Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, November 22, 1895, Image 3

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Admiral XTnlfcrr Corroborate All tlint I
Set Porth by General MUCH Till
Country Declared to Io nt the. Mercy of
1'orelcn Kocs Urgent Need of War
Willi n Well n Count Fortification.
In Tlmo of renee Prepare for AVar.
Washington, Nov. 10. Admiral
Wnlkor adds his testimony to tlmt of
General 'Miles concerning tho weak
ness of tho government coast def oiircs.
"1 am n good American," said he,
"hut i cannot shut my eyes to cold
facts.. Wo are not prepared to-day to
engage In war with any first claBS
power. We aro in tho position that
Chiua occupied in her recent struggle
with .Japan. "We have a vast popula
tion, great wealth, boundless resources
ami endless patriotism, but wo cannot
maintain an offensive or dofenslvo at
titude against any one of a. half dozen
foreign countries. What lioucnil
Miles .says about tho defenseless con
dition of our coast cities is entirely
coircct. It is true that Now Yorlc and
San Francisco aro better protected
than our other commercial cities, but
even they would bo helpless against
tho assaults of a dozen powerful
iron clads. So far as tho re
maining cities aro concerned they
have no protection whatever.
Congress ought to mako liboral
appropriations for coast defenses, and
for additional ships of war. Moro
than anything olso wo need a strong
navy. If wo had a dozen battleships
of tho Indiana class on tho Atlantic
coast wo could defy as powerful a
maritime country as Great Hritnin.
Wo have now four battleships build
ing and two others liavo been appro
priated for. Wo need at least mjven
more. With anything like a fair sys
tem of coast defenses wo would be be
yond tho probabilities of war. There
would bo no moro Corinto incidents;
no more talk of foreign aggressions on
American soil. The United States
would be pre-eminent on tho American
continent. The greatest preventive
against war is to be fully prepared
for it."
A St rone Movement Toward Tills End In
Chicago, Nov. 10. A petition bear
ing HO.Ooo signatures, and asking that
tho reading of tho llible be restored to
the public schools will bo presented
soon to the board of education. It
was circulated by tho Woman's Edu
cational Union of Chicago. The union
held a meeting last night to consider
the outlonk for the movement. Re
ports from tho committee having
charge of the petition were encourag
ing, und it was announced that mat
ters were in such n slinpo that thu doc
ument could bo presented to tho board
of education in a short time.
Sirs. C V. Kimball read vs. paper on
tho subject of reading the bible in the
public schools, and giving a history of
the work done by tho union blnco'tho
organization in 1SS0, Sho quoted
letters of indorsement from Mgr.
hatolli and many other prominent
and lugh churchmen. There were
also letters from IJlshop Fallows,
President Uogers of the Northwestern
university and President Harper
of the Chicago univcra'ty. In his let
ter Mgr. Satolli expressed solicitude
for the movement und indorsed the
past liibo of the uuion, expressing
himself as 'n favor of reading selected
portions of tho bible. 'I would like
to say," said Mrs. Kimball, "that wo
have received a great many communi
cations from tho Catholic clergy, and
in nq instance havo they opposed tho
move, so long as it is strictly non
sectarian in its nature."
It is the plan of tho union to select
passages of Scriptmo for uso in tho
public schools, which shall bo entirely
noi, -sectarian. Tho selections aro to
be made by a committee composed of
different rolicious denominations.
A Public Reception With Noted Speakers
Decree Conferred.
WoncKSTKK, Mass., Nov.' 1 1. Yester
day afternoon tho National Grange
recoption in Mechanics' hall was at
tended by -.COO people. Dr. George
A. llowman, Master of tho Stnto
Orange of Connecticut and chairman
of the general committee, presided.
.Speeches wero mado by Mayor
Henry A. Marsh, Governor Cleaves
of Maine, Lieutenant Gov
ernor Wolcott of Massachusetts,
N. .1. llatclieldcr of New Hampshire,
secretary of the board of agriculture;
(jovernor Coflin of Connecticut, ex
Governor Goodell of New Hampshire,
Colonel .1. II. Hinfrham of Ohio, master
of tho National Grange; Aaron Jones
of Indlaua. Alpha Jlesser of Vermont
and Mrs. Sarah G, llalrd, master of
tho Minnesota state Grauge After the
reception tho notable visitors wero
entertained at lunch at the Woscestor
club by Mayor Marsh.
