Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, December 20, 1895, Image 3

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.lie rsts Away nt tlin Itlpo Ago of B3
YrarsI.ons lu Voor llrnltli, Jlnt, Not
for Somo Time, Considered Berlousljr
felck Tho aiany Itesponsllito Positions
Uo Which lie Hail Heeu Culled.
Dcntli of Allen O. Tltiirninn.
CdLUiinUs, Ohio, Dec. 13. Ex-Sen-
ator Allon O. Thurman died very
uddonly at 1:15 o'clock this afternoon.
.llc had long been in bail health, but
. .his Illness had not been regarded as
dangerous for fcorao time.
Mr. Thurman was 82 years old
.November 13, but his health" was such
at that timo that for the first tlmo In
.years thoro was no public celebration
Jiero In honor of tho "Old Uoman."
Judge Thurman's death Is directly
traceable to an accident Kovdmber 1.
In walking from his room fo tho
library ho tripped in somo unaccount
. able manner and fell heavily to tho
iloor. llo did improvo to some ex
tent, but a week after tho accident ho
suffered a relapso and siuco then it
hud been realized among his family
that his days wore numbered.
JUr, Thurman' Career.
- "Tho Old Romau," as Mr. Thurman
will ever bo reverently and affection-
atoly remembered by his polltiml ad-
nnrers, c:uno ot n proud old Virginia
family, llo was born Kovembor 10,
1813, in Lynchburg, his father being a
minister of tho Methodist church.
Hut his father became early in llfo
1 impressed ngalnst slavery and ho dis-
posed of his colored help. In 1810 the
father removed with his family lo
Chillicothc, Ohio, where ho becured
employment as a school teacher, und
his .on became one of his pupils.
Later young Allen attended tho Uhil
llcolho high Echool, and afterward
was a student in the acudemy of that
town, llo was proficient in all his
htudies, but especially advanced in
mathematics, on which account ho
was known among his school follows
as "rlghtanglo trmngled Thurman."
Mr. Thurman s molhor wus the half
slstur of William Allen, who, dnrSncr
hH life served In the House of Repre
sentatives in Congress, 1832, in tho
Semite in Congress 1837-1810, and as
governoK of Ohio, loM-1870, and in 1818
refused the Democratic Presidential
nomination for tho reason that ho was
1 committed to the support of General
Lewis Case, who was subsequently
nominated by the convention and de
feated. Mrs.Thurman was a woman of
remarkable nbilityund learning, und
did much toward 'tho instruction of
her son und the guidance of hi3 early
At the age of Is young Thurman at
tached himself to u land surveying
corps and thoroughly mastered" tho
mathematical side of that science dur
ing the three years ho pursued it. In
1831, just when he had attuincd tho
ago to qualify, Governor Lucus ten
dered him tho oIHco of prlvato secre
tary, which ho accopted, entering at
tho fiurc.o time as si student at law in
the ollico of his uncle, William Allen,
completing his studies subsequently in
tho ollleo of tho uftcrward distin
guished JikV'i." Suayne. After his ad
mission to the bar young Thurman
returned to Chillicotho and enteiod
into partnership with his uncle, with
the result that lie soon acquired one of
tho best practices lu Uluo, his uuelo
having pructically ubundoned tho pro-
' fession when ho entered politic.
Mr. Thurman entered politics in
' 1814 when ho was nominated for Con
gress by tho Democratic convention ot
lii.s district, and was elected, entering
tho llouso of Representatives Decem
ber 1, lo45, as its youngest member,
llo declined a renominalion and con
tinued to practice at tho bar until
1851, when ho was elected to the Su
preme court of the State, in which
bcrvlc6 ho remaiued four years, during
the last two years of tho time being
chief justice. At the end of this ter in
he resumed practice, which ho con
tinued until 1807, when he was unan
imously nominated by the Democratic
convention for tho ollleo of governor.
His opponent in thU campaign, one of
the most exciting in the history of tho
State, was Rutherford U. lluycs. Air.
Thurman was defeated, but ho cut
down the normal Republican majority
. in the State from 40 OJ0 to 3.00U.
