Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, December 06, 1895, Image 7

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AND demoiselles;
Some Motet At the ModM A Rainy
Weather Costume Ijiitlei' Ten Gown
rUlit Wool nnd Velvet Untlrtynesi
In Women Inexcusable.
OW the now woman
will revel lnthonow
arrangement for
comfort set forth
by some far-neelng
designer of wo
man's toggery! It
was a man who
thought of It, too.
Almost every sort
and species of wo
man will gladly ac
cept this rainy day dress aB beyond re
proach, especially as the long outslda
cloak covers everything completely,
and no ono need know but what one has
on a dress skirt of tho usual length.
This abbreviated skirt Is of rubber,
mado flaring enough at tho bottom to
keep the cloak out JtiBt as though ft
dress wero worn, and fastened at tho
waist under a belt of leather. There
ore legglns of rubber, reaching half
way up tho limbs and caught at tho
BldeB by "supporters," Just as tho stock
ings arc, They lit smoothly over tho
foot and nnklo and button at tho side
with small buttons, easy to manipulate.
With this skirt a blouse of any sort
may bo worn.
A rain cloak of cravenettc tho usual
length Is worn with this rig, and when
rubbers and a soft felt hat in tho Eng
lish shape 13 donned milady Is ready to
battlo with tho fiercest elements and to
successfully rout that dire enemy, mud.
The rubber garments may bo washed
off directly one reaches home and so bo
kept freBh and sweet.
Ladles' Ten Downs.
Fawn-colored cashmere and golden
brown velvet arc here charmingly com
bined with a handsome plain front of
palo yellow satin, having velvet figures
appllqued on with rich, multi-colored
Bilk embroidery In Roman design. Tho
gown is of good length, with short train
that can bo cut oft at round length, If
so preferred. Tho back, shaped in
prlnccsse style, fits tho figure smoothly
to the waist-line, gradually expanding
In godet-liko fullness to its lower edge.
Lining fronts, fitted by slnglo bust
darts, under-arm gores, closo in confer,
over which the fullness Is disposed in
plaits at the top to fall gracefully in
classic folds from under the broad col
lar on each aldo of tho smooth front. A
smooth, velvet standing collar finishes
tho neck, that closes with the front at
tho left Bide. Rosettes of yellow satin
arc placed on each side of tho collar.
Tho broad sailor collar of brown velvet
is stiffened with an interlining and
It cd with tho yellow satin, or this
portion can be omitted if a less dressy
effect is desired. Tho wide Paquin
sleeves are shaped in two sections,
gathered on tho upper and lower edges,
and completed with pretty, ' round,
Bhort flaring cuffs at the wrists.
Tho gown can be stylishly made up
In crepon, silk brocade, plain or fancy
woolen fabrics, an opportunity of hand
Eomo and effective combinations and
rich, tasteful decoration being afforded
by the mode.
lW isaaWssSta wimv .. .
saaaaaaaaaVVRssaaaaaaaaaaaayyw-T.JIEg1 i'gsTyn-TrTTOi'T"TT " i "nJT 44fmv IJ
asssrH&ss-l&'IsHraBS'?? Z9W'
I-lldlrs Ulerclntlill!(T.
It Is one of the most hackneyed of
expressions that "flno feathers mnko
fine birds." Ouc damea and demoi
selles ha'vo striven with allvthelr might
lo outdo their feathered friends In out
side npparel, and with not indifferent
success, as a stroll up and down tho
streets of our great cities on n bright
afternoon would conclusively prove.
