Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, November 29, 1895, Image 5

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- I )
Needle 6ecm to Grow In Iloily of
Melvlna MorforU ror Threo Year
They Havo Ucon Cat Oat nf Her, ami
More Are Vet to Come.
ui iuuiviiiu iuunuru,
a ninotoen-ycnr-old
girl living at Shar
on, Pa physicians
have extracted
within the past
threo years over
eight hundred need
les and fragments
of needles. How
many are still 1m
beded in her fle3h they do not pretend
to say, hut operations to remove the
sharp pieces of slecl are still going on.
This story Is truo In every detail. The
surgeons say It is without precedent for
the extraordinary numher of needles
her body has contalnod. There are sev
eral well-known cases of a woman car
rying a needle In her body for years,
and the needle has kept constantly mov
ing from one limb to the other. When,
not long ago, tho surgeons cut out from
twenty to forty more needles, they
thought their task was finished. But
It Beems not.
If, as somo surgeons contend, the case
Is Ono of voluntary self-torture, then
tho patient, a fragile young girl, pos
sesses wonderful endurance aud a
stoical indifference to pain which far
surpasses that of the Now Mexican In
dian priests, who, once a year, in the
performance of a religious penance,
flagellato themselves with sharp cacti
branches, filling their backs with
thorns, which are afterwards drawn
The girl, however, strenuously denies
that she fills her skin with needles. She
says that she has no Idea where they
come from. Her parents corroborate
her. They have oven kept close watch
over her movements to detect, If pos
sible, whether the physicians' theories
are correct, but they say they have
learned nothing.
The operations for tho removal of the
steel pieces are exceedingly painful and
causo the girl to writhe under the cut
of the surgeon's knife. Sho Is, In fact,
unusually sensltlvo to pain.
A Few Choice Spot-lincna ot Tliom Are
Found Here.
Diamonds have been found occasion
ally at different placeB In the United
States but never in sufficient quanti
ties, to render systematic mining profit
able, says tho New York World. Tho
largest authenticated diamond ever
found In this" country -was pfeked up by
a laborer ongaged 'in grading the streets
of Manchester, Va. Its original weight
was,about twenty-four carats and nfter
cutting a twolve-carat stone resulted.
On this stone, called by Capt. Dewey,
Its owner, the Onlnoor, John Morrissey
onco loaned $0,000, but Mr. Kunz. tho
diamond expert, appraised Its value at
less than $1,000, as It Is poorly colored
and Imporfect.
Next to this stone comes a slxteen
carat diamond found in 1884 at Wauke-'
sha, Wis. A stone over four carats
camo from Dycartvlllo, N. C, In 18SG,
and ono weighing just a llttlo less was
found in Dane County, Wisconsin, In
1893. In Georgia and North Carolina,
Itacolumlto or flexible sandstone is
found,4 This stone, so clastic that a s'.ab
ot It can readily bo bent Into a curve by
the fingers, is found associated with
diamonds in Brazil, and this fact led to
a search for tho gems In these southern
Btates. Quito a number of small stones
were consequently found there, mostly
In the gold washings of Hall county,
In California's gold diggings, dia
monds have also been found In somo
numbers. About seventy stones have
been obtained from one locality at
Cherokco fiat, tho largest weighing
about two and one-half carats, and the
colors varying from rose through vari
ous shades of yollow to pure white. The
largest price ever paid for a California
diamond in tho rough was somo $600.
There aro twenty diamond-cutting es
tablishmenta now in this country,
handling during each year about $1,
250,000 worth of stones.
True Itenllsm.
Dramatic Author J understand that
ou aro'looklng for a new play.
Manager Yes, but I am very hard to
suit. I want a play which shall com
bine all the elements of tragedy, com
edy, farce, pantomlmo and spectacle.
" "That's It, That's what I've got.
,Chock-full of tragedy and human suf
fering, tears and smiles, Joy and woe,
startling surprises, unheard of mishaps.
wreck and ruin, lamentations -and
"What's tho title?"
"A May Day Moving." ' -
"Whnt'B the plot?"
"Hasn't any plot. Just an ordinary
May day moving." r
Ileal Demotion.
"Are you sure you love him?"
