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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1895)
i AS TO THE JUDICIAEY ATTORNEY GENERAL, HARMAN MAKES HI& REPORT. Ahnsn of tlio Teo System Tet Too Itarly to ran Judgment on tho New Syatem of Courts In tho Indian Territory Trotnpt Action tirscil In tho 1'acMo Itallrond Cac Tho Debs Dacltton Im portant. The Attorney faoneraVs Report. WAsumaTOK, Dec. .Attorney Gen eral Harmon, in his annual roport to Congress, showa that tho number of criminal cases ponding in tho Federal courts July 1, 1605, was 12,403, an in rcaso in two years of more than 5,000, though in 1605 25,019 cases wero disposed of, as compared with 21,741 in 1604. Tho convictions during tho year arc shown to havo been CO por cent of tho wholo number, and in Government civil cases the percentage of judgments in favor of tho United States was 02, as compared with 40 in 1P34, and 4? in 1603. Tho expenses of ho Federal courts havo steadily in creased from 53,801,808 in 1688 to S3, 028,223 in 1895. This is accounted lor in part by tho fact that sinco 1825, the number of places for holding Fed eral courts has increased from X8G to 27. Tho Attorney General says it is yet too soon to fairly pass judgment on tho new system of courts for tho In dian territory, it having been in opcr atlon only since last March, but he calls attention to tho fact that next September tho jurisdiction of tho courts of the Eastern district of Texas and the Western district of Arkansas over the Indian Torntory will entirely ccusc, and a largo measure of business in tho courts of tho Territory will necessarily result. For this reason ho recommends that itnmedlato appro priations bo mudo for building at least one suilluient jail in each of the thrco districts. The Attorney General calls special attention to tho fee system in federal courts nud bays that excessive and Il legal charges can in some measure bo avoided by watchfulness and laborious investigation, but nnests and prosecu tions on frivolous charges and llimsy proof, to which part of tho increasing expenses of tho federal courts are due, cannot be prevented by tho Depart ment, of Justice. This can be accom plished only by abolishing tho sys tem which, by making tho fees of com missioners, marshals, clerks and attor-nej-s tho source of their compensation, prchents a constant, inducement to unnecessary arrests and lltljp'tton and annoyance and loss of time on those involved, as parties or witnesses, and indirectly works both material and moral injury to tho public, lie sides, a class of professional witnesses and infoiniers grows up in many sec tions, to tho scandal of the adminis tration of justice. Thoro is now no limit to tho number of commissioners which tho courts may appoint, and buggests that tho number bo limited bv law. Upon tho abolition of tho foo system, ho says, tho number might bo largely reduced, and many advantages would bo gained by giving them final jurisdiction of petty offenses. Tho Attorney Gonoral calls atten tion to the fact that too much of the time of the supreme court is occupied by criminal appeals, and suggests that such appeals bo disallowed, save in capital cases, by amending tho act of March 3, 1601, so as to omit tho men tion of "other infamous'' crimes. This would operate to give the circuit courts of appeal jurisdiction which would bo final of all critniual cases other than capital, subject, however, to review by tho supremo court in its discretion by writ of certiorari. Prompt action is urged toward work ing out the itolutiou of the problem preheated by tho government's rela tion to tho Central and Union Pacific railways, ant', as it may bo necessary or advlsablo for tho government to in stitute proceedings against one or both ot these companies, he shows the necessity of a law giving some court in tho District of Columbia jurisdic tion of the cntiro property and all of the properties in interest. Ho urges tho imperative demand for tho erec tion of at least one penitentiary