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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1895)
-t4&-?yS! .Ju"?J"ST''" J? I i 1 vcate.torTFiiilti'iflWil"' 'i il'i," vnmmtMamtjammm " ' ' I 'The Herald, PnblUliod erorr Frfd nl rata ftt-oflic In Hml3for1. Nfbrks, -l4m.ll m.lttr. s 'rn JlmiT.nlsi taml tt tho 11 tnna- iderotAl to rWke'Jntotosto ot Hhnlnifotd nd Hot Butw tttr. TlfOS. iO'KECFrH, Puplliftrr. BCMCBinlOM MT?i Wk YKAB.. ? ...........(.... n- FRJDAY, NOV, 29, 1895. (From first pngo.) .oris on that projected railroad to .4-tt orn4ti fhe south of Alliance: for-nnd TSftrk well tho prediction of tho ,'Tribuno tho couuty scat of Box iBntto county will remain at Hem jdgford, no iuntter whatcourao they fcursUo. Hemingiord is googrnph fcajly contl-illy located, hor buaiues s IioubOs havo eubstautial fiuancial liaclurtg, and tho surrounding tor . jrilory is Bottled up with .thrifty and nrpaporons cImb of pioneer farmers 4apd cattlo moa, who mado thoir present investments in confidence flint tho present county Poat would f)(s retained ns such for many yoars '' colno; arid tho runk injustice -ihat wtyild loxlpno those manifold ntorbsts by its removal will never ' b sanctioned by tho level-headed, jfairnjindptj iwprking loaders of tho ',buainoafl men of Alliance, even if 'jtho bahmco of powor to. decide such it contest should -ho in their hands. 'To do otherwiBO would boar too loso a reseinlhUco to tho autocrat id povor fsanmed by England in foertfcaliriga with "poor old Ire Strid1 Eusaia toward Poland or ;$drkoy toward Armcnia,a3 it would crush the life out of n deserving competitor and would result in but , wicagro bonofit to Allianco,whilo the itizena of Heiningford and the fjmtary jcountry north nnd west . "tfould bo greatly wrongod and bu 1 for much m cousequonco of change 6,E the county soat, t JLU,: . New York Counts, 45cts per can 0 tho meat market, .'(fake your produce to Wildy's "tlidold standby." .Herncall wants some drcBsed Jibgs'. J0r4cr your stovo repair's at Antjn Jlhrlg's. Paiuts of all kinds at Groon' -$ now lo(, of shoes Just recoived by 1$. if, Jfcrncail. ti.'ifi dcnulno Itound Oak Stove jfoadd by Bcckwlth, Dowuglac, Mich., th tho numo on tho legs, is the hphfii&yaw(iig $tovo on tho market Vin'tl is tl'io only stovo that will burn r6oil, hard coal, soft coal, and coke, Wpcsfujly, and nl6o can bo mntlo a raUrfuedrhg b.ieo burner at Llie same Jine. For sale by AiTON UiimrJ t H0J!8 of all kinds, styles nnd pfit&s'i Can litany foot and pocket Sbk; W. K. Hernoall. r iCaliforpla canned goods 15 cents a uia,t f, K. Ilcrncnh'a. I?aint, Qlass and oils of all kinds Sold according to the hard times 'fteaper than thp cheapest, nt t j ' ' Anton UniUQ's. jff'-you owo Wiidys' call in and oppak to them about it they need in Xvhot is duo them. riV HniBALi) and tho Omaha flcjfti-weekiy "World-Herald botli Jfino year for $1.76, p. J. Wildy waiits Bomo dressed Jfciultry und hogs. if you want to realize cash out pt your extra horses, eoe J. C. fc0orklof The Genuine Round Oak Is "good goods.'' JHow Rood, 'not how cheap. ppihy last, they heat, they save you rioney, th6y Jiav'e a reputation. Can you point to apother'tlmt lias? Tbey lead the world of heating 6tovcs. dimply hecapso they are perfectly 'made and do perfect work. You cannot afford to buy any otber. Seo ib pamo on the leg. I'or sale by ' ' '' ' ' Aston Uhuio. . dkatp A tjno line or lep , rikutcs just recoived at H. R, ittrir&fcen'B Haixlware store. 