The Legislature being elected at tho
same vote being Democratic, however,
Mr. Thurman wus chosen United
States Senator to take tho place of
Renjnmln F. Wndo and he took his
scat March 4, 1809, there being nt tho
time only bevcu Democrats in tho
body. His ability was at once recog
nized, his ujieeclies on the Geneva
awurd bill and on the Pacific railway
funding bill, especially attractiuu
i W public notice and uppluiibo. lie served
two tcruiK in tho bi-nato with great
(Ubjinotiou nmi nonur, closing tho
twelve years' period on March 4, 188!,
with a reputation which stood among
tho highest for judicial fairness dig
nity and strength in debate, especially
n questions of constitutional law ami
forpiitriotihru and piobttv.
Thurston's l'aclflo Jlllt
Washington, Dec. 13.Senator
Thurston of Nebraska to-day intro
duced a bill for tho settlement of the
Pacific railroads debtb. It provides
for the sale of the Government inter
cut in both tho Union nnd Central Pa
ciile rullro.tds July 1, JS'JJ, to tho
highest bidder, ami that there bu no
sale unless tho bid be at leabt t0 per
cent of the Government's intorest.
The Mil is vtry long and devotod
imilnjy to tho details of tho transfer
and manner of sale.
uoporta rrom Now York say that tho
Heine fountain la still out of Bite.
Sax Is'iiaxcisco, 13, The attor
ney for Theodoro Durrani inoyed for a
writ of probable cayse in order to pre
vent the prisoner's removal from the
county jail to tho State prison at Sau
Quunlta. Tho court denied tho mo
tion and subsequently signed Dur
rani's death warrant, fixing Friday,
Fobruary 21, as the date of tho execu
Mrs. D. R. Culberson, mother of the
Governor of Texas, is dead.
Dr. and Mrs. Levy Kahn wcro struck
bj a train at Milford, Ind., and killed.
Topekn Wildly Kxcltrd Orcr tlic (irate
ltobberles Mllltla Untie r Arras.
TorKKA, Kan., Dec. 13. Governor
Morrill last night called out Uattory
II of the State mllittn, stationed here,
to protect tho Kansas Medical College,
which was threatened by tt mob. Ho
also wired Captain McCluro of tho
troops at Lawronco to hold his sol
diers in readiness to take tho first
train for Topeka. Chief of Polico
John WilUcrson stationed a squad of
patiolmen, in charge of Sergeant
Frank Ellison, about tho college and
a shei-ill's posse was also placed on
duty. Tho Governor relit cd toward
midnight, having notified Captain Mc
Cluro that his services would uot bo
Tho troublo was caused by tho dis
covery in the dissecting room of tho
college of tho bodies of three women,
vhlch had been stolen from cemeter
ies in tho vicinity of Topeka. Ono
body was that of O. C. Van Fleet's
wife, anothor was that of A. L. Dako's
wife, and tho third was that of Mrs.
Patrick Lillis. Thu case of tho first
two named have been previously re
ported. The body of Mrs. Lillis was identi
fied by dier son, John Lillis, at u
o'clock last oveUlng. The husband of
the dead woman is foreman of Santa
Fo blacksmith shop at Argentine. Mrs.
Lillis was buried last Friday. When
her son read about stolon bodies at tho
college ho feared for the safety of his
mother. In company with Father
llayden, tho well-known Catholic
priest, ho wens to tho cemetery to
make arrangements to have the gravo
guarded, lie noticed that tho mound
had been disturbed, Tho gravo was
opened and tho cotlln was found to be
empty. Lillis went to tho ofllco of
Justice Guy and obtained a wnrrant to
bcarch tho college. Tho result was
that he found a mutilated body which
ho identified as that of his mother.
Tho city was already greatly excited
on account of tho previous discoveries
and the news of tho Lillis case, which
spread like wildfire, was the signal for
a general outpouring of the populace.
The streets were thronged by angry
men, who mado threats against tho
college) and those connected with it
The authorities wcro alarmed by tho
crowd, and steps wore promptly taken
to prevent an outorealt. Deputy blicr
ill Tom Wllkerson, In tho absonco of
Sheriff Dave llurge, called upon tho
Governor for assistance, which was
grunted as stated.
