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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1895)
kMMMDMMMM MiiMHflltfMHMMMMii a uai f. jawspw'jg zr HE HERALD, wtimpjWi pec c, is0& mmkJj& wd'ii at th 1 tKMtx ilwrfnnl. Nl.ttk. m Mta- i iMUlBNiMr. IrtHt kmiui UTOb,to I he Intetett U MmAMtor trnXHOux -Mto eiMn nwn renMy. jnCRtprioj rate: Wildy's received netfjline 6f ( Keif. York Counts, 45cls por can " aUljuweitttrket.' '7 Hertlcnll Hvants sorao dressed v if incTK. j IE you want a suit, overcoat, overfills, cloak, capo, or shawl, , cluap a big lino ub Wildjr's. -'"Order your stove repairs at Anton thrift's. "' '' ' JPaints of all kinds at Groen'ri. Seo Vildy before you sell your hog, poultry, butter, eggs, ckfcesu for potato?!!. hIims just received by W. K.-Hcrncll. INii nAiutlrin Hound Ou,k Ctove made by Heckwitb, Huwuitlnc, - with the tlarae on tho leijs, , Mich., 4h the Ari&at fuel-aaylajr stove on themarket nnu is Hie pmy sioye mat wi,u uurn rooil, hard coal, soft coal, nftl coke, successfully, and also can bo tuiulo u 'oelf-fecdljajp base burner at tho sumo tlme. ,l(t sale by Anto:t UmtirJ f.'fciuta Claus' first appearance at Vildy old stand. $ 1 'Jj6k8 of all kinds, styles and prices. Can fit any footiand podW ?!book W. KjlERNOALIr;' K. 90 lba dried apos for $1,00 at -JVTldy'B. fr lt 1 California canned goods 15 cents a can at W. K. H'crncali's., ( . '?' 'lOiiQijiBi and olta of nil kinds 6fid according to the hard timca cheaper than tho cheapest! at ' , Anton Uhkiu's. 1'Jio HlULp .and iho Omaha rai-woejfcly tyorld-Iiorald .both ono .ycif, for f 17.01 . ilfytm ifrant to rWjizo cash put bt ' your extra hors&s, eee. Ji C. kcCorklc.- tlk'acpln(i Hound Oak Is "good goods." Hotv iood, not how cheap. They lost, tticy heat, they save you phoney, they huve a reputation. Can VoM&tyjt W another that has? They jlead .ftliiat, world 6t ''hiaiiag stov.ea ril.taply, , bt(Jnfio they aryperfectiy fh'ad aud '.id i)fjrfcct worc. You unjoV$or4t0buy any other. See iho name oil the Icff. For sale; by Anton unp,ra. . 'Skates A fino lino o ico jkatcs juflt reeeiyed at IS. H . rcca'flHardwar,8tp'ro V Fresh bblk oysters' at tho Meat Market. :. '!Ehey nro choice. .n.:., .,,.. 'Tho county Beat flight now on has th4 6H8M o)d triekstera at tho rppes wliti iid tliat Nonpareil must be.Uie ,P;UBty aet. They1 are np. satlnUcd ,UJgopd enough alopebut waut to jiteed tM couniyoein'le'pbant to choke jjaroreHgets itf all down. They WtT emulating Dawes county,, tand want to saddle the county with $80000 'oijmoje. Bho might kick and buck. Wv' fet Jrld of that nlco little 4,Uebt. "We havo several good republi cans In the county wIiq are opposed tb-'chuap money, butj ylio would like jto'ece county , warrants go down to 26 cents op.the dollaffc jupt the same sJ)awes. county. If this is whutyou Jlko Jns6 change the county; 6cat to jfUManpi, aud make, tajce hlghor and rlye pcpple out o.t the countj, so she will bo Just.likq paes coUutyun b)b to redeem her paper at 25 cent's bn the dollar.. , If Alliance succeeds ' 'n gating the county 6cat there are jtwehtyflve families rrom this; vicinity (vho will leave the county, apd Ivo jthelrdeedcdlrdtq tie couuty, for AVhlcli taxes will never be paid; aud ' likewise they have peoplo In Alliance otuo are miable to pay their taxes. Just let them make taxes a llftlo jftlgnerand you will eee them drlYe bui'Of the city, aqd AlHarpo will po 3ust