In Mechanic's hall in thu ovcnlng
the sixth degree of tho order was con
ferred on several hundred candidates.
After tho work illustrations of the
tirst, second, third nnd fourth degrees
were given by officer of the Grange of
Worcester county. In Horticultural
hall there was a conference of repre
sentatives of chambers of commerco,
boards of trade nnd delegates, at
which a resolution was passed recom
mending jo the Congress of tho United
.States nnd tho American people what
is known ns the Lubin proposition for
tho protection of American agricul
tural shipping.
Will 'Phone lo New York.
Kansas Citv, Mo., Nov, 10. It will
not be long before a man may speak
into a telephone in Kansas City words
which will bo heard in New York,
Host on and other cities along the At
lantic coast. The American Telegraph
and Telophono company, which owns
the linus between Boston, Now Yorlc
and Chicago, has, for months, been
looking to Kansas City as a point to
which it must soon reach, and is now
extending its lino toward this city.
Kansas City telephone men expect
that the connection with tho Cast will
be made in a year.
Approaching Convention to ho Held nt
Sidney, Neb.
Sidney, NoU, Nov. 10. Hon. L A.
Fort, president of tho State Irrigation
association, was here, giving directions
about tho third Rnnunl convention to
bo held hero December 18 and 10. Tho
oxccutlvo committco iu charge of nil
preparations for tho entertainment of
visitors is working hard und leaving
nothing undone. It is expected that
more than COO delegntcs will bo pres
ent, besides hundreds of visitors. The
railroads will mako cheap rates and
many will come hero to seo tho prac
nl demonstration of irrigation. Invita
tions will be sent to all tho county and
municipal bodies in tho state, irriga
tion associations, nnd all nowspapors.
Colordo and Wyoming will send emi
nent speakers, Nebraska's orators will
bo fully represented, nnd a Hood of ex
cellent" thoughts will bo brought out,
showing tho value of united action
upon this important enterprise. Thou
sands of dollars will be expended in
western Ncbrabka the coining year
upon wind mill and pump irrigation.
The largo canal companies aro nlrendy
reaping tho bonetlts of their work and
tho valleys aro producing vast amounts
of tho necessaries of life.
It is a revelation to visit an irrigated
farm arid seo what nature can unfold
when supplied with Wator. Tho wntor
wasted every year in the Platte valley
would irrigate 5,000,000 acres of land.
Tho coming convention will bo a
thorough educator and will demon
strato to tho people how to utilizo this
vast body of water, which at tho pres
ent timo benefits no one.
With only a small effort tho farmer
can bo educated and taught how to
handle tho water. There will bo
plenty of liotol accommodations. Tho
ladies of Cheyenne county aro also on
listed in the cause and will endeavor
to entertain with a lavish hand.
Itotli Sccrctarlo Smith and Morton Will
Discus Mutters of Interest.
Washington, Nov. 1 6. Tho report
of Secretary Smith will bo ono of tho
most Interestlntr mado by a Secretary
of tho Interior for several years. Moro
interest centers about the recommend
ations the Secrotary will make for
tho settlement of tho Pacific railroad
debts than anything clso. It is
known that he believes in n con
tinuous lino of Pacific roads from
Omaha to the Pacific ocean, and that
ho thinks such a line can bo oper
ated to advantage. Some time ago
ho held up all patents of lands to tho
Pacific railroads which wero bond
nided amounting to 7,000,000 acres.
Whether this is an indication that ho
intends to make Some radical recom
mendations to Congress is not known,
but it is a, fact that he has been secur
ing statistics relative to tho earnings
of the roads and their capacity to earn
enough to pny a moderate interest
upon tho present indebtedness. It is
expected that Congress will undertake
to legislate upon tho subject of the
Pacific railroads' indebtedness durintr
the coming session, nnd the Secretary
will no doubt recommend a plan of
Secretnry Morton will complete his
annual report early next week. Ho
makes a feature of the system of gov
ernment Inspection of meats and will
point out some of tho defects in it as
it now exists.
