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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1896)
lll?MTNfil?ftU"n IITCRALD f TIIOS. J. OMCUKFFE, I'nlilltlier. V HEMINGFORD, -: NEBRASKA. OVER THE STATE. HrmtoMT'8 now creamery hs About completed tit n cost of 82,300. Yonit county linH no poor farm, but the matter Is being talked up. Two on thrco of tho Nobraska City churches aro lioUling spirited revivals. At Omaha the jury in tho lnh mur der tnnt failed to agree and wcro dis charged. Cii.Mil.i-s E. Smau.n brother of tho publisher of tho Fremont Herald, died recently in Montana. MlCHAKl. Mctiiri' of Sortth Omaha stepped in front of a moving train and Was crushed to death. Till. Nebraska Hinder Twino com pany have called thoir annual meeting for .Monday, .January G. Tin: general merchandise store of W. II. Hruner at Nlckerson caught tiro damaging the contents very much. A iu'SI.vkhs men's association 'has been perfected at York. It will be known us the OotnmorolulClubof York. Tiik checker players of Norfolk aro about to orgaulzo a club and prepare a tournament for .tho World's champion ship. Miuc IitF.M; Vandy of South Omaha died suddenly lu a ohurcli tho other day as she tvna Attending religious ser vices. Tun family of John StaufTer, who lately died ait Columbus of hemorrhage of tho liver, will receive 811,500 life in surance. Humiioi.dt citizens will rebuild tho mill rooontly .destroyed by fire. A bonus, or 'rather u gift, of 83,000 has been raised. Mitw Davis of IJcatrlco was in a thrilling runaway tho other day, but fortunately camu out minus any Bcriou6 injury. John Gktch of Scribncr has been re lieved of a tape worm twenty-nino feet long, and from now on will not con sume so much grub. N. H. Fai.conk.ij, for a long ttmo a prominent merchant of Omaha, will locate In South Africa, engaging in tho mercantile busluesn. Mounts It. Moiioan last week went to the penitentiary for ono year for steal ing clothing to tho value of 338. Ho was placed in prison just thrco days aftcrtho thoft. Hank Dowdy of Nebraska City re ceived a notieo signed "White Caps," to ccaso abusing his family. As Hank is not that kind of a husband It is thought tho joker is ubouU Tin: lliisyc murder trial ended nt YVahuo lust week, when tho jury, after being out about seven hours, returned a verdict of manslaughter, but recom mended that ho bo given a light sen tence. Attohnky Ocnkiiai. Ciiuiit'iiu.t. re ceived a telegram from tho clerk of tho United States supremo court stating that'thc court had sustained a motion to.udvaneo the maximum rate cases and set tho hearing for the first Mon day in Mureli. Tiik governor has issued his requisi tion on tho governor of Kansas for J. IX Wise, who is under arrest in Wit theun, Kits. Wiso is charged with hav ing forged nnil uttered a forged paper, a receipt for subscription to u period ical, in the city of Omaha. I'ltATHKit, a farmer living near Itcatrlec, disappeared last Satur day and his absence caused much anx iety among his family and friends until later on, when his wife received a let ter from him at St Louis stating that he had gone to stay, and that it would be useless for her to attempt to follow him. No causo is assigned for his strange act. liAHTiNfiiwetcrnns passed tho follow ing: JIo it resolved by tho members of S. A. Strickland post No. 13, Depart ment of Nebraska, (Iranil Army of tho Republic, that we hereby heartily in dorse tho ipatriotic utterances of Presi dent Cleveland in his special messago to congress regarding the enforcement of the Monroe doctrine, as it applies to the contention between Great ilritain and Venezuela. Tin: irrigation convention in Sidney passed tho following resolution: Ru solved, Hy the third annual Nebraska State Irrigation association, in conven tion assembled, that wo heartily en dorse the movement for tho cession of tho Fort Sidney military reservation to tho city of Sidney, andwe join in an earnest request to'the .congress of tho United Suites for sucli action, and urge tho representatives from tho state of Nebraska to press said bill to a speedy passage. Tiikiik is an interesting little report going around under .cover, says tho Lincoln Journal, giving the cause of the recent discharge of an employe of