Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, December 20, 1895, Image 8

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    mmmmi mmNrnxmymrnmrnmrnmemSiSmStSS
iWWfftw wv'f-frtxwrv'.-. iTa
iO-eI'-w Mvfrtw-'.
' I
I) 4
" Bin"WI
WJ" "'.'
lUBOtlt R,idB.
2Ino wlndf Vcuihcr these days.
Mr. HViitfwTltist u -Valuable cow
litis yvock.
' Hamilton Hull mn'e fJflylhtf drip
to Alllarifcc Sine day InWwccit. ,
M.Vrefl Baylor nml ntitilly Willi
.leave iU week for Doa.lwowi, wherci ' w 1( Iwlence w
rtior lutidutiHl Ja tit work
' Coin Sz,rnlcu nud Ills nicllio
wcni'W'AHfhnfo Altinlay to ;uko
(Imil p'rour on ilulr clnlnW. ' ''
' Welcarr. that Mr. Taylor's Hide
tioyV tflw jrot kicked by it hoi&o a Khurt
'tlmcW'ot'te get' lug alotitf nicely.
Mrs, M. p. Painter, wliocauieliere
a iilunl U'ino uyo, liteiiils 'chvImk
alilirriy for1 Oreiil. del., her former
fiomo. '
"' Mr. Joseph Tschncber traded Ills
team ct mutes 'for mules last' week.
Moe. ytiit had better keep your eye cm
"the business end of the mule.
W. ft'hojanlias returned from Iowa,
Where herihi9 been for the past two
fyrcuks trying to dispose of hip ttox
iltitto c&hnty farm, lie suya that
5V,. io-1- ...
Paints of nil kind nt Green's.
Nov. Dada wits qultd 111 last week.
Hcrncnll won to some dressed
Wiltlv'A received a new lino of.
I r ;
Box Butt Bulletin,
Iiox llgtttc Is not bo bad after nil.
t .
' Ou'r honorable county commissioner,
Tatflbs llollinrnke, accoTnpanled by
'hlAwo suns, Henry rufd John, left on
loiidny for Itockwood Wyo., where
they Intend taking' a contract, the
'ties lelng used on jbho now branch
ttrat runs to Jimiulo'
' There waa a good nttendunco nt
the literary lust Saturday night, and
everything wont off In good shape.
'p, is the Intention to have a supper
Jitnd Christmas tree Chrlsttnas eve.
vaa tin Alliance
visitor Slctadny.
Order your atove repairs at Anton
Uhrlg's. -a
A new lot oT antics juat received by
W. K. Ileineulh
Messrs. Plukertou and Gcrber wore
Alliance visitors Sittuiduy.
20 lb dried apples for $1,00 at
California canned goods 15 cents n
can ul W. JC. llcincali'a.
Mr. Austin returned this week from
a bimliiess trip to Shorldait.
Santa Claus' first appearance nt
Wildy's old stand.
I want all the dressed poultry in
tho county, W. K. HbhncaijIj.
AV. It. llnncall made a business
trip to the llluck Hills country this
Mrs. Burlow and children returned
from their trip to Wisconsin Friday
Skates A fine lino of ieo
skatos just received at H. It.
Green's Huidwaro store.
If you want u suit, overcoat,
overalls, cloak, cape, or shawl,
cheap a big lino tit Wildy's.
0. A. Burlow returned Tuesday
ilfeiulnyfurd was represented by the from Load, S. D., whore ho lias been
Misses McCorklo and Parkin and liar
Vey Goodonpugh. You are always
Icomo. Come ngaln, folks.
fu 4 '
.Toliu Eisler has been in town sov
eral dh) '
John Lcith of Durbiink Is In town
' Several Interesting communications
ir'o crowdctl out this week, They
mill bo published next week,
' A rhnrrlago llcenso was Issued
Tuesday to Ellis J. Wright nnrt Miss
'.Marlon Balls, both of this county.
" 'Jrrt.drft.' Melhts, Mr'. Faocmlre and
Mr.' Hayes from near Alliance, were
jrans.ictliig business at the county
Wat this vreok.
' Several of the "representative bus
iness. men of tho city of Alliance"!
fyuyja.' commenced to "dig up" some
iut inohfyc stttco'last week?s issue of
(Tkh'ITbuald, and One promising at
torney, (who is five years bmilnd)
'writes the treasurer that he will set
lo,(,tin 'by Saturdny. Wbiit's your
rusiugcuiiemctir "tins uijf. nusiness
s u scare-crow; don't bo afraid of It."
