Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, December 13, 1895, Image 7

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From tho Evening Notts, Kcwarli, N. 3.
lire. Anna Hums, of 833 Plane Street,
ixewtirk, N.J, Is r de?ldedly pretty bru
nette, twenty-sir years oM. tall, nnd r
pleasant convoKMionaUst. On tUe ground
tloor of hor residence sho conducts a vrcll
ordered candy ntore. When our reporter
vUlted her store, ftboin responge to n quet
tlon told him n very Interesting story.
"Until about two tuoatbs ago," she bo
Kan. "I enjoyed tho very best ot health and
wuld woik night and day It necessary.
Suddenly, and without any apparent cause,
1 began to siffcr from intense pains In my
head, lit my limbs and temples. Almost
distracted with thta seemingly never ending
jmm, i tried cure alter cure, prescription
nftor prescription and almost n gallon of
tnoiHcfno of all kinds. Nothlngdld me any
Rood. In fact 1 became worse The
'knucklesofmy hands soonbecamo cramped
and tho puln In my hips became moro and
more distressing each day. Business iu tho
storo hod to bt attended to, however, and
M 1 was obliged, sutlcrlng ns I was, to kcop
moro or less on my feet and occasionally I
was forced to go out. This was tho ordeal
1 drendod. Kuch tituo I went out 1 trembled
when J caino near the car tracks, for uiy
p'aln int times was so sovore that I was
obliged to stand perfectly 6tlll no matter
whoro I was. On one occasion I was t.ciro 1
In this way while I was crossing tho tracks
on Market (Street and thero 1 stood perfect
ly rigid, unable to move hand or footwhile
a trolioy cur caino thundering til otic.
Fortunately it was stopped before lttrnok
mo, but tho dread of it all lasted es long as
my pain, for 1 novcr knew when "crossing
'the tracks, whether 1 would not drop to the
(ground in my agony and be crut-hod to
doath. My anxiety to get well grew apace
'Mid I had about irlven un ia despair whon
11 saw iu tho Evening Npwsone day. an ad
vertisement of Dr. Williams' I'lnk I'ills.
Hero was somothlng 1 hadn't tried beforo
nnd I lost no time in getting to the nearest
drugstore There I paid fifty cents for a
box of these truly wonderful, health restor
ing pills, liofore I had finished tnkln halt
ot tho pills I began to feel relieved: the
pains iu my hips gradually disappeared and
for the first tltno in many days, I felt as it
there was some hope. I continued to take
the pills and tho more I took tho better I
felt, 1 finished one box, got another, and
now having takea only n few of the second
fifty centH' worth, I amtroo from all pain
and as happy as the day is long. Since I
began to take Dr. Williams Pink Pills
I have gained thirty poands and now when
I cross tho car tracks I don't care if thero
are a dozen vehicles near by. It is n great
relief, I assure you, and suffering1 hunmntty
has a never failing friend in Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People. I know what I
nm talking about. I peak from exper
ience." Dr. Williams1 Pink Pills contain, in n con
densed form, nil theolements'tiecessary to
give now life and richness to the blood and
restore shattered nerves. In men they er
ect a radical cure in nil cases arising from
mental worry, overwork or excesses of
whatever nature. Pink Pills aro sold in
boxes (never in loose -bulk) at GO cents n
box or six boxes for 12,50, and may bo bad
ot all druggists, or direct' by mail from Dr.
Williams' Alod. Co..Sahnectady, N. Y.
Skirts of Actresses.
Maggie Mitchell onco told a ques
tioning woman that she always wore
divided skirts, although at tho time of
this conversation tho bifurcated gar
ment was scarcely known outside tho
world of the stage. Miss Mitchell said
that almost lt actresses vorb this pet
ticoat because they found that it gave
most f redotn -of gait nnd grnco to one's
movements. She -ulso said that she had
her skirls trimmed with laco and em
broidery, put on -wrong sldo out, and
that thh was another notion prevalent
In "tho profession.'.' "Jlpcause, you
bee," she explained, 'iu getting in or
out of a carriago or a street car it is
tho underside of iho edging that shows,
nnd only that."