Jlike Cbadronj wlti houses to rent )iny jwtltlgoa this ay. for they wljl - Ih reject, .And the sorotyeads wlltgo )aack td .Ulance a,nd say they arg try ing to bankrupt the countyJust like 2awp county. S To "beajitiful" came down at a very rMd rto 4or.a' jfeW das ast week,ieOmpleUlycoverlug tlje ground. BOY. Kendall waB, bpldlng a series Op-sieegnf at UteJIUpter school iipm iMt.wk, ,but od.iccoun of Vurvef3iiie';wthe the atle-nduco ifliliSiSHVVIM ' illai ft lana1" M KnmitHm wk m -& wi fcL Prlier are h ivlnlr irona ps4ms 13S.BW.AJ.jr frf Hiey are luvlntf goo time at the literary this winter nt the Wheiuu school house. Come, everybody. Ths roofo the mcrrlen ' Whitest rldlpg last Saturday Henry JjfofrWake had theminfortiKio to UHxi his ti full wh' hlHi, Ills ankrt- was feverely sprained, which fHhMyiconw-JilHo bis hoaic for few days C Mis) Curry, teacher nt the Hunter school houaef attended a teachers' tnocflmr nt CraWfort hwi Ih; Mayrt - Jolanj Wr l bosa from 9hnld(B. Htii U. I. Wlieelor y lilted la '.fee city Mondy. ClittllaLotpMoMDprrotf AllUnce txly Tho Thaukf glTJng dne - decided nuc- M1h Anna Wohlor 1 tho new salmlAdr In Wlldi'd store. y MIk Mamie Frtel U TlHtn her paroaUnortii of town. f E. II. Ilnckn rrturnod from Denier Moadr ami will rcEafn ihla winter. Luke Pliirllp left thU mornle for a two week' vittt At Do Soto, Neb. Mr. J. tNaren,lftly of Booth Sloax Citjr, Nub,, hi accepUnl petition on Tits HERAtji. Ml h LqIu Bllr of Bos llatto wi th Knout of MUb NClIo OooJnnoanh ytmrdjriod HnuiUy. Anct Flldcr had Uio mUfortimo to brc&k hit collar bono by fnHioff front Wn boro list wcelc. i MIm CUrk of Maryland viatted la HemlBR- ford BtrfeT had BiUidatbo taet of Mien Uojttla Miller. $fr Vttii. Worden Went to Chatkon reaterday. Upon. bU return ho wtU open an' eTenlm; olaas In penmatinlilp ami ark At tho Profraoor la a nutter of the pofosuloa, no donbt there will bo a larKoattcndanco. , NOTICE Hbvlojt made arranRRzaentit to lfTO Uin city J 6a., 1st, to bo abxent ivmn time, ttiusa winlilnrf Jtwelry work dono wlU please bring hhw ruM Call and irst jtood cheap for next 30 .day, thanking ioix for lAmt farora, I iemln reitpecttully, Ku. l Jousbok. Editor Ii. J, SImmona and wlfo of the Hay rleon Joarfial aro In the city today, he aaetta of Jndo ipacKt. and W. M. Iodenee.' Tbme gen tlnHtca wer.n boya together and thin la the firat time ttyi-y hate taet ilnbi coming west. Mr. aud Mrs. Hlmmons aro plaasant psople to meet. President Olovelaud has sub mitted his annual messago to Congress. It is quite lengthy, consisting of 20,000 wprds. Tho greutdr part of tho messago ro latcs to Iho financial situation, in which e president expresses his well lipotyi views'.' ' Tho doc ilnont tivrodjhout 4s dignified and scholarly and is worthy the carof ul study of everyone who is at all interested in matters that vitally concern tho national wol faroj Ifetnlngfortl was well represent at thu meeting of the Northwest Ed ucational association at Crawford last week, there 'beltm sixteen teachers present from this place. Countyi Su perintendent FHlmoro was elected prctdeut of the ftssoclntlou for the ensuing year, over it prominent Alli ance school man, much to the satis faction of the Hciniugfurd contingent, ncmlngford can knock Alli'tticc oit.1 Justus easy on the county vsoat ques tion. Mark that down id your note book. Messrs. Plnkcrton and Alexander have finished their work on