If they would go a step farther and
emulate tho samo creatures in another
point, the results would bo favorable
to tho peace of mind and hca"t of tho
dear creatures and bring more tranquil
ity to the domestic fireside. Instead
of this, they revorso tho conditions, and
in placo of the softest, finest and most
delicate materials next to the body,
thoy possess themselves of n hetero
geneous mnss of cheap garments, of
coarse fabric and sloppy workmanship,
nnd Bavo the down of toilet Tor tho out
side, says tho New York Ledger. Even
the gooso has sense enough to protest
against being deprived of the flno un
derwear with which nature has pro
vided her, but her sister geese of tho
human family not only make no protest,
but actually from choice select an out
fit at which any well-regulated feath
ered gosling would quack a loud de
fiance. It might bo Interesting to
trace not a few domestic infelicities nnd
not a few disrupted households to a
systematic disregard for tho exnmplo
of tho web-footed model above men
tioned. There are men so Ultra fastid
ious that they cannot tolerato untidi
ness even in their wives, nnd the under
wear of somo well-to-do women is of it
self sufficient to drlvo a man of deli
cate sonslbllltles from his domestic
sanctuary. People of sense cannot and
will not respect a woman whose under
wear Is untidy or shabby when oho can
havo better. Her claim to respect is
frail, Indeed, If sho puts a soventy-flvo-dollar
dress over fifty-cent undergar
ments. Personal tidiness is too apt to
be neglected in tho hurry and undis
ciplined worry of the averago house
hold. Conveniences and privacy, too.oro
lacking in many cases, and so from day
to day good resolutions fado and fall,
and the habit of disorderly and dirty
garments creeps into tho homo circle
and shadows the fireside by Its pres
ence. The subject of underwear Is by
no means an unimportant one. The
underclothes of any woman are tho
most perfect tndox of her character and
refinement of mind, as well as her taste
and education.
Authors' Successes. ,
Mildred and others have asked how
one may become a successful author.
Answer: First and foremost, ono must
havo something to writo about, then
write it with as much directness as
possible Never try to write about any
thing you do not understand. The world
Is full of experts who will detect errors
at a glance, and will not bo charitable
in criticising them. Writers who de
sire to have their writings published
often pay the publisher for doing tho
work. Otherwise they are 6ent to tho
editors of papers and magazines, and
are accepted If satisfactory. Uso nny
good paper, writo only on ono side, and
sign your own name or a fictitious one,
Just as you please. s
Old Iove Itemotnliorctl.
The first rod leaves of autumn 'V
Seem to say that I must go
From the fields, where I havo sought
them, ' "
From the flower land to the snow.
' r
Tho first cold kiss I gather,
From your lips of carmine hue,
Seems to say that you would rather
I would not pretend to you.
The first whlto snow-flako falling
On the humblo daisy's bed. r ,.
Seems to say that lovo is calling
From tho living to the dead.
W. B. asks: "If a lady's overshoe
comes off In the-street', and"Bhcwlll
muddy her hands by replacing It, ought
her escort to do it?" AnBwer; Cer
tainly, and consider himself honored by
the privilege.
Lovo 1b an Intermittent fever fol
lowed by a chill.
7nl 1,1 kr a Mnn.
Mrs. Somebody, who lives on Thir
teenth street, has an infant Bon who Is
Just beginning to walk. LaBt week ho
fell down stairs, so his mother bought n
gnto lo put at tho top of the stairs.
There is n llttlo metal socket screwed
to each sltlo of tho stairs and tho gato
fits Into these. It was put up one day,
Wednesday, i think. It was Mr. Some
body's night at tho lodgo nnd Mrs.
Somebody remembered after ho had lott
tho Iioubq that ho had not been told of
tho gate. Sho wns so exercised for fear
ho would fall over, it when ho camo In.
thnt sho sat up for him. He was late,
very late, and she was very tired. And
yot when ho did como and realized how
devotedly sho had wnlted up In order
to sayo him a tumblo what do you think
the heartless man said?
"Why, my dear," said ho, "why didn't
you Just lift tho gato out?"
"Wasn't that Just like a man?"
Washington Post.
Plnld Atonl ami Velvet.