"Am I sure! Do you see this dress?"
"Of course I do. What of it?"
"Will you kindly tell me if It bears
the slightest resemblance to the present
fashion ?" ""
"Well, really. It er It "
"It doesn't?"
. "Well, I am wearing It because ho
likes It." Tld-Blts.
Pretty Near It.
Insurance Examiner Has there been
any Insanity In your family? Mrs. Do
Avnoo We'l, my Bister married a man
who .'iadnt a cent. J
A Qnrrr Marine Monster Klllcit Off the
California Coait.
Tho Italian settlement nt tho foot ot
Franklin street was agitated this morn
ing by the capture of a monster of tha
deep, says an Oakland correspondent ot
the San Francisco Examiner. An Itnllan
fisherman gnvo battle to the queer fish,
and he sayu ho will long remember the
encounter. The capturo was made near
Goat Island. It took several hours to
land tho fish and during the contest two
boats were nearly wrecked. The Ital
ians call the monster a "ratllsh," be
causo It has romewhat tho appearance
ot a rat. Tho fish weighs 245 pounds
and measures elqven feet from tho tip
or. tho nose to the end of the tall. The
tall Itself, which was used by tho fish
as a means of defense, measured six
feet In length. The story of the battlo
wan told by a man named Lagorla, who
employs the fishermen to go out every
morning and fish for him.
"There is one old mnn In my employ,"
said Lagorla to-day, "who seems to
have particularly bad luck In catching
freaks. SeVeral days ago he got a man
eater while fishlngHear Goat Island nnjl
had an exciting encounter. This morn
ing the same old fisherman had his lines
out near Goat Island wh.cn he captured
the ratfish. Ho was alone nt tho time
and wns somewhat excited when tho
monster came to the, surface of the
water and mado straight for his llttlo
boat, lashing his tall In all directions.
Tho fisherman had to devote his cffortH
In gottlng away from his catch, Ho
shouted for assistance, and threo com
panions, who wcro fishing in tho vi
cinity, came to his rescue. After a long
struggle they succeeded in drowning
tho monster and towed him to shore. A
fish that- weighs 245 poundB and Is
eleven feet long, and a tall almost like
a rod of Iron, can do somo fighting when
it gets mad. That Is what my fisher
men found out when they tried to land
tho monster. ""'The man who made tho
capture has given up tho sea for a few
days. He Is a little superstitious about
his captures and does not want to do
any more fishing for awhile. The
Italians call It a 'ratfish,' but that Is
not tho proper name. We have been In
tho fish business for a great many
years, but we havo never had anything
like this before. It Is not a shark. The
tall Is very peculiar and ihas great
strength. Thnt Is Its weapon of de
fense. The men who captured the fish
tell mo that the monster can work ter
rible havoc with Its tail."
Mx Tiioun.mil IVopIo Can Ho I'ut Itulilutt
tho rootltghU.
London now possesses not only the
largest wheel but tho biggest theater
In the world. Until recently Chicago,
with its tremendous Auditorium thea
ter, may be said to have had tho largest
building erected solely for theatrical
displays, but now Earl's court, with the
Empress theater, goes one better than
tho American city, sayB London Tlt
Blts. The only building In London in
which theatrical displays havo been
given to bo oornpared with the Empress
theater Is Olympla. An this huge struc
ture was not built expressly for theatri
cal purposes the claims of tho Empress
theater still hold good.
Imagine an iron and brick building
towering above everything at Earl's
court except tho great wheel, almost
as long as Trafalgar squaro and nearly
ns wide! The spnn of the roof is only
beaten by ono erection In tho kingdom
that, we believe, being the span of St
Pancras station. This roof span ot the
Empress theater Is 220 feet, while tho
height from ground to lantern Is no less
than 117 feot, or more than half the
height of the monument, and only
seven feet shorter than the duke of
York's column In Carltonhouso terrace.