in a Southern State for tho confinement of convicts from tho Southern districts. Tho Attorney General speaks brictly of the decision of the Supreme court in the Debi contempt case and says that tho principles established by tho opinion are of the highest valuo and importance. The jurisdiction of tho courts to issun nnd enforce injunctions against interference with interstate commerce and tho passago of mails was fully maintained, aud it wns held that the action of tho courts in such cases was not open to review on habeas corpus. WANTS STATEHOOD. Imteo and llcjirraentntlte Convention at Slmirnce, Oklii. Oklahoma City, Okla,, Dec. 7. A very large and representative delegate convention was held at Shawnee yes terday in tho interest of Statehood. J2very county in tho territory was rep resented by its host aud most promi nent citizens, and tho proceedings were very harmonious. The following resolution was adopt ed by a two'thirds majority: "Resolved, That tho people of Okla homa torritory, without distinction of party, assembled in delegate conven tion at Shawnee, on the 5th of Decem ber, lh05, for tho purpose of consider ing tho Statehood question, earnestly urgo upon tho Congress of tho United States at it present session to pass an enabling act providing for tho admis sion of Oklahoma as a State witli such boundaries as in tho wisdom of Con gress will best subbervo tho causo of good government." Ho U l'lglitlns for Cuba. St. Lows, Mo., Dec. 7. Tho mys tery surrounding tho disappearance November 18 of Captain Kosscr Koemer, who was in command of tho famous llusoh Zouaves, has been folvcd. Ho is now in Cuba at the head of a band of 300 Americans, fighting for Cuban independence, and with him is Ser geant Frank ililligaus, also a member of tho rouuvos. Tho World' Nitrate Truit I'alU. VAt.rAit.uso, Doc. 7. The proposed nitrate, syndicate to control tho "world's trade and limit the output has .gone to pieces. A BRIEF SESSION HELD. Then tho Home Frocemlii to Ailjoarn Till Monday Wabhinotox, Dec 7. When tho house mot to-day Messrs. Terry of Ar kansas and lioatnor of Louisiana, be lated members, Woro formally sworn in. ' ' ' Mr. Baker of New Ilampsliiro nsked unanimous consent for the immodiato consideration of n resolution calling on tho secretary of ngricnlturo to re port whether ho hud expended tho wholo or any part of tho appropria tion made by; tho last congress for tho distribution of farmers bulletins, but Mr. McMillin of Tennessee objected. Mr. Walker of Massachusetts offered a petition in tho form of a resolution from tho naturalized Armenians of tho United States, nine-tenths of whom, ho said, lived in his district, and re quested that it bo printed in tho liccord. After reciting tho nllcgcd oppression and outrages of tho Turk ish government, it concluded: "ltesolvcd, further, That this House, composed of the Itnmedlato representa tives of tho American people, pledgo its support to every measure justified by international law and a common humanity to vindicate the rights of our fellow citizens of their families in Turkey, and to hinder nnd provont, as far as practicable, tho continuance of tho outrages and massacres in that land." Mr. Turner of Georgia objected to printing tho petition in tho Record, and it was rofcrrcd to tho commlttco on foreign affairs, after which, at 12:30 o'clock tho Housa adjourned until Monday. FLYNN AFTER MR. SMITH. Tho Oklahoma Delegato Wants Informa tion About tho IVtchlt I.nnds Mutters. Wasiunotox, Dei). 