A plaid street dress, In which red and
brown predominate. Tho skirt Is open
each side, tho front to disclose a plait
ing of brown volvot, and a largo enam
eled wood button Is at tho head of each
opening. Tho slcevo Is very closo on
tho lower part, with tho material
shlrrod in tho seam, and is open with
threo buttons, liko those on the skirt,
but small, that fasten with cords. The
fullnesB of tho upper part falls below
the elbow. Tho blouse has brown vel
vet bretcllcs laid In folds, wide on tho
shoulders so as to fall out upon tho
sleeve and passing under tho velvet
belt. Tho bretolles are garnished with
buttons liko those on the skirt, a row of
threo across each, to form tho lino of a
yoke. With this gown a toquo of block
braided felt; with a rosette of green
Ivy leaves and berries on each Bide the
front, a larger rosette of red falllo rib
bon on each side of tho back, nnd a wall
of black coquo blades rising high be
tween back nnd frontEx.
Fashion Notes.
Housekeeping dresses nro .among tho
fads of advanced young women. Ono
dainty model is of plain and spotted
cambric. It has a yoke and sleeves of
plain goods, tho waist is gathered full
into the yoke nnd belt; tho skirt Is of
straight breadths with a deep hem, and
a full, deep ruffle of the spotted goods
falls over the shoulders from tho yoko
of plain fabric.
Among the new tailor costumes is ono
mado of narrow-striped suiting. Tho
skirt has fivo back-plaits; there Is no
regular waist, but a Jacket with largo
sleeves and turned-over collar and
lapels faced with satin. A double
breasted vest, linen front and tie, and a
modified Bailor hat with two bunches of
plumes complete tho outfit.
A narrow-brimmed, round hat has
seven largo ostrich plumes, set In fan
shapo on tho front of tho crown. Among
these plumes are placed Jeweled orna
ments. This Is the only trimming, ex
cept a velvet band around the crown.
A black velvet hat has a very wide
brim, so full that it forms a wide, scal
loped edge, not unlike those worn by
children some seasons ago. Large
wings and loops of velvet at least five
Inches wide are the trimming. This hat
is Immense, but is so handsome and
stylish that It has been greatly admired.
Highest of all !n Leavening Power. -Latest U.S. Gov't Report
licit! room IUiks.
A pretty little nmatour artist has
mado for herself a pair of charming
bedroom rugs. Tho material is bur
laps, lined with old carpets, to glvo It
body. The design Is taken from tho
motif of tho wall paper, and represents
timothy cross, redton ami clovers,
nainteil inshnripsnf trilvrs. tans, browns
and old pink, tho colors greatly diluted,
so as to give a printed, rather than a
painted effect. Golden and brown but
terflies nro poised hero nnd there, and
n busy bumblo boo almost buzzes, head
aowui in a great clover bloom.
Tho rugs aro edged with a flax
fringe, in the shado of the burlap. In
paiutlng grosses and leaves a, mistake
frequently mado by amateurs is to have
them all too much of a color, hhndo
effects should bo introduced by having
those at tho back in faint grnys, and in
much lighter tones of nil the colors
The riiililiinnhle MnRile Contract.
Tho mugplo contrast, which is tho
namo tflvcn to the ollect when black
and white nro brought together, is well
displayed in a bonnot intended for
evening wear at concert or opera dur
ing the season. The small, rather low
crown Is of whlto satin felt, tho tiny
strips being braided in basket fashion.
The narrow brim Is of softly-twisted
black velvet, cut out at tho back so
thnt tho hair shows below, while there
aro falling over it two of the long,
hornlike-shaped rosettes so much fan
cied, daintily mndo of flno duchesso
lace. A narrow twist of whlto satin is
just above tho velvet at tho edge of tho
crown, and on one sido there stands up
n ten-inch white pompon, while on the
other Is a btar-clmpcil buckle of llhine
btoneH. Velvet ties come with this bon
net Deafness Can Not lie Cnrcn
By local applications, ns they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the car.
There ts only ono way to cure deafneBB,
nnd that Is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the musous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When the tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, nnd when It is en
tirely closed Deafness is the result, and
unless1 tho Inflammation can bo taken
out nnd this tube testored to It normal
condition, hearlnir will be destroyed for
ever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by Catarrh, which is nothing but an In
flamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for
nny case of DeatnesB (caused by Ca
tarrh) that cannJt bo cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by druggists: 75c.
