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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1895)
THE HTT-LE SCH09L. HE Echnol bouse over which Mloi Mnttio Smith had reigned for quite a number of years was situated on a hill Just boyond tho dtmlnutlvo vlllago of Wales. It was upon tho outskirts of a wood and said to bo In a snaky Miss Mattic, however, had nev er seen any snakes and didn't believe there were any. Sho had no objections whatever to tho situation, but tho houso ttsolf was old. Whenever Miss Mattlo met a school trustee sho was bound to (ell htm right decidedly that sho must have a now school houso, one with a cellar for tho coal and room for her desk away from tho draught But in tho spring tlmo tho draught from the door wns very welcome, and Miss Mattle was grntoful for all tho air she could get as she sat at her desk, hearing tho spoiling lesson. "Hero, hero," drawled Miss- Mattlo'o pet. Nan Foster. Thon Nan enmo to a pause and fiddled nervously with tho pockots of her apron. "Well," queried tho teacher. "I know what it means," declared thn little girl: "I know so well that I didn't have to look In tho dictionary, but I ean't say it to save my life." "It means a boy," volunteered a Tory small girl, glancing dicamlly out of the sehool room wludow. "Oh, yes, of course, I know it means a hoy," said Nan, hastily, "a boy who a, dear, I can't say it." Miss Mattle put a sudden end to the - lZ7l i "IT SKEBRED HER. " MSeulty by furnishing the dictionary Meaning, whereupon the pupil at the lest et the class murmured grumbltng ly that that was Just what be would nave said If he had been given his turn. After the spelling class had retired the arithmetic class came and estab lished itsolf In n very long row before MIm Mattle. Down at the end of the arithmetic class was a little Dutch boy with blue eyea and flaxen hair. He wan a Tcry bow scholar, and he didn't look M M he would remain foot all the time. The blue eyea were fastened earnest ly upon Mlsa Mattlo'a face as she put the question: "It an apple Is divided late two parts, what are the parts ailed, Johnny Smellier?"' "Halves," answered the tittle Dutch hey. "If the halves are divided Into two parts what are the parts then called?" ' "Quarters," answered the little Dutch hay. "And If the quarters are divided Into twe parts what are the parts called?" Inquired Miss Mattle, determined to discover what prodigious amount of ar ithmetic this small boy knew. "Salts." answered the little Dutch hay without a moment's hesitation. All morning the school children had heea calling Johnny Smeltzer "Tow Head," but when tho next recess ar rived he was chrlBtened "Snlts." It was astonishing, considering the limited dimensions of the village of Wales, that Its youthful population should have been of such a critical tarn of mind. The children at the lit tle old schoolhouse on the hill laughed openly at tongue tied Bon Windsor, not withstanding that his father was a school trustee and a person of much Im portance. .They made derogatory re narks In regard to Sarah Wyand's new honnet and Danny Rider's big shoes and Tommy Gill's poor little hat that his mother had cut out of a piece of Mae velvet They even smiled at Miss Mattle's bronze slippers, and declared la audible whispers that they "must pinch awful." But when Johnny Bmelt er appeared oue ornlng In Ben Wind sor's trousers, the uproar was tremen dous. The silence bell Bounded, hut the whole room continued In convulsive giggle, for Ben Windsor's trousers lagged about the little Dutch hoy's legs Sa a manner never Intended by any clv Nftaed talloi. and for "short pants" they were extraordinarily loag and for "long pants" they were, without doubt, "hlgn water" "Snlts must bo terrlblo poor," whis kered Josslo Brown, "to have pants glvo to htm." "Ho 1th poro," rcturnod Ben Windsor, "hlth motha 1th our wathwoman." It was upon tho following day at noon that tho littlo Dutch boy diffident ly approached Miss Mattlo's desk. "What Is it?" asked Miss Mattle, keeping on with her writing. For a silent mlnuto Snlts pulled awkwardly at tho voluminous trousers, then he blurted out, "My mother can't help It about Ben Windsor's pants. Sho wish sho could." "Your mother Is a very good woman, I am suro," returned Miss Mattlo caro Icssly. "You mustn't mind what the school children say." Snit'4 faco flushed to tho very roots of his whlto hair. "Oh, I don't mind," ho said, with his eyes upon tho plat form, '"laln't that," and still ho lin gered, Now, perbaps, It came to Miss Mat tlo Smith that this little, white-haired Dutch hoy considered it her duty to stop tho school children's chattering about Ben Windsor's discarded apparol. If bo, It was very foolish of him. He hadn't lived long in tho village of Wales or ho would know botter than to oxpoct such a thing of her. Why, sho hadn't ovon attempted to hush that audible whisper directed towards her own high heeled slippers. A faint red enmo Into her chcoks, too, and