Dako and Lillis are members of the
A. 0. U. W. A mass meeting of the
eight lodges of the order had been
called to consider the Dako case.
Nearly 2,000 members wcro present.
Ci A. Starbird was chosen chairman
nnd J. W. Gibbons secretary. Tho
Lillis case was announced upon the
organization of tho mooting. This
added fuel to the flanies. Men growled
in their anger and became demon
strative, but cool heads were in the
nndicnuo and good order was main
tained. Speeches denouncing tho out
rages were made. A committo com
posed of Judge Ensmlntrcrr S. C.
Miller, A. 0. Slier, T. A. Reck, H. T.
Davis, Charlos M. Drown, 11. A. Wilson
and II. I. Fletcher was nppolntcd to
draft resolutions.
Probably 2,000 men, mostly railroad
employes, stood in tho street in front
of the hall while tho mooting was in
progress. When those who partici
pated in tho meeting came out and
went their respective ways in a quiet
manner, the crowd outside took up the
cuo and dispersed.
Contributors to tho Work Will Visit
Stations In the Orient.
Nnw Yoiik, Dec. 13. A unique and
interesting pilgrimage to both homo
and foreign missionary workers is soon
to be mado by the representatives of a
number of wealthy contributors to
missionary work. It will be under
tho auspices and guidance of the Rev.
Dr. Henry M. Field. It Is to en
able persons interested in missionary
work to know by actual observation
exactly how the missionary conducts
his labors that the trip is to bo made.
Tho party will not exceed twenty,
all told, and will start for Japan, via
San Francisco, about April 10, and
will be absent several months. The
tour will bo under the immediate di
rection of Messrs A. D. Thompson
and II. Ic Elliott Tho itinerary will
include typical stations in the homo
missionary work, giving the members
of tho party, as they cross tho conti
nent, objsct lessons in the evangeliza
tion of the negro, the Spanish-American,
tho Mormon and thu Chinese.
To 1'unlsli Train llobbery.
Washington, Dec. 1 $. Represent
ative Drodcrick o.f Kansas has intio
duced several bills which aro of great
interest to tho West. One touches
upon tho federal punishment of a
train robbery in ull United States ter
ritorial reservations. The bill makea
it a felony to shoot at or iuto any lo
comotive, caboose, coach or car of any
train, or to throw any i oek or other
lulsrilo nt a train, or to derail or forci
bly obstruct a train at any placo with
in tho exclusive jurisdiction of the
United Slattsor In the Indim reserva
tions. This doos uot suvo the criminal
from more severe punishment if any
peraon is killed or Injured severely by
tho train robbeiy or wrecking.
Iteformcrs In Convention.
Washington, Dee 13 The National
Civil Servljo Reform League began its
annual meeting at tho Cosmos Club
to-day with un unusually largo at
tondanco of delegates. The morning
seasions are private, but tho afternoon
scbsions are open to those who desire
to hear tho papora nnd oddro&hos on
civil bcrvico reform topics. President
Carl Schorr, of the league will deliver
the anuual addraw.
U;c an Oklahoma Divorce.
Pr.nitv, Olc, Dee, 13 Dolphin Mc
Leod Cobfc, a wealthy manufacturer of
Brooklyn, N. Y., was granted a di
vorce hero yesterday from his wife,
Phoebe M. Cobb. Tho plaintiff Is a
nephew of Congressman George T.
Cobb, of New Jcrsoy.
llllly Slyer Knocked Out.
Jeffebsonvjlle, Ind., Dec. 13.
IJllly Myer, known as the Strentor
Cyclone, and Tommy Stuart, of Henry
ville, fought seven rounds near here
last night for a purse and gate re
ceipts. Mver was knocked out.
