Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, November 29, 1895, Image 7
ini'iwnn.mwiucimi'w(STin 1- l 4 s J i Woman's Wit. TOLD BY A SOCIETY GIRL. Somethtnsr About Morphine, Sulpliur, Mnltusra and Other Tliln:. from tho Evf nlrg Notr Newark, K. J. Amour tlio popular society lcade- iEas Orango, N J., Emma J. Stoll.rt i.-nnlng young maiilr-n. stands in tho foremost rank. Kite is of a lovable disposition and tho light of tho social set iu which alio moves. For two years she has been a sk-1: girl from in ternal troubles peculiar to women, and liar lug recently recovered, has given our reporter tho following interesting account: "InBtcud of improving under tho caro of my physician I becamo worse. For llvo weeks 1 vns ut-vble to get out of bed nnd nbout six O'clock each morning I suffered horribly. My lips were noro nnd lacerated from tho rnni-Ks of my teeth, frr in my efforts to keep from screaming I sunk my troth deep into my lips. At such times I rolled nnd tossed until tho bed shook likocnaspcu leaf and it finally got so serious that tho doctor I won't tell you his name gavo mo porno morphine pills to take. The very thought of them How uinkes mo shiver. These morphino pills simply put mo to sleep for awhile and when 1 becamo conscious n pa in my agony was rcnowed. "Tho rain in my stomach and back was moro than I could stand. 'Your blood is poor.'said tho doctor, 'takosulphur mid mo lasses, nnd 1 did until it was a great won der that I was not a molasses cake. It was tir.io wasted iu taking it bceauso I was not benefited in tho least; my suffering con tinued, but by n mighty effort after being in bed so long. 1 got up. Oh, but I was a sad Bight then. From 112 pounds I had fallen to ninoty ; my checks vcro palo and sunken and I limped; yes, actually hobbled from tho extreme pain in inv sldo Then I read of Dr. Williams' Pink tills for Palo Pcoplo nnd the testimonials in the News inspired me with hope. I got tho pills nnd took them. Before many days I began to im prove and before I had llnUhcd ono box I felt as if I cmld go out and walk for miles. I toon stopped limping and through tho Pink Pills 1 soon bid goedbyo to my head cches while, tho pain in my stoimch nnd back slowly but surely succumbed to tlia influence of theso pills that seem to bo able to pcrsuado ull pain to leave one's body. Now I am as I used to bo; well and strong, llghthcartcd and merry but nover without tho pills. Seo I havo got some of them now," and from a nearby desk sho handed out ono of tho bjxes. Dr. Williams' Pick Pills contain, in a con dosed form, all tho dements necessary to givo now lifo and richness to tho blood and restore shattered ncrve3. They arc also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such us suppressions, irregularities, and all forms of weakness. They build up tho blood, and restore thoglowof health to palo nnd sallow checks In men thoy effect a radical euro in all cases arising from mental worry over-w ork, or excesses of whatovor nature. Pink Pills are sold in boxcs(novcr In looso bulk) at GO cents a box or six boxes for 2.&0, nnd may bo had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams Mcdl ciao Comuanv. Schenectadv. N. Y. FASHION'S FANCIES. A quaint littlo costumo for a child of four years is made of white cashmere. Tho skirt Is plain, save for three bands of satin ribbon. The waist is close fitting, and n yoke is outlined by rib bon bands matching tho skirt. From shoulder to elbows the sleeves are trimmed with tho ribbon. Over tho sleeve tops and across the front and back is sot a very deep fall of open work embroidery or Irish point lace. A bow of ribbon on either shoulder and a ribbon ash ore worn with it. A child ot five years has a dress with skirt made of cambric elaborately em broidered. Tho waist Is gathered Into a yoke and belt, tho sleeves are full puffs to the elbows with wide ruffles of embroidery below An Eton Jacket of velvet and a very wide velvet saah tied with long loops and