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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1895)
K 1 lKk : i ;S m r-Ki E "-3 1 til jtfWWjW J2UHED BY THE KNIFE. ' ' Im the I'osl-DJBparoh: Tho viol oils old $!lk In fotcst park thrtt joretl to-gefftlj Kc$er,JKe1$ou Ta'st weeW, v,ill have a'klmler dlnpofiltloh la ruturo. ?TW Is vyhalr. Anatole Rouif, tho 'VctCrfharlttti;' Bays. 'After1 tho unfortu- nateftccia&nt It wnn dccldctl first to kill the old 'fellow and oojl bja carencs to some restaurateur, but fir. Roujf eitg eatedMbat ho could take a xoef In the folk's mpornujnt by peroiriilg a sur 'jglcal op"oratlpn, So Jt wan finally agreed to teiVo the foment .rgonarch a loader leaSe of life, and' tUo operation .was euccossfully accmpllshc'd, SInco then tho elk has beep doing nicely and -giving jio trouble Dr. Koaif. Pftk i Comnv41one Itldgely and .eight s "slstanlfi, armed with clubs, pitchforks ' and rope enough Jo hang nnyono, atnrt cd for tho lnclo'uro wherein dwjlt tho murdorouB e'k. After eoiqo .tedious maneuvering ,iho old follow wis Jas .Bood. Then ho wfla oocurely fastened on each eldo and hla head pulled down to the ground But this didn't tjjit him fJ.a readiness for the .operation; only ialf of (hiy xork was accomplished. lie 'fought desperately with hla and Jilnd logs .and no on,a would venture within , thatr reach. 'Ono by ono th6 legs wero.'îled by the ropo and ifacn all laur wero jecurely fastened together. Then tho operation was easy. TMa Is tho first operation of tho klnd ever performed on an ailt, deer or 'any slmllUr animal, either ly Europo yt America, sayn D. Roulf, In speak ing of the affair .tho doctor said: "Of course this elk wna a bad -fellow, and Utad Killed ono man, in Chicago, )iut what mad6' him ap .oxtromcly vlcl mous was his constant Jealousy and his 'quarrels wlththo other bucko. Ho will yxovr bo kept 'by himself and can havo n chance for a fight in future." The octor performed laparotomy on ono of $he bull, buffaloes last weok. Two of .the bulls quarreled and ono waa badly j5ored Inihe right side. Through tho aclcloa made by the horns, part .of Jthe entrails protruded. When .the doc- 'tor wht tfl replace thcra ho notlcod ono; wai .Hart it .Inrforatnrl Thin wnn nitlnblw 'jBtltchcd up and tho entrails rcplacod. After that the wound In the 'side waa Vwwedand, dfea-cod and the buffalo Is sHoVwell. IN A HOT BOX. nothtr TIvbo tlio Wmciaear Would Dtaw tH Water. , San Francladoost: ,('1 got Into a hot Placa ea"co,"'rem&rked ex-Sheriff Healoy of Marjn :co.unt. "la 'fact, it waa the hottest place I fcver got into lij y life. jvVaea ,1 was running an onglno on tho arrow uauge roaa 1 noticed .a leak at jthe soft plug Jn the crown of my engine. nt kept gettljfg worse, 'ho I decided to ''plug it That night ,1 raked .the fire, ftmi wiien the fire box cooled off a llttlo 'crawled in and examined the leak. I measured' the ole carefully, and after '4rylng'&e calipers on a rat-tall file, I bal qanfiludpd that It waa Juat the lalag, I would drive It In and break it alt. I put the end of tho file In tho hole, hlt it a crack with the hammer, and In- Med of sticking It went clear through. '.Tho' next minute bolltng hot water waa 'pourisg aW$ 6p mo ffom tho bollor. JTho fire box was only about four feet aquaro and tho soft plug wa right In tho center over my head, so J cou)dn't 'got close janou'k nto hny of tho