tho court house, and we now have as neat and JDct'mfortablc a county bulrdlpg as tho cuuniiy wilt uceu tor yuara, iu cuiue. Tl;e above nameil' gentlemen have fuen a great deal of pains in their Vvotjt-, and it has'ieen done In excel lent ihape, &V; la' surely a credit to tholworkmanship, as well as to the courity. Calvin I pjy 00 , We aro ploaeetl to inform pur many friends and patrons that'we aro How loaded dowh with an im monso stock of Fall and Winter goods, as well as 'groTcorios, pro visions, and Glass & Queenswafo. Our Holiday Gootts nro now in transit. f k ' Vo'' aro n'lakxng exceedingly low priobs tjn nil grades of drestj goode'iriniiuiugs and linings. "Wb show'ybu an elegant lino of inen?s odicaand children's underwear. In boots and shoes, rubbers and felts'; wo always lead antf never fol low "Wo buy all your produce butter,' 'egga, Cheese, ' potatoes, cliickonsj geefee, turkoys? pork, and (flay1 you more for it than anyone eise-ras'wo have- a branch store in Leiid City, S. Dak., managefl by H. B., wo are in a position to ob tain the highest market price therefore 'nevefc forgot the oldest stand in Box, Butto county, when you'eomo to tho city wjicre you will always rcpeivo your moneyja worth, cordidi treatment, and thp best of everything ia exchango foi your produee, ' '' ' v ' your Porvant, Anyone wishing a Buddleraged' liidy tofeoolc lJ'kecp;Jouo adim !' J3pxC2,4loinisTord,'2?feb. ' v ;'" jvi'vti j;iB!yr a. i. auarrcrCK, r worthy mayor, lift bi'Pn In lletnlngford and Alliance i -. . .' . . .'- "- 'J duriag the pat wc8li Vtowlng tV Coming unty sent Dgt lte lifla. donned tint War paint, afiu" is strictly at home 1h such n scrarf. 11a in a tod hiwtllr, and at the sailip time Is auio to taKef advantage of ur well de veloped bump of caution, fie Is tlw right msb Intiie right plffco in this buslncs.-Kdgemont Express. Ex Speaker Crisp will, of courae, bo tub leaded of the dewoe'rats of tho WTuso duriirg the present' session, the filan wlicTwill call,, Heed very time ho attempts 0 tramploOn the rlgrVts of tho minority. Thefo has bcSn bo thought among demo crats that this would t,fe otherwise, as was shown by the voteb of the demo cratic caucus all cast for Mr. Crisp. The slorlesaliout the'admlnlsiratlon desiring another man for leader had their oilgln'wlth those who wished to add to the unfortunate differences already existing In the democratic party, by making it appear that Pres ident Cleveland was demanding that no silver marf should be given a post of honor. It is ncedlew to siijrjto any Intelligent democrat that President Cleveland never thought of such a thing s dictating to or interfering in anyvay with tho democrats In the house, From tho Hemlngford and Alli ance exchanges tho county of Box Butte appears to bo somewhat mixed on county seat matters. With the failure of crops in the county, for the last two years, and no certainty of a successful One next year, owing to lack of snow and rain this fall, It would sccrri'that to run the county Into about 81, COO of 'extra debt by attempting to move tho county scat from nemincford is short-sighted pol icy. The present location, with a court house and county offlccsinlrcady built, and furnished tho county free of charge, vfyich would bo lost in cane )Sf removal, should lie something, that wouiu appeal strongly to the taxpay er whilst tho uncertalut'y of the amount of taxation, which the Alli ance people might put on the county If they wore Successful, Is great. The Old laying In this case is true and to tlui point: ''Better have the devil wr know thaV the one we don't.' T'lghts, nro always a detriment to counties and should be frowned down by-tho better element. The county that has had such Judicious manage ment in times pastes to bo frco from debt at the present ;t!me, vriU not, in our Judgment, placo themselves in such a position as would Incur the expanse. 