f - $w! (JutJPiTviJlP . VOL. 1 HEMINGFORD. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY, NOV. 29, 1095 NO. 40 ill ') J J W" THE PEOPLE'S Wishes Must B I THE BUSINESS MEN AND CITIZENS OP HEMING- JFORDKESOLVE ENMASSE THAT THEY WILL STAND STAUNCH AND TRUE WITH THE PEOPLE, AND , FOR THE PEOPLE.IN RE- j SISTING A FEW TIN-HORN ' POLITICIANS IN THEIR MAD EFFORT TO PILE UP TAXES ON THE PEOPLE BY THE REMOVAL OF THE COUNTY SEAT TO A REMOTE CORNER OF THE i COUNTY, FOR THE PUR POSE OF SUPREME CON TROL IN POLITICS AND DICTATING THE DESTINY OF THE PEOPLE AND THEREBY GRINDING THE PEOPLE UNDER THE IRON HEEL OF A GIGANTIC MONOPOLY WITHIN THE BORDERS OF OUR COUN TY, ORGANIZED FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE FEW AND AGAINST THE 'HON EST CILLER OF THE SOIL AND THE TRUE OWNERS OF THE COUNTY. Flushed with apparent success hy the results of the recent coun ty election and insanely imagin ing that Alliance constitutes the universe, a few of the would be dictators of th,e business of Box Eutte county have commenced to agitate the removal of the county seat to that place. Indications are that they are proceeding un der the impression that Heming ford, and the citizenship of Hem ngford are hibernating or are absolutely dead, but if the meet ing held at the court house Mon day evening is an indication, our friends at Alliance will find this the most ferocious dead place they have ever undertaken to ab sorb. Hon. A. L. Sharrock of "Edgemont circulated among our citizens Monday and it was de cided to call a meeting at half past seven. Promptly on time one hundred enthusiastic voters were assembled in the court room and wore called to order by A. Sherwood who was elected chairman, with I. E. Tash secre tary. Mr. Sharrock addressed the meeting and with a copy of the resolutions, passed by tha men in Alliance who are anxious to increase the burden of tho al ready over burdened tax-payers of the county, as his text, stated. the object of his visit and what the people who bade mm are. ready to do. He stated "that surelv we need not bo ashamefL of the business for which wo are. assembled. That Alliance w& trying to take an unfair advan tage of existing circumstances and force this question upon tho county at a time its citizens are temporarily ab sent, and is only more firmly es tablishing her already unenvia ble reputation of "hoggishness" by trying to gobble up every thing in sight whether by fair means or foul. He read the res olution they had passed saying that, , 'nothing but honorable .Means would be pursued," and Respected said that a man who begins to cry "honesty" boforo ho isaccus ed of being dishonest is a good -subject to bo carefully watched." I (Evory man in the county knows how "honest" Alliance is in all their elections.) Mr. Sharrock was followed by a dozen . men anxious to bo hoard hi their zeal for tho good of Homingford. as well as every taxpayor in tho county. Tho question , as to whether or not tho petitions now being circulated to call a special election, should be opposed was fully discussed pro and con and the universal opinion that no movo in that direction should be taken prevailed. Tho proposi tion was advanced that Alliance was circulating tho story that many of the leading men of Hom ingford favored a removal of the j county seat, but any such idea must surely have molted into noth ingness, when, chairman Sher wood asked "how many in the room iavored Hemingiord ana would pull off their coats and work until tho ast vote was cast"? and a hundred men (evory ono in the room) bounced to their feet, and pounded the air as vociferously as Judge Noleman did in tno celebra ted mandamus case, against the Alliance school board. It was then decided that the chairman should appoint twenty men who would select an executive committee of five and tho meeting took a recess and smoked good cigars furnished by A. S. Sharrock Who has a heart in the right place. The executive committee elected consists of: J. K. Neal, E. A.Hall, H. B. Austin, I. E. Tash. and John O'Jveofe. and if tho Alliance "shysters" and "potifoggers" oven imagine that they are going to oven get a start towards moving tho county cap tal, we would adviso tnem to get up early and work late, because Homingford is "in it" and is there to stny. Before adjourning the resolution's which head this ar ticle were adopted with a ' 'whoop" that would have done credit to a political convention although there maybe personal differences, political warfare, and religion preferences in Hemingford and vicinity, as always exists in every community, there is one thing suro and that is that on tho ques tion now boforo us there is not tho