7. Dclcgato Flynn of Oklahoma introduced a reso lution in the houso to-day requiring Secretary Smith to inform tho llouso why tho allotments of Wichita lands had not been completed and asking as well whether uny of tho Secretary's relations arc among tho counsel of parties in interest Mr. Flynn also introduced his freo homes bill. He introduced also a bill to open tho Indian territory to sottlo menu It provides in substance that thcra shall be n compulsory allotment of lands, 1C0 acres to each hend of n family and eighty acres to each child, that bl an acre shall be paid for tho remainder of tho territory and tho land shall then bo thrown open to settle ment, lie said afterward that he had received such assurances of support as seemed to him to make tha passage ot tho latter bill through tho House at least certain. THE WALLER CASE. Tho Kansas Delegation's Resolution for All 1'acts Itnforo tho House Washington, Dec. 7. Congressman Miller to-day introduced in tho Houso a resolution which ho prepared in con formity with the conclusions of tho Kansas delegation. The prcamblo is of tho usual form, tho President being requested, -f not incompatible with the public intorests, to communicato all Information in regard to tho arrest, trial aud imprisonment of Waller. Then comes: "And all corrcspondcnco between Edward Telfair Wetter, United States consul at Madagascar, nnd Mr. Edward P. Ulil of the Depart ment of State, and all reports, docu ments nnd evidence if in any way touching said matters in his possession or in the possession of tho State De partment," Tho foreign affairs cqm mlttee, when appointed, will bo urged to tho speediest possible action. Farmers' Altlanco of Kansas. Tcpkka, Kan., Dec. 7. Tho annual convention of tho Kansas Stato Farm ers' Alliance held hero yesterday was n failure in point of attendance when comparca with the meetings in tho early period of tho order's existence. However, n session was held, with about thirty delegates present. Very llttlo was done. Mrs. Emma Troud ner of Carbondulo was elected presi dent to succeed John Willits, and Abe Smith of Topeka was chosen vice president. J. 11. French, who has been Eccretary and treasurer of tho Alliance ever sinco St uas organized, was re elected. Joel Reece. editor of tho Pratt Union, was elected lecturer. Resolutions wero adopted recommend ing that members engage in co-operative enterprises, and thut all reform parties combine for tho campaign of 1800. Clover Diplomatic Move. Washington, Dec. 7. Diplomatic ally considered, the last move of Lord Salisbury's may be regarded as very clever, for he can easily find pre cedents to justify his request that tho British caso be considered on its morits. As this is all now to this government, u complianco with tho request would involve much patient research and com parison of authorities, maps and sur veys. This is calculated to consume, great deal of time and carry tho issue along to a pertou when perhaps Ureat Rritarn, freed from its present embar rassing position growing out of tho Turkish complicrtions, will bo able to devote her entire energies to a settle ment of tho Venezuelan question. Historian Lccky a Commoner. Dublin, Dec. 7. William II. P. Lecky, LL. D., D, C. L., tho historian, has been elected to tho parliamentary seat for Dublin university to fill tho vacancy caused by the elevation of tho Right lion. David It. Piuukett (Con servative) to tho peerage. This is tho gain of a seat for tho Liberal Unionist Commlsaluiior lilrd free. TorKKA, Kan,, Dec. 7. State Labox Commissioner W. G. illrd, charged with extortion lp office, was acquitted by a jury to-day after a trial of two days. Tho jury was out an hour aud a half. rivo Human bkelctooi. Topeka, Kan., Dec 7. Five human skeletons were found behind an old cellar wall five miles east of Larned yesterday. Early settlers gay tho bkeletons arc undoubtodly tho remains of a party of land hunters, who wero passing through tho country fifteen years ugo. THE FOREIGN POLICY, j THE ANNEXATIONM URGED. OF CUBA Senntor Allen if Nehraitkn Makes 111 ! rit Speech .Jlo Want ltrcngiiltlon of tho IteioliitionUtli Iho rrenlUelit riertgetl Support ot tho 8ennte In Any Action 11m Mity Tiiko for Safety of American In Turkey Ilnlnc In tho bennte. W,snlNOTON, Dec. 5. Tho first tnovo in tho Delaware contest was made in thoBcnato to-day vvhon Mr. Mitchell of Oregon presented a letter nnd ac companying records to tho Ronato f rom II. A. Dupont, claiming tho right to bo admitted. Mr. Gray moved that tho privileges ot tho floor