ends, make an appropriate and dressy finish. A dainty dress for a doll has a vel vet -petticoat and silk skirt with an embroidered edge. Tho waist of silk Is close-fitting, and an Eton Jacket of velvet is worn with It. Tho sleeves are largo and havo close baifds at tho wrists. A sailor hat with a wing is set on over the yellow curls. A bonnet for a little girl is mado with the crown of solid embroidery. Tho brim is of openwork embroidery and lace, and is sllgatly plaited over the top and falls almost straight down either sldo of tho front. Ribbon strings are tied in a bow under tho chin. A hat Tor a tiny girl is made of plalt Ings of taffeta set one over another to form a brim. The crown has an up Tight trimming of the plaiting and there aro very large bows on either side. A drpss for a tiny girl is made of crepon In accordion plaits from the yoko to the feet. Tho sleeves are very large puffs from shoulders to elbows, with fitted bands and a rufllo of em broidery below. A collar of embroidery extends far out over the sleeves and In finished at tho neck with a ruching of plaited ribbon. A dres3 suit for a small boy is made of -velvet. Tho knee trousuS and coat nro of this material. Tho vest is of white satin or silk, nnd there aro em broidered turned-over collar and cuffj of lino cambric. iHOUSEHOLD HINTO. Wear a clean apron whllo lrbning or ocd-mnking. To clean bamboo furniture use a brush dipped In salt water. Theeyesshouldbe bathed every night in cold water Just before retiring, and ther 'Will do better work the followlnc day. When very tired Uo on the back, al lowing every muscle to relax, letting tho hands go any way they will, and keep the ejes closed. Oil Btalna may be removed from wall paper by applying for four hours pipo clay, powdered nnd mixed with water to tho thickness of cream. If you 'have to cew all day, change your scat occasionally, and so obtain rest. Bathing the faco and hands will also stimulate and refresh. For stains in matting from grease, wet the spot with alcohol, then rub on white castile soap. Let this dry in a cake and then wash off with warm salt water. Where It is desirable to seo the tongue of a very small child tho object may be accomplished by touching the upper lip with a bit of sweet oil, which will cause the child to protnide Its tongue. SHE NEVER KNEW. A San FrancUco Olrl Mnrrletl to a Man Elm Did Knt Ixitp. A complaint filed with tho county clerk lh San Franolsoo furnishes evi dence that somo men havo peculiar no tions as to what constitutes a Joko. In this caso tho funny man stnndB an ex cellent chanco ot bolng soundly casti gated by Borne malo relative of his vic tim, who Is a young lady whom tho Joklst tricked Into a m'nrrlage. MIsb Inez Mercer, a young Now York girl, was traveling through Oregon in Mny last with her parents. Tho Journey was of tho dawdling variety, tho tour IstB having means and time at their dis posal, and a rather lengthy stay was mado at Portland. Thoro Miss Morccr's I talent ns an amateur actress becamo ', known and somo socloty people Induced tho young New Yorker to take part In a play which was to bo performed In 1 aid of charity. Tho affair was placed In tho hands of ono It. B. -Vcstc.ott, who ! hod exporionco in somo matters, nnd during rehearsals which preceded tho , performance it was noticed by other ' members of tho company that ho paid a great deal of attention to Mes Mcr i cer. Tho young lady neither encour ' aged nor repelled, feeling no interest j wh.