Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, December 20, 1895, Image 1

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KO. 48
VOL. 1
I v
1 1
ii v
Tho men of Cox Butto county
that are most interested in the
removal of tho county soat appear
from tho Alliance papers to bo
'the Alliance people The peti
tions aro signed by Alliance peo
ple; Alliance is to have all tho
emoluments of tho county scat,
inlfactic is nil Alliance. In look
ing ovor tho map wo noticod that
a vory small part of Box Butte
county is covered by Allianco,
and yet, according to tho decla
, ration of a few non-taxpayers,
tho whole of the rest of the
county has to bo put under tho
heel of -.these few sharpers. With
,' out a thought of the Avishes of
those, outside this little-blot on
. tho map, a costly election is at-
t tempted; the papers come out
with tho statement that Alliance
wants tho county seat, and will
"have it. Intelligent taxpayers
.giving outside the pale of Alli
ance, where aro your interests
" coming in? "Are you to bo' pulled
, and hauled, your pockets emptied,
. the best on your ranches to go to
' pay taxes to keep a lot of pdople
" in idleness, just because they
' have some empty rooms which
they think suitable for county
6ffic3s, and -who would bp sold
-, out at sheriff's sale if
tho taxes ,
'now duo were
levied against '
fhem? Tho time for the feudal
. lovios on tho country, aimed to
"support the-barons'of; tho county,
ls long ago done away with; and,
it should not bo allowod to come
in vogue in Box Butte county
Tho arrogance shown by Allianco
pooplo is only equalled by the
rack renting in Ireland. Without
n thought of tho taxpayers' inter
ests Alliance wishes to rise from
her deathly torpor, and to do so
tries to flim-flam tho voters of
tho county by plausible talos of
what she will do for the county
if tho taxpayers will only giye
t i. .. i. rn ii j. I
ner uib uomuy Hoau j.uuniupt rigm, unci uuiy uieuue. xn mo (lU Ovor tho state by Alliance poli
to take from Homingford what is ! light of these facts tho county seat ticians, who arc sending them out
lher own, by right of election, to will remain at Hemingford, and on farms upon thoir arrival, and
satisfy these Allianco peopio is , tho county will havo honost gov- j will vote thorn all on olection day
not right or fair. Whero could eminent, away from the contami- nothing is dono to provont. Our
,, . , ,, , . ., i .-,.,, I, informant statod that at ono farm
iuB6amwuwK.Weii.ui uiu
county come in? It is a needless
expense, and should bo frowned
down by the honest taxpayers of
Allianco, who wish to havo clean
government in Box Butto county.
Think of those questions, voters
oft tho 'cb'unty, and follow your
thoughts first with a protest
,against the commissioners call
ing an olection, and if necessary
then by your votes; rebuko tho
aims of tho Alliance pooplo, and j
teach them that the taxpayers of
Box Butto county havo' arison
from Fourteenth century methods
and aro free and enlightened
men, who understand what is to
their interests, and know how to
get it.
Tho disclosures mode in this
paper last week regardiug the
due trom Alliance county
seat agitators is one that has called
c. sensation in the railroad town,
The statement in one of tho papers
that tho increased taxation argu
ment was a bng-a-boo was Well
taken, for pooplo who are behind
in their taxes for several years are
not bothered much about taxation
jnattors. But the lesson for tho
taxpayers to loarn is this: Box
Butte county is out of debt, has a
fine court house at Hemingford,
which entails only a small cost
each year for repairs, etc., neces
sary er witu angular county i
buildup; hor finances huvo boon
in tho hands of county commis-
sionors who are meh of courage
and who continually work for tho
county's intorests. Taxes must
havo heon paid by someone to
make this state of affairs. In last
week's issua tho Times of Allianco
says: "Alliance eitizons pay their
proportion of comity .taxes the;
same as otner peopio, ana lor mis
reason all talk of 'increase of taxes'
or 'bonds' would bo just as expen
sive to tho people of thlj city
any other resident oE tho county
In the light of past disclosures
what olegaut boom talk this is
Alliance citizens pay thoir propor
tion of taxes; tho very promoters
oE tho removal aro thu men that do
not nay thoir taxes. Farmers and
honest tuxpayors, you aro tho ones
that pay taxes to keep .tho county
running, and on you will fall the
burden of paying for this light.