bo given to his Republican quast-collcagno pond ing tho determination ot his case, and Mr. Dupont was brought In and intro duced, Mr. Chandler of Now Hampshire presented a mass ot petitions alleging election frauds in Alabama nnd claim ing the election ns governor ot Rcubcu P. Kolb. Several petitions for tho recognition of tho Cuban insurgents wero offered and Mr. Squire of Washington, in in troduclng a bill for fortifications of Atlantic, Pacific nnd lake ports, said: "Wo aro talking as though wo had a chip on our shoulders, and go along in blissful ignornuco and inaction as to tho unfortified condition of ourports." Mr. Hoar offered the following: "Resolved, That tho Senato will support the president iu tho most vig orous action ho may deem fit to tako for tho protection and security of Amorican citizens in Turkey and to obtain retires for injuries committed upon such citizens there. "Resolved, That tho President bo desired to mnko known to tho Govern ment of Turkey tho strong feeling of regret and indignation with which tho peoplo ot America havo heard of tho injuries inilicted upon persons of tho Christian faith in Turkey, and that tho American peeled to view peoplo cannot uo ox witli Indifference any continunnco of such repetition or wrongs." The resolution went to tho commit tee on foreign relations, whllo another from Mr. Hoar, requesting informa tion from tho President as to tho cor rcspondcnco with Tnrkey was passed. Tho Allen resolution yesterday, de fining tho foreign policy, was taken up and Mr, Allen urged tho recog nition of tho revolutionists nnd tho annexation of Cuba. Ho declared that tho foreign policy of tho United States had been a byword for tho past twenty-fivo years. Ho specified tho inaction in tho casos of Mrs. Mii3'brlck and ox-Consul Waller. He strongly urged tho rcassertion of tho Monroo doctrine, so broadened as to sccuro tho ultimate withdrawal of mon archical dependencies from this con tinent. Tho Senate, after a ten minutes ex ecutive session, adjourned. BOOMING MR. ALLISON. Tho Iowa Itcpnhllcnn Commlttco Tako Action. Des Moixr.s, Iowa., Doc. 5. Politi cians and others havo been trying for a year or more to mako United States Senator William R. Allison consent to bo an open candidato for tho Presi dential nomination, but ho has held them off. Last night tho Ropublican Stato central committee took tho mat ter up of its own accord and made tho official announcement of his candidacy. The conferouco wns attended by all but one of the eleven membors of tho stato committee, and many other prominent Republicans, among thorn General F. M. Drake, Governor-elect, and several members of tho legislature. It is generally agreed that the Re publican Stato convention to send del egates to tho National convention will be hold in Des Moines about tho mid dle of March, but the commlttco did not decide upon tho date. H. Q. McMillan of Rock Rapids, chairman of tho Republican Stato committee, will open headquarters in this city and will mako it tho center of tho Allison .campaign, which Is now to bo pushed with all tho vigor and which tho politicians of Iowa and other states favorable to Allison are vblo to put into it. A. 1'. A. In Mimncluuotts. Boston, Dec 5. New city govern ments were chosen in nineteen of tho thirty-one cities of tho stato yesterday, ' and in thrce-qunrtcrs of them thero was praotically no enthusiasm what ever. In many places party lines wero not drawn, aud in Springfield, Somer vllle, Gloucester, Brockton and other cities, tho battle was fought on tho A. P. A. Issue. Tho coutest In Spring field was one of tho warmest in the history of tho city and resulted in tho overthrow of tho candidates Indorsed by the A. P. A. In Somcrvillc, whero the organization has had control, Its candidato for mayor wus defeuted. They, however, retained control of tho board of aldermen. The secret organ ization was triumphant in Gloucester nnd Hrockton. l'opulltt Senators Independent. Washington. Dec. 0, Tho Populist members of the Senate ttt