As the auditorium Is one of tho larg
est In this country, so, too, Is the Im
mense stage. In designing this latter
work some remarkable and curious de
vices were adapted. Tho entire stage
can bo moved about hero and thore, an
put up In sections In uclia mechanical
way that It can be made to assume any
form called for by the exigencies of tho
On this great btage of the Empress
theater there is room for at least 0,000
people, without undue crushing, and at
least 2,000 performers, in addition to
500 workmen carpenters, shifters,
property-men, etc. are on It in one
scene In the production. When to this
main stage Is added another seventy
feet In depth, which can bo made to ap
pear and disappear at will, some Idea
may be obtained as to the hugeness of
the place.
To provide (or this Immense number
of performers there are scores of dressing-rooms
at the rear of tho stage.
To light this great stago and the audi
torium over thirty electric arc lamps
aro used, while twenty lime'Ights help
to produce the beautiful color effects
now Been In every theatrical display.
In addition to these greater lights over
3,000 incandescent burners are in use
all over tho building.
t A BIlmnilenitandliiK:.
Suitor -Beg pardon for interrupt
ing, but' I-er-nave. Just come er
that, is, I havo Jnst been speaklngwto
jour daughter, and sho referred me to
you. Old Gentleman Gee crickets! I
wonder. If that girl thinks I am made of
money. You aro about the fortieth bill
collector she has sent In to-day. If she
doesn't marry pretty soon, I'll be bank,
Intended to Wear the ,
Mrs, Flndesleclc Havo you com
menced to buy any of your trosseau
yet fqr. your marriage next.raonth?
Miss Emanclnu8 Yes. indeed. Vp.
terday.I got six new pair of bloomers, a
uozen enirts and some embroidered b3
penders, New York World.
. Spiral Kondwjjy" JiKllhcr Cud Here
It it rian by Which It 'is Claimed
Million! Can He Favtid In New York'
New UrldKea. . O
N order to save
rtho vast expense of
fs t vuuoihi, ,.
io xnnKO mo long
approaches to a
bridgo in New
ifork city, an In
vcntlon has been
perfected whereby
iorscs, wagons and
loot passengers can
iscond nt tho tow-
r. This is an Important question In
view of tho projected new bridges on
tho North and East rivers, Bays a Now
York paper.
In order to comply with tho require
ments of tho federal government, these
bridges will hnvo to bo constructed
somo 1C0 feet nbovo tho water In the
central span. As tho shores of Now
York, Brooklyn and Jersey City arc
comparatively low, It will bo seen that
this necessitates jftng and costly ap
proaches like those- of tho Brooklyn
bridge. In this cHbc? tho land wns con
demned and purchased at a cost of mil
lions, but If tho approaches could havo
been done away with UiIb money would
havo been saved.
Tho new bridgo which has been do
signed by James 1 O'Brien of this
city has indeed projecting parts over
the land, but these aro merely to
counterbalance the weight ot tho partB
of the bridgo over the water, nB tho
structuro is built on tho cantilever
principle. When you pass over thlu
bridgo you never go beyond tho towers.
A great, strong spiral roadway winds
around each tower for horses, wagonB
and foot passengers. The number of
turns which thla roadway makes
around the towers depends upon tho
naturo of the traffic and the height o
be attained.
With only horses, light wagons, bi
cycles, etc., tho spiral might have n
higher slant. But for heavy trafJlo
the elevation would need to be less nnd
tho spirals moro numerous.
It is not lmposslblo that rallrond
trains could ascend nnd descend in
thiB manner. In tho famous St.
Gothard there la such a spiral railway
track cut out of the solid rock on either
sldo of the famous tunnel. The rail
way thus winds upon itself innldo Ihe
mountain and emerges to go into tho
tunnel, upon leaving which It enters
another spiral for a short distance.
Tho principle of railroad trains as
cending by a spiral Is thus well estab
lished, and only variations of gear and
in the build and wolght of tho locomo
tives are necessary to fit to these new
conditions which the construction of
the North and East river bridges pre
sent. A slight curb around tho t cl
ot tho spirals is all that Is necessary
for tho safety of wagons and foot pas
sengers. London's new bridge across tho
Thames has a high central span for tho
passage ot large vends and it has
short approaches, but this Is accom
plished by claborato machinery which
permits of tho entire span boing lifted,
which thus shuts out trafflc for the tlmo
being. It Is estimated that In the prp
posed North river bridgo the cost of
the approaches, together with tho pur
chase price of the necessary land, will
fully equal, if not surpass, tho cost of
the bridgo itself.
