Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, December 06, 1895, Image 1

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jM1am "M KrWL.
VOL- 1
J wt-a rtnf TxrrnV.QWrtTiT n
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nnM-o ADTanw i
aui; uiawj.jf iuL iMKJii. io ,
solf evident fact, and to the think-
ing mind needs no demonstration,
but very often enornious and de
strticttve evils, are allowed to
creep into governments, local,
state and national,
without ap-
-parent thought on the part of
UlUMJ upuil W11UIU rui umueu
eventually falls withhe severest
weight and the most galling op
pression. Ever since the crea
tlon of the world history tells us
that hr places where aargenum'
ber of people are congregated in
fane place and under ohe govern-
ment that corruption has domi
nated local authority, to the det-
riment and degredation 01 the
- masses or thepeople. If exam-
pies were necessary to prove this
assertion we wpuld ask the reader
to refer his memory to the rot-
tenness and debauchery in local
'government unearthed in New
'York City by Dr. Parkhurst and
others during the past two years,
aLooIc at affairs in our own city of
"w Ji I ahj! j-h v n n4ll ritir4
VillUllUr, UL1U AJ UUi4Jt3 OlUi UUUIVi
home let us compare our presenjb
'condition with that of he county
'north of us, Mother Dawes,
whose.ffovernment has been con-
Mother Dawes,
dieted by a ring' of ''Chadronpol-
Iticians since the organization of
the county. Chadron is a town
about the size of Alliance, and
makes preterfsions of being a
metropolitan city, and of course
must put on aristocratic airs,
hence they at once bonded them-' twenty years, located at tho most ship is the native soil of manhood.
' selves and the count.for $80,05o : central and convenient toyn in t "If," said Franklijn, 'you would
to build a court house. In the the county. It can be reached have a faithful servant, and one
bourse of a year or so theextrav ;by all the people of the county that you liko, servo yourself."
ftgahce of metropolitan humbug- at less expense; of travel than . Fortune prefers a 'lover to a mas
'frery had so involved Jhe finances, from any other Eoint to which it ter, and submits with Impatience
Jiat the unsuspecting people were might be removed, especially if to control', but he that woos her
induced to vote $80,000 funding
" l6nds, and so It has gone until
the present time. The people
over there are just beginning to
awake to their folly. The ma-
jority of the men who have engi-
iioered this business pay no taxes
In support c-f the useless extrav
'agances they incur. Every man
'who owns a quarter section of
bind in that county is today com"
pelled to pay from 14 to 22
jaxes upon it each year, while
'juakacross the line in Box Butte
'county, upon tho same kind of proceeding, rarely ever heard of taxation we should cast a unani
land and with the same improve in tho history of any county, mous vote to keep the county seat
inents, taxes are from $7 to $9
per quarter. Who can gainsay
thd fact that the men who have
had charge of the government of
these counties" aro no'j; rospon
pibte for things as wo jfind the"m
today, to the everlasting shame
of the one and the unpaid and
unpayable credit of the other,
The reader may inquire what' is
the, object of all thisVand let us
-y-right h'oro flmt Alliance, or
rauier;a "ring- ui amuuue jyu
ticians, who have But little or no
Interest in, the wejfare of anyone
but themselves (the records show
that' the great majority of the
prime movers in the action to
move the county. seat aro delin
quent in ttye payment of their
taxes from 'three to Six years) are
now exerthjg every effort to, bring
about the same state of affairs in
this county J;hat wo havo noted
above. The declaration on the
part of AlllaucO that no expense
will be incurred, that nqt bonds
r. I i
will be voted, that they simply
ant to abide the -will of the peo
ple, is an insult and a slander
i upon the intelligence of the cltt
i8hip of Box Butte county.
