Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, November 22, 1895, Image 8
n . J. y-. Ma, Wo, . -4 HAIRY AND P0ULT11Y. NTEnE8TINO CHAPTQRS FOR OUn RURAL READERS. How Ectrfol rnrmfra OrnTto ThU DcpitrilWnt of IJio I'MrmA Fotr Iflnt . U Uio C'nrn of l.Ua fltoclt eml I'qnltry, DAIRY fnrmcr of our acquaintance la a wlso old man, and eayn many good tilings. Ho uses ft Bllo nnd makes money In all his farru operations Ho lina a neighbor who barely malted ho'th ends tneet, who 1b bitterly opposed to tho Bllo. because ho Bays, It la too ex pensive SponUlng of thin neighbor to our old friend ono day, wo expressed our surprise that ho could not ueo tho dif ference in profit between his poor meth ods and Uncle John's godd methods. "Ho ought to seo," wo said, "with half nn eye that ho Is wrong and you are right What la tho matter with him?" "Undo John took an extra hitch In tho nlack of bin breeches, and replied: "Oh. nothing much, except ho is co dead Htuck on , himself, nnd tho Ultlo ho knows, that ho can't boo over his own Jlttlo ant hill. Ho haa got more prldo and conceit Minn senso, nnd I never know a farmer to mako a cent on bin conceit Such men will straddle clear over n dollar to pick up a dime. He commenced talking against tho alio when I first built ono.and now ho thinks folko would laugh at him if lid Bhould let up. My cowh nro my gtildo in this Bllo buslnoss. I can't nrford to kick against facts; ho can, nnd bo I koep still nnd lot him go on. Ho woo over to bor row some money of mo tho other day, nnd I Bupposo I will haVo to let him havo It. If it wasn't for Biich men mort gages would bo mighty scarce." llonrd's Dairyman, Cooimt- mute. A fact of importance which has been emphasized Is tho valno of cooling tho milk as thoroughly ns possible as soon ns milked. "Whon drawn from tho cow, milk Is nt a high tomponiturc, and, In deed, at just tho tompcruturo at which tho majority of bacteria will grow tho most rapidly. Under tho influcnco of tho atmospheric, tompornluro, especial ly in the summer, tho milk will bocomo cool very slowly, but never bocomes cooler than tho air. Tho bacteria which have gotten Into the milk will there fore havo tho very best opportunity for rapid multiplication and tho milk will sour very rapidly. If, howovcr, tho mills Is cooled to a low temperature Im mediately after it is drawn, tho bacteria growth in checked at onco and will not bogln again with much rapidity until tho milk has becomo warmed onco more. This wnrmlng will tako placo slowly, nnd therefore tho cooled milk will ro maln sweet many hours longer than that which is not cooled. A practical knowledge of this fact will be of great ivnluo to oveiy person handling milk. Early cooling to as low a tempornturo as is practlcablo Is tho best remedy for too rapid Bourlng of milk. Department of Agriculture, Tnlntml Mil It. It Is well to notice that cortaln ab normal odors and tastes In milk may bo produced directly by tho food oaten by tho cow. If a cow eats garlic or turnip tho flavor of tho milk is directly ar fected. Various other foods may, In a Blmilnr manner, oltcct tho tasto of milk, but this class of tnlnts may bo roadily distinguished from thoso due to bncter ial growth. Tho odors and taints duo to tho direct influenco of tho food aro at their maximum as soon as tho milk Is drawn, never increasing afterward. But the taints duo to bacterial growth do not appear at all in the fresh milk, beginning to bo noticeable only after tho bacteria havo had a chanco to grow. If, therefore, ft dairyman hn3 trouble in hla milk, which nppo rs immediately after t"ic milking, ho may look for tho caueo In something tho cow has eaten. Hut if tho trouble appears after a few hours, and then grows rapidly worse until It reaches a maximum, ho may bo assured that tho remedy is to bo sought, not in changing tho food of tho cow, but In greater caro In tho management of tho dairy or barn. Agricultural Re port. Farming Under Glass It seems cer tain that tho growing of many of our field crops, such as potatoes, cabbngo, etc, will be largely under glass in tho future. It is expensive, but thcro nro so many things that compensate for tho outlay that it is ono of tho reliable in vestments. Even when a cheaper transportation for Bouthcrn-grown