Klllot 8. Reynold of Tort Scott Vrastisl
Fanio nnd Fortune Through Crimea.
FoutScott, Kan., Nov. 10. Attor
ney Elliott S. Ilcynolds, who was put
in tho Hates county, Mo., jail yester
day at Itich Hill, is a member of tho
Hourbon county bar, a member of 'a
fino family, a handsome, dressy young
man of dignified mien, and wcll'cdu
cated. He is a criminal of singular
tendencies, which many attribute
to a mania. Tho afllucnce of his fam
ily has palliated more than a dozen
felonious offenses, which dato as far
back as his boyhood, and the fortune
left by liis late father has been spent
for his liberty. Six years ago lie was
sentenced to three years in the Mis
souri penitentlnry for forging a note
on W. T. Smith, a merchant at Spring
field, but the caso was appealed and
for some reason he was allowed tolor
felt a bond of SL',000 and go free Ho
is now belntr prosecuted by tho Knn
sas City, Fort Seott and Memphis
Railroad Company for another fnrtrorv.
Tho Tennessee Stnteouian on the .Sllvci
Issue In the Next Campaign.
Washington, Nov. 10. In a let
ter from Scnntor Harris of Ten
nessee to his free silver col
leagues here he says: "Iu tho
Htfht of recent election results thero
is, in my opinion, no hopo of Demo
cratic success in ISOo unless we can
succeed in so organizing tho bimetallic
Democrats as to secure in the national
convention a plain, distinct and unmis
takable declaration in favor of tho freo
und unlimited coinage of both silver
nnd gold without regard to the finan
cial policies of any country, nnd,
therefore, it appears to me that we
should redouble our efforts to secure
such organization."
An Outlaw' llruther Shot Dcud.
Chicago, No;-. JO Last night Ed
ward Dix, a private detective. Who was
after Clarence White, leader of a band
of house thieves, 6hot Fran White,
tho outlaw's brother, n clone of good
repute, by mistake, and has beeu ar
rested. He claims that Clarence was
with Frank ut the timo and that one
of tho two men fired at him first.
An Indian Thief to Ho tShot,
Eutaula, Ind. Ten, Nov. 10. Bar
ney Sochoia, who was convicted of
larceny for the third tlmo in the Eu
faula district Indian court yesterday,
in accordance with the Creek law was
sentenced to be shot.
Forty-Eight IlrltUh Kcamon IahU
Shanghai, Nov. 10. A steam launch
belonging to tho British cruiser Edgar
is reported to have been lost in Japan
ese waters and forty-eight men who
were on board of her are said to have
been drowned.
Cntted State ."Milliliter Terrell Warn tho
TarkUli Government that No Harm
Unit llefnll American MIilonarle
Totrflk Pnlin Jnj i:crythlnc I'omIIiIo
Will he Dono for Them Itlotluc Near
AVnltlnp for Wnmlilpt.
CoxatAxtinoit.k, Nov. 14. It is now
believed that tho powers will not tako
definite action ngamst tho porto until
nil tho naval Bqundrons sluill havo as
sembled in Turkish wnters, which will
be about tho tlmo that tho British am
bassador, Sir Philip Currio, returns
after consulting with his government
as to tho futuro notion of Great Bri
tain. In the meanwhile tho state of
suspenso is decidedly wearying, nnd
the ambassadors themselves will bo
greatly relieved when tho hour for ac
tion on tho part of Europo arrives.
That this time is coming now seems to
be only a question of days.
Thcro seems to bo no doubt that tho
spirit of revolution Is spreading evon
nmong tho old Turks, nnd the young
Turkish party is said to bo rlpo for ro
volt. Tho army needs money for pay,
equipment and provisions," and tho
same stnto of affairs prevails in tho
navy, liut tho arrears of pay aro not
forthcoming, and there is much grum
bling In consequence, except nmong
the palaco troops, which are kept woil
fed, well paid and comfortably idle,
for upon them depends tho safety of
the Sultan, who is in hourly drend of
assassination. Under tlico circum
stances it is not astonishing that tho
army and navy nro becoming disaf
fected, and nobody would bo as
tonished to hear that they had sldod
with the revolutionists, should tho
uprising tako plnco.
