night he- Thanks- glvlngl And how It snows!" Matthew Tor rance slipped the little cabin window back over Us channeled grooves. Tho prospdet of turbid green ish waves below, and whltq, fast-railing wlldcmosscs of snow obscuring tho at mosphere above was scarcely so enliv ening nB tho cheery coal flro within, and tho lamp swinging roftly from tho low, arched roof. Tho Falling Leaf she was only a lit tle Balling vessel, hound to tho bleak shores of Molno from a Sicilian port was within a day'a sail of homo, and her two passengers, long exiled from tho rocky coast of their nativity, wore nlono togathcr, trying to realize that their Journoy'6 end was so near. Matthew Torranco wnlkcd up and down tho warm cabin with folded arms and downcast eyes, whoso lambent flro contrasted strangely with the streaks of llvor In his luxuriant black hair. Sud denly .ho paused, and turnod nbruptly to tho old man who sat directly under neath tho clrclo of light thrown by tho swinging lamp. "What aro you reading, Mr. Hayes?" Tho old gontlonv.n looked up with n tran&ill smile. "Tho book I read oftonc3t, Mr. Tor rance tho book that nnswers to ovory want' and niood of my nature." "Ob, tho Bible. Can can you find tho parablo of tho Prodigal Son?" "Yes." "It scorns as if I should llko to hear that to-nlgbt." Samuel Hayc.3 turned to tho placo nnd softly read aloud tho sweet old 131 blo story. As his volco died away Tor ranco drow a deep, long sigh. "I onpposo that parablo Is meant to Illustrate God'a patience and long suf fering?" lUndoubtedly." "Ah! but that prodigal son only spent his substnnco and wasted his llfo foolishly. Ho was not beyond the palo of forgiveness." ,Thy old minister pushed his spec tacles up on his forohcad. '"What do you moan?" Matthew Torranco stopped In front of tho tablo, "I had a frlond once a near and dear friend, who well, ho had his faults, I wonAt-dony that. Ho was a wild, pas slonato follow, but there woro good points about him, too. Ho had a twin brother, and one day, in a sudden gust of rage thero was plenty of provoca tion, for both loved tho samo girl, nnd shq was a heartless coquette ho raised his hand against this brother, and" '"Well." "And murdered him! killed him! Struck him down as Cain struck Abel. Then he fled tho country, and has nover been heard of since. But, if I know my friend's nature, ho has repented it long and bitterly since repented It with an anguish of despnlr that 13 past description.!-' Now tell mo, Mr. Hayes, is thero mercy and forgiveness for such as he?" " 'Though your sins bo as Bcnrlot they shall bo white as snow! though they bo rod llko crimson, they shall bo white as wool! softly repeated tho old cler gyman. - "Yes," replied Matthow; "but such a sin! My God! Cain bora tho accursed mark of murder to bis grave!" Iri2i HB -3S&?l u rsi f o r o NOT TO BE TREATED LIQHTLY. Tho Pride of the Farm "How now, Monsieur Reynard! Are you taking chickens, when your preference for turkey la so well known? I consider that personal slight!" wafHM iiiWIWWWiWj(WM'J'iiMttiHl'iiy '" 1IWPJI'WW'WI "W I HMHff arawgmumiwuvjmwiurmiiWiKBKim "Thero Is forgiveness tor all within tho limits of lnftnlto lovo!" Matthow Torranco resumed his walk and said no more; and through tho tem pest and dnrknosa of tho November night tho llttlo Falling Leaf plodded on towards tho beacon lights that stnrred tho far-off, rock-bound coast of Maine And when tho lurid light of dawn flut tered Us sullon banners athwart tho east Ihey ran merrily Into port, "with snow-covorcd rigging and bulwarks ridged with royal ermine. Matthow Torranco was homo again after twenty long yearB of cxllo and coUtudo. "It's a perilous business," said Mat thew to himself, "but I can't enduro it any longer. I nm changed In ovcry re spect; my own mother would