the state hospital for tho insane. It is to the effect t mt tho employe and n paroled patient brought two of the lady employes to the theater ono night iu tho asylum carriage. Tho ladies were left to enjoy tho play whilo tho men went out to investigate the ele phant, u Inch they did witty so much zeal that the employe was discharged us soon as Dr. Abbott heard of it, while the patient was locked up. HltlOADIKIt (iK.NKKAI. L. W. Coi.llY has filed with tho governor Liu report of the encampmentof the National guard, held at Hastings last September. The report recommends highly the efllcicnt work of Major E. J. Feehet, U. S. A., who was detailed as special instructor. The instruction und advice of Major Feehet, the brigadier commander says, was not confined to the field work ulotie, but its beniiicent elfectsurcseen in thu homo stations and the manner in which the duties of men and otlleeis are performed. O. II. C. Mk.ikkh, for fifteen year a resident of l'icrcc county, died at tlm udvanced age of hi, Hahyk, who was found guilty of manslaugter in tho district court of Saunders county, was sen tenced by Judge Hates to' three years iu the penitiary. Coon Vai.i.kiiy. living about seven tniUf, southwest of Plattsmouth, has at present about 'JO.OOO bushels of corn that he Is holding for a rise in price, a portion of which is four years old. In this tot are some 12,000 bushels of ii5 cent corn, the price he refused for hie corn at one time in the hopes of gett'ni; jnore KtFTntnr Ciwo CowsVtiC tip. I Lincoln dispatch: Willi tho ndvanct of the maximum rate cases in tho su prcmo court of the United States fori hearing early next spring tho attorney general hoped also to have the case which Is popularly known as tho Elm wood elevator caso also advanced am decided. While tho principle involved In the maximum rate eases Is conceded to bo of tho first Importance, that Involved In the elevator case is scarcely less Im portant. This, If the contention of the railroait company is upheld by the courts, will give to railroad companies the power to control a -monopoly of the grain trade on their lines and farm it out to favorites or two it for tho pur pose of swelling tho revenue of tho company. Tho case originated from tho Mis sourl Pacific declining to grant to tin npplicnnt privileges (necessary to enable him to put up and operate nn olevutor nt the station of Elmwood. Tho ground on which tho application was resisted by the company was that there was already an elevator at that point and that Its capacity was sufllclent to ac commodato the busslncss of tho sur ronnding country. Tlin State. Dairymen. Tho dairymen lu session in Lincoln elected ofllccrs as follows: President, E. F. Howe, 'Crete; vice president, F. 11. Vaughun, Fromont; secretary and treasurer, S. C. ltassctt, Gibbon; direc tors, R. R. Stouffcr of Hellcvne, W. A. Carpenter of York, (1. A. Morrill of Miudon, J. W. Hush of Hattlo Creek, and J. S. Tcmplo of Cheney. Resolutions were adopted endorsing tho course of Hon. E. .1. Hainor in con gress, and urging his appointment as chairman of tho house committee on agriculture; thanking Chancellor Mc Lean and tho university faculty for courtesies- extended; in memory of Prof. C. L. lugcrsoll, deceased; thanking tho committee that secured tho passage of the anti-oleo law; endorsing the work of the national dairy congress; and the work of tho formers' institute; pledgr ing support to tho dairy school at tho state farm; thanking all legislators who voted for "pure butter" at the last session of tho legislature, especially Representative Iturch and Senator Sloan. The association adjourned to meet nt the state fair next September, when the timo and place for tho annual con vention will be decided on. One. ' Fare for the. Teachers. State Superintendent Corbett, who has been busily enguged at the head of the local committee making prepara tions for tho meeting of tho State Touchers' association in Lincoln, was delighted last week to receive u tele gram from Chairman Caldwell of tho Western Passenger association, stating that tho request for ono fare round trip tickets from all Nebraska points had been granted. These tickets will bo on sale ut local oflices from Decem ber 30 to January ", and will