sho In quired a trifle sharply, "Is there any thing clso you have to Bay, Johnny Smcltzcr?" The littlo Dutch boy's head was bowed very low, as ho murmured: "Can I run for tho prlzo if I woar Bon Wind sor's pants?" Miss Mattle burst Into a ringing laugh; she couldn't holp It, It was so exquisitely funny. But evon as she laughed, sho felt her conscience prick her, for poor little Snlts, fumbling and pulling at the baggy trousers, laughed Yes, he minded very, very much, wear ing Hot other boy's trousers. "I know one thing," remarked the teacher's pot, throwing her proud little head In tho air, "If I was Snlts I wouldn't come to school If I had to wear people's old pants. His mother ought to go to the store and buy him a pair wtth her wash money." "I won't play with him while he wears Bon Windsor's pants," said Char ley Stills, virtuously. "Neither will I," cried George Watts. "Neither will I," echoed Sammy Lin ger. The appearance of Ben Windsor's lit tle sister, hand In hand with a smiling nurse maid, put an end to the unchari table conversation. Fanny Windsor had cried to come up to the school house, and as she hadn't been very well "lately, she was not allowed to cry la vain. Ben was ordered to take good rare of bis little sister, and the nurse departed, leaving her charge In the midst of an admiring group. Fanny Windsor was fat and dimpled, and did tot show any signs of her recent Illness except In a certain lmperlousness of manner that was extremely amusing. All the early part of that afternoon In the school room the visitor behaved perfectly. She was only three yearo old, but she repeated her letters with her eyes off the primer, and sho counted up to twenty with creditable rapidity. It was during the fifteen minutes' recess that she grew determined and venture some. She insisted upon seesawing with one of the large boys, she slapped three of the girls, and In the end was sen marching oft alone, crying vehe mently that she dared anybody to como with her. When the bell rang Fanny Windsor had disappeared. If there had ben a cellar to the little old school house there would have been a probability, at least that the trus tee's small daughter had wandered Into It or fallen Into It, for very likely tb cellar would have bad no steps. MUs Mattle and all the pupils, even ; the three girls who had been slappod, I were in a great Butter looking for the missing child. Ben ss'.d the .:.e couldn't bare gone homo, because sue wan afraid to cross the stream. . It was a faint, far away sounding cry that told them, cellar or no cellar, Fan-' ny Windsor was under the school houso. Sho had crept through a small oponlng, which, by all means, should have led Into tho cellar. It was such a very small opening that only a very Bmall boy, who no longer lived In tho vlllago, had over investigated tho region" from which sounded the forlorn cry. The small boy had seen wonderful things under tho school house, lighted, very well, ho declared, by sunshine sHootlng through tho chinks. Ho had seen four snakes and a nest of spiders as big as butterflies, nnd a wholo lot of bats. Bon Windsor's littlo sister must havo hcen seeing the wonders, too, tor sho began to scream loudly. "Can't anybody got her out?" cried Miss Mattle. wringing her handB. Ben put his scared1 faco to tho opening ( and called, "Fanny, FAnnyl" Tho screams under tho houso grew louder. ' "We'll havo to tear up tho Bchool houso floor to get her," exclaimed Willie. Day, excitedly. "She'll bo Bmothercd by that tlme,' said Snmmv Linger. "Fanny, como along this way," plead ed Ben. "Horo'th brotha," "I reckon she's caught," said George Watts. "Mcbbo a snako's got her," suggested a littlo girl. Then Bon screamed, "I theo a wptt" Many and many a time tho school chil dren had laughed a Ben for calling rat a "wat," but none of them laughed now. " In all that anxious crowd only on mortal realized that something must bo done. The littlo Dutch boy picked up a stick and tho next instant Bnn Windsor's trousers went wriggling through the opening. "Oh, dear," cried Miss Mattlo, wring ing her hands harder than over, and Miss Mattle's pet hid her faco and wept aloud. There was n terrible scuffle under the old uchoul house. It Bcemod to last a long tlmo; then thero was s strange quiet Ben Windsor, palo and trembling, had drawn back from the opening. "Mebbo they'a both dead." said Sam my Linger, huskily. At a safo distance from tho oponlng a boy was stooping, with his hands upon his knees. "Somo'n's a-coming," ho an nounced In a fearful whisper. The something that first showed up at tho opening was a round, dimpled tear-stained face, and Bon Windsor caught his little sister In his arms and kissed hor wildly. Following after Fanny came Snlts. Watching Snlts drawing himself through the hole, one understood how very small the bole was. The little Dutch boy's fair face was whltor than usual, -almost as white as his hair; and his blue eyes looked quite dark as ho got upon