a secret meeting yesterday decided to stand together against both old parties. Messrs. Poller, Allen, Kyle, Butler, Jones of Nevada and Stewart woro present and thero was no dissent against the proposition. It was also decided to nominate candidates for tho various offices iu caso tho other par tics should Uo bo. Tho Chief Justice Melt WASHiNttTON, Deo. 5. Chief Justice sutler ot mo united states supreme court is confined to his bed by a sovero cold, and this morning Dr. Johnston was sent for, as his condition did not I improve. No Itfcognltiou ly Mc'iir(u:u Nicauaqua, Dec 5. Tho commlttco tent hero in behalf of tho Cuban in surgents to induce President Zelnya to recognize (heir belligerent rights has bern thus far unsuccessful. Spanish influence Is strong here, nnd tho Pres ident refuses to aid tho Cuban causo on the ground that it might lead to a I violation of tho international law. T-rtur VwB. DEMOCRATIC PARTY. URlNOINtf GOOD TIMED TO THE COUNTRY. Tho lnrrrann lii Inmflsfiitlou HhqtT that l'rnsncrotia Ilr 1 nt lUud-o-VritiU the I.tmiilns 1'itrty I'tiper Aro Shylnp nnd DolTiir. Thero Iwb been n hinrked Irtcrcnso In Immigration tho present year over tho corresponding montha ot Just yenr. The statistics for tho bIjc months ending Oct. 31 are aqcurato in giving tho total num ber of Immigrants who havo nrrlvod, but tho number ot each nationality ia Hot published. It will como later, and will mnlto the Rouernl statement more satisfactory nud a bettor subject of study in Its social nnd political aspects. The number of Immigrants landing lit Now York from May 1 to Now 1, 1894, nnd in 1S95 is as follows: 1891. Mny 22,832 Juno ,....10,403 July ,...,... 11,743 August ...11,478 September 14,83 1 October 15,383 1895. 34.G48 24,837 17,804 18,421' 23,025 23.420 Total for six months. .02,073 142.104 This shows nn lncroaso ot 49,491 for tho tlmo included In tho report, which is considerably moro than GO por cent. All that Is said nhout tho origin of thlts addition to our population ia that "Italy nnd Russia sont their full sharo of tho Increase." Italian immigrant last year numbered ono-elghth of tho whole, and Russian one-tenth of tho wholo. At this rato of lncroaso Immigration Is likely to reach 400,000 for tho flacal 7car beginning July 1, 1895, nnd ending Juno 30, 1S9G. It docs not ncem poBsl blo for the volumo of immigration ever to become again what it has boon. In 18S2 immigration numbered 788,992; in 1891 tho number was 023,804; in other years It was above 000,000. Thla great number of newcomers was attracted by tho reports of prosperous times, high wages and cheap lands. It Is probablo, nlBo, thnt during tho years of highest immigration tho beat classes of immigrants camo those having some means, who would begin Immodt ntoly somo productive occupntlon. With tho ebb of tho ttdo people with less Individual menns, moro ready to woik :; low wagca and moro difficult to Americanize, wero ndded to tho pop ulation. Even this view has another side. In tho years of largest Immigra tion a large proportion ot the alien now comorB wero Imported by mining com panies and othor corporations employ ing cheap labor to tho exclusion of la bor at fair American wnges, This Im ported cheap Inbor was brougll hero by tho highly protected monopolists who clamored for a high tariff ns In tho in terest of wprklng men, while thoy were constantly discharging employes, who wero replaced by aliens accustomed to wages of but a few cents a day, who regarded American high wages as tho opportunity of acquiring In a few yoar3 what to them vould bo boundless wealth. Tho newcomers soon learned tho los Fon ot strikes and organization to ad vanco wages. But on the wholo, their labor was cheap compared to that which thoy had displaced. Tho prob lem of assimilating this vast mass of forolgn population 1b yet beforo tho country, or rather it la affording Us own solution year by year as tlmo elapses. Ex. Tho Ileal Cauie. ' From Chicago Chronicle: Tho re turns from the lato state elections indi