bo good for return to January 4. With this concession from the railroads, tho larg est attendance upon tho convention in years is believed to be practically as sured. The expectation is Unit thu program will bo carried out substan tially to tho letter. The pilueipal speakers at the evening session-1 are: Tuesday, Colonel F. W. Parker, on "Tho Ideal School:" Wednesday, William Hawlcy Smith, and Thursday, i'roi". Nicholas Murray itutler, on "Educa tional ideals." Ilainace fur the. Dntrsoim. Lincoln dispatch: A mild side issue to the international complications be tween tho United Stntes and England developed today iu the oflico of Gover nor Ilolcomb. This was a bulky pack age from tho Department of State, Washington, containing a claim against tho federal government for 810,000. This is tho amount held to be due the Dawson fatnilv for tho assault com mitted upon them over n year ugo in Sarpy county by tho Vic McCarty gang. In this letter to Ciov.'llolcoinb Secre tary of State Oluey says that tho affair is 'one of serious importaucu at tho present juncture, und that, so far as ho knows, no steps havo been taken to punish tho McCarty outfit for tills par ticular crime. He acknowledges the receipt of the transcript of tho proceed ings had in the unotlicinl inquiry or dered by Governor Hoicomb, but does not understand that any attempt ut punishment has been made. The llritish ambassador tiles a claim as fol lows: For Frederick 1$. Dawson. 52(1,- 000: for Mnry Dawson, his wife, SIO.COD, niul for Muriel Dawson, tho daughter, 810,000, making a total of S 10. 000. Tltlo U DefectUc. Lineon dispatch: The olllco of the commissioner of public lands and build ings lias received a plat of section 30, township 21, range 30, west, in Grant count'. This plat shows that the new survey uy the government does not cor respond with the old one, a strip of forty rods width being taken off tho north sido of tho section. This is in teresting to tho state and those who have taken land in that section under contract for lease or sale. A wscl'SSIon of tho conlllet bctwoon tho statu constitution and the statute rolativo to the time when district judges shall assume their otliccs has led to ' somo conjectures as to how the state auditor would draw the warrants of the outgoing judges. Tho statute at tempts to say that the district judges 6ha)l assume the duties of their otlice on January 1 next succeeding their election. Tho constitution provides that they shall go into oniou on tho first Thursday after tho first Tuesday in January next after their election. The state auditor, it is announced, will nravr the warrants o us to nay tho old judges up to and including January t. and the new set to come into ofilce thu next day. MctlmUcil F.Ik Creole I'eople. i'ecumseh dispatch: The good peo ple of Elk Creek wero recently quite ilbernlly humbugged by a sleek trav eling agent. Tho man claimed to bo an agent for an Omaha paper, and when he would accost u victim ho would have in his possession what bpcmed to bfl an elegant pair of gold spectacles, claiming to havo found them on the train. Of course, ho had no use for them und would therefore sell them for a nominal sum. Invariably the un suspecting victim would bite and ac cordingly tho ngent disposed of numer ous pairs of glasses. The glasses were of no lalne THE BOND BILL PASSED. THE HOUSE TAKES FURTHER AC TION TO RELIEVE THE TREASURY. VOTE TAKEN BY SECTIONS TJe First Narrowly i:apr Defeat by it Itolt of ICcpuhllcatift to tin- Demo- rrotlc Slilr No DUIslon on the Second Tim Secretary llni- powered In Issuo Short Tim Certificates. Washington, Dec .10. When tho House convened to-day three hours re mained for debate on tho bond bill. At 3 p. m. voting begun, Hy the timo the roll call in the first section was half through, It was thought that root enough Republicans would vote against tho ilrst section for bonds to defeat it. Tho first roll call resulted: Yeas, 150; nays, t j3. Probably forty-four HcpublicansVotod against tho bill. On another roll call the first section of tho bond bill .passed by a vote of 100 to 13j. llio second section of the bond bill passed without a division. Mr. Rrosius, Republican, of Penn sylvania opened in favor of the bill. This was the