The Glass of Fashion Slcorr of Tnrtnn
l'lnlit Itoenptton litmus of Voltct
Start Your Hyacinths Now 1'niU tf
HE chnmoleon ct
fecta In taffofa tiro
moro popular thai)
ovor, and show no
end of odd mix
tures. Ono of tho
prettiest gowns
made from this silk
showB broad stripes
of rosy purple,
"- cream color and
palo green, with an
occasional hair line ot black as a set
off. Tho skirt is fitted beautifully
about the hips and flares out around tho
iect smartly. Tho gores aro cut so as
to hnvo tho stripes run crosswise,
which, by tho way, 1b tho favorite modo
of making up striped goods. Tho bod
Ice is a softly bloused nftalr, caught
nround' tho waist by n tiny band of
chinchilla, Tho sleeves nro bouffant to
a startling degree and nro faBtoncu
across tho lower arm by means ot a row
of small gold buttons set with topaz.
Tho stock ot rosy purplo volvet has fall
ing from it a lot of soft old Mechlin
lace, draped across tho bronst and held
by small rosettes of velvet.
A Jaunty butterfly collar of chinchilla
sots out smartly over tho sleovoa and
caresses tho BOft cheeks. A "grand
mother's muff" of tho snmo rich fur Is
carried vlth the costume. A rolling
brimmed hat of rosy purplo velvet has
tho crown of leaf green and black
chenille braid, and is massed nt ono
Bldo with stiff loops ot leaf green eatln
ribbon. A smart bow of tho same rests
on the hair at tho upturned side.
Slecno of Tartan Tlnlil,
Another pretty wedding reception
frock Is made of creamy white broad-
cloth, combined with tnrtan plaid vel
vet. Tho skirt Is abnormally full, sot
ting out in perky folds, nnd beautifully
lined with tartan plaid silk, which bo
.traya Itself at every step. Tho back
Is In blouse form, smoothly fitted at tha
top, and finished by a high stock, with
overturned pieces under tho car. It
pouches gracefully over a narrow bolt
of cardinal velvet, Just tho color found
In tho plaid, and fastoncd by a Jeweled
buckle. The tartan sleeves add chic
to the garment, and make It aa Frenchy
a creation as ono would wish to sec.
They nro in tho favorite now modo,
ttanding out in full, stiff puffs from
tho shoulder, and clinging in a mass
of wrinkles to the lower arm from
above tho elbow.
The richness of tho velvet enhances
the entire gown. Odd lapels of tho
wool goods meet in points on the out
side of tho sleeve, fastened by a flat
WV' vV'
ponrl button sot with a single rhino
atono; deeply pointed, flaring tuffs turn
back, mid aro ornamented by ft similar
jowciod button. Croamy whllo glaco
gloves, heavily otltchoil with black, tiro
worn wllh this gown, nnd ft hugo pic
ture hat of black velvet, coquottlahly
turned up nt tho aldo and trimmed
with masses ot glossy black plumes. A
carriage wriip ot will to thlbot, lined
with tnrtnn nnd plaid volvot, complotea
tho fetching picture.
Stnrt Your lynr)nlh Now.
Now la tho tlmo to start hyacinth
bullm In glasses In order to havo them
flower enrly In the wlntor. Tho glasses
must be miod with wator, bo as Just to
cscnpo touching tho bnso ot tho bulb.
They must bo kept in a cool, dry cup
board from which all light Is excluded
till tho roota havo grown about half
way down tho glassoB, which takoa
from two lo thrco weeks. Tho glasses
are then placed" for n day or two In a
(.uhdued light until tho shoots tho bulbs
hnvo made got accustomed to the
change They may then bo placed In
a window or wherover wanted. . Gnro
must bo taken to replenish tho glasses
with water as It ovaporatoa. Snow
drop nnd crocus bulbs may now bo
planted In small bowls nnd olhor
dishes, filled with damp moss for early
flowering. ,
Current Vails ot the I"ulr.
Sotltern, tho actor, used to soy that
after playing Lord Dundreary tor a long
tlmb In London, ho found lilmsolf stut
tering in prlvato llfo occasionally, tho
mannerism of tho pnrt having taken
hold of him to nn npprcclablo extent.
Physicians in attendnnco pn fashiona
ble families aro recalling this experi
ence of the dead nnd gono comedian.