"Whom will thitf proposed removal
Tit tlA rniintv mbit benefit? Xjot
every voter askhlmaeltthisquos-
tion, and. then find an-Miiwer it
he can in the smooth talk; of
political shyster from the hotbed
'of moral and polca! corruption
" already exists in the city of
MymcQ To our lnd ihM :vlglt
tiung to do is to stop rigm now,
and not force upon ourselves tli$
heavy expense of ah extra elec
tion, at a time when there are
people in tho county, and plenty
of them, too, who will suffer be-
fore the winter is over lor the
actual necessities of life.
Answer io Alliance's False
At a time when after vears of
economy and strict adherenco to
business rules, to rid our county
of dobt, andatattime when the
county officials .jhavo, through
their faithful discharge of duty
to tho people of this county, al-1
most achieved the object they
have sought to accomplish thpse
many years years of drouth,
crop failure, business depres-
sion and financial stringency a
self-appointed class of Individ
uals, across the bloody chasm, in
that wicked hamlet of Allianco,
have ' conceived the idea of re-
moving the county seat for their
nv --fcv n 1 Vv- n l 4-1 rt
propose to remote it right away,
without much ceremony or desire
to consult the washes and inter
to consult the washes and Inter
ests of the, people of the county.
Qur county is aTpwhfaUaosti
out of
out of debt, our warrants are
worth their face in the markets
of the world. We have a court
house plenty good enough to
transact all tho business of this
county in for the next fifteen or
relocated at Allianco. Wo Have
ail tiie necessary iurniture ana
fixtures and paraphernalia that
is needed for the convenience of
jhe officers, and an abundance of
room for all concerned to do tho
Imsiness of the county. This
i precocious idea of attempting to
remove the county seat in the
face of the foregoing facts, and
the people of tho county are per-
I fectly satisfied with its present
! location, is an unwarrantable
whose affairs have been as wisely
and judicially administered as
have the affuirg of this county
during past years. Removal of
i the county seat at the present
time is a luxury which the
pie can welf tdeny themselves,
and one which the greater major
j ity of them do pot care to assdpo
, in the face of hard times. Lot
' us see. Removal qf tho county i
seat would mean a loss of tho
block of lots upon which tho
court house stands, a loss of the
court house, a loss of all tho ex
pen sos of carrying on the elec
tions. When once removed tho
fino work would thon really bo-
T?Qfl,M Kocin ,,iOfl0
gin. Rent would begin, unless
the. generous people of Allianco
would give the cpunty the inoff-
able pleasure' of doing business
like Henry Hier at his office on
thb curbstone in Alliance. Rent
at Alliance for all the offices
would not fall
which in ten
far shortof $1,800, for Alliance 'booroarH" to ovaHfcet. pernicious scheme of county scut
year, would amount epougtrsignera'to ck an ekion. r removal
to 116,000, all of VM ft
tovcu uv umuK uuruir,KWi u,
now located at Hem' ffrioM: THo
county scat once xey V ed to. A4il
anco, there would atanbestasHd,
a combined effort to shape pttfetk
opinion in favor of buililrig
court house jail, for the habttii
tiotiofsowe of the "400," Mtd
awaynroukt go a big, sM-feee-ing
bond as another lncury
the people of Box Butte Hiy,
because "ae'dtiae- ctttfiVitt hail
would sil,in the AitTt mar
Some argue tlat a bod on
cowity would not bo such
thing after all. it would be aiy
easy way of staying off adebtfor
other peopl&"frpay, while wo
would be reaping tho immediate
benefits, in the way of convent
enco and luxuries, which wo
might as Well enjoy, because lifo
is short All well informed poo
pie will agree that soon uf tot a
bond has been fastened upon a
county a fund has, to be created
by levying a special tax each
year .for, that purpose, to pay off
the bonds wh?n they come due.
This fund will lie idle for waiiv
years, during all of whicKltTmjS.
the people will be paying interest
jn gold on their gold bearing'
bonds, and they aro inrealiynot'
slaving on tneir ueot, xof tieir
posterity or other people must
In justice to our peopla.evory
citizen of the county should pbn-
t dot well, the subject of a pro
posed removal of the county seat,
and take no part in a scheme iq
favor a few self chosen individu
als. to the detriment of tho many
wh0bejieve in letting well enough
Grains of Gold.