Replying to tho inquiry of Unitod
States Minister Alexander W. Terrell,
as to the safety of tho American mis
sionaries, Commissioner Darnhnm has
telegraphed from Ilarput saying that
the missionaries are alive but in ex
treme danger. Mr. Terrell lias In
formed Tewfik Pasha that tho govern
ment will be held responsible for tho
safety of tho Americans. Tho Turk
ish minister for foreign affairs has as
sured Mr. Torroll that everything pos
sible will bo dono for their protection.
As Mr. Terrell has great iniluenco
with the pnlaco authorities, It may bo
presumed tlint Tewfik Pasha will keep
his word.
Frcsli disturbances are reported
from Malatinh, whoro a number of
persons havo been killed, including
four priests of the Society of Jesus,
who were under French protection.
Tho French ambassador, Jl. Cambun,
has been appealed to, and is preparing
a very strong representation on tho
subject to tho porte.
A squadron of flvo Frencli warships
has sailed from tho Piraeus for Turk
ish waters, and it is stated that an
Italian licet will rendezvous with tho
British ileet within a few days.
There has been Serious trouble at
Caesarca. not far from Jerusalem, but
no details of tho rioting thero have
yet reached this city.
ald t6 Ituvo Ticen Selected for tho Sn
prcuio IScneli to Succeed Jackson.
Washington, Nov. 1 4. It is rumored
in well informed administration cir
cles that Secretary Carllslo is to be
appoiutcd to tho supremo bench to
succeed Justice Jnckson. Tho plan to
name Judge Peckhamof New York has
been changed by the recent elcctioiif.
Had Kentucky elected a Democratic
legislature, it was confidently expect
od that Mr. Carlisle would, on
tho fourth of March, 1807, atep
from tho Cabinet into tho Senate.
Tiiis anticipation can not now
be realized. Tho political revolu
tion in Kentucky hn3 also ma
terially affected Mr. Carlisle's chances
for tho presidential nomination, as
well as greatly reduced tho advlsabll
ity of being a candidate with tho odds
so largely against tho Democrats.
Under theso circumstances tho politi
cal futuro has littlo attraction for Mr.
Carlisle, bcsldci which his tastes and
desires lead him naturally to a judicial
position. Ho has been so loyal to tho
President, even to tho extent of sacri
ficing to bonio extent his prcstigo in
his own State, that his appointment to
the Supreme court would not be ques
tioned. Curtis of Kamai for Iteod.
Washington, Nov. 14. Congressman
Curtis of Kansas, has taken a position
well up in the front ranks of tho Ueed
rooters. He diplomatically said to
day: "Just now Messrs. Reed and
McKinloy seem to be In the minds of
tho people most prominently. Reed is
gaining strength all tho time. If ho
wasn't so far East he should begin to
preparo for a four years' sojourn in
tho Wnito house right now. My bo-P-i
is that tho Kansas delegation will
go to tho National convention unin
structed, but there will certainly bo
among our delegates some men who
will fight hard for tho man from
Maine.'' (
Wants Ilyrncs Indicted.
Nhw YoitK, Nov. 14. Lawyer Frank
Moss, representing tho Parkhurst So
cioty, who was associate counsel to
the Lexow Committee, which tried
hard to prove ox-Superintendent
Byrnes guilty pf malfeasance in office,
said to-day in reference to tho charge
mado by Gambler Schaeffer that
Byrnes had accepted a bribe; "Tho
Grand Jury should indict Byrnes, if
corroborative evidenco can bo founu,
providing tho statute of limitation
does not interfere."
Maher Issues n Challonge.
New Yoiik, Nov. 14. Peter Maher,
who knocked out Steve O'Don
nell so handily challenges
any man in tho world to fight for tho
championship and he will not put tho
stakes so high that no one except a
man with 3,000,000 ncres behind him
can accept. Maher will fight for 85,000
a side, iu public or private, and will
go any placo to do battle, South
Africa not barred.
Brady, Corbctt'a manager, Bays the
champion has surrendered the belt to
Maher and will back him for 10,000
against Fitzsimmons.