Professor Fenuor of Heming
ford, one of tho bright, educated
fnch of vvestorn Nebraska, took
VtiY'Vktiye pat in tho Crawford
ytoachorsf mo'citing latoly. His
work shows" him to be one of the
Instructors that rank first-class
hi Nebraska, and lie is among
the loading though trainors for
tho young in the wost. Ho is a
strong nud cbmmnnding writer,
lind is a good newspaper man's
'Iriond. Edgomont Express.
ThS deal tho republican sena
tors made with tho populists
could not bo kept secret.' Senator
f-jtowart of Nevada, the ronegado
republican, who now calls him
self A populist, made the deal,
4nd ho gets tho lion's sharb of
4tto prico the chairmanlliip of
pi0 Pacific railroad's conjiAittoo,
wltlcti 'pXonlses to be one of tho
niost, imi)brtnut in tlie sonato at
this session. Tho populists will
not vote with o republicans to
reorganize tho ' sonato, as that
V(niIUbo too hard to explain to
ijiqir constituents. They will
Itiominato thou own officers of tho
souato, and after voting for thorn
on one ballot they will go qut
to get lunch, or "ftn4 some other
))hrposo leaving the republicans
Ireo to eleot their officers on the
fioxt ballot.
.' .' Holiday Rt,
yia tho B'nrjiigtonroute, Decem
ber 2-1, 26, 5l and Juhiniry V. between
ftntions not more than tlOO 'miles
apart. Keturn limit January 2, 1896.
t ?Tilke -advantage of this Mow 'rate
opportunity and spend Christmas with
tho old foks. Theystre counting on
you. The- Christmas turkey and the
vChf ifttoiis pudding are aHfendy. Et
theni'wtifre'they should be eutenat
liome whh yopr own people among
ijopr own' friends,
5f'Tiokets tnd full information at the
looking after Ills business Interests.
If you want to realize cash out
of your extra horsos, see J. C.
See Wildy before you sell your
hogs, poultry, butter," eggs, cheese
or potatoes.
T. E. Calvert and Master Mechanic
Oxford passed through the county seat
city Wednesday In Mr. Calvert's pri
vate car.
Shokb of nil kinds, Btyles and
prices. Can tit any fobt nml pocku..
book. W. K. llElHfOALIi.
Anyono wishing a tniddle-agcd
Indy.to cook or keep house address
Box 62, Hemingford, Neb,
D. F. Miller of Canton was In town
this week. He says that everyone in
his vicinity is In favor of letting the
county seat, remain Just where It Is.
. 1806 finds tho genuine Round Oak
with greator sales than any year gone
by, and tho number of imitations lms
become a multitude. See It and learn
the reason why. For sale at Uhrlg's.
Fuiut, Glass and oils of nil kinds
sold according to tho hard times
cheaper tiian the cheapest, nt
Anton Unuto's.
Tho baso ball boys aro making ar
rangements to give a ball on New
Year's night. They expect to have
thu Marsland string baud In attend
ance. Tho Hecald and tho Omaha
somi-woekly World-Herald both
one year for $1.75.
The genuine Hound Oak costs no
more than an Imitation. Why not
buy the one that evcryouo knows is
tight. Ulirig sells them.
Rev. Schrndor, now of Grand Is
land, but formerly of this city, who
has been at Hot. springs, S. D., for
nib health, was visiting old friends in
the city this week.
NOTICE Havlns mdo nrrauRcmpntd to
le bto tlie city Jan. 1st, to bo absent toiao tlnio,
thoi wishing Jowolrr work done will please
brlwc Mime noon. Call and net Kixxls cheap tor
nuxt SO dnjrt. ThnnlciUK you for past favorB
I remain icepccttuUy, Kd. lu Johnson,
Wakted J3y n lady in Alli
ance, girl for general housework;
oho who can cook. Good wages.
Apply at this olfico.
Mr. and' Mrs. B. F. Jones Jwero
pleasantly surprised Saturday uighb
by about sixty of their friends. A
pleasant time was enjoyed by all. Re
freshments were served. The Horn
iugford brass band wns in attendance.
The Ross school has a vacation
next week.
Ank M. D. Atkin how he likes
ska'ing parties.
H. Hoffman, is doinr carpenter
work for Mr. ftuggles,
A son wnfj bom to Mr. rnd Mrs.
John Wallace last Week.