The records will toll tho tale as to
who the people aro that will have
to pa' for tho expensive court
houso Alliauce intends to erect if
she gets tho county seat.. Boforo
signing tho petition for a removal
take down the names of tho main
men oE Allianco who aro in tho
deal merchants, doctors, lawyers,
etc go to tho county records,
scan tho lists for tho last seven
years and thou go homo and think
what the county scat removul vill '
mean to you. luusu uummuuuis i
, , i rm . ll " -. ... l .
call well afford to say that iho tax
increase amounts to nothing, that
Alliance pays her share oE the
taxes. Talk is cheap, ami tho
newspapers themselves, in the same
fix, havo to bolster up the state-
ments to help out tho men who aro
scheming ,for, Alliance. J3ut tho
taxpayers poxlhittcojrntytf, nbsoncetfu.tho
which Alliance wishes to gag their
actions. Such tactics as aro em
ployed by Alliance "today might
have been successful many years
ago, when men did not get as
many newspapers as now, when
tho county records wore looked
upon as something almost too di
vine for sacrcligious hands to
touch . American pooplo now think
for themselves, look at tho pro's
and con's, and act in the way that
-.i.i. i .i..i. . i. i -.. j.i.
.pauug prubuuiw ui uiu puupiu wuo
cry alouu m tlio market place, as
did ihe publicans of old, and soy:
"I am glad I am uot as other men,"
when those very ones nro palsied
with the effects of not paying their
honest lax 'S.
'To Delinquents.
Editou HEnviiU: For tho ben
ofit of tho delinquent taxpayers of
Box Butte county I wish to state,
through tho columns of your paper,
that no further notice will bo given
them to pay their back taxes, but
you may look for a collector to
visit you aftor tho 21st of this
month; so you may prepare your
selves with the cash when he comes
I have waited patiently for two
years for you to como and sottlo,
and I cannot wait aiy longer. Yon
aro all aware of the fact that a
county scat election is coming on,
and a new court hquso will have
to bo built, consequently you must
Jielp bear the expense.
"Yours Truly,
S. B. Lidbv,
County Treasurer.
Dun't Hunk because :i stove Id round
and the maker has called it Oak, of
some sort, that it's the. genuine Hound
Oak. Jt is not, as you'll f.nd to your
cn.t, if you buy. See the name on
the leg. Then you'll ba sure to get
the genuine. Sold only by Uhrie,
I r t
--T -.
Some of the Schemes Resorted
to By the Politicians.
Based on Figures Alleged Mo
Havo Been Taken From '
This Paper. . -
An intelligent, but misguided
farhier," who lives in LukoTprocihet,
mado a few statements to a J$RU
ali) roporter this week, a portion
of which wo publish. Ho statod
that he signed Iho romovoi petition
bocauso it would bring tho county
seat within live miles of him, if
Alliance won, also bocauso a prom
inent Allianco banker had do
picted to him in glowing terms, on
figures alleged to have ' been taken
from this paper, that the maximum
rate o taxation would not exceed
fifty cents on 311,000. Wo. would
like to havo this hankor"aIiowus',"
wo'ro from Missouri. ThO farmer
was also shown a printed siatemont,
to tho same effect, which. Vab
printed and circulated throughout
tlio county by Allianco boomors.
Ho said that tho reason Alliance
would not offer to build a court
house was bocauso they proposed
to cot tho county seat removod
iwt t u CMt o not ovor $i,000,
which tho taxpayers will have to
j pay, and then ihoy proposed to
issue bonds for tho erection of a
large stone or brick' building,
which the taxpayers will also have
to 8 3ttlo for. Ho stated that there
! wore iivo voters from tlio precinct
in which he lived that lio know of
i n iui vwuiii uwi niu uiu jjuiiuuii) jr
cast, but that they would all !u
I hero on election day, if itcvovcUino
to an election, ns Alliance ui totaled
giving them free transportation
from thoir present homes to Alli
ance and return, if thoir votes
could not bo procured by other
meau3. Thcso aro just a few of
' the schemes resorted to by these
fellows. Tho latest ono, for which
a man that now lives in Alliance is
authority, is to tho effect that
laborers aro being imported from
l.ollBO thnm Wm-fl four f tliuftn
illegal voters, and maiiy other
farm houses shelter from ono to
Come on, hoys! You uro almost
to the end of your string, and n
short time after election will find
just as many voters boarding at
tho expense of tho county n there
now are boarding at tho expense
ol me cny or Aiimnco.
Iii an issue of ono of tho boom
papers of Allianco county seat
matters is an item that tho patent
editor did not think would act as
a boomerang. It stated that tho
farmers aro realizing that tho
county seat, whoro now located,
is no bonofit to a dead town, but
will havo a tendency to mako
Allianco a live town. Granting
for argument's sake that tho
pi-eseut county soatis dead, which
is far from tho truth, the vory
argument of tho paper shows
there is only tho difference as
from tweo-dlo-deo ami tweo-dlo-dum
between tlio two towns, and
this is from ono of thoir own
papers. In tho face of this argu
ment? of tho Allianco Times tho
I county seat is all right whoro it
it, as tho Times owns that it will
havo a "tendency" to make Alli
anco a Iivo town. Poor Alliance!