Hall's Family Pills. 25c.
How to Sut Up ii
Christina Tree.
up tho Christmas
js generally sot
tree Ib a rather shaky affair, top-heavy.
and In constant danger of being tipped
over when It Is touched. If you want
a substantial baso for it, but one thnt
will allow of its being moved easily
without nny dnngcr of its being upset,
go to homo hardware storo and borrow
a set of Move trucks. Cover them with
boards fastened securely to their
frames. In tho center make n hole
largo enoug to admit tho bnso of your
tree. Fasten strips of wood from each
corner of the trucks to the tree, in such
n manner as to braco it firmly In place.
Tho casters under tho frame will allow
you to niovo tho trea easily and bafoly.
Gloves must fit well. They may not
lie in loose folds or "bag" in the tin
gers. Neither may they fit so tightly
as to causo tho buttons to burst, the
scams to rip, tho palm to split, tho
blood to congeal and other unpleasant
things to happen. A tight glovo is to
the hand what a tight shoe is to tho
foot It enlarges tho knuckles, makes
the hand misshapen and gives it a mot
tled, purplish hue.
Chocolate in still used in the tnterior of
South America for u currency, as aro
cocoanuts nnd osg8.
When Selecting Your Reading Matter
TUB COMING YEAIt, yon will, no doubt, decide on securiujr tho boht, especially if the hest costs leas than'
Roroothinr inferior, both in quality unci quantity. The Omaha like, always to tho front of tho
newspapers In tho west, has long- been recognized as one of tho leading: publications in tho country, It
has done more, and is now doing: more, toward upbuilding the great west, than uny other p per.
About two years affo Its publishers, determined to hrincr Tho Weekly lice Jnto every farmhouse in tjio '
west, especially in Its own stato and the states immediately adjoining Ncbrosttii, put the price ddwh to '
65 Cents per year, an unheurd of lliruro for n 12-pa(.'o weeltly publication. I'll it price still prevails. Not.
content with thin, the publishers of 'ihe lieo cast ubout for tome additional first class publication of national
reputation, to oiler with The Hee at n price Hint would not exceed tho flgme ustialiy charged for n bfnjfH
weekly paper. Last year the New York Tribune, (Horace (Sreeley's paperl was secured, nnd tills paper Wan
offered with tho Weekly Ueo for 90 Cents per jenr. A similar arrangement has been mado this year. In
addition, n similar contract has been made with the Cincinnati Knquirtr, a paper that ranks an hih n'uiouj; titu j
Democratic publications of this country us tho New York Tribune does among tho Uepull.can newspapers. '
To sum up wo moke tho following four offers for this season, confident that they are vtiuallcd nowhere.
cither iu the quality of matter published, nor in the quantity of good, up -
The Omaha Weekly Bee,
12 Pages Each Week,
65 Cents Per Year.
All, orders must be accompanied by the cash, in tho shape of Poslofllee money order. Kxpress money
order or blank draft. If currency or silver bo sent, It Is safer to register the letter, t2o stumps of larger de
nomination than S cents aro accepted.
Kamplo copies are sent free
I'u j- Ctrcuinttnnres.
A young man inherited SM),OQ0 from
an aunt, nnd by a course of extrava
gance and speculation was pretty soon
at tho end of his fortune. "However."
said ono of his friends, "lllll Isn't with
out resources. Ho ha two more aunts."
Liko this, but different was tho case
of a colored man, concerning whom, ac
cording to the Yankee 111 rule, a neigh
bor of his own race was called to testify
In court.
Witness," snld tho opposing lawyer,
"you speak of Mr. Smith an 'well off.'
lust what do you mean? 1b lis worth
S3, 000?
"No, snh?"
"Two thousand?'
"No, sali; ho ain't jvorth 25 cents."
Then how Is ho well off?"
"Got a wlfo who Is a washerwoman,
sah, and s'ports do hull family, sab."