II Keister has given up tho
county beat light' in favor of Hem
rPUn. 13v Tlnitn t.i,t.n1 ...tit !..,
n vocation of ono week during the
C L. Snedeker will close n four
months' term of school in district
No. 15 Friday.
Don't forgot the oyster supper
and social dance at Mr. Joseph
Mnnion's, on New Tear's evening.
Mrs. Casselman, who has been
visiting Mrs. A. Ross, returned to
her homo in Hay Springs Tuesday.
Mr. Parsons and his sister, Miss
Parsons', will bo thoguests of Mr.
mid Mrs. Ole Gilbert Saturday and
Sunday. .
Wo aro glad that tho county
seat removal committee of eleven
saw fit to put ono demo and ono
popo on said committee.
There will be a mock trial at tho
literary in West school house De
cember 27. Mr. Mrttznt is to be
tried for selling spoiled eggs.
Tho 13ox Butte Literary socioty
have postponed meeting until
Thursday evening, December 81,
and instead of tho usual debase will
spell tho old year out.
An Alliance man-had the "pol
iticians petition" in this burg one
day last week, but as everyone
gave him tho "horso laugh" he
was-ashamed to show it up.
Messrs. Gerber and O'Keofo of
Hemingford Wore in this vicinity
Wednesday. Homiiigford doesn't
hoed to worry about Box Butte
going wrong on tho county seat
The Box Butto Sunday School
will celebrate Christmas eve. An
appropriate program is being pre
pared. A tree will bo procured,
and no doubt Santa Claus will look
in beforo tho evening closes.
Roooiver's 3STotloe.
To oil whorrl H mjr eonwrn. pnrmiaht to an or
clrr or th DlMrlct Court of box llutte county,
Stat of Nebraska.
AnyndattporOTishaTtn(r,holdInn or o-nm"
Inn clatrnn nuntnot the Hank of mlnroni, ot
HemlBBford, llox Uutto conuty, NebrankK, nro
berpby notified and rcqalrd to present and
make proof of name to Ira E. Tf.h. receiver of
Saldlnk,atHenilrtford. Dox Uutto county,
Nebraska, on or befoo Decomtxir a. 1B95,
Iit-coiTcr at Dank ot Mcnihint'ml,
,,, . ., of HwalfiRford.Nebrowka.
first publication Nor. J, lour,.
E. E. BARR. n; D.
Statu University op Iowa 1887.
Chicago Pomjolinio 1894.
SunanaY and this MEDtcAr.
Alliance. - - - Hebraska
Shell Heavy Hardware
Attorneys - at - Law,
This Card is to (Bcitefi: Cash (Bayers. (Don' 't Lose II'
20 2f.
20 I 2.r
"0j l2l
100 100 j 100 100 j 100 100 100 fitTjlO
20 25
20 I 25
20 j 25
20 125
20 25
TO I 25
H. R. GREEN, Hirtart.
Kead What This Card
. . . .Says. . . .
When you pay Cash, lot tho Clerk punch out
tho amount; and when you have paid us
Twentv Dollars in cash, will give you
One (Dollar In Goods Free ofCJtarre.
:J3T-On nil rooiU exoppt Barb wlrtt and Harness by thft set.
15 I 10
- . .A,,
50 1 cO 1 50 1 50 1 50 I 50"j 50 50 ' 50
15 10
" 10
15 10
15 110
15 110 15
15 1 10 ; 5
We will not be undersold. Mivays bring this, Card ivithyqu,
Alliance, -:- Eebuaska.
ZSsfOtllco in IHetclicr Block.
Physician and Surgeon,
i i . -I, i
Offico in Norton's Block.
Calls attended promptly.
Charges reasonable.
Receiver's Sale!
Yott cnanot (Inil in tliece United
States thu equal of tho genuine
Hound Oak. You may try, you'll get
loft. Remember it's the combination
of Kood points that niftkes tho perfect
stove, iluy tho Keuiiine ami bo satis
fied. See tho name on the leg. For
sale at Dlirig's.
Tho Misses Herrick and Brown
aro conducting a series of revival
meetings at Alliance, which will
doubtless prove a big undertaking
in tho face of tho bitter, county
seat war that has just beon do-
Glared between that city and
Homiiigford. The Hay Springs
Victory porcund on tho banner of
democracy lust Thursday in no uncer
tain way, the victory being tho most
sweeping In tho history of the city of
Boston. Josiah'-Qulncy was elected
liinyor over Edwin U. Curtis, tlie pres
ent encumbent of the office, by 4,376
majority. Every democratic iildermin
on the ticket was elected by nlajorl tie's
ranging trom 4,0(10 to 8,000 and they
elected 40 of the 75 councllmcn.