6f building a now courthouse and other1 extra expenses attendant upon county scat removals. Edge mont Express. Gttxuroii zaii-eotory. t CONQUEUATIONAU Prracblneeach alter nate Sunday, boglnntnff January.!. 1MM, at U o'clock a. 111., and at 7 i.m. Similar School at 10 a. m. Prayer Meeting each Wednesday at 7 p. m. G HUMAN LUTHKUAttt-Servleea at the Court Houao. llov. Wnndorlich.4wtor. .'. 'yir c ATIIOUCl-llov. Chafloa Zak Pastor. If XTHODIBTl-Kev J.W.'KeaiUU Paatnf Ull'resekinr: tho aecencyaM fourth andy.In each tncutb nt 11 a. m., 8d7p. jb. if WPISCOPAL:- Servloea in tho Con'irreyat- J!iional Church. llov. Service on the third Thuraday In each tsawith - raator. mi. . r .m. ( M. W. A. Konebaah Camp No. 0."ta aecond and fonrth Tueedar niaht of each month. Vlsltlwt Nelghbora cordially invited. W. M. loDRSoa. Clerk! V. Huor. V. C. MAIL D1KECT011Y. IlKMisorotto poatofKoe. Or. week daya door opena at 7 a. tn. (rencral dllm-y open at 8 a. r.i. and vloaea at 6 vita. Open Snndaya 0 to 10 a.m. , Hmunopobd and Box Dotte atane dally except Sunday, ' nruiNomaD and T)Duir atae, Meeday Wedneaday and Frlay. E. E. BARR, n. D. 7' Surgeon 4i 2-AND- f Larynologist. Statk UjqvKnsrrv ov Iowa 1887 Chicago Polkclinio.1894. BonasaY akp the Mkdi6al AND BUUQICAI. DlSlUSESOP thr Nose axd Tiiuoat A 8PKGIALT1. Alliance. - - - Hebraska :: GOODS ! ! .AT..THE ..!.. Millinery tore. CJomo and see tho Goods, gqt pricey, and be convincetjthat Uwy are the best'nd oheapost itf thi county. Thanking yO)i for post faVora and trusting for a continuance, of tkesame: ' ' "; Yours roepcctfmUy, , a v . $ff V? it: Ujrt'' W V'".- in-of-jyotkeg II cm. J, W. Wrax, In., iwutsr. lib. T. M. tjftotoit. IIdetV.K """i" ' , IVttlca harjUMt aotloM lu'thta colnmn are ro qnMtea to rtaaf (M mmt, carefnlly and report to fimco loaeorrection.tay crrorattiatmy TblawlU pttTeit,'poalble'deUy In ta lABd Ofteo at Alliance. Neb.,OcU f. WS6. notice U AArebr len thf &h rAltnwln BametTaettlezJiaa fUednotlooothlaintrattonto wmi pmorui eoppott of bla cJlm and at fftld piW will be made before KeaAtpr and celver at Arllaace, NeU, On Dec M, 183, Tla: I CLEMENT h. 8PRACKLKN, f of Mart)n!.&eU, who made H. E. Nd.2184, for Jieo!r8,tpn.rBOw. y He names .the foilowina: wltnraaes to prove hla contlnaona realdenro npod and oultlratjonot Mid lend, tU: Frank ;HoBermn. Jp(-ph Loweof Maraland, Neb., John D. Job Wil liam &hn, of lictninffford jNeb. Also, CATimniNE BraACKLEN, of Maryland, Neb., who mMa 11. E. No. S3M for hod; Mitt xi i wxj zi, tp w n. kwj w. t ernamee the aollowinff witneeaee to provo her c'itlnapua ruaidance upon and cnltlration of rm$. land. Tlar. KranV inicj. iioneyman, ooaepn Vflllam John, ot liom- ljowai John V. Joan, ingieeu, nea. r i J.W.Wsn.',Jn.,Refriatr. Jteoelver'B Notloa. To all whom It miy concern, pnrauant to an or der of the District Uoartot Box Butte county, Btate of Nebraska-. , Any and all porptfrW havlnff, holdl or ow& HcinluRford, Hor ltttto