The only solid understanding
which a man can havo concerning
commerce, the arts, or more serious
knowledge, must come from tho
depths of Iub own opinion. Hard-
with opportunity and importunity,
, win semom court nur in vain, we
should enjoy oar fortune whjn
good, have patience when reverses
come, and nover employ violent
remedies except in case of necea-
sity. To havo freedom is only o
havo that which is absolutely nec-
essary to enable us to be wht we
( ought to bo, and to possess what
i maintain our rights and protect
j the producors of wealth tho farm
ers from foolmh and unnecessary
at Homipgford. J, O. McCokkle.
3tekrslscn.d 3Jtms.
Mayor Sharrock of Edgomont
was in the city Monday, in the in-
torests of the Interstate Townsite
' company
C. C. Clark of Bedford, 8. D.,
his brother, A. MM this
The townsite company that own
the site here also ovn Hemingford
and are as much interested In the
Hiicccss of that town da thov r of
this. The people up hero aro
warm supporters of Hemingford
or f18 county seat, as they thor-
' oughly understand that our inter-
5 ak identical. Box Butte poo-
pe in the vicinity of Marsfend
will work earnestly for Homing-
ford, as well us the rest of the
voters in tho north half of tho
county, in fact the whole ponula-
tion up here is a nnit upon the
a . " .
nuannn -nrwi ir vi.mii tut iv nnaoi i i a fnrnainMi rt rmu nfriiirinn fir tiih
, vor.pixiK
What war the attraction.
ThVSunday School people in
"tend to have a Christmns tree
Quite an interesting time at Sun
day School last Sunday.
The editor in chief of this jour
nal was visiting in Boron last
The county seat question is the
to'oJfl of the. day.. and all aroin'honso and countv omens cn 1m
J ityafift letting it remain whero it
is, at present, so Allianco had bet-
ter "drop thatt9yBt6r." j
Tho prospect for a good crop
next year is excellent, as there is
raoro snow on tho ground now than
ikero has been for vcars. and tho
hfedieations aro that,, we will havo
(Mi nioro in the near future At
all dvenfg the drouth is broken,
and with plenty of moisture Box
Butte can't be leat fpr good crops.
A few selfish .lawyers of Alliance
arc again attempting to revive the
,HLh -&2, i.M-Li .-
dellniUlv iettlod bv the matbrity
of ftiffitoplo of this county. Thoy
WUbF have an exceedingly poor
dpjnion of the intelligence 61' those
(ow&61hey,ipfopoee to present
tkeir arguments on the county seat
removal matter. In their recent
Meeting it will be recalled that
they declared it was not. intended
tliat bonds bo voted to erect a
court house.. This resolution re
minds one of the puppet figures
which traveling show, men used to
crry years ago. They consisted
of two figures, fastened t to
buok, in such a way that when
looked at from cither side they ap
peared to be but one. This reso
lution is explained to tho people of
.Alliance as meaning that the town
will not Mue' bonds: to. Tbuild the
court house, but that tho county
will. To tho people outside of
Alliance tho cither side of this
double-faced proposition is turned.
It is announced that the moaning
of the resolution is that tho county
will not bo asked to issue bonds,
but that tho town of Alliance will
defray the expenses of erecting a
new court house. But the taxpay
ers of Box Butte county may be
sure that theso Alliance lawyers
.will nevertheless do all in their
power to force tho county to issue
bonds, from which the town will
derive all the benefit. They dare
not" advocate the issuing' of bonds
by the town" of Alliance, for tho
reason that a majority qf hor peo
ple would very sensibly xefuso to
support the county seat removal
proposition, if they thought thoy
would havo to bear tho undeniable
burden. They well know that the
"game is not worth th.e candle."