slightest division and as one man wo will oppose and bitterly opposo too, any attempt to in crease the burdens of tho tax payers in Box Butte County one qent, or the effort of Alliance to absorb us because thoy think they havo the power to do so. Logical Argument. Tho meeting held at Alliance i$y movo tho county seat from lIemingford to Alliance is ouo of nlm events which happens evory so often in western counties when ithe spirit of chango at all hazards lis dominant amongst a few of tho citizens of somo town thakwishes to achieve notoriety at tho oxponso of tho residents of tho county. Tho removal of the recognized county seat from ono place to an other is always "an expensive ex periment but this is not homo by tho ones who raiso tho question. In nine cases out 'of ton the ones when many ofTniost interested in getting the war started -are persons -who are not property holdors themselves and seldom are prompt taxpayers even if they pay any at all. Look at tho men engineering this fight, scan their tax business and . seo if the large majority of them are not on the delinquent Uet for what small taxes .they do pay. These are the ones that ure;always in tho van to movo a county Beat; with nothing to lose . they will put up bill of oxponfeek after bill of ox poiiBO, for tiira taxpayers of tho county to liquidate without a thought of the hardships entailed on the ones having houor enough to pay thoir taxes but who are strug-' gling against adverse fortune in endeavoring to fight tho olomonts ' ond prevail on thorn to givo them crops with which to sustain thorn-1 selves and their stock. Tho oxpoiiso of this fight is o&o ' that at tluB time will bear heavily on tho tax payer, with the pastcropj failure and the lack of rain fall. this fall and winter seems as if in' stead of adding a bill of expense to tho county and thus docroa'siug the nurchasinc oowor of tho county's I . w warrants tho county commissioners tory of man ad wo find it record oould find somo way to lesson tho ed from tho days of Adam down taxes and add to tho county's credit, to almost tho beginning of tho This removal outsido of a few 19th century, tho peoplo then potifoggers in Alliance is one that upon tho earth wore subjected to has no show of reason or right, tho tyranny of barbarous kings Situated in the conter of tho county ' and potentates civilly and relig as is Homingford. tho hardships .iously in fact, tho liberty of man entailed on tho citizens of tho out- and moro especially tho poor sido precincts to come toth county i peasant, was extremely limited. scat is minimized whilst the removal to Alliance would incroaBO it ten fold as it is in the south east corn- or of the county. But this is tho least of tho thoughts ot Alliance mon. Tho statement of tho Allianco men not to issue bonds to build ai expensivo courthouse is the biggest buncombe over hoard of. It was mado as a bait to got J. R. Phelan in tho fight for with his level head ed business ideas ho does not wish to see the county swamped with debts. But on tho othor hand what a fine protection play is mado whore the word "expense" comes in. Tho length nnd'broadth of the whole Jb subject to many changes; what one man deeniB ex pensive another man declares to bo beggarly, and thus it would go on ond tho outcome would bo on the sumo lines as tho contest; Allianco wants tho earth with a fence around it und would plunge tho county into debt for a fine court house with an elastic expense bill attached just to koep tho prestlgo of tho town up "don't yor know." Box Butte has a court house al ready, no rent to pay, everything free and the tax payors have not a thought about rent of offices and tho expenses that are entailed in keeping up a building such as Al lianco would give. Taxpayers in Box Butte, tho question simmers down to lower or higher taxation. Tho expense of tho election will bo nominal compared to tho constant drain on the pockets of taxpayers to keep up tho business at Alliance. Court house rents are always high, bonds to build court houses have to be paid and the farmoro who are struggling to get along, do tho paying. The city tax lists pub lished every year show how taxes aro paid by their inhabitants. Tho farmer is the sinow of the county and it is on him that tho burden falls; he has to shoulder tho ox pouhiyo outlay for elegantly furni&h ed offices and the long train of dol lar items that will follow tho county boat to Alliance. As affairs aro at present, Box Butte has all tho nocosRary appurtenances for running the business affairs of the county at Huraiugfoid and the county commissioners would do well to look to it that the present i status of Homingford for county : seat should bo kept up. - I Tho removal of tho county neat means the throwing nwav of our $4,000 court house, 1,200 vault, and costs of election, which would amount to upwards of $6,000 bo-' sides burdeniug the taxpayers with bonda from which they would uovec recover. Look at i our.noighb9r, Jawe cotm'.ty. J THE TYRANNY Still in Practice! TJie Brutal Kings Are Among Us. "STIE KIEIBreSX. ! In reading tho primitive his All through thoso dark agos people rebelled against tho yoke .of tyranny placed urjou their shoulders, when it bocamo un bearable, and tho consequonco was that blood flowed freely and entire cities wore swept from tho faco of tho earth and tho dead bodies of tho brutal kings laid at tho foot of tho ruins of thoir thronos that had crumbled and fallen in ono day boforo tho con quering arms of tho masso' yot a new potentate simply repeated tho whole tyranny and thus the world rolled through centuries of rebellion, ,blood and - carnage. ,' until, wo might say, tho Ameri can Republic was established which heralded to the world an assurance of tho greatest liberty ovor accorded to man. For ovor ono hundred years tho American Government has flourished tho ad miration of the whole world, in cluding its conquered enemy, Groat Britain. All went well until 1861 when our beloved country found itsolf in the throes of a monstrous civil war. Right there is where our troubles of today began and al though wo havo thought our selves a happily united country for thirty ono years, tho canker worm of poverty, dissension, centralization, combination and retraction has been slowly but surely eating holes in tho body politic of our boasted liberties, as wo find tho politician and pot tiffoggers dictating to our courts and tho peoplo, and are moro ty rannical in using thoir power than tho barbarous kings of cen turies ago. Tho city of Hemingford ever sinco its birth five years ago' has boon suffering through tho tyran nical heol of politicians andcounty schemers, who know no law or will obey no law, exept the law enacted by tho swoet will of thoir manipulators. They havo not only refused this city tho natural courtesies it should havo; but they have tried to ruin tho reputation of our citizens for truth and ver acity, by sending hundreds of ly ing reports stating that our 'peo ple woro dosorting thoir homes and all moving to othor quarters, to wreck tho present countv seat. V Thoy have tried to poison the minds of our peoplo with discon tent in trying to build up thoir railroad hamlet at tho oxponso of this city. They have filled our streets with liars traitors and des tructive spreading poison. Our peaceably inclined city paid very little attention, to tho abueo of tho heartless. Wo havo mado no claim to any of thoir industries but now we call a halt. Tho city of Hemingford has been placed on its own marrow bonos by all civil authorities and last Monday night, it began active work on this matter. Overbear ing tyranny cannot boondurodfor ovor and wo now propose to pro tect our homos. A dolegatlon of tho Allianco "100" was in town Wednesday attending a little party' boforo Judgo Spacht. Ostensibly thoy woro hero to settle n little gamo of "froolovo" among themselves and incidentally to show forth to tho good peoplo of Homingford a powerful inducement for tho re moval of the county soat to Alli anco. Johnson Contests. On Wodnesday B. E. Johnson commonced contest proceedings against P. M. Phelps' right to the clerkship of Box Butte coun ty. Mr. Johnson contests on grounds of Illegal voting and fraudulent counting in Allianco. From tho Dailios. (Oinah Iloo ) At a large and enthusiastic meeting of tlie taxpayers of llx Uutto county at Hemingford tliey unanimously agreed to stand Milld against the re moval of tho oounty seat from Ileni Ingford to Alliance, and denounced in no uuccrtitln terms any proposition the object of Which would add addi tional tuxes to tho taxpayers of thin county. (Lincoln Journal.) HEMINGFORD, Neb., tfov.25. Rox Butte county will soon bo engag ed In a county scat struggle, Alli ance is circulating a petition to call a special election.