Tho yield ot wnent and other grains
In Manitoba nnd .the other western Ca
nadian provinces .this year has been
phenomenal. Thirty-five millions of
bushels of wheat, thirty millions of
bushels of oats, six millions of bushels
of barley, besides largo quantities of
flax, rye, peas, ietc... have been produced
in Manitoba Ijy -only 25,000 farmers,
some of whom settled on tho prairies
a few years ago -withvyery little capital,
and other almost totally Inexperienced
in and unaccustomed to farm work.
This enormous yidld seems almost in
credible, but when ono reads of a farm
er selling a part of his crop for $17,000
and having 4,000 liushels still on hand,
it is easy of belief, and that another
farmer, a Mr. Prayn, near Emerson,
Manitoba, had 21,000 bushels, and many
of his neighbors harvested 10,000 bush
els and upwards. A iPortago Plains
farmer averaged 53 3-3Ji bushels on, a 40
acro field, and near Necpawa nine acres
yielded 600 bushels .an average of
CG 2-3 bushels per acre. Another .Held
of 1G acres oh ike samo farm yielded
800 bushels, while the 'entire crop of
105 acres turned out 40,000 bushels. A
Carman settler was rewarded with 3G,
8G5 bushels off 985 acres an average, of
36 bushels to the aero. ,In oats,one
farmer raised 75 bushels lo tho ncre'by
measurement, but by weight there were
100 bushels, the grain weighing 48. lbs
to the bushel. Of course every farmer
has not theso phenomenal exops, but
there are countless instances where the
wheat yield was 30, 35, 40 nlid more
bushels to tho acre. Hoots mnd vegeta
bles, too, rivaled the cereals in their
prolific yield. Stock is u'lso largely
raised, thero being extenslreiranches in
Manitoba and tho vast country to the
west of it, apd the shipments iluls year
have aggregated 45,000 head,o3heep be
ing also raised In large numbers. Dairy
ing Is being rapidly developed, nnd tho
recent establishment of creameries has
brought this now country prominently
before tho markets of the world tin ac
count of tho excellence of Its bntter.anU
Cheese. But wheat raising is Manito
ba's distinctive feature, the soil being
.particularly adapted for tho produc
tion of No. 1 hard, unsurpassed bjr amy
other grade, and It Is safe to say that
there Is not any part of the continent
where the yield has been so uniformly
largo.and the grndo so high as in ManJ
rtoba. ThOibeadlights from the locomotive
on the Maine ratlroadc attract the deer
from tho forests, and numbers of the
animals siro being killed by the en
Utoea. Dlftlcnltlra of Authorship.
StnuggUnp author "Eldora, can't
you keep thai, baby out about two min
uter! His yeUs are enough to driro ono
Wif e "Xo, I can't. I've pot to fin
ish tho dishes nsd knead tho bread and
mend Tommy's -clothes. "
MrnL'L'lintr author "Well, anvhow.
you could mako Johnny and his sis stop
their raeket and clone tho windows so
thero won't bo so many smells coming
in from tho neighbors, and lock the
"h"" b,LM"!f
n article on 'How to Bo Happy,
Though roor.'" Now York Weekly.
Hotr Burossfnl Tanners Operate This
Department of (lie FarmA Feir
Hints as to the Caro or I.iv Stock
and l'outtrj-.
three-quarter grado
Jorsqy that Mr.