-.tcver in tho man. After tho stnnd ' ard play, which formed tho greater part of tho evening's entertainment, had I been performed the performance con cluded with a farco, which was espc ' daily written and produced, for the oc ! caslon by Weatcott. In that farco a marriago ceremony was to take place between tho hero and heroine, playeu by Westcott and Miss Mercer, respec- tlvely. So, under the Impression that j tho vliclo affair was purely fTcical.Misa Mereer wtnt through the marriage cerc- I mony on tho Btago with Westcott. This I occurred on May 24 last and on Sept. 15 Miss Mercer learned for tho first tlmo that it was no farce, but a genu ine, binding' ceremony that took place between herself nnd Wcctcott. Tho lat ter had a marriago license in his insldo pocket and tho nuptial knot wns tied by no amateur actor, but by a real llvo clergyman engaged for tho purpose. On learning tho facts In the caso Miss Mer cer's parents at once took stops to annul the mairlage, tho first step being the filing of complaint with tho county clerk at San Ernncisco, where Westcott at present resides. Tho latter affects still to regard the whole affair as a Joke and Bays he will tnterposo no objection to tho annulment. Miss Mercer's broth er, an athleto of somo renown In his circle, says little about tho nffair be yond expressing a deep conviction that should ho ever meet Mr. Westcott tho latter will bo likely to hear and feel something to his disadvantage. A MINIATURE SEA. In Utuli There Is nn Artificial T.ako with WnYB Like thn Ocean. Out in southwestern Utah thero Is an irrigating reservoir covering so largo an area, in the open sandy desert that tho wind has a sweep sufficient to raise waves five or six feet high. About eight miles ot the border of this reservoir is an artificial bank, nnd unless a method of keeping the waves oft thl3 bank wore adopted the owners of tho prop erty would somo day find that most of the stored water had escaped through a crevasse. To provide the necessary protection an inexpensive breakwater was con structed, which was recently described 1 by W. P. Hardcsty in an article on tho Swan Lane works, of which the reser voir is a part Tho inside slope of the banks is ono foot rise in a horizontal dlstanco of fivo feet, and tho faco is protected by cobble-stone In some places and by wIIIowb in others, the latter giv ing tho liest results. They were ob tained early In tho spring nnd fall, when they will sprout A square trench is made In the bank down to the high water mark, and the butts of the wil lows laid In it Dirt Is then thrown over tho butts and rocks luid over tho projecting ends. ThiB hn3 been found to make a fair temporary protection, and tho cuttings begin to grow imme diately, reaching a height of four or flvo loot during tho first year. This protects tho bank from ordinary waves, but to keep tho unusually high ones from It, which aro pretty sure to cause damage, a floating breakwater is em ployed. 'This wa3 constructed by first driving a dine of piles into tbo reservoir about fifteen feet from the too of the bank. They were driven from twt-nty to iwenty-flve feet apart, and a row of cedur logs about twelvo inches in diameter was strung along on to? of tho water between them. The end& of tho logs aro fastened together with chains, and the logs are fastened to tho pile3 in such a way that they rise and fall with the waves. This boom has been found to break tho force of tho waves qulto ef fectually. Tho fastenings to the piles are sometlmen broken loore in Btormn, and to protect tho bank in such cases a simple plan has been adopted. A wiro about the iizo of a telegraph wlro is strung at Intervals from tho piles to tho bank. A loop .or rider of wire Is then passed over the first Hue and fast ened firmly to out) of tho logs In the boom. Iu caso the log breaks loose It is guided by tho wires straight to tho ehoro and still offer somo protection to the bank- Quulltr. Sat Finer. Said A, "Whene'er I stand between Thi letters B and D. I'm In the midst of all that'fl BaD, I As you may plainly sec." "How strange'." said merry, laughing EL "When I between them am, I'm tucked up comfortably In BeD, And happy as a clam." "It's quality within ourselves," Then mused tho letter A, "And not tho place wo occupy, That makes us sad or gay," Education is an acquired habit. - Highest of all in Leavening Powcr.