corners 'without getting my legs scalded. I am pretty large, and tho door of the flro box waa small, but I had to get out or get scalded. I turned my back to the iot water, and by the time I wiggled out the door I was the hottest man on tho oast. When I pulleoT off ny clothes J took about' eight square inches of Bkln Jjarlth them. Slnco then I draw tho ' .water before I do any plugging," r ' 1 .1 IT' A tittwrer Breach of CouSdcne. A qujej" case s reported f rori '8ydnoy, Australia,1 man was convicted by a 4ury of having tried to polson'hts wife .with areenfe. His lawyers obtained a Reconsideration pf tho sentence by a Commission appointed by thp loglsla '.tttre consisting of two doctors' and a .lawyer, which pronounced him inno cent, fbo doctor? voting down tho law yer, wh jthought him guilty. Tho man 'was sej -freo la consequence. Subse 'quontly o'no of his lawyers, moved 'by conscenc9, told another memr Sbn of tho' bar that the man mad confessed his guilt to Ijim at the ilme of the trial and "tho matter was .brought before tho legislature. Law yers and cUbnta havo been arrested ;)ind are to b prosecuted for conspir acy to defeat the ends o justice, Corn toWJlutlons bQtwecn lawyer and clleni Wy WWirently not privileged in Aus- tletttnar on tho Race. Tho big trottlng-horso peoplo In Buf falo and western New York, including . S. J. Hamlin, are said to bo preparing Jd.mahe a determined movement this yca,r to cure a moderation, or, possl- Jpy; tho abolition, of the, present antj- JietUnff laws -of the Btafe. ' The unsuc- - cesaful 'gr--d circuit meeting of last summer will be ;uped as an argument ihat It will bo Impossible to conduct trot nlng meetings profltobly without pool selling pf some sort. Theso Interests re -powerful ones, and If banded to gether would make a strong fight ; " '1 111 Ooit'i Will. !'Slnce God doth will tha some, shall ' dwell at ease, And others shall know har,dneas, this is' Sure, ' The loi that its eash nature He for 8aes; ' ' And wherefore murmur when wo muBt enduref ' fme dayHls loving wisdom will be plain l '.. 'A the 800,1 snshlpe following after Mary Dradiey; Bii13Rtr MMMHWMM ' g(A.'riKr"l''"l'r'-''V'ri"' THE CITY. P.iliidi .if nil l.-nwlu nf rivinn'c A fl,ll W. 1.1. ""g vtv.w.. w Herncall wonts some dressed hops. Hon. A. Ii. SlTarrock was In town 1 tljls W:ok. . WiWy'B rebeivejd a now linu.pE , J ? r. - clothing. Odtir your stuvo rcpnlrB at Anton TTIirliX F. M. DoVoro was up from Bur- buiiKMbriday. A now Jot of nhoes just received W, K, Herncall. by "y f. 20 lbs dried applos for 1,00 at Wildy'B. ' Postmaster Lock wood of .Canton was In town Wcdnosduy. Oalifortiltt canned goods 15 cents a can at W. K. Ilcrncali'a. Snntn Claus' iirst appoaranco nt Wildy'd old stuud. I wniit all tho dressfd poultry In the county. W K. Ukuncali.. W. . Herncall mado a business trip to the hlack Hills country thin week. BflATEH A fino lino of ico ftkutcs juBt redoived nt II. It. Greon'a Hardware etoro. yiiss Neeland hits reslgn.ed her no sltlon In tho High school, and Miss Susie Frazlcr was appointed her suc cessor. (If you want 11 suit, overcoat, ovorallB, cloak, enpe, or shuwl, cheap u big jiiuu ut Wildy's. If you want to realize cash out of your extra horses, see J. C, McCorklo. See Wildy Ijioforo you sell your hogs, poultry, bultor, eggs, cheeso qv potato oh. Jlcnry Wohlcrs ot PJno Ridge was In town this week. Ho thinks of en