HIntz offered mo
$75 for that does
not weigh but a
fraction over 800
pounds, and alio
gives mo thirty
pounds of milk a
day, at tho present
time. Sho -will
tnako on fair
dairy teed twelve and three-fourths
pounds of butter a week, and sho has
raado 'five nnd a half pounds In three
days. -As 1 novo Bald before, this Is a
question of heredity. This cow comes
from n. long lino ot ancestry that means
Boradthlng. Let mo give you a little Il
lustration of what the meaning of an
cestry la. I was in tho veterinary ot-
flco of Mr. Qulckfall, in Philadelphia,
In 18G5. and ho showed mo a section of
bono two inches long, taken from tho
hind leg of a thoroughbred English,
racing horse. Thefr breed, you know,
n'.scends clear from tho Arabian, thou
sands of years. Ho had also a 2-Inch scc
sectlon between tho fetlock and tho
gambril, taken from a. Couustoga draft
horso. Tho horse had wolghed 1,900
pounds In his best days. Tho bono of
the draft horso was nearly doublo in
slzo that of tho racing horso, yet tho
bono from tho racing horso weighed
tho most. I thought to myself away
back In tho days of Mohammed this
llttlo bono started, and It had been held
In a lino of purity nnd reinforced on
either sldo, nnd upbullded and up
bullded with tho intelligent Judgment
of Intelligent breeders, pursuing a
straight, specific line. Tho doctor told
mo that that piece ot bono from tho leg
of tho racing horso was stronger than
tho finest steel that can bo found. Those
two pieces In tho hind legs ot the race
horno were sufficient to throw him
twenty-flvo feet at a Jump, straight
along, for a mile, t-7o miles or three
miles; and ho says, "I tell you there
oro no two pieces ot Btcel In God'a
world could stand It." That was breed.
Thero was tho hiding of inherited
power. W. D. Hoard.
A Cow's Feed From Ono Acre Mr.
Bancroft of Delaware has demonstrat
ed, says the Rural New Yorker, that 1
one aero of his light soli will furnish
a year's supply ot food for one cow!
A spring crop of crimson clover and
winter oats Is put Into tho silo and
the ground at onco plowed and pat In
corn or cowpcas, which in tur so Into
the silo when ripe. After this second
crop Is harvested, another crop I
crimson clover and oats is started. The
ensilage from thH acre will feed one
cow a year. During her heavy milk
ing season,' two pounds per day ot cot
tonseed meal might be profitably add
ed, but tho cow could maintain good
yield without it. Mr. Bancroft even
says that ho doesn't care if one-third
of tho crimson clover and oats are
"down" so flat that they cannot be
easily cut for tho silo, for it will all
bo plowed in to make moro corn, This
Is tho moBt "intensive" culture of
cow feed wo havo yet heard of.
Agricultural Prosperity la Iowa.
Iowa's Indian summer of 189S is the
most glorious of tho scries tor its bright .
sunshine Is falling upon a state laden
with tho grains, fruits and fata of a pro-1
line year. Prices aro low, very low, but
thero Is a vast difference between hav
ing prodigious crops to ecU at low
prices nnd farmers having nothing t
sell and being compelled to buy bay,
corn and oata to feed their stock as the
farmers of Iowa were compelled to do
last year. Thero Is at least $200,000,000
difference In tho condition of Iowa
farmers on this year's crops, as com
pared with their last year products, and
thnt 5200,000,000 will aid In restoring
general prosperity, business and labor
In Iowa, for the farmers will all bo sell
ers instead of buyers, and their pro
ducts will bring tho money Into Iowa
this year, Instead of their bolng com
pelled to send out millions of dollars to
buy food for thelrstock, as thoy did last
year. Iowa State Register.
Waste of Corn Fodder Taking tho
estimates of tho department of agri
culture as to the area grown to corn and
tho per cent of waste of the corn fffd
.ler annually In tho United States, It
appears that thl3 annual wasto on the
rfarms of tho country amounts to over
$$500,000,000, Just think of such an
enormous waste of one of tho products
of a staple crop. Suppose that tho
farmers of tho United States wero re
quired to put their hands In their pock
ets and throw away over 5500,000,000
annually! And yet that Is tho equiv
alent of what Is going on respecting
noiof tho great staple products of tho
farm. Save properly and feed tho corn
fodder, and sell tho hay for cash, for It
brlnsa .a good price. Indiana Farmer.