sacrcoly know mo now; nnd I must brcatho In tho air of homo onco moro or I shall die!" Matthow plodded up tho hill whero the hazol copses grow, and tho dead leaves rustled softly In the hollows un der tho road. Half-way up tho hill a llt tlo church nestled among tho low-growing pines nnd sprucos, with whlto gleaming stones sloping down tho de scent behind, Matthow Torranco turnod away his head with a shudder. "Ho lies burled there," he murmured, with a faco that was paler than nshoa; "he, tho fnlr-halred brother Paul, that was almost llko a portion of myeclf, tho brother that I murdorcd. Oh, God! tho years of anguish and remorso that I have endured might almost have atoned for It, and yet yet why did I r6turn to re-open tho old wounds? Shall I turn back oven now? It Ib not yet too late." Ho stood a moment Irresolute. "No I will go on I will tako one peep Into tho old window whero tho cinnamon roses grow tho window of tho keeping-room and then I will go forth onco moro Into my cr.l!o and soli tude. Alas! It Is a hard punishment to enduro for ono act of heedless passion a hard, hard punishment and yot I must bear It to tho blttor end." "Shall I light tho candlss, Uncle Ebonezor?" "What for, child? Isn't a Bight picas antcr to sit hero by tho blazo of these hickory logs? What do you say. mother?" Mrs. Torranco started. "I I don't know; what was It you asked mo, Ebcnezor? I was thinking about something else." Sho was a mild-faced matron, with lorgo hazel eyes, onco bright as jewels, but now dim with many tears a ma tron whoso silver hair lay In shining bnnds over n furrowed brow, and Eben czer, a bowed down old raau, sitting opposlto in hlB easy-chair, had some thing of tho samo troublo In his face. But Clara Willis, kneeling on tho rug botween them, with her bright face turned to tho flro, was lovely enough to redeem tho darker shadows. Bluo oyed, with hair of reddish brown, lit up with golden gleams, cheeks velvet red and dimpled, nnd lips llko cut coral, you never would havo believed that Clara had passed her thirty-sixth year. Thoro nro somo faces to which caprici ous Nature has granted tho boon of perennial youth, and Clara's was ono of those. "Well, Just ns you please, uncle," said Clara, straightening the folds of the ruffled whlto apron that sho woro. "Sup. per la all ready." Sho locked around with a glance of housewifely prldo at tho daintily gar- KawBreawMiiiw m nimi m hum nlihod tablo that was spread In the can tor of tho apartment. It was a vory old-fnshlonod room, with a home-mftdo carpet, and curtains trimmed with knotted fringe, while tho window coats woro full of thrifty geraniums and petunias. A tall clook In tho corner ticked monotonously, and tho brass can dlesticks gleamed from tho mantel as brightly as if thoy had been fashioned out of gold, "A quarter past flvo," said Ehonescr Torranco, adjusting his Iron spectacles to glance at tho clock. "I don't sco what koops that boy so. Clara. I 'most wish you could havo mado up your mind to marry him, and then wo shouldn't ha' had him chasing down to Squlro Doan'o after Margaret half tho tlmo. There, child, you needn't turn so palo I'm not In earnest." Mrs. Torranco put out her motherly hand to smooth Clara's golden hair, as tho fair woman shrank na from a blow. "Clara, Clara, It wasn't your fault." "But It was my fault, Aunt Miriam It was my fault. Do I not know whoro your thoughts hnvo boon nil this day, when other mothers havo tholr happy families gathered around thorn? Oh, Aunt Miriam, If I could only have died instead!" At this momont, whllo tho firelight was filling tho homoly room with such a glow and fulness of ruddy llfo, Mat thew Torranco was slowly tolling up tho road, In tho chill gloom of tho fast (inrKcmng night. As ho paused a mo ment to rest