The United State CotumliMon' Report
on tho Klcnrnfftto. l'rojcet 1'arorahln.
Wvr'iiiNGTON, Nov. U. Trustworthy
infuriuatlou hnn boten received ns to
tho contents of the i eport of tho Com- J
mission which examined into thu feas
ibility and cost and recommended a
route for the Nicaragua canal. It U
in tao hands of tho President, who is
using it iu connection wl'h his work
ou his nnnuul messago to Congress,
It 1ml lent os that a canal across tho
Isthmus via tho Kloaraguati route Ib
entirely fcaslblu from an engineering
point of vlow, Tho cost of the pro
ject us estimated was SI tO.OD'l.OJO. but
It is stated that this sum is too small
by some millions.
Tho route ns proposed by tho com
mission is 170 miles long, or thrcoor
four miles longer than that which tho
canal company propped. Tho com
mission made surveys to tho right and
loft of tho company' route and lias
suggested soiuu changes which it be
lieves will bo advantageous. The
commissioners' wntcnvny will bo
supplied with locks. Tho San Juan
river nnd L-tUe Nicaragua will
bo employed, but tho former will
require considerable dredging. Tho
lnko is fifty-six and one-half
htllos across from tho San Juan to tho
mouth of the Lajas. Somo dredging
will bo required on the west eoaHt of
the lake, which is shoal for a distance
of something like 1,'JftO feet Brito
.vlll bo tho western terminus o tho
ennal and tho distance from this port
is a littlo more than soventeen milos.
Tho estimate has been made that, in
order to complete tho canal which tho
commission proposes, six years will bo
required with a forco o'f 2d,000 men
constantly employed
Tho President's Wlfo Makes Uarmonts
for tho I'oor.
Washington, Nov. n. The Needle
work guild of Washington is an
organization of ladies formed for tho
purpose of supplying nrtlcles of cloth
lug to thu poor. It embraces 683
members, and has no church connec
tion. Tho president is Mrs. Harlan,
wife of Mr. Justice Harlan of tho
United States Supremo court.
At tho nnnuul meeting yesterday
Mrs. Robert Craig, prcsidv-nt of iho
board of directors, said that Mrs.
Cleveland was ono of tho niost earnest
workers in the guild, and that sho hnd
made thirty-eight pieces, and had
lately sent five to headquarters. Mrs.
Craig said that if ovci'y member of
thu society vould bo likowlso charit
able and Industrious, there would bo
littlo sufferiug for clothing this
Governor und Clerk Clash.
Lorisviu.E, Ky., Nov. 14. A special
to the Pot from Frankfort says:
"Governor Browu and W. II. Newjiall,
a cleric in tho nuditor's office, quar
reled in the slate house yesterday,
passed the He, and would havo como
to blows had not bystanders inter
fered. Nowhall had accused the gov
ernor of voting the Republican ticket
nnd acting the part of n traitor. Tho
executivo responded with an emphatic
denial, and one of tho men struck nt
tho other, when friends of tho two
separated them. It was claimed that
Governor Brown attempted to draw
his revolver, but he denies that bo W33
armed." .
Minister Il.itch Arrlir.
S.vx Francisco, Nov. 1 i. Tho Occi
dental and Oriental Steamship Coptic
arrived last night from the Orient and
Hawaii. Among her passengers was
A. T. Hatch, lalo minister of foreign
affairs of Hawaii, recently appointed
Hawaiian minister to tho United
States to succeed MinistcrThurjton.
i.ivii stock and ncoiwci; MAitunrs
'Quotation 1'roin Now York, Chicago, St.
I.ouli, Omaha und l.lsowhorc.
flutter Creamery separator.,
liuttor Fair to good country,
r Kg rresh i
lluney (jullforiil't, porto...,.
Mrln;i chickens Ihv, pcrtt)...