connty, NobraVa, are :iaima aKainat lUi the Uank of neminsford. o horoby aotlfled and Tcqnlred to pn lieroby aotlBea ana Tcquired to prneeKtand make proof of name to lraK.Tah, rocrtTer of najd bank, at Hemiuford, U01 llatto ovunty, nenraaKa, on or nciore iKvemner vj, ia, r IUA E. TABU, Itecelxcr of Bank of Hemlngford, " of HemInj?ford. Nebraska. Firat publication Boy. 1, 1P TUTTLB & TASH Attorneys - at - Law, HFMINGF0RD. NEBRASKA, WIl. niTCHELL, AT&RNEY AT LA Alliancr, -: Nkbuaska. fcTOu1ce in Fletcher Block. KBI 1 r Now Short Lino td Helena, Butte Spok&nc, Seattle and Tocoma. ; fc O. I. A W. O. TJ'ltMLe Oarci. BART BOUND. No. 42. pantADRer urrlvoa ivt lhsSp.m. ' 0:00 p.m. 10:10 a. zu, ft frelttlit y freight ftrrlvon nt ir WRRT BOUSDi Ko,i pnsaenRernrrlven at s;21 a. m llv p. m isireicni : 47 frnlcht arrives at lent ltn a:a-p. mJ Al J if. W. WHBATLkT, Arent. atincourrv na astensora L. VV. BOWHAN. Physician and Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEB. Office in Norton's Block. Calls atteudou prompt'. Chargcja reasonable. ', . w. q. SIMONSON, Attornej : at : Law, Alliiitice, Nebraska. Practices in all the cpnrts and be fore U, Sf Land Office'. S5C i V. fC ,4vj - - JT&TfiW1 ' ' ". k 'yfp Wintor has come, we arc awaro, "With its ind and drifting snow, And tho place for such weather to prepare Is what we all want to know. V i "Where we can satisfactorily trade Our produce for coffee and bread, ' ;r.,t., - V' - fiere did yoi; :sayiJ ayp A Beautiful Wotiaji Attbacts Attentipn EvjjRYwnEnu, f ;Qold -:- Ifeqf, IS NOT AS HANDSOME TO . A BEAOTIFpij WOJUAH, "-" After Giyiog it a. Trial 1 -j a-3TOJ3P Sf -ttf ,, r'xs t-M' r-a" " r. tea:, k. areEErrjT, Stytf Hem Mmn This Card is to (Benefit Cash (Buyers. 20 2fr 100 I 100 I 100 I 100 ) 1 100 1 100 1 100 1 100 If. R. G, 20 25 25 $1.00 HOW TO SAVE MONEY Bead Vfbh This Caitl lOfl B 20 2? 25 When yon pay Cash, lot 20 25 xuo Buiouni; ana wuen you Have paid us Twenty DoLLAus.iu cash, will give you Otte (Dollar In Goods Free ofCltartre 20 20 20 25 25 py-Qn all gooda esoept nirb wire 50 I 50 I 50 I 50 I 50 We will not be undersold. Ulwaysbfpig Ms Card with vott .Receiver's "WWlWMeMWeMW HBeHBHHBB The Mamijaotli Stoefc of Dr Ooods, groceries, Boots & Shoes Hats apd Caps, Belonging, to, the Bank of Hemingtord and Eiiown as the ."RteOjiATOI STOCK Will be Solf QHEAP FOR PASH Sale ill Commence Nov. 27, 189J5. and Continue ptil the poods are Deposed qi You Should jNot Mis! This Op portunlty of applying Yourself With Jnderear, ver-shoes. Wrm Dress O Unhead of jRirices, r iia .IV, -"S.V "KW '!S" Herncfll, tie flerfharit. jaats,' caps, rmueiiB, giovcu, suaa, "RnntH. RhnPH.'hvprRhnr.4 end nuilt Boots, shoes overshoot and quilts, - Vl a. - f - o, W. K. HRNpALL'Sj Vf ito i5W LOOK AT Ag UUX- Toil will Wp.nder hpw You Ever Oh rm flafiy " 'V.mUM1 J' '"'K. D,ok'Losc It. 1 100 I loft 1 50 I HMware. 100 1 IQQfl 50" 60 15 m 1LL1JLL& iOJ lOi'5 "i'5 f 10 5 15! Toil $1.00 T'10'j'i Ts'iTo'j'B 15(10 1,5 tho Clerk punch out and Harnena by the aet. 1 50 I 50 I 50 I r,n 15 110 5 I t V ods, etc, etc At a T45H, Receiver Clothing and urtdorweqr, vyvorHunirt nuu jm.-a.uu-). And all finds of Aeckwear, -Dono up in'a nfoo packet; lale! Afi Ugly Woqian Cm Make Bbtteb Bbbad With Gpld -Leqf -Flptitf THAN A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN QAN n ANY OTHEi' BRANty Got Along wjthout -U ' ' ooakcap- ' rJP ' ttm A. aBCh gaBaiaa 9 1 1 r