only country on tho globe, ho said, where gold redemption had neither qualification nor limita tion, and where the treasury was without tho power to resist the in cursions of foreign gold grabbers or domestic speculators. Tho revenue deficit was the chief sinner in the coined' of errors which had produced tho present troubles. It was not suitable to the dignity of the govern ment to employ sleuth hounds of for eign syndicates to hunt down gold. The people of this country should have the first opportunity to "help tho trensury out of the tough financial sea. Ho declared that thero was no politics iu the bill. Mr. Parker, Republican, of New Jersey favored tho bill as a good busi ness measure. Mr. Cannon, Republican, of Illinois, in support of the measure, declared that it was a bill to maintain 'specie puyments, which had been resumed under thu wiso direction of tho Repub lican party in 1870. For the 13 years following the resumption the revenues hud always exceeded the expenditures. Twelve hundred million dollars of thu interest paying debt had been dis charged. Since Mr. Cleveland's elec tion in 1803 deficiency, distress, idle ness and panic had followed. Instead of paying 1(10 millions a year on the public debt tho Democrats had bor rowed HW millions. They could tear down und criticise, but they could not build up llio reserve. (Republican applause.) "Wo will not abridge the power of tlie Secretary of thu Treasury," ho continued. "Wo will give him more power. He cannot have too much power if it is used wisely. You, on the other side, will voto against this hill those hi favor of silver at Jfl to 1 because you want to impair tho credit of the country and force us to a silver basis: tlioso who hiipport tho ad ministration, because it wants gold bonds. We, iu our judgment and pa triotism stand ready to pass this bill. If it is rejt'c.ed bv tho Semite, or Pres ident, we shall, at least, have cast our mite toward tho protection of tiie public credit and have given a proph ecy of what wo shall do wheu we come iuto full power In 1S'J7." (Re publican applause.) Mr. Tiiwnoy, Republican of Minne sota, a member of tin: ways and means committee, in support of the bill, called attention to tho President's ur gent appeal to Congress to do some thing boforo adjourning. He knew, and everybody know, that gold bonds would not be authorized bv Congress, and because Congress will not give him authority, he a'nd his Secretary of tho Treasury had already opened' ne gotiations with the same old malodor ous syndlcato for another Issue of 4 per cent bonds. The people of the country weio to be given no opportu nity to subscribe. He read several letters from constituents offering to subscribe for gold bonds. Mr. Marsh, Republican, of Illinois, arose to give his reasons for refusing his support to the bill, but betoro ho had finished his preliminary remarks tho gavel of tho speaker full and the House remained unenlightened. Mr. Hurton, Republican, of Missouri, and Mi. Connolly, Republican, of Ill inois, who have been counted on as opponents of tho bill, gave their sup port to It in brief speeches. Tho debatu was closed for tho re spective sides by Messrs. Crisp and DuUcll, tho former insisting, that the bill was a political measure really in tended to embarrass the trcastirv, whilo thu latter said it was a plain business prouosition to save Interest. Mr. Dalcll attacked thu Carlisle In terview us a violation of the decenclse of public life. Ilrforft thu Smite Tumdoy. Wahiuxoton, Dec. 30. Senator Voorhecs, chairman of the Senate committee on finance, will call that committee togotiier Tuesday next to I consider the revenue tariff bill. He I says that there will be no disposition on tho part of Democrats to delay tho oui in committee For u Cnnfrreiirt of American Natioiih. Washinoto.v, Dec. 30. Representa tive liarrett of Massachusetts, intro duced in the House yesterday u joint resolution authorizing the President to arrange a conference between the United States and nations possessing territory on tho American continent for the settlement of boundary dis putes, the conference to be held in Washington in lsOO. Quarter of it Million I.o-n. R.u.TlMoui:, Mil., Dec 30. Flro gut ted OelimA Co.'s men's und