cate that the enormous republican ma Critics wero not caused by tho mero failure, ot democrats to voto nor by tho superior management of tho republican campaign bosses. Tho republicans were as much surprised as tho demo crats at tholr tremendous victories. Thoy were moro surprised than, tho democrats last year at tho numerical proportions of their "landslide" major ities. Evidences in all directions tend to show that for the IaBt two years a power has boon active in American poli tics beneath tho Burfaco, operating in unseen ways and accomplishing tho most important results by organized methods ot tho most secret character. No ordinary causo relating to tho tariff, the finances, tho panic, tho currency, tho labor question, any public interest of tho classes or tho masses was suffi cientnor woro all causes originating In these questions sufficient to pro duce the enormous preponderance ot the voto in the various etatos last year and this year. Tho two political parties in this coun try, on all questions dividing them heretofore, aro not unevenly balanced. In war times, when party enthusiasm was high, the pioportlonal voto of tho republicans and democrats were moro nearly equal than it was In 1894 and 1895, when tho issues were of minor Importance and no results of vast mag nitude wero involvod. Without tho evidence of facts, show ing directly tho interference of a pow orfnl secret party In tho election, there )s enough to prove tho existence of eo cret movements by which tho ballot box was seriously affected. Undoubt edly tho organization known as tho "A. P. A.," whatever name tho initials may represent, la a moro solid organization, with greater numbers, with greater se crecy and craft In its operations, than the old Knownothlng order or any pre vious order with similar objects. Tho impenetrable obscurity In which it moves, its cntiro separation from all other social and political forces, the earnestness and energy of tho hidden spring of Us fanaticism, aro without a precedent in American history, Tho voting force, of this organization Is lm- i mense. Its main power, however, is in 11.1 thorough discipline. He rnomben voto whether other cltlaona voto or not They havo no ort years. Tholr motto 1b otcrtml vigilance. They throng Iu full nurnuprB to tho ball6t bor when ever it 1h oncnod for votes. Whether tho oloction Is local or general) ot llttlo or of grout importance. Tho A. p. a. voto Iu uniformly given to tho rcpuhllcnn candidates. The republlcanc might havo carried tho election ot 1891 on tho Isnues ot tho panic nnd hard times. Thero wob no ouch, issuo thin year. Tho itomocrntH werip hoaton this yenr, whether standing oh a aHvor or an hon est monoy platform. Infiuenccs separ ated from thcBo questions and others Hint divide party nnd factions created the republican majorities. Story or a OtO.000 Cheek. A recent .Ropublican scandal relntes to a check for $10,000 given to tho In diana campaign fund In 1892 by John Wnnnmakcr, postniOBtor general in PreBldcnt Harrison's cabinet. Tho Btory 1b that Wnnamakcr vlBltcd Indianapo lis In 1892 to confer with tho Ropub lican managers of Harrison's campaign. Harrison wad n candidato for ro-olcc-tlon. Tho Intllnnnpolls men told "Wan nmakcr that they needed funds nnd ho gave them n check for 510,000 on their promise to refund tho money. It Harrison had boon elected there would havo been no trouhlo About this transaction. Wannniakor would havo remained In tho cabinet nnd would nov or hnvo demanded restitution. It n chnngo in tho postmaster generalship had been made, his successor would havo Been that ho wob reimbursed. At nny rato tho Indiana politicians would havo had tho crenm and julco of fed oral patronage and could havo per formed without trouhlo tkblr promlso to ropay Wanamnkcr. Hut the result wub disastrous to Har rison, to tho Indlnnn ring ot spoils hunters nnd to all who expected to profit by federal patronngo it Unrrl non should ho elected. Thoro was n le fusal all around to pay Wannmalter tho amount ot hlo