pro ducts shall have been secured, there will yet be reasons for forcing houses in the north. Such houses will be not only fitted with glaBs roors, but also with wire screens, bo that In tho summer the glass may bo dispensed with, tho Bcrcens being used to keep out bugs and birds. The ono item of crop de struction by insects Is a costly one, nnd tho saving in this alone will pay a fair per cent on the Investment. Tho pro tection from frost is also worth looking after. At tho instance of Dairy Commission er Adams, the Wisconsin law prohibit ing the salo of oleomargarine, colored to roeemble butter, has been test.nl, and sustained In a test case tried at "Madison. Wis. An eastern dairyman says: Tho man who is too aristocratic to mingle freely with his calves, and his cows also, will never succeed as a breeder of dairy stock. Thero Is a social side to a cow's nature as well as to a man's. It is from her social nature that comes not only the milk but the fat aa well, given from a spirit of pure motherly beneficence. Diseases of fowl. Cholera. A good remedy la hyposul phite of soda. DIssolvo as much of it in a pint of water as possible; then mix up aomo corn moal or wheat bran with tho water and feed to the r.Ick fowls. DIssolvo Homo in their drinking water also. Peed this till every trace of tho disease disappears. If thoy aro too sick to oat, forco It down their throats. Roup. Tako Bulphato of zlno; wot the finger, then dip It in tho zlno and rub Into tho fowl's mouth; repeat twice, applying threo times a day. Or Inject n Rolutlon of copperas water into tho nostrils and down tho throat. Tho fowls Bhould bo kopt in a warm, dry place. Scaly LcgB. This dlseaso can bo cured by applying a mixture of coal oil and sulphur, with a few drops of car bolic acid added; apply twlco a weok. Soro Hoad. DroopinesB and loan of nppotlto nro stiro Indications of lice. Exnmino tho hoad nnd nock; if they aro found apply insect powder. Gapes. To every pint of meal add one leaspoonful of turpentine; seo that ovory chick gets some. Diarrhea. Place tho fowl In a warm, dry place, nnd glvo it a good doso of enstor oil twice or three ttmen a day. Canker. Scrape off tho scabs and ap ply bluo vitriol; wash the head nnd mouth with n solution of alum nnd vinegar. To prevent tho laying of soft-shell eggs, food whoat and oats nnd supply the honB with ground oyster obeli and plonty of time. Ex. Good Advice. Tho paper nt Plain vlow, Minn., says: Now that-our cream cry Is at n standstill why not tho farm ers tako hold of tho business In a co-' operatlvo plan, organizing a stock com pany and roallzo all tho prollt thcro Is In butter, In other places whoro crcamorles havo failed the farmors hnvo In every Instance tnkon hold of tho matter and havo in every Instunco mado a paying institution of it. A croamcry 1b n good thing. Bettor but ter can bo mado thcro than at your homes, for thcro would be ovcry con- rentcyico which nt least many farmers aro unnblo to Bccuro. In thin way thu butter of tho community would bo mado In ono grade, In largo quantities and would glvo them a hotter ndvantage to dispose of this product. From tho experience of other communities we bcllevo It would bo a profitable Invest ment. Wo havo a class of farmors on Greenwood Pralrlo who would surely mako a success of anything of this kind if they enn any whoro and wo bollovo tho matter Bhould bo agitated. Ex. Scalding tho Mites. Tho brood-coops should bo carefully watched for Ilco during tho summer nnd fall, as young chickens cannotthrlvo If nightly sapped of their llfo blood. Whatovcr scalding Is dono In these, however, must be dono lu the morning, so that they will get dry by night. If your coops aro in a damp location and you havo tiny chicks It will bo a good plan to got somo dry sand occasionally for tho floor. In this land of dltchos I novcr feel safe with little chicks unless tho coops aro floored; It la not safe unless one's land Is "abovo water," and not then If It bo on the side hill, with a water abed abovo. Whcnovor we havo a very hard rain and tho ditches overflow, ono of our coop3 Is always In danger, so I know whereof I apeak when I advlso you to select a spot that Is high and dry for brood coops, or olso provido them with board floors. Mrs. Mellette