1?resh bulk oysters at the Meat Market. They nrd choice. ESTRAY NOTIQE. Kstraj'ed from niy. place 1 miles f"'cjst of Homlpgfordt one dark iron rey stud colt, two years old, white J?ace,: weighs about- 1.30Q lbs., no brands; has two wire Rears on ahoul tt'er8. " A reward will be paid for iu 'formation of bis whereabouts. i ' G. W, VJU8NEB. ADVEIfTliinj UPTTERS. The following' letters remain un cafled for In the postotllce at Hem ippford, Neb.,' for the month endipg Pet a!, 1805, vkJ ( "A, S.JPi toilets Frank l?pad (4) Yl'lien'calllng for the ab'ovo plpase gay 'JaaYerU8ed.,," . .. -i. . AlHuiico Inur the U. ai. roana houso and machine' sdt'ops, iho 400' and U. 8. Land ottico, uoiioof which Heiningford has oyer tried' bmoltist, but now show their liog glehnoss by wanting the county soot. "Wo object, i" '-' Senator tllll litis started much gos sip by renting a largo house In Wash ington and reports as to his inten tions cover every imaginable thing from getting married to opening a political club house for the starting of n now boom for tho preslaVntiul nomination. It Is probable that his person"! convenience yus his only reason for sotting up housekeeping. This week tho county clork re ceived from tho troasuror of Hall county a draft for $99.90 payable to tho treasurer of tbis county in payment for costs advanced by this county in tho caso of A.J.Mc Knight, insane, who was tried be fore the commissioners of insanity of this county Inst summer and sent to tho hospital at Lincoln, his legal residence boing in Hall (county. As iho annual report of the heads of the varkuiB branches of the gov ernment service aro made lb Is easy to sec that democratic ideas of econ my Itn public expenditures luivo boon put into effect wherever possible. Tho grand aggregate of all tho sav ing effected may be found In the foot ings of tho ordinary cxpenditur column of tho U. S Treasurer's annual report. Thoso footini? show that for tho fiscal year ending June 30, last, tho government spout for ordinary purposes $11,1129,981 less than was spent during the previous year. With few exceptions democrats are agreed that it Is the duty of tho democratic senators to retain tho control of the Senate until they are forced to give it np. Thero will be no occasion to All the vacancy in tho ofllco of President, pro tern of tho of the Senate so long as Vice-President Stovcson Js on hand ovory day to preside over the Senate, and lie can bn counted upon to bo on bund unless prevented , by serious Illness. It Is understood that tho democratic steering committee of tho Senate will recommend following this lino of policy, also that ovory measure which comes before the Senate shall be ful ly debated by tho dwnourats, in order that the position of the party may be thoroughly understood by the coun try. Tim republican sonators can, of course, otualu control of tho Sen ate at enco with tl)o assistance of the populist and without their nld If Dupont is seated from Delawaro when the Utha senators tauc their seats, which will probably bo early in the coming year, if they can agree among themselves, but up to this tlmo they aro a long ways from agree lng, nnb by harmonious and skillful Ucllcs the democrats may rcmnsu in control during tho entire session, Calvin J. Wildy , oo Wo are pleased to inform qui many friends and patrons that Ave aro now loaded down with an im mense stock of Foil and "Winter goods, as well w grocories, pro visions, and Glass & Queenswaro. Our Holiday Goods aro now' in transit. "Wo aro making exceedingly low priebs tin nil grades of dross goods, trimmiuga and linings. Wo show you an ologant line of men's tidies' and children's underwear. In bopts and shoos, rubbers and felts, wo always lend and uevcr fol low. Wo buy all your produce, butter, eggs, oheese, potatoes, chickonB, geese, turkeys, pork, and pay you more for it than anyone else ns wo have a branch store in Lead City, S. Dale,, managed by H.'B., wo are in a position to ob tujn tho highest market price therefore never forgot tho oldest stand iu Bos Butte county, when you come to tho city whore you will always recoivo your money's wprUi, cordial treatment, and the best of everything in exchange for yo'ur produce. Your Servant, CALVIN J. WILDY. Anypno wishing a middle-aged jridy ro cook or keep house a4dress '- Box 62, Hemingfodi Nel' MnaMM Final ProofNotices Hon. J. W. Wxnx. Jn., Ifotlater. lion. P. M. Hkoome, Hocirer. rttlnpi having noticw InthUcolnmh are re qnwfcfl'td rosd the natnb ratrcfullr nd report to tbli olllbtr lot cttrtwtton any error that tnajr exlkt. This will nteirtsnt pokslble