At tho same time, tho trafilc Is de
livered at a much moro Inconvenient
point than the river front. With tho
bridge here proposed you would step
upon tho bridge practically on tho
shore. From end to end of tho Brook
lyn bridgo moro than one-half of tho
distance Is over the land, and peoplo
desiring to go, say to Franklin square,
have to retrace their steps for several
blocks after leaving the bridgo.
Mrs. Ponsonby presents herself to
Mme. Valerie, the modiste, to point dut
an error In tho monumental bill for her
summer costumes.
"Madame will notice that tho ribbon
on the challlo gown Is charged at 85
cents a yard, and the ribbon on the
surah gown at $1 a yard, and yet pre
cisely the same kind of ribbon was
UBed! A mistake of course!" murmurs
Mrs. Ponsonby, In suspiciously sweet
tones, a steely glitter in her eye tho
"Ah!" cries madame, "Quel roalbeur!
What a stupid bookkeeper is mine! Of
course it is a mistake, my dear Mrs.
Ponsonby. I am desolated it should oc
cur! I will rectify It at once. Both
ribbons should havo been charged at
$1." Truth.
Teacher Which letter Is the next
one to the letter H?
-Boy Dunno, -ma'am. '
Teacher1 What havo I on both sides
ot my nose?
Boy Freckles, ma'am. New York
.a; a. ? jhm'
No Creed, CatechUiu, or Collection Ilnz
"Thoro la. a church In Fargo," said
Col. Irons of that city to a Minneap
olis Journal roporter, uthnt recognizes
the fatherhood of God and tho brother
hood of mnn. Any man can belong to
It. Ho need pass no test ns to faith;
ho can believe what ho pleases, or ho
can bo an agnostic an every Biibject.
Ho Is ns welcome to n plnco In tho
church ns any ono clso; all ho has to
do Is to behave himself while ho is
there, and permit others to enjoy tlui
somo freedom that ho Is accorded.
They never raise n collection In Hint
church; in fact, there is no such thing
as passing tho plate. Tho society hns
a treasurer whoso business It la to call
upon those who seem to bo Interested
In tho work and exercises of tho
church, present tho needs ot the or
ganization, tnko whnt they havo to
give, and pay tho bills. That church
Is run on tho theory that when It IB no
longer able to pay Its way It haB out
lived its usefulness and ought to dto.
The church has among its members and
supporters all sorts and conditions ot
men. It hna thoso who, In other com
munities, would belong to Methodist
or Baptist congregations; there aro
Jowb as well ns thoso who woro brought,
up in tho Catholic faith. Tho spiritual
ists and tho thcosophtsts aro repre
sented. Then thoro aro a number that
had about given up all church-golqg
until they ennio to this boclety. Hero
they find themselves at home, and tho
function and purposo of tho church Is
to tnako them bo. They havo parties
and dances; dlnnerB nro given In tho
church, and tho best people of tho
town, socially, attend Its gatherings.
Tho chief Justlco of tho atato of North
Dakota Is a member, as aro tho lead
ing business men of Fargo, lawyers,
our leading doctors, and there Is oven
loom for myself. Then they havo a
preacher who Is broad enough and
kindly enough to see good in every
man; salvation In every religion that
Ib honestly followed; tolerance for ev
erything except Intolerance, and love
for tho world. All ho asks Is that a
man bo decent, nnd his nddrcsses aro
rather to stir a mnn to do tho good that
ho knows and feels than to teach him
new goodness that ho hna no use for.
It Is a religion of this llfo and to-day;
not of tho llfo to como; of the oneness
of humanity and tho sacredness of
slmplo everyday duty."
Itccogulzcd a Illchl ly tho ltov Jamci
llnnly ot lloiton.
Tho question whether It In right to
ride a blcyclo on Sunday or not, has
disturbed a good many people ot high
moral character, hut thoso ministers
who havo mado arrangements for a
blcyclo storage-room In their churches
seem to think thero Is nothing wrong
In It, especially if used as a moans of
attending divine worship, says the L.