boy'& out fitting estubHsuiucnt in West Haiti more street early to-day, destroying property to the value of :w,ooa TRUE TO HER INDIAN. Ill"" Newman Will JInrry lllm Drsplto Furious Objection. Sr. JoflKi'it, Mo., Dec .10. II vole Dix EtSSlSSS on Christinas eve, hits returned, hnv Ing been discharged by a justice of the Ppcncc nt Albany, where ho was taken on the charge of carrying concealed weapons. The Indian has come here to wait for tho girl to join him, and cxp.'cts to marry her when she ar rives. Miss Newman's infatuation hns astonished her parents und acquaint ances, who cannot understand how she can love the repulsive looking red man. Miss Newman Is the daughter I of respectable parents. She is 30 years ; old and still soys she will marry tho ' iniiian. nvoio ills is u half-breed Mo hawk, his father being a Frenchman. Ho was traveling with the Oregon In dian Medicine Company when tho girl fell in love with him, giving exhibi tions us a club swinger nnd crack marksman. THE RAMSEY CASE. k.IloiiiUnicn of the t.nte Treanurer of Illinois Sued for Thousand. Caw.yi.k, 111., Dec. 30. Next Thurs day tho suit ngalnst the Chicago bonds men of tho lato State Treasurer Ram sey of Illinois, will bo heard. It Is important to hundreds of depositors in the Ramsey bank, us on the result will denond whether or not thov will recei' back tho money idnced In the as highly esteemed lllcial nnd who thy. e Validity of tho go bondsmen for a the amount due the Ir. Ramsey, which they good treasury to make It is said the Chi cago 1 Ramse ld no interest to Mr. o use of tho State money nnd ther re tho creditors hero are entitled to it. An uttctunt will be made to prove this point at the coming suit. r- BIG HAUL. BURGLARS' A Fashionable Jfew York House Itobbeo of Son, 000 Worth of Jewels. Nkw Yoiik, Dee. 30. Mr. and Mrs. 1. Townsend Ihirdcn of No. 0 Madison Square, went to the opera last night, leaving their two sons and six servants to care for the house. At 10 o'clock those left in the house retired. At midnight Mr. and Mrs. llurdan and their duughter returned, and upon en tering tlioir houso discovered that the place hud been visited by burglars. Mr. Harden discovered th'at his safe had been opened and u number of cer tified cheeks und a large sum of money had been stolen. Mrs. Harden was unable to tell just what was missing, but said that ut least 805,000 worth of diamonds and jewelry had been carried away. Irish Manufacturer Alarmed. London, Dec. j0. Although the general opinion is expressed in tho cable dispatches from the United States that the tariff revision bill is not likely to pass the Senate, the measure has caused quito a ilutter in commercial circles. An Irish indus trial organ points out that the pro posed increase in tho duty on woolens will inevritably check a growing trade, and that Irish industries will suffer in consequence. Owing to the great iutcrost excited in Irish goods by the exhibits Hindu at the world's fair, large orders have been placed with tho mills and hand loom weavers in remote districts of Donegal. All tiiis development would be stilled by the adoption of the tariff revision bill. Trouble O'icr Mixed .School, Pkiiiiy, Ok., Dec. 3C Trouble ma. occur over mixed public schools here. A recent decision admits colored chil dren to all public schools of the city. Tho school board and nearly all the white people are bitterly opposed to mixed schools and the board will or der schools discontinued as a last re sort, to prevent mixed schools. Con siderable feeling and indignation over the matter is expressed and trouble may yet occur. A stormy meeting of tho board was held last night Tho colored people declare that they will havo the rights as given tliem by the court. An Ofllclal Hint to General .11 lien. Wamii.noton, Dec. 30. An order issued by the Secretary of War, which reminded army ofllccrs that it Is ex tremely impolitic to publicly discuss the possibilities of war, is construed by the friends of Mujor General Miles as u roundabout thrust nt that ollicer. General Miles has recently written an excellent article over his signature regarding the possibility of war with England us a result of the Venezuelan affair. (oiiiez Again In Santa Clara. Havana, Dec. 30 Reports would