Dirty Eggs Will Not Ktjep. In laying
dewn .eggs for winter uso euro should
be tnkon to sco that thoy are perfectly
clean. "Vho shell Js porous and tho
odors of .tny filth attached to It quickly
penetrates to the Interior and begin tho
process of tiecomposltton. It Is impos
sible to koop eggs many nipntha and
havo themractly llko fresh eggs. The
evaporation from tho egg robs it of
moisture, tnouga tnis is largely pre-
; vented by Immersing' tho egg In lime
water. But all water, except thut which
' uas b00n jUBt boiled, contain some nlr,
Pckfng egg8 Jn jt wUj heep Ibem for
a uort time, and Is tho casfc.t and
I .cbeapCBt way for keeping for home use.
I l
Our Hen Doom
Boveral yonrs ago when I built our
hen house, 1 thought from what I had
read on the subject, together with
what llttlo cxpcrlcnco I had hnd, that t
house 10x20 feet would bo plenty large
enough In which to successfully feed
nnd house 100 chickens. Doing some
what low financially, 1 did tho work
myself, and what I Incited In sclcnco In
the mason work, I made up In mortar.
Tho outBldo of tho building la elded
with pntent siding, tho Inside with Inch
patent lath, thus making a doublo wall
nnd a warm house. This fall I Intend to
plaster it so that the wall can bo purl
fled every spring nnd fall with a good
coat of whitewash. This la ono ot tho
many things that no ono hi tho poultry
business can afford to neglect. It not
only purifies tho building from con
tagious dlsenscs, but It gives tho air a
sweot smell which fowls as well as
human bolngs enjoy.
Tho building is oltunted lengthwlso
cast and west for tho purpose of hav
ing plenty of windows on tho sunny
sldo. Yet, 1 find that there is not suf
ficient light earlv In tho morning. It
should nnd will havo a window In tho
east end. Thero Is no danger ot get
ting too much light In a hen house.
In tho southwest corner ot the "west
end Is a narrow door for cleaning pur
poses, and ventilation In tho oxtromo
hot weather. In tho middle ot tho north
sldo Is tho door for tho fowls nnd tend
er. Tho roosts aro suspended In tho
west end from tho celling with four
clnglo strands of No. 12 wire. This 1
bollove to bo ono of tho best and most
economical roosts In use. When clean
ing day comes (which Is not as often as
It should be at our place) all I havo to
do Is to swing them to tho east ond,
fasten with a hook, nnd they are en
tirely out of tho way.
Now, if I had my hen houso to re
build, I should make it 10x30 feet In
stead of 10x20 feet. This additional
10 feet would mako It accommodato 100
hons tho number I wished to keep
Instead of 50.
In the cast end on top ot the sill Is
a small door 18 inches high and 12
Inches wide, opening Into a Bmall park.
This park was Intended to bo an en
closure for tho entire flock when I had
planted something which camo within
range of their wonderful, harrowing
toes. In tho spring I am going to build
a small house In this park for breeding
purposes. I believe It to bo superior to
tho old plan ot Individual coops.
I consider tho following to bo a suro
remedy for hen lice: Arrange a place
In tho hen houso where tho fowls must
pass through a small opening In ordor
to enter. On the threshold ot this
opening, tack several thicknesses otold
carpet and saturate It with coal oil.
They will step on this beforo going to
roost and drawing the feet through tho
feathers will cxtermlnnto the lice. This
may not be of much value to tho alder
ones, but there are tho young people
who aro settling around us whom 1
hope to keep from making the samo
mlstako I did In trying to keep too
many fowls for the room. E. P. Brown
in Michigan Farmer.
Talrylns in Rnmtn.
As but few of our readers will 'ovoi
havo occasion to indulgo In Russian
butter, wo give tho following descrip
tion ol tho methods of that country:
Those who reside near cities produce
some poor "butter and eomc milk for
sale, but thoso living remote from mar
ket produce no moro than they can
consume. Tho oows are fed in winter
on oaroo food euch as oat, Parley and
rye straw. In summer thoy glvo but
Bttlo milk, twelve or fourteen pounds
per 'day at most. Tho milk Is dono by
stripping with thumb and finger. Tho
milk Is set in cellara in earthen
crocks, wlilch are so porous that they
are very liard to clean, and the milk
sours very quickly. To avoid this dif
ficulty some of the peasants "keep a
number of small frogs in their collars
for tie purpose of putting In their
milk, their Idea being that theso cold
creatures take the heat out of the
milk, and they put them in to keep it
swoet longer.