A. W. Bulletin, The Rev. James B.
Brady of the People'8 church In Boston
was ono of tho fir3t to Introduce this
method of attending church. Ho con
ceived tho Idea that young men would
como to church in much largo numbers
if they were allowed to rldo an hour
or two In the morning through country
fields and In tho fresh air, bringing up
at the church in time for tho opening
service. Consequently ho mado a
special provision in a room in tho base
ment of tho People's church, and thus
makes the church the objective point
rather than a roadhouso or somo lower
resort, A largo number of young men
attend his church, checking their bi
cycles at the church door, and going in
and sitting under the services with
their minds much clearer, and doubt
less Imbibing much more good thqn
thoso who go only to sleep through the
service. Other ministers havo followed
tho example, several Boston preachers
being in that number. One ot tho lat
ter has organized a blcyclo club In his
church, and takes a regular Saturday
afternoon excursion with a gay party
of young people; 'making himself so
pleasant and agreeable to them that
they flock to his church Sunday morn
ing. A pastor In one of tho Oranges In
New Jersey has offered accomodations
to wheelmen on Sundays, and the ex-
porfmenf lias attracted many bicyclers
from other towns.
' An ICven Thing.
"Did you trade any when you wus
ter town?" asked Silas Oatbln.
"Yes," replied Corntossel, "some."
"How did you come out?"
" 'Twas-whnt ye'd call n stand-off. I
glvo a feller a counterfeit $50 bill for a
gold brick," Washington Star.
The conversation turned upon the
fatal number, Frldny, salt-spllllng and
other superstitions,
"It is not well to make too much fun
of such matters," gravely remarked
Brlchanteau. "For Instance, I bid an
old uncle who, at tho ago of soS'onty
seven, committed the imprudence of
making one of a dinner party of thir
teen." ,
"And he. died the next day?" Le Rlbl
"No; but exactly thirteen years after
ward." A shudder ran through the audience
Soroellilnc About tho Va.t Wealth Tied
Up I n Gem.
Thoro Is always something fascinat
ing about tho subject ot diamonds, and
rich and poo'r like to rend about pre
cious stones, Bays Ycnowlno's News. It
la estimated that during the last twenty-five
yearB tho American people have
paid duty on nt least $180,000,000 worth
ot dlamonds.ar.d other precious stone.
In 1893 nlono they imported $15,203,
503 worth, hut In 1894 thcro wiui a
falling oft owing to hard times, and
tho total was only $4,850,985. Thla
does not Include uncut diamond, of
which wo imported moro than $1,000,
000 worth in 1892, $800,000 worth In
1893 and $500,207 worth in 1894. Dur
ing the last twenty-four years we havo
Imported $7,087,817 worth of uncut dla
nionds. In 1880 wo imported only
$129,000 worth ot uncut diamonds, and
In 1889 only $250,000 worth. The large
Increase ot Into haB been due to tho
fact that a number ot American Jew
era havo oponcd dlamond-cutTlng es
tablishments. Thero are now fifteen
establishments In the United States
which employ from ono to twenty men.
There nro 4.000 manufacturers In Eu
rope and about 200 in tho United
States who employ between 7.000 and
8,000 persons' as cutters and polishers.
Perhaps 8,000 peoplo aro employed
In tho diamond mines throughout tho
world. We road that In past centur
ies 00,000 peoplo were working In boiho
slnglo Indian mines nt ono time, nnd
perhaps that Rtntcmont io not exagger
ated, since by the aid of modern ma
chinery one miner can now accomplish
as much as twenty who used tho prim
itive methods. Tho total vuluo ot all
tho diamonds in tho world undoubted-
fl -A.Y'-BW
ly oxcoeds $1,000,000,000. Thero aro
perhaps 8.000 dealers In diamonds In
tho world, who carry In their stock
stones worth perhops $350,000,000. Tho
romnlndor nro In tho hands of private
Individuals. To comparo present con
ditions with thoso of tio pnBt, It la
Instructive to note tho enormous In
crease In tho production of diamonds,
and tho important industrial changes
wrought thoroby, which, have resulted
from tho discovery and working of the
great South African mines Durjng
tho last quartor century ten tons of
diamonds, selling for moro than $300.