They find that among tho numbora ot
novel notions thnt tho Bummer brought
forth for autumn's uso among ladles of
high degree thero is none bo unique nnd
amusing ns the cultivated Impediments
in speech. The nut-brown maid Just
returning bomb from Boashoro and
mojtitnina has annarcutlv been be
witched by the mischievous gnomes or
water nymphs, for 'whon hor pretty
lips are open, tho words will only coulo
by fits nnd starts, slnco nothing, be
lieves thlB coquettish young lady, Is aa
effective as a gontlo stammer. So neat
ly has sho learned hor now rolo that It
Is not surprising the family physician
hna warned her tho llttlo trick nlay In
tlnio grow Into a fixed habit, Impossible
to alinko off. Thero aro among theso
society girls a respcctablo number who
would not stutter over their wordB if
they could, but InBtcad havo caught up
a most ridiculous llttlo drawl, Just bo
catiFo they havo nil read n populnr Eng
lish romance, written by ono of tho
leading English beaux, In which tho
bcroino fetched forth her wittiest
Bpeeche3 at immense length of breath;
and the drawlera aro hard pressed by a
circle ot rosy lips that speak with a de
cided lisp. To lisp, drawl nnd Btam
mcr, however, nro tricks of mannor,
theso frivolous girls hnvo agreed, that
seem appropriate only In tho mouths ot
rather small and dainty Individuals.
But their tall and statuesque sisters,
though admitting this restriction, nro
not to bo outdono In originality; and
unless one addresses one of theso Juno
esque damsels In a tono of volco slightly
olovated, ono's flattering or common
placo words are only mot with a llttlo
wistful, questioning stare. How sad it
Is to bo slightly deaf; yet not in tho
lenst disfiguring to one's looks, and
very touching it seems when that young
lady replies In tho softeat voico, with
that far-away, plaintivo glanco deaf
people always show. And the admiring
young man who Bhouta his interesting
sentences into tho eensholl ear novcr
dreams for tho moment that tho othor
folks nro hearing.
Help or All Kinds.
It is said that n now potato grated
finely and then used Instead ot soap to
wash with Is good.
An acceptable way of quench!n0 tho
baby's thirst Is to tie a llttlo well
cracked Ice in a piece of soft, clean
Salad dressing does not often require
the cook stovo to prepare It. since oil,
vinegar, cream and eggs may bo usod.
When a grato flro In a sickroom needs
replenishing, fill a paper bag with coat
And put It on tho embers. This pro
vcntB nil noise.
Snwdust and chamois skin as polish
ers after cut glflBs has boon thoroughly
washed In hot soap suds will rnnko It
glittXir nnd oparkte,
A common cause ot fniluro In mak
ing fancy bread and rolls la mixing vho
dough too stiff. It should bo soft
enough to bo eanlly worked, without
being in tho least sticky,
Cereals should not ho hotted simply
In wntcr. hut In n mlxturo ot equal
pnrto ot milk nnd water. They should
'not ho Btlrred, for stirring makes thom
starchy, but cooked In n doublo boiler.
Vnshlng soda, molatonotj to a pasto,
w,lll brighten tlnB quickly nnd a tea
spoonful ndded to a tablospoontul ot
Spnnlsh whiting will make a pasto that
will clean mnrblo It It Is allowed to
dry there.
A good recipe for orango water Ice la:
One quarl water, ono pound sugar, tho
outer rtd ot ono and tho julco ot thrco
or tout oranges. Strain Into ft can and
(pnck Ico nnd salt around it, nnd freozo
nnu scrape it uowu uiuu it is out
flclontlx frozen.
Itoceptlon downs of Velvet.
This Is tho scaBon for tho blossom
ing' out of wedding frocks; perfect mar
vels of elegance nnd samples ot tho
dressmaker's art, Tho most lavish dis
play In costumo la Indulged In in
gowna for tho receptions, many ot thorn
being beyond description. Velvet plays
an Important part, combined with rich
laco or fur, and an endless display ot
costly Jowcls,
A fetching gown worn at a recent
wedding by ono of tho guests, a polite,
brown-eyed maiden, was mado up of
soft, silky crepo do cheno, velvot nnd
priceless old Venetian point laco.