indicate that a part ot Gome.' column has crossed tho line back into Santa Clara and is now near the great swamp in the southern part of Santa Clara province. It is reported hero that the mayor of Mucurljesand every member of his household havo been murdered by thu insurgents. The same fate Is said to have overtaken the mayor of Laguicn. These towns were on the course of Gome' lino of march. Tho Saracenic lutaslon Outdone. Hoston, Dec. 30. A correspondent writing from Constantinople concern intr tho recent Turkish atrocities in Asia Minor says thut at Arabkir 3.000 Christians wero killed and wounded, and thut out of 3,000 houses occupied by Christians fully three-quarters wero burned. Tlin scene of tho worst periods of Saracenic invasion in tho Seventh century havo been repeated over and over. Killed by thu IturltiiRlon ', Neb., Dec. ! this morning Charles Van aged 35, and Maud Dond, 'Flyer." 0. Early Dunkirk, aged 10, were instantly killed by the Chicago, llur.iii','ton & Ouincy "liver," Tncy wero leturnlng homo in n carriage from u party und wero run down on a grudo crossing. ujhuw U. HTi TuliLLLLLLHrnt KVY Vfl. elfi DEBATING ON BONDS. MORE TIME FOR DISCUSSION AND AMENDMENT. Tlio Opposition Forces Soicrnl Important Concessions The lloudi to Ho l'ainbln In Fifteen years A Move Against the. "Kmllrsn Clinln" Secretary Carlisle Calls for 6nll Ilouds. Debate on Ilonds. Wasiiinoton. Dec. 38. A conference was held between Speaker Reed und the House managers to-day and the result was an agreement for a voto on the bond bill at 3 o'clock to-morrow, instead Of C o clock to-day. A further arrangement thnt the ways nnd moans was made committee before reporting the bill, shall insert n clause showing that it is not the purpose to retire tho greenbacks. It was also arranged that there shall bo sepuratc votes one on the proposition for a s;o,000,000 bond Issue and an other on the unlimited issue. The conference was satisfactory to all ele ments and the concessions made over came the protests against haste, which led last night to the appointment of a committee of Republican members to wait on Speaker Reed. The ways and means committee adopted the amendment to the bond bill suggested by Mr. Hopkins of Illinois to prevent the accumulation in the .treasury of the greenbacks and their practical retirement without can cellation. The amendment provides that nothing in the act shall be con strued to repeal or modify tho act of 1878 for the reissue of the greenbacks when redeemed. Another amendment was adopted making the bonds issued under the act payable within fifteen years. The second amendment was suggested by Mr. Lacey of Iowa and met the ap proval of the Republican members. In the original draft of the bill it was provided that the bonds should bo re deemable at tho pleasure of tho gov ernment, after live years from their lato. it was thought best to make a fjfinite termination of them. Tho i?ndments were adopted by a strict party voto und the bill will be report ed to tho house as amended. Air. Tarsney of Missouri offered an amendment to repeal the act of 1878 for reissuing thu greenbacks, but failed to got any support for it. The amendment agreed to by tho ways and means committee providing mat the green uncus should be reissued is considered a great concession to dis- satisfied ones. The battle over the. bond bill at I tractcd large crowds to tho House gal leries again to-day. As soon as the I jourunlhad been approved, Mr. Ding i ley, chairman of tho ways and means committee, reported the bond bill as ' amended by the ways and moans com mittee to-day, and H was referred to tho committee of tho whole oil the state of tho Union. Mr. Daniel, Republican, of Now York, chairman of tho first committee on elections rose to a question of priv ilege and madu a unanimous report in favor of seating Hugh R. Itclknap iu place of Lawrence E. McOann from tho Third Illinois district. Mr. JIo Uaun had decided lie was not entitled to a seat and there was. therefore, no contest over tho matter. The report was adopted and Mr. Helknup was sworn in. Mr. Henderson of Iowa, from the committee on rules, presented the rule for the consideration of the bond bill. Mr. Crisp opposed the adoption of tho