000,000 uncut and $000,000,000 . after
cutting, havo been added to tho
world's wealth an amount more than
twice ns grent as the value, of dla.
monds known to exist before.
Cltlzrni or Arlioiii Ilato Xo eCnnl for
Hmiill Clinucp.
lave you noticed that men In Ari
zona do not pay their bills with chicken
feed or small changed asked tho Phoe
nix (Arizona) Gazette. In tho older
states when n purchaso Js made exact
chango la usually tendered nn,t .,
thing certain a bill Is not broken If it
can possibly bo nvoldod. Hero In the
west any ordinary llttlo purchase is
mado simply by nstflng for the nrtlcjc
and when it Is passed across tho coun
ter a piece df money amply large to
cover the cost la thrown down. When
chungo is mndo tho customer carelessly
drops It Into hla pocket, apparently
without counting It, and goos out with
out once mentioning tho cost of the ar
ticle. He gets Just as good n deal as
though ho had Jowed tho denier for half
an hour. Tho custom of throwing
down a larger piece of money than Is
necessary Is not done, as a rule, to ex
hibit tho cash, for In this territory
everybody has money, it Js,onJy to
show apparent indifference und is a
mark of liberality. It may bo said
that pennies have no abiding place in
tho west, especially In this territory.
Even nt the postoffice, where every
thing Ib supposed to be legal tender,
pennies, 2-ccnt and 3-cen't pieces'
aro unknown. Change Is mado
to the cent by the postmas
ters, but they do It with postago
stamps or postal cards. Nowhere cUe
aro odd .pennies recognized, oven Ip the
banks. A check drawn for $4.98 wonld
bo paid with a $5 bill without a word.
The same Is truo In all the Bhops. apd
stores; chango Is mado to' ho. nearest
ulckel, sometimes qnly to' Jbe neareU
quarter or dollar. Poor Richard's say
liur."Tako care of the nennles vn rin..
not apply to Arizona, as small change,
anything under a dollar. Is bv mrtet
people considered only as trash of llttlo J
"When I wa8 out west," said the man
Who runs about the country selling
windmills, "I struck a saloon In a little
mining town that was called tho Civil
Servlco Reform bar."
"That waa rather queer," Bald tho
man who stays at home and sells Bhoes.
"I thought bo, too, until I found out
tho reason of tho name. I went in to
get a glass of beer; got it nnd laid down
a dollar. Tho man behind tho bar took
the dollar, dropped it in the till and
picked up his nowsptper to read. 'Don't
I get nny change?' says I. 'Nope saya
he, 'this la run on civil service princi
ples, and we don't believe Jn making
any unnecessary change. As ho had
a shotgun In handy reach I concluded
ta let It co at that." Cln.'nnatl Trlb-
uno, I
I j
Drnmn with fault 1, the XfUUfiAre Able
to Cointnnnlcate.
Capt. Five, a Belgian explorer, says
Ihnt bo peoplo of tho Congo have a
eurloiia and interesting method ot tele
phoning. For rt long tlmo hd refussd
to believe that tho natives really had
tho power to cpmmdnlcAte with others
nl n dlstnnO, though .nrtlcles had been
tout to him In answer to suchrcotsraun
Icntlons. At length, ono day, Journey
ing on tho river by pirogue, and being
about fifty mllea from Basoko, he de
termined, Instead of stopping, to press
on to the village. Then ono of his peo
ple offered to telcphono to tho village
that tho party, would reach the place to
ward evening and would llko to have
supper prepared on arrival.
A nntlvo with a drum than began to
boat It after a peculiar fashion, and
presently announced that Jie had beard
a (eply. He then rolled tho drum for
Rc-rAp time and tranquilly returned io
hla"naddle, Capt. Flvo Wnltcd with
nmen Interest to sco whether IiIb ap
proach w6uld hecxpectcd.nndwaaaBton
Ished no he nearcd Basoko toward even
ing to recognize on tho bank one of his
fc!!6w-oxp!brera; Lieut. Verellen. A
fire waa burning aahoro nnd supper was
being made ready. Capt. Five, after
greeting tho lieutenant, Inquired
eagerly how ho had learned ot tho "ap
proach of tho expedition. Tho lieuten
ant replied that tho nowa had been
brought somo hours boforo by a negro,
who said that n white roan was np
proachlng by tho way ot the river and
would need supper.