in Colorado Farmer. Poultry in the Orchnrd. Ono of tht best places for tho poultry house Is tho orchnrd. Tho fowls aro away from tho garden and havo n range where they can secure plenty of green food, bugs, worms, and other insects, in destroying which they benefit tho trees and fruit, Tho slto for tho house should bo choson with a vlow to insuring good drainage, as It is most essential that poultry havo dry quarters in which they may roost, or tako refugo whon it storms. On a farm it is no easy mat tor to glvo tho fowl a good range and nt tho Bamo time to keep them away from thq garden, tho hog pen, and tho stables. In many cases, tho orchard is the only good placo for tho poultry houso. Tho fowl do bettor there, with tho variety of food they secure, than if they wore kept in moro restricted quarters. If tho poultry houso is to bo built during tho summer, it will pay to put it in tho orchard. Ex. Mako Improvements. Why not teat out all tho permanent fixtures In tho hen houso and destroy tho mites hidden behind and undor them? Then mako arrangements to put tho roosts back and tho nests In such shnpo that they can bo readily taken out and coal oiled. Seo that tho roosts aro all on ono level and not too high. Bumblo foot becomes very frequent among flocks of heavy hens where they roost on high perches. A few loads of sand or gravel to fill in tho low places around the hen houso will provent dampness, and when tho land Is clnycy onable you to get rid of much mud. Mud should never bo al lowed uround tho hen house. Sand, gravel, coal ashes or Bod should prevent Biich a nuisance from ever existing. Ex. Loghorns nro Wild Leghorns art naturally wild, but the wild nature can bo somewhat subdued It caro is taken. Now the winter months aro near, and we havo so many days when It Is unfit for thq fowls to bo outdoors, and if your scratching shed is bo nrrangod that they can go from thoir roosting pen to it, you can facilitate matters considerably by having a muslin front put to tho shed, so that tho fowl3 can not go out. Then at feeding time quietly move among them, and thus gradually hnve them become accus tomed to you, Ex. One thing is more foolish than to feed poor food to good stock, and that is to feed good food to poor stock. Massachusetts Plowman. GREAT LONDON SQUARES. Hirst of Them Are Quaint nntl Aro XaM Out In tho Uolcli Fashion. Somo of tho London squares aro quaint and charming, bolng mostly laid out in tho Dutch fashion. Golden Square, near Regent street; Red Lion and Qucon squares, In Bloomsbury, nro cnpltal specimens. Tho first, though so closo to Regent street, might bo a dos on miles nwayj thcro Is a'welcomo un kemptnoss; tho graso Is rank and wild; thoro nro old troes ranged around its border in a Byotemntical way. Tho houses around are picturesque, becnuso each Is distinct. It is given over to commission agents, merchants nnd trado genorally, yet within but a fow years It was a placo of genteel resi dence, Ilko a usual squaro, and we find tho lata Cardlnnl Wiseman living In a substantial mansion here. Dickens, It will bo romembcred, plnccd Ralph Nlcklcby's house here, which is de scribed on tho occasion of tho party to Sir Frederick and Sir Mulberry as having almost palatial apartments and tho richest furniture Ab wo wander around, we aro struck with tho melan choly tono of tho inclosurc, yet every thing seems brisk enough; but It be longs to tho old world. Tho square itself is very attractive and original, with a sort of Dutch or foreign air; wo note tho flno tree3 which shcltqr It nil around in symmetrical lines, and tho Roman wnrrlor sort of statue in tho center, arrayed in full armor, and representing George II. Tho grans and walks nro laid out with a cer tain free-and-easy carelessness that Is very acceptable, and contrasts with tho trim shaven, soulless treatment of modern squares. Altogether a visit to Golden Square will interest. Borkoloy Squnre overyono knows. Yet it haB an extraordinary sympa thetic attraction from its grns3 and flno shading old trees. No one, we may bo sure, has noted that these leafy patri archs seem to range In two rows down tho middle, like nn avenue, Tho fact it, it was tho demesne of tho lawn in front of tho old Berkeley house, which stood at tho bad: of Devonshire house. Tho mnnslons round aro very flno, and tho Iron work, railings, ctc, aro all admired and to bo admired. There aro somo queer things to bo told about Bquarcs; for instance, that thcro was a General Strodo who had u mania, for setting up statues In squares at his own expense. Wo havo seon equestrian stat ues in Lelccstor Squaro propped up with a broomstick, with portions broken away. BocUlnic Pononn! Information. Tho man who knows it all had been talking, and in his superior way had sottlcd every question thnt had come up, until tho quiet llttlo man was moved to speak. "Will you grant mo ono llttlo favor?" ho asked humbly, as became a man who realized that ho was addressing ono who knows It all. "Certainly," replied tho other. "Whnt 13 It?" "Well, will you kindly permit me to know something nbout one or two sub jects in which I am personally Inter ested if I will concede all tho knowledge of ovcry thing okio to you?" After thnt thero wa3 a lull In the con versation that seemed to indicate that permission had beon given. Aiiicrlcnn-rmlo Ships. Tho now battleship Indiana Is pro nounced by experts tho steadiest ve3 bcI of tho kind in tho world In rough weather. And yet it was not many years ago that public men wero saying that American shipyards wero no good. Tho marked success which haa attended tho rehabilitation of tho navy bo far Dhows that Americans can lead tho world whenever they want to. FASHION'S FANCIES. Capes of cloth, velvet, or fur, aro mado very short and full. They are usually pointed In front, though tho French capes havo long mantilla fronts. Largo sailor collars aro shown on tho latest school-dresses, and berthas also aro still in vogue. Widesprcadlng collars are seen on many of tho autumn gowns, and tho bigger they nre, and tho odder their cut, tho moro popular thoy seem to be. Tho leg-o'-mutton sleeve is not used as much this fall ns tho hugo puff, which reaches to tho elbow, and is there Joined by a deep, tight-flttlng cuff. Accordion plaiting is to be freely used In trimmings and accessories, and in whole gowns as well. When contrived tastefully, these dresses mako an ex cellent appearance, though there aro many dangers of going wrong in plan ning them, which only makes success tho greater whon it is achieved. Whero a little maid's frock is mado of rough novelty goodB in brown and dull red the full Bilk waist will show chameleon tints of brown, dark, light, red, and, perhaps, a vivid green. Tho plaid dresses aro generally made very plain, and aro not often combined with silk, whilo all tho llttlo dresses, of courso, fasten at the back. . Severely plain linen collars, Btarched stiff and displaying a nun-ltko expanse of spotless white, will be worn with backturnlng, flaring cuffs to match; while for thoso who cannot risk tha starched linen, collars and cuffs of a fine piquet, stiff, but rather moro ivory in tono, is substituted, a still more favorablo adaptation of tho stylo being collar and cuffs of white silk. In regard to stationary, all formal In vitations are engraved upon flno white paper of satiny texture. Visiting cards should be almost squaro, moderate in size, and exquisite in quality. It is cus tomary for widows to retain their hus band's namo for social purposes. The address should be placed in tho lower right-hand corner, with the "at home" day in the lower left-hand corner. Tho engraving should be in fine, simple script CtEAND old paety. LOW TARIFF, QOLD STANDARD, AND VICTORY IN 1806, Jtnnovnl of Cfommcrri.il Hitrrlers The Bime Old l'urtjr of rftronl Mbcrir Clnlr it Scnnhiff l)ccreie - Demo cratic llroatlsltlos. It ts a matter of no small difficulty to rid Mexico of tho old system of nl cabala, or interstato customs' taxation. Tho syBtom was established more than 300 years ago. Tho public revenues of the several stalc3 have been obtained almost entirely by meano of this kind of taxation. The people havo never had much practical cxperlehco of any othor kind of tnxatlon. Hence It la nntural that tho people should bo averse to a radical change. In addition to the powerful cupport of Interested classes tho Bystem Is but tressed by tho popular feeling that what has been practically always ought always to bo and that anything new must necessarily bo