agnlnst tho gnarled trunk of a deformed willow, where ho had mnny and many a tlmo played as a boy, a tall, straight ilguro passed him, strid ing Bwiftly along and whistling an old fashioned air. As It passed, Matthow shrank back as If a sword had pierced his heart. "Ho used to whlstlo that tune. I havo not heard it in twenty years before" So Matthow tolled on. Thero It wns tho old familiar light in tho old familiar window", gleaming out like a star. Torrance hesitated. "Am I right in presainc on? Who knows but ono covoted Blanco may bring sharper pain than yoars of silonco and doubt? Who knows but that tho choirs aro empty, tho hoarthstono sur rounded by other fncos and forms? Wcro It not best to lcavo tho old home stead shrouded in morcJ'ul uncertainty? No; I havo dared too much to pauso now." Ho softly lifted tho latch of tho Ear den gato and passed up tho narrow path. Yes; there was his father, old and silver-haired, but living still; and' hl3 mother sat opposite", with tho halfifln Ished storking on tho gleaming needles, just It had been twenty years ago, and the black sUK noituay dress fastened at tho throat with the llttlo gold pin, fashioned llko a sea shell, that ho re membered so well. And Clara, as beau tiful aa ever, with a ripened, mature loveliness, how royally the flro turned her heavy coronals of hair to coils of gold, aa alio bont to light tho tall can dles In tho polished brass candlesticks. Ulco a sleeping giant tho old lovo roso up onco moro In his heart as he looked on tho faco of tho girl whose syrou-llko charms had maddened him to tho ono despernto act of his life. And Father of all mercies! was ho dreaming, or was the great horror of his darkost antici pations overwhelming him madness? Even as ho looked, a tall figure passed from an obscuro part of the room into tho full glow of flro nnd candles, stand ing with ono hand on the old lady's shouldor. "Paul! Paul!" Tho words strove to Bhapo them selves, but tho parched tongue refused to glvo them utterance. Matthew Tor ranco struggled like a man under the dreadful spell of nightmare. "Hush!" said Clara, suddenly paus- "DAT 'POSSUM SMELL. POW'FUL GOOD." isKli mmHMmsmmsmmmteM&m fMMm-wiWMMmMmm MIli tlWrtsHjIW(WIHvwi - bumlumii bow hum i ! ii mmiMWMiLLi.aini lag to ilsUn. J,What nolso la'that out Bldo?" "Only tho wind among tho bushes; bow nervous you are getting, puss." "No but, Paul, do, plotfse, look; I thought I hoard somo ono'r. volco." Paul Torranco burst Into a merry laugh, half derisive, half fond, nnd strodo to tho door. "Of courso there's no ono here; I told you so, Olara, but hold on, though! Hallo, you! what aro you doing under our windows?" Ho made a step forward, but stopped suddenly, holding his hand to his breast as if a ball had pierced if. . "Mother, it's Matthow! It's our" Mat thow!" ,', , ' And tho two brothers, separated by Song yoars and racking doubts; wero in onch other's arms before Clara could reach tho door. In after years. Matthow Torranco never could havo told how ho roached tho wide, cheery flre-placo, nor how ho found his mother sobbing on his breast, and his father clasping both his hands, whllo Clara foolish llttlo Clara, hid away behind tho bjg geraniums, and cried as If her heart would break. Ho only folt that ho was at homo onco more free, safe, happy. "Paul!" ho stammered, "como hero nnd let mo look at you lot mo feci your hands. Oh, my brother! I thought I had murdered you!" Paul burst into a laugh. "You didn't hit quite hard enough, old boy; my skull was thicker than you thought for. Oh, Mat! why havo you hidden yourself away from us all those years?" And Paul's laugh becamo a sob. "But wo won't bo fools!" said Paul, resolutely. "Clara, como here, you llttlo goose! Don't bo afraid to tako her hand, Mat! Sho loved