Th cream 4s dipped oft with wood
en spoons and churned iu an earthen
pot by stirring with a stick and the
butter is worked with tho hands.
Gaw1 ChrHe.
Dairying to be profitable in bara
times must also pay strict attention
to butter making, but cheeso making
and especially the curing of cheese for
the market must be mado a matter of
systematic study, and Instead of filling
the market with a dish of immature
curd, Just entered upon Its first stages
of curing, hold that cheeso until it pos
sesses tho qualities of cheese and Is lit
for human conaumpUQiu It our cheese
makers cannot mako a cheese that will
keep until It is cured, than let our
dairymen pay surh a price for making
that shall secure the best cheeso mak
ers, and pay them bo well that they
shall adopt cheese making as a profes
sion, and who shall take prjdo In the
fact that they aro skilled workmen,
nnd not hold only to cheese making un
til something better ofTers. Tho plan
muBt be abandoned of employing the
boy who drove a milk wagon this year
to mako our cheeso next season, Wo
must havo better curing houses and
apparatus for cheese making, and when
we mako n high average quality of
cheese, It will be oaten. Ex,
Dry Dirt and Leaves. The best work
that can bo done for the fowls In tho !
fall is to lay in a supply of loaves and
dry dirt under shelter. It Is scratching
In tho winter that keeps the hens in best '
lm.lnv nnrwlltlnn nnrl wlinn Hi. Otis,.. I.. L
' ';; ;.nni a nilfl of dirt nnrti.nv
ln tho poultry house will afford an op-
portunlty for exercise, and jjroatly tend
to make tho hens more contented in
f confinement.
Too many leares cannot
bo put away. Thoy will be found very
useful, and will also assist lu retaining
warmth in the poultry houso by pre
venting cold drafts of air Biouu the
floor. Farm and J'Jreslde.
Bn Work for New York That Costs
flat tt more Money.
Now York Is blessed In a peculiar
way twlco a day by tho rising rind fall
ing of tho tide. By cleaning our docka
and bHpb, tho tldo Bavcs tho city mil-
1 lions ot dollars every year. It carries
away countless tonB of floating rotuso
i nnd purifies tho sowago ot thousands
( of plpe3 whoso ojuIb, projecting bo-
yond tho wharves, discharge Into tho
rlvor and harbor. Low lying seaboard
, cities, such na Baltimore, for Instance,
are not so fortuunto In this respect na
I New York, nnd when ono rcndB of tho
j nover-endlng struggle agnlnst refuso In
i tho harbors of other cities ho npprfc-
I clRles lu a new dogrco ono moro advan
tage of tho metropolis. To kcop clean
tho water In tho docks requires a big
force of men In Baltimore, where oarly
overy morning fiquads of men In boats
and scows sail around tho harbor,
aklnimlng from tho surfneo of tho wa
ter tho refuso that hna accumulated In
tho twenty-four hours previous. Front
five to fifteen carloads ot watermelon
and cnntalbuno rinds, pieces ot wood
nnd bits of cotton nro gathered dally
Just now. Tho Bklmmlng forco goto to
work Just boforo sunrlso and finishes
Its work beforo tho real traffic along
the shoro front begins. Tho men nro
urmed with long-handled scoop-neta,
with which they gathor every floating
thing that Is out of place. It must bo
that Baltlmoro Inhabitants make It a
point of sitting on tho wharves when
they cat watermelons, olso how could
fifteen carloads of rinds accumulnto In
twenty-four hours! Baltimore's skim
ming gangs scoop up, too, considerable
refuso that la thrown overboard by
steamers and other boats that sail In
the harbor. Around Now York's water
front refuse Is dumped overboard from
boats, ships nnd ocean liners In pro
digious quantities. Tho "stuff floats
around for n few hours, but after an
ebb of tho tldo tho water is clear nnd
pure. It Is freBh from tho ocean, for
tho fall of tho tldo at New York from
tour tq six feet Is bo great that tho
wholo body ot water around tho city Is
changed twice a day. New York Re
corder. Xrnmp Slung?.