dangerous it not positively bad. Probably no change would have been possible but for tho introduction of ex tended railway lines in the republic. So long as ovcry thing was transported on tho backs of animals or men the nlcabala could bo tolerated. But upon tho introduction of the railway the old system of custom-houses along all tho stnto lines became nn Intolerable nui sance. Tho advantges of quick and cheap transportation could not fall to bo recognized and tho peoplo began to seo that If a system of taxation stood in tho way of transportation tho sys tem would have to yield. It has been yloldlng slowly but sure ly, until now tho prospect is that it will bo swept away altogether. When the people of Mexico even, unprogresslve as they aro, personally feel tho evil effects of n conflict between tho agencies of quick and cheap transportation and an ancient system of commercial obstruc tion they Boon conclude that the latter must go. Thero is no essential difference be tween tho old Mexican alcabala system, which tho people of that country aro casting off completely, nnd tho tariff system from which wo were partly emancipated about a year ago. They aro both obstructions in tho path of commerce which nn enlightened peoplo ought to regard as Intolerable. It Is time that both wcro wholly discarded. Ex. Only n Booming Decrease. It again becomes necessary to re mind the public thnt the decrease of internal rovenuo during the first quar ter of tho current fiscal year ns com pared with tho samo tlmo last year wa3 a decrease not from ordinary but from extraordinary revenues. A Washing ton dispatch dated the 23d Inst, shows the total collections for the three months this year to have been $37,744, 478, against ?r)S,054,10S. That tho total was extraordinary last year is evident enough from tho fact that it was at the rate of no less than $232,000,000, which Is $71,000,000 more than was collected In any year since 1870, and $85,000, 000 more than was collected in 1894. And thnt tho collections were not unusually smnll during the first quartor this year is apparent from the fact that thoy were at the rate of nearly $151,000,000 a year, which sum Is about $10,000,000 less than tho actual total for 1893 and only $3,000,000 less than the total for 1892, and actually more than In any other year since 1870. In vlow of tho fact that tho first quarter this year fell only two years after the panic of 1893 the receipts wero In reality large.. A comparative statement of re ceipts from different sources ohows that the npparent decroaeo this year is more than accounted for by tho heavy with drawals of spirits from bond In July and August last year In anticipation of an Increase in tho tax. Such a state ment bIiowb n decrease of no less than ?21,302,3G4 In tho receipts from this sourco during tho first quarter this year, while from other sources thero was an increase of more than $1,000,000. If further proof were needed It would be found In the fact that during Sep tember, tho last month or tho quarter, thero was an actual Increase of J5.661, 292 In the receipts from spirits this year and a net Increase of about $220,000 from other sources of internal revenue Tho receipts thus far this month havo been at tho rato of $12,890,000 for tho entire month, or nearly $151,700,000 for tho year. This Is not a bad showing so soon after tho panic. As business im proves tho receipts will increase and thoy may not fall short of Secretary Carlisle's estlmato made nearly a year ago, But for the decision against tho Income tax tho treasury would have beon amply supplied with money for tho year. The Knme Old Party, The democratic party ha3 been al ways the champion of personal liberty. Tho fundamental law of nearly overy Btate in the Union is the work of dem ocrats. Tho constitution of nearly all of tho states contains a civil rights bill. Democrats havo uniformly stood by all tho rights that are guaranteed therein. They will nover consent to such viola tion as is proposed in Chicago, for in stance, when men are halted at night, and if tho account they glv.o of them selves is not satisfactory to a patrol man are taken into custody. The will nover consent to the invasion of a homo without a warrant, nor will thoy per mit tho slightest