As for removing the present
court house building from Hom
irfgford to Allinnce that is impos
sible tho deed of gift to the
county precludes it.
To reiuovetho county seat frOm
Hemingford to Allianco requires a
three-fifths vptc for tho latter
town. When the ffrst fight took
place Allianco failed, and she has
never polled as many votes as thon,
conclusive proof of tho padded
roturns. How then can Alliance
hope for success, when threo-Jif ths
ot the total vote of tho county is
necessary r It is a "forlorn hope."
! An injustice to the people of
Box Butte county is about to bo
perpetrated, in compelling them to
h which. Jfter it is over, will
ot have changed tho present situ-
ation. The farmers as well as tho
town people need not bo reminded
that wo are yet experiencing hard
times. Crops are none too good,
and we cannot afford tho expousivo
luxury of this election. Let tho
voters of Uox JJutte county, when
. " .
approached, forcibly express tneir
The taxpayers uf Box Butte
oountv. from an Allianco Hbmd-
nninf urn in U,nM !,. .Q..lr ,K,'U
. rw.uM .. , uw.uiuuc.vn, l..l.l
the gang of unscrupulous politic
ians of that city got tho best of the
county's funds. This will bo
strenuously denied by that crowd,
who arc at present posing as
county benefactors. It was men
tioned in tho Alliance mooting that
tho buildings necessary for court
rented iu Alliance for loss than it
takes to keep tho court houao at
Homingford in repairs. If this is
a act then Allinnco is too poor a
town to havo a county sent Of any
county, but it in not tho truth, and
tho taxpayers will find out that it
was political gushing, done before
election as an attempted vote getter,
' and shows what a smal percentage
of good, practical, hors, souse tho
Alliance paoplo give tho taxpayers
;redltfor- Alliance has her round
hotu80 f .vi!h 1
vot nd thw is the key noto to
e "Wuoe affair. They think that
ih hf vo thoP vok,' Hml on "
ground want tho county seat:. The
benefit to Allinnco from a pecuniary
point will not bo great. To rent a
few rooms for court house and
offico purposes aad pat the resi
dents of Bof Butte county to all
the expense of traveling from all
corners of the county except the
southeast is something that the
fair-minded people of the city
I 1U. "u'" T- T K
' ho,r vot. thf 1t9
; outs-dor it is purely a schome
nl K Vl A Avh4 rii Xrf ftfc nAArt kk d M AKK
" P y """ -"
owing to the late orop failures in
tho county, he is unable to rent,
and desires to saddle the county
witkrthe rent for. the. . A build
ing suitable tor court house and
county offices is one that is not
built every day, in fact the plans
havo to bft perfected, with tho uses
of tho bfficos and thoir locations,
with regard to dispatch iu thq
transaction of tho business of tho
county. Where iu Alliance is
there such a building? Tliey prom
ise rooms; any little place in the
state could promise tho BRme. In
the fulfillment of their promises is
when tho taxpayers will find tho
sharp end of tho forked Btlck now
being prepared in Alliance. If tho
county seat is moved rooms will
probably be furnished. That is
not doubted for a minute, but the
officials of tho county, when they
aro in tho offices for business, and.
the unfitness of the place comes to
them as forcibly as it secoesarily
must, from tho plaiu faot of there
being so place in Alliance suitable,
then the philanthropic citizens will
have thoir inning: "If yon don't
liko what wo furnish we wall build
you the necessary place, according
to plans that you can draw your
selves. It wold bo cheaper to
build than to move tho county seat
again. Advertise for bids for a
fino court house; the county must;
have buildings suitablo to its im
portance." Hero is where Alliance
is counting on getting hold of the
county funds, and when this time
comes, if it evor does, and it will
only be by tho taxpayers forgetting
every business principle ever
learned by them. Then tho cry
will go up on high: ''God help tho
taxpayers, for wo cannot''
Allianco is not in this struggle
for hor health, or the benofit of
Box Butto county. All tho fino
sayings of her executive commit
tee aro weighed before being ut
terod, every one of thorn when
made is i play on tho boards,
giving, them a wide scope of
action; grand stand plays aro as
plentiful' with tliem as bugs in
Juno, but tho taxpayers can form
their ideas ctf tho weigh of the
fco. li 7
ear- 'imf R PAPKttjfa TPnv.v. ,
promises made by Alliance men
from their past life. History ro
peats itself; and by the past wo
must judgo tho future of tho tax
payers bf Box Butto county.