gaging in business at this pjuce in tho near future. Siioks of nil kinds, styjes and prices. Can tit any foot and pocket book. W. K. Hernomx. Anyono wishing a middle-aged lady to cook or keep house address Box 62, fletningford, Neb. Frank Cu.h.a of Ll'ierty precinct and T. T. .Crosier of Delhi, Iowa, had jbhelr names enrolled on Tub IIkuald list this week. Paint, Glass and oils of all kjnds sold according to the hard tjrues cheaper than tho cheapest, at v Anton Umij(a's The Herald nud the Omaha dcmi-wcekly World-Herald fjoth one year for $1.75. Lawn was represented this week by rtenry Shjtnek, . "y. Brosiiar, Frank Culm', James Harry, . E. Ford and Henry Winder. TJjja genuine Itotind Oak costs no move than an imitation. Why not buy tjio one that everyone knows ib right. Uhrig sells them. NOTICE Marin mado nrranBcmentu to lravo the city Jan. Ut, to bo absent sumo timet, thosa wifhine -Jewelry work done will plraso brine fame bun. Oil and yet goods ohrnp for next 30 day. ThanklnK roii for part fnvorn, 1 remain reuppctlully, Ep.L. Johmson. Don't think becauso a s.toyo is round and tho maker has called St Oak, of some sort, that it's the genuine Round Oak. It Is not, as you'll find to your cost, if you buy. Sec t.ho name on the leg. Then you'll be sure to get tho genijlnc. Sold only b,y Uhrig. Sunday School Convention. There will bo a Sunday School contention hold la Clark hall, Dox Butto, Eatntday, Decem ber 21. Following is the program: 10:30 b. m. DeTOttonalUor. Kendall. lu:5a.m. Ueaeflla ot District Orcaniiation A.therwood. Ilium. la the I'rewnt Methol of Stndjrlnn Sunday School Ecbsous i'rcferablo to That of I'll ty Vcara Ako? Stanloy Howard. " lliaO Home 1'renaratton for Sunday School Work-Mra.Hnedater. ' ' 1:20 p. w. Devotional. 1:43 p. rn. TboNece8ity ot Punctual Attend ano of TcacherB Mrk. Ollbcrt. 2M p. m Orcaniiation, 8:30 p. m.- The ltnlatiou ot tho Bqnday School lo Church Work Iter. it. if. Gdmmoa ot liny Bprlnja. ' You cannot lind in these United States tho equal of the genuine Round Oak. You may try; you'll got left. Remember it's the combination of good points that makes the perfect sto'ye. ljuy the gequlno and be satis fied. So'e tjlB name pn tje leg. For sale at Uhrlg's, Itollday Rates,' Via tho Rurllngton route, Dqcem ber 24, 25, 31 an,d Junuary 1. between stations not nmro than 200 mllps apart. Return limit January 2, 180G Tajco advantage of tlds low rate opportunity and spend Chrlstrfias with the old fplks. They are counting pn you. The Christmas turkey and tiio Chilftmns pudding are all ready. Eat them where they should be eaten at home with your ovyn people among your own friends. .Tickets ind full information nt the p. & M. depot. J Francis. i ? G. PandT. A. jimwwiwnmwiiTOiiwifli.jnanwiii tmmm Avrf t-nrutt r rttittr trt mnvt f.s 1 f 9 w miwn f. wui UMW iUUU AIM Box Butto precinct who favors tho removal of tho county Boat nud as ,.,.,, ..4 Ii. tKlJl l.f.i.m 1. ..!.. I nvnrv ntlft m "mln" liitti 1r . ... , .. ' r.i.Tki i w'"" " , . vurj nun ii uro. I ..JI .... r mi... mi ,.tY,. .. 