Chlckens-Dresbod, portt
Uuckv lcr Jh
19 O
12 h
It &
u S
Turkeys- Per lb.,... 8
Prahleehlckens-l'crdo 2 60
(ici'SO Per Si , 8
Lcmoni-Cliolce Messlnus COO
orniiRUH Pt r box 3 7
Apples-I'erbul 2 00
hwoui uotutocs -Uood, per bbl l 50
Potatoes Per bu 2J
llcans Navy, hand-plckod.bu 1 I'i
lllcies Urcon. por E.. i
Cranberries Capo Cod, pr.bbi 7 fiO
lluy Upland, per ton 5W
Onions Perbu 23
(in SOU
& 0
So 25
(if. J 60
M 30
it, I hO
ffi7 0)
QO 00
1 1 room Corn Ureen. per Il 24u Sii
iiouH-.Tiixcu pncKinir ju e a 4t
Hogs Heavy Vtcluhts 3 ftO fin 3 K
Hoovcs-tUockons and fecdem. 2 OJ 3 iso
HoefMeors 3 0) Qh 3 80
Halls 200 273
MUM 100
Calves ,. 2 75
Ion. , 100
Oxen 2 AO
Hollers 17
Westerns 2 7
Mieeu Lambs 3 05
isheep Mixed natives 2 10
Wheat No. ?, prlng B834'
orn I'ur bit ,,. a))i
Oats Por bu 1K,i
Pork . fi jo (
Lard , SU
attlo Wustsrn rungo stoem. .t M
Prlmo Steer- 3 0')
Mieep I anihs , 3 00 I
hheup Natives I Ui I
Whont-No.?, red winter C!6
orn No. 2.
Oa s-No.2, ,
Wheat No. 2 rod, cah
"orn Per hu ,
Oats Por bu
llocs-MUert nicking
t attlo Native slo r
0 75
.'! W
5 00
3 .VI
i 00
.1 I'i
I.UDlbi .. 3
Whont No. 2 hard..
2 0)
3 31
3 W
torn No.2
0u No.2
t'attl blocker and feutlurs.
lltMf-Mlxd Packer
Hieop l.amtM
i 3 7.
3 0
Ilx-,Scuator Spoon er Injured.
Tacojia, Wash., Nov. H. While
crossing tho Columbia river on tho
transfer boat, ex-United States Sen-
utor Spoouer fell from a car stop and
his auuomeu Birucit a projecting rod,
lie suffered great pain. A surgeon
examined him and found that the in-
ry was not necessarily serious, but
fd- soveaal days.
' o buuhjciiuu to remain quiet
Ilellgloui Writer Kean Dead.
3ELAWAHE. Ohio. Nov. 14 Thrt
R v. Dr. Samuel Aahton Kean, a noted
euugelist nnd religious writer, la
d id aged 53 years.
Fomo Current Note of the Mode nnd
Household Hint llend nnd Tall of
AnlnmU Peril In a I'ur Sloro -l'rlvt-leces
of liiiRnRcd Perilous.
, la Alili, lUUO, JOWCIB
ij nnd fur nil nppear
udl on ono am 'P
5p3 came garment
b aVV milt a no nrihinnaniL
fTggu ly rm If thoy had nl-
wnys boon In tho
habit of mingling
in such a manner
nil their life, when,
In reality, this is
decidedly nn inno
vation, nnd onb
thoroughly in favor with tho fair sort.
Many of tho now enpes show but littlo
of their fur foundation. It Ib thoro, to
bo sure, but so disguised and covered
up ns to scorn almost HUo a moro bor
der, rather than n wholo garment.
Tho furs of smooth toxturo nro gen
erally choaon for this modo of decora
tion, and the heavier fura would Boom
leas appropriate. Persian lamb dresaes
wonderfully woll; bo tloos tho lovely
golden beaver; sealskin nnd ctter, too,
are nmong tho adaptable furs.
A wonderfully fetching capo is con
verted from n plain,' full-sweep Persian
lamb, and Is worn by a young girl In
second mourning. (Pcrslnn lamb is pre
eminently a mourning fur.) Groat points
of eoarso Honlton laco aro laid over tho
shoulders, extending tho length of tho
capo, back nnd front. Through tho con
tor of the front a broad box plait of
dead whlto tulle Is laid, and ornament
ed with a row of immense pearls. A
full ruche of tho samo encircles tho
nock, while at intervals tiny knots of
Parma violets nro tucked in, giving n
wonderfully chic look to tho wholo rig.
Peril In n Pur Store.