Tho drum UBed by the natives for this
purposo 1b n small but nolsy'affalr of
wood, It la constantly employed In
communicating short distances, in
order to aavo time and trouble In this
Instance there had evldontly been re
lays ot drummcra along tho whojo fifty
mllcn from the point where tho original
signal waa glvento near Basoko. Tho
natives aro able, with tholr drums, to
signal messages ot considerable length,
This' particular Instance la recorded In
La Flnndre, a Belgian publication,
It.lt ThrPO lluudrod 1'oot In Helmut
i The I.iirKeit In the World,
The fountain that the municipality ot
Geneva hna recently established at the
entrance ot tho port of that city la cer
tainly the largest fpuntaln that exists
updn the surface of tho glolio, since it.
Ib no less than 300 feet in height, says
tho Philadelphia Press. It may bo seen
from n great distance In clear weather,
detaching Itself like a great white sail
flapping through tho effecta of tho'wlnd.
The city of Geneva possesses a most
tompleto distribution of water under
pressure, tho motlvo power for which
Is obtained from an artificial fall estab
lished upon tho Rhone nt tho point of
tho lake. Tho water for domestic pir-
rttif.pa nm fur ihn rttntilnn nt rn.tnfn
j motors Is raised to tho holght of 215
feet above the level ot tho lake. For
! tho distribution of motlvo force It is
raised to a hplght of 400 feet. Tho res
ervoir Is an open-air ono and la situ
ated upon tho top or Besslngcrs, at a
distance of threo miles from tho turbine
building. A very ingenious regulator,
Invented by Mr. Turrottlul, assure's the
uniformity of the piping.
The length ot tho first pipe llno Is
about forty mlles,and that of thesecond,
about sixty. It Is to this latter thut,
the fountain conduit Ib connected. The
latter is set In play only on Sundays,
It is fomcttmes set In operation also in
weok days In tho evening. Instead of
n Dingle Jet of great height soveral aro
then utilized that do not rise so high.
Powerful electrjc-llght projectors,
placed In a structure near by, brightly
Illuminate them with their rays of var
ied colors, which transform th?mtInto
a luminous fountain of the most beau
tiful aspect.
A ren-I'lctnio of One of the Stmt lui
poiln; i:tTort of n (lrnat lUltle."
Tho battalion haa been on Its ,feet
since daybreak; thero waa a scanty
breakfast, and while the njen ate it
In the distance are sounds of the com
ing battle. Tho (lies on the march are
closed up, every sense Ib alive, dust
everywhere, then amoko, the galioplng
of horses, hoarse shouts, orders! and
counter-orders; the battle grows apace,
men hero and thero go down, but the
eight companies nro there; the captains
march close by the men; sometimes,
through the smoke, they catch a
glimpse of the colonel leading ori In
front; each man knows his rlght-liand
roan; no one looks behind him; some
where quite close Is Tom "or Dick or
Horry, the gocd men they have chosen
as the best, and aa long as they go on
the rest will foifow. So the din In
creases, the earth Is reeling under foot,
ubpjls burst beside them with a lion id
shriek and. fling out quick 'death; can
IrnnytWng alive como out of this hideous
turmoil.' 'atuuney press on; a captain
picks up the rifle of a man who ha$
fallen and speaks a cheery word-all
can't be lost when au old friend can
make a Joke: another instant, and a
cool voice they've heard before rings
out an order It Is qasy to obey what
they've learned to obey for years, a
clash of bayonets aa they fix then? in
smart time together, a pause, a gosp
for breath "Charge!" and the long thin
lino cleaves through the smoke and
din and Is out upon the other side and
in the sunshine once again, cheering its
lungs away; the battle and dear MI
are won. '
feociat Distinction.
"Oh, look, George, our name Is men
tioned before tho Wllklnses. Wfiat
fun!" - '
"Why, ot course it Is. It's in alpha
betical order."
"Ob, but they'll be Just as savage
all the same." Ally Sloper.
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