- The peoplo of Ilem ingforoTheld a rousing meeting and de termined to put up a wlanlug light to retain the county soat, and in this thoy cluim they will have the ussis tance of the taxpayers of tho county, who arc interested iu keeping taxation down to tho minimum, regardless of locality. (World-HoraU.) TTemingford, Nob. Nov, 25. A hot county sent tight is on In this county brought about by an effort of Alliance to move the county capital. from tllia place to Alliance. Petitions aro al ready in circulation, and u large and enthusiastic meeting was held tonight to orgtnizc for tno fight. Hon A. L. Sharrock. mayor otEdg moot, and a representative of tho In terstate Town Site, company, owner of the Homingford tovn site, is on tho ground, and a determined resis tance will bo mado to the removal und expense that would follow. The general belief is that should the chango be made tho county will of ne cessity be bonded for county buildluga and other necessary expenses Tho vote will be taken somo time in Feb ruary. An executive committee con sisting of J. It. Neal, II, B. Austin, I. E. Tash, J. O'Keefe, undE. A. Hall was elected tonight to organize tho county. Alliance Lawyers and Politicians vs. The Tax-payers of Box Butte County, The last issue of the Allianco Guide reveals the fact that her "representative business men" aro again preparing to mount tho ringboned, spavined and short winded old hobby horse of Coun ty Soat removal. Ono would think that tho small portion of Allianco population who favor tho renewed agitation of this question, would havo learned by past oxporlonco that tho majority of tho peoplo of Box Butte Coun ty aro entirely satisfied with thoir present County Seat Hom ingford. A contest was had, fair on Hemingford's side, though undeniable attempts at fraudu lent practices, wore' made by AK liance's partisans. It was decid ed that Hemingford bo the coun ty Beat of Box Butte couuty. We do not deny that if Alliance wore the County Seat it would bo more convenient for a few Al liance lawyers. But is the dosire of tho majority of the people of Box Butte County to be oet u3ldo for tlio convenience of a few at torneys and some politicians, to whom an agitation of this kind offers an opportunity for cheap notoriety? Homingford is In the center of the county. Tho interests of tho major part of tho people of tho County demand that Homingford remain tho County Soat. Tho town of Hemingford has present ed to tho County a flno Court House. There is thus no expense to tho county on that score. Tho "representative business men" passed a resolution declaring that If tho county seat bo remov ed to Alliance, it was not tho in tention to issue bonds to build an expouslvo Court House. In tho first place wo would like to inquire, by what authority thoso "representative businoss men" pre tend to guido tho destines of Box Butte Countyto state what the County will or will not do? Furthermore, though their doc Juration bo true, what difference would it mulct to tho tax-payors of tho county whether they pay taxen to keep up tho interest on bonds or pay rent for county offices, which tho abandonment of tho present Court House at Heming ford would necessitate? The elec tion whiah it is proposed to havo would entail an expense o! up wards of. a thousand dollars. Iu these hard times the people should think twice before bunfenlug them bolvoa with this additional indebt edness. But wo have no fear that this matter will be moro than "a tempest in a tea-pot." Tho West has had enough of these senseless county seat fights, where by some unwisely ambitious town seeks to put aside the wi!L of tho people of the county for its per sonal advantage. Alliance has the rail road round house and machine shops to which it is justly entitled; Homingford I has the county seat which by vir i tuo of its location and choice of . the peoplo, it should remain in un i disputed possession of. There should bo no animosi ty between tho two towns. Lot us live in peace and harmony allowing this county seat matter to bo only a memory of the past. From the Crvford Tribune. Tho Tfibano, in the interest of fair play gives room in its columns for the above sensible article from tho Hemingford Herald. Allianco has a set of business mon than whom there is not in 'any town in the northwest a moro pushing, progressive and enterprising, and tho Tribune bolioves that it will never be recorded in the history of Box Butte county that they were so lost to that sense of manhood, justice and fairness which hs3 here tofore characterized all thoir efforts to havo their town take front rank amouug tho cities of Northwest Nebraska, as to cast' their vote in favor of taxing the peoplo of the entire county in order that a few of hor citizens might reap the paltry benefit to be derived from rent of rooms for county offices in case of the removal of the county seat; and it would be an everlasting blotch upon tho as yet untarnished fame of our sister city where her "rep resentative businoss mon" to tole rate it. 3?ar hotter would it be for all of the few who are endeavoring to stir up this county seat question bo induced to concentrate their ef- (Coof luded on tut v9.) t ,jirT" "wtf''.ni .najjj umii .i,; Mtixu,' yymuw j-,