread a needle.
Though a vast majority of skirts ar
untrlmmed, not a few of the newest
creations show signs of alteration in
this rospect. Flounces appear on many
smartly mado gowns brought from
Europe, and it Is said that when
trimmed skirts again prevail flounces
will provide tho leading garniture.
Very handsome was a black mohair
skirt lined with pale mauve silk, a
plaited frill ot tho same finishing tho
edge on tho inside. A silky surfaced
black alpaca Bkirt was lined with palo
rose-colored silk, a glace silk blouse
bodlco repeating tho color, with a
blurrod design of violets, producing a
very stylish effect.
Tho handkerchief waist belts are
greatly in public favor. Thoy aro mado
ot silk squares in striped black and
white, yollow and black and othor toneB
and the onds pass through a brass
bucklo of a patent make.
lllack iwtin ribbon, four or llvo Inches
wldo and elaborately jotted, is used for
trimming allk and volvot capee. It Ib
sewn )ngthwlio at intervale all around
and ths uppur onds fold over In loops
and aro gathered lu to partially form
tku rughc
, Improved Fllterlnir Funnel.
A French photographer has patented
nn Improved filtering funnel for tho
use of chemists and druggists. Thoso
Whoso labors incltido tlio purifying by
nitration of different combinations of
ilulda nre frequently nnnocd by tho
leniadty with which tlio filter paper
1 (tilhcrc.H to tlio Inside of tho ordinary
gloss filtering funnel ns soon ns wot,
thus impeding tho freo pnfisngo of tho
liquid through tho paper, nnd concen
trating", the wholo filtering process at
tho lower apex of tlio cone. Tho new
funnel Ana Irregulnr corrugations or
grooves extending over tho cntiro in
side, nnd intersecting cncli other in ir
regular scries, which renders it impos
sible for tlio paper to cling to much of
the surfnee, nnd thus bring tho wholo
tnirfttco of tlio paper into action.
Tho John A. Snlzcr Seed Co.., of La
Crowe, Wis., havo recently purchased
the complete cataloguo fiado of tho
Northmp, Uraslan, Goodwin Co., of
MlnncntciN.? nnd Chicago. Thin gives
tho Salzcr Scrd Co. tho largest cata
loguo mail trndo In tho world rend' they
nre In rpffmlld shape to tnko caro of
aamo, as they hao recently corcrplctcd
a largo addition to tholr mnmmotb seed
houses. The 189G cataloguo is Just out
and tho largest ever Issued. Sent to
any address foe (T cent to cover postage
W. N.
llovr lie Collerted III Rulnry.
The genial pnMor of ono of tlio suburban-
churches, whose salary is some
what in arrears tit prcucnt, stepped
into tlio hardware store-of ono of his
parishioners the other morning nnd
nsked to seo somo corkscrews vory
lnrgo nnd strong ones, h captained.
"Why, Dr. , what) iro the world do
you want with one, anyhow?" said tho
"My dear sir," said' tho doctor, "I
want a corkscrew largo onough to givo
me borne assistance in-drawing my sal
ary. "
The story readied tho- oars of IiIh
congregation nnd the indebtedness was
cancelled forthwith. Cincinnati Tri
bune. IleKemnrrCniiintinrIrwltll Glycerine.
Tim original nmlonl) id-milnc. OurFsCliniipmlllnnOs
and Kucc, Cold tton-N, kv. U. U. Ulurk Cu.,N.lIavcn,Cu
The. longest wlro pnn is 11 telegraph wire
over the Htvor lUstunh, in India. It it
over 0,000 feet.
When n mnn-hnting woman finally fall
In love, it hurts lior woruo than any other
Red Blood
Ih tlio foundation of health. The way to
havo Rich, Heel, Healthy Blood is to toko
Hood's Pills euro nil Liver Ills. 2."eonti.
It's your money and your dresa
that you want to save, but yor
can't save cither by using cheap
trashy binding;. Fay a
:cw cents more
and get
which last as long as the skirt
Look for " S. II. A M." on tile
label and take no other.
I? your dealer will not supply you, wo
&nd lor samples, showing labels and mat
rials, tothe S. H.4.M. Co., P. O.Box 699. Ncv
Vork City.
"ask you1r1ealerfor
W. L. Douglas
83. SHOE tfoW.i
If )ou pay 84 to 80 for shoes, ex- jjg n
amine tlio V. I.. Douglas blioc, and 9 r
sec what a good shoe you can buy for 9
ami I.ACi:, mmlo In nil
IiIikIh of tho bent Beleeteil
leiitherliyBlflllcil wurk
men. AVo
make nml
coll more
$3 SlineH
than nny
111111111r.il Inrer In tlio world.
None genuine unlcst nanw and
prue b iiUmiied on tlie bottom.
sl. our dealer for our 8."5,
si, :i.r, sa.no, sa.sr. Mioes;
i.r.O, i and 81.73 lor bos.
TAKE 110 SUBSTITUTE. Hjourdealcr
cannot hupiily jou, send to (ac
tory.uicloiiriK lcu and 30 cents
to ay c.irruye. Mate Uml.stjle
of toe (cap or plain), size and
width. Our Custom Ocpt will fill
our order. .Send for new Illus
trated Catalogue to Itox it.
W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mnss.
pi Ao uuaca
CltaotM Lad twwtiriea th balr.
Pruiiiott m roxumnt growth.
Mover Faila to llettore Qrajr
llilr to its Youthful Color.
Pur. mlD (limn hftlr lallm?.
S0iM.niltl.C1U at DniffitU I
"prr-Pll Fits. rll yrur roduetn'l rte to ui foe
In'emtatlon hour to tnaka Mtf money oil the pr.
ntl in thr-JM hae rt corn on uiftiirlu. Informa
tion ami t. ikon ra"'ll in l-K. I. r. TtMIMkLK
a to., SSI l..lksi., Ulcir.
Money Saved
by tentlln: fur our wboJtula
1 ivlal itIco Ut ot Dry
U, 1 1. thinir, lixonre,
Hew t unwfttitiijtt. IjmImc lothlntf, rtano.
Mil u. hmi Utiittif 4Kd- NotloiiV. Jfttc-liY. L!fv
SSiSK. HAYDEN BROS., Cmtte, Heb.
Mn lleiiiilra fur 40,000 different tore
tmaraiiav. iot!oiisituttjt,MMiuittutcU
S. Cfc irf"
f.l.ln 13'iyjCTI