rule. Yesterday, said he. a gen eral tariff bill, the exact effect of which on particular industries, and on the revenues .no one knew, had been rushed through the House. To-day it had been proposed to rush throug'h a bond bill in the same summary man ner, but tho muriuuringsof discontent on tho Republican side had forced the uutocrat of tho House ami the so called leaders to yield a little more time. He admonished the other side that it was only by resistance that they could obtain their rights. Mr. Iluiloy, Democrat, of Texas, agreed in a general way to the propo sition that there could not be a great abuse of tho privilege of debute on public questions ami thut the prime factor was a vote; but, he said, while useless debate should be restricted, full and iair debate wtis essential. Yesterday, with four hours' debate, a bill which would burden the people with S10.000.000 of additloual tnxes, wns passed. To-day the performance was to be repeated, but this time pos terity was to bo saddled with an in terest bearing debt of no one knew how many millions. Tho country, he said, would no more tolerato precipi tate haste than it would undue delay. Mr. McMillan, Democrat, of Tennes see, asked why the Republican leaders proposed to cut their ussociates off without opportunity to offer amend ments. Were those in authority afraid of their associates? Would they not be trusted to do anything but voto? When tho twenty minutes allowed the Democratic side had been con fumed, Mr. Henderson, who was in charge of the rule, without making my reply to tho criticisms from the other side, demnuded a vote on the idoptlon of the rule, which was taken by yeas and nays. Tood Supply Cut Off, Ei.nouAiio Simiinos, Mo., Dee. 58. This city, said to be the largest iu the United States without a railroad, is, as a result ot the terrible Hoods, in danger of a famine. All freight is hauled here by wagons and none has been uble to bring in groceries for ten days. Local merchants havo sustained heavy losses on shipments of holiday goods, which still luy In cases ut rail road shipping points miles away. No St. Louis mail bus been received hero since Sunday. School Teacher In Session. Toi-kica, Ivan., Dec. 2S. Topeka is alive with school teachers who come from every quarter of Kansas to at tend the thirty-third annual conven tion of the Stato Teachers' association. It is estimated that there are between 1,200 and 1,500 instructors present. They represent every department of school work. Tho discussion of tho various topics along the line of educa tion show great thoroughness on tho part of those who participate, und tho indications are that this convention will prove the most interesting and instructive of the kind ever held within the Kansas border. ANOTHER BOND ISSUE. Arrangements I'erfected for T.aunrblnc Hi 00,000,000. Washington, Dec. 2S. Tho Presi dent and Secretary Carlisle have de termined upon nn immediate issue of bonds to be In the form of a popular loan. It will make no difference whether Rmslnn gold is available or not, as It will not be called for or ac cepted. Congress will not bo depend ed upon, for President Cleveland Is satisfied that no bond legislation will get through that body in timo to re lieve the present urgent situation. The issue will be announced iu a very few days. Tho amount will he 3100,000,000 for a period of thlrtyyears at 4 per cent, but the salu will be lled at such a premium as will make the In terest 3 rer cent Hat. The denomina tions will be small and the bonds will be put upon the market in the United States. No arrangement has been made with the llclmont-Morgan syndi cate, representing tho Rothschilds, other than thut they may, after nil of the bids of general and private sources in this country have been received, take the residue or surplus at tho same rate of interest. This tho syndicate has agreed to do. WANTS GdLDBONDS. Secretary Carlisle Sajs the Treasury' Con dition Is Serious. Washington, Dec. 2e Chairman Dingley of the ways and means com mittee has received n private letter from Secretary Carlisle which fur lishes some information concerning the condition of tho treasury. Miv Dingley will not mnko tho letter pub Mc, but says the Secretary offers to furnish tho Houso with