delay in ranking proof. c hind Offlco at Allianw, Noli. , Oct. JW.IB9S. Notice U iK'rohjr Riven that fiho fol!6Wintf Batnnd eettlet lift filed notice of hi Intention t miki final proof in nUpport of his claim and tbat wild proof will bomodd boforo (leister and HeceiverM Alllanro, Neb., rtn Dec. 10, lbitt, vU: CLKMENT L. HPIIACKLEN, of Matdlnml, NcK, who mado H. li. No. 2594, for thoN HTJ W U 8j23.8 W h BK K.SEU 0 W H no wi, ti 29 , tst Vi w. , , , ho naniM thp follownut wltnemog to prove hla contlunons rtuddenrto upon .and cnltlvallonof nlil land, vls Kank Honcrman, , Jowipli Lonro. of Mamland, Neb.. John li. John, Wil liam John, of lieiuJnKford Neb. Alio, CATHKtHNE Bl'ltACKtiKN, of Mar(,land, Neb., who mado K. E. No. 8085 for tho B E H see 21, tp SO n, tb 60 w. Hhe namoa the following wltneayea to prove her continuous rqglilnnoo upon and cnltivatioU of Mid land. tIk Frank Honoyroan, Joseph bowc, .Tohn D. Jvhn, Wllllain John, of Hem Ingford.Neb. J. W. Withx, Jn., llesUtcr. int. i Not Inn 1 hernhv ulven Uiat Ell F. Johnson, of I'llffcr, Neb., has filed notice of Intention to mako final proof Imforo J. K. Neal, Clerk Diet. Court, at hla olllce In IfemiuKford, Neb., on Monday, the 2nd of Deecmier, lstO. on tlmbor cnltnro application No. 100, for the B E H of section 8, tp 20 n, tg 50 w. . Ho names an wituenaes: Petor Jansen, Jens P(!hriatenn, IJ. F. Price, U. E. Johnson, all. of Hcralngfor.4, Neb. J. W. WEn.f . Jn., Iteslsttar. Land Offico At Alliance, Neb., Oct. S3. ISM. Notice 1h hereby ftlveu that tho followlni; nameil Kottlor has litwl notice of his intention to nmko final proof in support of his claim, nnd that said1 proof will tie mado before h. A. Dor rlnaton, U.S. C. C. Commlssionor, at Ubadron, Nob., on Nov. 80, 1895, vlt: FllANK WILL1AM8. of Chadron, Nob., who mado H. E. Ho. B330 for tho E H B E U seo 10 and 8 H BW H soa 11, twp 20 n, rg M w. He namns tho following wltneiaos to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of saidland, vlzt William Aitnew, of Chadron, Neb., (looreo Hatch, John C. Woods, Grunt Ag- now, otoiarsianu, noo. J. W. Wctm. Jb., lteglslor. Ijind Ofllco at Alliance, Nnb., Oct. 15, 1895. Notice is hereby Riven that tho following ncm od settler has hied notice of his intention to makii final proof in support (tt his claim, and that said proof will be mado rytforo Itegltter or ltoccivor at Alllanoo, Neb., on Nov. SO, 1803, viz: JO 11 AN UMBAKOVSKY, of Box Butte, Neb., who mado II. E. no. R3.13 for'Aho b H h o M and s Vi s w K sec 31. tp 26 n, rg M w. Ho names the following vUneeses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Plasek, Frank Ycchout, John Kovarnlk, John Potmeisel, aU of Vox Untte, 'ob. AUo, JOHN KOVOnNIK, of Box Batte, Neb., who mado h. e. no. 2021 for the u w X aoo 24, tp 23 n, rg 44 vr. Uo nainus tho following witnesses to prove hla continuous rosidnnco upon and cnltitaUon of Bald land, viz: John Urhanovsky, John PotuiHlsol, John Plasok, Prank Yochout, all vf Box llatto, Neb. J. W. Yejin, Jn., Ilegistor. Reooiver's Notloo. To all whom it may concern, puriuant to an or der oi inn uiBirii'i uonrtoi uox; uniio county, titato of Nebraska, Any and all rsona having, lioUJins or own ing claims against tho Bank of hemingford, of Hemlngtord, Box Butte comity, Nebraska, are hereby notified and required to probout and make proof of same to liaE. Tash, receiver of said bank, at Heiningford, Box Butte county, Nebraska, on or beforo December 20, 1895. 