you best, and she has been waiting patiently for you twenty yonr3." "Paul!" faltered Clara, reproachfully. "Woll, what's the matter? If you'll only expedite mattors a little, wo can havo two weddings at once, for I'm to bo married to Maggie Dean next month, old Mat." Tho twenty years of trial were over, and Matthew Torranco kept Thanksgiv ing under his own roof-tree, with a heart that needed no proclamation to stimulato its intensity of gratitude. THANKSGIVING PICTURE. Whnt if the gold of the corn lands Is faded to sombre gray? And what If tho down of tho thistle Is ripened and scattered away? Thoro's gold In the gathered harvest; Thore's homely and heartsomo cheer; And so wo will bo full joyous Tho day of thanksgiving Is horo. A sigh for tho vanished splendor Of the autumn's purple and red For tho go'.den-rod that Is whitened, For tho gentian bloom that Is dead; Thon turn to tho hearthstone cheery; Behold, 'tis tho time of yoar To count our blesalngs and morcles Tho day of thanksgiving Is hero. Daro and brown In tho shadows, The meadowland meets tho gaze, Whero tho bold, blithe bee went seed ing Its sweets In tho summer daya. The honey Is stored In plenty So what if tho winter la near? Tho tlmo is not ono for repining Tho day of thanksgiving Is horo. Tho fruit has matured In its season, The sunshine has ripened tho seed. Then sing to tho Lord of the harvest A song of thanksgiving Indeed. Tho morn and the noon have passed by us; 'TIs the sweet afternoon of tho year; So let not your tribute bo lacking The day of thanksgiving Is here. -,llm'HiSVtHnfKput- mmn An JJiprhnlfn Dinner. A trio were sitting on the postofllco guard rail ono night telling stories. One of thom related this: "1 know of a follow who hnd spent n. very quiet lifo in tho country nnd had never boon to tho city. Comirifr into a llttlo money ho suddenly dovclopod n de&iro to be a (.port and immediately departed for the city. It was his habit after nrrivltig to lounge around tho corners in tho central part of the city, and ho natur ally heard tho gilded youth talking about tho amount of money they fcpent. " 'Say, T had a great dinner Inst night,' ho heard ono say, 'and it cost me S20.' "Many other remarks like this ho heard, and the rustic sport decided to get into tho swim too. He madeup his mind at onco to get an expensive- din ner, not realizing that tho most of tho money spent by tho boasters ho hud overheard had been for wine. Walk it g into a swell restaurant, ho called tho waiter over. 'Say, look here,' said ho, 'I want au expensive dinner llko tho best of tho bloods. Urlng mo 520 worth of ham nnd eggs.' " Horseradish growing has been brotifrht'to the point whero best culti vated will sell at prices nearly double those realized for the root when indif ferent in quality. New Jersey sup plies a largo part of tho eastern de mand, best selling irt New York at 57 to $8 per 1U0 lbs. This is for cultivated horseradish of ono year's growth and grown by experts. Tho finest grade sells in Boston at 810 per 100 lbs, when washed, and 58 unwashed, with infe rior and dirty stuif laclcing in strength nnd attractiveness all tho Way down to S2.C0andS3. At New Haven limited sale at 0. Horseradish should bo washed before shipping-. ! v.ru1Vrrfcb..rrkr.. World's Fair I UmitliST AWARD. rRANUM I Always WINS HOSTS of iFRIENDS wherever its : Superior Merits become I known. It is tiie Safest i FOOD for Convalescents! Sold by DRUddlSTS EVERYWHERE ! 