When tho fact of its doadnoss is
published by its own papers it
should surely say 'deliver me
from my frionds,"
"A Farmer's Voice."
.Tho writer of this article feels
u personal interest in tho futuro
history of Box Butto county, and
J,hnt intorcstr is not prompted
from tho ownorship of any prop
erty in oithur Homingford or Al
lianco, but4 is prompted from an
agricultural standpoint, owning
a farm'iu tho southeastern part
of Box Butto county, twelvo
milos ncaror Allianco than Hem
ingford. In tho first plnco I tako tho
stand that Box Butto county is
ono of, if not tho banner county
of western Nebraska, so far as
debt and business management
is concornod. Second, that all
hor legislation has boon dono in
a judicial manner, ami tlio
cers, without a single oxcoption,
havo fully carried out tho oath
of thoir respective offices. Third,
that hor pooplo aro as law abid
ing and progressiva in all their
efforts as any pooplo living on
tho sun-kissod prairlosof western
Nobraska. Fourth, hor pooplo
aro a Christianized, God-fearing
class, and believe in all that is
just and right under all circum
stances. Now, in view of tho first state
ment, lot mo ask if in caso of a
removal of tho prosont county
seat, wo could hope to bo tho
hannor county in business man
agement? for it scorns to mo that
it would be a broach of all busi
ness methods to throw away our
prosont court houso, with all its
oquipmonts, and bond ourselvos
to build another, or pay rent for
unsufficioht rooms for offices. If
there was no other question to
be thought of but this, tho voters
and taxpayers would surely sneer
at tho idea of a romoval, for
court houses aro not built for
nothing, aiul rooms sufficient for
court houso purposos aro not
built and furnished Sr,ott free by
businoss men, unloss thoro is
something in it for thorn. Surely
everyone will accopt this aa un
businesslike, auu placing our
selves in a position to pay exces
sive taxation.
As to tho second article, I
would say that the city of Alli
ance now nearly dictates to tho
voters of Box Butto county as to
who shall sorvo us as pur officers,
and should thoy gain tho control
of tho county seat thejy would
absolutely tako the reins of gov
ernmont, and I predict that it
would not bo long until our
boasted legislation would bo as
rotton as some of our sister coun
ties, and tho honest farmers
would sottlo tho bill.
As to tho third proposition, I
beliovo that whoro a class got a
rni,nr nn imvtll.n llsHnft riht..
law and honor give way to might,
and I am unable to say how long
we would stay law-abiding and
progressive. I will vonturo to
say, however, that it would not
bo long, judging from past his
tory. With roforonco to tho fourth, I
do not boliovo Christian people
hold the idea of trampling down
tho weak to help tho strong, and
I, for ono, will novor placo my
name or cast my vote to blot as
progressive a peopio as I boliovo
tho little city of Homiugford con
tains, notwithstanding it would
bring tho county seat twolvo
miles nearer to me.
I think it is tho duty of every
honest man to think of this ro
moval question from every sido,
not allowing our personal preju
dices to enter into tho question,
but view it from a business stand
point, not forgetting tho golden
rulo, and when wo havo so
thought this matter over the
county soat will remain uncjis-
turbod, whoro it in, and with
ovory shoulder to tho whool wo
will strive in tho future to keep
Box Butto county what Bhu is
tho banner county of western
Nebraska. A Faumuu,
Tho Allianco Guide this week
published a miscellaneous conglom
eration of words, headed "The
County Seat Contest," out of which
wo could got nothing sensible.
Tho Guide said something about
"personal abuse, vituperation, etc."
out-uind haul tuu uriiuto " would en
dwivor to show in a fair, honorablo
and a'speetablo way that Allianco
was entitled to tho county seat."
That's right, old man. Vo like
your stylo. Thk Heuald always
doeH just as you aro doing. Wo
think, however, Brother Paradis,
Unit you were laboring under a de
lusion when you said: "Tho
county seat belongs here, bocauso ;
there aro at least three man from
this end of tho county who have
business at thu county suut against
ono from the north end, and it is
costing more to any man who goos
there, for each trip made from
hero to tho present county seat,
than would bethoincroasoof taxes,
by virtue oE its romoval, for throe
yours." Now, this statement is not
at all reasonable, and won't boar
investigation, for wo think wo can
truthfully say that there are not
over four taxpayers in Allianco
that can loll from experience what
it costs to come to Hemingford and
return, us not over that number
havo'bfjon in 'this cify, or laid" any
businoss transactions with the
county, in a financial way, for ovor
Iivo yoarrf, so wo cannot seo whoro
ho gots the figures for his state
ment. Wo like Brother Paradw, peibon
ully. and think ho is an honest,
honorable, high-minded Christian
gentleman, but ho is a victim of
misplaced confidence; simply a case
of old dog Tray in bad company.