1 "" "" lua l w"7 mu 'erroneous idea that the wyrhnt for f?00 for f ltli0 court house alone. Thisanionnt jwas paid for repairs on cpurt house nnd poor housj, , Cojino, Brother Ellis, if you hp,vo any argument, produco it, but don't try to gull the people. We are hero to refuto your mis-state imonts. "The Alliance Guido stated last week that "tho assessed valua tion of this county is about .One Billion P4ollajis," and as no eorroction Was mado this week we suppose the editor meant just what ho said. The records show that tho assessed valuation for 18U4isSQG,151and $SG8,322 for 1895. Brother Paradis, why .don't you post yourself "just a little?" Much nonsense, some of it ut terly idiotic, has been 'written becauso President Cleveland was absent from Washington when Lord Salisbury's answer to Sec retary Olnoy's noto of lost July, asking whether England intended to arbitrato its boundary dispute with Venezuela, and notifying England that this country would not tolorato tho forcible soizure of territory claimod by Venezuela, arrived. Stripped of all ver bago, hero are tho facts: Presi dent Cloveland lenow tho nature of tho answer; h also knew that it was useless to sond a special message to congress with that answer until tho houso had its committees. If anybody is to bo blamed it shoulcL bo Speaker Reed, for not announcing the houso committoes. Wanted By a lady in Alli ance, girl for general 'housework; one who can cook. Good w.ages. Apply at this ofiico. Tho MiRntonary Boclcty will mftt at tho homo ot Mrs. lilies, f.To niilcfl goiith 61 .town, on ClirielmaH iLny, Evcrytxxly'liiYltctl. Oln-urob. JDireotory. ONOREOATIONAU Proaohlnirach ultcr Vnato Sunday, IjoKlnninc Junimry. 1. 1MU, at 11 o'clock u. in., nni) at 7 i.m. BuiHiav Hoboo nt 10 a, in. i'ruyer MoetliiK onch Wvduesday nt p. m. G EIIMAN LUTIIEHANs-SorvJe nt-tho Court House. Hov. Wuncierllch. pnptor. pATHOMOi-ltov-. Charles 2ak Pastor, METHODlSTs-Kcf J,W. Ki-ndoll J'ut6r Preuehlng tho second and tourtlf Sunday In each montti ut 11 a. in., and 7 jliii. fciPJSCOPAL; Sorrlcos in tho Oonirroirnt- I'JSor Jionat Liiiurcn. iiov. ramor. - -.- i--T Serrloca on'tho third Thursday In each month utfp. jn. MW. A. llosebuah Camp No. 2rtl0. Moot second and fourth Tnwday nlsht of each month. Visiting Neighbora cordially invltod. W. M. Iodknck. Clerk. h Uuot. V. C. MAIL DIHECTOHY. llEMiNoronn postollico. ' On ,veok days door ooeni at 7 a. m.. coni'ral dttlirery oncnn at 8 a. m. and closes at 8 p. ni. Open tJunilajH 0 to jua. in. f JlEMiNorono and Box Ddtte atago daily except Bunaay. IlrMiNoronD and Dunwp etas?, Wednesday nnd Friday. .. .,vsr iU,onuay NEW GOODS ! ! AT.. THE Millinery Store, Come and gpo the Goods, gof prices, and he convinced that they are tho best arid cheapest in the county. Thanking you for past fnvors and trusting for a continuance of thq same. Yours respectfully, Miss L, Adams OTle . - "World -AND- mC3m LfcJ B mJ&m ZLj XZ) ft' V DOTH ONE YEAH "FOR $1.75 -, THE TWICE-A-WEEIv EdJtipn of the New Youk Would ha been converted into the TnmoE-A-week. It furnislie8 3 papers pf 0 pagesapieoo, or eighteen pages 'every week, at the old price of ONE DOL- LAlt a year. This gives 160 papers n year for One Dollar and every paper has 0 pages eight columns wide or 48 columns In all. The 'I'ihuce-a.week Would, Is not only ranch larger than any weekly or semhweekly newspaper but it f jirnisbes tho news with much greater "frequency ond promptness. la fuct" it combines all the crisp, fresh qualities of a dally with the at tractive speclaj fcaj-urcs oj i weekly. rtifc" 7honV rofy conceal pursnsnt W nn or der of Urn Dutrlct Couttot IJox nuttoconnty, I ninumipprii)niiftTitM, boltllng or orn I iu ciDM acainm inc hank or cra)nrc lOSl ClAlttlM ACfklnill (III. Y?linW it nmtnttnA . " . --- --"-.