1HA E. TAHH, Receiver of Bf nk of Heiningford, of Hemlngtord. Nebraska. First publication Nov. 1, 13Uo. TUTTLE & TAS3I Attorneys - at - Law, i HFMINGFORD, NEBRASKA! T Wn. niTCHELL,. ATT0ENM AT LAW, Almance,' -:- Nkbuasea. J8S?Offlce in li'let'jiier Block. " .. , For WqtcheSf .Cloc ks', and Jewelry ' 00 TO THE .... ;. City Jewelry Store , (Repairing done and satisfaction guarant'd ATTHE City Jewelry Store '.: THE TWIOE-A-WEEK Edition of the New York Would ba been converted Into tho Thbioe-A- : Wekk. It furnishes 3 papers of 0 pages apiece, or eiuhteen pages every week, at the old prlco of ONE DOL LAR a year. This Rives 156 papers b year for One Dollar and e?ery paper has 0 pages eight columns wjde or 48 columns in all. Tho 'I'huice-a-week World Is not only much larger than any weekly or semi-weekly newspaper but it furnishes the news with much greater frequency nnd promptness. In fact it combines all the crisp, fresh qualities of a dally with the at tractive spepial features of a weekly. Tlie . - TNToxld. AND S3! B 23 - Xj 3D . i BOTH ONE YEAH -FOa 81,75 m LUXuujJtiaBSH; Oliur01i Dlrootoiy. -- nOKQnEOATIONAL. Prdtchlncnch- alter- Vnst'e Sunday, bOBlnntngJannftry-l, 1691. at li n ciook li. in., nnuni I p.m. Piliiflav Hohool frnyor Meeting each Witdnssdajr at 7 p. m. GEKMAN LtniIRlIAN!-Servloo at the Conrt HoObo. Uev. WunUorllch, pastor. AT110L10:-lter. Charles Zak Pastor. llET110rJlSTi-Hov J.W.Kendall PaHor iil Vreachlns tho sccotid and fourth Sunday lo ench mouth at 11 a. in., and 7 p.m. IPPIBC01AL:-Servlcea in the Ooiixrcfrat- I'JIonnl (Jliurch. Uev. ii Paator. Service on tho third TUuridny In each month nt v p. m. Mr W. A. Rosebush Tamp No. 2040. Meets second and fourth Tucsdav nlsht of rash month, Visiting Neighbors cordially invited. W. M. IODtscE. Clork. V. IIuot. V. C MAIL DIUKOTOBY. IlEHiNoroRD postoflleo. 0 week days door opens at 7 a. in., genoral uelivcry opens nt Bo. tn. and closes at 8 p. m. Open Sundays 0 to 10 a. m. HcMixarORD AND Box Bctte stage dallr except Hunuay. JlKMiKdronD and Dunlap stage, Monday Wednesdar and Friday. il SiiiE H ifii iTHl New Short Line' to Helena, Butte Spokane, Seattle and Tacoma. Cr. X. So "W. O. Tltiao OEtrd.. EAST BOUND. No. 42, pnannncor arrives at 11:25 p.m. ,6:00 p. tn. lo:io n. tn, 48 frnlRht 48 freight nrrlvos nt WKST DOUND, No, 41 passenger arrives nt 4Sfrnloht u ' b;21 a. m. ,11:59 p. m. 3:33 i). m. " 47 freight arrives at AU traius curry passengers. h w. wncATUsr, Agent. L. W. BOWHAN, Physician anil Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEB. Office in Norton's Block. Culls attended promptly. Charges reasonable. THE OMAHA WORLD -HERALD EUltod by Itx-Confjressmim W. J. BRYAN Js the greatest newspaper teest of the Missouri Jiiver. It advocates FREE SILVER at tho present ratio of sixteon to ono. Ita nowa service is the best to be obtained. Daily, ?0 00 per year; 50 cents Vper montn. woouiy, i.uu per year. , Subscriptions for the WORLD-MERAUD received at this offlca bpgipii TH I f: u. A Beautiful Woman Attracts Attention Everywhere. Qold -;- Leqf, NOT AS HANDSOME TO LOOK AT A BEAUTIFUL "WOMAN, BUT After Giving it a Trial ifeUWJff.i, 33I. S3- 0 - M & Heavy Hardware This Card is to (Benefit Cash 20 j 25 100 10Q 100 100 100 20 25 i "20 25 20 25 20 j 25 20 25 20 25 20 25 l R. GREEN, S1.00 HOW TO SAVE MONEY Head What This Card ....Says..,, When you pay Cash, lot the Clerk punch out tho amount; and when you have paid ua Twenty DoLiiARB in cash, will give you One (Dollar In Goods Free of Charge, 20 20 25 25 ZSTOn all goods except Barb wiro- 50 50 50 50 60 We will not be undersold, Always bring this Card with you. Receiver's Sale ! The Mammoth Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes Hats and Caps, Belonging to the Bank of Hemingtord and Known as the "REGULATOR STOCK" Will be Sold CHEAP FOR CASH Sale will Commence Nov. 27, 1895. and Continue until the Goods are Disposed . of. You Should Not Miss This Op portunity of Supplying Yourself W th Underwear, Overshoes,. Warm Dress Goods, etc., etc., at Unheard of Prices. .j IRA E. TaSh, v Receiver. 3&Mf' iyy W ?ifj S SPACE Belongrs to W. K. HERNCALL, Tlxe EexolarLt ; i You will wonder how You Ever S3EE3T, 'buyers. (Don't Lose It. 100 100 50 5 15 10 5 Hardware. 15 10 5 15J10 'is fid" 15 10 lHTio" 15 f 10 i'sTio" anil Harness by tho set. 50 50 50 50 15 10 6 iRviS.; IPs? '.' &&i ffi?v An Ugly Woman Can Make Better Bread With Qold -Lecif -Flotitf THAN A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN CAN WITH ANY OTHER BRAND. Got Along without it. , 5 r i ;!'. rt A v A. J "M i: N " f-" Jan. tmmt M 1 1 n ..! i .x, 1mUJ- : r 4 .. . AA