Keep those sentences in mind,
and thon scan carofully the ac
tions of Alliance In times past,
and a very fair estimate, can bo
made of thO'prbmfseB Aow'bding
scattorod broadcast. Again, by
past actions of pooplo thoir char
actors for veracity in thor future
can bo counted on. Think woll,
taxpftyerarof-this county, beforo
you allow your voto to bo pledged
for Allianco. Sean tho record of
tho promisors, and your votes
will sure bo for Hemingford for
the county seat.
On one side is s court house,
vault, offices, and all. the etcet
.eras that go to make Up an ele
gant county seat, all free. On
tho other what is thhf' And
echo has to answer ,jSH$t '(Tbw
baro yromieeft of a awmmmii)
for the Mj&i wdhmseytf V. &
city aro'proffWi&MjiliSF'th
county into a detftoi ATloAst
1,500 for election pfy&et nud
tho Lord only knows what, else
afterwards, on tho ploa that they
cau rent offices cheaply in Alli
anco for county purpoeos, Tho
intended fraud on the taxpayer
has not evert fur enough to hide
the sharp clawstmdernaath. Tax
payers and county commieelonerM
think well before you senior tho
people of Box Butte countygen
tle In peace, can become lions in
war, and a day of retribution will
surely como to the onos itru
mental in this burdeningtof the
county with indebtedness.
Our qltifsens are now, in the
fight, and are thoro.to win. Use
every means at hand, see every
one, agitato tho facte, slww'Ufp
the parti of Allianco, and when
the election is hold Hemingford
will bo on top for good.
A Shrewd" Bueine e Man
While in Alliance last month I
had a talk with a "repreecatativo
bueinese man," who has resided
there wnce the town started. Ho
gave me to understand that Hem
ingford was the proper place for
the county seat, but said: "You
see it is to y interest to have 'it
here, as X have property , here, and
if we qdkl get the county seatr
think there would be 'some gaokeifs,
areund, and I can unload my jteoje
erty, and I tell you, the first oksMHN
I get I am gotag- to do it; bt if I.
intended to h6kl toy properly I .
Would want the county seat to stay
where it is, Ikxsmse I pay all tho
taxes I can stand right now." Now
then, aro we as taxpayers and laud
owners going to vote for Alliance,
pcoplo to sell their real estate
tyo lot us keep down taxes and,
keep our county out o debt. Wq
cau cite to our neighbor Dawes
county,, where the Chadron ring
Iwndedtho county for a WftOO
court house. They aro now carry
ing 100,000 bonds, and yon esq
take 40 cents oh the dollar for;,
your county warrants, or, nothing,
I, for one, feel proud of BoxButt
county. Let every voter take, hw
matter into comidTitioo, Vrn
down tho Alliance ring and keep
down taxoa. H.'K. Giffl.
Mayor A. L. Sharrock $ Edgo
mont spent two days la, city
the first of the wek ctfcileting;
among the boys. he liir-SUto
Townsite company know a rustler
when they nd Mimt a4 Hing
f ord is extremely forfoijfjte in hav
ing the backing it km ia the fight
now on hand Mr.i&eyook aa
organizer of raW &$fa audie the.
right man i tkVnjpW yiif to
mako oar AlUtmce. Irieiwk (?)
Vhide outJ';. " v' t '.. K
'" ' :". . y.i'r- n'
. m i
mwptpaKamftmjtyqt- aiiiww