check, nnd a quurrol aud scandal ot thrco years' duration has ro suited. Thla story had a noeont addendum. Tho Indiana politicians suddenly or ganized a movoinonl and raised tho monoy for Wnnnmaker which bad bqon three yenru In default. Mr. Harrison ia a candidato for tho presidential nomi nation next year. Thlsnffnlr had to be Bottled. Ho could not show bin face before tho people with what was al most a personal debt in the campaign of 1892 still remaining unpaid. Thla is qulto n fragrant scandal, but not as altogether bad ns that Involved in the unpaid debt of tho Republican national committee, which hna been "hung up" aud hns increased In amount sinco 1892. Tho Itopubllcan national convention 1b offered nt auc tion to tho city which will contribute enough to pay thla profllgato debt no a basis for entering into competition, and will pay tho grcnteot Bum afterword to defray the oxpenBes of tho conven tion and ot the commlttco tor next year's campaign. Mr. HarrlBon Iiob begun by paying an incidental dobt of hla campaign of 1S92. Why docB not that commlttco tako the hint and collect monoy to pay Its old dobt by a mulct on tho candidate!) en tering for next year's race 7 Altgelil anil tho Mlnlnc; Jnnni'rtorn. Dotrolt Proo Press: When Governor Altgchl nppointed tho mining Inspect ors for tho state of Illinois ho called them beforo. him nnd not only Im pressed upon them tho Importance of their positions as affecting lifo and proporty, but made It distinctly plain to them that tholr continuance in of fice was dependent upon tho efficien cy ot their Bcrvlces. Thoy wcro to earn tholr money by doing their duty, and would bo hold to a strict account ability. This Is a principle that nhould be applied in dealing with ovcry public servant, but its recognition Is especial ly demanded where human lffa is de pendent upon official Integrity. riutocrntlo Philanthropy. St. Louis Post-Dispatch Mr. Car negio accompanied hl3 gift of a mil lion dollar library to tho city of Pittsburg with an address in which ho oxpounded his ideas of industrial econ omy nnd philanthropy. Tho spectacle of this fat CroesttB, surfeited with tho good thlng3, of life, advocating tho grinding of tho poor in order that he may roll in Burplus millions and revel in philanthropy for the evolution of souls and tho perpetuating of his own blessed memory isslckonlng. It is dis gusting Pharisaism. ratttnsr It .Mildly at l'owlule. Boston Globo- The officers of tho leather trtiBt yesterday declarod that they had "temporarily closed a number of their tanneries on account ot the dullness of trade." This Is tho mild and soothing way in which thoy talk ot a monopoly lockout involving several thousand workman and Intended to in crease the cost of Bhoes to 05,000,000 people. Ylcoroun Treatment In Order. St Louis Post-DIapatch Tho next time you hear a man professing to bo a democrat pleading for harmony, aBk hira plumply, "Do you believe that the majority should rule and the minority should yiold to tho majority!" If ho hesitates to glvo a plain answer club him Into tho republican party, where he belongs. Afraid to Puce tho Mtulc. Springfield, O., Democrat; Some ot the Republican organs are advocating the roforeoco of tho tariff to a commis sion. They want to take It out of the hands of congress. They are evidently afraid to meet that issue. tw tf 'WW v ; MHNMMM Ml StatA of Ohio, City ot Toledo, I.Ucas County a. . , Prank J. Choncy makes oath that nt 1ft tho nenlar partner of the firm of F. J Cheney A Co., doinjr business In tho City of Toledo, County and State afore-' nald, and that said firm will pay tho sum of one llundrdii Dollars forestoh" and every case of. Gatcrrh thnt cannot bo cured by tho use ot Hall's Catarrh v Cure. PltANK J. CHENBY. Sworn to before mo and Btnscrlbcd In , my prenenco this Cth day ot December, A. D. 1SSC. A. W OI.15A80N, (Seal) Notary Public '' Hall's Cntarrh Curo In taken Internal 1: nnd nets directly on the blood and mucous surfaces ot thi system. Ben J .f for testimonials, free. P. J. CHENKY & CO., Toledo, O. , h Sold by druRKlHU: 75c. ' llnli'a Family Pills, 25c. - ' "i , Hoolotr of Family utr. Tho womon of Url, Switzerland, havo established recently a "Soclotyot Fam ily Duty." Tho members aro pledged to abstain from indulging in gossip, nnd nrtlolo IV of tho constitution im poses n heavy fine upon thoso who tako part in tha election. Sotno womon in dulged lately in electioneering and got oven with tholr husbands in fighting them at tho pools. Nnmcrous quarrels wero tho result, honco tho creation of tho sooloty to prevent further trouble in family circles. A Singular Form ot Monomania. There In a class of peoplo, mtlonal enough In other rcspocts, who aro certainly mono mttnlixe In dosing thomnolvcs. 'ifioy nro constantly trylujr cxporJmonU upon their Momticht, tholr bowels, tholr livers nnd iimiriounoyn wim irnany ntmrumn, When thcRO oranns nro rcnlly out of ordor, If thoy would only uo Hosteller's brnmnch Ulttors, thoy would, It not hopolesaly Instate, porJ ccivo Its superiority. At tho present rata ot lncroaso this coun try will havo a populntfon ot 190,000,000 in - i ii i i Tho Modern Mother Hns found that her llttlo ones aro Improved moro by tho pleasant laxative, Syrup ot Figs, when In need of tho laxative effect of a gentto remedy, than by any other, nnd that It Is moro acceptable to them. Chil dren enjoy It nud It benefits them. Tho truo remedy, byrup of Figs, is mnuttfnc- Jot, is in Fig Syr tttrcu by tlio California up Co.. oniy. Tho skoloton n'ono of an average- whale weigh about twenty-flvo ton. . Always Taking cold, Is a common complaint. It is duo to lmpuro and deficient blood nnd it often lends to porlous troubles. The remedy Is found in pure, rich blood, and the one truo blood purifier, ia JJ Hooas SarsapariHa Hood's Pills euro nil Liver uu. gfi cents. "TheCircatciJt riedical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DGNALO KENNEDY, F ROXBUnY, MASS., ' lias discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He lias tried It in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor) He Ins now in his possession over two hundred mtlficates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is war ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs arc affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them i the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it Read the label. If the stomach Is foul or bilious it will cause squeamish feelings at first;. No changC of diet ever necessary. Eat the best yoiTvxi get, and enough of it Dose, one tablespoonful in water at bed time. Sold by all Druggists. AATD WOMUV. Full Huslness, Shorthand, Pen Art and Telegraph course. Oldest, Largest and Ilefit iu Nebraska. Studonts can work for board. Beautiful Catalog free. F. F. ROOSE, P.-cs. Omaha. Zachary T, Lindsey, "LtRUBBERGOODS Uealon send for Catalogues. Omaha, Nab, THE LAND OF THE B.Q RED APPLE Tk Lul Cool U.J ! U kid la tt "Can B:i at Iw Trie. ForlNFOItUATlON reir&rulnzMlvlJn IJarryCo., S. W. MIHSUUUI, write to Cut. Geo. a. l'l'RST. I'lorca City, llu.i J U UiRiotr, l'arilr. U0.1 T H. Kiiost, Cuavlllc, Mo., or I a. StDWAT&UO. 80S Jtomduoci Hide, Chtcigo, UU FREE FARM If jou want a FKEE FAUM la MAMTODA, AHSIMHOIA, AlllEltTA or tha 8AB KATCHEWAX, api )r for particular to L. A. HAMILTON, Wgr WHY DOH'T YOU BUY CORN? PRODUCKttS, Mil jour prodacu and vrrlta to uti for. information liorr to make tile mono 00 th pro. ctMlla Oi purchawot corn oil inarcctua. luforma. tlon ao4 book oa epeeulaUou mi, C r. nUaUS. CO., Ml Ull SU, CtUiJfc Patents, Trade-Marks. Eiamln&tion atxl Adtlea aa , to PaltntablUfyot Invtutloffc fccixl tnt ' Imtotora'Outda, or How to 06 "rattnt" TJ.ZZSZ. OTASSILL. WASttltTQTOt. U, C. flmaha STOVEBEPAIR Works Htuvo Krpalra for 40,000 different ataves nud raiicca. 120O Uouslans t.,OiuiUa,3iett W, N. U., OMAHA, BO, 1895, Wheq writing to advertiser mention this paper. WS TSlLUiibtttEI: tV ft $ t!- H B Itot Court Bjnjp. 'I-kiUOocxL UMH 13 to tlmo. flffiiyj"j3gtfcJkt lBBBK62tBll5EBuiBCaBBfil