Tramp slang is another npparont
necessity In a jail. A goncral conversa
tion -of prisoners would in many In
stances bo quite unlntelllglblo to tho
uninitiated listener. But it may bo de
pended upon that tho boy is only too
alort in gathering In ft new phraseolo
gy, and It is not long after his en
trance into tho Jail until ho Is fluent In
his newly acquired lingo ns any pro
fessional. Ho learns nil about "bum
ming on tho roads," "battering for
chewing." "hitting tho Galwny for
ipunk," "rushing tho growler for his
Jigger," "chewing tho rag," and other
eccentricities of languago too numer
ous to mention. After becoming pro
ficient in this, It is but a step to lenrn
the racks of tho trade. Ills tutors toll
him about "playing tho light-fingered
act," how to work tho "Jimmy"' when
prying open a window or door, how to
eBcnpe from the reform school If he
flhould over bo sent there, how to steal
clothes from clothes-lines, how to ploy
the "three-card trick," etc. Vpry often
he will attempt deceptions boforo ho re
gains his freedom. "How Men Become
Tramps," by Joslah Flynt, In tho Cen
The Bun Is the only New York paper
that does not uso typesetting machines.
Nearly 10,000 tons ot tea wero landed
in Tacoma from China in one day not
long ago.
Tho Berlin Academy of Sciences is
preparing to Issue a complete edition ot
the works of Kant.
Tho negro raco has Increased its prop
erty in tho state of Georgia 150 per cent
in the past ten years.
Thero Is in Michigan ono application
for divorce to every ton marriages and
one divorco to overy twelve.
It is a curious fact that tho number
of women physicians bus fallen oft tro-
mendously within a year or two.
A fisherman near Seattle says that
lie hauled In 1,900 Balmon with ono
cast ot his scino tho other day.
It is estimated that some 4,000 dozen
eggs wore smashed In a railroad wroclc
that occurred at Canterbury, N, II., last
Reports from Germany Indicate that
electric plows, hoes and potnto diggers
will soon bo successfully at work In
that country.
Tho demand for coon cats in Belfast,
Me,, has becomo so brisk thnt cat steal
ing has become decidedly annoying to
tlio reaidenta there,
The British census report says that if
all the houses in England wero placed
aide by sido thoy would cover a spaco
of 450 fiqunrn miles
The neason'o apple crop is spt at 00,
25C.0OO barrelH, which is pretty close to
a barrel for 'every man, woman and
child in the oountry,
Old Dan, a famous army mule that
has worked for Uncle Sam upwards of
thirty years, was shot and cremated at
Wlllet'a Point last week.
London has Imported torn America
during the last fortnight 40.000 tubs
of butter. It fetched from 21 to 28
cents a pound over there.
A Malay opera troupe Is on Its way
from Polynesia to London, where it
will perform "Rishl Shn Hlrzan," de
scrllwd as n national opera.
On account of local opposition tho
monument to John Brown, which it
! was ProPMQd to erect at Harper's Per-
IT, will not ha built nt present,
The cutom-house officers in Now
York wero In a good deal of trouble
last week appraising n monkey. Duty
was finally fixed on a valuation of J7.C7.
The headlights from the locomotives
on tho Maine railroads tttract tho deer
from the forests, and numbers of th?
animals aro being killed by the en-
i fines.
Ilakltic Powder Company Wins Its Case In
United Ktnlm Court,
ho decision of .ludvro Showaltcr in a
recent case thnt carao up beforo him
Rusltiinn tho clalnm of the Koynl coin.
pnny to tho exclusive uso of tho name
"lloynl'' u a trndo mnrk for Its baking
powder. Tho special Importance of
this decision consists In tho protection
which it assures to tho millions of con
sumers of Koynl baking powder against
inferior and unwholesome compounds.