Tho body ot tho gown wna In prln
ccdso effect, tho clinging, palo greon
cropo hold out Btlflly by Its skirt ot
heavy leaf greon Batln. Tho graceful
form was beautifully outlined by nn
Eton cont of leaf greon volvet, opening
ovor a vest ot jaboted laco. Tho cq"U
was cut in decollete effect, and caught
across tho shoulders by full bows ot
velvet ribbon. A neck roucho ot black
marabout, and a huge knot on tho back
ot tho fair head, set off tho daintiness
of tho costume.
No Uso for lllm.
Tho dusky islanders sat in a ring,
listening wjth eager oxpoctatlon to tho
Lord Chancellor as ho read to tholr
monarch the latest communication from
tho Foreign Mission Socloty.
"Siuco tho mysterious disappearance
ot our dear brother, Duppy," bo ran tho
letter, "wo aro sending you ono who
will bo a powerful worker in the field.
In him not only ia tho spirit willing,
but tho flesh is strohg."
A look ot disappointment paBSOd
around tho circle.
"Read that part again," said His
. Tho Chancellor compiled.
Tho king leaped up from the section
of pork-barrel which formed tho Im
perial throne.
"Such a letter as that," be cried, as
ho dashed his stovc-plpo crown on tho
coral strand, "Is an outrage; tha man
will be utterly distasteful to us; wrlto
at once and Bay wo don't want him."
JWnilo Ilrr So Happy.
Young Husband (who meets his wifo
in tho street) Jennie, my dear, I know
you havo been silently Erlovod and
pained a long tlmo on account of my
absence from homo at the club every
evening. I am going to turn over a new
leaf, nnd I'm going to beftln to-nlcht.
Young Wife Oh, Edwin, you don't
hnow how happy you'vo mado me!
Brother Jack wants mo to go to tho
theater with him to-night, and you can
tako caro of tho baby; bo good-by.
Boston Courier.
Ilia Inference.
Mr. Hogan Kut's that sound I
yor darter Cornelia makln' In the house
Mrs. Gllllgan (proudly) -Sure It's a
prlmy dony sho's to be, an thot's tho
trills she do bo running for her vocal
Mr. Hogan (much relieved) Arrah,
that all? Suro I fought sho vvor garg
lln' hor t'roat! Puck.
A Hasty Itcmark.
Merchant What do you mean by
using such languogo? Aro you the boss
here, or am I tho boss?
Clork I know I'm not tho boss.
Merchant Then if you are not the
boss, why do you talk like a blamed
fool? Ex.
A Tcnrhlnpf Kpttnpti.
A Topeka reporter wiih nosing nround
a second-hand store the other day when
ho enmo across a tombstano which hnd
in somo mannor drifted into the deal
er's hands, nnd which wan for snlo at
less thmi halt first cost. Upon it Was
ongaved tho following touching in
Bcrlptlon: ".Jimmy thou art gone, but
'tis sweet to know that thou wilt meet
us on Jot dun's bunks with thy BWcct
hello." y
Dl-nstrous Failure.
Wocnii mention no fniluro more dlsft
(rout tli tin tlint of jiliymlcnt otierpy It
Involves tho pnrtlul siiMpcnslott oliliodl
ttesilva and nMlmtlntlvD processes, nml en
tidlstlio rotlrotnutit from Uuslneiw of tho
liver nnd kldnoyn, Only through tho Rood
ofllcosot llottotmr'ft stomncli Hitters can
tho restoration of Its former vigorous stnt-
in ho hoped for. whon this mil ims been se
cured, a ruMitnptlart of activity In thqstom
n'iu liver luiu uovrois mny on roumi uj
The Hitters cummers malaria and Id
I would havo n man great in prent things
nnd elegant in llttlo things. Johnson.