5 John Carle & Sons. New York. 3 '.TTj1SLiLI.iaJljV.YltxZj r The Greatest fledical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DOIIALO KENNEDY, CF ROXBURY, MASS., Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedv cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofua down to a common Pimple. He lias tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred i-ertificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal urd f.,r book. A benelit is always experienced from the lirst bottle, and a perfect cure is war ramed when the ri'lu quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. Ttiis is caused by the diicts being stopped, and always disappears in a . week after taking it. Read the label. ' If the stomach is foul or bilious it will cause squeamish feelings fit first. No change r.f diet ever necessary. Eat the best you cu get, and enough of it Dose, one tablespoonful in water at bed time. Sold by ail Druggists. M i Don't Tsbaees PI Spit mi Ssulc8 Jlj AlTjpl lUall LlW jdMll i 4makoa uraKiswi jggjr m I W AM' tho filings of Jyftm -$ 3 &!i9 jft$y youth to llaopro- 28$M ($Sl WWmiy maturoly old men. BwiA l3a ' l&Fvsys It roctoros lost vigor. J5&WtmtA W&. $&8$r ou raa3r Grain ton i&zMI yp2nl r$Hk $0s pounds n toa days. Jmr i II Jir immm habit mm, tI ' a M&S&y costs only SI. Your own druErffist BaffiffiglipS V M$wir "will guarantee a euro or money ro- rSBO ftv rarofJS' funded. Booklot, written crunrantoo of cure iS'M a illlSr an 6ainPl0 froo. AddroBO nearest office. )li0l m&MS THE STERLING REMEDY CO., 1 ?fF Sr CHICACO. MQHTREAL, CAIJ. HEW VORKJ nnftftSDRfe candy cathartts euro const Inatlon. Purely yrcctaWo. smooth and GuaUn& IS casy.wWby drujjeista ovcrywhero, Buarantood to euro. Only 103. for resisting disease thin people, nerveless, delicate ! The food for all such men, women, or children is Scott's Emulsion. The hypophosphites combined with the oil will tone up the system, give the blood new life, improve the appetite and help digestion. The sign of new life will be a fattening and reddening, which brings with it strength, comfort and good-nature. Bt turtftu gtt StttC 1 Emultbu viktnjtu want it and tut a thta lulititutt, Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists. 50c. and S:. in"nlmiiiir,MiP,,- '- "', 08fc - It is a Pleasure To recommend Hood's Bursa parlllu to all afTlicted with blood or skin diseases. My blood was out of order, and I suIFered for years from psoriasis. I tried several remedies without benefit. After tukinjr Hood's Sarsaparilla for two months I was restored to my for mer good health and feel like a di (rerun t person. As a blood purillcr I think Hood's Sarsaparilla has no equal." Ciias. L. Cookei.ukas, Irving Illinois. 11UUU U15 Hood's Sarsapartlia. S3a Js ,Pb(i A few 6 oses of W-fobb's & M IOT m FWeyPi will relieve Pains in your Back, Sides, Muscles, Joints, Head. etc. and all Kidney Troubles; Rheumatism, Gout, An aemia, and other Blood Troubles, caused by sick kidneys. A few boxes will cure. All drnctjlsto, or mailed postpaid for Me. jxsr bor. Write for pamphtet. HOQB'S MEDICINE CO., Chicago. San Francites. mmm&mmm&m f:ft3$focfr33CnfcgEfc3sfc$ : WRITE- W. II. Rnrrott. nrosldfiitnf llio Atlnn- tlc, lown, und Nebraska Oltv. iNebrns la. ltuslneis C'otlcccs and gliorth.-ind .Schools, for un e.vnlaiintlon of tlio bost ' nnu most tin Ki uo courso in ljuslnoss triilnlnu now Jn uno, ot taught In other schools. Cur fare paid. Deatorssend forCatalopuos, Omaba, Nob. items. 1 raoe- n mm. Examination 11 ml Invention. Hit Inr Avion m tn ratenlnblllty or nvt'ti'itrh' uumf. ir iitiw to wes & l'otent " Ti.TS.Z2 0Ti2BS: VA5E3TBI3JT. B. C V. N. U., OMAHA, 18, 1S05. When writing to nilverti-cra mention this paper. b iL Timm dSo Tli ( j vrfc. nnhin v 11 n n a rw (m i!3-StJSSas3aA ?5j iS!s ZelirfllJpJse the food for all such. How many pale folk there arel People who have the will, but no power to bring out their vitality; people who swing like a pendulum between strength and weakness so tnat one days woric causes six days' sickness I People who have no life . I B &.- m j ,-' r JJ--- WJ 9 j 1 -1 ' i ' i'