Youth's Companion.
Ctwilnenient rtrxl Hun! Work
ImTnorN, particularly In tho Hlttlim lmftlurc,
tiro tur moio iiruiudiclnl to lioiiltluhiincx-
i'ohsIvu muscular o.xcrtou In tho open Ulr.
llurdncduntury workoiH ate far too weary
nttorolllco hours to mKo much needful o
erclso In tho open nlr. They of ton need a
tonic. Where can thoy hcok luvljiortitlou
mora certainly tind thoroughly Minn from
lionloltrr'H Htoiimcli JtlttKrn. a ronoviint
particularly ndiipteu to meruit the ex
hausted forco of imluro. Viu also for riyii
topla, kidney, lhcr and rheumatic ail
ments. First to Knter it Colteee.
Miss llvpatta Uovd is of tho first deaf
and dumb girl to cntcru college in this
country, bho passed tho msconsin
university cntranco examination with
honor and began tho regular course
this fall. Jllss lloyd lost her hearing
when sho wns a year old, and tho pow
er of speech soon after. Sho wns ono
of tho first pupils at the IMlhvnukco
school for tho deaf and dumb,
where tho oral method is used exclu
sively. Ho effective did this method
prove in Miss lioyd's ensu that when
sho was graduated from tho school in
1801 she was able to enter tho regular
high school and to understand her
teachers by following the movement of
their lips.
A TAMOUS l'Al'Klt.
Tiik Youth's Companion hanbocomn fa
mous bociumo thoro In Imrdly u famous man
or woman In Ureat llrltaln or tho United
states who does not contribute to tho paper
each your, Tho writers engaged for 1)1X)
promise to mtiko tho paper inoio attractive
than over Lofore.
To thnNii wlm subscribe ntanre. Pennine
$1.73, tho I'ublUhcrM mako an extraordinary
olTor, to tsond froo a handsome fotir-pngo
calendar, 7x10 In., lithographed In ulun
bright color rotall price of which liM
cents. Tnu Companion free every week lo
Jan. 1.1KKI. tho Thanksgiving, OhrlNmuHnnd
?sow Year s Uoublo Numbers free, and Tnu
Companion u full jear, ASweoks. to Jan. 1.
18U7. Address Thk Youth's Companion, jiw
lolumbus Ave., Hoston.
There is a new disease known as "poker
nln." A man who plays cards all night
gets it.
Ilfltomfm'aCfimnlitir Ice with Glycerine.
The origins! nnd onl) aenulnr. CureChanpUHnn(1i
and Fine, Culd Bores, &u. U. U. Clark UO..N.1) u cii.Ci-
A man in usually Rick twice a year; when
his wife cleans house.
Experience leuds iiiuny melhers ta suy
"Use I'aMor'sainvorToi'le." ifcauwltlstMiecuUj
kuimI lurouids. ualll ud aluioat vrarj wuiknuw.
Kvcrnlnco the Lord made tho world he
has hoard nothing: but fault found with it.
Tliotn distressing Corns!
n(1 ns they aro, UlmHrooni't WI 1 rrmuvothotn nnd
tlwu you cau walx and run nnd Jump us you like.
The women are good looking in tpite of
tho fashions.
IVo think PIko'k Cure for consumption is
tho only medicine for Coughs JknivIE
riciunu, Srrlngfleld, Ills., Oct. 1, 189-1.
A man can't take a soman's vord for
anything he must tuko a doion or more.
"Hnason'e Kaglo Corn Salve."
Warranted ta cure vr money refunded. Alt joar
drug-gist fur it. l'rlco It ccuts.
Billiard tab'e, second-hand, for sale
cheap. Apply to or addross, H. U. Akiv,
. Ml 8. nth tit., Omaha, Nub.
If you can't break
old maid,
au apple you'll die an
Ol. JiilUiA UlLrjx goes STRAIGHT TO
Weekly Bee MO
Weekly Now York
The Weekly Bee AN0
Ihe Weekly Cincinnati
Hoth due Year for QA.