infraction of free speech or of the free exercise of re ligion. When tho Lutherans of Wisconsin and of Illinois felt themselves outraged by school legislation they found a champion in tho democratic party. Tho unjust laws placed upon the statute book by republicans were repealed by dAmocrats, Just as Boon as Lutheran republicans had accomplished this re sult thoy returned to tho republican fold, apparently bollovlng in the peni tence of tho beaten pnrty. But tho leopard docB not change its spots. Ag gressions upon civil nnd religious free dom como from republicans nnd tho re publican parly. Who In Illinois Is selected by repub licans for their cnndldato In tho Eigh teenth congressional district? A citi zen named Hadloy, whoso chief recom mendation is that as state senator at Springfield he advocated and voted far tho Edwards compulsory education law. to repeal which required a pollttcal rev olution in this state. Tho fact is of no small significance ns Indicating what tho republican party In Illinois will do if it gain full swing at Springfield. Chicago Chronicle. Tin Uinler tho New Tariff. Boston Post The report of tho spe cial treasury agent for tho year ending June 30, 1S95, shows that tho production of tin and tcrno plate in this country has increased more than one-third 30 per cent exactly from tho preceding year; tho actual commercial production being 193,801,073 pounds. It also shows that this Is In far greater measure real American plate, American ruling mills producing almost all tho "black plates" used in tho industry. Under McKln loyism, thc3o plates, so far as any were used, were mostly Imported. Thus has an "Infant Industry" been established by a reversal of the republican policy. Undor McKinleyism foreign tin had to be used to mako those foolish campaign badge3. Tho Accident of X'orolcn Hlrtii. Springfield Register: Governor Alt geld was tho recipient of an unusual honor nt tho Milwaukee semi-centennial celebration. Although but one of tho many distinguished guests Invited to a neighboring stato on a festival oc casion, ho wa3 singled out by a dele gation of workingmon representing all tho labor organizations of the city nnd presented with a memorial of their C3 teem. In tho resolutions he was lauded for his courage and manliness, und named "the labor governor of Illinois." Popularity of this kind, manifested everywhere among the people who work for a living, causes democrats to regret tho fato that made tho governor alien born. Alcer'j Prismatic nnd l'oronnlal Doom Boston Transcript Although they havo had some very severe weather out west, with premature snow, the Alger boom, which usually wakes up with the flower3 In tho spring, has come to the surface of the ground In Michigan in mid-October. Detroit Is, of course, Us homo nnd abiding place, and a banquet with accompanying brass bands marked tho appearance of the boom. Genoral Alger never is, but always to bo nomi nated ao candidate for the presidency. Ho Is a picturesque personality, and tho Alger boom Is always prismatic In its scheme of "coloration." Three Horns to tho DUemmn. Boston Globe: The republicans arc not having the easy campaign which they anticipated. Candidate Williams poralsts In asking them very troublc somo questions. If they answer these questions .me way it will dlspleaso ono of their faction; if they answer them another way it will displease the othT faction, and if thoy do not answer them at all it will displease overybody. Their embarrassment is really growing awk ward. Not Mot-tlltv, hut HypocrUy. Sioux City Trlltjiner The republican stato central committee of Indiana had a meeting to disavow responsibility for tho Nlcholton temperance law enacted by tho last republican legislature. That party Is apologizing for what little virtue it has had in Iowa and New York as well as in Indiana. All of which leads to tho belief that it was not morality which the party had original ly, but hypocrisy. Competing with Anicrlcnn Whcut. New York World The shipments of American wheat to England during September were surpassed by the com bined total3 of India and Argentine, as well as by the combined totals of Rus sia and Roumanla. The Argentine corn crop is also becoming a factor In tho competition with ours In the Euro pean