his feet and stood bashfully, whirling by the tall that third something, which, had It ap peared first, would have caused a scat deration In the crowd. "It skeered her, but It hadn't hurt hor yot," he an nounced, soberly. The third some thing was a dead rat Then Miss Mat tie's pet, who had unveiled her eyes, cast an eloquent glance Into the teach er'B face. "Snlts Is a hero, ain't he. Miss Mattle," she asked? Miss Mattlo nodded her head. "And I reckon he's paid for them pants a hundred times over!" cried Willie Day, enthusiastically, and again Miss Mattle nodded her head. Later on It was doclared that Snlts built the new school house, for If Bea Windsor's father hadn't seen the dead rat with his awn eyes, he might sever have roared out threateningly: "The old rat hole shan't stand another sum mer; we'll get a new school house, or we'll havo none!" Louise R. Baker, 1b the New York Observer. Coals of Fire. "Take my seat," sho Bald. A flush of genuine gratitude suffused the pink and white complexion of the man who waa clinging to the strap. "Thank you," he answered cordially. The age-end woman betook herself to the front platform, where she af fected to smoke her cigarette lnsou clantly, but her thoughts were never theless with tho past, when conditions were different, and her heart waa full of the bitterness of remorse. Detroit Tribune. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Wear a clean apron while ironing or bed-making. To clean bamboo furniture uoo a brush dipped in salt water. The eyes should be bathed every night In cold water Just before retiring, aad they will do better work the following day. When very tired lie on the back, al lowing every musclo to relax, letting he hands go any way they will, and keep the eyes closed. Oil stains may be removed from wall paper by applying for four hours pipe clay, powdered and mixed with water to tho thickness of cream. If you have to sew all day, change your seat occasionally, and so obtain rest Bathing the face and hands will also stimulate and refresh. For stains In matting from grease, wet the spot with alcohol, then rub on white castile Boap. Let this dry In a cake and then wash off with warm salt water. Where It la desirable to see the tongue of a very small child tho object may be accomplished by touching the upper lip with a bit of sweet oil, whtch will cause the child to protrude Its tongue. Sore or Inflamed eyes are relieved by bathing in tepid or warm water Is whf:h a littlo salt haa been dissolved. An Individual towel should be used la all such cases never ene which la ured In common by members at the , uihily. - ' ' - -i FABM AND GrAEDEN.! MATTERS OF INTEREST TO . AGRICULTURISTS. ! Some Cp-to-Date Hints About Calf.., tlon of the Soil nnd YleliU Thereof Horticulture, Vltlsalture nod F'urV culture. , N bulletin 28 Of tho Iowa exfVjr' ment station, l'rf Pammcl Bays: Poisoning f'c a eating tho roo f Cowbano ( maculata, L.) is nU Infrequent In t?e state of Iowa n.d elsewhere. It t- 'fecls man, crtl o and horses. Every now and then, theo are accounts of poisoning from "wl'd parsnips" In our papers. Tho wrll ir has at various times received communi cations with specimens of "wild par snips." The subject Is of considerable Interest and especially so because tho plant 1b widely distributed In Iowa, and a lnrge number of people nro not awaro of tho poisonous nature of tho root. Spotted Cowbano Is a member of tho carrot family, or ns It is known botan ically, Umbolllferae. It Is a smooth marsh perennial 2.5 foot high with pinnately compound leaves 2-5 times pinnate; tho lcavis have long petioles, the coarsely ser rate leaflets aro lanceolate to oblong lanceolate 1-5 Inches long. Stalk of the umbellets numerous and unequal. Flowers whlto, fruit broadly ovato to oval, small, J. lines long. Grows In will mil Mi& . JSga &&., ffrrS2!faBi??'raow,fl . flowers .asuTfralt; IdulSL Bejt-ol AgricaUanv. division of Botany. aVihUy r marshes and In low grounds. The stemB spring from thick, fleshy under ground roots that taper at the lower end. These usually number from three to five, but slnglo specimens are also met with. On cutting the roots a sharp pungent odor is given off, Intensified by boiling. Mistaken for Parsnips. Public opinion, In the west at least, has answered this question In the affirmative. There Is a diversity of opinion concerning tho, plant which causes tho poisoning. The majority of people attribute the cause to the par snip running wild, and this belief Is Indeed very wide spread. So wide, spread is this belief that It seems quite tojm 1 TKlelrf rooU ofCowbane, ngbttyre 6cd. Younf ttenu coming out neir the top. At (2) crou kcUoo ef rooU At (!) loofitadlaU ieo- Impossible to dispell It from the minds of some people. I have been particu larly fortunate In the cases which are here recorded to Identify the specimen In every case which caused the poison ing, and moreover, I have also to offer good evidence that tho cultivated par