This is the greatest victory the dem
ocrats have ever won in Boston,
Attorney : at : Law,
Alliance, Nebraska.
Pricticcs in all the courts and be
fore U.S. Land Office.
Now Short Lino to Holeua, Butto
Spokane, Seattle and Taeomo.
QiL'&i "W. O. Tiirxo Cctrcl.
U. depot.
Qatl at nttj jciocfxtj sfotc
aub act ptico oiv ffic ucau
goobsj u$t awiucb jot. Ifte
ftoCibatj Itabc. Jou autff
6o orcascb.
Olixiroli Direototr.
nONOnEOATIONAl.. PrrachlnKeach ultcr
Vnnte Hunday, bcitUinlnK Junuary. 1. li4. at
11 o'clock u. in., uiul at 7 p.m. Similar School
at 10 a. m. i'rayor Mooting cacti WeJiicsJty
at 7 p. in.
LEHMAN UITHEltANs-ServlnHi at tho
J Court IIoubu, ltov. Wunderllch. Puetor.
1ATHOL1C: l(ov, Charles Zak I'ttstor.
ETHODIST:-ltav J,W. Kendall Pator
111 l'reuchlni! tho suopiul and fourth Sunday In
rach month at 11 a. in., and 7 p. m.
IjUUSCOl'AL:-Services In tho ConjTfcat
Jlonul Church, llcv. I'ator,
Services on tbe third Thumlay In each month
at' p. in.
MW. A. Itoiicbaah Camp No. U0. MoeU
second and fourth Tmwlay nluht of each
month. Visiting NrnKliborn cordially iiullwl.
V. M. Iodv.nce. Clerk. if. lluor. V. t!.
IlBMiNorono iMMtoflice. On week days door
opens at 7 a. iu, gi'noral delUery opens at S a.
m. and close at 8 p. m. Open tiuudaya 0 to
10 a. in.
IIkminoioud and Box llOTTK taga daily exoaiit
IlEMiNaronD AND Dusl.p tai;p, Monday
Wtdneday and Friday.
NEW :: GOODS 1 1
' , AT. .THE
Cotuo and see the Goods, get
prices, and Up convinced that they
aro the best and oiieapest in tho
Thnnkhigyou for past favora
J and trusting for a cou'tiuuanco of
! IheVamc.
e:0ii p. m.
10:10 u. m,
0:21 a. m.
it: 3U p. -in.
3:33 p. m.
All trulna enrrv pauBcncors.
t W. WIIKATLITi Astint.
No. 2. pHssnncor arrives nt
" tS Irulgiit nrrivos nt .
No, 41 pn88enKornrrivt)aut
'iSfrnlfflit "
" il frt'lcht nrrivos nt
The Mammoth Stock of Dr
Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes
Hats and Caps, Belonging to the
Tionlr at TTmTii-ivfm'fl atirl KTinnrn
JJU1JA. vj. uvmmtiviu iiiiu ixiivrriri
na tliA "RinOTATOR. . ST0niTw
, Will be Sold l
Sale will Commence Nov. 27,1
1895. and Continue until the
.Goods are4 Disposed of. ,
You Should Not Miss This
portunlty of Supplying Yourself)
Vv ith Underwear, Overshoest
Warm Dress Goods, etc, gtc,, at
Unhead of prices,
W. K. Herncall, the flerchant.
"Winter has come, we aro aware,
'"' "With its wind and drifting snow, ; 'v
Arid the place for such weather to prepare
Is what we all waut to know.
Where we can satisfactorily trada.
Our produce for coffee and bread,
HatB, caps, mittens, gloves, silks,
Boots, shoes, overshoes and quilts,
Clothing and underwear,
Pyershirts and jackets.
And nil kinds o neckwear,
Done up in a nice packet,
Where did "yott -say?
Vhy, at the best
Place in town,
A Beautiful Woman
Attracts Attkntion EvEnYwiiKiu:.
QoM -;- Leqf,"
An Ugly Woman
Can Make Bettku Briud With
Qolql - Lf - Floqi
After Giving it a Trial You will wonder now You Ever Got Along without it.
tr.,EBANC18, l
G.'F-Htid T, A.
. ' ' Yours reBpoctf ully,
; ' Misa L. Adams
r- ...... a