-"- . -.- v vMliWVlllt ". iionnuBroni, mx t nuty. NwhrnniC. nt- iici-wiy nuiiiKM and tq )irJ to pinii,tii-l Ut'J pfoot of Mim t aE 'fftiii foceiv"! r ffift" BfPS,0JP. ." 'f..w v,. Nolna-Rjcti, ou or bofow IVwrolwr $, IbDS. , . ," 1tA. fc TA8H, Hrt nuVHcatlon M'lTf f0nt E,E. BARR H D. , Surgeon . AND- Urynoiogist. State Univeiisity .ok Iowa 1887. CniOAQO J'oLEur.iNib JS04. SUltQEUY AND THK MEDICA AND SUItOlOAL DlSKASESOF THE NoSIS AND TUUOAT SPECIALTJ. Alliance, - - - Hebraska TUTTLE & TASJI Attorneys - at - Law, HFMItyGFORD, NEBRASKA. Wn. niTCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW Alliance, -:- Nebraska. IfiirOiricc in Fletcher Block. L. W. BOWriAN Physician and Surgeon ALLIANCE, NEB. Pffico in Norton's Block. Calls attended promptly. Charges reasonable. W. Q. SIMONSON, Attorney : at : Law, Alliance, Nebraska. Pr.ictlce.'i in all tho couiis and be fore U.S. Land Office. FrBHTSMfilHH ' Now Short Line io Helena; Butte Spokane, Seattle and Tacomo. Q. X. &s "W. O. Tina Card. i;abt nou?n. No. . pnssenmjr urrlvos nt 11:23 p. m. " iBfri'iKht " 0:00 p.m. " 8frolBUt nrrlv)8 nt 10:10 a. m, WK8T BOUJJD. passencor arrives M B:2I a. ra. frolirht " 11:50 p. ni. v 11 frnlKlit arrive at . 3:35 p. ra- All trains cm ry . V. W. WjikAtlkv, Ajrent. W. K. "Winter has come, we aro awaro, With its wind nnd drifting snow, And the place for such weather to prepare Is what wo all want to knqw. Where did you Why, at the best 'Place in town, A Beautiful Woman Attracts Attention Evebywhebe. Qold -;- Leqf, IS NQT AS HANDSOME TO LOOIv AT AS A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, BUT After Giving a Trial i 3E3C. 33. 0-EE3EI2iT, f "J Shelf S Heavy Hardware, This Card is to (Benefit Cash (Buyers. (Don't Lose It. 20 I 25 3,00 1 ;oo 1 100 1 100 1 ?.oo '20 1 25 HJ. GREEH, 20 25 20 I 25 HOW TO SAVE 20 I 25 $1.00 Head What This Card ....Says.... 20 125 When you pay Cash, let tho Clerk punch out tho amount; and when you havo paid s TweNta JQ0LLAH8 in cash, will give you One (Dollar In Goods Free of Charge, 20 I 25 20 1 25 20 20 25 25 ps-un an goods except Harb vrlro fiO I 50 1 50 50 1 60 We will not be undersold. Mwaysbmig this Card wiihyo Receiver's Sale ! The Mammoth Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes Hats and Caps, Belonging to the Bank of Hemingtord and Known as the "REGULATOR STOCK" Will be Sold CHEAP FOR CASH Sale will Commence Nov. 27, 1895. and Continue until the Goods are Disposed of. You Should Not Miss This Op portunity of Supplying; Yourself Vv ith Underwear, Overshoes, Warm Dress Goods, etc, etc., at Unhead of prices, IRA E, TASH, Receiver. Herncall, the flerchant. Whoro wo can satisfactorily trado Our produco for coffee and bread, Hats, caps, mittens, gloves, silks, Boots, shoes, overshoes and quilts, sayr W. K. HERNCALL'S, You. will wonder now You Ever ii iW MiM1 Bwjftmmmmmm 1 1 loojioo 1 su 1 soTifiTio Hirdwaw. 15 1 10 15 15" 10 10 MONfir $1.00 15 I 10 Fio"" 15 15 15 10 I 5 i?J..?i 10 16, and Harness by tho set. 50 I 50 50 50' IBTlO I 5 l . r V Clothing and underwear, Oversights and jackets, And all kinds of neckwear,. Done up in a nico packet. An Ugly Woman Can Make Better Bbead With Qold - Lesif - Floq THAN A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN CAN WITH ANY OTHER BRAND. Got Along without it, h "Stv (ft (. fir i; Lv. fftj i ' . ' v