Tho oxccllcnco of this urtlulo has
caused it to bo highly esteemed and
largely used almost tho world over.
ltHhkfh standard of quality having
been always maintained, consumers
havo cotno to rely Implicitly upon tho
"Koyal" brand ns tho most "wholesome
and oillclont of any in tho market. Tho
cuplblty of other manufacturers Is ex
cited by this high reputation and Inrgo
demand. Very few ot tho hundreds of
baking powders on tho market aro safe
to use. If their makers could sell them
under the name of iv well known, re
putable brand incalculable tlnmngo
would bo done to tho publtu health by
tho deception. Tho determination of
tho Koyal Unking Powder Company to
protect tho usurs ot tho Koynl baking
powder ngalust Imitators by n rigid
prosecution of them makes such imita
tions of its brnnd oxtrcmoly rare.
Net (jiilto rlUlntr.
"I Beo you havo a new organist,"
sntd the occasional attundnnL
"Yes," answered tho medium, "tho
other follow got entirely too fresh. Wo
called up the spirit of ltrlgham Yonng
Inst meeting, and what do yon supposo
the Idiot played'.' 'Only Ono Uirl In tho
World for Mol " Clnclnnntl Enquirer.
A Corcm, Cold on Sons Tiiiioat requires
immediate attentlou "brown's llroiichlnl
Troches" will invariably give relief.
Tho man who loves his neighbor as him
self will to Blow about gohis to law.
Tlie fpiHIuc iovrr offarKor'sOHiBiirTonln
remier It lnnl,ii!fttilo In every liouio. rMoi3u&
troubles, folds nnl I'rorjr form of ulstroM) lulil to I1.
'ilio dovil rces to it that a grumbler al
ways has something to grumble about.
Clft Illiiilvrrc-li ll ml nan It
It you want to rcnlli J tlio rumfurt of being without
coruj. U Ukqt tacui out lurtcoiljr. l&c, at druiurift .
Oood or lad comrnuy Is tho greatest
blcfHlntr or crcatest nlaaitu of lite.
. FITS -All FlttorpMirrnIrl)r.niInenrnt
ItcrTtt ltrstorur. No Pita niter lUu llrnuny'n u, e.
lliirvrlouscure. TrratlonnilMrjn,lbotlU'frf tt
iliuuu. liiDatoUr.Kliiif,WlAiiUbt.,l'lila.,rn.
Oood fortune does not always travel iu a
It the llnliy Is Cuttlnp Tcotb.
Bemire ami um that old and well-tried remedy, Me.
WixiLow'i BooTiiua Brntr fur Children Teethlus
On tho day wo havo done no good we
have douo much evil.
1 havo found 1'lso'n Curo lor Consump
tion an unfailing medicine. K It Lotz,
11105 S,ott Ht., CovliKttou, Ky- Oct. J, 1$'J4.
If nil our wishes wero grutlticd how poor
wo would be.
"Hanson' TXagio Corn Salvo."
Warranted to iun or money refunded. Anfc your
drufe'gl.t fur It. I'rlco IS cenu.
Kill man with
the pig pointfl.
whisky and ho can glvo
Cihi'i Cough. IlnUatn
Ittiro,Wt umlbrst. It will break mm CoU iulcfc
ertnannnthlnaelsa. Ittiulwaysralinblu, Irylt.
Jacobs heumatism,
VIl The cure la certain, anre. TO MAKE SHRE. HjmiT ATmSrrrT?vn.
Timely Warning.
The great success of the chocolate preparations of
tho houso of Walter Baker & Co. (established
in 1780) has ted
many misleading
of their name, labels, and wrappers. Waiter
Baker & Co. are the oldest and largest manu
facturers of pure and high-grade Cocoas and
Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are
used in their manufactures.
Consumers should ask for, and be sure that
they get, the genuine Walter Baker & Co.'s goods.
WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited,
Stop Naturally.