snip running wild does not cause pois oning. The wide spread belief of tho poison ous nature of the cultivated parsnip running wild 1b entertained by a large number of people, and also to some ex tent by the medical fraternity, A few years ago, Prof. Frederick B, Power, of Passaic, New Jersey, and one of his pu pils, Mr. J. T. Bennett, undertook some i experiments to determine whether the cultivated parsnip running wild had any toxic properties. Mr, Bennett failed to detect the pres- ince of any poisonous principle In tho oot of tho truo wild parsnip (Pastlnaca tiattva), and when tho boiled roots wero fed, In considerable amounts to a cat, uo symptoms of poisoning wero mani fest We may add as a further testi mony, that Prof. Power reports that la associate, Dr. Cramer, insisted up on eating one-half of the raw roots from Mr. Rynning, of West Stl&m, tVlB., which wero supposed to cause oaBes of tho poisoning. Dr. Cramer re ports no ill effect whntover. Ono of the largest of tho fresh raw roots weighing three nnd one-half ounces nvolrdupolB, was chopped flno, mixed with Eomo raw mest and fed to a small dog. Tho animal ato It greedily and without dlsturbanco. Thero were no symptoms whatever of any poisonous action. I havo on different occasions eaton tho wild parsnip, Pastlnaca sa tlva, without any 111 effect, so that tho above results are corroborated. I will admit that I had somo hesitancy at first, and that Mr. Sexton, tho foreman of tho agricultural department, did. not expect to see mo alive by evening. I must confess also that the roots wero somowhat woody and not very palat able. Dr. J. J. Brown, Sheboygan, Wis,, as quoted by Dr. Power, states that he had prepared and dug euough wild parsnips for a good dinner, which he ate, and can testify that ho can discover but littlo difference, cooked or raw, from cultivated parsnips and thoso which had run wild for about fifty years. The cases reported by Prof. Power, the writer and others aro Instructive as showing that in nearly all cases where It was attributed to parsnips running wild, tho roots sent with spec imens indicated that Cowbano had been eaten. Experimentally no better evldence Is needed than these where persons havo eaten the wild parsnip and no HI effects have followed. Peo ple should therefore become familiar with the deadly plant described above and throw aside superstitious belief. In this very common belief we have an other evidence that writers who have attributed the poisoning to cultivated parsnips running wild have not Inves tigated for themselves, thoy have as sumed that tho plant is poisonous. The Banana Trado.Tho New Or leans Times-Democrat says: California and tho eastern fruit have played havoc with the banana trade of New Orleans. Nearly all the steamship lines plying between this port and the Central American banana ports havo reduced the number of vessels in service, and the banana trade Is set down as dimin ishing 50 per cent from the last spring trade. The California crop of fruit has been an exceptionally large ono this summer, and has flooded northern, eastern and western markets to the detriment even of the local fruit in thoso sections, and peaches are about 50 cents a box thero and apples as low as (1.50 per barrel. Bananas being an all year crop have been brought In com petition with this seasonal fruit, and they can be bought cheaper in the localities mentioned than In New Or leans. Pigeons Out of all the birds that may be called domestic the pigeon holds the first place. The dove that went forth from tho ark to search the state of the earth has developed many species during the ages. No bird can bo "crossed" more easily than the pig eon. These birds are more carefully classified than any others, and another thing in their favor is that they have really more intelligence than any of the feathered flock. Pigeons are affection ate creatures and are always ready to show their appreciation of any kind ness shown to them. Tho "carrier" class of pigeons has not many varieties, but they have quite a literature of their own. A thoroughbred pigeon can wing It at the rato of about 30 miles an hour. That is the average rate of speed, but in the Franco-German war, during the siege of Paris, that was frequently ex ceeded. Ex. Twenty-five years ago men thought It impossible to overdo the horse bust aeti the unexpected happened. Dompntlo Flax Crop. The Minneapolis Market Record sayit "The movement of the new crop of flax dates from about threo weeks ano, when receipts nt Minneapolis Jumped from littlo or nothing to as high as 31,000 bushels In a day. These heavy receipts began about a week earlier than In 1894, 1893 or 1892, and about two weeks earlier than In 1891. But taking tho first threo weeks' move ments of nil years on record, this year outdoes them all, so far as receipts at this market aro concerned. In 189L the year conceded to havo broughl forth tho heaviest crop yot harvested tho receipts at Mlnscapolls during