nil data that nay be needed. The condition of thu reasury is represented as very seri ous, and Mr. Carlisle urges legislation !or u gold bond. Mr. Dingley has Informed the Sec etarv that a gold bond is out of thu question nnd could not bo considered. Secretary Carlisle did not say to Mr. Dingley that a 3 per cent bond cannot be lloated and did not discuss this feature of the case. This latter denial was made because reports to this effect concerning the Secretary's letter were in circulation. President Cleveland and his advisers, it is learned, are strongly opposed to tho notise bond bill, and this feeling caused Secretary Carlisle to write to Chairman Dingley. Aside from tho very important objection that tho bonds are to be redeemed in coin, in stead of gold, as recommended by the President, it is understood that tho requirement that the bonds bo sold b subscription meets with disapproval. OUTLAW BILL DOOLI N. He In Tired of Iiclnfj a Criminal and' Wants to Surrender on Conditions Pkihiy, Okln.. Dee. 28 Considerable excitement was created here yesterday when it was announced that Hill Doolin, formerly leader of the noted Dalton gang of outlaws, was in Perry and that his mission hero was to make peace with the olllccrs and give him self up, provided a sentence could be agreed on. It is said that Doolin was accompanied by Hill Carr, who is an escapee from Oklahoma City. Carr has a big reward hanging over him, and has skipped a $l.r,000 bond. He is charged with being an accessory to the murder of Chief of Police Jones, which occurred some months ago. Doolin, in an interview, says he is tired of an outlaw's life and wants to atone for all his misdeeds by working it out in a short term in tho penitentiary. Doolin was leader of thu Dalton gang for years, and Is said to be one of the most desperate men that ever lived in Oklahoma. Ten months ago ho was shot through the leg by a dep uty marshal, and tho wound caino near killing him. Ho has made many overtures of late to Oklahoma olllccrs for n compromise sentence for lnv crimes, and it is thought that it will be effected oon. TARIFF IN THE SENATE. Mr. Ilurrows Introduces a ISIIt FlarliiK i Duty ou the l'resent Freo I.lst. Washington, Dec. 'Ji. In the Sen ate, to-day, Mr. liurrows of Michigan presented a tariff bill. Ho explained that, under the Wilson bill, many arti cles were placed on tho free list. Tho House bill passed yesterday, had raised articles already on tho dutiable list, but had not yet reached those of tho free list except in a few instances. The bill he now introduced placed 00 per cent of the duty under the law of 1890 on those articles placed on the free list under the present law. Re ferred to the linnuce committee. The bond question maJo its appear ance when Mr. Hill of New York in troduced the following resolution; "Resiilvcd, That any bonds hereafter issued under the laws now iu force may, in the discretion of tno Secretary of the Treasury, be made payable in United Stutes gold eoin of thu present standard weight and fineness, or iu standard silver dollurs, ut the option of llio holders of such bonds, but !!( bond containing such option shall bear a rate of interest exceeding 3 percent per annum, payable quarterly." Mr. Hill spoke in favor of tho reso lution at considerable length. At 2:30 p. iu. Mr. Hill's resolution was laid abide uod the Senate ad journed until Monday. SKWAKI), .Neb. Dec. 28. Tho east bound P.urlingt,on passenger collided with a west bound freight yesterday afternoon. Engineer Reed of the freight was instantly killed. Tho passenger engineer was set lously in jured. Two passengers, a little girl and an old man, were dangerously hurt, the child being frightfully burned bv being thrown under a stove. Other passengers wero iu hired. lla ward's llody Cremated. Chicago, Dec. 2 8. 'I ho body of Jarry Hayward, recently hanged in Minneapolis lor the murder of Miss "atherino Oing, arrived in Chicago to lay and wus taken immediately to jracelund cemetery and cremated. NEWS IN BRIEF. Captain Healy, tho accused revenue cutter commander, is to be tried at San Francisco fordtunkenness. Secretary Herbert has awarded tne ! contracts for the building of the two J new battleship to the Newport News , Company.