- PHSs Powder ARSQMIViSKir PKJEBE Dmicor From Dint. The Italian physicians who have been making a study of tho component parts of the street dust of Turin, ono of the cleanest cities iu Europe, by the way. report that the germs of almost every dlsense known to science are dis covered. On tho eundles exposed for sale in the streets, nnd on tho surface of food sold In the open air, thoy found tho germs of tuberculosis, anthrax nnd hnlf a scoro -of other maladies. Noth ing can bo really safe to enl if thoro is danger in dirt. The wax fruit that is kept in glass eases is probably as un healthy ns nuythlng that is oflcrcd for Mile. low's ThUl We offcr One Hundred Dollars reward for nny ense of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's fntnrrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, anil be HcVo him perfectly honorable In nil business transactions, and financially nble to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WAI,D1NQ. KIXNAN & MAItVIN, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internnl ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Testi monials sent free. Price. 75c per bottle. Sold by alt druggists. Hall's Family Pills. ISc. 1'arm values in England are much de preciated through tho low price of pro duce, and innny holders of estates aro disposing of their property, not infre quently at unction sales. An estate- of 1,200 acres located near Winchester sold recently nt a prico equal to ST5.78 per acre, 2,701 acres nnd mansion located on the Hiver ltulc have changed hands at S71. 15 per acre. An auctioneer has just sold under the hammer 130 acres at Weston, Notts, in small parcels for 3.704, equal to SH2 per ncic, a prop erty which twentv years ago cost 10, 000. A Child L'njoys Tho pleasant flavor, gcutlo action and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative, and if tho father or mother bo costlvo or bilious, tho most gratifying results follow Us use; so that It is tho best family remedy known, and every family should havo a bottle on baud. Uy niul by Mnrlboroii i h will ro to Dunraven nnd o will Le nt rest. join Knnulnr; Double Capacity. In the year lf.04 the Do Kilb Fence Co. of De Kalb, 111., doubled tho ca pacity for producing thoir Hnea over 1893, which gave them nn output of 20 miles per day. Tho demnnd for their goods has been bo great tho past sea son, that in order to be nblo to supply their trade, they have been compelled this year to double tho capacity of 1894, which now glvea them an output of 40 miles per day. This in itself speaks well for their product and merits tho attention and 1 inspection of our readers, and nil that are in need of smooth wlro fencing of l nny hind, and it will bo to your inter- est to write for their catalogue which describes in detail their goods, com prising tho largest nnd moBt completo ' lines of smooth wiro fencing now pro- . duccd by any om plant in tho country. Seo their ad la another column oi una paper. bhe 1 nm hnddeht when 1 iu;j. He so aro the neighbors. Tho Funny rnn Lulu VuIIpj FOU SALK The best Improved ItanchP (farm) In Southern Colorado. 320 acres. Address F. P. Baker, To peka, Ka3., or N. II. Dakcr, Alamosa, Colorado. Drcatnsof weitlth don't como truo ns oitcu s -work lor it doos. An ICnlRinntlciil lll'.l or t'nre For a3mner served on tho dining cars of the t'lilcago, Mil'viiukeo fc St. Punl Railway will be sent to any address on receipt -of n two-cent postugo stump. Apply to Georgo Ii. lleaford, general passenger agent, Old Colony building, Chicago, 111. AtiRtrolia has n population of less than r,000,(XiO. but o onomiHtH do -laro it tould supirt 1 00,10 J.000 with oaso. Coi' fougli Hulantn . I tlrrildt uuU Ih'U It will break up a Cold quirk erihin unit Line el4C ItlaulwayamlablH. Trytu Solf-riglitiouhUCMi h ns bnrd to curo ns canter. "Hr.mon' m&gla Corn Oalvs." Warranted Iu mie or mor.ey rafundeJ. At yojr dnitfci.t lor It. l'rkt Uteiit. Wltatot er lovo undcrtul.es to do it does well. Billiard tnb'e, ne ond-hautl. for fcalo clictjp. Ari'ly to or ndiiresH, H. C. Amv, til K. j'.th St.. Omaha. 