tht first three weeks of tho movement a that crop were 16,820 bushels, but latoi the arrivals became heavier, and con. tlnued very heavy until the next August. In 1892 the first threo weeks of the now crop saw 30,192 bushels received on this market, or nearly twice as much as In 1891, but receipts fell off much earlier hat senson. nnd for the crop year they were much lighter. In 1893 the re ceipts during tho first three weeks of the movement wero 24,220 bushels. This year they dropped off soon after January 1, and continued Bmall to the close of tho crop year. Last year, 1894, the receipts during tho corresponding period were 85,010 bushels, but this year during the same time they havo been 16C.240 bushels, or nearly twice those of any previous year, and about ten times as much as was received dur ing the camo period in the memorable year of 1891. The yield this year prom ises to exceed that of any year Blnce 1S91, so that In three states a harvest fully as great as that of 1891 might reasonably be expected." Spluncli. This Is ono of our very hardiest crops, and seed can be sowed very early in spring, and again In September for lato fall and winter crops, and in Octo ber for winter nnd spring crop. The differences between the leading, varie ties are slight. Long Standing Summor Spinach, especially for spring planttng K best. Sow seed with the drill. The indicator will tell you how to set It for sowing this seed. Don't raise more than you are reasonably sure you caa sell. If demand and prices are good when tho plants have made some, but not their full growth, It may In some cases pay to thin them, leaving tho remaining ones three or four inches apart to come to full size, and selling thinnings. Wo use ordinary ten-quart peach baskets In which to put up the crop for market.' Or the plants may be put in bushelcrates or barrels, and sold by the peck or other measure, or by the barrel to retailers. Usually we cut the whole rows down as fast as the crop 1b needed for sale,- pushing a sharp and bright "crescent" hoe under the plants Just on top of the ground, thus cutting tho plants off and leav ing them ready for gathering, washing and putting up for market. Applica tions of nitrate of soda often have a wonderful effect on thlB crop. If we are crowded for room, we sow a row of spinach between each two rows of early cabbages. The spinach has to be taken off in good season, when all the spaca is needed for cabbageB. Ex, v Wet or Dry Foods. From a strictly theoretical standpoint we are taught that these foods should bo given dry that the animal will eat it slowly, giving ample time for the 8allvary secretions to form, nB does maa when eating crackers, etc. But is this truo? My experience says no. Our horses and cattle are a little lower dowm in the animal scale than man, and their animal natures ure not controlled by, mental faculty as that of man Is or should be. Placn food in reach of the hungry animal and the one object is to swallow it as quickly as possible. Again, let a man attempt to make a meal from strictly dry food and he finds a glass of water a vry satisfactory ac companiment Probably it suits our tastes better in this way than to have it ground and made into a mush, but tho animal does not object to it so, and the. fluids thus taken answer tho same pur pose. Furthermore the salivary secre tions in both horse and ox have beea found by chemical aralysls to contala little or nothing of a digestive nature farther than emulslficatlon. Ex. Preventing; Potato Scab. A bulletin of tho Indiana experiment station says: 1. Potato scab is caused by the at tack of a minute vegetable parasite, as was first demonstrated at this statioa. 2. It chiefly attacks the crop through infected seed material. 3. Tho Beed material may be disin fected by Immersion in a bath of cor rosive sublimate. 4. The corrosive subllmato solution should be of the strength of one pre mlllo (2 oz. to 15 gal. of water). 5. The bath should be about an hour and a half long, although some varia tion in time is immaterial. 6. Cutting and planting is done as usual. 7. The result of the treatment is a crop essentially free from surface blem ishes, and of greater market value. 8. Sometimes a considerable la crease In yield resultB from the treat ment 9. The method Is easily and cheaply applied, and worthy of extended trial. Turnips as a Hoed Crop. It Is cheap er and better every way to have turnips groWn in rows so that they can be cul tivated and hoed than to sow tLam broadcast The latter method bap - m erally prevailed owing to tho too . ,.a mon idea that growing a cro- ,vub I -tie labor makes It cheaper. I'.nt v ,e the turnips are drilled and alt , ted this extra labor Is more than 'l'-i'J by Increased product, thus Making the drilled turnips cost less per bushel thorn those Bown broadcast There Is a fur ther advantage iu the tact that the cul tivated turnip may be kept free from weeds, thus saving labor in future crops. Ex. . if 1