The Alliance follows have wormed
ihoir way into his confidence, and
bocauso he is honest himself ho
thinks thoy all' aro. Tliut'swhy
ho is exorting his massive brain to
its utmost capacity in defense oE
these pooplo. Brother Paradis, we
pity you, us you now "see through
a glass darkly."
Tho nowspapors
aro considerably at
of Allianco
variance re
garding tho number of names on
tho petition for county soat re
moval, and for tho salco of de
cency should got together and
agroo upon a number; that is, if
there aro any names ou tho poti
tion at all. The Allianco Guide
says there are nearly 500 names
on tho petition; tho Times, 050,
and tho Grip nearly 000. ' Tho
various papers all say how easy
tho names havo beon gotten to
gether, but fail to mako a note
of tho various advertising locals
published to try an.d punch life
into tho poor, djMng petitions.
Tho statement of tho Allianco
Guide that wo "aro making a per
sonal fight against certain men in
Allianco" verifies tho old adage:
"IE tho shoo fits yqu,woar it." The
Guido jumped at conclusions, as
Tim Hbiiald has not mentioned
any names thus fur, but has us
goqd u field to work in "personal
figlits" a3 is desirable. The Her
ald is only aftor the conuty seat
agitators and schemers in tho city
of Allianco. Seyoral of those
high-flyers kayo a record, and we
aro not afraid to publish it, if it
becomes necessary,
. i i .I t ,,.
"Nollihis cn create a morn favorati! Im
lrronton ' n town nbnmd than nvldanw of o
olnblllty nmtmj; tlio pooplo Alllnnoo Urip.
No doubt tho farnaors through
out tho county aro enjoying a
groat deal of the Grip's sociabil
ity just at tho present time. But
lot any farmer's son or daughter
go to tho houso of somo of these
self -styled Allianco aristocrats to
work, to mako an honest living,
and seo how much of this gener
ous sootebillty thoy will enjoy.
Thoy wouldn't bo allowed to eat
at tho same tabic. "'T Wouldn't
bo the proper thing, don't oher
know." Still they wlllsmirknnd
smilo upon tho country peopio
just now, and laugh behind thoir
backs at tho fools they think to
mako of them. Tho people, how
ever, aro well acquainted with
tho objoct of tho omtreme socia
bility of Allianco, and thoy do
not proposo to burdon tho county
with an onormou3 dobt to keep
up a ouo-horso aristocracy in that
Editou Herald: Tho people of
this part of the county are more
I than pleased to see The Herald
come oat and ably defend the
rights oE tho people, as it luw since
tho Allianco soft-head have been
ugitathg tho removal of our county
soat. It seems that every com
munity has its quota of men that
suck to tear down rather thau to
build up, but ju-jt why any sano
nmti would agitito the removal of
tho county seat of Box Bntta
county at the present time is some
thing of a mystery to tho average
taxpayer. The statement made
that Allianco would furnish offices,
otc , at a small expense, in caso
tho county soat is removod to that
place, is too rotten to hung to
gether, and thev will uot be able
to catch mauy taxpayers with Chat.
kind ot bait. The people of Box
Butto 'ind vicinity aro solid for
Homingford and tho Allianco "rop
rcssntutivQ busiucss men" will find
by waiting that we know a good!
thing when we sua it.
Yours for Hemingford,
W. D. Jounsok.
Beouutso a farmer lives near Alii I
unco U no reason why he should
fovbr tho removal of tho county
scut. It is truO it might bo a little
"handier" for him, but would ho
not. pay dearly for this "luxury"
by tho increase of his laxos, and if
he wanted to sell property in a
bonded county, would it uot
difficult for him to do so?
Calvin J. Wildy
New Gc ods
Low Price!
Quick sal os is our motto. Wj
are now Bnowinc a bolter lino oi
goods than over before, and wt
would call particular attention tcl
our now lino of Mens' and Boy
Clothing, and Ladios' Cloaks ant
Capes, on which wo are making
very low prices. We are nut sell
ing out any old, bankrupt stock
but wo aro selling cheaper, qualit;
considered, than anvono else, W
buy for cash, and sell for cash,
exchange for produce. Wo aro th
oldest firm in tho county. Qu
reputation is merited by our larg
incroase of patronage, to whoi
we leel gratelui, and tor Wpicu w
warrant a continuanco of squar
dealing, and a saving of money b,
staying with tho undcrsignc
humblo servant.
Yours Truly,
mm I WILD!
y f "Wt