'o.t. (! i Grace kf VJEmt There's a difference between being full of thanks giving, and being full of Thanksgiving dainties.. But the one thing generally leads to the other. How can it be helped when the turkey is so good, and the pie so enticing? Here's a helpful hint. For that full feeling after Thanksgiving take a pill. Not any pill, mind you. There are pills that won't help you. Take the pill that will. It's known-as Ayer's Pill and it's perfect. It is sugar-coated, pleasant to the palate, and its operation, like that of nature, is effective and without violence. Keep this in your mind if you want to enjoy the holiday season: Grace before meat, but a PHI after Pie. Latcst U.S. Gov't Report Q Sntnrte of Hull l'lKlitorx. Spanish bull fitjhtcrs got salaries as largo as those of exceptionally great mtorS. "First swords," like Marunn tani or Guorrlta. nro among tho richest men In Spain, tluerrltn, whoisnotyet 30, enrns tin Income which is nover los than S40.000 in one year, nnd owns near Cudlr, a villa nnd park, where in tho winter ho entertains his friends with lavish hospitality. Mnxznntlnl Iibh $100,000 invested, anil It Is n bad year when he does not enrnSfiO.OOO. Hovorte once, after a triumphant corrida in San Sebnstlcn, lighted a clgnrotto with a spill rolled out of a French bank note for 1.000 francs, to show his contempt for money in gencr.il, and French money iu particular. Tnlnct YVttneitM-ii. Thoro nro knaves now and thou met with who toprusunt certain local bitters and pol Hinou.s htimull lis Itiouttcnl with or possuhs ln liroixjrtle nl;!7i to tiinsa of llojtuttor's btomtich lllttcro. Thcso tctitiis only suc reon In foltlun tliilr truhy roinpoiiiKiH uponiicoplo uimrnunintod with tho scnu inv in tide, will h U iismticli their oppdillo lis any Is lonipht k ntul tlvUono suiisU tiilo for tht grand remedy for mnlurlu. dyn pepsin, cousiluatlon, rhuumatlim and kid ney trouble. Sooner or Inter j ride i louud to step on dtnrmite. FITS -A1IFltDtorrMl rrrrhyttr.rcilnr'KOrrnt fi'rm Jieistorrr. J.nHtKn rtinim-Miin.Vninc jlnrv. loucurr. TnatlvciinlO-trial l)!ll"liriti HI nut.. bjUiHoDr.Kll!H,KIlAlclibl.,l'Ula.,ra. When wo glo grudgingly wo do not give at n'l. 1 1 ellovo I'lso's Curo for Consumption mmimcr. Mrs. K. raved tnv bov's lifo last C. JIOti.TON, Xcedhnm, MnsH., Oct. S2, 'IM, All tho lots on n yacht rnto nronotp'aced on tho htnku t out. It tho llnby is Cuttliirr Tcotn. ! So (tiro ami lire that ul J and veil ttlod ifmodr, Una. 3!nur ncon'o fail bv not tnukln: a cood beginning. Iluny Influence romblnn tn rctl'irn liriiltli to ilrj danger tmlt T ii ruvlrlni troti'Mo oX renter's Gliuo Tonlo bos.t uvuiojiuu tbvU Ills. Labor is diudj;ery only when wo do not put heart in our worl.. Kvcryone knniv hotv It I" to auGcr wll.i curiia, and thojr mo n it cuntlutlro to k'rdceful walkl,itr Itomorotti m with liUdorcurna. Tho imyortnnt thing is not hotv long wo nro going to live, but how. Do You Specnlntn? Then trend for our Look, "How to B?ocu Into Bucresslully on Limited Unreins in (irnin nnd Stock Markets." Mailed free. ConiHtock, Htplics & Company. Hlato Uui ding, thlcajo, III. llumrerdlnk has written au otrcra. namo probacy Buggostod tho plot. HN Is a prise fighter It knocks out in . - . i a Q 1 mnii-jJSEMdm BBlOTW LkcoeJi WT lneM "52 Times n Year." Subscription, SI. 75. The Volume of The Companion for 1890 the 70th' year of its publication will give weekly entertainment nni instruction in abundance for every member of the family. &lx. HolicJay TOO Numbers, Latrges Pages. Special Souvenir Numbers, double in eixe pad appropriate to each season, are published at Thanksgiving, Christ mas, New Year's, Washington's Birth day, Easter and Fourth of July, 4 1 More tlian 200 Famous Men and Women have contributed to the next Volume of TIE COMPANION Send for Full Illustrated Prospectus and Sample Copies Free. r rrTitrlriiirxnp't'v',rrrttt'irn''i'r,'r't'i'''iiifra'tr);r''t'i'rri'.rxr' 1 m e m 50-ct. . CALENDAR FREE AND THE YOUTH'S Send Check, i -r"- ore lea w3t3?W 1 SAAU) r WOMEN. ' Full lluslness. Shorthand, Ton Art nnd Telegraph course Oldest, Largest and llcst in Nebraska. Students can work for board. Beautiful Catalog free, F. F. ROOSE. Proa, Omaha. Omaha STOVE REPAIR Works htovo ltcpnlrfor40,O0O U(Trr-ttt Mnvr nnitrnncra. lUUDIotilnartt.,Oninlin,Nrb g litjWWHllXAlUlStlAllS. l5J . K IJcsl l'uubIi Ujruis Vsttn uuiai. UiorjS Pc In tlmo. Holil by druggists. Igj ' ' iJMM PLATE YOU SEE THEM EVERYWHERE oeoae88oHD cooa$e$ and diampion n every contest with jE MATIC PAlHSi every round, and on its belt is vritten 9 "l t-UKil." X vraOTVvtcwvfifvfWflvivfvnvvfVf - . - - - i9 "7h CoDpukn hu btat poting titttr, lrUtUr Try pr for mort The size of The Companion page 13 four times that of the leading Maga zines, la each Volume nearly 700 pages are given, profusely illustrated. Only $1.75 a year. RUMARKABIIJ OFFER I New Snbscribers who will cut out this slip and tend it AT OTtCB with name and address, and $1.73, will receive: FrtEE Tho Youth's Companion every week till January 1, tSgs. FREE Tbanksglvine, Christmas, New Tear's Double Numbers. FREE Oar Handsome 4 -pace Calendar (7x10 inches), litho graphed in nine colors. Retail price, so cents. 37 THE COMPANION jj weeks, a full year, to January r, 897. COMPANION, 201 Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass. Fost-Offlce or Express Order, or Eeeistered letter, at Oar Risk. !BO'"H. - a.& - "f STEEL WEB PICKET FENCE. AUo CAIIS.KO 1'OlIritY. s u n n 0 0 m on ft Z1 ':rMIiyIl:r:; vrmiimfMtumooinplU lln of Kniootlt Wr nclnir nd rrante trtlcl to U tn rtpr tented )!oucvulderquil!x w t n tar jou uoajr. Caulu(u (iru. De Kalb Fence Timely Tho groat succoss of tho chocolato preparations of tho houso of Walter Baker & Co. (established Ay0t In 1780) has led many misleading lite of their name, labels, and wrappers. Walter Baker & Co. are the oldest and largest manu facturers of pure and high-grado Cocoas and Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are used in their manufactures. Consumers should ask for, and be sure that they get, the genuine Walter Baker & Co.'s goods. fill IS mm WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, DORCHESTER. MASS. Tim AKtWOTOU CO. doo tolf th -worM'S 7tmlmlll biMimm, twranta u Um tMumJ tin con st ttinriroworto iuwt:ui:M.t niina mar branch uonsne, nini kuppilrjt IU E"l ftnrl irpcirs atjouruoor limn unanwM f.irmma , ix-iitr ai nan tar irxa tnonf ;iiin ftllirm. It iaUifB r-umMmr amt Uvarrtl, ntfrl. ntlr-uiued ullnr. Ooinnlellml Windmill", Tlltlns XlxiMl Mff 1 Tern rm. Kf t Ifti .Hi w I"rraPS. RirM l"rd fuller ami rent (Irlndeia. Oimpl'llrHtluMltTiiM nimntm ot Uicno Article 1ML It will fnnil.h until ttMiOMT 1st nt fA Urn DMitl rrlcf. It alio tnxkea Tanks end rumps nt till klnda. Bond tor eaiAkwo. Factory t Ulh, Rockwell red Klllcacre Strait, csiaio. parFTr'8 hair bal8am Olrtrtrt awl Wutllln u ttlf. l'rutnotel a lturumtit (trollh. MtiTr Palla to Hntcv Oray Hair to lt Youthful Color; who .iii iuT.tr. n umiw laiiuir, lc,nd 1 Ul f)ni;ti' I RAVI lnn! Krutt I'ltla VonttWaly rvtoovn ul all trnt!uN'ltio, (Mm lmlrcau 1'ilee, 11.00. OaTl Mfrtieal Co , II DcarUim Btriet. Uirrttco, .f( , THE LAWD OE' THE eS RE0 APPLE Tb Lul Oood lami to tir had la Uo "Cro Ililt" at Law I'rltl. ForlNKOUJIATION rcKonllnjr lanil In Unrry Vo ft. V. M1HHOVKI, writo to CUrr (Iru A. I'l'RDT. I'lerco Utj, Mo.i 3 Q. UAUtoTT, t'nnlr, Ho.i T H. Vliocr, Catlll, Ma, or 1 U. SI&Wivauuj HAS Monadnuclc HUff., Clikasv, 111. - - e9a S a tim ilitr jtut." s i m 1 E m 1 m 1 $ B I m m 1 For all tH& Family. Both youag and old find in each week's Issue amusement and education in the Serial and Short Stories, in its EditotUls, Anecdotes, Health and Miscellaneous Articles. s i SEND this slip witli $!.?5 m v. 3 3 - "$. - TR m 5 5 i r 3 CABLED FIELD AND HOG FENlifc. AItlKS AM'1 ItAUUIT VKNC'K. Co., '2I "I'eTa KALB, ILL. -"" , , rr, J"7 Warning; to tho placing on tho market and unscrupulous imitations Jrn?T and I V !l A.(W -St A-