OuoVcur fur
on application. Commissions ;ullowcd on
And the IUnd rinyed On.
"Home," announced the imperial
meenger, "Is burning." The Ktnpcror
Nero evinced interest, "The eonfliigra
tlon Is general," continued tho officer;
whereat the monarch raised himself on
his elbow. There was a period of si
lence. "The jidpnlnee." Ventured tho
herald, finally, "is making for tho open
country." Tho master of tho world
rose to his foot "In that event," ho
said, "you may bring tnu my liddlo. i I
will practice the concerto for tho B
string, which came near getting-me Im
peached, you remember."
Brown's ilron lilal liwhoV roievo
Throat Irritation citusod l.v Co.d or ne of
the voice. Iho .outline o!d oay In I oxcb.
The more worthless n 'man, the more
"visiting" lie doe
-AllFllsstor-rM frerbyDr.KIInf?' Preii
.rr liMtortT.
Xlarvrlousvuit-ft. TrratlwnrnlKUtrtslLotit-fir. tt
tUcM.s. bomlto)jr.Klli)v,tt)lAri.Ubt.,l'liU.i.,l'iu
rM iisniiiTiimiirku bt.
Has any int tutor ever tried to ov'olro a
tmoko.OMi parlor lamp?
II tho llauy I Cutilnjr Tcotti.
ftatnra ami ue thnt uM nnd veil tflxt rdmtdy, Unx,
tvixsi o 's booTiuxa aralr for Children Tootldnc-
A cat farm hint I ecu cgtnblhhl In ( ln
cinnati. Its puir-puRH in to rafae fur.
Brings comfort and Improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. Tho many, who Hvo bet
tor than others nnd onjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by mora promptly'
adapting tho world's best products to
tho needs of physical being, will attest
tho vnluo to health of the pure liquid
laxatlvo principles embraced in tho
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence! is duo to its presenting
in tho form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, tho refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of niierfoct lax
atlvo; eucctually cleansing tho system,
dispelling colds), headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It ha.1 given satisfaction to millions and
met with tho approval of tho medical
profession, bccnuo it acts on tho Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it ia perfectly frco from
ovory objectionable, subatancc.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug
gists in COc nnd $1 bottles, but it is man
ufactured by tho California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whoso name is printed on cvery
packngo, also the name, Syrup ut Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any subetituto if oflercd.
Uit Coed UJ le Im UA la tks 'Mm Bett
st Law rrton.
Tor INKOllMATION reeardlntf land In ISnrry Co.,
S. "W. JMIHHOITRI, write to IUIT. Bu. A.
1'Vkdt, Tierce City, llo.i J O. JUmorr, l'urdy. M0.1
T K. KBOST, Cslllc, Ho., or L. II. HinWAT&Oo.
80S JWnaiinor.k fildjf ,, Cliicspi, 1U.
ZacharyT. Lindsey,
Dealers i,end for Catalogues, Omaha, Nob.
KATOIIEWAX, sp lyforpsrtleuUriU.
L, A, HAMILTON, uaAvS8S!rm-
Illustrated cntaKwne howlajf WKLL
hist ran. iiayo uvea uwea sbj'4
all tcarrcnUi.
Sioux City KnRlne and Iron Worki,
Kacvessont ta I'ech Xte. -'.
Mlnux 'ily Iowa.
Tub nomcu. Amine Miciiiskhv fo .
Hit Wrt Elent) t-trrft, Ksutat I It)
AVI rnule Fruit 1!IU Positively icmove
HWI stllneKultrltlSs. irum whatever c-n l'rlcw,
I,09, Oavl ."lUKJk-ttl Co., St Dearborn Street, Cbli-atfo,
to - date, reliable news.
the Weekly Bee,
The Weekly Kewlcrk
.Ml Thrt-o tur Onu rt -tr-Y.arfor
ft I, It)
clubs of threo or more subscriptions.
V't'JVsVStHsBssssWVfX V
sjUit t
Address all orders to