Ono visit to tho furriers and all your
dreams of economy vanish. It is im
possible to practlco economy and dress
in tho modo, slnco to bo fashionably
gowned means lots of expensivo furs.
Tho tiniest littlo tot of two or three
summers feels an especial delight In its
first set of furs, almost as keon as that
of its pretty mamma in her now seal
skin. Thibet, in soft, creamy white, is
usually the first fur worn by tho dainty
miss, nor docs it end here, for Thibet
In black is especially smart for tho
mammas. A very swaggor Jacket of
sage green velvet, tight fitting and ex
tremely Frenchy, has a sharply point
ed yoke collarette of spotted not, edged
with Honiton in a brownish white, tho
delicacy of tho laco work brought out
vividly by tho depth of tone in the vel
vet A stock collar of velvet is edged
with black Thibet, which flares up
about tho faco in tho most approved
style. A muff of Thibet 13 the extent of
fur usea, and still the fur Is of such a
fluttering quality that it seems quito
Privilege of Encaged I'erton.
' Amaryllis has a grievance. She is en
gaged to a most excellent young man,
flKn Zk
who very much dnslroa her society ox
ctuatvo of ail other members gt thu
family to which 8ho oolongs. She lives
with a mnldon aunt, who disapproves
of young men on gcnornl principles nnd
this ono in particular, not, Amaryllis
enya, bec.iuso ho In objectionable, but
because ho comes to boo her nnd wants
to tako her nway to a littlo homo of her
own. So sho Goes her adored Jack only
two or thrco times a wcok, and nlwnys
in (ho front parlor, which is brilliant
ly lighted nnd has tho wido foldlng
doora open Into tho back parlor, whoro
Uio aunt Bits at her embroidery. Amar
yllis thinks this n great hardship, and
asks what sho hnd better da about it.
Answer: Tho situation seems a rathor
unfortunate- ono as far as tho young
pooplo aro concerned, but it might bo
very much worso. Thoro will bo long
yoars boforo them when thoy may bill
and coo as much as thoy pleaBC. They
certainly should ho thankful that they
aro permitted to bo bo much togothcr
ovon with open folding-doors to keep
them in check. Young peoplo oftqn love
each other much moro devotedly whn
thero aro obstacles to pvcrcomo nnd
grievances to sympathize) nbout. Smooth
highways do not always load to wed
ded bliss.
Hcndx nnd Tall of Animal.
Judging from tho number of small
beasts' heads neon on tho winter trap
pings, ono would lmaglno thoro had
been wholesalo slaughtering during tho
summer. In many cases, as, indeed,
in almost all of them, theso small
heads, wjth their knowing ears and
eyes, nro tho productions of skillful
manufacturers, but so llko tho genuine
littlo beasts as to dccelvo many people.
Theso heads aro used not only as clasps
on fur capes, collarettes or muffs, but
as fasteners on cloth jacket fronts, as
ornaments on street frocks and often
as bat decorations. Tails como next in
favor, and adorn muffs, collarettes,
often wholo collarettes aro composed of
them; and one often sees them lying
sedately on the brim of a smart hat.
The head of the ermine Is seldom seen;
that is, tho genuine article for the tiny
animal is quite scarce, making the fur
as costly, if not costlier, than the royal
sable. It has always been the chosen
fur of royalty, and is now, beyond a
doubt, altogether tho most exquisite fur
in tho market.
Faihlon Note.
Largo flowered veils of lace are seen
on some of the new hats.
A hat in Bailor shape is made of vel
vet put smoothly over tho frame, Tho
edge of tho crown and tho edge of the
brim aro piped with satin the color of
the velvet.
A bat of fine felt has a roll of velvet
around the brim, a band of velvet
around tho crown, five large plumes la
clusters on either side, and a huge bow
of velvet over tho front.
Moire Is a popular trimming materia
al. Molro ribbons trim skirts from
waist lino to hem, and aro made into
rose ruchlngs to trim over the shoul
ders and down the sides of the front to
tho belt.
A stylish dress of olive green benga
line has the sleeves and a full length
shirred vest made of black and yellow
satin. DIack and yellow galloon trims,
the rovers and the cape collar.
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