You Don't Have
to Swear
- - a i m J
RASftlRFT candy cnthartlo euro constipation. Purely vegetable, amootli nnd
UflOWnS I v cusy, sold by druggists ovcrywhuro. guarautoeq to cnit).- OnlV tori.
Cures Whore All Else Falls. BEST COUCH SYRUP.
TAvn-:s noon, usn in timis. hold by druggists. s cts.
Some say that the hypo
phosphites alone are sufficient
to prevent and cure consum-.
tlon, If taken In time. With
out doubt they exert, great
good in the beginning stages;
they Improve the appetite, pro
mote digestion and tone up
the nervous system. But they
lack the peculiar medicinal
properties, and the fat, found
in cod-liver oil. The hypo
phosphites are valuable and
the cod-liver oil is valuable
of Cod-liver Oil, with hypo
phosphites, contains both of
these in the most desirable
form. The oil is thor6ighly
emulsified ; that Is, partly di
gested. Sensitive stomachs
can bear an emulsion when
the raw oil cannot be retained.
As the hypophosphites, the
medicinal agents in the oil,
and the fat Itself are each good,
vhy not have the benefit of
all? This combination has
stood the test of twenty years
and ha3 never been .equalled.
h been rndortedbythernedleil profcttion for twenty
vein, (AtkyourdotlorJ) TM It beus it l alwys
hthUtli -Aw iyt it (form ilwayi mnlhn tbt purttt
Jiorwtrhn C&Uliwr Oil a Hpebbatpbittl.
Insist on Scott's Emulsion yrtth uide-nurk of
nun nd flh. , .
Put tip in to tent nj $l.oo tm. Tha miluo
mty U enough to cure your cough or help y aur baby
WtllB AKItMOTOn CO. docs halt tho world
wfudinlll buBinmiL becanso it has reduced lbs cost or
wlnUjxnrarto 1 tlnhra Una, it but mtuu branch
uouvh, ai)ciBiiptmcusBooiaanci repaint
airuuruoor. itcnnanauoei luruisua
. wuu? niiicio lor lees money man
uttierrt. ll malifj I'uiuplns and
Uoarcd, Steel, UMvanlied alter
lOomnltttlflii WliHlmllU. TUlluir
nnd Ftxnl Ktod TOwprtHteoliinuHaw
l'"rame. steal ltorrt Outturn and Feed,
Urlnitera. Oil application It will n.'imormo
of theso nrilrlra Dial. It will InrtiUli until
January Itt at 13 tun tuaal price. It aim make
Tanks end Pumtuot alt klnaa. tsend tor cataloged.
Factory! 1Kb, Eockwtll aoa miawre Stroll. Ch!ca
EAftktft'i -
picanirt and btanmvi tha hair.
i-ronioiM a . ituunani croain,
Haver Folia to lleator uray
Cure tealp dlK-uc hair lolling.
fllc.nJUlt Orunrlrt
Mornlilno Habit Cnrod In 1(1
to 20 llT
Odnr. Nopay tlllvureMl.
STEPHfUS, Lobxnon.Ohio.
: (a 8.0 A Oi.iiYOO.
work Wrltn HILL. &4 Vltlli Ar ,
to tho placing on the market
and unscrupulous imitations'
the norvfifl
Sfcrnnrr. nnrt
brlnCTFI hltnlr
tho fooHnnra nf
VOllth to thn nm.
mnturnlw nlr mnV.
It rOBtnrnn Inat- THrr-,
IOU fflliv train nn
pounds In ton dava.
Go buv nnrl ti-rr n v.-.. j t-.
onlfti "" " w:."" ."
, "" "w" UTUJTfflBC
'- " owu u. uuro or "money ro-
fimdod. Bnnlrlaf -nwlfnv. T" s "
and sample froo. Addrosa nearest offlco.
THE fiTrai lain Bruu
"I flrnily bollovo that Plso'a
Curo kept me from 1uy.dc
quick ConsumjitiiU," Jlra.
H. D. DAltLIXO, Beaver
Meadow, N. '., Juno 18, 189?,