Tho rarofled ntmosphero of tho city of
Lcadvllio, Col , is fatal to cats, rats, mice,
Tint good health, strong nerves, physical
vigor, happiness and usefulness depend
upon pure, rich, healthy blood. Remem
ber that tho blood can bo made pure by
The Ono True Blood Purifier. $1 0 for ?&
Hood's Pills euro biliousness, headache 28o
li .. "Wfc
i World's Falrl HldllBST AWARD. i
iMaiiy competing FOODS)
ihave come and pneSil
ibeen missed by few or
: none ?hue popularity of this i
! FO OD steadily increases! ;
Soidby DRuamsTsnvnRYWiinRni J
juiiii vnric & .zu.. nnw itiirts
When to say "No."
When the clerk tries to get nd of
some other binding by calling it
just as good as tho
Bias Velveteen
Skirt Binding.
Simply refuse to take it. No bind
ing vcar3 or looks as well as the
"S. H. &M." i
If your dealer wll! not supply you, -wo
Send for samples, ihowlne libels nd mite
rlils to thu S.Htt M. Co., P. O. Dos 699, Now
York City.
OTE AimfHOTOlt CO. does half thi iwria's
windmill business, ttectuue it ha induced (lis con ot
V7lod power to 1 u wtioi. it wu. It 1ja many branch
nouM, mm snppum iu gooas sua repairs
, oi juur noor it can ana noes lurnun
. ivner urucio inr ins iuoq-j urnu
loUitrs. It tnakra Putnplas and
i lltiarcd. Bterl, (l ilvaulsod alter.
lUomnletlon Windmills. Tilting
nnd rixpil titer! Towrnu Steel Uuubaw
Frames, bleul Iwil Cutters nnd Jreo4
arlnriers. On application it mil name ono
of UushO artlrlfji IIiil It will furnish until
Janasrr t't at ifi Uie usual price. It oiso makes
TanSS and Pumps ot all kinds. Banrl fcr catalosue.
fectcr?: 12ib. Fockvcll and Plllmoro Streets. CaUu
Tt Ut Ce4 UJ I Im aid la tt "Corn Belt"
tt b frltw.
Far INFOIIM ATIOM retnrdlng land In Barry Co.,
H. XV. MIS80UKI, writ to Crr. UEO A.
IX'KDT. J'ieroo City, Mo.j J U. Uiuiorr, 1'urUjr, Mo,i
T S. Fnorr, CasiTllle, Mo or L. H. fliDWAT ico.
MOa MouaUuoek VUf, Chicago, 11U
Illnstrnted catatonia enowlng WELL
6K.it Pscr. Havo boon toetod and
ui imrranita,
Sioux City r.nglc nd Iron Works,
Successor to J'ech Mfg;. Co.
Hloux "Uy, lawn.
Tun nownx A ciusa iucuixkby co .
lilt Wot Eleventli Xtreet, Kaatas City 11"
L f Q.(sFK . tvp.j
FLAG- a"
INilUeRICA. - W?
, s e.J!'
Cictnief and txautjtlet the. hIr.
rivoiofcf a ivzun&ui nnu.
Never 7alla to Bettor Gray
Hair to its Youthful ColorT
Cure icalp dueaies bair tulwf.
pnODt'fEKS, U your products and write to us for
- Information liovr lo make Ms money on thpro
reedtln tho iiurcli of torn on margin. Informa
tion nd book on (peculation HU. C Y. TAX nUkUt
A CO., SI! U8ll. Si, rticuc
SUr!rfflSf(illV Prrirctititt f:lnlm.
IfitoVriucipAl Hiumlner Ufl Pension bureau.
3-ra Jilwt war. lobdjudicatuigcuiuaa, atty aluce.
MtoTA Itepalra for 40,000 different stove
niidruiigr. l0lIausliitf.,Outilin,?fet
Morphine Habit Curd in 10
to 30 days. Nona) till cured,
DR. J.STEPHENS, Lebanqn.Ohio.
AnFUTC 83 to OlOi DITTO YOU, Steady
IIU CH I O Krort. Write 1U1X, M FU.h AT , CMcazu.
W. N. U , OMAHA, 51 1805, "
When writing to advertisers, mention
tma papert
tllfitS Wflt AU USfclAftS. I
Beet Uugt Syrup. a'aateaOood. VTtel
in lime, eoia dt aroaanHa.
ffitJlpl .!