raarkots. Wool Ilutlr Abolished forever. Loulsvlllo Courier-Journal This much is certain; the wool duties will not be restored whiln Mr. Cleveland Is president, and tho democrats could de sire thoir opponents to make no greater blunder than to attempt to restore tho wool duties and go to the country next fall on that issue. Tho A. I. A. 1'nrtjv The chief of tho A. P. A. declares that the order controls 3,500,000 votes In tho United 8tates. The statement 13 not Improbable. Tho republican voto of the entlro country in 1892 was a little over 5,000,009. No doubt the A. P. A. has more than three-fifths of the total republican vote. Tliuo Are Out of Joint. Lafayette Democrat The tin plato industry which was to havo perished under a democratic tariff is- flourishing j to a greater degree than over, rne times aro out of Joint for the republic an prophets of disaster. lloth Turtles of Ono Mind. Lafayette Journal Democrats con- ( tended five years ago that the McKln- ley bill was a monstrous measure. Tho i republicans were slow in arriving at I the same conclusion, but they are get- j ting thero now. laslrie Dyspepsia And conslipntioti troubled ino for ovora year. I grew worse und could hardly perform my household duties. I had se vere pains in my stoiciuch, especial ly at night. I treated with our piiysicittn six months without I avail. I resorted to Hood'sSarsapnrilln and haviiltr taken six bottles I am free from all distress jti my stomach and am no longer troubled with dyspepsia." Mns. Margaret Fcn neb, Indian Falls, N. Y. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently Inthcpubliccyc. l;0for5 f2lSl$ HnodS PilIaCiisytolmr,oasytotaVe, "4 "uuu "loeanylnogcct. iSo. A K If your, skirt edges wear out, it's because you don't use BIAS VELVETEEN SKIRT BINDINGS It's easy to prove It for yourself. Don't take any binding unless you seo S. 11. &M." on the label, no matter what anybody tells you. If your dealer vHl not supply you, we will. Send (or samples, showing labe's and materials, to the S. H. &M Co.. P O. box 099, New York City m BY TAKING Dnobb's O'iTeyPills m Backache is generally a form of Kidney trouble. It is often accompanied by Nerv ousness, Hysteria, Hesdiche, Sleepless ness, Pains in the Joints, Anaemia, etc. It is easily cared with Dr. Hohb s Hrnrasas Kldniy I'JUb. A tavr doses -will n Uoto. A fow boscs will enrp. All drufwdsta, or mail ed prepaid for DOc. por Write for pamphlet. HOBO'S MEDICINE CO., Chicago San Ffanclsco. Vou See Them Evorywhere THR AKKMOTOtt CO. docs half th world's windmill business, because It has reauced tha coat ot wind power to 1 initial It was. It lias many branch nouses, ana supplies Its eooas ana repairs L at rvur uoor. iiciiuaiiauuca luruuua t beuer article iDr lesa uiourj iuau I others. It makrs l'uuiplns and lueared, bletl, Onivaniicditter Icomnlptlon Windmills. TlltlniT ' and rixpd SLtel Ttnvrrs. Steel Dim Saw Frames. Steel leed Cutters and Feed , Grinders. On application It will name ono of ttaeso articles that It wlU f urnbti until January 1st at 13 tne usual price. It also makes Tanks and Pumps o! all kinds. Send for catalogue. Factor: 121h, Eockwtll ar.4 PiUaoro Streets, Cntaro. WELL MAGHINERY Tllnstrated catalnzuo etiowinc ATJaERS, ItoaKDItll.LS.HyDUATJUO AND JKTT1KU MAUUINLKY, etc. bisT Furs. IlaTO been teeted and all icarrantttl. Sioux City Engine and Iran Works, Suocesaora to I'n life-1. Mloux City I.tun. Tus Rowru,& rinxii Mat uimkht t'o . Jill Wet EleeutiMmt KantatCltr aa Agents-Ladles or Gents, T a vck at bora u.tog or ictllac Gijrlum,oukiDioid?rfiimi ii(4U, PlioDkl,lJ.cr nickel, copper, vaiia metal, naa&twtnr tat matfriaU aa4 outfits, trash tho art, only oompleu oatSI, tarlullDc trt4t aoortta a&4 rorBaUf. Uth. vhrcU. toola. all matrriaU for fr Miloc. DoUatlnt. pletlar. aeS Sa uhtas, no tort, ataall ia uareuai Icaao. late for atn, deooripiloa. "Drier uoUBwala!. oaar4o frr. Otaj Jb C, rutins Works, Oep't ltf, Colucbiu, O. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clesnaea and beasufka tho hair. Merer Fulls to Uedr to Its V fvoujtca a laxurMGl STOWUl. Heater ar-r north ft, 1 rlAl.r Cure oralp dloeawa Si hair (alLur, " vyiurt a,JdlUJU Pnjypg K9KKSffiKH CUBE I flPWMPM K m 53 sS'sS H lwMmM PLATE 1 VELI.I en If W i nMS!rfj 1 EtSJHL ?r rr J a